IGE :: Volume #5

#459: Hundred the ghosts travel by night ( 2 )

In the jet black nighttime sky, the sudden latent evils scurry about, is ordinary just like hell ghost evil spirits, toward the Bright City collection. 漆黑的夜空之中,突然出现的魔影乱窜,宛如一道道的地狱冤魂厉鬼一般,朝着光明城汇集而来。 After former that mysterious fluctuation, looked like the gate of hell is opened is the same, these latent evils bright with many colors jumped out suddenly. 在之前那神秘的波动之后,就像是地狱之门被打开一样,这些五光十色的魔影骤然窜出。 The sound of sad and shrill ghost eating delicacies, has covered sky over the entire imperial capital instantaneously. 凄厉的鬼啸之声,瞬间笼罩了整个帝都上空。 These latent evils are surging aura, is quite strange, is not Heaven Wasteland Domain Martial Artist the strength of yuan qi, chilly severe howl sound that exudes , seems some strange grey ancient language...... 这些魔影涌动着的气息,极为诡异,并非是天荒界武者元气之力,发出的凄厉吼声,也似乎是某种怪异灰色的古老语言…… Really difficult to imagine, in the imperial capital, is hiding unexpectedly also these many latent evils strengths, obviously they are not Heaven Wasteland Domain indigenous. 真的很难想象,在帝都之中,竟然还隐藏着这么多的魔影力量,明显他们都不是天荒界的土著。 Some latent evils from trembling the body of beggar jump out, then this hair gray beggar instantaneously changed to a withered person skin...... 有的魔影从瑟瑟发抖的乞丐的身上窜出,然后这头发花白的乞丐就瞬间化作了一块干瘪的人皮…… Some latent evils, clash from farmer backyard the body of fat pig, then this fat pig changed to the powder...... 有的魔影,是从农夫后院的肥猪的身体里冲出来,然后这肥猪化作了粉末…… Some latent evils, fly from the body of faction Sect expert...... 有的魔影,从帮派宗门强者的身体里飞出来…… Some latent evils, from the imperial capital in some grand statues fly...... 有的魔影,从帝都之中一些雄伟的雕像之中飞出来…… Some latent evils, howl under galloping River to fly from that...... 有的魔影,从那呼啸奔腾的江河之下飞出来…… Also some latent evils, have ripped open the void crack, has spread crazily...... 还有的魔影,撕开了虚空裂缝,疯狂地流传了出来…… After some Space-Time cracks open, among black light, as if are black pythons equally crazily flees, looked like opens the ghost hole to be the same simply, the shadow black ink light ghost fled crazily, making one tremble...... 有些时空裂缝打开之后,其内一道道的黑光,仿佛是一条条黑色蟒蛇一样疯狂地窜出来,简直就像是打开了鬼窟一样,黑影墨光鬼魂疯狂地窜出来,令人颤栗…… But is a tea time, in everywhere on dense and numerous is the assorted ghosts, is surging Demonic Qi ghost air/Qi, must then become the imperial capital inside and outside simply a piece of death ghost legendary creature is ordinary. 只不过是一盏茶功夫,漫天之中就密密麻麻都是各色鬼影,涌动着的魔气鬼气,简直要将帝都内外都便成为一片死亡鬼蜮一般。 Hundred ghosts travel by night. 百鬼夜行。 Under the dim light of night, dense and numerous everywhere is Flowing Light ghost Demonic Qi, comes in the Bright City direction crazily. 夜色之下,密密麻麻到处都是流光鬼魂魔气,疯狂地朝着光明城的方向而来。 Was the remaining ashes of past Foreign Domain demon...... How these many......” Aunt Heng in great surprise. “是当年域外邪魔的残余灰烬……怎么这么多……”衡姑姑大惊。 The ghost of this everywhere, before is Century, Snow Country annihilated the enemy to finish Era of Sects, repelled in the war of Foreign Domain influence invasion, sweeps many Foreign Domain that fell to be remaining. 这漫天的鬼影,正是一百年之前,雪国犁庭扫穴结束宗门时代,击退域外势力入侵之战中,扫落的许多域外残余。 Regarding such strength fluctuation, Aunt Heng was really too familiar, in the past a war, should that endless Foreign Domain influence, cut to kill cleanly, to leave how also behind these many vestiges? 对于这样的力量波动,衡姑姑实在是太熟悉了,当年一战,本应该都已经将那无尽的域外势力,都已经斩杀干净了,怎么还会留下这么多的残余? Kills!” “杀!” Lin Zheng changes to a stream of light, has the inking group latent evils, the dive, flushes away toward place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng. 蔺争化作一道流光,带着墨团魔影,俯冲而下,朝着地火幽泉剑坑之中冲去。 The Yu Feiyan facial color changes: This wants first to break through the Radiant Palace Hall arsenal!” 鱼非言面色一变:“这老贼想要抢先攻破光明殿的武库!” Pursues, cannot Black Demon Abyss to go well absolutely, in that Radiant Palace Hall arsenal, possibly has that person of thing, quick, pursues, first do not take care other matters......” white wax wax core also hurried urging to say. “追下去,绝对不能让黑魔渊的人得手,那光明殿武库之中,可能存有那人的东西,快,追下去,先不要管其他事情了……”白蜡蜡芯也急忙催促道。 Yu Feiyan is bringing the white wax core, the dive, pursued instantaneously. 鱼非言带着白色蜡芯,俯冲而下,瞬间追了过去。 Jie Jie Jie Jie......” “桀桀桀桀……” Ha Ha, kills, treasure where......” “哈哈,杀啊,宝物就在哪里……” Temple arsenal, we can also slice!” “神殿武库,我们也能分一杯羹!” Century, we have been able finally the present world!” “一百年了,我们终于可以现世了!” Endless latent evils ghost howls, wells up crazily toward under. 无尽的魔影鬼魂呼啸,疯狂地朝着下方涌去。 All ghost shadows, the goal is place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng who the temple arsenal is. 所有的鬼魂黑影,目标都是神殿武库所在的地火幽泉剑坑。 During these many years, that before Century have fought the soul that survives by luck, are hiding themselves cautiously, plan to compete unceasingly, approach the imperial capital, sneak the imperial capital, for are today at this moment. 这么多年了,从百年之前那一战之中侥幸残存下来的魂魄,小心翼翼地隐藏着自己,不断地谋划争夺,靠近帝都,潜入帝都,为的就是今天这一刻。 Before Century, these black ghost shade fog, are actually able to move unhindered Heaven and Earth expert, each is existence above Ascending Heaven Boundary. 百年之前,这些黑色鬼魂影雾,其实都是纵横天地强者,每一个都是登天境之上的存在。 Past Era of Sects, first central Domain Portal opened, the Foreign Domain influence such as the tide emerged Heaven Wasteland Domain generally. 当年的宗门时代,第一次中央域门打开,域外势力如潮水一般涌入天荒界 This newborn domain, has been full of the infinite possibility, young , and humidity is vigorous, contained the endless resources, the potential is infinite. 这个新生的界域,充满了无限可能,年轻且潮气蓬勃,蕴藏了无尽的资源,潜力无穷。 What is more important, then Heaven Wasteland Domain, but also is in the vegetal period, is considered as can breed the Great Emperor rank to say expert domain extremely. 更为重要的是,当时的天荒界,还处于生长期,被认为是一个可以孕育出大帝级别极道强者界域 Here, storehouse being correct machine. 这里,藏有道机。 New domain, has the innumerable possibilities, in other domain, is impossible the matter that realizes, in Heaven Wasteland Domain, can become possible. 一个新的界域,藏有无数的可能,一些在其他界域之中,不可能实现的事情,在天荒界之中,就可以变为可能。 In the past that invasion, enormous and powerful, does not know that many mature domain master expert, through central Domain Portal, ended the whole to arrive in Heaven Wasteland Domain, tried to strive for this newborn domain that wisp of Dao Foundation. 当年那场入侵,浩浩荡荡,不知道有多少成熟界域的高手强者,通过中央域门,完整体降临在天荒界中,试图争取这个新生界域的那一缕道基 Everywhere ghost that at this time presented that each was this. 这时出现的漫天鬼魂,每一个都是这样。 What a pity, is self-designated is Various/All Worlds territory expert that Fiendgod arrives, actually has a dream has not thought that in this kind of newborn domain, in regards as by them the ants same life, actually existence of unparalleled Unparalleled, big, almost completely buries alive them. 可惜,自命为神魔般降临的诸界强者们,却做梦都没有想到,在这样一个新生界域之中,在被他们视为蝼蚁一样的生灵之中,却有一个盖世无双的存在,一座大阵,将他们几乎全部坑杀。 If not they are heavenly ascension, visits the immortal step expert, if during not only the year in the most crucial time, formation under that person of arrangement, the flaw an corner/horn, only feared before Century that has slaughtered suddenly strangely, they were frightened out of one's wits thoroughly. 若非他们都是一步登天,踏足仙阶的强者,若非但年在最关键的时刻,那人布置下的阵法,突然离奇地缺失了一角,只怕在百年前的那场杀戮之中,他们彻底魂飞魄散了。 Even but if so, is better than them, finally also lost **, these year remaining Divine Soul, in Heaven Wasteland Domain, limited to this domain Power of Laws, are not only able to seize the shed rebirth, can only transform the position unceasingly with the leather bag, was the same just like the solitary person wild ghost, barely manages to maintain a feeble existence! 可即便如此,强如他们,最终也失去了**,这些年只剩下神魂,在天荒界之中,受限于这个界域法则之力,无法夺舍重生,只能不断地变换位置和皮囊,宛如孤魂野鬼一样,苟延残喘! Finally, after entire Century, the central domain front door, must make a fresh start. 终于,整整一百年之后,中央界域的大门,要重新开始了。 The new opportunity, arrived once again. 新的机会,再度到来了。 In the Radiant Palace Hall arsenal, was prohibiting their past weapons and strengths, so long as seized, that can break the price record the rebirth. 光明殿的武库之中,封禁着他们当年的武器和力量,只要重新夺回来,那就可以破关重生了。 The innumerable assorted light flush away toward place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng crazily. 无数的各色光影疯狂地朝着地火幽泉剑坑冲去。 They fell into thoroughly crazily. 他们彻底陷入了疯狂。 At the same time. 同一时间。 Jie Jie Jie Jie, our opportunities, arrived finally, breaks in the treasure house, captures that treasure......” that to stand that wisp of black mist side Jiang Xiaohan, finally has revealed the fang. “桀桀桀桀,我们的机会,终于到来了,冲入宝库,夺取那件宝物……”那站在蒋小涵身边的那一缕黑色雾气,终于露出了獠牙。 He naturally is also one of the demon soul ghost fog, in the past was cut Immortal Rank Boundary expert that kills. 他当然也是魔魂鬼雾之一,当年被斩杀的一尊仙阶境强者 His strength, compared with other demon souls, therefore can also maintain the human form at this time, but also maintained the complete past to remember. 他的实力,要比其他魔魂强了很多,所以此时也可以维持人形,还维持了完整的昔日记忆。 Teacher, waits again.” Jiang Xiaohan opened the mouth suddenly. “师尊,再等一等。”蒋小涵突然开口了。 Em?” That demon soul is startled. “恩?”那魔魂一怔。 Jiang Xiaohan said hastily: disciple thought that matter only feared is not simple, since you said that in the past that person was terrorist, that only feared that is around the arsenal, leaves behind the subsequent party, now overruns, not only will unable to attack the arsenal, but might also be able......” 蒋小涵连忙道:“徒儿是觉得,事情只怕没有那么简单,既然您说,当年那人非常恐怖,那只怕是会在武库周围,留下后手,现在冲过去,非但攻不开武库,还有可能会……” That demon soul is also the generation of wily old fox, but waited for the Century opportunity arrived suddenly has become confused at present, after a Jiang Xiaohan such reminder, immediately has realized anything. 那魔魂也是老奸巨猾之辈,只是被等待了百年的机会突然降临眼前而冲昏了头脑,经过蒋小涵这么一提醒,立刻就意识到了什么。 Worthily is my disciple, you said to......” “不愧是我的徒儿,你说得对……” The voice has not fallen. 话音未落。 Bang! 轰! The flame that suddenly soars to the heavens, spout from that fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, seems the scarlet rough sea waves is the same. 突然冲天的火焰,从那地火幽泉剑坑之中喷涌了出来,仿佛是血色巨浪一样。 That is similar to group bird clashes such as the hot sword pit shadow demon soul general crazily immediately by the flame slightly ashes of this blowout...... 那如同群鸟一般疯狂地冲如地火剑坑的暗影魔魂立刻就被这喷出的火焰稍微灰烬…… The incisive scream, erupts from place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng. 尖锐的尖叫,从地火幽泉剑坑中喷发出来。 Abstruse and profound content fire? Really...... That Slaughter God, has really left behind the method!” “【精蕴地火】?果然……那个杀神,果然是留下了手段!” The demon soul quickly grasps the meaning of something, clenching jaws tunnel. 魔魂一个激灵,咬牙切齿地道。 He hated and feared regarding initially that Human Race war-god obviously, even if were Century in the past, had a lingering fear as before. 他显然对于当初那位人族战神又恨又怕,即便是百年过去,依旧心有余悸。 Bang! 轰! Quick abstruse and profound content fire erupts again. 很快精蕴地火再一次喷发。 Also there is an innumerable demon soul shadow, was burnt as the flying ash instantaneously. 又有无数的魔魂暗影,瞬间被烧为飞灰。 Feels sorry for these Foreign Domain expert Divine Soul, after Century in the past, is unable the Cultivation promotion in Heaven Wasteland Domain, strength insufficient past 1%, the intelligence were not very sober, by this Abstruse and profound content fire Thorough that a fever, dies immediately, is unable again recovery. 可怜这些域外强者神魂,经过百年过去,无法在天荒界之中修炼提升,实力不足当年的1,连神智都不是很清醒了,被这【精蕴地火】一烧,立刻就死的彻彻底底,再也无法恢复 Even but if is this, has the innumerable demon soul shadow to flush away toward the place fire quiet spring as before crazily. 可即便是这样,依旧有无数的魔魂暗影疯狂地朝着地火幽泉冲去。 Foreign country Immortal Rank Boundary expert that in the past that war, killed, was really too many too many comes, because that formation lost the remnant soul that an corner/horn pulled out, was innumerable. 当年那一战,杀死的外域仙阶境强者,实在是太多太多而来,因为那阵法失去一角而掏出的残魂,也数不胜数。 Short is not in the one hour time, that Abstruse and profound content fire Erupted five times. 短短不到半个时辰时间里,那【精蕴地火】足足喷发了五次。 Five eruptions, have burnt enough several thousand demon soul shadows. 五次喷发,烧死了足足数千的魔魂暗影。 Then this Abstruse and profound content fire Finally vanished. 然后这【精蕴地火】终于消失了。 Walks!” “走!” The soul demon soars, is bringing Jiang Xiaohan. 魂魔腾空而起,带着蒋小涵 Jiang Xiaohan has covered a black mask, obstructed the appearance, her movement was quickly same like the smoke and fire, has filled with the treacherous aura, obviously was not the traditional Tian Huang (Heaven Wasteland) martial arts movement. 蒋小涵覆盖了一张黑色的面具,遮去了容颜,她的身法快如烟火一样,充满了诡谲气息,显然并非是传统天荒武道身法。 But at the same time. 而同一时间。 We walk.” “我们走。” recovery a god nun of arm, is bringing the white jade zither, personal appearance same place rays of light Flashed, changes to a light group, flies toward place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng. 恢复了一臂的神尼,也带着白玉琴,身形原地毫光一闪,化作一点光团,朝着地火幽泉剑坑飞去。 Teacher, he......” Bai Yuqing distantly looked in the Bright God palace that in void drops. “师尊,那他……”白玉卿遥遥看了看正在虚空中落下的光明神殿。 Has gotten rid for the master, has helped his one time, solves your physical state to be important, first goes to the arsenal, otherwise all...... god nun naturally knows the one who without enough time liked the disciple saying was, but at this time, was actually absolutely cannot deep love between man and woman. “为师已经出手,助了他一次,解决你的身体情况要紧,先去武库,不然一切都来不及了……”神尼当然知道爱徒说的是谁,不过这个时候,却是绝对不能儿女情长了。 But in this at the same time, originally all Jiang Hu troops who slaughters in the ground, some countless people gave up to the war, changes to Flowing Light, flushes away toward place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng in directly. 而在这同一时间,原本在地面上厮杀的各方江湖人马,也有无数人放弃了对战,化作流光,直接朝着地火幽泉剑坑中冲去。 About the Bright God palace arsenal legend, is not only Foreign Domain Fiendgod knows, in Heaven Wasteland Domain Jiang Hu, is spreading...... 关于光明神殿武库的传说,不仅仅是域外神魔知道,天荒界江湖道上,也流传着…… Bang! 轰! The Bright God palace fell in the ground slowly. 光明神殿缓缓地落在了地面上。 Happen to fell on fatty king behind of Li Jin and bright armed soldiers, fire quiet Quan Jiankeng side, ground mass half in ground, half float in sword pit void. 正好落在了胖子王郦金和光明甲士们的后面,地火幽泉剑坑的旁边,石基一半在地面,一半悬浮在剑坑虚空中。 Protects Palace Master!” “保护殿主!” King Li Jin shouts out. 郦金大喝 The armed soldiers have protected instantaneously the entire main hall. 甲士们瞬间将整个大殿都守护了起来。 Is good because, no matter Jiang Hu Sect expert of own palace or Right Minister palace camp, at this time, the main attention, had placed above the temple arsenal, has fired in abundance into fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, at once, pours does not have what strength, critically to the Bright God palace. 好在不管是亲王府还是右相府阵营的江湖宗门强者,这个时候,主要的注意力,都放在了神殿武库之上,纷纷都冲向了地火幽泉剑坑,一时之间,倒也没有什么力量,危急到光明神殿。 Old Man, you died, the words that has not died, quickly come to see Brother Ye......” Du Gu Quan to bellow in the crowd, seek for Ouyang not to be uneven. 老家伙,你死了没有,没死的话,就快来看看叶兄弟……”独孤全在人群中大吼,寻找欧阳不平。 Long time, Ouyang does not put down to crawl from one pile of corpses, the body scar are many, comes totteringly, said: Makes me have a look......” 半晌,欧阳不平才从一堆死尸中爬出来,身上伤痕不少,跌跌撞撞地过来,道:“让我看看……” Aunt Heng also carefully approached, protects in the Ye Qingyu side. 衡姑姑也小心地靠近了过来,保护在叶青羽的身边。 Perhaps because of the reason of Ye Qingyu stupor, the Bright God palace falls on the ground, the latter lake that gentle strength of temple, was vanishing slowly, all Ouyang not equal people, can climb up in the temple. 也许是因为叶青羽昏迷的原因,光明神殿落在地面,后湖着神殿的那股柔和之力,缓缓地消失了,所有欧阳不平等人,才能爬上神殿中。 This......” under the gazes of all people, Ouyang did not put down carefully observed the moment, on the face has revealed one type nearly in the color of desperate big tong, said: God Thunder Hui the Brother Ye vitality, the five main internal organs (entrails) became the hard coke, this...... The distinction is falls from the sky the trillion of suffering a defeat and fleeing, this......” “这……”在所有人的注视之下,欧阳不平仔细观察了片刻,脸上露出了一种近乎于绝望大恸之色,道:“神雷毁了叶兄弟的生机,五脏六腑都已经成为焦炭,这……分明已经是陨落败亡之兆,这……” What did you talk nonsense?” Du Gu Quan loudly exclaimed: I can feel obviously that Brother Ye within the body, a wisp of vitality, your this old man, old with dim eyes?” “你胡说什么?”独孤全大吼道:“我明明能够感觉到,叶兄弟的体内,还有一缕生机,你这老头子,不会是老眼昏花了吧?” „If no this cold ice seal, Brother Ye already......” Ouyang did not put down is sighing, gets angry and hate the incompetent appearance, said: Mystical strengths, the vitality that this wisp will soon elapse, detained in his within the body, otherwise...... I do not have what means now.” “如果没有这一层寒冰封印,叶兄弟早就……”欧阳不平叹息着,一副恼恨自己无能的样子,道:“有一股神秘的力量,将这一缕即将逝去的生机,强留在了他的体内,否则……我现在也没有什么办法了。” ------------ ------------ Second 第二更
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