IGE :: Volume #5

#452: Critical moment

Bite! 叮! sound/noise that the firm friendship called blew out. 金石交鸣的声音爆出。 On the face of Right Minister, has revealed the inconceivable color. 右相的脸上,露出了不可思议之色。 He has not thought completely that has achieved with nearly has been on good terms Realm in the mind White tiger fights armor, Actually suddenly will not be having the indication expiration, the white tiger light tail soon is resisting this wisp of blade glow the instance, suddenly stops, entire White tiger fights armor Resembled lost the might, was at a silent status instantaneously. 他完全没有想到,与自己已经达到了近乎于心灵相契境界的【白虎战甲】,竟然会在突然之间毫无征兆地失效,白虎光尾在快要抵挡住这一缕刀芒的瞬间,突然停止,整个【白虎战甲】都似是失去了威力,瞬间处于一种静默状态。 But Qin Zhishui has not thought that oneself this blade, will really have such effect. 秦止水也没有想到,自己这一刀,竟然会有这样的效果。 He prepares following changes incurs, various types the preparation that avoids Right Minister instead to kill, was unexpectedly useless. 以至于他准备的后续变招,各种躲避右相反杀的准备,竟然都无用了。 The strength of huge counter- shaking however the hilt place transmits, makes Qin Zhishui shock as before. 不过刀柄处传来的巨大反震之力,依旧让秦止水震惊。 This blade chops on the Right Minister Lin Zheng forehead, is similar to cuts, in the fine iron god expected on general, the point slightly enters one finger, again does not have the slight effect, being hard little advance, the strength of counter- shaking then transmits from the hilt, actually shook the hemp the arm of Qin Zhishui. 这一刀砍在右相蔺争的额头上,就如同斩在了精铁神料上一般,锋芒只是略进一指,就再也没有丝毫的效果,难以寸进,而那从刀柄上传来的反震之力,却是将秦止水的手臂都震麻了。 Is good because of Right Minister Lin Zheng, because shocks, that fist that rumbles, has not fallen on the body of Qin Zhishui finally. 好在右相蔺争因为震惊,轰出去的那一拳,最终未落在秦止水的身上。 The instance of blade in the forehead, he turns the fist into the palm, lifts in the hand to pull up, holds the Qin Zhishui blade, catches up slightly, bang, this handle hundred built up the long blade to change to silver powder, has blasted open in void. 在额头中刀的瞬间,他化拳为掌,抬手上撩,抓住秦止水的刀,微微发力,轰地一声,这柄百炼长刀就化作了一蓬银色粉末,在虚空之中炸裂了开来。 Qin Zhishui was also shaken to fly upside down. 秦止水也被震得倒飞出去。 The Right Minister Lin Zheng forehead, thin such as the hair common blood line appears, at once seeps close blood bead, looks like strange and fearful. 右相蔺争的额头,一道细如发丝一般的血线出现,旋即沁出一颗颗细细密密的血珠儿,看起来诡异且可怕。 Since this has been he 40 years, first time is injured during the fight. 这是他40年以来,第一次在战斗之中受伤。 originally slaughters the battlefield that the blood rain flutters about crazily, because of this picture, as if suddenly stopped. 原本疯狂厮杀血雨纷飞的战场,因为这一幕画面,似乎是猛然停了下来。 In that split second, Sect expert of all Right Minister palace influences, on the face glittered to be inconceivable and unbelievable, even also had a horridness of faint trace. 在那么一瞬间,所有右相府势力的宗门强者,脸上都闪烁出了一丝不可思议和难以置信,甚至还有一丝丝的惶恐。 Some people look to the Qin Zhishui look, had fear that is difficult to cover. 一些人看向秦止水的眼神之中,就出现了难掩的畏惧。 Similarly gets rid, Radiant Palace Hall advocates Ye Qingyu to be flown by a fist bang directly, does not have the effect, but Unparalleled blade king The Qin Zhishui actually blade cuts Right Minister, has broken the defense of Right Minister, but also has injured this Snow Country martial arts thumb...... 同样出手,光明殿叶青羽直接被一拳轰飞,毫无效果,但【无双刀王】秦止水却刀斩右相,破开了右相的防御,还伤了这位雪国武道巨擘…… No wonder in these days, Unparalleled blade king Can in Snow Capital, make such big noise. 怪不得这一些日子里,【无双刀王】能够在雪京之中,闹出这么大的动静。 At this moment 就在这时 He He...... A little meaning.” “呵呵呵……有点儿意思。” Right Minister sends out light sneering. 右相发出一声淡淡的冷笑。 He lifts on that blood line of hand in his forehead to wipe, blood bead that seeps, together with following the blood line enters his forehead the Unparalleled blade air/Qi to absorb completely, grasps in the palm, changed to blood cell of thumb size. 他抬手在自己额头上的那道血线中一抹,将那沁出的血珠,连同顺着血线进入他头部的无双刀气全部都摄取出来,握在掌心之中,化作了一颗拇指大小的血球。 But the scar of his forehead, actually in this wipes, vanishes thoroughly, cannot see the slight scar again. 而他额头的伤痕,却是在这一抹之间,彻底消失,再也看不见丝毫的伤痕。 Turning round revolving of that small blood bead in his palm, dark red Jing green jade. 那小血珠在他的掌心里滴溜溜的旋转,殷红晶翠。 In blood Zhu visibles faintly silver points to glitter in blood Zhu. 血珠之中隐约可见有一道道的银色锋芒在血珠里面闪烁。 That a moment ago a Qin Zhishui blade cut into the blade air/Qi blade intent in Right Minister Lin Zheng forehead and blood. 那正是刚才秦止水一刀斩入右相蔺争头部和血液之中的刀气刀意。 Good, good, good.” He said with a smile continually three good, looked that has not looked at Qin Zhishui one, the vision falls on the body of Ye Qingyu completely, said: Has not thought that your sword, really yun has this prohibiting Divine Ability, can when this has not realized, prohibited White tiger fights armor Strength...... Is it possible that is this legend Divine Ability in Radiant Palace Hall non- to divulge to an outsider? Really is unusual, White tiger fights armor From in addition after my body, but also had never been prohibited, even if only fast flickers......” “好,好,好。”他笑着连说了三个好,看都没有看秦止水一眼,目光完全落在叶青羽的身上,道:“没想到你那一剑,竟然蕴有这种封禁神通,能够在本相未察觉之时,就封禁了【白虎战甲】的力量……这莫非就是传说之中的光明殿不外传的神通吗?果然是奇特的很,【白虎战甲】自加于我身之后,还从未被人封禁过,哪怕只是电光石火的一瞬……” These words, the atmosphere changes. 这句话一出,气氛顿变。 The vision of almost all people, from the body of Qin Zhishui, transferred to one side the body of white robe bloodstain solemn Ye Qingyu immediately. 几乎所有人的目光,立刻就从秦止水的身上,移到了一边白袍血迹俨然的叶青羽的身上。 Including Qin Zhishui. 包括秦止水自己。 So that's how it is. 原来如此。 Originally reason that blade can cut in the Right Minister Lin Zheng forehead, is not because Unparalleled blade air/Qi Sharp incomparable. 原来那一刀之所以能够斩在右相蔺争的额头,并非是因为【无双刀气】犀利无匹。 But before because, Radiant Palace Hall advocates a sword that Ye Qingyu that seems like flies back without any results, in, prohibited White tiger fights armor Strength, Right Minister Lin Zheng unexpected, ate such one greatly to owe. 而是因为之前光明殿叶青羽那看似无功而返的一剑,在神不知鬼不觉之中,封禁了【白虎战甲】的力量,右相蔺争猝不及防之下,才吃了这么一个大亏。 But that sword, what's the matter? 可是那一剑,到底是怎么回事? The clarity that some people look, that sword clearly cut on the white tiger light tail, other any mysterious pictures have not appeared, unexpectedly can in instantaneous, seal White tiger fights armor Strength. 一些人看的清楚,那一剑分明只是斩在了白虎光尾上而已,并没有什么其他神奇的画面出现,居然可以在瞬间,封印了【白虎战甲】的力量。 Is it possible that is the god in legend fights the technique? 莫非是传说之中的神战技? But at this time, on the Ye Qingyu left arm the cold ice brilliance twinkle is unceasing. 而此时,叶青羽的左臂上寒冰光华闪烁不断。 Next split second, his nearly was rumbled the left arm that explodes, already recovery. 一瞬间,他那近乎于被轰爆的左臂,也已经恢复了过来。 Sea of Bitterness Stage Cultivation Base, can achieve the flesh and blood regeneration to a certain extent. 苦海境修为,就可以在一定程度上做到血肉再生。 Ye Qingyu is existence of Sea of Bitterness River boundary, and his True Will of the Sky dragon Is extremely formidable building up body and recovery cultivation technique, recovery this type seems like the serious skin flesh wound, the regulations do not spend the too big time. 叶青羽已经是苦海江河境的存在,且他的【天龙真意】是极为强大的炼体和恢复功法,恢复这种看似严重的皮外伤,实则并不费太大的功夫。 The Crape Myrtle sword in the hand, the Ye Qingyu imposing manner, is rising dramatically unceasingly. 紫薇剑在手,叶青羽的气势,在不断地飙升着。 White scale grows a piece by piece at the naked eye obvious speed from his skin, is not only the palm arm, on even/including Bojing, temple and cheeks, there are glitters light silver light Dragon Lin in broken bits to grow closely. 一片片白色鳞片从他的皮肤之下以肉眼可见的速度生长出来,不仅仅是手掌手臂,连脖颈、鬓间和脸颊上,也有细细密密闪烁着淡淡银光的细碎龙鳞生长。 Only then stimulates to movement True Will of the Sky dragon, Own ** the intensity, urges to send to a perfect degree, can maximum limit trigger Limitless divine way The deep meaning, the attempt enters four to ban is as for five bans the level the domain. 只有催动【天龙真意】,将自己的**强度,催发到一种极致的程度,才能最大限度地触发【无极神道】的奥义,尝试进入四禁乃至于五禁层次的领域。 Opposite. 对面。 Good, Radiant Palace Hall that person, had really left behind the method in the past, makes me ask for advice, the Radiant Palace Hall true Divine Ability deep meaning!” “好吧,光明殿那人,当年果然是还是留下了手段的,就让我来领教一下,光明殿真正的神通奥义吧!” The expression on Right Minister Lin Zheng face, gradually became swift and fierce. 右相蔺争脸上的表情,逐渐变得凌厉了起来。 His gasping blows gently, in the palm that was revolving turning round the Unparalleled blade air/Qi in blood Zhu has blown, then slightly attracted, already thorough pure the blood bead fell into his mouth, changed to pure internal energy, fused with the body completely, did not lose the slight oneself body vitality strength. 张口轻轻一吹,就将手掌心里那颗滴溜溜旋转着的血珠里的无双刀气吹了出来,然后再微微一吸,已经彻底纯净了的血珠落入他的口中,重新化作了精纯的元力,与身体完全融合,不损耗丝毫的己身气血力量。 Just likes essence common swift and fierce pupil light, explodes to shoot suddenly from the eye pupil of Lin Zheng. 犹如实质一般的凌厉眸光,骤然从蔺争的眼眸之中爆射出来。 Ye Qingyu sees this, in heart one startled, immediately does not know well. 叶青羽看到这一幕,心中一惊,顿时知道不好。 This fellow must erupt. 这家伙要爆发了。 Really, gets down split second, mutation regeneration. 果然,下一瞬间,异变再生。 Erupts from the body of Lin Zheng just like chaos turbulent flow general strength fluctuation, that squats the white light tiger on his shoulder to roar, leaps toward void , the potential of soaring tiger throwing frames, the body of light tiger, decomposes into every large or small several hundred instantaneously is glittering the dazzling silver light part, is the same just like Austria and Italy infinite rune mark formation, the terrifying strength, is pasting turbulently. 宛如混沌乱流一般的力量波动从蔺争的身体里爆发出来,那蹲在他肩膀上的白色光虎咆哮一声,往虚空之中一跃,腾空虎扑之势定格,光虎的身躯,瞬间分解为大大小小数百个闪烁着刺目银光的部分,宛如一座奥意无穷的符文符号阵法一样,恐怖的力量,在汹涌流转。 Next split second, these modeling different silver light parts, shake slightly, just liked the young swallow turns over to the nest same to bite to fall on the Lin Zheng thin body. 一瞬间,那些造型不同的银光部件,微微一震,犹如乳燕归巢一样叮叮叮落在了蔺争削瘦的身体上。 White tiger melts the armor. 白虎化铠。 Each silver light part, after melts the armor, White tiger armor Part. 每一个银光部件,都是化铠之后的【白虎铠甲】的一部分。 These silver light parts such as lived generally, covers on the body of Lin Zheng, has composed truly White tiger armor. 这些银光部件如活了一般,覆盖在蔺争的身上,组成了真正的【白虎铠甲】。 The silver white light has not diverged completely, visibled faintly Lin Zheng appearance a mysterious noble white armor, fine peerless, has filled with the tall and pleasing to the eye artistic aura, seemed an artware visionally is the same, but head of Lin Zheng, then changed to one to explode the fierce white tiger head holily. 银色白光还未完全散去的时候,隐约可见蔺争身上的出现了一副神秘高贵的白色铠甲,精致绝伦,充满了美轮美奂的艺术气息,仿佛是一件梦幻般的艺术品一样,而蔺争的头颅,则是化作了一颗圣洁爆烈的白虎头颅。 Roar!” “吼!” The deafening tiger's roar, sends out from the white tiger head. 震耳欲聋的虎啸,从白虎头颅之中发出。 The Lin Zheng personal appearance, changes to a white light, instantaneously to Ye Qingyu nearby. 蔺争的身形,化作一道白光,瞬间到了叶青羽跟前。 The Ye Qingyu mind jumps crazily, almost subconsciously, Soul stealing heaven strike Cuts once more, simultaneously has stimulated to movement in Golden Armour Divine King four moves Protection of Heaven and Earth, Mystical noble and pure golden Light Cover , was the same just like the ancient times all Shen protection, appears around his body, simultaneously all around the strange strength, delayed the Lin Zheng speed suddenly. 叶青羽心神狂跳,几乎是下意识地,【夺魄天斩】再次斩出,同时催动了金甲神王四式之中的【天地守护】,一层神秘高洁的金色光罩,宛如远古诸神的守护一样,出现在了他的身体周围,同时四周骤然奇异力量,延缓蔺争的速度。 Bang! 轰! The Crape Myrtle sword cuts on fist that in Lin Zheng has rumbled. 紫薇剑斩在了蔺争轰出的拳头上。 The fist is covering silver tiger claw gauntlet (glove). 拳头覆盖着银色虎爪拳套。 Situation Limitless divine way Three ban the condition Ye Qingyu to be rumbled to fly once again. 处于【无极神道】三禁状态的叶青羽再度被轰飞。 This is the disparity on both sides Cultivation Base Realm, is the same just like the huge gap, even if Ye Qingyu is a masterstroke , a Right Minister Lin Zheng war that is difficult and earnest, he fights the technique to be wonderful, only feared that this fist exploded his direct bang. 这是双方修为境界上的差距,宛如巨大的鸿沟一样,叶青羽纵然是一身神技,也很难与认真起来的右相蔺争一战,要不是他战技神妙,只怕这一拳就把他直接轰爆了。 Lives the top digit, although there are many years not to get rid to prey personally, but Lin Zheng experiences as before richly. 长居高位,虽然有很多年未曾亲自出手搏杀,但蔺争依旧经验丰富。 In relates in the significant situation like this, gets rid with the mentality of going all out, does not have slight pulling rank. 在这样关系重大的场合之中,临阵以狮子搏兔的心态出手,没有丝毫的托大。 A however after move of bang flew Ye Qingyu, the tiger first face of Lin Zheng, has the surprised color, Flashed passes. 不过一招轰飞了叶青羽之后,蔺争的虎首面部,却有惊疑之色,一闪而逝。 He White tiger fights armor Genuine armor, for must explain Ye Qingyu strength of the sword seal. 他将【白虎战甲】真正铠化,就是为了要破解叶青羽的一剑封印之力。 However this time trading incurred a moment ago, making Lin Zheng realize that own idea failed. 但是刚才这一次的换招,让蔺争意识到,自己的想法失败了。 In Ye Qingyu long sword that type, once contacts the seal silent match strength strange strength, not only and fights armor in view of white tiger the spirit soul, even/including Kaihua later war armor, will come under the influence even also to penetrate the armor, affects to own body. 叶青羽长剑之中那种一旦接触就会封印沉默对手实力的古怪力量,并不仅仅是针对白虎战甲的灵魄,连铠化之后的战甲,也会受到影响甚至还可以透过铠甲,作用到自己的身体之中。 Is it possible that is a god fights the technique to be inadequate really? 莫非真的是一种神战技不成? Although silent seal that only then short flickers, in actually likely has the fearful following influence. 虽然只有短短一瞬的沉默封印,在却很可能造成可怕的后续影响。 Kills!” “杀!” Qin Zhishui leaves the blade once again. 秦止水再度出刀。 The blade air/Qi such as the rainbow passed through the date, flash has spread the nighttime sky, radiant Unparalleled. 刀气如长虹贯日,耀遍了夜空,璀璨无双 But Du Gu Quan and Ouyang are uneven, in this split second, simultaneously gets rid. 独孤全欧阳不平,也在这一瞬间,齐齐出手。 Du Gu Quan gasping puts out a grain of longan size the deep green pill pill, this is his life god pill, is he most precious high Spirit Pill. 独孤全张口吐出一粒龙眼大小的碧绿丹丸,这正是他的本命神丹,也是他最为珍贵的一颗高品灵丹 So-called Spirit Pill, with can only treat an illness Medicine Pill that therapy to be different, has the might of killing the enemy. 所谓灵丹,和只能治病疗伤的药丹不同,却是有杀敌之威力的。 This deep green Spirit Pill, named Bi Cuishu pill, Contains the boundless infinite vitality, its assigns pill Spirit Pill soul is a ancient times demon tree, was Du Gu Quan under the chance coincidence accidentally obtained in the past, counts Century to come, continuously mild in own dantian, the bystander little knows extremely. 这颗碧绿灵丹,名为【碧翠树丹】,蕴含磅礴无限的生机,其本命丹灵丹魄是一颗上古魔树,为独孤全当年机缘巧合之下偶然得到,数百年来,一直都温润在自己丹田之内,外人极少知道。 The so critical moment, the empire pill god cannot attend to hiding contraband. 如此关键时刻,帝国丹神也顾不得藏私。 He gets rid, is full power. 他一出手,就是全力 Under the control of Du Gu Quan, pill pill bang violent came, changes to an image of ancient times great tree, fell in the ground, the branches and leaves were towering, block the sky, grand incomparable, green tendrils with underground rapidly spread in the surface crazily, was the same just like deep green blue dragons, by the thunder and lightning potential, has only intercepted the past toward the Right Minister Lin Zheng encirclement. 独孤全的操控之下,丹丸轰地一声暴烈开来,化作一颗远古巨树的形象,落在地面上,枝叶参天,遮天蔽日,雄伟无比,一根根绿色的枝蔓在地表和地下疯狂快速地蔓延,宛如一条条碧绿的苍龙一样,以雷电只势,朝着右相蔺争合围截杀了过去。 ========= =========
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