IGE :: Volume #5

#449: One group of cheap people

Those who make Sect master expert collapse, the armed soldier who these stand, strength rises suddenly suddenly, nearly in has been able to flicker to kill their Realm to one type, originally needs 56 armed soldiers to be able with joint forces at risk of life Sect expert, but an armed soldier shortly, can N defeat 45 Spirit Spring stage high level Sect Martial Artist now. 更加让宗门高手强者们崩溃的是,那些站起来的甲士,实力突然暴涨,到了一种近乎于可以瞬杀他们的境界,原本需要56个甲士合力才可以拼死一个宗门强者,但现在一个甲士顷刻之间,就可以杀败45个灵泉境高阶的宗门武者 Careful observation words, before these by hacking to death the armed soldier, after standing, injury, already does not know when vanished, has not stayed behind including a scar besides them on the crack of clothes. 仔细观察的话,之前那些被‘砍死’的甲士,站起来之后,身上的伤势,早就不知道在什么时候消失了,连一个疤痕都没有留下除了他们身上衣服的破洞之外。 Flesh and blood recovery? 血肉恢复 This...... Is it possible that is one crowd of Sea of Bitterness Stage expert is inadequate? 这……莫非是一群苦海境强者不成? This discovery, made some Jiang Hu Sect people grasp simply quickly crazily. 这个发现,简直快让一些江湖宗门中人抓狂了。 Yo, did your also fire live?” “哟,你也火活了?” Ha Ha, yes, has not fought for a long time, moves the physique!” “哈哈,是啊是啊,好久没有打架了,活动活动筋骨!” Who is *** said a moment ago one are the spy is coming......” “是谁***刚才说自己是奸细来着……” Hi, that to deceive this group of fools, this you also believe.” “嗨,那都是为了骗这群傻子的嘛,这你也信。” Said, this group of Sect fools also very adorable, had not discovered unexpectedly we are feigning death, Ha Ha Ha.” “说起来,这群宗门傻瓜也挺可爱的啊,居然没有发现我们在装死啊,哈哈哈。” Unexpectedly attacks Radiant Palace Hall, who they are not silly to be silly.” “居然来进攻光明殿,他们不傻谁傻啊。” Feigned death a moment ago, I have knocked down several secretly, they had not discovered unexpectedly, oh, now the person in Jiang Hu Sect, stupid to this degree?” “刚才装死的时候,我偷偷撂倒了好几个,他们居然都没有发现,唉,如今江湖宗门中的人,都蠢到这种程度了吗?” You also felt all right saying that I discovered your feigning death technique the attainments regressed, you lay down on the ground, I can feel that your pulse was also beating, if this met Ascending Heaven Boundary expert, has discovered instantaneously, when the time comes you really estimated die.” “你还好意思说,我发现你装死术的造诣退步了,你躺在地上的时候,我都能够感觉到你还有一丝脉搏在跳动,这要是遇到登天境强者,瞬间就发现了,到时候你估计得真死了。” What can confirm is the group of armed soldiers in bright camp, completely is one group of cheap people. 可以确认的是光明营的这群甲士,全部都是一群贱人。 After the thorough exposition demonstrated oneself fierce fang, they fight while also laughing each other greeted, as if this was playing is noisily same, this let their originally stunned unbelievable Sect master, almost collapsed thoroughly. 在彻底暴露展示出了自己狰狞的獠牙之后,他们一边战斗一边还嘻嘻哈哈地彼此打招呼,仿佛这是在玩闹一样,这让他们本就错愕难以置信的宗门高手,几乎彻底崩溃了。 Why can be this? 为什么会是这样? Did not keep these people in Radiant Palace Hall to the present, is the unyielding dauntless men? 不是到了如今还留在光明殿中的那些人,一个个都是铁骨铮铮的硬汉子吗? Did not say that this so-called armed soldier camp, already did corrupt? 不是说这个所谓的甲士营,早就腐烂透顶了吗? Clarity that in the information said that this armed soldier camp from top to bottom is one crowd of straw bag waste, all day knows to gather in great numbers to gamble, including their generals is in an imperial capital the most famous waste, lets the person to rub to pinch? 情报上说的清清楚楚,这个甲士营从上到下都是一群草包废物,整天就知道聚众赌博,连他们的将军都是一个帝都之中最出名的废物,任人揉捏的吗? But now what's the matter? 可现在是怎么回事? Did one flock of waste residue weak chickens, change suddenly before, changed to the Divine Dragon brave fighter? 一群废渣弱鸡,突然之前摇身一变,化作了神龙猛虎? The instantaneous reverse of situation, making Jiang Hu Sect expert lose seriously, almost in less than time of tea, 100-200 Sect expert was cut to kill, this group of laughing cheap person armed soldiers, although looks like a little ignores a proper occupation, but will get rid not to be actually forgiving, the war technique that they will show, as if passed through has been repeatedly tempered to be the same, each move of each type was simple practical, has been full of the lethality, coordinated their violence not awfully -type cutting law, the Jiang Hu Sect people imposing manner was greatly weak, one type totaled military defeat the general trend. 局势的瞬间反转,让江湖宗门强者们损失惨重,几乎是在不到一盏茶的时间里,就有一两百宗门强者被斩杀,这群嘻嘻哈哈的贱人甲士,虽然一个个看起来有点儿不务正业,但出手却是丝毫不会留情,他们施展的战技,仿佛是经过了千锤百炼一样,每一招每一式都是简单实用,充满了杀伤力,配合他们暴力不要命式的斩法,江湖宗门中人气势大弱,有一种兵败如山倒一般的趋势。 In Sect expert, after all in some true Sea of Bitterness Stage high level expert. 宗门强者之中,毕竟还是有一些真正的苦海境中高阶的强者 Sees this condition, these Cultivation Base profound low grade expert get rid, wants to save the aspect. 见此状况,这些修为精深的低级强者出手,想要挽回局面。 But reality brutal like is an impregnable bastion, the last luck of Jiang Hu Sect troops. 但现实残酷的像是一堵铜墙铁壁一样,将江湖宗门人马的最后一丝侥幸。 The armed soldiers because of these bright camps, as if meet very strange unusual jointly attacking formation, meets top expert each time lashes out the time, their 45 people are quite instantaneously tacit skilled collaboration, will attack to keep off. 因为这些光明营的甲士,似乎是会一种很诡异奇特的合击阵法,每次遇到顶级强者出手攻击的时候,他们45个人瞬间极为默契熟练的联手,将攻击挡了回去。 Perhaps these careless armed soldiers, were together are gambling too for a long time, was good at grasping the psychology of companion with the response, simply tacit was similar to a person is the same, jointly attacked formation to cause by them, several people were the same just like one person, root originally could not find the slight flaw. 这些个吊儿郎当的甲士,也许是在一起赌博太长时间了,太善于把握同伴的心理和反应,简直默契的如同一个人一样,合击阵法由他们使出来,数人宛如一人一样,根本就找不到丝毫的破绽。 If there is expert of Sea of Bitterness Ocean boundary to get rid, if jointly attacks formation unable to deal, suddenly will shoot a sinister stab in the back secretly, silent, does not have the slight smoke anger, but striking power fearful to the extreme, including half Ascending Heaven Boundary expert, can cause heavy losses instantaneously, can help the armed soldiers retrieve from an inferior position at any time. 如果有苦海汪洋境的强者出手,万一合击阵法无法应对的话,突然暗地里就会射来一支阴险的暗箭,无声无息,不带丝毫的烟火气,但偏偏攻击力可怕到了极点,连半步登天境强者,都可以瞬间重创,可以随时帮助甲士们挽回劣势。 In an instant, about hundred Sect expert were strangled to death. 转眼之间,就又有近百名宗门强者被绞杀。 The armed soldier camp that is earnest, showed a terrifying efficiency. 认真起来的甲士营,展现出了一种恐怖的效率。 Meatball common fatty in most central, in the hand is pulling a handle long bow, the back has hung up dozens arrow pots, has packed the black armor piercing arrow, this time fatty, did not have before actually, that strange appearance, expression slightly obviously has enforced. 肉球一般的胖子在最中央,手中挽着一柄长弓,背后重新挂上了数十个箭壶,都装满了黑色破甲箭,这个时候的胖子,倒是没有了之前那种怪模样,表情略显的严肃了起来。 The shameless stab in the back of that command Jiang Hu Sect master expert color deteriorations, this fatty shoots. 那一支支令江湖宗门高手强者变色的无耻暗箭,正是这个胖子射出来的。 The fat people play the role of the pig to eat the tiger, first is the arrow kills the purple hawk, then has shot dead Right Minister palace east court jade surface my dear at the positive showdown, its strength endures expert that Ascending Heaven Boundary is preliminarier, has him to assume personal command most central, serves with the aid unceasingly, entire armed soldier Battalion Yunzhuan incomparable smooth, a layer upon layer battlefield links up, the final several hundred people unexpectedly are the revolution such as person of general, seems a precise machine. 胖子扮猪吃虎,先是箭杀紫鹰,接着又在正面对决射死了右相府的东院玉面郎君,其实力堪比登天境初阶的强者,有他坐镇最中央,不断地施以援手,整个甲士营运转的无比顺畅,一层层战阵衔接起来,最后数百人竟是运转如一人一般,仿佛是一台精密的机器。 Under fatty's direction, traverse of entire armed soldier camp battlefield toward Bright God palace in the past. 在胖子的指挥之下,整个甲士营战阵朝着光明神殿的方向移动过去。 Although the innumerable Jiang Hu Sect masters at risk of life stop, does not have what effect. 尽管无数的江湖宗门高手都拼死阻拦,却也没有什么效果。 Ye Qingyu noted this finally. 叶青羽终于注意到了这一幕。 His Ha Ha Ha has laughed. 哈哈哈大笑了起来。 A good your fatty, has really been playing the role of the pig to eat the tiger. 好你个胖子,果然是一直都在扮猪吃虎啊。 But those who made palace Military leader pleasantly surprised was, was not only the fatty, the entire armed soldier camp was playing the role of the pig to eat the tiger. 而令殿主大人惊喜的是,不仅仅是胖子,整个甲士营都在扮猪吃虎。 Efficiency and Battle Strength that at this time the armed soldier camp showed that simply in most Elite the war department compared with Youyan Pass fearful not, not only in Youyan Pass, not only in the imperial capital, in that split second, Ye Qingyu almost can affirm that in entire Snow Country was as for Heaven Wasteland Domain, could not discover the war department of this kind of Battle Strength so hurricane. 这个时候甲士营展现出来的效率和战力,简直要比幽燕关中最精锐的战部都可怕不,不仅仅是在幽燕关,也不仅仅是在帝都,在那么一瞬间,叶青羽几乎可以肯定,在整个雪国乃至于天荒界,都找不出这样一个战力如此狂飙的战部了。 Almost the armed soldier in every armed soldier camp, has the Sea of Bitterness Stage preliminary battle efficiency. 几乎每一个甲士营的甲士,都有苦海境初阶的战斗力。 This absolutely is an incredible discovery. 这绝对是一个令人难以置信的发现。 But what is unbelievable, the sum total that they grasp fights the technique, no matter two people collaborate, three and four and five are as for dozens and over a hundred, can display perfectly, by the limit of population, the population were not been more, the might is bigger, even if the two people of most lower limit collaborates, can hard anti- Sea of Bitterness Stage high level expert. 而更更加难以置信的是,他们掌握的合计战技,不管是两个人联手,还是三个、四个、五个乃至于数十个、上百个,都可以完美发挥,丝毫不受人数的限制,人数越多,威力越大即便是最低限的两个人联手,都可以硬抗苦海境高阶的强者 Ye Qingyu more looked that more is the heart is startled. 叶青羽越看越是心惊。 This absolutely is a fearful war department, Elite that is repeatedly tempered to train, even can be said as should not be the Heaven Wasteland Domain war department......” “这绝对是一支可怕的战部,一支千锤百炼培养出来的精锐,甚至可以说是一支不应该属于天荒界的战部……” But is this kind of war department, appeared in Bright City unexpectedly. 可就是这样一支战部,竟然出现在了光明城内。 Own this so-called Radiant Palace Hall lord, actually fights the department regarding such one, did not understand. 自己这个所谓的光明殿主,却对于这样一只战部,丝毫不了解。 Moreover unifies the beforehand all sorts of signs, is not only does not know that only fears including Right Minister and empire Royal Family and military headquarters, doesn't know? 而且结合之前的种种迹象来看,不仅仅是自己不知道,只怕是连右相、帝国皇室和军部,也都不知道吧? Perhaps does Aunt Heng know? 也许衡姑姑知道? Ye Qingyu remembers that he therapy after the Bright God palace finished, sees Aunt Heng to appear outside the main hall, in the sky the fatty's suffering from injustice and jade surface my dear in a face is fighting, when that suffering from injustice expression, was clearly compelled is fighting like this, then what person can compel this cunning fatty to fight? 叶青羽记得,自己在光明神殿里疗伤结束之后,就看到衡姑姑出现在大殿之外,天空之中胖子正在一脸委屈地和玉面郎君战斗,那种委屈的表情,分明是被人逼着打架时才会这样,那么什么人能够逼着这个奸猾的胖子去战斗呢? Presents in all people, besides Aunt Heng, Ye Qingyu cannot think that who also had this energy. 在场所有的人中,除了衡姑姑之外,叶青羽想不到谁还有这个能量了。 These ideas, wield a sword to flash through his mind that is bathed in blood to fight in Ye Qingyu instantaneously. 这些想法,都只是在叶青羽挥剑浴血战斗的瞬间闪过他的脑海的。 Took place of the fallen the same craziness to attack facing innumerable Sect expert insanely, Ye Qingyu a little soon could not support. 面对无数宗门强者前仆后继疯了一样的狂攻,叶青羽也有点儿快要支撑不住。 Was good because at this time, armed soldier Battalion Zhanbu finally under fatty's direction, separated the crowd, flushed, converged with Ye Qingyu in one. 好在在这个时候,甲士营战部终于在胖子的指挥之下,一路分开人群,冲了过来,与叶青羽汇合在了一起。 Qi Bingdian Military leader, armed soldier camp commander king Li Jin, commands the army to come to rush to rescue, invites the palace Military leader instruction!” “启禀殿主大人,甲士营统帅王郦金,率军前来驰援,请殿主大人指示!” The fat innertube a taking undeserved credit expression of face, was flattering to smile. 胖子带着一脸的邀功表情,谄媚地笑着。 Ye Qingyu does not know that should say anything. 叶青羽不知道该说什么。 This fatty obviously is rare expert, why may the style of a little master not have, instead is one type inexpensive the appearance, making the person see him to trample a foot. 这胖子明明是一个罕见的强者,可为什么偏偏却一点儿高手的风范都没有,反而是一种贱兮兮的样子,让人看见他就想要踹一脚。 Had this bright armed soldier camp and fatty shares the pressure, Ye Qingyu suddenly feels was more relaxed. 有了这光明甲士营和胖子分担压力,叶青羽顿觉的轻松了许多。 Spirit monkey battle companion Venerable spirit Although does not know where died to went, but outside the Bright God palace strength of that gentle protection, actually still, entered the entrance of Bright God palace from outside, only then float stone steps following invisible door, and this door general expert could not go, probably only then the Sea of Bitterness Stage peak or was Ascending Heaven Boundary expert, can enter. 灵猴战宠【灵尊】虽然不知道死到哪里去了,但光明神殿外面的那种柔和守护之力,却还在,从外面进入光明神殿的入口,只有悬浮石阶后面一个无形的小门,且这个小门一般的强者根本进不去,大概只有苦海境巅峰或者是登天境强者,才能进入。 The armed soldier in armed soldier camp is placed formation outside the float stone steps, such as the impregnable bastion is ordinary. 甲士营的甲士将阵法摆在悬浮石阶之外,如铜墙铁壁一般。 Ye Qingyu stood in the formation forefront, just like the iron gate, on the contrary was became entire formation is together most incisive a sharp point, these Sect top martial arts expert, wanted broken formation, first has resulted in palace Military leader this pass. 叶青羽站在了阵法的最前面,宛如一道铁闸,反倒是成为了整个阵法最为尖锐锋利的一个点,那些宗门顶级武道强者们,想要破阵法,就先得过殿主大人这一关。 But fatty hand grasps the bow and arrow, stands in formation as before most central. 而胖子则手握弓箭,依旧站在阵法的最中央。 Had front Ye Qingyu to add the both sides protections of armed soldier formation, the fatty was a style of sinister shameless archer, the incisiveness of display, stabs in the back shot, these storm Bright God palaces expert of Sect top Sea of Bitterness Stage, could not flatter. 有了前面叶青羽加甲士阵法的两侧保护,胖子将自己身为一名阴险无耻的弓箭手的风格,发挥的淋漓尽致,一道道暗箭射出去,那些强攻光明神殿的宗门顶级苦海境强者,也根本讨不了好。 Hence, Bright God palace that originally creakies, was becomes stable such as the rock is ordinary. 至此,原本摇摇欲坠的光明神殿,算是又重新变得稳固如磐石一般了。 In the Ye Qingyu heart, the heroic spirit has, cannot bear cries loud and long loudly. 叶青羽心中,豪气顿生,忍不住放声长啸。 The howl is common just like Dragon's Roar, shakes in Between Heaven and Earth. 啸声宛如龙吟一般,震荡在天地之间 Ye Qingyu thought one with the coordination of these armed soldiers, although is only the first time, but was actually in the incomparably tacit degree, as if before once very early time, is the member in this armed soldier camp is the same, this feeling wonderful to the extreme. 叶青羽觉得自己和这些甲士们的配合,虽然只是第一次,但却已经到了无比默契的程度,仿佛自己曾经很早时间之前,就已经是这甲士营的一份子一样,这种感觉美妙到了极点。 But regarding the armed soldiers, the Ye Qingyu choice stands forefront the team, first accepts the procedure of Sect expert raging tide crazy impact, obviously also won their favorable impression, this young Radiant Palace Hall lord, because of own status the evade risk, instead has not provided leadership, such as the mainstay is ordinary, enemy who that attacks crazily, first completely crushes, the first wave of impulse of difficult situation general attack, was withstood by young palace Military leader. 而对于甲士们而言,叶青羽选择站在队伍最前面,第一个接受宗门强者狂潮疯狂冲击的做法,显然也赢得了他们的好感,这位年轻的光明殿主,并没有因为自己的身份地位而规避风险,反而是身先士卒,如中流砥柱一般,将那疯狂攻击过来的敌人,第一时间彻底粉碎,惊涛骇浪一般攻击的第一波冲击力,都由年轻的殿主大人承受了。 Not being is one type is moved or subdues, but without a doubt, Ye Qingyu with own practical action, won this Snow Country to be most mystical the formidable armed soldier camp the approval. 算不上是一种感动或者是折服,但是毫无疑问,叶青羽用自己的实际行动,赢得了这个雪国最为神秘强大的甲士营的认同。 In an instant is the multi- one hour time passes. 转眼就是多半个时辰的时间过去。 In the ground, the Bright God palace is as stable as the rock of Gibraltar. 地面上,光明神殿稳如泰山。 However in the sky, the fight of Right Minister, Left Minister and senior marshal, has actually had the change. 但是在天空之中,右相左相和老元帅的战斗,却产生了变化。 ------------- ------------- Second. 第二更,还有更。 Yesterday's renewal, was sorry really very much. 昨天的更新,真的是很抱歉。 Everybody forgives me 大家原谅我吧
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