IGE :: Volume #5

#450: Spiritual sublimation

Left Minister and senior marshal Li Guangbi collaborates, is still not the Right Minister match. 左相和老元帅李光弼联手,依然不是右相的对手。 A white light tiger squats in the shoulder of Right Minister, as if lives is having the soul to be ordinary, attack defense as one, coordination with Right Minister, to just like a degree of body, this so-called town country destiny White tiger fights armor, Obviously in the black iron sword and white disciplinary ruler in Left Minister Qu Hanshan hand compared with senior general hand tyrannical too many were too many, in addition Right Minister Lin Zheng originally was known as Snow Country past day-by-day talent, his Cultivation Base, is in itself more tyrannical than Li Guangbi and Qu Hanshan. 一只白色光虎蹲在右相的肩头,仿佛是活着有灵魂一般,进攻防御为一体,与右相的配合,到了宛如一体的程度,这件所谓的镇国气运之器【白虎战甲】,显然要比老将军手中的黑色铁剑和左相曲寒山手中的白色戒尺强横了太多太多,加之右相蔺争本就是号称雪国昔日的第一天天才,他的修为,本身就要比李光弼曲寒山强横。 When the fight has carried on the quick double-hour, Qu Hanshan they, were defeated finally. 所以在战斗进行了快一个时辰的时候,曲寒山两人,终于败下阵来。 The Qu Hanshan front by the tail bang of white light tiger , the clothing was been stave immediately, the entire chest broke completely hollowly, had the white bone stubble even to poke from the back, the five main internal organs (entrails) was almost rumbled in split second the meat sauce, gasping has spurted the blood crazily, and White tiger fights armor The different strength flows in his within the body crazily recklessly flies to flee...... 曲寒山胸前被白色光虎的尾巴轰中,顿时衣衫破碎,整个胸口全部都破碎凹陷了下去,有白色的骨茬甚至从背后戳了出来,五脏六腑在一瞬间几乎是被轰成了肉酱,张口狂喷鲜血,且【白虎战甲】的异力在他体内疯狂肆意地流淌飞窜…… Another side senior marshal Li Guangbi was actually in charge by Lin Zheng in the front, the heart is hit to explode directly, a transparent hole of palm appeared in the front, the body is rumbled to put on. 另一边老元帅李光弼却是被蔺争一掌印在了胸前,心脏直接被打爆,一个掌形的透明窟窿出现在胸前,身体被轰穿了。 The personal appearance of two people, such as the stone has crashed from the sky equally. 两个人的身形,如石块一样从天空之中坠落了下来。 Ye Qingyu sees that is surprised, flies high to jump, the personal appearance of two people, flew high to meet directly. 叶青羽见状,大吃一惊,凌空跃起,将两个人的身形,直接凌空接了下来。 Right Minister stands erect void, in the eye pupil murderous intention Flashed, white tiger is in charge blocks the sky to cover, must strike to kill the Ye Qingyu three people together. 右相屹立虚空,眼眸之中杀机一闪,白虎掌印遮天蔽日覆盖而下,要将叶青羽三人一起击杀。 This old thing, was the tortoise eats the steelyard weight iron core really must betray Snow Country......” “这老东西,真的是王八吃秤砣铁了心要背叛雪国了……” Ye Qingyu only thought that the whole person by internal combustion engine hauling locking that white tiger is in charge, evades not to be possible radically to evade, all around space was been as if same by the seal, that is in charge is bringing destruction general killing intent, by Ye Qingyu present Cultivation Base, only if were stimulates to movement Limitless divine way Four ban the above condition, otherwise is unable to resist. 叶青羽只觉得整个人都被那白虎掌印的气机牵引锁定,根本避无可避,四周空间似乎都被封印一样,那掌印带着毁灭一般的杀意,以叶青羽如今的修为,除非是催动到了【无极神道】的四禁以上的状态,否则根本无法抵挡。 Let alone in his hand also has two wounded? 何况他手中还有两个伤者? Almost does not need to measure instantaneously again, Ye Qingyu has stimulated to movement the bronze ancient book Fiendgod titled chart In teleportation Masterstroke. 几乎是瞬间不用再权衡,叶青羽催动了青铜古书【神魔封号谱】之中的【闪现】神技。 Glimmer Flashed. 微光一闪 Ye Qingyu vanished together with Qu Hanshan and Li Guangbi in together same place. 叶青羽连同曲寒山李光弼一起消失在了原地。 Void that white tiger is in charge also before is crushing three people was at instantaneously, in the blue black nighttime sky, shakes place of surrounding area several hundred meters chaos turbulent flow, seemed the sky flaw one piece was the same, scary to the extreme. 白虎掌印也在瞬间粉碎了三人之前所在的虚空,在青黑色的夜空之中,震出方圆数百米的一个混沌乱流之地,仿佛是天空缺失了一片一样,骇人到了极点。 With split second, Ye Qingyu led them to return to the ground. 一瞬间,叶青羽带着两人回到了地面上。 The entire process is completed in split second of fast, thrillingly to the extreme. 整个过程在电光石火的一瞬间完成,惊险到了极点。 Um?” “嗯?” In the sky, on the Right Minister Lin Zheng face passed over gently and swiftly a surprised color. 天空之中,右相蔺争脸上掠过一丝惊讶之色。 What Divine Ability is this? Can explain unexpectedly instantaneously White tiger fights armor Internal combustion engine seal? Must know that is true Ascending Heaven Boundary expert, facing that strikes, must be seriously injured...... The body of this small Palace Master, is hiding it seems like many not for the cognition secret.” “这是一种什么神通?竟然可以瞬间破解【白虎战甲】的气机封印?要知道就算是真正的登天境强者,面对那一击,都要受重伤……这个小殿主的身上,看来还隐藏着许多不为认知的秘密啊。” Such thought flashes through at heart, the Right Minister Lin Zheng vision, flies high to overlook, looks at people below armed soldier camp and Bright God palace. 心里这样的念头闪过,右相蔺争的目光,凌空俯视下来,看着下方的甲士营和光明神殿中的众人。 A giant incomparable white tiger empty shade, changes in the mist dim light of night, brand mark in imperial capital void. 一个巨大无朋的白虎虚影,于云气夜色之中变化,烙印在了帝都上方的虚空之中。 This is White tiger fights armor Stimulated to movement acme indication. 这是【白虎战甲】被催动到了极致的征兆。 This split second, before as if has is antique , the Fiendgod initial Space-Time god beast white tiger, passed through the endless years great antiquity, is having ice-cold and vision of trial, lingers with the sky above, ices Coldly to look at this stretch of earth, must punish any dares to defy its person. 一瞬间,就仿佛是有一头太古之前神魔初始时空的神兽白虎,穿越了无尽的岁月洪荒,带着冰冷而又审判的目光,盘桓与天空之上,冰冷冷地看着这片大地,要制裁任何敢于违抗它的人。 That giant white tiger head, lets everyone, felt own tiny. 那巨大的白虎头颅,让每一个人,都感觉到了自己的渺小。 „A double-hour, Domain Portal opens greatly, when the time comes foreign country Fiendgod arrives, entire Heaven Wasteland Domain must re-enter prehistoric God and Devil era, Ye Qingyu, this reads you are my Human Race this year the rare talented person, finally gives you an opportunity, hires oneself this, the matter of today crosses, naturally has your to shake the Tian Huang (Heaven Wasteland) magnificent time, otherwise, this under the palm, you also are just wisp of flying ash several sections of bleached bones, even if you have the talent talent of going against heaven's will, has wasted eventually, is doomed to bury in the loess!” “还有一个时辰,界域之门大开,到时候外域神魔降临,整个天荒界都要重回史前神魔时代,叶青羽,本相念你是我人族本年罕见的人才,最后给你一次机会,投靠本相,今日之事一过,自然有你名震天荒的辉煌时刻,否则,本相的掌下,你也只不过是一缕飞灰几截枯骨而已,纵然你有逆天的才华天赋,终究还是浪费了,注定埋没于黄土之中!” The Right Minister Lin Zheng start to talk, in sound/noise is bringing not the strength that allows to reject. 右相蔺争开口,声音之中带着不容拒绝的强硬。 Has the behavior, can refrain from doing things,” Ye Qingyu lets people leads into the Bright God palace therapy the treatment Qu Hanshan and Li Guangbi, oneself raise head to look in the sky this just like Fiendgod near the world common thin old person, says with a smile: Eats the wealth of Monarch, actually disobeys Jun graciousness, adding is Human Race, actually abandons Human Race, actually does not know that what honor you have and self-confidence, making me hire oneself you?” “有所为,有所不为,”叶青羽让人将曲寒山李光弼带入到光明神殿之中疗伤救治,自己仰头看着天空之中这位宛如神魔临世一般的削瘦老人,微笑着道:“食君之禄,却违逆君恩,添为人族之相,却背弃人族,却不知道你有什么脸面和自信,让我投靠你?” Lin Zheng hear that, how is not angry, said with a smile: Shortsighted, Snow Country Royal Family, how representative entire Heaven Wasteland Domain Human Race? This place of entering the palace, is the same to you, wants to promote the empire, is magnificent my Heaven Wasteland Human Race, Yu Clan Royal Family, from the sovereign, to the crown prince, all for the muddle-headed generation, the lazy royal government, is what a pity shiftless, the wrongdoing world, I wholeheartedly am Human Race, instead everywhere receives impeding of Royal Family, such being the case, does not displace.” 蔺争闻言,并不是如何恼怒,笑道:“目光短浅,雪国皇室,如何代表的了整个天荒界人族?本相入朝之处,何尝不是与你一样,想要振兴帝国,辉煌我天荒人族,可惜鱼族皇室,上至帝君,下至亲王,皆为昏聩之辈,慵懒朝政,不思进取,失德天下,我一心为人族,反而是处处受到皇室的掣肘,既然如此,不取而代之。” Ye Qingyu is listening, while revolution Yuan Art, stimulation of movement Limitless divine way, Triggers a higher first-level god to ban the might unceasingly. 叶青羽一边听着,一边运转元功,催动【无极神道】,不断地触发更高一级的神禁威力。 His imposing manner, is promoting rapidly. 他的气势,正在迅速地提升着。 Lin Zheng does not look up general, said: Ye Qingyu, you, if gives up revolting, your subordinates this Elite army, then can avoid the distress of destruction, may result in preserves, without the resistance, has not slaughtered, you old friend friends in other places, can escape death by a hair's breadth......” 蔺争似是不查一般,又道:“叶青羽,你若放弃反抗,你麾下这支精锐大军,便能避免覆灭之厄,可得保存,没有抵抗,就没有杀戮,你在其他各处的故人朋友,也能幸免于难……” Ye Qingyu hears here, the look suddenly changes, gets angry suddenly, said: Your what meaning?” 叶青羽听到这里,神色猛然一变,霍然而怒,道:“你什么意思?” Hears your working style, most hides shortcomings, regarding the person of side being intimate with, in every possible way maintenance, in years past Youyan Pass sentry post how many young sentries, but died in battle for you in peril, you afterward by any means possible gave favored treatment to their family members, you in White Deer Academy, there are many schoolfellow good friends? Ye Mansion in Deer City, was right, Youyan Pass Lu Zhaoge and the others......” “听闻你做事风格,最为护短,对于身边亲近之人,百般维护,昔年幽燕关哨所的几个小小哨兵,只是在危亡时为你战死,你后来就千方百计优待他们的家人,你在白鹿学院,也有不少的同窗好友吧?鹿鸣郡城之中的叶府,哦,对了,还有幽燕关陆朝歌等人……” Right Minister Lin Zheng smiles lightly. 右相蔺争淡淡地笑。 But during that smiles is containing meaning, makes Ye Qingyu have the anger that one type is unable to contain instantaneously with killing intent. 但那笑之中所蕴含着的意味,却让叶青羽瞬间有一种无法遏制的愤怒和杀意 Clearly, Right Minister Lin Zheng regarding the understanding of Ye Qingyu, the Ye Qingyu imagination is more thorough than and detailed. 很明显,右相蔺争对于叶青羽的了解,要比叶青羽想象的更加深入和详细。 You are Right Minister, how can handle the so despicable shameless matter?” Ye Qingyu angrily rebukes. “你身为右相,怎可做如此卑劣无耻的事情?”叶青羽怒斥。 This is in the Ye Qingyu life, biggest inviting the wrath of the emperor, touching must get angry. 这是叶青羽一生之中,最大的逆鳞,触之则必怒。 Right Minister smiles lightly, said: „Becoming important matter does not hesitate the tip.” 右相淡淡一笑,道:“成大事者不惜小费。” You......” Ye Qingyu violent anger, but could also not say anything. “你……”叶青羽暴怒,但又说不出来什么。 Because of knowing, Lin Zheng this person, is not the hero, but is the fierce and ambitious, to accomplish, will choose completely does not count the method not at any cost, this is this person is truly fearful and hard to deal with place. 因为知道,蔺争这种人,不是英雄,而是枭雄,为了成事,完全会选择不计手段不惜代价,这是这种人真正可怕和难缠的地方。 „To hear you to be in imperial capital, has established long time ago own informer, in sesame seed common tiny gang Two River Group that Deer City, the antenna spread Snow Capital , had a mind, what a pity court attendant Lang Yong, too young was loyally immature, although was the talented person, how also to be possible and this painstakingly compared with a Heart Sutra camp dozens years of influence?” “本想听闻你在帝都之中,早早就建立了自己的耳目,将那鹿鸣郡城中芝麻一般渺小的帮会两江会,触角蔓延到了雪京,也算是有心了,可惜不论是郎忠还是郎勇,都太年轻稚嫩了,虽然是人才,又怎么可能和本相苦心经营数十年的势力相比?” In the heart of Ye Qingyu, is more shocking. 叶青羽的心中,更加震惊。 His originally thinks that Two River Group Snow Capital divides the matter of rudder, is watertight airtight, after oneself arrived at Snow Capital, but Lang Yong met, before to prevent Two River Group, relates the exposition, Ye Qingyu has not contacted with Lang Yong again, will be only occasionally Lang Yong through some extremely covert method, will deliver some information to come. 原本以为,两江会雪京分舵的事情,滴水不漏密不透风,自己来到了雪京之后,只是和郎勇见了一面而已,为了防止两江会和自己之前关系暴露,叶青羽再也没有联系过郎勇,只是偶尔郎勇会通过一些极为隐蔽的手段,送一些信息过来。 But has not thought that Two River Group exposed. 但没想到,两江会还是暴露了。 Influence of criticism Right Minister in entire empire, such as the mercury flows swiftly general, seizes every opportunity, now looks like, indeed is so, no matter Ye Qingyu, are Lang Yonglang is loyal, extremely had a low opinion of the enemy. 人言右相在整个帝国之中的势力,都如水银泻地一般,无孔不入,现在看来,的确是如此,不管是叶青羽自己,还是郎勇郎忠,都太过轻敌了。 Listens to Lin Zheng to continue to say lightly with a smile: „After you arrived at the imperial capital, with is very near, Du Gu Quan and Ouyang that the Du Gu aristocratic family and Ouyang aristocratic family walk do not put down that two old foxes, wants to press a gambling stake on your body, to your flatteries and help, Lin Family...... may you know, even if were you died in battle today here, they will not be sad for your least bit, instead with this will compromise quickly, transfers the direction, became this subordinates private?” 就听蔺争淡淡笑着继续说道:“你到了帝都之后,与独孤世家、欧阳世家走的很近,独孤全欧阳不平那两个老狐狸,想要在你的身上压一点赌注,对你各种奉承和帮助,还有林家……可你知不知道,就算是你今日战死在这里,他们也不会为你半点难过,反而会很快就与本相妥协,调转方向,成为本相麾下的卒子?” Ye Qingyu took a deep breath. 叶青羽深深地吸了一口气 Before his body, the innumerable Sect expert distance white beside approaches slowly, because of the reason of Right Minister calligraphy and painting, therefore has not launched the attack. 在他身前,无数宗门强者距离白之外缓缓逼近,但因为右相书画的原因,所以并未发动攻击。 In his, the armed soldiers in several hundred bright armed soldier camps like the forest, do not have a static solemnly and respectfully, like the rock, protected the back of Ye Qingyu, this time armed soldiers, could not find before again slightly, that feigning madness and playing dumb when the camp caused to play the valuable inexpensively the laughing appearance, the body of everyone, was surging one type after the innumerable battlefields blood and iron firm Evil Qi that was bathed in blood to slaughter to be repeatedly tempered becomes. 在他的身后,数百光明甲士营的甲士肃穆如林,没有一丝杂音,又如磐石,护住了叶青羽的后背,这个时候的甲士们,再也找不到丝毫之前在营地里时那种装疯卖傻使贱耍宝的嘻哈模样,每一个人的身上,都涌动着一种经过无数战场浴血厮杀千锤百炼而成的铁血刚硬煞气 Ouyang and Du Gu two brothers, what choice will make, I am clearer than you, thinks really depending on your in a few words, can instigate among us the relations? Although my Ye Qingyu was inferior that your Lin Zheng story is infinite, but actually also knows the experience will of the people, recognizes people the judge,” Ye Qingyu depresses the anger in heart, is every single word or phrase typical: Let alone, even if two brothers submits to with you, I do not have the complaint certainly, two big aristocratic family high and low several thousand people, the blood is thicker than water, is hard to abandon it, absorbs in your despotic power, to preserve the family member lowers the head, is not the shame matter, my Ye Qingyu will not request two brothers absolutely for me, compensates two respected family 100,000 people of lives, otherwise, is the true shamelessness, with your Lin Zheng, what also there is to distinguish?” 欧阳独孤两位老哥哥,会做出什么样的选择,我心里比你清楚,真的以为凭你的三言两语,就可以挑拨我们之间的关系吗?我叶青羽虽然不如你蔺争阅历无穷,但却也知道体会人心,认人识人,”叶青羽压下心中的愤怒,一字一句地道:“更何况,就算是两位老哥哥屈从与你,我也绝无怨言,两大世家上下数万人,血浓于水,难以弃之,摄于你的淫威,为了保全家人而低头,并不是什么耻辱的事情,我叶青羽也绝对不会要求两位老哥哥为了我,赔上两大家族100000人的性命,否则,才是真正的无耻,和你蔺争,又有什么区别?” This saying, one strange spiritual fluctuation, bursts out in the body of Ye Qingyu. 这话一出,有一种奇异的精神波动,在叶青羽的身体里迸发出来。 This is one type invisible, but actually stirring strength. 这是一种无形但却震撼人心的力量。 Ye Qingyu also suddenly thought that at present one bright, the originally heart, is suddenly open, in heart confused and scruple hesitant, sweeps away instantaneously, does not have the slight haze again, the will is the unprecedented firmness. 叶青羽自己也顿然觉得眼前一亮,原本塞塞的心胸,霍然开朗,心中的迷茫和迟疑犹豫,瞬间一扫而空,再无丝毫的阴霾,心志更是前所未有的坚定。 This is a sublimation of Divine Sense. 这是一种神识的升华。 Purification and promotion of one spiritual strength and Realm. 一种精神力量和境界的净化和提升。 This promotion, regarding Martial Artist, absolutely is the long-awaited opportunity. 这种提升,对于武者来说,绝对是梦寐以求的机遇。 Xiuwu goes against heaven's will, what is most tasteful is thought understanding, the heart is nonblocking, before such as Ye Qingyu general, by rash that Right Minister Lin Zheng several words said that the spunk is difficult to stop, invites the wrath of the emperor is also his weakness, once falls into such shackles, then the understanding demon is encumbered, martial path becomes incomparably difficult. 修武逆天,最为讲究的是念头通达,心无阻塞,如叶青羽之前一般,被右相蔺争几句话就说的心浮气躁,怒意难遏,逆鳞也是他的弱点,一旦陷入这样的桎梏,便会心魔缠身,武道之路变得无比艰辛。 But after at this time thinks through instantaneously, the heart demon vanishes in puff of smoke immediately. 但此时瞬间想通之后,心魔立刻就灰飞烟灭。 Later Ye Qingyu Cultivation, will be surely twice the result with half the effort, level road. 以后叶青羽修炼,必定会事半功倍,一路坦途。 But also at this time, distant place suddenly heard together the sound of heroic laughing aloud: Good, good that said that worthily is my Brother Ye, the life a friend, even if dies, there are why not? The brothers we came......” 而也就在这个时候,远处突然传来一道豪迈的呵呵大笑之声:“好,说的好,不愧是我的叶兄弟,人生得一知己,纵然是死,又有何妨?老哥哥我们来了……” ------------ ------------ Third. 第三更。 Strives for again one 争取再更一张 The brothers help to throw the ticket of that year author, our concentrated fire power, throws the author, do not throw the work. 兄弟们帮忙投一下那个年度作者的票,咱们集中火力,投作者,不要投作品。 Thanked everybody 谢谢大家了
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