IGE :: Volume #5

#454: The gate of domain

Awful! 糟糕! Sees this, in the heart of Ye Qingyu, immediately reappears an important matter not wonderful feeling. 看到这一幕,叶青羽的心中,顿时浮现出一种大事不妙的感觉。 That split second, Ye Qingyu thinks a moment ago Lin Zheng must storm into the Bright God palace, therefore first stopped up above the float steps entrance, but has not thought...... 刚才那一瞬间,叶青羽以为蔺争要攻入光明神殿之中,所以第一时间堵在了悬浮阶梯之上的入口,但是没有想到…… Why wants the fist to rumble the base in Bright God palace? 为什么要拳轰光明神殿的底部? In the Ye Qingyu heart draws a big question mark. 叶青羽心中画出一个大大的问号。 Since the Radiant Palace Hall gods have been float above place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, depends upon the fire quiet spring tumbling transpiration thermal energy and rune formation of temple foundation is impractical, but can also derive the energy from the place fire quiet spring continuously! 一直以来,光明殿神都是悬浮在地火幽泉剑坑之上的,依靠地火幽泉翻滚蒸腾的热力和神殿底座的符文阵法而虚浮,还可以源源不断地从地火幽泉之中汲取能量! Ye Qingyu once had also gone to the foundation of temple, has observed and emulated above rune formation. 叶青羽自己也曾去过神殿的底座,去观摩过其上的符文阵法 But to be honest, there originally anything has not been worth the place of attention specially. 但老实说,那里根本就没有什么特别值得注意之处。 Bang! 轰隆隆! After Right Minister Lin Zheng has rumbled a fist, Radiant Palace Hall bang sends out strange thundering, the entire main hall shivered fiercely, rises toward the sky. 右相蔺争轰了一拳之后,光明殿轰隆隆地发出一种奇异的轰鸣,整个大殿剧烈地颤抖了起来,朝着天空之中升去。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! One after the fist, Right Minister fist potential such as Ben Thunder, own strength, stimulated to movement the acme, the whole person with binding in White tiger armor In the brilliance, among fast does not know that rumbled many fists. 一拳之后,右相拳势如奔雷,将自身的实力,催动到了极致,整个人携裹在【白虎铠甲】的光焰之中,电光石火之间也不知道轰出了多少拳。 Entire Bright God palace by rumbling is similar to the giant slungshot ascends to go toward the sky in generally unceasingly. 整个光明神殿被轰的如同巨大飞石一般朝着天空之中不断地升腾而去。 Ye Qingyu stands above main hall entrance ground mass, when responded the time , the Bright God palace is soared unexpectedly near kilometer, then crookedly flies in the Eastern direction...... 叶青羽站在大殿门口的石基之上,等到反应过来的时候,光明神殿竟是已经腾空近千米,接着歪歪斜斜地朝着正东方的方向飞去…… Is good seems like because of this ordinary black rock carves the Bright God palace that the repair becomes, unexpectedly extraordinarily incomparably firm, is separated range that fire quiet Quan Jiankeng has covered, is unable to continue to derive the energy from the place fire quiet spring, but in Right Minister points out frankly under the bombardment of day heavy blows together, but shakes fiercely, actually links damages slightly has not appeared. 好在这看起来像是普通黑色岩石雕琢修葺而成的光明神殿,竟是出奇地无比坚固,脱离了地火幽泉剑坑覆盖的范围,无法继续从地火幽泉之中汲取能量,但在右相一道道破天重拳的轰击之下,只是剧烈地震荡,却连丝毫破损都没有出现。 „Can Right Minister do?” 右相到底要干嘛?” In the Ye Qingyu heart the thought glitters just like the urgent telegram generally. 叶青羽心中念头宛如急电一般闪烁。 He is just about to get rid to prevent, suddenly, in the sky, exploded the common bang to thunder together void the appearance. 他正要出手阻止的时候,突然之间,天空之中,一道虚空炸了一般的巨响轰鸣出现。 This bang was really too fearful. 这一声巨响实在是太可怕了。 In a flash, in the imperial capital, does not know many the building and bright Yu Louge, viaduct and idol sculpture, was shaken to collapse by the sound wave of this terror. 一瞬之间,帝都之中,不知道有多少的房屋建筑、朗宇楼阁、高架桥和神像雕塑,被这恐怖的音波震得坍塌了下来。 Although is during the endless night, but the rich dim light of night is unable as before that because the construction collapses the lead Yun Yiban mist and dust that shoots up to the sky to cover. 虽然是长夜之中,但浓郁的夜色依旧无法将那一道道因为建筑坍塌而冲天而起的铅云一般的烟尘笼罩。 Ye Qingyu this grade of Cultivation Base, thought that like had two thunderclap in own ear eye crack, at present an intermittent Venus scatters. 叶青羽这等修为,都觉得像是有两道霹雳在自己的耳朵眼之中炸响了一样,眼前一阵阵金星四溅。 That bang sound resounds from the Bright City center above place. 那巨响声正是从光明城中心上空的地方响起。 Under also in battle expert of two big camps, some skill slightly low people, expert that these were seriously injured, resulted in the mouth and nose to spurt the blood by this acoustic shock, fainted...... 下方还在交战的两大阵营的强者,一些功力稍微低一些的人,还有那些受了重伤的强者,被这一声震得口鼻喷血,晕死了过去…… Bloody battle, stopped gradually. 血腥的厮杀,也逐渐停了下来。 All people panic-stricken look up the sky. 所有人都惊恐地抬头看着天空。 Sees only such as above the nighttime sky of black ink jet black, first is everywhere mist and flying snow does not have the indication to revolve, has formed Yun Yan an vortex general center, then bonded as if to twist including the ray and space wall. 只见漆黑如墨的夜空上方,先是漫天云气和飞雪毫无征兆地旋转起来,形成了一个云眼漩涡一般的中心,接着连光线和空间壁障似乎都扭曲了起来。 Sky distortion likely is the chaos storm vortex. 天空扭曲的像是混沌风暴漩涡。 This chaos storm vortex from infancy to maturity, expands to spread crazily, almost in 1-2 blink, has covered a surrounding area several thousand li (0.5km) nighttime sky, when gains ground looks, just like a piece of universe galaxy, suddenly arrives in the nighttime sky. 这混沌风暴漩涡从小到大,疯狂地扩张蔓延,几乎是在一两个眨眼之间,就覆盖了方圆数千里的夜空,抬头看时,宛如一片宇宙星河,骤然降临在了夜空中。 Mystical. 神秘。 Broad. 恢弘。 Just likes the god boundary. 犹如神境。 But mist and dust that in the ground that shoots up to the sky, under the hauling of this giant chaos storm vortex, the blue dragon that such as a leader shoots up to the sky, has converged in the vortex, the strange great picture, seems ten thousand Dragon Guichao, stirring. 而地面上那冲天而起的烟尘,在这巨大混沌风暴漩涡的牵引之下,如一头头冲天而起的苍龙,汇入了漩涡之中,奇异宏大的画面,似乎是万龙归巢,震撼人心。 All people in this split second, realized Heaven and Earth boundless vast, oneself body tiny base and low. 所有人在这一瞬间,都体会到了天地之磅礴浩瀚,己身之渺小卑微。 People in the face of such Heaven and Earth marvelous sight, just like a dust sand. 人在这样的天地奇景面前,宛如一粒尘沙。 This what's the matter?” “这到底是怎么回事?” Ye Qingyu was shocked thoroughly. 叶青羽被彻底震撼了。 So treacherous peerless picture, simply not world. 如此诡谲绝伦的画面,简直不似人间。 Suddenly 突然 Bang! 轰! An invisible great field of force, instantaneously spout from that chaos storm vortex, the radiation has covered the entire imperial capital. 一种无形宏大的力场,瞬间从那混沌风暴漩涡之中喷涌出来,辐射覆盖了整个帝都。 Ye Qingyu thinks the body suddenly one light. 叶青羽猛然觉得身体一轻。 When lowers the head looked, sees only in the ground to have 低头看时,只见地面上有 The dust crushed stone, floated slowly, hikes up toward the sky in calmly, just likes the grass stalk float in water stream. 尘埃碎石,已经缓缓地漂浮了起来,朝着天空之中无风飘起,犹如草茎漂浮在水流之中。 What's the matter? The gravity of ground, resembles unexpectedly is vanishing slowly same......” “怎么回事?地面的重力,竟似是在缓缓消失一样……” The heart of Ye Qingyu is palpitating. 叶青羽的心在悸动。 He felt that a destruction arrived at the common fearful aura. 他感觉到了一种毁灭降临一般的可怕气息。 At this time Right Minister has no longer shelled the Bright God palace. 此时右相已经不再轰击光明神殿。 His personal appearance Flashed, went to sky over the Bright City dead center, White tiger fights armor Changed to an exquisite adorable white light tiger, squats in his left shoulder. 他的身形一闪,来到了光明城上空的正中心,【白虎战甲】重新化作了一头玲珑可爱的白色光虎,蹲在他的左肩。 After one type very strange hesitates slightly, his palm show, one group of silver rays glitter slightly, does not see clearly this silver light is any thing, was emitted by his internal energy, shot to fly toward below. 在一种很奇怪的略微犹豫之后,他掌心一展,一团银色光芒微微闪烁,也看不清楚这银光到底是一个什么东西,被他元力喷吐,朝着下面射飞了出去。 „It is not good, this must make a connection with the Space-Time channel, opens Domain Portal...... to prevent him quickly!” “不好,这老贼要打通时空通道,开启界域之门……快阻止他!” In the ground hears the senior marshal Li Guangbi shouting angrily sound. 地面上传来老元帅李光弼的怒喝声。 But all already without enough time. 但一切已经来不及了。 The silver light speed is too fast. 银光速度太快。 Flowing Light Flashed. 流光一闪 This group of silver, directly were only injected below place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng. 这团银光,就被直接射入了下方的地火幽泉剑坑之中。 Slightly Between Heaven and Earth, has flickers silent silent. 天地之间,有那么微微一瞬的寂静沉默。 It looks like the fire eruption is then same, bang, the imperial capital earth shakes fiercely, the innumerable buildings collapse instantaneously, a huge scarlet-red colored light column, erupts suddenly from that sword pit, direct impact vault of heaven. 接着就像是地火喷发一样,轰地一声,帝都大地剧烈地震荡,无数建筑物瞬间倒塌,一道巨大的赤红色光柱,猛然之间从那剑坑之中爆发出来,直冲天穹。 Earth gravity instantaneous recovery. 大地重力瞬间恢复 All stones, blood beads, dust float wait / etc., instantaneous bang pounded to fall. 所有漂浮的石块、血珠、尘埃等等,瞬间轰隆砸落了下来。 This split second, as if the earthquake erupts, does not know in the imperial capital, many the life died. 一瞬间,仿佛地震爆发,也不知道帝都之中,有多少的生灵死去。 That scarlet-red such as the light beam of blood, shoots at the vault of heaven, happen to submerged sky most center in chaos storm vortex. 那赤红如血的光柱,射向天穹,正好没入了天空之中的混沌风暴漩涡的最中心。 The day and place, were connected. 天与地,被连接。 One type does not belong to the Heaven Wasteland Domain strength, grows out of nothing, bursts out from below place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng. 一种不属于天荒界的力量,从无到有,从下方的地火幽泉剑坑之中迸发出来。 In this split second, Ye Qingyu understood anything suddenly. 在这一瞬间,叶青羽猛然明白了什么。 Domain Portal. 界域之门 Place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng who originally this deeply does not see the bottom, unexpectedly is Domain Portal in legend. 原来这深不见底的地火幽泉剑坑,竟然就是传说之中的界域之门 Before Ye Qingyu has thought that the gates to other domain, should be hides in the territory void slit crack, after all only then the space magic, can communicate different domain. 之前叶青羽一直以为,通往其他界域的门,应该是隐藏域虚空缝隙裂缝之中,毕竟只有空间魔法,才能沟通不同的界域 However has not thought that true Domain Portal, hides in unexpectedly underground. 但是没有想到,真正的界域之门,竟然是隐藏在地下。 Reason that Right Minister so greatly takes a lot of care attacks Radiant Palace Hall, but reason that Radiant Palace Hall also became this great change central point , because, under of Bright God palace, is hiding Domain Portal unexpectedly. 右相之所以如此大费心思地攻击光明殿,而光明殿也之所以成为了这次巨变的中心点,就是因为,在光明神殿的下方,居然隐藏着一个界域之门 Ye Qingyu does not know that this Domain Portal, before Snow Country is Domain Portal that grasps same, but is very obvious, the eruption of Domain Portal, regarding Snow Country, seems not a good deed. 叶青羽不知道这个界域之门,和雪国之前掌握的域门是不是同一个,但很显然,域门的爆发,对于雪国来说,似乎并不是一件好事。 Is Right Minister toward place fire quiet spring, that together silver light group of throwing down, what thing? 到底右相朝着地火幽泉之中,丢下去的那一道银色光团,是什么东西? The Ye Qingyu vision, focused on that scarlet red light beam. 叶青羽的目光,聚焦在了那赤红色的光柱上。 The matter develops this step, the beforehand effort, seemed completely failed. 事情发展到这一步,自己之前的努力,似乎是已经全部都失败了。 Then this does? 接下来该怎么做? What should make? 该做什么? He a little feels helpless suddenly. 他突然有点儿不知所措。 At this moment 就在这时 Ha Ha Ha Ha...... Domain Portal opened finally, Lin Zheng, you do is very good, does unusual good......” 哈哈哈哈……域门终于开了,蔺争,你做的很好,做的非常好……” sound/noise of treacherous hidden in the shade, resounds in the sky. 一个诡谲阴翳的声音,在天空之中响起。 In the Right Minister Lin Zheng side, reappeared suddenly not a humanlike empty shade, the light red brilliance was covering it, words that in the mouth said that was actually most standard empire Mandarin. 右相蔺争的身边,突然浮现出了一个不似人类的虚影,淡红色的光焰笼罩着它,口中说出的话,却是最标准的帝国官话。 Do not forget our agreements.” “不要忘记我们的约定。” Lin Zheng stands erect in void. 蔺争屹立于虚空之中。 His look, is somewhat strange, the whole person is at a strange silent status, no longer before , that god keeps off the Slaughter God Buddha to keep off to kill the swift and fierce internal combustion engine of Buddha, as if after completing all matters, on the contrary is a little disturbed and hesitant. 他的神色,有些奇怪,整个人处于一种奇异的静默状态,不复之前那种神挡杀神佛挡杀佛的凌厉气机,仿佛在做完了所有的事情之后,反倒是有点儿忐忑和犹豫。 Relax, the demon main children arrive, you will obtain all that you want......” “放心吧,魔主的孩子们降临,你将会得到你想要的一切……” This not humanlike empty shade, once that god caused in the Right Minister palace has presented obviously. 这不似人类的虚影,显然正是曾经在右相府之中出现过的那位神使。 It approaches toward scarlet-red colored light column slowly. 它缓缓地朝着赤红色光柱靠近。 A strange obscure language, sends out from its mouth. 一种奇异晦涩的语言,从它的口中发出。 Resembling is the incantation is ordinary. 似是咒语一般。 This sound/noise surges in Between Heaven and Earth, changes to one mysterious gloomy strength, has initiated resonating of some Between Heaven and Earth strange materials. 声音激荡在天地之间,化作一种神秘阴沉的力量,引发了天地之间一些奇异物质的共振。 This sound/noise just likes from Asura blood prison recitation of devil, from various imperial capital ruins, has brought in the strength of dead soul, finally changed to the bunch of scarlet fluorescence, converged that from place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, in scarlet-red colored light column that erupted. 声音犹如来自于修罗血狱的恶魔的吟唱,从帝都各处废墟中,引来了亡者魂魄之力,最后化作了一团团血色荧光,汇入到了那从地火幽泉剑坑之中,喷发出来的赤红色光柱之中。 Roar roar roar!” “吼吼吼!” Bang......” “轰……” Tyrannical and vicious tendencies the sound of roaring, passed from the scarlet-red colored light column. 暴虐而又戾气的吼叫之声,从赤红色光柱之中传了出来。 Indistinct, but can also see just likes the monster common shadow, glitters in this light beam, goes all out to struggle, wants to work loose from inside. 隐约之间,还可以看到有犹如怪物一般的暗影,在这光柱之中闪烁,拼命地挣扎着,想要从里面挣脱出来。 But along with the sound of resounding cloudy offense that not humanlike empty shade recitation, the shadow monster in light beam, are even more getting more and more, the personal appearance is also getting more and more clear. 而随着那不似人类的虚影的吟唱之声越发地高亢阴戾,光柱之中的黑影怪物,越来越多,身形也越来越清晰。 „Is this through Domain Portal, the summon is coming from the biology of foreign country?” “这是在通过界域之门,呼唤来自于外域的生物吗?” Ye Qingyu understood anything. 叶青羽明白了什么。 From the aura of that not humanlike shadow, the offense roar that spreads from the scarlet-red colored light column, Ye Qingyu has been able to judge as before indistinctly, these Foreign Domain living thing, absolutely are not the friendly kind. 从那不似人类的暗影的气息,依旧从赤红色光柱中传出的戾吼,叶青羽已经隐约可以判断,这些域外生物,绝对不是什么善类。 In the past that war-god, above place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, has suppressed a Bright God palace, should to suppress these monsters, in order to avoid they invaded Heaven Wasteland Domain. 当年那位战神,在地火幽泉剑坑上方,镇压了一座光明神殿,应该就是为了镇压这些怪物,以免他们入侵天荒界 Such being the case...... 既然如此…… The Ye Qingyu personal appearance changes to a stream of light, the Crape Myrtle sword sword glow in hand rises suddenly, Person king Sword Technique Secret technique coordination bronze ancient book Fiendgod titled chart In war technique, kills toward that not humanlike empty shade. 叶青羽身形化作一道流光,手中的紫薇剑剑芒暴涨,【人王剑典】的秘术配合青铜古书【神魔封号谱】之中的战技,朝着那不似人类的虚影杀去。 ! 咻! Sword light like electricity. 剑光如电。 Was pierces that not to be humanlike unexpectedly slightly unimpededly the empty shade. 竟是丝毫无阻地就洞穿了那不似人类虚影。 Resounds through the Between Heaven and Earth incantation cry sound to recite, breaks suddenly. 响彻天地之间的咒语唳声吟唱,骤然为之一断。 Lin Zheng, are you doing? Hasn't killed this damn hindrance?” 蔺争,你在干什么?还不杀了这个该死的阻碍?” It is not humanlike the empty shade to exude the angry roaring sound. 不似人类虚影发出愤怒的咆哮声。 At the same time has been silent Right Minister Lin Zheng, as if suddenly the condition of You Shen being in a daze soberly comes. 一边一直沉默着的右相蔺争,似乎猛然从游神发呆的状态之中清醒过来。 Foregone conclusion, why futile effort revolt......” “大势已定,何必徒劳反抗呢……” Lin Zheng gets rid. 蔺争出手。 Ye Qingyu was flown by a fist bang, the blood dyes the expansive sky. 叶青羽被一拳轰飞了出去,血染长空。 ---------------------- ---------------------- Today one. 今儿就一更了。
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