IGE :: Volume #5

#457: Syngenesis with dying

Dull dog Little Nine in that split second speed, drew near inconceivable, before rushed to Aunt Heng instantaneously, will have been deducted as hard coke Ye Qingyu, met in carrying on the back. 呆狗小九在那一瞬间的速度,快到了不可思议,瞬间就赶到了衡姑姑之前,将已经被劈成为焦炭的叶青羽,接在了背上。 Wang Wu......” “汪呜……” In its throat sends out just like wild animal low roar general sound/noise, treads in void, the personal appearance inflated the several fold compared with before, is the same just like a white great wolf. 它喉咙里发出宛如野兽低吼一般的声音,踏在虚空之中,身形比之前膨胀了数倍,宛如一头白色的巨狼一样。 Little Yu......” 小羽……” Aunt Heng approaches, wants to treat and cure Ye Qingyu. 衡姑姑靠近过去,想要救治叶青羽 However 但是 Wang Wu...... Woof Woof!” “汪呜……汪汪!” In the throat of dull dog Little Nine, sends out whooshing of intermittent ominous cry suddenly, originally pure such as the black gem common eye, is changing the ray of scarlet ominous cry, looks to the eye of Aunt Heng, has been full of the hostility, does not allow her to approach. 呆狗小九的喉咙里,突然发出一阵阵凶唳的嘶吼,原本纯净如黑宝石一般的眼睛,翻动着血色凶唳的光芒,看向衡姑姑的眼睛里,充满了敌意,并不允许她靠近。 Makes me save others quickly!” “快让我救人!” Aunt Heng shouts out said anxiously. 衡姑姑焦急地大喝道。 Was fallen Divine Punishment to hit by the day, is almost nine dies not fresh, she has not thought that Ye Qingyu will put together this degree unexpectedly, all occur in a flash, she even comes not to prevent. 被天降神罚击中,几乎是九死无生,她万万没有想到,叶青羽竟然会拼到这种程度,一切在转瞬之间发生,她甚至都来不阻止。 Good lies in that extremely strange split second, Aunt Heng sees indistinctly, Ye Qingyu such as the hard coke common form, the chest has not fluctuated slightly, the vitality of faint trace hovers unexpectedly. 好在于那么极为奇异的一瞬间,衡姑姑隐约看到,叶青羽如焦炭一般的身影,胸膛还未微微起伏,竟然是有一丝丝的生机游动。 Dull dog Little Nine pupil light gentle a point, hesitates slightly, but suddenly its pupil light, suddenly changes, the whole body mildew same raises up like the steel needle in a twinkling, in the throat sends out the low roar of cut-throat ominous cry once again, the mouth splits slightly, is similar to the dagger dodges the silver cold brightness advantage tooth to reveal generally...... 呆狗小九眸光柔和了一点,微微犹豫,但是突然之间它的眸光,又猛然一变,浑身的白毛霎时间如钢针一样竖起,喉咙里再度发出凶狠凶唳的低吼,嘴巴微微裂开,如同匕首一般闪着银色寒光的利齿露出…… Bang! 轰! The bang transmits. 巨响传来。 In sky , under is the golden god is struck by lightning together. 天空之中,又是一道金色神雷劈下。 The terror to strength beyond description, chops once again in the Ye Qingyu direction. 恐怖到难以形容的力量,再度朝着叶青羽的方向劈下。 Felt Ye Qingyu not dead, the Heaven and Earth Divine Punishment strength collected once again. 感受到叶青羽还未死亡,天地神罚的力量再度汇集。 No matter anybody, once by the strength of Heaven and Earth were recognized to endanger destroys the stability of domain, then will thoroughly be eliminated. 不管是任何人,一旦被天地之力认定为有可能危及破坏界域的稳定,那么就会被彻底消灭。 Be careful......” Aunt Heng in great surprise. “小心啊……”衡姑姑大惊。 She received the heavy injury, unexpectedly is irresistibly the strength of that golden god thunder complementary waves, was away from far away to be shaken to fly. 她受了不轻的伤势,竟是无法抵抗那金色神雷余波之力,隔着老远就被震飞了出去。 Wang Wu...... Woof Woof Wang!” “汪呜……汪汪汪!” Dull dog Little Nine face upwards to roar. 呆狗小九仰天怒吼。 Its first has revealed the angry manner. 它第一露出了愤怒的神态。 That is a perfect anger. 那是一种极致的愤怒。 The Little Nine personal appearance inflates once again, is the same just like a Tun Tian god wolf, is carrying on the back Ye Qingyu unexpectedly, such as the electric light is together common, ran away toward the distant place horizon. 小九身形再度膨胀,宛如一头吞天的神狼一样,竟然是驮着叶青羽,如一道电光一般,朝着远处天边逃了出去。 Its speed is quick. 它的速度很快。 Almost is Flowing Light flickers. 几乎是流光一瞬。 But the speed of golden god thunder is faster. 但金色神雷的速度更快。 In an instant, must overtake it. 转眼之间,就要追上它。 Woof Woof Wang!” 汪汪汪!” Little Nine is roaring, goes all out to accelerate. 小九怒吼着,拼命地加速。 It must at her speed, get rid of the golden god thunder, rescues Ye Qingyu. 它要以自己的速度,摆脱金色神雷,救下叶青羽 But it is quicker, the golden god thunder is quicker. 但它越快,金色神雷越快。 Little Nine such as a lightning is transforming the direction in void generally, tries to get rid. 小九如一道闪电一般在虚空之中变换着方向,试图摆脱。 But golden god thunder is closely associated. 而金色神雷如影随形。 This is the penalty of Heaven and Earth. 这是天地的惩罚。 If the maggot of tarsal bone is common. 如跗骨之蛆一般。 The corners of the mouth of Little Nine, have spouted foam. 小九的嘴角,喷出了白沫。 It has almost exhausted all strengths, this type toward the high-speed flight, making it nearly in being at a condition of dizziness, it felt that her chest has soon blasted open, the white bubble generally spout just like the blood. 它几乎用尽了所有的力气,这种朝高速的飞行,让它近乎于处于一种眩晕的状态,它感觉到自己的胸膛快要炸裂了,白色的泡沫宛如血液一般喷涌。 But golden god thunder is getting more and more near, almost touched its tail. 但金色神雷越来越近,几乎触及到了它的尾巴。 Woof Woof Wang......” 汪汪汪……” It roars. 它怒吼。 Obviously is mole cricket general sound/noise, sends out from the Little Nine mouth only, has one strange strength and dignity. 明明是土狗一般的声音,单从小九的口中发出,却有一种奇异的力量和威严。 In the Little Nine look, is glittering unprecedented crazy and angry. 小九的眼神之中,闪烁着一种前所未有的疯狂和愤怒。 Bang! 轰! The golden god thunder pursues finally. 金色神雷终于追到。 Little Nine turns head suddenly, no longer flees, it gasping in the roaring sound, rather die than regretless generally worried the past toward that golden lightning. 小九猛然回头,不再奔逃,它在怒吼声之中张口,宁死无悔一般地朝着那金色闪电撕咬了过去。 The worry swallows. 撕咬吞噬。 This was its last resort. 这是它最后的手段了。 Even if dies, must protect Master. 就算是死,也要保护主人 Woof Woof Wang...... The words that Master, must die, Little Nine I accompany you dead together!” 汪汪汪……主人,要死的话,小九我陪你一起死!” Swallowed into split second in abdomen the golden lightning, Little Nine has exuded such roaring sound. 将金色闪电吞入腹中的一瞬间,小九发出了这样的怒吼声。 split second, the flame and electric light, spout from the seven orifices of Little Nine. 一瞬间,火焰和电光,从小九的七窍之中喷涌出来。 It was roaring angrily, but had not been divided. 它愤怒地咆哮着,但是并未被劈死。 Little Nine assumes an air of self approbation, for a while as if has not responded. 小九摇头晃脑,一时似乎没有反应过来。 At this time, in Ye Qingyu that it carried on the back, the body does not know, had been covered by a light silver glazed frost. 这时,在它背上的叶青羽,身体不知道何时,已经被一层淡淡的银色薄冰覆盖了起来。 Small Silver Dragon regains consciousness from the deep sleep. 小银龙从沉睡之中苏醒。 It also realized obviously Ye Qingyu this time critical condition, in the mouth has spouted Cold Qi, the body of Ye Qingyu, directly with strength of freeze seal cold ice. 它显然是也察觉到了叶青羽此时的危急状况,口中喷出寒气,将叶青羽的身体,直接以寒冰之力冻结封印。 Bang! 轰! Under the sky, the third golden god is struck by lightning. 天空之中,第三道金色神雷劈下。 Heaven and Earth Power of Laws realized that Ye Qingyu had not died, has sent out the third golden god thunder, lowers Divine Punishment. 天地法则之力察觉到了叶青羽并未死去,发出了第三道金色神雷,降下神罚 Woof Woof...... roar roar roar!” 汪汪……吼吼吼!” Little Nine these time does not have the choice to evade again. 小九这一次没有选择再逃避。 It in the roaring sound, has opened the huge mouth once again, the third golden god thunder, swallowed into the abdomen directly. 它在怒吼声之中,再度张开了巨口,直接将第三道金色神雷,吞入了腹中。 The day punishes the god thunder the strength, is surging in void. 天罚神雷的力量,在虚空之中激荡着。 No matter Aunt Heng, is Jinding crown prince Yu Feiyan, as well as recovery mortal body Lin Zheng, after was unable to approach finally particularly both, they have Ascending Heaven Boundary Cultivation Base, if depends is too near, likely makes Divine Punishment [gold/metal] transform the object, shells them. 不管是衡姑姑,还是金顶亲王鱼非言,以及终于恢复了肉身的蔺争,都无法靠近尤其是后两者,他们都具有登天境修为,如果靠的太近,很可能让神罚金雷转变对象,轰击他们。 Hum......” “呜呜呜……” Little Nine sends out the pitiful yell. 小九发出惨叫。 The hair of its head completely by burned black that the golden god was struck by lightning, the blood from the mouth and nose eye and ear has spurted, the mouth was thoroughly stave, in the mouth the hashed meat flew horizontally...... 它头颅的毛发全部被金色神雷劈的焦黑,鲜血从口鼻眼睛和耳朵里喷了出来,嘴巴彻底破碎,口中碎肉横飞…… But what is shocking, its mortal body formidable degree, is unexpectedly more terrorist than Ye Qingyu, withstood two golden god thunder, not only has not died, not by thorough deducting hard coke. 但令人震惊的是,它的肉身强大程度,竟然比叶青羽还恐怖,生生地承受了两下金色神雷,非但未死,也并未被彻底劈成焦炭。 The golden electric light, scurries about in the seven orifices of Little Nine. 金色的电光,在小九的七窍之间乱窜。 Hum hum......” “呜呜呜呜……” The severe pain made Little Nine send out the wail. 剧痛让小九发出了哀鸣。 In the sky, fourth Divine Punishment [gold/metal] arrives. 天空之中,第四道神罚金雷降临。 Little Nine grows angrily is roaring. 小九愤怒地长吼着。 Actually so long as will carry on the back barely alive Ye Qingyu to abandon, it does not need to undertake cutting of strength of Heaven and Earth Divine Punishment to kill completely. 其实只要将背上半死不活的叶青羽抛开,它完全不用去承担天地神罚之力的斩杀。 But when is like this at a crucial moment, this usually completely is not only reasonable, takes selling to sprout to steal food for the fresh dull dog, stubbornly is actually protecting own Master, is persevering own insistence. 可在这样千钧一发的时候,这只平时完全不靠谱,以卖萌偷吃为生的呆狗,却死死地守护着自己的主人,坚守着自己的坚持。 Bang! 轰! This fourth Divine Punishment [gold/metal], by this only nearly in the crazy white airedale, was swallowed into his abdomen again. 这第四道神罚金雷,再一次被这只近乎于疯狂的白色大狗,吞入到了自己的腹中。 The terrifying strength wreaks havoc to explode flees. 恐怖的力量肆虐爆窜。 These time is the seven orifices braves the blood incessantly, is the electric light scurries about incessantly, incessantly is the mouth and nose disintegration, was broken open including its belly, the golden electric light has spread from the wound of its abdomen, likely is a handle handle golden sharp sword, is cutting the body of this dull dog. 这一次不止是七窍冒血,不止是电光乱窜,不止是口鼻崩碎,连它的肚子都被劈破了,金色的电光从它腹部的创口中流传了出来,像是一柄柄金色的利剑,在切割着这只呆狗的身躯。 The fifth golden god thunder, gathers the production in the sky once again. 第五道金色神雷,再度于天空之中汇聚生成。 As if because consecutively four Divine Punishment [gold/metal] have not cut to kill Ye Qingyu, including Heaven and Earth angry, this fifth Divine Punishment [gold/metal], compared with beforehand four, sturdy terrifying dozens times, is the same just like the golden plasma rivers, hangs in the upper air, continuouss growth is forming...... 似乎是因为连续四道神罚金雷没有斩杀叶青羽,连天地都愤怒了起来,这第五道神罚金雷,比之前的四道,粗壮恐怖了数十倍,宛如金色的电浆河流一样,悬在高空之中,不断地壮大形成着…… Wang Wu...... Master, Little Nine could not support...... Sorry......” “汪呜……主人,小九撑不住了……对不起……” The dull dog exudes the sound of sobbing. 呆狗发出呜咽之声。 Withstood three Divine Punishment [gold/metal] forcefully, is the startled Heaven and Earth indescribably tragic magnificent feat, all sees this person, shocking lost the power of thought. 强行承受了三道神罚金雷,已经是惊天地泣鬼神的壮举了,所有看到这一幕的人,都被震惊的失去了思维能力。 This white puppy, origin is obviously uncommon. 这只白色小狗,显然来历不凡。 But also can only halt in this. 但也只能止步于此了。 Fifth Divine Punishment [gold/metal], hangs upside down just like golden Milky Way, bang the crush , the terrifying fluctuation of energy, as if must destroy this world to be the same, makes Yu Feiyan and Right Minister such person, felt the soul that one type has been hard to contain trembles to palpitate. 第五道神罚金雷,宛如金色的天河倒挂,轰隆隆碾压而下,恐怖的能量波动,似乎是要毁灭这世界一样,令鱼非言右相这样的人,都感觉到了一种难以遏制的灵魂颤栗悸动。 Dull dog does Little Nine sway, nearly in the prostration, stands erect in void, is carrying on the back Ye Qingyu stubbornly, motionless...... 呆狗小九摇摇晃晃,近乎于虚脱,屹立在虚空之中,倔强地驮着叶青羽,一动不动…… This is the coming of final trial time. 这是最后的审判时刻的到来。 Master, you always scold me too to eat...... However this time, Little Nine ate motionless, this damn golden lightning was too ruthless...... Master, Little Nine accompanies you together......” 主人,你总是骂我太能吃……但是这一次,小九吃不动了,这该死的金色闪电太狠了……主人,小九陪你一起……” It was saying in a low voice, in eye is glittering the tears. 它低声地说着,眼睛里闪烁着泪光。 The golden plasma such as Milky Way is common, twinkling. 金色电浆如天河一般,瞬息即至。 Dull dog Little Nine smiles lightly, then has closed the eye gently. 呆狗小九淡淡地笑,然后轻轻地闭上了眼睛。 In that split second, it felt that golden electric light that familiar destructive power, was ordinary just like the mighty current, touches own tip of the nose. 在那么一瞬间,它已经感觉到了金色电光那熟悉的破坏力,宛如洪流一般,触及到了自己的鼻端。 But in this split second, actually any matter, has not occurred. 但也就在这一瞬间,却什么事情,都没有发生。 Like the thundering golden Divine Punishment thunder and lightning, in must turbulently shortly that split second that dull dog Little Nine and Ye Qingyu body swallows, suddenly did not have the indication to vanish. 汹涌如轰雷般的金色神罚雷电,在眼看着就要将呆狗小九叶青羽的身躯吞噬的那一瞬间,突然毫无征兆地消失了。 It looks like the beforehand all imposing manners and strengths fluctuates, is only the illusions. 就像是之前的一切气势和力量波动,都只是幻觉而已。 Dull dog Little Nine was startled good long while, has opened the eye. 呆狗小九怔了好半天,才睁开眼睛。 It incomparably discovered with amazement, in sky, there are about the day punishes the golden god thunder the trace, thoroughly vanished. 它无比惊讶地发现,天空之中,又有关于天罚金色神雷的痕迹,都彻彻底底地消失了。 All passed. 一切都过去了。 This...... What's the matter? 这……是怎么回事? The dull dog has feeling helpless of being survivor of disaster. 呆狗有一种劫后余生的不知所措。 At this time it realized suddenly behind had a biting cold chill in the air to transmit. 这时它猛然察觉到背后有一种彻骨寒意传来。 When turns head to look, actually see Ye Qingyu to coldly frozen to be lived by Small Silver Dragon thoroughly, is not limited to this, is sealing the body cold ice, pale silver marks wind, is the same just like dense and numerous rune, is glittering the strange ray, unexpectedly the Ye Qingyu last vitality, covered thoroughly. 扭头看时,却见叶青羽小银龙彻底以寒冰封住,不止于此,在封体的寒冰上,还有一道道淡银色的纹络,宛如密密麻麻的符文一样,闪烁着奇异的光芒,竟是将叶青羽的最后一丝生机,也彻底地掩盖住了。 Small Silver Dragon in the Ye Qingyu body surface cold ice , to continue to crawl fast. 小银龙叶青羽体表的寒冰上,继续快速地爬来爬去。 The place that it climbs over, has the silver trace to stay behind, is exactly the same as the silver rune trace, once connects the production, will have the strange strength to surge , to continue to strengthen the blockade of Ye Qingyu vitality. 它爬过的地方,都有银色的痕迹留下,与银色符文纹路一模一样,一旦连接生成,都会有奇异的力量涌动,继续加强着对叶青羽生机的封锁。 Hum...... Hurt the dead dog......” Little Nine to contort one's face in agony, surprised tunnel: Well...... Small silver you how with that silver snake same...... You swallowed it, meeting ghost magic figure? ” “呜呜……疼死狗了……”小九呲牙咧嘴,惊讶地道:咦……小银你怎么和那条银蛇一样……你吞了它,难道也会鬼画符了?” Whistling...... Shouted!” “呼呼……呼!” Small Silver Dragon an appearance of tired sticking out one's tongue, crawls the last silver pigment figure winds, almost paralyzed on the spot. 小银龙一副累的吐舌头的样子,爬完最后一道银色纹络的时候,几乎都瘫在原地了。 Shouted...... Seals up the Master vitality...... Heaven and Earth thinks that he died...... Divine Punishment...... vanished......” Small Silver Dragon big mouth gasping for breath off and on tunnel. “呼……封住主人的生机……天地会以为他死了……神罚……消失了……”小银龙大口喘气断断续续地道。 Actually is Small Silver Dragon crawled by oneself body, draws strange formation, blocked the Ye Qingyu vitality, when this piece of Heaven and Earth could not feel that existence of Ye Qingyu, thinks he died. 却原来是小银龙以己身爬阵,绘出一个奇异的阵法,封锁住了叶青羽的生机,当这片天地感觉不到叶青羽的存在,会以为他已经死了。 Ye Qingyu dies, the strength of Divine Punishment, voluntarily vanishes certainly. 叶青羽一死,神罚之力,当然是自行消失。 This...... Said that you saved us......” dull dog Little Nine to be also exhausted, swayed soon to crash from the sky, it thought that unprecedented exhausted, the present scenery is getting more and more fuzzy, soon could not support. “这……这么说,你救了我们……”呆狗小九也精疲力尽了,摇摇晃晃快要从天空中坠落下去,它觉得前所未有的疲惫,眼前的景物越来越模糊,快要支撑不住了。 You...... Whistling...... Helped me delay the time......” Small Silver Dragon to be very modest, not having dull dog Little Nine to give self up to take the righteousness same to swallow three Divine Punishment [gold/metal], Small Silver Dragon is unable to achieve this point. “你……呼呼……帮我拖延了时间……”小银龙很谦虚,没有呆狗小九舍身取义一样吞下三道神罚金雷,小银龙也无法做到这一点。 Finally passed. 终于过去了。 --------- --------- Third 第三更
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