IGE :: Volume #5

#455: The Saint Senior to teach black demon deep pool

In entire Bright City, now only then Ye Qingyu also has the strength of again war, several other people, such as Qin Zhishui, senior marshal and the others, all lost the battle efficiency. 整个光明城之内,如今只有叶青羽还有再战之力,其他几人,如秦止水、老元帅等人,皆已经丧失了战斗力。 But Aunt Heng also received the heavy injury. 衡姑姑也受了不轻的伤势。 Although after entering Sea of Bitterness Stage Cultivation Base, although can flesh and blood recovery, wound that but the people receive, was really too serious, such as Li Guangbi and Qu Hanshan, almost consumed the strength of source to fight again, is almost unable to stimulate to movement the strength recovery mortal body again. 虽说是进入了苦海境修为之后,虽然可以血肉恢复,但众人受的伤,实在是太严重了,如李光弼曲寒山,几乎是消耗了本源之力再战斗,几乎无法再催动力量恢复肉身。 Only has Ye Qingyu, in this type under environment that might be considered as the hopeless situation, the potential completely sends, 100 Spirit Spring incisiveness of might display. 唯有叶青羽,在这种堪称是绝境的环境之下,潜能尽发,100眼灵泉的威力发挥的淋漓尽致。 He is the same just like the body of Undead/Immortal, no matter received the how serious injury, under support that in vigorous inner yuan grows continually, he momentarily can stimulate to movement True Will of the Sky dragon, In a flash recovery. 他宛如不死之身一样,不管受了多么严重的伤势,在雄浑内元生生不息的支撑之下,他随时都可以催动【天龙真意】,转瞬恢复 Fights at this time, Ye Qingyu did not know the flesh and blood rebirth many times, but the inner yuan still have ample force, has not consumed the strength of source as before. 战斗到此时,叶青羽也不知道血肉重生了多少次,但内元依旧犹有余力,根本未曾消耗本源之力。 The situation, is in serious danger. 局势,危如累卵。 Has not spoken any idle talk again, Ye Qingyu changes to the electricity glow once again, kills to go toward that not humanlike empty shade. 没有再说任何废话,叶青羽再度化作电芒,朝着那不似人类的虚影袭杀而去。 Lin Zheng moves sideways to block. 蔺争闪身拦住。 Gives up, the general situation has decided that the little rascal, waits for the arrival of Heaven Wasteland Domain epoch.” He knocks out the fist conveniently, struck to fly Ye Qingyu once again. “放弃吧,大局已定,小鬼,等待天荒界新纪元的到来吧。”他随手出拳,将叶青羽再度击飞了。 Ye Qingyu corners of the mouth overflow blood, floats in void. 叶青羽嘴角溢出鲜血,漂浮在虚空之中。 Was not humanlike the empty shade to start the cry sound mysterious incantation to recite once more, that tyrannical ancient strength, reappeared once again. 不似人类虚影再次开始了唳声神秘的咒语般吟唱,那暴虐古老的力量,再度浮现。 In the scarlet-red colored light column, the strange fearful shadow reappears once again, came from just like a leader the demon beast of great antiquity demon god time same, must clash impatiently from that red light beam, disaster world. 赤红色光柱之中,诡异可怕的黑影再度浮现,宛如一头头来自于洪荒魔神时代的魔兽一样,迫不及待地要从那赤色光柱之中冲出来,祸乱天下。 Ye Qingyu took a deep breath. 叶青羽深深地吸了一口气 To this time, he did not have any means that all motions likely are the futile effort trapped|sleepy beast struggle. 到了这个时候,他已经没有了什么办法,一切行动都像是徒劳的困兽挣扎。 But even if the trapped|sleepy beast, will struggle. 但即便是困兽,也会挣扎。 Let alone is the person. 何况是人。 He has stimulated to movement True Will of the Sky dragon once more, incarnation is the dragon, the Crape Myrtle sword integrates in the dantian, is attacking a Limitless divine way higher level crazily. 他再次催动了天龙真意,化身为龙,紫薇剑纳入丹田之中,疯狂地冲击着无极神道的更高层次。 If stimulates to movement six to ban Limitless divine way or is seven bans, can perhaps defeat Lin Zheng, stops arrival of this catastrophe!” “如果将无极神道催动六禁或者是七禁,或许就可以击败蔺争,阻拦住这一次浩劫的降临吧!” He is attempting crazily. 他疯狂地尝试着。 His imposing manner, crazily is also promoting. 他的气势,也在疯狂地提升着。 In the heart did not have slight scruples, even if therefore was exploded by the wild strength brace does not matter, Divine Sense unites. 心中没有了丝毫的顾忌,哪怕是因此被狂暴的力量撑爆也无所谓,神念合一。 Bans...... 一禁…… Two ban...... 二禁…… Three ban...... 三禁…… Five ban...... 五禁…… Ye Qingyu internal energy surges like the raging tide. 叶青羽元力涌动如狂潮。 The speed of his Battle Strength promotion, almost flickers Realm to be ordinary, made one stare dumbfounded simply, the silver Cold Qi brilliance that the whole body sent out, making his whole person just like round Dongyang Clear Sun common, dazzling cannot watch intently. 战力提升的速度,几乎是一瞬一境界一般,简直令人瞠目结舌,浑身散发出的银色寒气光焰,让他整个人宛如一轮东阳昊日一般,璀璨夺目不可逼视。 Right Minister Lin Zheng narrowed eye slightly. 右相蔺争微微眯起了眼睛。 He on the body of Ye Qingyu, felt a threat, but this type of threat dangerous aura, but also was strengthening crazily. 他在叶青羽的身上,感觉到了一丝威胁,而这种威胁危险的气息,还在疯狂地增强着。 Also is that mystique! 又是那种秘法! During the beforehand fight, Right Minister Lin Zheng had seen repeatedly Ye Qingyu promoted the Battle Strength mystique. 在之前的战斗之中,右相蔺争已经多次见到过叶青羽提升战力的秘法了。 Cannot make him continue to promote. 不能让他继续提升下去了。 Otherwise, must go bad the important matter. 否则,要坏了大事。 Lin Zheng gets rid once again. 蔺争再度出手。 Five ban the condition Ye Qingyu, is equal to Sea of Bitterness Stage Ocean Realm Battle Strength, has supported three moves, again was rumbled to fly. 五禁状态的叶青羽,相当于苦海境汪洋境界战力,支撑了三招,再一次被轰飞。 He spurts the blood to fly upside down the kilometer, two legs, made into the powder powder directly. 他喷血倒飞出千米,两条腿,直接被打成了齑粉。 Void , the intermittent sky roars long recites. 虚空之中,阵阵天空怒吼长吟。 Ye Qingyu stimulates to movement True Will of the Sky dragon crazily, flesh and blood are similar to the scarlet large snake are the same, from wounding to spread, pesters mutually in together, with naked eye obvious speed reorganization both legs...... 叶青羽疯狂地催动天龙真意,一道道的血肉如同血色长蛇一样,从创口出蔓延出来,相互纠缠在一起,以肉眼可见的速度重组双腿…… Lin Zheng has not continued to chase down. 蔺争并没有继续追杀。 His full power alerts Protector, protected side that not humanlike empty shade, obviously was feared that had the accident to occur again. 全力戒备护法,守护在了那不似人类的虚影身边,显然是怕再有意外发生。 The matter carries on this degree, Ye Qingyu regarding him, such as hits the Undead/Immortal fly to be the same, although is very bothersome, because but if pursues a fly, but lured the enemy out of his stronghod, destroys the important matter that the god has caused, that may on the real gain does not equal the loss. 事情进行到这种程度,叶青羽对于他来说,如一只打不死的苍蝇一样,虽然很烦,但若是因为去追一只苍蝇,而被调虎离山,破坏了神使的大事,那可就真的得不偿失了。 Beyond kilometer. 千米外。 The body of Ye Qingyu grows. 叶青羽的身体重新生长完毕。 Without any other means that he, if likes a moth to the flame to be the same, stimulates to movement once again crazily Limitless divine way, The attempt triggers enters higher Realm. 没有其他任何办法,他如飞蛾扑火一样,再度疯狂地催动【无极神道】,尝试触发进入更高的境界 When the fight carries on certain degree, when the fighting spirit by the crazy stimulation, in the mind of person, will be abandoned all other distracting thoughts, with boring tip of cows horn to be the same, has a thought. 当战斗进行到一定的程度,当斗志被疯狂的激发,人的脑海之中,会摒弃一切其他杂念,和钻了牛角尖一样,只有一个念头。 Ye Qingyu now is so. 叶青羽现在就是如此。 In his mind the only thought is triggers a higher level Limitless divine way, strikes to kill Lin Zheng, prevents opening of Domain Portal. 他脑海之中唯一的念头就是触发更高层次的无极神道,击杀蔺争,阻止界域之门的打开。 The sound of Tianlong roaring long recitation, resounds through once again void. 天龙怒吼长吟之声,再度响彻虚空。 Right Minister Lin Zheng stands erect void, looks at this indifferently, seems is looking that a strong point ant is attempting to swallow a big dragon. 右相蔺争屹立虚空,冷眼看着这一幕,仿佛是在看着一只强壮一点的蚂蚁正在尝试吞噬一头巨龙。 But in that split second 但就在那么一瞬间 Suddenly, the police trillion has. 突然,警兆顿生。 Has not waited for him to respond that the void gate opens, a fist printed suddenly on his waist keel, the terror to strength beyond description, the eruption, on easily accomplished has crushed the Lin Zheng body instantaneously generally. 还未等他反应过来,身后虚空之门打开,一只拳头猛然印在了他的腰脊上,恐怖到了难以形容的力量,爆发,瞬间就摧枯拉朽一般粉碎了蔺争的身躯。 This strength, comes is too sudden, extremely in fearfulness, successive White tiger fights armor The light tiger with enough time had not responded that has not made any defense...... 这种力量,来的太突然,也太过于可怕,以至于连【白虎战甲】所化的光虎都没有来得及反应,没有做出任何防御…… Ha Ha Ha......” 哈哈哈……” The wild aggressive long laughter, surges in void. 狂放霸气的长笑声,在虚空之中激荡开来。 In the void gate, a tall and strong slender personal appearance, walked, Golden Armour, the facial features are handsome, jaw next three black long beard, the graceful bearing is repeatedly great, is Jinding crown prince Yu Feiyan. 虚空之门中,一个魁梧修长的身形,走了出来,一身金甲,面容英俊,颌下三屡黑色长须,风姿伟岸,正是金顶亲王鱼非言 In his top of the head, float is burning to only remaining less than half inch white candle, halo, the glory drags, looks like strange incomparable. 在他的头顶,悬浮着一株燃烧到只剩下不足半寸的白色蜡烛,光晕点点,光辉摇曳,看起来诡异无比。 You......” “你……” Lin Zheng gets angry the angry big roar. 蔺争发怒愤怒的大吼声。 His body was destroyed, only remaining a head, on the face is the shock, and unbelievable to the extreme expression, is staring at Yu Feiyan stubbornly. 他的身躯被打碎,只剩下了一颗头颅,脸上是震惊且难以置信到了极点的表情,死死地盯着鱼非言 Ha Ha Ha, the old thing, praying mantis Bu Chan, isn't the canary, you can plan for a lifetime? To finally do not die in the hand of This King!” 哈哈哈,老东西,螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后,你不是一辈子都能算计吗?到最后还不是要死在本王的手中!” Yu Feiyan strikes to go well, carefree in heart, is simply beyond description with the language. 鱼非言一击得手,心中的畅快,简直用语言难以形容。 Since many years, individual Cultivation Base or influence management, the prestigious mold or the political strategy struggle, Yu Feiyan times were suppressed by Right Minister Lin Zheng, little can gain ground. 多少年以来,不论是个人修为还是势力经营,不论是威望塑造还是权谋斗争,鱼非言一次次都被右相蔺争打压,很少能够抬起头来。 However now, all finished. 但是现在,一切都结束了。 This easily accomplished fist, all product strongly fragrant angers in the Yu Feiyan heart, vented an incisiveness a moment ago. 刚才这摧枯拉朽的一拳,将鱼非言心中所有的积郁块垒,发泄了个淋漓尽致。 Your strength...... your this boorish fellow, actually also......” Lin Zheng suddenly understood anything. “你的实力……你这个莽夫,竟然也……”蔺争恍然之间明白了什么。 He felt, the strength of that fist, at all was not Yu Feiyan should have the strength that a moment ago, he saw Yu Feiyan top of the head float that white short wax, immediately knows that originally this empire Royal Family first crown prince, has hired unexpectedly also oneself Foreign Domain Fiendgod. 他感觉到了,刚才那一拳的力量,根本不是鱼非言应该有的力量,他看到了鱼非言头顶悬浮的那颗白色短蜡,立刻就知道,原来这位帝国皇室第一亲王,竟然也是投靠了域外神魔 Ha Ha, the old thing, you think that you collude with the matter of Foreign Domain Fiendgod, flawless? You think that you do place that many informers in my palace, This King do not know really? This King bears patiently for many years, waits is the day, Ha Ha, the old thing, next year today, is your death anniversary.” “哈哈,老东西,你以为你勾结域外神魔之事,天衣无缝吗?你以为你在我府中安插那么多的眼线,本王真的不知道吗?本王隐忍多年,等的就是这一日,哈哈,老东西,明年的今日,就是你的忌日。” Yu Feiyan carefree dripping was venting excitement in the heart. 鱼非言畅快淋漓的发泄着自己心中的兴奋。 Fights a battle to force a quick decision, in order to avoid a long delay usually means many problems.” “速战速决,以免夜长梦多。” The white short wax sends out sound/noise. 白色短蜡发出声音 Snort, knew.” “哼,知道了。” Yu Feiyan cold snort|hum, whole body surges the incomparably tyrannical strength, the both hands ten fingers is flying high distantly grasps, ten candle glory gassed threads, spread across just like the trap are common, have locked void, the head of Right Minister Lin Zheng, imprisoned in less than a space of wooden crate size directly. 鱼非言冷哼一声,浑身涌动着无比强横的力量,双手十指遥遥凌空一抓,十道蜡烛光辉般的光丝,纵横交错宛如罗网一般,锁定了虚空,将右相蔺争的头颅,直接囚禁在了不到一片木箱大小的空间里。 Lost Lin Zheng of body, freely in strongly recovery **, but Battle Strength actually fell suddenly did not have the several fold , can only stimulate to movement reluctantly White tiger fights armor, Has formed a halo of white tiger appearance, will protect. 失去了身体的蔺争,尽管在竭力恢复**,但战力却是暴跌了无数倍,也只能勉强催动【白虎战甲】,形成了一个白虎模样的光晕,将自己保护在其中。 Yu Feiyan stimulates to movement the strength crazily, wants Lin Zheng finally this head refining. 鱼非言疯狂地催动力量,想要将蔺争最后这颗头颅炼化 But that white short wax of float his top of the head, was actually floating leisurely arrived by the scarlet red light column. 而悬浮他头顶的那支白色短蜡,却是飘飘悠悠来到了赤红光柱旁边。 Shade demon old, has not thought that in the past a war, you lived unexpectedly, but also overlooked the Snow Country person, arrange this kind of line, endured Domain Portal to open again......” “影魔老儿,没想到当年一战,你竟是活了下来,还俯视了雪国的人,布下这样一条线,熬到了界域之门再开的时候……” White short wax distance that is not humanlike the empty shade 20 meters, the candlelight is beautiful and bewitching, spreads a spirit to fluctuate. 白色短蜡距离那不似人类虚影20米,烛光妖冶,传出一阵精神波动。 Main body has not thought that before Saint Venerable the eight Saint lotus thrones of founder , a candle that consecrates, had not been suppressed by that person in the past......” is not humanlike the empty shade to send out sound/noise. “本尊也没有想到,圣尊教主的八圣莲台前供奉的一颗蜡烛,当年没有被那人扑灭……”不似人类虚影发出声音 But he was reciting incantation as before. 但他依旧在吟唱着咒语。 The offense roar and roaring sound of in the red light beam, spreads are getting more and more clear, that is similar to the Demon ghost general black shadow is also getting more and more clear, does not know that is any monster, some sharp claws and corners, even soon struggled from the red light beam. 赤色光柱之中,传出的戾吼和咆哮之声越来越清晰,那如同妖魔鬼怪一般的黑色暗影也越来越清晰,也不知道是什么怪物,有一些利爪和犄角,甚至都快要从赤色光柱之中挣扎出来了。 Your ambition was also too big, does Black Demon Abyss want to monopolize this together Heaven and Earth Domain Portal? This King actually does not comply......” “你的野心也太大了,黑魔渊想要独占这一道天地域门吗?本座却是不答应……” White short candle light drags. 白色短蜡烛光摇曳。 Silver gassed threads shoot from the average of candlelight, just like a handle handle sharp sword, will want not to be humanlike the empty shade to cut directly broken. 一道道银色光丝从烛光之中流射出来,宛如一柄柄利剑,想要将不似人类虚影直接斩碎。 Roar, damn!” “吼,该死!” It is not humanlike empty shade offense roar. 不似人类虚影戾吼。 His recitation summon incantation, again was broken, in the scarlet-red colored light column the originally clear shadows, get down fast gloomily, the sound of offense roar roaring, is getting more and more remote, as if returned to another world to be the same. 他的吟唱召唤咒语,再一次被打断,赤红色光柱里面原本清晰的黑影们,快速暗淡下去,戾吼咆哮之声,也越来越遥远,仿佛是回到了另外一个世界一样。 Black demon Tun Tian!” “黑魔吞天!” It is not humanlike the empty shade to roar, inflates suddenly, changes to a surrounding area hundred meters abyss huge mouth, opens mouth attracts, directly has attracted that white short wax, wants to suppress it. 不似人类虚影怒吼,猛然膨胀,化作一张方圆百米的深渊巨口,张嘴一吸,直接将那白色短蜡吸了进去,想要将其扑灭。 Saint soul does not extinguish, the Saint flame illuminates for nine days!” “圣魂不灭,圣炎照九天!” The white short wax also sends out sound/noise, originally, only then the candlelight of finger size, the inflation, erupts suddenly just like the hot sun general glory, candlelight light swords project continuously, punctures that black empty shade huge mouth. 白色短蜡也发出声音,原本只有指头大小的烛光,骤然膨胀,爆发出宛如烈日一般的光辉,一道道烛光光剑绵绵不绝地射出,将那黑色虚影巨口刺破。 Ye Qingyu stands in the distant place, is trying the stimulation of movement as before unceasingly Limitless divine way Bans the level high. 叶青羽站在远处,依旧在不断地尝试着催动【无极神道】的高禁层次。 The appearance of Yu Feiyan, nearly in strikes to kill Right Minister Lin Zheng. 鱼非言的出现,近乎于将右相蔺争击杀。 But Ye Qingyu does not think that the matter obtained containment. 叶青羽并不认为事情得到了遏制。 Because Yu Feiyan performance likely is not Li Guangbi, Qu Hanshan and the others was ordinary, because on Yu Feiyan is surging that strength, obviously is not the strength of his source, but came from that white candle. 因为鱼非言表现的并不像是李光弼曲寒山等人一般,更因为鱼非言身上涌动着的那股力量,明显不是他的本源之力,而是来自于那支白色蜡烛。 The Saint Venerable to teach! 圣尊教! Black Demon Abyss! 黑魔渊 This is the Foreign Domain demon in legend teaches. 这就是传说之中的域外魔教。 But is not humanlike the status of empty shade and white short wax, has completely exposed, they are Foreign Domain Fiendgod in legend. 而不似人类虚影和白色短蜡的身份,已经彻底暴露,他们就是传说之中的域外神魔 Right Minister Lin Zheng, Jinding crown prince Yu Feiyan, is not the good thing, hired oneself the Foreign Domain demon to teach completely. 右相蔺争,金顶亲王鱼非言,都不是什么好东西,全部都投靠了域外魔教。 Serious of matter during compared with imagination. 事情比想象之中的严重。 ----------------------- ----------------------- Calculates, the day before yesterday owed one, owed two yesterday, in addition has owed three. 算一下,前天欠一更,昨天欠两更,加起来欠了三更。 Today starts to make up, guarantees a minimum three, words that the mentality is suitable, to four 今天开始补,保底三更,思路顺的话,冲四更
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