IGE :: Volume #5

#458: Hundred the ghosts travel by night ( 1 )

Was struck flew the Bright God palace in void, like is the balloon flicker is floating, falls slowly. 被击飞了的光明神殿在虚空之中,像是气球一样忽忽悠悠地漂浮着,缓缓地落下。 Wang Wu......” “汪呜……” Dull dog Little Nine is struggling, in mouth is spurting the blood, is carrying on the back Ye Qingyu and Small Silver Dragon, jumped on the ground mass of Bright God palace. 呆狗小九挣扎着,口里喷着鲜血,驮着叶青羽小银龙,跳到了光明神殿的石基上。 Because there is Ye Qingyu, therefore has not received the obstruction of that gentle strength, shoots. 因为有叶青羽,所以并未受到那柔和之力的阻挠,一跃而过。 In sky. 天空之中。 The demonic fog lives suddenly, the silver flame dodges. 妖雾骤生,银炎微闪。 One group of black fog are similar to the black ink Group same, is tumbling fiercely, in the chaos turbulent flow that in that elapses gradually reappears. 一团黑雾如同墨团一样,剧烈地翻滚着,在那逐渐逝去的混沌乱流之中浮现。 Another section of black wax core, light red Mars of most peak faint trace, floating appears leisurely. 另有一截黑色的蜡芯,最顶端有一丝丝的淡红色火星,也飘飘悠悠地出现。 Black Demon Abyss latent evils and that white short wax. 正是黑魔渊魔影和那白色短蜡。 These two Foreign Domain demon, although received the heavy losses, but has not died unexpectedly. 这两个域外魔物,虽然都受了重创,但竟然都没有死。 However wants to come to be also normal, in the past they once in the hand of that war-god, can run away assign, preserve fire seed, then resurges, lasts today, starts the mighty waves once again. 不过想来也正常,当年它们曾经在那位战神的手中,都能逃得一命,保存一丝火种,然后死灰复燃,存续到今天,再度掀起波澜。 Today although Ye Qingyu erupted to surmount the Ascending Heaven Boundary preliminary strength, can prevent their recitation incantations to summon, gave these two Foreign Domain demon heavily to strike, but wanted thoroughly to eliminate them, has actually missed a point. 今日叶青羽虽然爆发出了超越登天境初阶的力量,可以阻止它们的吟唱咒语召唤,也给予这两个域外魔物沉重一击,但是想要彻底消灭它们,却还差了一点。 If Ye Qingyu can inspire golden day to punish god Thunder to come at that time to shell these two Foreign Domain demon, perhaps that can also extinguish thoroughly kills them. 如果当时叶青羽能够引动金色天罚神雷来轰击这两个域外魔物的话,那或许还可以彻底灭杀它们。 Damn Human Race, has killed him, Lin Zheng, has not killed him......” the black black ink Group to roar fiercely. “该死的人族,杀了他,蔺争,还不杀了他……”黑色墨团剧烈地咆哮。 Why does not block that boy, Yu Feiyan, you comply with the main body the matter, root originally not to achieve, damn Ahhhhh, has gone bad the main body important matter!” That struck the section of wax core also to spread the fierce fluctuation. “为什么不挡住那个小子,鱼非言,你答应本尊的事情,根本就没有做到,该死啊啊啊,坏了本尊的大事!”那一击截蜡芯也传出了剧烈的波动。 They of being survivor of disaster, appear the incomparable angers. 劫后余生的它们,显得无比的愤怒。 More than 100 years of waiting, at present, the final critical moment, unexpectedly were not placed the Human Race boy in their eye by one shortly brightly, destroyed the plan, two demon violent angers. 100多年的等待,眼看着光明就在眼前,最后的关键时刻,竟然被一个不放在它们眼里的人族小子,破坏了计划,两个魔物都暴怒了起来。 Two demon, wish one could to kill Ye Qingyu for the flying ash immediately. 两个魔物,都恨不得立刻将叶青羽杀为飞灰。 Domain Portal has not opened thoroughly, distances between two domain were very near, reason that they the summon recited, in fact through a mystique, came to own clansman and influence, transmitted the Heaven Wasteland Domain Space-Time Coordinate, quite by own clansman and influence, can snatch before had other influences, arrives in Heaven Wasteland Domain. 界域之门还未彻底打开的时候,两个界域之间的距离却已经很近,它们之所以召唤吟唱,实际上就是通过一种秘法,来向自己的族人和势力,传送天荒界时空坐标,好让自己的族人和势力,能够抢在多有所有其他势力之前,降临在天荒界 So long as can first arrival, that be able to seize the huge benefit, even can also under the establishment the following method, turn into the back garden of influence Heaven Wasteland Domain thoroughly, isolates possibility that other influences arrive at once again. 只要能够第一个降临,那就可以攫取到巨大的利益,甚至还可以设置下许多后续的手段,将天荒界彻底变成了己方势力的后花园,隔绝其他势力再度降临的可能。 After all this presents Domain Portal in Human Race imperial capital Snow Capital, is in entire Heaven Wasteland Domain most greatly is also stablest Domain Portal, so long as grasped this Domain Portal, that was equal to grasping majority of Heaven Wasteland Domain...... 毕竟这个出现在人族帝都雪京之中的界域之门,是整个天荒界之中最大也是最稳固的域门,只要掌握了这个界域之门,那就等于是掌握了大部分的天荒界…… As for other exists in Domain Portal of other Heaven Wasteland Domain regions, is extremely narrow and small narrow, the spatial structure is quite unstable, expert above Ascending Heaven Boundary, is unable to arrive through these small Domain Portal, even if falls in the hands of other influences, is immaterial. 至于其他一些存在于天荒界其他区域的域门,都是极为狭小狭窄,空间结构极为不稳定,登天境之上的强者,无法通过那些小域门降临,就算是落在其他势力的手中,也无关紧要。 These two demon, before are Century, disaster Heaven Wasteland Domain the vestiges of Foreign Domain influence, in the past a war, under the Unparalleled invincible might of that Human Race war-god, they almost died, now only leaves behind a wisp of remnant soul, so long as can make the great merit for the respective influence, that hopefully obtained the reward of Sect, remoulded the body, recovery arrives in peak condition, and hopeful went a step further. 这两个魔物,都是百年之前祸乱天荒界域外势力的残余,当年一战,在那位人族战神的无双神威之下,他们几乎陨落,如今只留下一缕残魄,只要能够为各自的势力立下大功,那就有希望得到宗门的奖赏,重塑身躯,恢复到巅峰状态,且有希望更进一步。 This goal, was almost only hope of their more than 100 years of ambushes in Heaven Wasteland Domain. 这个目标,几乎是他们这100多年潜伏在天荒界之中的唯一希望了。 Now this hope, in this manner is actually destroyed by Ye Qingyu, can they not get angry? 如今这个希望,却被叶青羽以这样的方式毁灭,它们怎么能不怒? Such one was stirred to gather by Ye Qingyu, ahead of time summoned the same race influence of the same clan to arrive was impossible, only then waited for that this red light beam continued to stabilize, Domain Portal opened thoroughly, the Foreign Domain major influences fought for together, respectively depending on skill. 叶青羽这样一搅合,提前召唤同族同宗的势力降临已经不可能,只有等待这赤色光柱继续稳定,域门彻底打开,域外各大势力一起争抢,各凭本事了。 Lin Zheng, are you doing, has not killed him to me!” The black ink Group latent evils use up in bottom the rave. 蔺争,你在干什么,还不给我杀了他!”墨团魔影竭斯底里地狂吼。 Yu Feiyan, you, if also wants the thing that obtains you to expect, is about to butcher that boy, killed him to me quickly......” white short wax only remaining a section of wax core, the flame also nearly in extinguishing, hot tempered wild with rage. 鱼非言,你如果还想要得到你期望的东西的话,快宰了那小子,快给我弄死他……”白色短蜡只剩下了一截蜡芯,火焰也近乎于熄灭,暴躁狂怒。 Distant place. 远处。 Aunt Heng sees such one, the personal appearance twinkle, protects Bright God palace that instantaneously , was dropping before the ground. 衡姑姑看到这样一幕,身形闪烁,瞬间护在了正在向地面落下的光明神殿之前。 This time, no matter what happened, must defend Little Yu. 这一次,不管是发生什么事情,都要守住小羽了。 Even if...... 就算是…… She is clenching teeth at heart. 她在心里咬着牙。 In all people, only then Aunt Heng is at heart clearest, the Ye Qingyu component has multiple. 所有人之中,只有衡姑姑心里最清楚,到底叶青羽的分量有多重。 The Bright God palace crashes slowly. 光明神殿缓缓地坠落。 But Bai Yuanxing and the others, closely have protected in already thoroughly by the frozen Ye Qingyu side, filled worried about the color. 白远行等人,已经是紧紧地守护在已经彻底被冰封的叶青羽的身边,充满了担忧之色。 Before , fears death to draw back into Dai Youmeng and Liu Jinyan in two people temple , a look tense appearance...... 还有之前怕死退入神殿之中的戴有梦刘尽言两个人,也一副神色紧张的样子…… This time Ye Qingyu, the body like hard coke, root originally has been hard to distinguish the appearance, looks like a section was scorched trees, can distinguish is about the human form, with dying did not have what difference, by the transparent cold ice seal , the surface layer of cold ice, silver pigment figures was wound the circulation, that is mysterious formation that Small Silver Dragon crawls. 此时的叶青羽,身躯如焦炭,已经根本就难以辨别面目,就像是一截被烧焦了的树木,大致可以辨别出是人形,和死了没有什么区别,被透明的寒冰封印在其中,寒冰的表层,一条条的银色纹络流转,那是小银龙爬出来的神秘阵法 These marks wind the contraction to inflate, have mysterious strength in addition to hold above the cold ice, seal the last vitality of Ye Qingyu within the body. 这些纹络收缩膨胀,有神秘的力量加持在寒冰之上,封印了叶青羽体内的最后一丝生机。 Hum...... Little Bai, Master...... gave you......” Little Nine to nip the Bai Yuanxing lower hem corner, in the eye is having the unprecedented dignity and expectation. “呜呜……小白,主人……交给你了……”小九咬了咬白远行的衣角,眼里带着前所未有的凝重和期望。 Its injury is heavy, speech time, in the mouth also has the electric light circulation. 它伤势不轻,说话的时候,口中还有电光流转。 Then, its body plate shrinks, the injured four limbs roll up, nearly rolls up fully in the hard coke common head is in the crack soft belly, slowly deep sleep in the past. 说完,它的身躯盘缩起来,受伤的四肢蜷缩,近乎于焦炭一般的头颅蜷缩在满是裂缝的软肚皮之中,缓缓地沉睡了过去。 Little Nine body, reduces gradually, finally turned into the ordinary day, only then the appearance of palm of the hand size, the appearance is pitiful, shrinks side Ye Qingyu, fell asleep thoroughly. 小九的身躯,也逐渐缩小,最终变成了平日里只有巴掌大小的模样,模样凄惨,缩在叶青羽身边,彻底睡着了。 The blood flows from its wound, flowed nearby seal Ye Qingyu body cold ice. 鲜血从它的伤口中流淌出来,流到了旁边封印叶青羽身体的寒冰上。 Why does not know, all people look that in this ordinary day is only gluttonous and lazy and steals acts slippery deceitfully not the reasonable puppy, was silent. 不知道为什么,所有人看着这只平日里好吃懒做、偷奸耍滑不靠谱的小狗,都沉默了。 But Small Silver Dragon calmly lies on the body of Ye Qingyu, has not said anything again, a transparent limpid eye, is staring at transparent cold ice the body under of Ye Qingyu peacefully, motionless. 小银龙则静静地趴在叶青羽的身上,也没有再说什么,一双透明清澈的眼睛,安静地盯着透明寒冰下的叶青羽的身体,一动不动。 In sky. 天空之中。 Kills!” “杀!” In the Right Minister eye pupil is glittering the ruthless offense ray, White tiger fights armor Armor, is wrapping his whole body, toward the Yu Feiyan sand. 右相眼眸里闪烁着狠戾的光芒,【白虎战甲】铠化,包裹着他的全身,朝着鱼非言沙去。 Yu Feiyan cold snort|hum, slightly suppressed own strength, in order to avoid causes the day to punish, moved forward to meet somebody. 鱼非言冷哼一声,略微压制自己的实力,以免引起天罚,迎了上去。 In ground. 地面上。 After short dreariness, master expert of Right Minister palace influence, rush ahead to go toward the Radiant Palace Hall camp masters crazily. 短暂的沉寂之后,右相府势力的高手强者们,疯狂地朝着光明殿阵营高手冲杀而去。 Lineup!” “布阵!” Fatty king Li Jin shouts out. 胖子王郦金大喝着。 Then was rumbled the loose several hundred bright armed soldiers quickly to compose formation, is the same just like an impregnable bastion, defends most edge in hot woods. 那被轰散的数百光明甲士迅速组成了阵法,宛如一道铜墙铁壁一样,防守在火树林的最边缘。 Slaughters opens once again. 杀戮再度开启。 Kills!” “杀!” The distant place the strength, such as everywhere insects honeybee same flies, in an instant rushed to Bright City. 远处又有一支力量,如漫天虫蚁蜜蜂一样飞来,转眼之间就冲到了光明城内。 This strength population probably in 3,000-4,000, wears the armor, there is a Jiang Hu people, on the left arm is entangling the golden ribbon. 这支力量人数大约在三四千,多数身披铠甲,也有江湖中人,左臂上都缠着金色的丝带。 Kills off them!” “杀光他们!” In the sky has transmitted Jinding crown prince Yu Feiyan ice-cold heartless sound/noise. 天空之中传来了金顶亲王鱼非言冰冷无情的声音 Originally this arm is entangling the influence of scrambled egg, the strength of trusted friend Jinding crown prince Yu Feiyan these years has accumulated training since impressively. 原来这支手臂缠着金色丝带的势力,赫然正是金顶亲王鱼非言这些年以来累积培养的心腹之力。 Although these people majority are throwing over the armor, style and cultivation technique that but gets rid, actually obviously is the Jiang Hu Sect routes. 虽然这些人大部分都披着铠甲,但出手的招式和功法,却明显都是江湖宗门的路线。 Very obviously, these people gather expert that came from Jiang Hu Sect. 很显然,这些人都是从江湖宗门中招揽而来的强者 This fought until now, already incomparably frigid, although was centered on Radiant Palace Hall, but actually must puncture the entire imperial capital. 这一战到如今,已经无比惨烈,虽然是以光明殿为中心,但却也要将整个帝都都打穿。 However Right Minister or Yu Feiyan, have not set out the army that controls respectively as if by prior agreement, use is actually many years of pains gathers the Jiang Hu Sect influence of training. 不过不论是右相还是鱼非言,不约而同地都没有出动各自掌握的军队,动用的却都是多年苦心招揽培养的江湖宗门势力。 Quick, in Bright City, randomly has become one group. 很快,光明城之内,就乱成了一团。 Three big influences slaughter mutually, scene is chaotic, even there is a person on one's own side by the person on one's own side manslaughter. 三大势力相互厮杀,场面混乱不堪,甚至有自己人被自己人误杀。 Miserable howling, severe howl, wept and wailed, pitiful yell...... 惨嚎,厉吼,哭喊,惨叫…… Bright City thoroughly became the harvesting life flesh and blood grinding pan, became the hell is ordinary, in ground rivers of blood, corpse pile such as mountain...... 光明城彻彻底底地成为了收割生命的血肉磨盘,成为了地狱一般,地面上血流成河,尸堆如山…… Under the restraint of fatty general, an influence of Radiant Palace Hall side, retrocedes unceasingly, holds in place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng Edge, only defends does not attack...... 在胖子将军的约束之下,光明殿一方的势力,不断地后退,扼守在地火幽泉剑坑边缘,只守不攻…… Suddenly 突然 Bang! 轰隆隆! Does not have palpitation of indication earth, transmits in the four directions extremely remote place. 毫无征兆地一阵大地的悸动,在四方极为遥远的地方传来。 Everyone felt that the ground of under foot, in shivered slightly, felt that the air was shivering slightly, felt that the sky in such as like is the black mirror Flowing Light fluctuates...... 每个人都感觉到了脚下的地面,在微微颤抖,感觉到了空气在微微地颤抖,感觉到了天空在如像是黑色的镜子一样流光波动…… This is a very marvelous feeling. 这是一种很奇妙的感觉。 This is not simple strength fluctuation. 这不是简单的力量波动。 But is entire Heaven Wasteland Domain is trembling the feeling of shake. 而是一种整个天荒界都在颤栗震荡的感觉。 Genuine martial arts expert, in this split second, can feel that yuan qi of oneself within the body also in that split second, nearly in Space-Time , but Between Heaven and Earth that fuzzy Power of Laws, split second like was torn by any thing, had some marvelous change. 真正的武道强者,在这一瞬间,也能够感觉到,自己体内的元气也在刚才的那一瞬间,近乎于时空,而天地之间的那模糊的法则之力,一瞬间像是被什么东西撕扯一样,发生了某种奇妙的变化。 Yu Feiyan and Lin Zheng of originally during fierce combat, the personal appearance also slightly separates. 原本在激战之中的鱼非言蔺争,身形也略略分开。 Two people look as if by prior agreement toward the north. 两个人不约而同地朝着正北方看去。 Only then they know, the fluctuation that this Flashed passed a moment ago, means anything truly. 只有他们知道,刚才这一股一闪而逝的波动,真正意味着什么。 Ha Ha Ha, Domain Portal opens, hundred ghosts travel by night, on this day, arrived finally,” black ink Group latent evils laugh wildly, he attaches in the left shoulder of Right Minister. 哈哈哈,域门打开,百鬼夜行,这一天,终于到了,”墨团魔影狂笑,他依附在右相的右肩。 Beyond ten meters. 十米之外。 That section of wax core has also sent out excited laughing wildly: On this day finally arrived, Domain Portal of east , south , west and north opened, our plans have been carried out, Yu Feiyan, you had not protected me before, has gone bad my important matter, but this is unimportant, lets your person, captures this peripheral region, controls, Ha Ha, when the time comes, when my family Venerable to arrive, as before is great merit one......” 那一截蜡芯也发出了兴奋的狂笑:“这一天终于到了,东南西北的域门已经打开了,我们的计划实现了,鱼非言,你之前没有保护好我,坏了我的大事,但这不要紧,让你的人,攻下这周围区域,控制起来,哈哈,到时候,等我家尊上降临,依旧是大功一件……” Do not manage that old thing, quick, captures the Radiant Palace Hall arsenal along with me, Ha Ha......” black ink Group latent evils were urging Lin Zheng. “不要管那老东西了,快,随我攻入光明殿武库,哈哈……”墨团魔影催促着蔺争 Almost is simultaneously 几乎是在同时 Between Heaven and Earth, suddenly resounds one to enter the sound of grating ghost eating delicacies intermittently, seems the innumerable ghosts is the same in the severe howl keenly blowing. 天地之间,突然响起一阵阵进入刺耳的鬼啸之声,仿佛是无数冤魂在厉吼尖啸一样。 If some people can occupy a commanding position by nighttime sky, sees the picture in imperial capital, certainly will shock to tremble. 如果有人可以居高临下透过夜空,看到帝都之中的景象的话,一定会震惊到颤栗。 The places of imperial capital have the black demon fog to ascend, like is the evil spirit in dark night, sends out the keenly blowing, clashes from out of the blue in the direction of Bright God palace. 帝都的各处都有黑色的魔雾升腾起来,像是暗夜中的厉鬼一样,发出尖啸,破空朝着光明神殿的方向冲来。 Other assorted light groups, disseminate are hating the ominous cry the aura, such as the electric light same electricity shoots, but, assembling direction, is Bright City! 还有其他各色光团,弥散着怨恨凶唳的气息,如电光一样电射而至,围聚的方向,也是光明城 ------------- ------------- Thanks everybody in the yearend evaluation inside votes. 谢谢大家在年终盘点里面的投票支持。 The knife is very ashamed, does not renew powerful, plot ** throughout cannot push, did not have the face to want the ticket to everybody again. 刀子很惭愧,更新不给力,剧情**始终推不起来,也没脸再向大家要票了。 The battle efficiencies of other big gods, were really too strong, this ticket, struggled again, has put up the cash toward inside, with the New Year approaching, everybody kept a money to celebrate the new year. 其他大神的战斗力,实在是太强了,这个票,再争下去,就是往里面砸钱了,快过年了,大家留点银子过年吧。 This ticket, the knife cannot make everybody go to the expense. 这个票,刀子不能在让大家破费了。 Reads well well, I love you. 好好看书就好,我爱你们。 Today also has two 今儿还有两更
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