IGE :: Volume #5

#448: The true colors of armed soldier camp

Within the body yuan qi surges crazily, in dantian River rushes, the endless river water soars, changes to the continuous spirit power quantity, breaks in the sky, finally emerges Ye Qingyu all the limbs and bones, is Ye Qingyu is providing the strength continuously. 体内元气疯狂地涌动,丹田之内江河澎湃,无尽的河水腾空而起,化作源源不断的元气力量,冲入天空,最终涌入叶青羽的四肢百骸,源源不断地为叶青羽提供着力量。 Ye Qingyu entered Sea of Bitterness Stage at hundred Spirit Spring quantity promote, in dantian Desert, a total of 100 Spirit Spring, can provide the strength of yuan qi continuously continuous, therefore endurance also glorious prolonged, facing besieging of several hundred expert, has supported unexpectedly marvelously. 叶青羽以百口灵泉的数量晋入苦海境,丹田荒漠之中,共有100眼灵泉,可以源源不断连绵不绝地提供元气之力,所以耐力也悠久绵长,面对数百强者的围攻,竟然奇迹般地支撑了下来。 If trades to do with expert of Realm with Cultivation Base, only feared that had been exhausted the spirit power quantity, was cut as the muddy flesh. 若是换做同境界修为强者,只怕是真的已经被耗尽了元气力量,被斩为肉泥了。 Always is like this passive, is not means......” “总是这样被动,也不是个办法……” Ye Qingyu forehead perspiration, secret anxious. 叶青羽额头出汗,暗暗焦急。 In the face that his vision in surrounding clash fiercely with raw hate passed over gently and swiftly, suddenly saw in the distant place crowd, that lies down in the big fatty who the ground feigns death, immediately eye one bright, the tip of the toe kicks, breaks the blade to kick a ground handle, such as is ordinary to the arrow of string, without bias and without favor happen to pounded on the buttocks of that feigning death fatty...... 他目光在周围一张张狰狞凶狠地冲过来的面孔上掠过,突然看到了远处人群中,那个躺在地上装死的大胖子,顿时眼睛一亮,脚尖踢出,将地面一柄断刀踢飞出去,如离弦之箭一般,不偏不倚正好砸在了那装死胖子的屁股上…… Still is feigning death, is about to kill the enemy, your group of soldiers, must kill off.” “还在装死,快起来杀敌,你那群兵,要被人杀光了。” Ye Qingyu shouts out. 叶青羽大喝 The fat people called out pitifully, covered the buttocks to jump. 胖子惨叫了一声,捂着屁股跳了起来。 This all of a sudden, other Jiang Hu Sect people have discovered the fatty immediately, yelled has been surrounding the past. 这一下子,其他江湖宗门众人立刻发现了胖子,喊叫着包围了过去。 Kills!” “杀!” In Bright City, the chicken dog does not remain.” 光明城内,鸡犬不留。” Kills, does not keep living witness.” “杀啊,不留活口。” The aspect lost control thoroughly. 局面已经彻底失控了。 Today appears here top Sect, has Crepe Myrtle sect, Violet Seven Stars Sect and setting sun Image of the god of the huanghe River used in sacrifical worship in ancient times, has almost used the strength of Sect evidently, hired oneself completely in the Right Minister hanger-on, wants to come to reach some agreement with Right Minister, has spelled completely, elder from Headmaster and remote antiquity, to 60-70 Spirit Spring expert, all came...... 今日出现在这里的顶级宗门,就有紫薇宗,紫魅七星宗和落日大河宗,看样子几乎是倾尽了宗门之力,完全投靠在了右相的门下,想来是与右相达成了某种协议,完全是拼了,上至掌教及太上长老,下至六七十灵泉强者,全部现身…… Besides these people, Sect outside other Three Sects Three Schools, many already had hired oneself Right Minister large and middle scale Sect, appears, including total rudder some faction expert in Snow Capital. 除了这些人之外,还有其他一些三宗三派之外的宗门,还有许多早就投靠了右相的大中型宗门,也都出现,包括总舵就在雪京之中的一些帮派强者 Obviously the Right Minister palace had already made the precise preparation, when also does not know, was quietly to ship to build up in the capital these people, other parties actually do not know. 显然右相府早就做了精密的准备,也不知道是在什么时候,悄无声息地将这些人都运送集结到了京中,其他各方竟然都不知道。 „, Do not pursue me, I am a deceased person...... I am not the Bright City person, I passed by...... Has nothing to do with me......” “啊啊,不要追我,我是个死人……我不是光明城的人,我是路过的……与我无关……” The fat people like are kill the pig to scream, the fat billowing body like is a big meatball is tumbling in the ground, the speed unexpectedly is extremely quick, hit to fly all the way several besieging expert, dislodged a road unexpectedly livingly, that fat simply might be considered as the invulnerability copper sheet gagger. 胖子像是杀猪一样尖叫着,肥滚滚的身躯像是一个大肉球一样在地面上翻滚着,速度竟是极快,一路上撞飞了十几个围攻的强者,竟然活生生地撞出一条路,那一身肥肉简直堪称是刀枪不入铜皮铁骨。 Therefore the fatty like this is tumbling, bright armed soldier Battalion Fangxiang who goes to the second region. 于是胖子就这样翻滚着,前往第二区域的光明甲士营方向去了。 In the bright armed soldier camp, 200-300 armed soldiers, one major part lie down on the ground feign death this skill certainly to study from fatty there, lifelike that installs unexpectedly, was deceived including major Sect expert, but another part entirely gathers together, trembles is resisting, while the mouth was shouting loudly 在光明甲士营中,两三百个甲士,一大部分躺在地上装死这本事一定是从胖子那里学来的,竟然装的惟妙惟肖,连各大宗门强者都被骗了过去,而另一部分则统统聚在一起,一边瑟瑟发抖地抵抗着,一边嘴里都在大喊大叫 Sir uncle forgives, we are the bitters, is the young soldiers in lowest level.” “大爷大叔饶命啊,我们都是苦哈哈,都是最底层的小士兵。” Our lives are not valuable.” “我们的命不值钱啊。” Is, we couple of days ago were moving to station, no matter our matters.” “就是,我们是前两天在调过来驻防的,不管我们的事情啊。” This you, franks, I am also the Right Minister palace person, is Sir Right Minister places the little brother I to come to work as the spy personally......” “这位兄台,实不相瞒,我也是右相府的人,是右相大人亲自安插小弟我进来当奸细的……” I go, such shameless lie you can also say......” an armed soldier to reprimand the companion indignantly, then turns head to smile obsequiously toward the Sect master who oneself brandish a sword to one, said: I exposed, he lay, I was Sir Right Minister place the spy in armed soldier camp personally, was the person on one's own side!” “我去,这么无耻的谎话你也说得出口……”一位甲士愤愤不平地斥责同伴,然后扭头对一个朝自己挥刀的宗门高手谄笑,道:“我揭发,他说谎,我才是右相大人亲自安插进甲士营的奸细,是自己人!” Originally time from the beginning, some armed soldiers said one is a spy, Sect expert, but also has believed, once after all the matter involves Right Minister, is very serious, therefore needs to treat cautiously, therefore has shown mercy, but afterward these expert very much collapsed the discovery, these so-called bright armed soldiers, root originally is one group of cheap people, said the words that from their mouth, a punctuation mark was not trustworthy. 本来一开始的时候,有甲士说自己是奸细,宗门强者们,还真的相信了,毕竟一旦事情涉及到右相,都很严重,所以需要慎重对待,于是都手下留情了,但后来这些强者们很崩溃地发现,这些所谓的光明甲士们,根本就是一群贱人,从他们口中说出来的话,一个标点符号都不值得信任。 Kills, kills off completely, does not remain!” “杀,全部杀光,一个都不留!” On a Sect stage the elder roars: Sir Right Minister said that today must shovel to put down Bright City, making the Radiant Palace Hall chicken dog not remain, manages his anything spy non- spy, is the person on one's own side, killed completely.” 一位宗门台上长老怒吼:“右相大人说了,今日要铲平光明城,让光明殿鸡犬不留,管他什么奸细不奸细,是不是自己人,全部都杀了。” Therefore Sect expert do not intertwine. 于是宗门强者们都不纠结了。 „? Does not want...... Forgives, we revolt now, now revolts is not good? We join you, besieges the Radiant Palace Hall lord, we can also sneak attack them......” “啊?不要……饶命啊,我们现在就叛变,现在就叛变还不行吗?我们加入你们,围攻光明殿主,我们还可以偷袭他们……” The armed soldiers very much shameless have changed another begging for mercy way. 甲士们又很无耻地换了另一种求饶方式。 But Sect expert do not show respect for somebody's ability. 宗门强者们根本不买账。 Has the bright armed soldier to be chopped to turn unceasingly in the place, bleeds gets down but actually, turned into the ice-cold corpse. 不断有光明甲士被砍翻在地,流着血倒下去,变成了冰冷的尸体。 ***, Is intractable, the brothers, this group of grandsons spelled.” It looks like a little likely is the armed soldier of leader roars. “***,软硬不吃,兄弟们,这群孙子拼了。”一个看起来有点儿像是头头的甲士怒吼。 Therefore this group of cheap people a little start breakneck the meaning. 于是这群贱人有点儿开始玩命地意思。 Sect expert discovered quickly, when this crowd in their eyes weak with the chicken dog same thing, the start goes all out, unexpectedly also instantaneously becomes fierce such as the lion tiger, finally has Sect expert also to be cut to kill, starts to bleed. 宗门强者很快就发现,当这群在他们眼里弱的和鸡狗一样的东西,真的开始拼命的时候,竟然也瞬间变得猛如狮虎,终于有宗门强者也被斩杀,开始流血。 The situation instantaneously becomes incomparably bloody. 局势瞬间变得无比血腥。 Puts together under cost price, two gain one at risk of life.” A bright armed soldier blade chops to turn Sect expert, a face shouted bloody that but that was divided Sect expert that turns, the consciousness fuzzily, has not done to understand that oneself can shunt the blade glow of this young soldier obviously, why may be divided finally. “拼一个够本,拼死两个赚一个啊。”一个光明甲士一刀劈翻一个宗门强者,一脸血腥地大喊,而那个被劈翻的宗门强者,意识模糊之间,都没有搞明白,自己明明可以躲开这个小士兵的刀芒,可为什么最后还是被劈死了。 Kills!” “杀!” Several other Sect expert roar to clash, killing strike eruption. 其他几个宗门强者怒吼着冲过来,杀招爆发。 Therefore in this bright armed soldier body the number sword, the wound was spurting the blood but actually. 于是这个光明甲士身中数刀剑,伤口喷着血就倒了下去。 Fights to be chaotic and cruel. 战斗混乱且残忍。 The blood like is the fountain scatters in various places. 鲜血像是喷泉一样在各处飞迸。 Before the frequency dies the pitiful yell, when just likes the wild animal flees whinning, appalling. 频死前的惨叫,犹如野兽亡命时的哀嚎,令人毛骨悚然。 in chaos that inside and outside when the originally bright armed soldier camp, before was escaped opens by this group of armed soldiers, at this moment actually like changed to life harvesting Asura Slaughter house, the stump residual limb breaks the arm and bone stubble blood plasma splash, in the ground the rivers of blood. 原本的光明甲士营内外,之前已经被这群甲士逃命时拆的乱七八糟,此刻却像是化作了一个生命收割的修罗屠宰场一样,残肢断臂和骨茬血浆飞溅,地面上血流成河。 But the fight has actually been continuing. 但战斗却一直都在持续着。 Sect expert also killed red the eye, just liked the crazy wild animal is ordinary, went all out to cut down to cut to kill each expert before body. 宗门强者们也杀红了眼睛,犹如疯狂的野兽一般,拼命地砍倒斩杀身前的每一个强者 But in an instant stick of incense time passes by. 但转眼一炷香的时间过去。 The fight is still continuing. 战斗还在持续着。 In Sect expert in crazy stimulated pinkeye, had not realized, the time that this fight as if continues is a little long, according to their expectations, cuts to kill this kind of flock of strength weak chickens the armed soldier, regarding them, looks like cuts grass equally easily, but this grass, actually a little pricks the hand. 处于疯狂亢奋红眼之中的宗门强者们,并没有意识到,这场战斗似乎持续的时间有点长,按照他们的预想,斩杀这样一群实力弱鸡的甲士,对于他们来说,就像是割草一样容易,但是这草,却有点儿扎手。 Moreover Sect expert had not discovered that from the beginning to the present, as if never has changed with the armed soldier quantity that they slaughter, is that many. 而且宗门强者们更没有发现,从一开始到现在,和他们厮杀的甲士数量似乎从未变过,一直都是那么多。 At this time, the fatty like was the meatball rolled. 这个时候,胖子像是肉球一样滚了过来。 Behind his buttocks, but also has chased down with a troop Sect master. 他的屁股后面,还跟着一大群宗门高手追杀了过来。 „Are brothers good?” The fat people were screaming, like has discovered the family member, having tears streaming down the face tunnel: This general was chased down, rescues quickly......” “兄弟们都还好吗?”胖子尖叫着,像是发现了亲人一样,泪流满面地道:“本将军被人追杀,快来救驾啊……” Fatty you dies.” A whole body is the armed soldier of blood, roared to call out angrily: You *** made these many enemies come, how you did not eat the excrement......” “胖子你去死。”一个浑身是血的甲士,愤怒地吼叫道:“你***引了这么多的敌人来,你怎么不去吃屎……” Is, leave, fathers present could not take care of oneself.” Another same whole body is the armed soldier of blood roars. “就是,滚回去,老子们现在自己都自顾不暇了。”另一个同样满身是血的甲士怒吼。 „Do you have the human nature?” Fat people tumbling while roared: This general was chased down, the friendship that the good and evil our also several years together joins the army, your consciences that was raised by palace Military leader are only stupid the dog to eat?” “你们还有人性吗?”胖子一边翻滚一边咆哮:“本将军被人追杀啊,好歹咱们还有十几年一起从军的情分呢,你们的良心被殿主大人养的那只蠢狗吃了吗?” Go away!” Armed soldiers immediately being in an uncontrollable rage tunnel: You *** owed my 100 gold ingot gambling stakes, came and father again says the friendship.” “滚!”甲士顿时怒不可遏地道:“你***欠我的100金锭赌资还了,再来和老子说情分。” We also soon died, the brothers have hung the larger part, really could not help you, the fatty you brought to chase down your person quickly, changed a place dead.” Other armed soldier one faces shut out tunnel. “我们也快要死光了,兄弟们都挂了一大半了,实在是帮不了你,胖子你快带着追杀你的人,换一个地方去死吧。”其他甲士都一脸嫌弃地道。 Fart, you *** feigns death, gets up to the father quickly, that side palace Military leader a little becomes serious, you devote for palace Military leader.” The fat people bang the meatball rolled into crowd to shout loudly generally. “放屁,你们***一个个都装死,快给老子起来,殿主大人那边有点儿吃紧,你们为殿主大人献身的时候到了。”胖子轰隆隆肉球一般滚进了人群中大喊大叫。 Mother, this fatty reveals our tactics.” Lies down on the ground already died thoroughly the armed soldier, suddenly has opened the eye inconceivable, was bitterly typical: It seems like feigned death is installs inadequately.” “妈的,这胖子泄露我们的战术。”一个躺在地上已经死透了的甲士,突然不可思议地睁开了眼睛,恨恨地道:“看来装死是装不成了。” You *** died half Incense time, should resurrect, making other living the brothers, predeceased die, lived such a long time, tired was not good.” Another lies down in the straight bright armed soldier corpse that his side dies, has opened the eye suddenly, opens the mouth to scold. “你***都死了半柱香时间了,该复活了,让其他活着的兄弟,先死一死,活了那么长时间,累的不行了都。”另一个躺在他身边死的直挺挺的光明甲士死尸,也突然睁开了眼睛,开口骂道。 Mother, but also dies, this dead fatty came, we refused stubbornly, the fatty must take undeserved credit in front of palace Military leader, we must be complete to go all out.” Straight corpse armed soldier who third dies similarly, lived inconceivable, copies the rise in a handle long blade, sticks out suddenly launches an attack, 45 Sect masters, cuts directly is 78. “妈的,还死个屁啊,这死胖子来了,我们大家都死不成了,胖子要在殿主大人面前邀功,我们得全部起来拼命了。”第三个同样死的直挺挺的死尸甲士,也不可思议地活了过来,抄起落在身边的一柄长刀,暴起发难,将身边45个宗门高手,直接斩为78段。 His these time gets rid, actually before is , when gets rid entirely different, strength that the blade potential such as the broken day thunder and lightning, in the blade glow erupts, just likes River raises certainly general, that several Spirit Spring stage high level Sect expert, responded that was cut being frightened out of one's wits that killed. 他这一次出手,却是和之前出手时截然不同,刀势如破天雷电,刀芒之中爆发出来的力量,犹如江河绝提一般,以至于那几个灵泉境高阶的宗门强者,都反应不及,被斩杀的魂飞魄散。 But also at the same time that he gets rid , the armed soldier camp armed soldier who about hundred originally similarly died in battle, opened the eye to stand, took up weapon conveniently, stuck out suddenly instantaneously gets rid. 而也就在他出手的同一时间,近百个原本同样都已经战死的甲士营甲士,纷纷都睁开眼睛站了起来,随手抄起身边的武器,瞬间暴起出手。 One passes shortly, is all bright armed soldiers is also living unexpectedly. 一眼看过去,竟是所有光明甲士都还活着。 But pours in these corpses of ground, dies really thoroughly thoroughly corpse, unexpectedly is Sect master Martial Artist. 而倒在地上的那些死尸,真的死透透的尸体,竟然都是宗门高手武者 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” These damn inexpensive...... We...... Was swindled!” “这些该死的贱种……我们……上当了!” Saw the armed soldiers who originally had been cut, all crawled suddenly bursting with energy, falls into fight frantic Sect expert, split second has a feeling of collapse. 看到原本已经被斩死的甲士们,突然生龙活虎地全部都爬了起来,一些陷入战斗狂热的宗门强者,一瞬间就有一种崩溃的感觉。 This...... *** Is what situation? 这……***是什么情况? The scene will shortly have the transformation. 场面顷刻间发生了转变。 -------------- -------------- Yesterday came out, could not link the wireless network of hotel 昨天出来,死活连不到酒店的无线网络 The thing wrote, has not dealt with according to law to renew, in addition went out to rush about, had not found the renewal the place. 东西都写好了的,就是没法办更新上来,加上外出奔波,没有找到更新的地方。 Today three guarantee a minimum, strives for four. 今儿三更保底,争取四更。
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