IGE :: Volume #5

#451: Collaborates the anti- enemy

Void , the ripples mountain flashes. 虚空之中,涟漪山闪动。 Suddenly hears bang the sound of thundering, void rupturing, the energy turbulent flow overflows crazily, obviously has anything isolates formation and so on energy cover, finally was rumbled to break. 突然传来轰隆隆的轰鸣之声,虚空爆裂,能量乱流狂溢,显然是有什么隔绝阵法之类的能量罩,终于被轰破了。 Then looked that several thousand shadows are common just like the dim light of night lightning, from distant place with lightning speed. 然后就看数千个黑影宛如夜色闪电一般,从远处风驰电掣而来。 Forefront Du Gu Quan and Ouyang do not put down these two old people. 最前面的正是独孤全欧阳不平这两位老人。 But person of beforehand speech, is Snow Country pill god Du Gu Quan. 而之前说话的人,则是雪国丹神独孤全 Ha Ha Ha, Brother Ye, your this saying spoke of the brother in my pit of the stomach to go simply,” Du Gu Quan flying was void, laughs saying: „The year of white head, but can also have your such one to swear brotherhood the righteousness younger brother, my Du Gu Quan was well satisfied, today your my brother fights side-by-side, was the mountain jumps over together, was the fire drips together.” 哈哈哈,叶兄弟,你这话简直说到了老哥哥我心坎里去了,”独孤全飞度虚空,大笑道:“皓首之年,还能有你这样一个结拜义弟,我独孤全算是心满意足了,今日你我兄弟就并肩作战,是山一起越,是火一起淌。” Medical god Ouyang at the same time does not put down also loudly said: Good, our two Old Man, detection was late, was blocked by the lackey of Lin Zheng this old dog, supports late, Brother Ye you no wonder, luckily had Qin Daowang and other Brother Jiang Hu help one another, this broke through surrounding to catch up, far away heard the Brother Ye your enlightening the benighted words, the brother I was ashamed......” 一边的医神欧阳不平也是大声道:“不错,我们两个老家伙,察觉的迟了,被蔺争这老狗的爪牙挡住,支援来迟,叶兄弟你莫怪,幸亏有秦刀王和其他江湖兄弟们相助,这才冲破了包围赶过来,老远就听到叶兄弟你那段振聋发聩的话,老哥哥我惭愧啊……” Although they are known as unmarried, was known as that medical god is known as pill god, not by martial arts being well-known empire, but this does not mean that they are not the martial arts masters, in fact is just the opposite, martial arts Cultivation Base of these two people, is extremely profound, before Century, entered Sea of Bitterness Stage on promote, now is immeasurably deep. 两人虽然一个号称单身,一个号称医神一个号称丹神,都不是以武道闻名帝国,但这并不意味着他们不是武道高手,实际上恰恰相反,这两个人的武道修为,也是极为精深,百年之前就晋入苦海境,如今更是深不可测了。 But in their, about several thousand people, is master expert, most people whole body is bathed in blood, obviously to rush to here, experienced has slaughtered, has paid not the small price. 而在他们的身后,跟着大约数千人,都是高手强者,大部分人都浑身浴血,显然是为了赶到这里,经历了一路厮杀,付出了不小的代价。 ! 咻咻咻! Sound from out of the blue is similar to the chaotic arrow flees spatially. 破空之声如同乱箭窜空。 Troops arrival of support, fell before the Bright God palace, fought side-by-side to stand with the Radiant Palace Hall armed soldier camp. 支援的人马到来,落在了光明神殿之前,与光明殿甲士营并肩作战而立。 Radiant Palace Hall that originally fights in isolation one is troops, immediately also the spirit greatly inspires. 原本孤军作战的光明殿一系人马,顿时也都精神大振。 Ye brother, does not see for a long time, has been well since last meeting.” “叶兄,好久不见,别来无恙。” Flame fights armor Unparalleled blade king Qin Zhishui comes side Ye Qingyu, lifts the hand to express best wishes. 一身火焰战甲的【无双刀王】秦止水现身在叶青羽身边,抬手致意。 In this segmentum anterius day has made the huge noise in Snow Capital, causes all parties to vibrate, was arrested to chase down in all directions Unparalleled blade city Successor, compared with it block in the Youyan Pass immortal pavilion is that graceful noble gas the image of handsome young master’s, had very big change, in the foreheads saw the vicissitudes, before not having, that Bai Jun makings, but the corner of the eye was actually in high spirits, the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards flew up at angle into the temple, revealed heroic spirit Unparalleled. 这位前段日子里在雪京之中闹出了巨大动静,引得各方震动,被四处缉拿追杀的【无双刀城】传人,比之挡住在幽燕关仙亭之中是那个优雅贵气的英俊公子的形象,发生了很大的变化,眉宇之间更见沧桑,没有之前那种白俊的气质,但却眼角神采飞扬,剑眉斜飞入鬓,更显英气无双 A scar appears on his left cheeks, the color is extremely light. 一道疤痕出现在他左脸颊上,颜色极淡。 But by Qin Wushuang Cultivation Base, can on his face, leave behind such Dao Injury mark, cannot remove, the injury that obviously initially he received is how fearful, indicated tople days, he in the snowscape, what soul-stirring time experienced, only feared that frequently during is fighting. 但以秦无双修为,能过在他的脸上,留下这样一道伤痕,不能褪去,可见当初他所受的伤势是多么可怕,也足见这些日子,他在雪景之中,都经历了什么样惊心动魄的时光,只怕时时刻刻都在战斗之中。 But follows in his side similarly puts on the flame to fight armor expert, more than 20 people, want to come are expert of Unparalleled blade city, is the aura is calm, the facial color is solemn and respectful, the armed soldier compared with bright camp is not unexpectedly inferior, obviously is one hundred fights the Elite squad. 而跟在他身边的同样穿着火焰战甲的强者,大约有20多人,想来都是无双刀城的强者,一个个都是气息沉稳,面色肃穆,竟是比光明营的甲士也不怎么逊色,显然是一支百战精锐小队。 Qin brother prestige, recently shook penetrating Snow Capital, today sees, was really the elegant demeanor wins in the past, Cultivation Base even more strove, may celebrate encouraging.” Ye Qingyu laughs, hugged Qin Zhishui directly. “秦兄威名,这些日子震彻雪京,今日一见,果然是风采更胜往昔,修为越发精进,可喜可贺。”叶青羽哈哈大笑,直接拥抱了一下秦止水 Regarding this Unparalleled blade city Successor, Ye Qingyu incomparable appreciation and admiration. 对于这位【无双刀城】的传人,叶青羽无比欣赏和钦佩。 If in Three Sects Three Schools has loyalty Sect, that Unparalleled blade city bears the brunt absolutely, if in Three Sects Three Schools also has the gentleman of loyalty, that Unparalleled blade king Qin Zhishui also absolutely bears the brunt. 如果说三宗三派之中有忠义门派的话,那无双刀城绝对是首当其冲,如果说三宗三派中还有忠义之士的话,那【无双刀王】秦止水也绝对是首当其冲。 This is a genuine unyielding man. 这是一个真正铁骨铮铮的汉子。 A cold lofty character, Heaven and Earth builds. 一身冷傲骨,天地打造。 These are master expert of in the capital major factions, the masters in some armed forces, are loyal to empire the gentleman of pure and chaste, before the senior marshal had been relating in secret, Lin Zheng is extremely what a pity deceitful slyly, before attacking Radiant Palace Hall, sends under the lackey to encircle, therefore we break through the tight encirclement, arrived here time, lost over 50% manpower.” Qin Zhishui introduced one after another other Jiang Hu Sect people of arrival. “这些都是京中各大帮派的高手强者,还有一些军中的高手,都是忠于帝国的贞洁之士,之前老元帅曾经在暗中联系过,可惜蔺争老贼太过奸诈狡猾,在进攻光明殿之前,就派遣手下爪牙围剿,所以我们突破重围,来到这里的时候,已经损失了五成以上的人手了。”秦止水介绍陆续到来的其他江湖宗门中人。 Fellow brothers, were laborious.” “各位兄弟,辛苦了。” The Ye Qingyu clear and resonant voice cups one hand in the other across the chest, toward all was bathed in blood expert that rushed to rescue to come good a ritual. 叶青羽朗声拱手,朝着所有浴血驰援而来的强者们行了一礼。 Hall Master Ye was polite.” 叶殿主客气了。” Matter that Hall Master Ye handles, is really makes us vent anger happily, these barbarians, damn.” 叶殿主做的事情,实在是令我们痛快地出了一口气啊,那些蛮子,一个个都该死。” Hall Master Ye and Qin Daowang, was my Snow Country Martial Artist back character.” 叶殿主与秦刀王,都是我雪国武者的脊梁风骨。” Before Marshal Li had word, once the war launched, he had no time to direct, then made me and others obey dispatching of Hall Master Ye, but also asked Hall Master Ye to order, how we should do.” “之前李老元帅有言,一旦战事展开,他无暇指挥,便让我等听从叶殿主的调遣,还请叶殿主下令吧,我们该怎么做。” Good, today records here happily greatly kills one.” “不错,今天记就在这里痛痛快快地大杀一场。” The surrounding people, after all are the martial arts world Sect people, not having the army discipline to be like that stern, therefore hears the Ye Qingyu words, screams, although appears scattered, but at least showed the flame general enthusiasm, the morale surged upward. 周围的众人,毕竟都是武林宗门中人,没有军队那般纪律森严,所以听到叶青羽的话,都大声地嚷嚷了起来,虽然显得零散,但起码表现出来了火焰一般的热情,士气高涨。 Ye Qingyu at once, does not know how should direct to arrange these people. 叶青羽一时之间,也不知道该如何指挥安排这些人。 Wants by the superiority of quantity, defeats Right Minister Lin Zheng, obviously not too realistic matter, even if all fills in this about thousand people, is used to consume Lin Zheng yuan qi, only feared that Lin Zheng has White horse armor Guards, will not have the too ideal effect, let alone can abrasion Lin Zheng part of strength, Ye Qingyu will not use this bloody technique. 想要靠数量的优势,击败右相蔺争,显然是不太现实的事情,就算是把这近千人全都填进去,用来消耗蔺争元气,只怕蔺争有着【白马铠甲】护身,也不会有太理想的效果,更何况就算是可以磨掉蔺争的一部分实力,叶青羽也不会采用这种血腥的手法。 Let alone in the Right Minister subordinates Jiang Hu influence that the opposite eyes covetously, the population is less inferior than one's own side. 更何况在对面虎视眈眈的右相麾下江湖势力,人数丝毫不比己方逊色。 Brothers, protect the Bright God palace first.” “诸位兄弟,先守护住光明神殿吧。” Ye Qingyu loud [say / way]. 叶青羽大声道。 Since commencing of action, an influence of Right Minister side, attacks the Bright God palace successively repeatedly, set out several big Ascending Heaven Boundary unparalleled expert, finally even personally comes including Right Minister Lin Zheng, even if thinks with the toe that can determine, this absolutely is not because Lin Zheng too hates Radiant Palace Hall or is the Ye Qingyu reason. 自从战斗开始,右相一方的势力,先后几次三番攻击光明神殿,出动了几大登天境的盖世强者,最后甚至连右相蔺争亲自现身,就算是用脚趾头想,都可以确定,这绝对不是因为蔺争太痛恨光明殿或者是叶青羽的缘故。 The only explanation, lies in the Bright God palace, is hiding any extremely important thing or the secret. 唯一的解释,就在于光明神殿之中,隐藏着什么极为重要的东西或者秘密。 This thing or the secret, regarding the plan of Right Minister, are important part. 这东西或者秘密,对于右相的计划来说,是至关重要的一环。 In sky. 天空之中。 Lin Zheng stands erect proudly, the look is indifferent. 蔺争傲然屹立,神色冷漠。 Before Du Gu Quan and the others had broken through itself , the blockade that arranges, rushes ahead Radiant Palace Hall, is he has not expected, before Li Guangbi pre-combat, the under arrangement, has brought some support strengths to Radiant Palace Hall, but the issue is such one group of motley crew, really useful? Can be really Radiant Palace Hall brings a slim chance of survival? 独孤全等人冲破了自己之前布置的封锁,一路冲杀到光明殿,是他没有料到的,李光弼临战之前,布置下的这一手,给光明殿带来了一些支援力量,但问题是这样的一群乌合之众,真的有用吗?真的可以为光明殿带来一线生机吗? On the face of Lin Zheng, revealed one to sneer. 蔺争的脸上,露出了一丝冷笑。 He inspired slightly, the personal appearance dives suddenly, White horse armor Same is covering him just like silver comet Light Cover , in the wink of an eye, layer on layer hit in that had not collapsed completely Class silver bright Above, formation Light Cover completely is in a twinkling stave, then he such as the thunder generally layer on layer rumbled into below crowd. 他微微吸了一口气,身形猛然俯冲下来,【白马铠甲】宛如一颗银色彗星光罩一样笼罩着他,瞬息之间,就重重地撞在了那还未完全崩溃的【流银光明阵】之上,霎时间阵法光罩完全破碎,然后他就如雷霆一般重重地轰入了下方的人群之中。 Bang! 轰! Just likes meteor hit boundary is the same. 犹如陨星撞击地界一样。 The day fire scatters, the ground cracks, the white fluctuation of energy just likes the hurricane sweeps across all around generally. 天火飞迸,地面崩裂,白色能量波动犹如飓风一般席卷四周。 Ultimate central about hundred Jiang Hu Sect expert, unexpected, was swept across by this destruction shock-wave radiation, with enough time has not sent out including a pitiful yell, changes to the flying ash to scatter in void, the land parcel of bulk thunders is raised flies, the mist and dust soars to the heavens, the innumerable hot trees were eradicated. 终极中心近百个江湖宗门强者,猝不及防之下,被这毁灭般的冲击波辐射席卷,连一声惨叫都没有来得及发出,就化作飞灰飘散在虚空之中,大块大块的地块轰鸣着被掀飞,烟尘冲天,无数棵火树被连根拔起。 This picture, was really too fearful. 这种画面,实在是太可怕了。 Rushes to rescue all expert that comes, can insist here, is the elite master, may in front of this inside, in the thin slip of paper just like roaring flame be the same, vanishes in puff of smoke instantaneously. 驰援而来的各方强者,能够坚持到这里,无一不是菁英高手,可在这种里面面前,宛如烈焰中的薄纸片一样,瞬间灰飞烟灭。 About thousand expert, lost 1/10 in this split second. 近千强者,在这一瞬间损失了1。 Kills!” “杀!” In covering of light of white tiger, the Right Minister thin personal appearance appears, is in big strides imminent in the direction of Bright God palace. 白虎之光的笼罩中,右相削瘦的身形显现出来,大踏步地朝着光明神殿的方向迫近。 He behind, submitted to with Right Minister palace Sect expert instantaneous such as mountain flooding same, flushed crazily. 他身后,屈从与右相府的宗门强者瞬间如山洪暴发一样,疯狂地冲了过来。 The scene will shortly enter the degree that the short handle interacting naked sword has wrestled. 场面顷刻间进入了短柄交结白刃相搏的程度。 Right Minister Lin Zheng sweeps away all obstacles, several try to prevent his expert, was lifted in the hands by him, the bang kills became the flying ash, the white light tiger squats in his shoulder, the silver yuan qi light sword turnover, slender Huwei such as the god whip same circulation is void, root originally does not have no expert, can bully into his body in ten meters. 右相蔺争所向披靡,数名试图阻挡他的强者,被他抬手之间,轰杀成为了飞灰,白色光虎蹲在他的肩头,银色的元气光剑吞吐,修长的虎尾如神鞭一样流转虚空,根本就没有什么强者,可以欺入他身体十米之内。 This thin old person, just likes the demon god being near world, pricks in the butter block on such as the sharp sword of combustion instantaneously general, a camp of Radiant Palace Hall side, has cut open a gigantic crack. 这位削瘦的老人,犹如魔神临世,瞬间就如燃烧的利剑刺入牛油方块中一般,将光明殿一方的阵营,剖开了一道硕大的裂缝。 He behind, the masters of counter- clever camp, such as the prairie fire is common, following this slit, has rushed ahead. 他身后,反贼阵营的高手们,如野火一般,顺着这个缝隙,冲杀了进来。 The Radiant Palace Hall camp is thrown into confusion immediately. 光明殿阵营顿时阵脚大乱。 Damn, must block this.” Unparalleled blade king Qin Zhishui looked that immediately knows to trouble, if cannot block Lin Zheng, whatever he with irresistible force kills, a that Radiant Palace Hall side must defeat without doubt, supports continually cannot support too for a long time. “该死,必须拦下这老贼。”【无双刀王】秦止水一看,立刻就知道麻烦了,如果拦不下蔺争,任凭他一路势如破竹地杀进来,那光明殿一方必败无疑,连撑都撑不住太长时间。 ! 咻! Blade glow from out of the blue. 刀芒破空。 Qin Zhishui gets rid personally. 秦止水亲自出手。 He shouted angrily, the personal appearance and long blade unites, changes to together the blade glow, killed directly to Lin Zheng. 他怒喝一声,身形与长刀合一,化作一道刀芒,直接袭杀向蔺争 Qin brother was careful that your I collaborate together.” “秦兄小心,你我一起联手。” Ye Qingyu for fear that Qin Zhishui loses, follows hastily, in the hand the Crape Myrtle sword shakes, peerless brave general four moves it Soul stealing heaven strike Gets rid instantaneously. 叶青羽生怕秦止水有失,连忙紧随其后,手中紫薇剑一震,绝世猛将四式之【夺魄天斩】瞬间出手。 Soul stealing heaven strike The implication has two big masterstrokes, its one is near body, its two are prohibits silent. 夺魄天斩】蕴含有两大神技,其一为近身,其二为沉默封禁。 Therefore after Ye Qingyu, sends first, surpassed the Qin Zhishui blade, instantaneously has only invaded the Right Minister Lin Zheng side, the Crape Myrtle sword god glow has exploded overflows, the overhead cut. 所以叶青羽后发先至,赶超了秦止水的刀光,瞬间就侵入到了右相蔺争的身边,紫薇剑神芒爆溢,当头斩下。 Um?” “嗯?” In the Lin Zheng pupil flashes through the surprised color once again. 蔺争眸子里再度闪过惊疑之色。 This is his second time sends out to call out in alarm because of Ye Qingyu. 这是他第二次因为叶青羽而发出惊呼。 Also since has been the battle, some first people can break White Horse Armour The defense, invades his body in one meter. 也是交战以来,第一次有人可以破开【白马战甲】的防御,侵入到他身体一米之内。 The sword glow overhead cuts, if Lin Zheng actually does not see general, a fist bang to the chest of Ye Qingyu, the fist potential has been similar to the startling thunderclap, is relentless, since the situation to this degree, he again loved the talent, will definitely not have is forgiving slightly. 剑芒当头斩下,蔺争却如不见一般,一拳轰向了叶青羽的前胸,拳势如同惊雷,丝毫不留情,既然局势到了这种程度,他就算是再爱才,也绝对不会有丝毫的留情了。 The white light tiger of shoulder, in the roaring sound, the Huwei electric light seal, Ye Qingyu this sword, has kept off. 肩头的白色光虎,咆哮声中,虎尾电光般封印,将叶青羽这一剑,挡了下来。 The Ye Qingyu facial color is invariable, already expected this, the True Will of the Sky dragon stimulation of movement, the left hand changed to Draconyx extremity together with the entire arm, the bang above the fist of Lin Zheng. 叶青羽面色不变,早就料到了这样,天龙真意催动,左手连同整个手臂化作龙爪龙肢,轰在了蔺争的拳头之上。 Bang! 轰! During shakes greatly, blood light Beng Xian. 巨震之中,血光崩现。 The Ye Qingyu left arm explodes, the dragon scale shatter splash, the flesh and blood on fist was almost shaken piece by piece instantaneously flies, remaining the dense bones of the dead, the entire arm had only been moved the body by the shake wave of fist hit, looked like soaks the fever fire rake of blood to be the same, pitiful incomparable. 叶青羽左臂爆裂,片片龙鳞破碎飞溅,拳头上的血肉几乎被瞬间震飞,只剩下了森森白骨,整个手臂被拳头撞击的震荡波扒掉了皮肉,就像是一根浸了血的烧火棍一样,凄惨无比。 Puff!” “噗!” Ye Qingyu gasping spouts a blood, broke the kite of line to be ordinary likely, has flown upside down. 叶青羽张口喷出一道鲜血,像是断了线的纸鸢一般,倒飞了出去。 But at this time, the Qin Zhishui blade light also killed, but. 而就在这个时候,秦止水的刀光也袭杀而至。 The blade potential such as the crazy electricity, has the shatter void potential faintly. 刀势如狂电,隐隐有破碎虚空之势。 Right Minister pays no attention to the blade light, is a fist rumbles, after killing the blade light, directly Qin Zhishui true body. 右相不理刀光,又是一拳轰出,直接袭杀刀光之后秦止水的真身。 But under split second, his complexion suddenly great change. 但下一瞬间,他的脸色霍然巨变。 Because of the white light tiger twinkle of shoulder, vanished suddenly in light of this. 因为肩头的白色光虎猛然一个闪烁,就此消失了。 A Qin Zhishui this wild Unparalleled blade, without bias and without favor, happen to cut above the Right Minister forehead. 秦止水这狂暴无双的一刀,不偏不倚,正好斩在了右相的额头之上。 ------------- ------------- Today fourth 今天第四更了 The brothers, able to move unhindered this year inventory, each account number 7 free tickets, everybody helps me throw mean every day, thanked, hopes that can lead a friend actually last year the meeting 兄弟们,纵横这个年度盘点,每个账号每天都有7张免费票的,大家帮我投一下作者,非常感谢,希望倒是可以带着一位朋友去年会哦
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