IGE :: Volume #5

#460: Two people who finally lives

Old thing, you said that this saying is any meaning, I......” Du Gu Quan direct was anxious, entrained the Ouyang uneven rest, got angry: I, no matter, I do not listen to your many, you rescue certainly Brother Ye to me, you are not the number proclaiming oneself emperor Chinese medicine god. You......” “老东西,你说这话是什么意思,我……”独孤全直接急了,拽住了欧阳不平的休息,怒道:“我不管,我不听你那么多,你一定给我救好叶兄弟,你不是号称帝国医神吗。你……” This has seen the Snow Country Century innumerable wind frost and snow rain, has experienced the old people of innumerable wind and rain, even if Divine Mountain collapses in the front does not change color, but at this time, actually anxious the words said that is incomplete, nearly in roaring rude. 这位见过了雪国百年无数风霜雪雨,经历过无数风雨的老人,哪怕是神山崩于面前也不变色,但是此时,却急的连话都说不完整了,近乎于怒吼失态。 The Ouyang draw was not a few words did not say that grabbed the gray hair, a while has captured several. 欧阳不平更是一句话不说,一个劲儿地抓着自己花白的头发,一会儿就拔掉了好几根。 Mr. Ouyang, Little Yu he...... Aunt Heng sound/noise is shivering really. 欧阳先生,小羽他真的……”衡姑姑声音都在颤抖。 She has not thought that the matter will develop this step. 她没有想到,事情会发展到这一步。 If such news, is known by Aunt Han, that may...... No, no matter pays any price, must revive Little Yu. 如果这样的消息,被寒姑姑知道,那可就……不,不管付出任何代价,都一定要救活小羽 In the Lu Heng heart is clear, if Ye Qingyu had the accident, that silver-haired what terror fearful following. 陆衡心中非常清楚,如果叶青羽真的出了意外,那将会银发什么样恐怖可怕的后续。 Others do not know the Ye Qingyu true origin, but Lu Heng is actually very clear. 别人不知道叶青羽的真正来历,但是陆衡却是非常清楚。 No, the Sir he will certainly not have the matter.” Bai Yuanxing in one side, look firm clenching jaws tunnel. “不,大人他一定不会有事的。”白远行在一边,神色坚定咬牙切齿地道。 In eye of Jin Ling'er, was started to glitter tears. 金灵儿的眼睛里,则是已经开始闪烁着泪花儿了。 Mother Wu and the others, are helpless. 吴妈等人,更是手足无措。 Lu Heng silent moment, looks at the medical god Ouyang uneven look, knows that the summit of this empire medical skill does not have what means. 陆衡沉默了片刻,看医神欧阳不平的神色,就知道这位帝国医术之巅也没有什么办法。 She lifts the hand, a gentle strength surges, lifts Ye Qingyu, has delivered to that cold jade bed in Bright God palace slowly. 她一抬手,一股柔和之力涌动,将叶青羽抬起来,缓缓地送到了光明神殿之中的那寒玉石床上。 She put out a hand to stroke gently in the bedside was seeking for anything, suddenly the palm pressed, resembles started any thing. 她伸手在床边上摩挲着寻找了什么,突然掌心一按,似是启动了什么东西。 Humming sound! 嗡嗡! Vibration sound slightly gets up. 微微的震动声响起。 On the cold jade bed suddenly flood the silver such as the milk general glory, Ye Qingyu and two small pets, covered in completely. 寒玉石床上突然泛起银色如牛奶一般的光辉,将叶青羽和两只小宠物,全部都笼罩在了其中。 This, stems from the expectations of all people. 这一幕,出乎所有人的预料。 So long as a vitality preserves, perhaps also hopeful, hopes that the method in this Bright God palace, can Little Yu its function, his status, extremely be after all special, is......” “只要一丝生机保存,也许还有希望,希望这光明神殿中的手段,能够对小羽其作用吧,毕竟他的身份,太过特殊,是……” In the Lu Heng heart is thinking like this. 陆衡心中这样想着。 Was delivered Stone Chuang together also has dull dog Little Nine in stupor, as well as lies in transparent cold ice Small Silver Dragon softly. 一起被送上石床的还有昏迷之中的呆狗小九,以及软绵绵地趴在透明寒冰上的小银龙 Everybody exits.” “大家都出去吧。” Lu Heng turned around to look at the people, said: In the Bright God palace has to gather Yuan formation, this cold jade bed is also the most precious object, should be helpful to the Little Yu injury, everybody enters the temple, will affect the formation revolution of temple.” 陆衡转身看了看众人,道:“光明神殿中有聚元阵法,这寒玉石床也是至宝,应该对小羽的伤势有帮助,大家进入神殿,会影响到神殿的阵法运转。” As soon as the people listen, half believing and half doubting. 众人一听,将信将疑。 However looks at the attitude of beforehand Ye Qingyu toward Lu Heng extremely respect, as well as king Li Jin listens to her to dispatch including Neijia gentleman General Battalion, moreover looks at her method, obviously the thing in very familiar Bright God palace, therefore under Du Gu Quan and Ouyang do not put down take the lead, the people have drawn finally back. 不过看之前叶青羽陆衡极为尊敬的态度,以及连那甲士营将军王郦金都听她调遣,而且看她的手段,明显很熟悉光明神殿内的东西,于是独孤全欧阳不平带头之下,众人最终还是都退了出去。 Protection temple, cannot anybody go in!” “守护神殿,不许任何人进去!” Lu Heng also said. 陆衡又道。 In this ordinary day looks like gentle such as the female of water, at this time, displayed average man unusual renouncing. 这个平日里看起来温柔如水的女子,在这个时候,表现出了常人少有的决绝。 Squeek psst......” “吱吱吱……” The small white rabbit was calling anxiously, worked loose Jin Ling'er to hold on its hand, has crashed in the temple...... 小白兔焦急地叫着,挣脱了金灵儿想要拉住它的手,冲进了神殿之中…… Comes back quickly, the kid......” Jin Ling'er wants to pursue this small white rabbit. “快回来,小家伙……”金灵儿想要冲进去把这只小白兔追出来。 In the Lu Heng heart moved, has prevented Jin Ling'er. 陆衡心中一动,阻止了金灵儿 Time one minute one second of place passes. 时间一分一秒地流逝。 Outside Bright God palace, but also hears the sound of shout unceasingly. 光明神殿外面,还不断地传来喊杀之声。 In fire quiet spring is containing Abstruse and profound content fire No longer is the eruption, Flowing Light, catches up rapidly, vertical entered in the sword pit. 地火幽泉之中蕴含着的【精蕴地火】不再喷发,是不是还有一道道的流光,急速地赶来,纵入到了剑坑之中。 Battle in ground, nearly in stopping, spreads along with the news of temple arsenal, even if loyal expert, is hard to resist the enticement, broke in the sword pit. 地面上的厮杀,已经近乎于停止,随着神殿武库的消息传开,即便是再忠心的强者,也难以抵挡诱惑,都冲入了剑坑之中。 These are loyal to Left Minister Qu Hanshan and senior marshal Li Guangbi Sect Jiang Hu expert from the beginning, there are on Chengdu breaks in the sword pit. 那些一开始忠于左相曲寒山和老元帅李光弼宗门江湖强者,也有就成都冲入剑坑。 After all regarding Martial Artist, this is the greatest chance, once obtains some rare book cultivation technique or the treasures in the temple arsenal really and so on thing, that can soar. 毕竟对于武者来说,这是莫大的机缘,一旦真的在神殿武库之中得到一些秘籍功法或者宝物之类的东西,那就可以一飞冲天了。 Only then minority Jiang Hu Sect expert, remained, defended with that several hundred bright armed soldier outside the main hall. 只有少数江湖宗门强者,留了下来,与那数百光明甲士守在了大殿之外。 Along with passing of time, that scarlet light beam that erupts from place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, the color is getting more and more thin, the scarlet transforms toward the pale silver, is having the light space fluctuation of energy, is getting more and more stable. 随着时间的流逝,从地火幽泉剑坑之中爆发出来的那血色光柱,颜色越来越稀薄,血色朝着淡银色转变,带着淡淡的空间能量波动,也越来越稳定。 In sky. 天空之中。 mist such as gathers, cloud like anger. 云气如聚,云涛如怒。 That giant chaos storm. The turbulent flow vortex, exists as before, revolves slowly, as if must swallow Heaven and Earth to be the same, changes to the pale silver light beam, connection touchdown fire quiet Quan Jiankeng and this chaos storm vortex, as if together with heaven and hell...... 那巨大的混沌风暴。乱流漩涡,依旧存在,缓慢地旋转,仿佛是要吞噬天地一样,化作淡银色的光柱,连接着地火幽泉剑坑和这混沌风暴漩涡,仿佛是连同着天堂和地狱…… Passed long time. 已经过去了很长时间。 According to the truth, the endless night passed by, daytime already arrived. 按道理来说,长夜已经过去,白日早就到来。 But perhaps is because the vault of heaven was covered by that giant chaos storm mist vortex, sky over the imperial capital as before is a darkness, just likes long night eternal arrives, the daytime will not come to be the same, making in the imperial capital the lives of innumerable trembling shiver. 但也许是因为天穹被那巨大的混沌风暴云气漩涡所笼罩,帝都上空依旧是一片漆黑,犹如漫漫长夜永恒降临,白昼再也不会来一样,让帝都之中无数瑟瑟发抖的生灵都在颤抖。 In an instant, at least one day night of time passes by. 转眼之间,至少一天一夜的时间过去。 Has strange sound/noise unceasingly, passes from the sword pit of place fire quiet spring. 不断有奇怪的声音,从地火幽泉的剑坑之中传出来。 Likely is roaring of any demon beast. 像是什么魔兽的吼叫。 Also is any thing frequency dies before likely curse severe howl. 又像是什么东西频死前的诅咒厉吼 Except that these strange sound/noise, strange brilliance flies to shoot, Flashed passes, is containing the confounded nuisance, resembling was any extraordinary treasure was born unearthed same...... 除了这些奇怪的声音,还有奇异的光华飞射,一闪而逝,蕴含着宝气,似是什么了不得的宝物出土出世了一样…… Therefore, beside Bright City , some dark demon souls appear, broke in fire quiet Quan Jiankeng. 于是,在光明城之外,又有一些黑暗魔魂出现,冲入了地火幽泉剑坑。 These demon souls, broke in great strength in sword pit compared with before obviously, had the plans...... 这些魔魂,显然比之前冲入剑坑之中的更强大,也更有心机…… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 That light beam turned into the silver thoroughly, the space force fluctuated is clearer, in sky that chaos storm. The turbulent flow vortex, the speed of revolving, starts becomes more and more quickly, among mist, there is a lightning thunder to appear intermittently...... 那光柱彻底变成了银色,空间力量波动更加清晰,天空之中那混沌风暴。乱流漩涡,旋转的速度,开始变得越来越快,云气之间,有闪电雷霆隐现…… This scene, resembling is in sky has the boundless energy production unceasingly, is connecting the Heaven and Earth silver light beam through this, pours into to place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng in...... 这种场面,似是天空之中不断有磅礴能量产生,正在通过这连接天地的银色光柱,注入到地火幽泉剑坑之中…… Regarding the average person in Snow Capital, all these as if are the judgment day arrival are simply same, on street that usually in heavy traffic, now only then the cool breeze has blown, the nobody left, all people hides trembles at home...... 对于雪京之中的普通人来说,这一切简直仿佛是世界末日到来一样,平日里车水马龙的街道上,如今只有凉风刮过,空无一人,所有人都躲在家里瑟瑟发抖…… Under the Ouyang uneven mysterious medical skill treatment, Qu Hanshan, Li Guangbi and Qin Zhishui these three big stretcher patients, slowly revived...... 欧阳不平的神奇医术治疗之下,曲寒山李光弼秦止水这三大重伤员,都缓缓地苏醒了过来…… Hears the Ye Qingyu condition, three people are the deep sigh worried that actually does not know should say anything...... 听闻叶青羽的状况,三人都是长叹担忧,却也不知道该说什么…… Also is day of time passes. 又是一天时间过去。 Lu Heng calmly has stood in the entrance of Bright God palace, is protecting anything likely , is waiting for anything likely...... 陆衡一直都静静地站在光明神殿的门口,像是在守护什么,又像是在等待着什么…… Third day. 第三天。 The demon soul that the distant place presents, several, broke in fire quiet Quan Jiankeng...... 远处出现的魔魂,有十几个,冲入了地火幽泉剑坑之中…… Fourth day. 第四天。 Demon soul that presents, eight, are more formidable existences. 出现的魔魂,有八个,都是更加强大的存在。 Fifth day. 第五天。 Has five. 有五个。 Sixth day, two. 第六天,两个。 Seventh day. 第七天,一个。 Eighth day, no. 第八天,没有。 Ninth day, no. 第九天,没有。 Tenth day. 第十天,一个。 Looks that just likes makes the small hill general size one group of huge energy black fog, vanished after fire quiet Quan Jiankeng thoroughly, on the face of Lu Heng, presented a relaxed color finally slightly. 看着那犹如做小山丘一般大小的一团巨大能量黑雾,彻底地消失在了地火幽泉剑坑之中后,陆衡的脸上,终于稍稍出现了一丝轻松之色。 These demon souls, are too sly, but could not endure the enticement finally...... We hope that this time, can catch the whole lot in a dragnet.” “这些魔魂,太狡猾,但最终还是忍受不了诱惑……希望这一次,可以一网打尽吧。” Her look is thinking dignifiedly. 她神色凝重地想着。 Crossed probably did not arrive at one hour. 大概过了不到半个时辰 Bang! 轰! The bang sound, spreads from place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng together. 一道巨响声,从地火幽泉剑坑之中传出。 Has not waited for the people to respond that suddenly bang the bang sound transmits continuously unceasingly, one after another, looks like has a series of giant firecrackers crack to be the same under. 还未等众人反应过来,突然连续轰隆隆巨响声不断地传来,一声接着一声,就像是有一连串巨大的爆竹在下方炸响一样。 Then the sound of sad and shrill roaring gets up. 接着凄厉的吼叫之声响起。 The severe howl sound of demon soul must tear to pieces Heaven and Earth simply. 魔魂的厉吼声简直要撕破天地 Was mixing in this period also with some Human Race screams. 其间还夹杂着一些人族的喊叫声。 The earth vibrated. 大地震动了起来。 Is centered on fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, the entire imperial capital is vibrating, likely is under the ground, there is any a fearful change to occur. 以地火幽泉剑坑为中心,整个帝都都在震动,像是地面之下,有什么可怕的变化正在发生着。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” What had?” “发生了什么?” Before Radiant Palace Hall, many people have shown expression with amazement. 光明殿前,许多人都露出了骇然的表情。 This in short dozens day, had too many matters, entire Bright City as if turned into an orphaned city, can only enter cannot leave, making the nerves of all people tie tight, soon collapsed...... 这短短数十日里,发生了太多的事情,整个光明城似乎已经变成了一座孤城,只能进不能出,让所有人的神经都一直紧绷着,快要崩断了…… The sad and shrill howling, the curse sound of demon soul, resounds from place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng unceasingly spreads. 凄厉的吼叫声,魔魂的诅咒声,不断地从地火幽泉剑坑之中响起传出。 Security!” “警戒!” King Li Jin shouts out. 郦金大喝 Armed soldier camp once more lineup. 甲士营再次布阵。 In fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, had the wild energy to gush out unceasingly, has been full of the strength of destruction...... 地火幽泉剑坑之中,不断有狂暴的能量涌出,充满了毁灭之力…… „......” A clear pitiful yell. “啊……”一声清晰的惨叫。 A whole body is the form of blood clashes from the sword pit. 一个浑身是血的身影从剑坑中冲出来。 But he runs out of the sword pit less than one meter, was overtaken from behind by together the blood light, cuts him instantaneously broken, changed to blood fog to crash...... 但他冲出剑坑不足一米,就被一道血光从后面追上,瞬间将他斩碎,化作了一蓬血雾坠落…… Roar......” “吼……” The sad and shrill long and loud cry of demon soul, one group of black ink light go all out from the sword pit to clash, result sufficient also less than 34 meters, below one group of blood electro-optics shoot, but, carries to bind it, melts for the flying ash instantaneously! 魔魂的凄厉长啸,一团墨光拼命从剑坑中冲出来,结果充起还不足34米,下方一团血光电射而至,将它携裹,瞬间融为飞灰! The sound of fearful struggling whinning, passes on unceasingly from the sword pit, when that extremely tragic pitiful yell, the wild animal frequency dies sad and shrill whooshing, continuous, as if under the sword pit, is having a destruction heartless slaughter. 可怕的挣扎哀嚎之声,不断地从剑坑中传出来,那惨绝人寰的惨叫,还有野兽频死时凄厉的嘶吼,连绵不绝,仿佛在剑坑之下,正在发生着一场毁灭般无情的屠杀。 This fearful picture, hears all people in ground, unceasingly retrocedes, does not dare to approach the sword pit. 这可怕的画面,听得地面上的所有人,都不断地后退,不敢靠近剑坑。 Like this sad and shrill sound/noise, has continued about a double-hour continuous. 这样的凄厉声音,连绵不绝地持续了一个时辰左右。 Finally, one group of small hill equally giant black ink Groups, struggle desperately to clash from the sword pit, it when continuously enters fire quiet Quan Jiankeng that sliest discrete Divine Soul finally. 最后,一团小山丘一样巨大的墨团,拼死挣扎着从剑坑中冲出来,它正是一直等到最后才进入地火幽泉剑坑的那个最为狡猾谨慎的神魂 But was a pity that it prances less than 20 meters, in fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, is a blood red big net overtakes it first instantaneously, lives in its thorough net, is similar to catches fish to be the same, is dragging its huge body, drags heartlessly again toward place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng in it...... 但可惜,它腾跃不足20米,地火幽泉剑坑中,先是一张血红色的大网瞬间追上它,将它彻底网住,如同捕鱼一样,拖着它庞大的身躯,无情地将它重新朝着地火幽泉剑坑中拖去…… It struggles crazily sad and shrill, splits up into every large or small black light group, wants to drill from the mesh of scarlet big net...... 它疯狂凄厉地挣扎,分化成为大大小小的墨色光团,想要从血色大网的网眼中钻出去…… But that blood net is intelligential seems to be same, rapidly changes is small, the mesh throughout be smaller than the part that demon soul splits up...... 但那血网仿佛是有灵性一样,迅速变小,网眼始终要比那魔魂分化出来的部分更小…… Then two brilliance shoots up to the sky from sword pit, for the silver fist flame, for the golden sword glow, the bang in the body of that demon soul, has rumbled it together instantaneously broken. 接着两道光华从剑坑之中冲天而起,一道为银色拳焰,一道为金色剑芒,轰在了那魔魂的身躯上,瞬间将它轰碎。 The great net catches up, this hugest demon soul, has drawn in the sword pit directly, extinguishes thoroughly kills! 巨网发力,将这最为巨大的魔魂,直接拖入了剑坑之中,彻底灭杀! Sword pit finally peaceful. 剑坑终于安静了下来。 Moment. 须臾。 Two forms clash, fell on the sword pit edge. 两个身影冲出来,落在了剑坑边缘。 One on the left and other on the right. 一左一右。 The left is Lin Zheng. 左边是蔺争 The right is Yu Feiyan. 右边是鱼非言 Finally this is two people who lives. 这是最后活下来的两个人。 ---------------- ---------------- Finally wrote. 终于写出来了。 This plot, in the initial design, is very great. 这段情节,在最初的设计上,是非常宏大的。 But also possibly is because I am bold handwriting vigorous style, always cannot write that feeling. 但也可能是因为我笔力不足,总是写不出来那种感觉。 In order to promote the plot, some places have also neglected. 为了推动情节,一些地方也有所忽略。 I will continue to try hard. 我会继续努力。 , Radiant Palace Hall this plot, soon ended approximately 大致来说,光明殿这段情节,快要结束了
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