IGE :: Volume #5

#453: Rout

The medical god Ouyang Ping getting rid way is out of the ordinary. 医神欧阳平的出手方式与众不同。 He calmly stands on the spot, double pupil even slightly on closed. 他静静地站在原地,双眸甚至微微闭合上。 The toxicity that but one continuously invisible colorless does not have, sends out from his sole, merges into one organic whole with the environment and air of surroundings, is quietly binds to kill to go toward Right Minister Lin Zheng. 但一缕缕无形无色无相的毒力,从他脚底散发出去,与周围的环境和空气融为一体,悄无声息地朝着右相蔺争裹杀而去。 The medicine stranger, may kill people. 医者生人,亦可杀人。 A Ouyang Ping medical skill already arrived at the peak to make degree extremely. 欧阳平一身医术早就到了巅峰造极的程度。 He all day long and herbal medicine is a partner, does not know that has seen many violently poisonous thing, regarding various in the world medicinal herbs pure to the extreme. 他终日与草药为伴,不知道见过多少剧毒之物,对于天底下各种药草精纯到了极点。 This achromatic color does not have tastelessly Angel soul loose, Is he by Between Heaven and Earth to the thing of toxin, the Assassin's mace of many years of pains development, was known as in even/including Tianxian this type of toxin, will be frightened out of one's wits, although was a view of exaggeration, but Ouyang did not put down regarding this poisonous confidence obviously. 这种无色无相无味的【天仙化魂散】,是他以天地之间至毒之物,多年苦心研制的杀手锏,号称连天仙中了这种毒,都会魂飞魄散,虽然是一种夸张的说法,但可见欧阳不平对于这种毒的信心。 Afterward he obtained that six Ancient symbol from the Ye Qingyu place, researched in thorough detail Cultivation with Du Gu Quan day and night, actuated with the Ancient symbol true meaning secret technique Angel soul loose Might be considered as Unparalleled Qi Shu. 后来他从叶青羽处得到了那六个古字,和独孤全日夜精研修炼,用古字真意秘术来驱动【天仙化魂散】堪称是无双奇术。 But Ye Qingyu has stood firm the personal appearance, explodes once again is drinking getting rid. 叶青羽稳住了身形,再度爆喝着出手。 Four big expert, simultaneously collaborates, besieges Right Minister. 四大强者,齐齐联手,围攻右相 Master expert of surroundings two big camps, slaughters to make one group. 周围两大阵营的高手强者们,也厮杀做一团。 The scene entered the most frigid degree immediately. 场面顿时进入了最为惨烈的程度。 A Radiant Palace Hall side, is in absolute leeward. 光明殿一方,处于绝对的下风。 The top player or the population quantity, is unable with Right Minister this, on the one hand compared with. 不论是顶级高手还是人数数量,都无法和右相这一方面相比。 However is time of tea, Ye Qingyu, Qin Wushuang and medical god and pill god four people, the blood dyes the battle dress, received the heavy injury, in Right Minister Lin Zheng just like the violent storm general attack , the support, does not have the strength to hit back with hardship, was pressed step by step retrocedes...... 不过是一盏茶的时间,叶青羽秦无双和医神、丹神四人,都血染战袍,受了不轻的伤势,在右相蔺争宛如狂风暴雨一般的攻击之下,苦苦支撑,几无还手之力,被压得一步步后退…… Rushes to rescue Sect expert that comes, loses seriously. 驰援而来的宗门强者,也损失惨重。 Can the flying apsaras enter in the average person eyes just like deity general expert, at this time, the weed in life inexpensive wilderness might as well, had expert dead every time, has the life to fall from the sky every time. 在普通人眼里可以飞天入地宛如神仙一般的强者们,这个时候,生命廉价的还不如野地里的荒草,每时每刻都有强者死去,每时每刻都有生灵陨落。 No matter how this war final result, regarding Heaven Wasteland Domain Human Race, without doubt is not a small catastrophe, Sect expert, so long as is slightly some the people of given name, today presented in Bright City, in this just likes in the life grinding pan same Asura purgatory, slaughters crazily, until death...... 这场战争不管最后的结果如何,对于天荒界人族来说,无疑是一场不小的浩劫,宗门界的强者,只要是稍微有一些名号的人,今日都出现了光明城内,在这个犹如生命磨盘一样的修罗炼狱之中,疯狂地厮杀厮杀厮杀,直到死亡…… Elapsing of each Martial Artist life, regarding Heaven Wasteland Domain Human Race, loses. 每一个武者生命的逝去,对于天荒界人族来说,都是损失。 Human Race died every time Martial Artist, strength will weaken a point. 人族每死去一个武者,实力就会削弱一分。 Even will also make some alone gate secrets be lost to cut off directly. 甚至还会让一些独门秘技直接失传断绝。 Regarding Alien race, this without doubt is the huge good news. 对于异族来说,这无疑是巨大的好消息。 Puff......” Qin Zhishui was rumbled to fly directly. “噗……”秦止水直接被轰飞。 His entire right shoulder blade by a Right Minister Lin Zheng fist crushing, almost lost again the strength of war. 他整个右侧肩胛骨都被右相蔺争一拳给粉碎了,几乎丧失了再战之力。 Du Gu Quan Bi Cuishu pill When the luster no longer just started like that the immortal green jade gloss, changes from the huge antique demon tree that becomes, is starts the occupation to be on the wane, the spread branches out the speed of branch vine, was slower, Du Gu Quan withstood the strength of too many counter- shaking, in addition this assigns Spirit Pill to be damaged, the injury is heavy, the corners of the mouth have the bloodstain to overflow...... 独孤全的【碧翠树丹】色泽不复刚开始时那般仙翠光泽,化形而成的巨大太古魔树,也是开始职业凋零,蔓延分出树枝藤蔓的速度,慢了很多,独孤全承受了太多反震之力,加上本命灵丹受损,伤势不轻,嘴角也有血迹溢出…… Medical god Ouyang is uneven Angel soul loose At this time basically was also consumed completely. 医神欧阳不平的【天仙化魂散】此时也基本上被消耗殆尽。 If existence of Right Minister Lin Zheng so Cultivation Base, even if does not have the tasteless thing colorless, so long as has the danger to him, will be producing instantaneously alerts, about Ascending Heaven Boundary expert mental state Cultivation Base and intuition, the powerful abstruse degree, is not the average person is absolutely conceivable. 右相蔺争这般修为的存在,就算是无色无相无味的东西,只要是对他有危险,都会在瞬间产生警醒,登天境左右强者心境修为和直觉,强悍深奥的程度,绝对不是一般人可以想象。 Although Lin Zheng cannot see Angel soul loose, Actually can the sensation its exist. 蔺争虽然看不到【天仙化魂散】,却能感知其存在。 If not for Ouyang does not put down by Cloud top cauldron Within six Ancient symbol real method stimulation of movement control this Angel soul loose, Only feared that was already by Lin Zheng breaking. 若不是欧阳不平以【云顶铜炉】之内的六个古字真法催动操控这【天仙化魂散】,只怕是早就被蔺争给破掉了。 But Ye Qingyu is more miserable. 叶青羽则是更惨。 He almost by Lin Zheng making into a blood person. 他几乎被蔺争给打成了一个血人。 From top to bottom is the scars, Tianlong scale does not know that wiped out many pieces, is long, then wiped out, skeleton, does not know that has broken many times, was not hesitated to consume inner yuan by him, the stimulation of movement True Will of the Sky dragon, Heals at the extremely quick speed. 浑身上下都是伤痕,身上的天龙鳞片也不知道被打掉了多少片,然后又重新长出来,然后又被打掉,身上的骨骼,也不知道断裂了多少次,被他不惜消耗内元,催动【天龙真意】,以极快的速度愈合。 At this time, Ye Qingyu when 100 Spirit Spring inside story that Spirit Spring stage overcame, showed inconceivable the effect. 这个时候,叶青羽灵泉境时打下的100眼灵泉的底蕴,展现出了不可思议地效果。 Although quantitatively, 100 zero Spirit Spring compared with many talent Martial Artist ninety Spirit Spring, were just many less than ten Spirit Spring, but the deep meaning in martial arts Cultivation Base aspect, actually absolutely does not measure with this simple quantity. 虽然从数量上来说,100零灵泉比很多天才武者的九十几眼灵泉,也只不过是多了不足十眼的灵泉而已,但武道修为方面的奥义,却绝对不是用这种简单的数量来权衡的。 The technique of so-called Great Dao has ten, it with is nine, keeps one not to use, for destiny. 所谓大道之术有十,其用为九,留一不用,是为天命。 Great Dao originally lacks, therefore the life of this in society, everything, if demands perfectly, instead by its fault. 大道本就有缺,所以这世间的生灵,凡事如果强求十全十美,反受其咎。 100 Spirit Spring are the perfection of Spirit Spring stage, is hard to achieve. 100眼灵泉就是灵泉境的十全十美,非常难以达成。 Once some innumerable excellent intelligence and disposition talents, pursued hundred Spirit Spring forcefully, instead caused Heavenly Dao to fall punishes, heart demon difficulty. 曾有无数绝佳资质和心性的天才,强行追求百眼灵泉,反而导致天道降罚,心魔难度。 This from one side has verified 100 Spirit Spring might. 这就更从侧面印证了100眼灵泉的威力。 Ye Qingyu is also the chance coincidence, obtains opportunity that countless others cannot think, because had the mysterious Nameless Mantra ancient times, has achieved this step. 叶青羽也是机缘巧合,得到无数别人都不敢想的机遇,又因为有神秘的无名心法的远古,才做到了这一步。 He before and enemy fought, basically was gets the winning side or does not drop the wind, therefore has not realized a fearfulness of hundred Spirit Spring. 他之前与敌一战,基本上都是占据上风或者不落下风,因此并没有体会到一百灵泉的可怕。 Especially after promote entered Sea of Bitterness Stage, as if Spirit Spring in Dantian World did not have anything to affect. 尤其是晋入了苦海境之后,似乎丹田世界之中的灵泉已经已经没有了什么作用。 But today and a Right Minister war, is actually Ye Qingyu has never experienced struggle, even if collaborates with several other big expert, was actually pressed the limit. 但今日与右相一战,却是叶青羽从未经历过的苦战,即便是与其他几大强者联手,却也被压到了极限。 This time Ye Qingyu, had been regarded the most threatening person by Right Minister Lin Zheng, a violent walks, hit black and blue, it is estimated that was Aunt Lan and Little Grass saw, did not know. 此时的叶青羽,被右相蔺争当成了最有威胁的人,一顿暴走,被打的鼻青脸肿,估计就算是兰姨小草见了,也都不认识了。 In four people, his body, is bearing the unprecedented pressure. 四个人之中,他的身上,承受着前所未有的压力。 But such pressure, lets the Ye Qingyu potential, was urged to send completely. 但这样的压力,却也让叶青羽的潜力,被完全催发了出来。 Value that 100 Spirit Spring manifest is Ye Qingyu inner yuan, continuously, grows continually, as if can never consume to be the same. 100眼灵泉体现出的价值就是叶青羽内元,源源不绝,生生不息,仿佛永远也消耗不完一样。 To afterward, including has plundered Aunt Heng in side, joined to fight the circle. 到了后来,连一直在旁边掠阵的衡姑姑,也都加入到了战圈。 Five people collaborate, was suppressed by Right Minister Lin Zheng as before steadily. 五人联手,依旧被右相蔺争稳稳地压住。 Why can like this? Lin Zheng strength is so terrorist, strength has achieved the preliminary of Ascending Heaven Boundary, properly speaking, this strength appears in the near-earth battlefield, will inspire the Heaven and Earth principle penalty of Heaven Wasteland Domain, can the present, the strength of punishing, why not fall on this day?” “为什么会这样?蔺争实力如此恐怖,力量已经达到了登天境的初阶,按理来说,这种力量出现在近地战场,会引动天荒界天地法则惩罚,可到了现在,这天罚之力,为什么还没有降下来?” Ye Qingyu was struck to fly again, the waist vertebra was broken, the fierce ache submerges him, in layer on layer hits the instance in ground, his heart reappeared such question. 叶青羽再次被击飞,腰椎骨都被打断了,剧烈的疼痛将他淹没,在重重地撞在地面上的瞬间,他心头浮现出了这样的疑问。 Beforehand palace Divine General, Wen Wan and Ximen Yeshuo and the others, the choice enters in the battlefield of summit of Heaven, to avoid the strength of day punishing arrives at oneself body. 之前的宫神将温晚西门夜说等人,选择进入九重天之巅的战场中,就是为了避免天罚之力降临己身。 This day punishes, is formidable Martial Artist, more dreads. 这种天罚,越是强大的武者,就越是畏惧。 But present Lin Zheng, actually by the Ascending Heaven Boundary preliminary strength, restrains by force five big top expert, writes with a free pen, had the one hour time in the past, gets rid even more tyrannicalally, resembles unexpectedly is did not dread that the day punishes the appearance that arrives. 可现在的蔺争,却以登天境初阶的力量,强压五大顶级强者,挥洒自如,已经过去有半个时辰的时间,出手越发强横,竟似是一副丝毫不忌惮天罚降临的样子。 Yes White tiger armor The strength, the destiny, receives willpower of Heaven and Earth life to live, does not inspire the chaos to be chaotic, can not by the influence of strength of day punishing......” “是【白虎铠甲】的力量,气运之器,秉承天地生灵的意志而生,不引动混沌混乱,可以不受天罚之力的影响……” sound/noise from following transmitting. 一个声音从后面的传来。 Actually is iron armor cruentation senior marshal Li Guangbi, finally recovery some consciousness, the chest scar had not healed, the blood hole is alarmed, was actually supporting. 却是铁甲染血的老元帅李光弼,终于恢复了一些意识,胸口伤痕还未愈合,血洞触目惊心,却是强撑着走了出来。 But in his side, Left Minister Qu Hanshan also drags the body of severe wound to appear. 而在他的身边,左相曲寒山也拖着重伤之体出现。 These two are Sea of Bitterness Stage high level expert, Cultivation Base are profound, the foundation is quite solid, even if received such serious wound, actually can also support. 这两人都是苦海境高阶的强者,修为精深,底蕴极为深厚,纵然是受了这么严重的伤,却还能支撑。 Flowing Light twinkle. 流光闪烁。 They joined have fought in the circle. 两人加入了战圈之中。 Old man is careful.” Some people cannot bear remind loudly. “老帅当心。”有人忍不住大声地提醒道。 Li Guangbi laughs, when the black iron sword in hand humming sound the vibration, the whole person suddenly like was recovery to the most flourishing condition, whatever the wound cracked, the bloody water scattered like the spring, such as the lion tiger fierce dragon has fired into Right Minister Lin Zheng generally...... 李光弼哈哈一笑,手中的黑色铁剑嗡嗡震动,整个人突然像是恢复到了全盛状态之时一样,任凭伤口崩裂,血水飞迸如泉,如狮虎猛龙一般冲向了右相蔺争…… But Qu Hanshan falls side Ouyang has not put down, the white disciplinary ruler in hand, same Divine Ability, similar might, gets rid once again...... 曲寒山则是落在了欧阳不平身边,手中的白色戒尺,相同的神通,类似的威力,再度出手…… This all of a sudden, was equal to seven big expert, were besieging a Right Minister Lin Zheng person. 这一下子,等于是七大强者,在围攻右相蔺争一个人了。 Even but if is so, Ye Qingyu and the others, are at a disadvantage as before. 可即便是如此,叶青羽等人,依旧是处于下风。 strength urges Lin Zheng that sends thoroughly, although the personal appearance is thin, is not high, but White tiger fights armor In the body, defends nearly in invincibility, the whole body covers in the fierce silver flame, however such as Fiendgod is ordinary, every gesture and motions, are surging the copious not imperial strength, in the Ye Qingyu seven people, without any person, can block him directly, as soon as strikes, can only walk randomly the entanglement in the side. 实力彻底催发的蔺争,虽然身形削瘦,个头也不高,但一身【白虎战甲】在身,防御近乎于无敌,浑身笼罩在烈烈银焰之中,然如神魔一般,一招一式,都涌动着沛然莫御的力量,叶青羽七人之中,没有任何一个人,可以正面挡住他一击,只能是在侧面游走纠缠。 Kills!” “杀!” The tiger's roar is intermittent. 虎啸阵阵。 Qin Zhishui was shaken once again flies. 秦止水再度被震飞。 This time he actually broke the both arms, almost by a Lin Zheng fist the body bang is two, the entire photograph was just comes out from blood Chi Lipa, layer on layer hit in the crowd, fainted...... 这一次他却是断了双臂,几乎被蔺争一拳将身躯轰为两段,整个人像是刚从血池里爬出来的一样,重重地撞在了人群中,昏死了过去…… Young Master!” 少主!” Small City Lord!” “小城主!” expert in Unparalleled blade city, sees this, calls out in alarm makes noise, is separated from the respective fight rapidly, regarding in the Qin Zhishui side, has protected him. 无双刀城中的强者,见到这一幕,都惊呼出声,迅速地脱离各自的战斗,围绕在秦止水的身边,将他保护了起来。 Qu Hanshan is second flies. 曲寒山是第二个飞出去的。 The disciplinary ruler in his hand discontented crack, the break will be momentarily ordinary, but surface layer his body, proliferates cracks, are more than disciplinary ruler on, to the feeling of person, he resembles is an earthenware is ordinary, momentarily will disrupt collapsing. 他手中的戒尺不满了裂纹,随时都会断裂一般,而他的身体表层,遍布一道道裂纹,比戒尺上更多,给人的感觉,他就似是一尊陶器一般,随时都会碎裂坍塌。 Also there is Left Minister palace expert to clash, first protects him. 也有左相府的强者冲过来,第一时间保护他。 The Ye Qingyu incarnation is the dragon, by speed entanglement like lightning. 叶青羽化身为龙,以闪电般的速度纠缠。 The pressure that seven people of this types, he bears is biggest, it can be said that the first main force of fight, a bone, only feared that was broken one completely, if not True Will of the Sky dragon The recovery speed, only feared that is already weak in the ground, at least must need 45 day to be able recovery. 七人这种,他承受的压力最大,可以说是战斗的第一主力,一身骨头,只怕是全部都被打断过一遍了,如果没有【天龙真意】的恢复速度,只怕是已经瘫软在地面上,至少也要需要45日才能恢复 Double-hour drew near......” “时辰快到了……” In the eye pupil of Lin Zheng, flashes through a strange look. 蔺争的眼眸之中,闪过一丝奇异的神色。 He discarded suddenly with several big expert You Dou, the frontage has met the Ye Qingyu Dragon fist bang to kill by the mortal body hardly, the whole person such as the electric light was common, arrived under the Bright God palace instantaneously. 他突然舍弃了与几大强者的游斗,正面以肉身硬接了叶青羽龙拳轰杀,整个人如电光一般,瞬间就来到了光明神殿之下。 Old boy leave!” “老小子滚回去!” Fatty king Li Jin bellows, arrow three rounds, three armor piercing arrows such as the glyph projected in void, has locked on Lin Zheng the biggest three flaws. 胖子王郦金大吼,一箭三发,三支破甲箭如品字形在虚空之中射出,锁定了蔺争身上最大的三处破绽。 The archery of fatty, might be considered as Unparalleled. 胖子的箭术,堪称是无双 By the energy of Lin Zheng, was locked, is unable to avoid. 蔺争之能,也被锁定,无法躲避。 But he resembles does not care about these three arrows completely, depends as before White tiger armor The defensive power, withstands three arrows stiffly, but retroceded one step, then a fist rumbles, a white great tiger illusion, escapes the fist. 但他似是完全不在意这三箭,依旧仗着【白虎铠甲】的防御力,硬生生地承受三箭,只是后退了一步,然后一拳轰出,一头白色巨虎幻象,脱拳而出。 This is today's Right Minister Lin Zheng , since appearing, strongest fist that rumbles. 这才是今日右相蔺争自从出现之后,轰出的最强一拳。 He has the object of fist, is not the fatty. 他出拳的对象,不是胖子。 But is that holds several hundred bright armed soldiers before float steps stubbornly. 而是那死死扼守在悬浮阶梯之前的数百光明甲士。 Careful......” “小心……” Ye Qingyu cares chaotically, makes noise shouts out. 叶青羽关心则乱,出声大喝 The several hundred armed soldiers in bright camp, contend with this fist directly, the instantaneous several hundred people felt that dreadful killing intent, was ordinary just like the sharp knife blade, cuts the flesh. 光明营的数百甲士,正面抗衡这一拳,瞬间数百人感受到了那滔天杀意,宛如利刃一般,切割肌肤。 Imperial!” “御!” Is armed soldier shouts out. 为首一位甲士大喝 sound/noise just like the copper clock, enlightens the benighted loudly and clearly, willpower like iron. 声音洪亮宛如铜钟,振聋发聩,意志如铁。 The mysterious battlefield revolves, hundred people such as a person of regard is pleasant, simultaneously roars, just like the impregnable bastion, the strength that erupts, clashed this fist. 神奇战阵运转,百人如一人般心意如意,齐齐怒吼,宛如铜墙铁壁,爆发出的力量,对撞上了这一拳。 Bang! 轰! In the terrifying explosive force, the mist and dust shoots up to the sky. 恐怖的爆发力之中,烟尘冲天而起。 In the mist and dust dances in the air, the form of bright armed soldier. 烟尘中飞舞的,还有光明甲士的身影。 Mysterious formation of several hundred armed soldier camps, the strength of collaboration, is unable to resist a Right Minister Lin Zheng this earthshaking fist. 数百甲士营的神奇阵法,联手之力,还是无法抵御右相蔺争这惊天动地的一拳。 Below split second of fast, the Right Minister body like the lightning, arrived under the Bright God palace unexpectedly instantaneously, a fist rumbles once again, bang above the foundation of Bright God palace. 电光石火的下一瞬间,右相身如闪电,竟是瞬间来到了光明神殿之下,再度一拳轰出,轰在了光明神殿的底座之上。 ------------- ------------- The refresh time was a little chaotic, is sorry 更新时间有点乱,抱歉了
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