IGE :: Volume #5

#456: The day falls the infliction from god

Ye Qingyu, the general situation has decided that can you be willing to give loyalty to me?” 叶青羽,大局已定,你可愿效忠于我?” Jinding crown prince at the same time Yu Feiyan, Venerable the god technique of teaching by the Saint, temporarily has imprisoned the head of Lin Zheng, turns head, the vision fell on the body of Ye Qingyu. 一边的金顶亲王鱼非言,以圣尊教的神术,暂时禁锢了蔺争的头颅,一扭头,目光就落在了叶青羽的身上。 Ye Qingyu has not spoken. 叶青羽没有说话。 He He, Lin Zheng is rebels, unexpectedly attempts to steal the imperial authority, you do not hire oneself he, without doubt is the wisest decision, This King appreciates you very much.” Jinding crown prince Yu Feiyan laughs, said: Hall Master Ye regarding the loyalty of Snow Country Royal Family, This King already heard, today sees, is really the sincerity loyal liver, This King is Snow Country Nobles, the destiny turns over.” “呵呵,蔺争乃是乱臣贼子,居然妄图窃取皇权,你不投靠他,无疑是最英明的决定,本王很欣赏你。”金顶亲王鱼非言大笑,道:“叶殿主对于雪国皇室的忠心,本王早就有所耳闻了,今日一见,果然是赤胆忠肝,本王乃是雪国贵胄,天命所归。” Ye Qingyu has not spoken as before. 叶青羽依旧没有说话。 During a Yu Feiyan actually situation in I grasp the appearance, said: Today the situation worsened this degree, actually did not see the snow emperor to come, you think that was why? Because of the present snow emperor, already did not have the past spirit, including enough strength does not have, to shrink in the imperial palace trembles, does not have the breadth of spirit and acting of Human Race king, lets such person, occupies unjustly the imperial throne, how can promote Human Race? This King these years, have borne patiently, have been dormant, if not for saw with own eyes that the empire declining tendency has decided that the snow emperor is stupid, is willing to participate in competition of this common custom imperial authority? Hall Master Ye you are Human Race a person of great ability and tremendous potential, must be able to realize the This King pains.” 鱼非言却一副大势在我掌握之中的样子,又道:“今日局势恶化到了这种程度,却不见雪帝现身,你以为是为什么?是因为如今的雪帝,早就没有当年的锐气,连足够的实力都没有,缩在皇宫之中瑟瑟发抖,没有人族帝王的气魄和担当,让这样的人,窃据帝位,如何可以振兴人族本王这些年,一直隐忍,一直蛰伏,若不是眼见帝国颓势已定,雪帝昏庸,又怎么愿意参与到这世俗皇权的争夺之中?叶殿主你乃是人族栋梁之才,应当可以体会到本王的苦心。” Painstakingly?” “苦心?” Ye Qingyu opens the mouth finally. 叶青羽终于开口。 His vision, fell above that white short wax. 他的目光,落在了那白色短蜡之上。 The white short wax with is not humanlike the empty shade to contend, the light interlocks, the strange strength fluctuation circulation, is not Heaven Wasteland Domain the strength of yuan qi, extremely treacherous unusual. 白色短蜡与不似人类虚影相争,光影交错,奇异的力量波动流转,并非是天荒界元气之力,极为诡谲奇特。 Yu Feiyan understood the meaning of Ye Qingyu. 鱼非言一眼就明白了叶青羽的意思。 Domestic strength keeps away foreign aggression.” His look imposing tunnel: Right Minister Lin Zheng, corrodes the imperial authority, ambitious, this evildoer power and influence is dreadful, This King these years also force to socialize with it, have a mind to kill the thief, are powerless, therefore can only draw support from the external force, the Saint Venerable to teach is Foreign Domain is honest, there is my Human Race to do obeisance into, favors my Human Race strength, but Black Demon Abyss that Right Minister colludes with, is Foreign Domain is worst the bloody devil influence, root originally to perish my Human Race comes, vicious heart of Right Minister, thus it can be seen.” “攘外必先安内。”他神色凛然地道:“右相蔺争,腐蚀皇权,野心勃勃,这贼子权势滔天,本王这些年也只是勉强与其周旋,有心杀贼,无力回天,所以只能借助外力,圣尊教乃是域外正派,也有我人族拜入其中,是倾向于我人族的力量,而右相勾结的黑魔渊,却是域外最为邪恶血腥的恶魔势力,根本就是为了灭亡我人族而来,右相的狠毒之心,由此可见。” He He......” “呵呵呵……” In the cream wax light prison, Right Minister he he is sneering suddenly the start to talk. 乳白色的蜡光囚牢之中,右相突然呵呵冷笑着开口。 Black Demon Abyss, the Saint Venerable to teach...... Was the past years invades the Tian Huang (Heaven Wasteland) leader, was cut to kill by that war-god, remnant was not loose, the spring breeze blew fresh, this collaborated Black Demon Abyss remnant, you accepted the Saint Venerable to teach the vestiges, to use their strengths, of pleasant to hear......” the head of Right Minister why said that was imprisoned in the wax light, is unable to derive yuan qi of Heaven and Earth, own source was consumed, therefore is unable the recovery body, unable the flesh and blood rebirth, to look like extremely distressed. 黑魔渊,圣尊教……都是当年入侵天荒的魁首,被那位战神斩杀,余孽不散,春风吹又生,本相联手黑魔渊余孽,你收容圣尊教残余,都是为了利用他们的力量而已,何必说的那么好听……”右相的头颅,被囚禁在蜡光之中,无法汲取天地元气,自身本源又被消耗,所以也就无法恢复躯体,无法血肉重生,看起来极为狼狈。 Your destruction at present, but also wants to instigate Hall Master Ye, wants to use him to come to win the time for you?” Yu Feiyan Coldly smiles, said: These years, your schemes and tricks, This King experience were too many, gave up any idea of that must tell tales again.” “老贼你覆灭就在眼前,还想要挑拨叶殿主,想要利用他来为你争取时间吗?”鱼非言冷冷一笑,道:“这些年来,你的阴谋诡计,本王见识的太多了,休想要再搬弄是非。” Then, he looks to Ye Qingyu, said: Hall Master Ye, This King sees you on the same day, knows that you are the peerless talent, the heart have love heart, therefore has tolerated to you, now This King carries the invincible strength, wants to grind kills you, is only instant, actually also did best to convince to say these many, you should be able to feel that This King to your regarding with a special fondness, I knew you and my small apricot niece have the admire mutually, if you are willing to be the This King potency, will wait for This King to ascend the throne in the future, has put down Heaven Wasteland Domain, married you small apricot, when the time comes you were also Royal Family one, This King wholeheartedly to the military, may speak the throne to turn over the throne to another with you, you can. In an show heart retaliates, This King meets the hidden world to leave, how is it? By doing so, can you be willing to believe This King?” 说完,他又看向叶青羽,道:“叶殿主,本王当日见你,就知道你乃是绝世天才,心有爱才之心,所以才对你一直容忍,现在本王身负无敌之力,想要碾杀你,只是一念之间而已,却还苦口婆心说这么多,你应该能够感觉到本王对你的另眼相待,我知你与我那小杏侄女互有爱慕,你若愿意为本王效力,等本王日后登基,扫平了天荒界,就将小杏嫁给你,到时候你也是皇族一员,本王一心向武,可讲皇位禅让与你,你可以。一展心中报复,本王会隐世而离,怎么样?这样做,你可愿意相信本王了吧?” Ye Qingyu took a deep breath. 叶青羽深深地吸了一口气 In this split second 在这一瞬间 Ping! 砰砰砰! The body of Ye Qingyu, blows out blood arrow suddenly, most the body of twentieth day of the fourth or fifth lunar month, the scale fluttered about, within the body like has any thing to him support to explode, blood line cracks appear on the body, making Ye Qingyu seem like must break to pieces the porcelain carving immediately same...... 叶青羽的身上,突然爆出一道道的血箭,已经大部分龙化的身躯,鳞片纷飞,体内像是有什么东西要把他撑爆一样,一道道血线裂缝出现在身体上,让叶青羽看起来像是一尊立刻就要碎掉瓷雕一样…… Solemn bloodstains, have flowed from his eye, mouth and nose, ear and other five senses. 更有一道道俨然血迹,从他的眼睛、口鼻、耳朵等五官之中流淌了出来。 Ahhhhh Ahhhhh......” 啊啊啊啊啊啊……” He cried out crazily that loads crazily. 他疯狂的呐喊,装入疯狂。 Bang! 轰! An unprecedented strength, erupted in Ye Qingyu within the body crazily. 一股前所未有的力量,在叶青羽的体内疯狂地爆发了出来。 In a twinkling the air wave like the raging tide, sweeps across this piece of Heaven and Earth. 霎时间气浪如狂潮,席卷这片天地 Finally...... 终于…… Limitless divine way...... the strength of seven banning. 无极神道……七禁之力。 Ye Qingyu thought one looked like by yuan qi of Heaven and Earth swallowing, each part in within the body, was surging one hard-to-control strength, own flesh and blood seemed to be same in the melting, must change to the yuan qi of Heaven and Earth strength. 叶青羽觉得自己就像是被天地元气给吞噬了,体内的每一个部分,都涌动着一种难以控制的力量,自己的血肉仿佛在融化一样,都要化作天地元气力量。 He knows, this is because Limitless divine way The strength that seven ban was too wild was too strong, is not the intensity of this body can hold. 他知道,这是因为【无极神道】的七禁的力量太狂暴太强大了,已经不是这具身躯的强度所能容纳的。 Especially this type erupts the strength that emerges out of thin air suddenly, does not allow the body to have any adaptation process, among fast walks randomly in within the body all the limbs and bones, looked like the Ocean Ocean hurricane wave floods into the small harbor to be the same suddenly, shortly will destroy this small harbor! 尤其是这种骤然爆发凭空出现的力量,根本不容身体有任何的适应过程,电光石火之间游走在体内四肢百骸,就像是汪洋大海的飓浪突然涌入了小港湾一样,顷刻间就把这小港湾摧毁! However, Ye Qingyu could not give a thought to these many. 但是,叶青羽已经顾不上这么多了。 His parents, ordinary Human Race Martial Artist, faced with the danger, once to protect the compatriot died in battle. 他的父母,普通的人族武者,面临危险,曾经为了保护同胞而战死。 His robe Ze, the servicemen in empire, once lived in all directions the Alien race battlefield sacrifices the young colorful life senselessly. 他的袍泽,帝国的军人们,也曾在四处异族战场生无谓地献出年轻鲜活的生命。 His friend, Qin Zhishui of Unparalleled blade city, to defend the race dignity, does not hesitate into the most wanted terrorist of being the target of public criticism. 他的朋友,无双刀城的秦止水,为了捍卫种族尊严,不惜成为众矢之的的通缉犯。 His deployment, Wen Wan, Ximen Yeshuo, summit dying war in Heaven...... 他的部署,温晚,西门夜说,在九重天之巅死战…… Following fatty, the armed soldiers in bright armed soldier camp, but also under is bathed in blood to slaughter. 还有下面的胖子,光明甲士营的甲士们,还在下方浴血厮杀。 These trust his person, came from the Jiang Hu Sect master, Li Guangbi and Qu Hanshan, almost put together the end of hills and rivers, did not have slight retention. 那些信任他的人,来自于江湖宗门的高手,李光弼曲寒山,几乎拼到了山穷水尽,没有丝毫的保留。 These in the imperial capital, in the empire deadlock, tremble or are the people of pray, is waiting for...... 还有那些在帝都,在帝国僵局之内,瑟瑟发抖或者是祈祷的人,都在等待着…… The life of person, must face many choices. 人的一生,要面临许多选择。 Serious. 或重于泰山。 Lighter than a feather. 或轻于鸿毛。 Bursts out the split second glory, the shining eternity. 或迸发一瞬间的光辉,照耀千古。 Barely managing to maintain a feeble existence of thousand Century, and nobody castigates, but actually innermost feelings difficult secure. 或千百年的苟延残喘,并无人苛责,但却内心难安。 The Ye Qingyu too big ambition, has not become the name, little competes, fears death, wants to live...... 叶青羽没有太大的野心,不趋名,少争利,怕死,想活着…… But, his final, only, cannot get rid the bottom line that rather die than must protect, has one 但,他最后的、唯一的、不能抛弃的、宁死也要守护的底线,只有一个 Protects the family member friend. 保护亲人朋友。 The scarlet light beam is getting more and more rich, the Between Heaven and Earth strength tide is getting more and more crazy, even if no white short wax and black demon empty shade incantation summon mystique, passed some time again, Domain Portal must open thoroughly...... 血色光柱越来越浓郁,天地之间的力量潮汐越来越疯狂,即便是没有白色短蜡和黑魔虚影的咒语召唤秘法,再过一些时间,界域之门就要彻底打开了…… Had read him of innumerable ancient book, in the heart was clearer than anyone, once Domain Portal opened under such situation, that was waiting for Heaven Wasteland Domain Human Race is anything 曾经读过无数古书的他,心中比谁都清楚,一旦界域之门在这样的情况之下打开,那等待着天荒界人族的将是什么 Beyond redemption. 万劫不复。 The strength of seven banning, were representing the death. 七禁之力,代表着死亡。 Not only to enemy, regarding oneself. 不仅是对敌人,也是对于自己。 That...... Perishes together.” “那么……就同归于尽吧。” Ye Qingyu smiles lightly. 叶青羽淡淡地笑。 Also can control own body in oneself slightly, before this body thorough disintegration has not destroyed, matter that must handle only, is 在自己还能略微控制自己的身体,在这一副身体还未彻底崩碎毁灭之前,唯一要做的事情,就是 Kill! 杀! Kills off all enemies. 杀尽一切敌人。 Wild is similar to the destruction chaos storm same strength, the thorough eruption, Limitless divine way seven ban the level the strength, lets Ye Qingyu Battle Strength, in this split second, surmounted Ascending Heaven Boundary to be preliminary finally thoroughly. 狂暴如同毁灭混沌风暴一样的力量,彻底爆发,无极神道七禁层次的力量,让叶青羽战力,在这一瞬间,终于彻底超越了登天境初阶。 This boy...... Insane!” Jinding crown prince Yu Feiyan in great surprise. “这小子……疯了!”金顶亲王鱼非言大惊。 „Not good......” Right Minister Lin Zheng also to have a big shock. “不好……”右相蔺争也是大惊失色。 However below split second, Ye Qingyu has gotten rid. 但是在下一瞬间,叶青羽已经出手。 The whole person changes to a stream of light, will draw near inconceivable, arrived around the scarlet-red colored light column, the copious not imperial strength will sweep across all around, the internal energy fluctuation beyond description will rupture. 整个人化作一道流光,快到了不可思议,来到了赤红色光柱跟前,沛然莫御之力席卷四周,难以形容的元力波动爆裂开来。 No...... Damn!” The black latent evils whoosh incisively. “不……该死!”黑魔影尖锐地嘶吼。 Saves me.” The white short wax also sends out is similar to the rust iron friction common howling. “救我。”白色短蜡也发出如同锈铁摩擦一般的吼叫声。 But all already without enough time. 但一切都已经来不及。 The Ye Qingyu strength erupts thoroughly, the chaos turbulent flow storm place visited, covered them, looked like the dreadful flood puts off the bonfire the ash fire to be the same, did not allow them to respond and struggle slightly, the black latent evils and white short wax, thoroughly suppressed, sweeps for the flying ash. 叶青羽的力量彻底爆发,混沌乱流风暴所过之处,将他们都笼罩在了其中,就像是滔天的洪水扑灭篝火的余烬一样,根本不容他们丝毫的反应和挣扎,就将黑魔影和白色短蜡,都彻底扑灭,扫为飞灰了。 The terrifying strength, Yu Feiyan shook to fly Jinding crown prince directly. 恐怖的力量,将金顶亲王鱼非言直接震飞了出去。 Imprisons the Right Minister Lin Zheng candlelight prison also to be broken, the head of Right Minister was affected, instantaneously becomes covered with blood, the body was broken, seems a blood clear meatball is the same, tumbled in void...... 囚禁右相蔺争的烛光囚牢也被震碎,右相的头颅被波及,瞬间变得血肉模糊,皮肉被震碎,仿佛是一颗血粼粼的肉球一样,在虚空之中翻滚了出去…… Does not want, Little Yu, stops...... in ground quickly, Aunt Heng has a big shock screamed that flushed with Flowing Light generally. “不要,小羽,快停下来……”地面上,衡姑姑大惊失色地尖叫,与流光一般冲了过来。 But Ye Qingyu was unable to control all these. 叶青羽已经无法控制这一切了。 He goes toward red light beam impact crazily. 他疯狂地朝着赤色光柱冲击而去。 He wants with the final strength, inspiring chaos storm / turbulent flow, red light beam directly direct smashing. 他想要用最后的力量,引动混沌风暴/乱流,将赤色光柱直接直接粉碎。 This should be able to destroy Domain Portal.” “这样应该就可以破坏界域之门吧。” Ye Qingyu is thinking at heart like this. 叶青羽在心里这样想着。 At this moment 就在这时 Bang! 轰隆隆! The golden heavenly thunder, the bang in void fell together suddenly, drew near the extreme, without bias and without favor, happen to bang on the body of Ye Qingyu. 一道金色天雷,突然在虚空之中轰落了下来,快到了极点,不偏不倚,正好轰在了叶青羽的身上。 Bang! 轰! Blood fog disintegration. 血雾崩碎。 Endless flesh and blood brilliance instantaneously became the hard coke by the heavenly thunder ignition. 无尽的血肉光华瞬间被天雷灼烧成为了焦炭。 The body of Ye Qingyu, lost all vitalities instantaneously, like was one section suffered accumulation charred wood, in a distance scarlet light beam also less than ten meters place, suddenly, then straightly tenesmused from the space, tenesmuss, tenesmuss...... 叶青羽的身体,瞬间失去了一切生机,像是一截遭受了累积的焦木一样,在距离血色光柱还不到十米的地方,猛然一顿,然后直挺挺地从天上下坠,下坠,下坠…… Damn!” “该死!” The distant place was shaken Jinding crown prince who flies Yu Feiyan to see this, the whole person was shocked. 远处被震飞的金顶亲王鱼非言看到这一幕,整个人都惊呆了。 recovery Lin Zheng of some mortal bodies, the whole body was shivering, does not know that should say anything. 恢复了部分肉身的蔺争,浑身都在颤抖着,不知道该说什么。 That together golden color heavenly thunder...... That is the day punishes. 那一道金色天雷……那是天罚。 Is this piece of Heaven and Earth Heaven Wasteland Domain natural Power of Laws, regarding one penalty that surmounting the Ascending Heaven Boundary strength presented. 是这片天地天荒界的自然法则之力,对于超越了登天境的力量出现的一种惩罚。 The Ye Qingyu strength, in that split second, surmounted Ascending Heaven Boundary to be preliminary, threatens the order operation of this piece of Heaven and Earth, therefore Heavenly Dao lowered [gold/metal], must crush him directly. 叶青羽的力量,在那一瞬间,超越了登天境初阶,威胁到了这片天地的秩序运行,所以天道降下了金雷,要直接粉碎他。 Little Yu......” 小羽……” The Aunt Heng personal appearance like the lightning, the instantaneous electricity shoots the body that but, crashes toward Ye Qingyu meets. 衡姑姑的身形如闪电,瞬间电射而至,朝着叶青羽坠落下来的身体接去。 But at this moment, the sound of sad and shrill long roar, resounds in the ground together. 但就在这时,一道凄厉的长吼之声,在地面响起。 A white light flashed through, snatches before Aunt Heng, caught Ye Qingyu. 一道白光闪过,抢在了衡姑姑之前,将叶青羽接住了。 Is dull dog Little Nine. 是呆狗小九 --------- --------- Second 第二更
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