IGE :: Volume #5

#447: Chaotic war enemy like prairie fire

Four people sang a duet, looked to the Ye Qingyu look, probably was looks that the lamb that fell into the trap to treat butchers is the same, measures the sinister smile, from encircling, the murderous intention has filled the air. 四个人一唱一和,看向叶青羽的眼神,就好像是看着一只掉入陷阱之中待宰的羔羊一样,测测阴笑,从四面包围了过来,杀机弥漫。 From their cultivation technique and wear, naturally is Three Sects Three Schools expert. 从他们的功法和穿着来看,自然都是三宗三派强者 Besides these four people, other Sect people, has encircled. 除了这四个人之外,其他宗门中人,也都围了过来。 Ye Qingyu listened to their words, immediately cannot bear disgusting, supine Tianchang smiles, said: Bah, people of one group of up to cunning or petty ruses, do not want the face simply, Li Jinyang by the body of Patriarch, gets rid to sneak attack unexpectedly, this is the true shamelessness, only permits the homicide I, can't I kill him? I killed a sneak attack to kill my person, became murder Demon King? Can I stand am letting homicide?” 叶青羽听了他们的话,顿时忍不住一阵恶心,仰天长笑,道:“呸,一群鸡鸣狗盗之徒,简直连脸都不要了,李金阳以宗主之身,竟然出手偷袭,这才是真正的无耻,难道只允许他杀我,我不能杀他?我杀了一个偷袭要杀我的人,就成杀人魔王了?难道我要站着让他杀吗?” Four Sect expert hear Ye Qingyu this to be full of the taunt the words, sneers, the facial color is invariable. 四位宗门强者听到叶青羽这充满嘲讽的话,一个个只是冷笑,面色不变。 Kills your such devil, what method but also is fastidious about?” “杀你这样的恶魔,还讲究什么手段?” Good, has killed your this evildoer, rids the people of an evil, Li Patriarch does not hesitate own reputation, is the true high character and integrity.” “不错,杀了你这贼子,就是为民除害,李宗主不惜自身名誉,才是真正的高风亮节。” Hey, if you have the heart of shame, should stand to lead, dares to revolt, unpardonably wicked!” “嘿嘿,你若是真的有耻辱之心,就该站着领死,竟敢反抗,十恶不赦!” Sect expert are sneering, approaches step by step, encircled Ye Qingyu kills in most. 宗门强者们冷笑着,一步步地逼近,将叶青羽围杀在了最中间。 You...... Which Sect? Really was too shameless.” Aunt Han at the same time was unable to continue watching. “你们……哪个宗门的?实在是太无耻了。”一边的寒姑姑都看不下去了。 Temper pure she, has revealed the angry look. 性子清净的她,也露出了怒色。 Snort, demonic girl where comes, does daring take care my Three Sects Three Schools matter?” Some people are sneering reprimanding. “哼,哪里来的妖女,竟敢管我三宗三派的事情?”有人冷笑着斥责。 Another person dark smiles, wears the [say / way]: Also asked that uses? With this murder Demon King Ye Qingyu in the same place, surely is not the good thing, pair of people, everybody kill together, today in this Bright City, is infertile, the chicken dog does not remain, cannot let off one.” 另一人阴阴一笑,着道:“还问用吗?与这杀人魔王叶青羽在一起,必定不是什么好东西,一对狗男女,大家一起杀,今日这光明城内,寸草不生,鸡犬不留,不许放过一个。” Kills!” “杀!” The person's shadow twinkle, the murderous intention erupts instantaneously. 人影闪烁,杀机瞬间爆发。 Fierce combat suddenly. 刀光剑影骤然而起。 The Ye Qingyu facial color changes. 叶青羽面色一变。 One crowd does not know thing. 一群不知道死活的东西。 Gao Han, brings Yuan Xing and Mother Wu they, enters the Bright God palace, Liu Jinyan Dai Youmeng, blocks the stair crossroad.” 高寒,带远行吴妈他们,进入光明神殿,刘尽言戴有梦,拦住台阶路口。” Ye Qingyu slaughters Asura martial arts disposition after all, by this group of Sect people, was aroused big killing intent, roars, Supreme ice flame Urges to send, in the wink of an eye emerges in the Crape Myrtle sword, suppresses forcefully the revolt of Crape Myrtle sword, wields a sword to cut. 叶青羽毕竟是杀戮修罗武道心性,被这群宗门中人,激起了大杀意,怒吼一声,【无上冰炎】催发,瞬息之间涌入紫薇剑之中,将紫薇剑的反抗强行镇压下去,挥剑斩出。 In the air, the sword light fills the air. 空气之中,剑光弥漫。 Ping! 砰砰砰! When three Violet Seven Stars Sect elder level masters, were cut to fly first directly, spurts the blood crazily. 当先三个紫魅七星宗的长老级高手,直接被斩飞了出去,狂喷鲜血。 Bah, Sea of Bitterness Stage, dares to come my Bright City to act unruly.” “呸,连苦海境都不到,也敢来我光明城撒野。” A Ye Qingyu move goes well, disdain sneers. 叶青羽一招得手,不屑地冷笑。 Three Sects Three Schools is known as is in the empire biggest Sect, several that actually also on outwardly pushes represent, has been used to arrogantly, the genuine master is limited, initially Successor of various large amounts, is Sea of Bitterness Stage preliminary high and low Cultivation Base, had been known as that was Sect most splendid young one generation of talents, from this extended , the Sect elders, besides the elder of that several true core, other people have a look at Sea of Bitterness Stage high and low Cultivation Base. 三宗三派号称是帝国之内最大的宗门,其实也只是明面上推出来的几个代表而已,自大惯了,真正的高手有限,当初各大宗的传人,也不过是苦海境初阶上下的修为,都已经号称是宗门界最为出色的年青一代天才了,由此推及,宗门的长老们,除了那几位真正核心的长老之外,其他人也就是看看苦海境上下的修为 Before by Li Jinyang who Ye Qingyu cuts, is Sea of Bitterness Stage peak Cultivation Base. 包括之前被叶青羽斩掉的李金阳,也不过是苦海境巅峰修为而已。 Extremely arrogant......” “狂妄……” Everybody on, consumes him together.” “大家一起上,耗死他。” Some people shrink in behind agitate shouts out. 有人缩在后面煽风点火地大喝 The crowd was once again turbulent, flushed. 人群再度汹涌,冲了过来。 Shameless!” Aunt Heng is unable to continue watching at the same time, gets rid once again. “无耻!”衡姑姑在一边看不下去,再度出手。 Bang! 轰! In charge the eruption. 掌印爆发。 Slender element lays out every time one time, then the congealment hand imprint in void, destroys the hardest defenses. 纤纤素手每拍出一次,便在虚空之中凝结手印,无坚不摧。 Puff!” “噗!” „......” “啊……” Some people called out pitifully, the bones of the dead splash, the blood sprinkled the expansive sky. 有人惨叫,白骨飞溅,血洒长空。 Sir Right Minister has the command, who has killed Ye Qingyu, previous Dao Instrument, Origin crystal thousand jin (0.5 kg), hereditary first-grade aristocrat!” The distant place, some people are yelling loudly, are agitating the crowd. 右相大人有令,谁杀了叶青羽,上次道器一件,源晶千斤,世袭一等贵族!”远处,有人在大声地叫喊,鼓动着人群。 From the beginning surrounds Ye Qingyu that several people, the sinister smile the backlash, for a while the gate pulse has not been coming. 一开始围住叶青羽的那几个人,都阴笑着后退,并没有第一时间冲过来。 The distant place, from former that by the Right Minister bang broken courtyard broken mouth place, the person's shadow was similar to the colony is the same, flushed unceasingly. 远处,从之前那个被右相轰破的天井碎口处,人影如同蜂群一样,不断地冲了进来。 Sect people...... 宗门中人…… The armed forces said expert...... 军道强者…… Snow Capital Martial Artist of major factions...... 还有雪京之中的各大帮派的武者…… The monsters and freaks come in abundance. 牛鬼蛇神纷纷现身。 Ye Qingyu sees that knows that today matter deciding was difficult to be friendly. 叶青羽见状,知道今日事情定难善了。 Supported at this time, Radiant Palace Hall was really soon the lamp dry oil completely, all inside story pressed out to do, the present enters the degree of engaging in hand-to-hand combat truly, but in a Right Minister side influence, as if also nearly saw the bottom well, after all linked him to come personally. 支撑到这个时候,光明殿真的算是快要灯枯油尽了,所有的底蕴都被榨干了,如今算是真正进入到了短兵相接的程度了,不过好在右相一方势力,似乎也差不多见底了,毕竟连他亲自都现身了。 Kills!” “杀!” Ye Qingyu peerless brave general four moves, most suits the group war. 叶青羽的绝世猛将四式,最适合群战。 But he in split second of invasion crowd, also urged to send the cold ice domain. 而他在侵入人群的一瞬间,也是将寒冰领域也催发了开来。 Void, Cold Qi writings. 虚空之中,寒气大作。 In the ground silver Cold Qi marks wind just like the python climb up generally rapidly, in surrounding area about one kilometer, was similar to enters the bitter cold place to be the same instantaneously, the Sect master thought the body to become stiff instantaneously, the footsteps stepped on the ground, as if will be frozen is the same, no matter own inner yuan stimulation of movement speed, was the mortal body reversal of stress, crazily reduced in split second. 地面上一道道银色的寒气纹络宛如蟒蛇一般急速攀爬,方圆近一千米之内,如同瞬间进入了酷寒之地一样,宗门高手瞬间觉得身体发僵,脚步踩在地面上,仿佛是会被冻结一样,不管是自己的内元催动速度,还是肉身反应力,都在一瞬间疯狂地降低。 ! 咻! Sword glow twinkle. 剑芒闪烁。 Flows instance that the electro-optic of silver flees, 34 person's head of being terrified flew. 流银之光电窜的瞬间,34颗惊恐万状的人头飞了起来。 Then before 56, personal appearance that clashes divides into two from the waist suddenly, does not know when was cut to kill became two. 然后56个前冲的身形突然从腰间一分为二,不知道何时被斩杀成为了两段。 Storm of Swords!” 剑刃风暴!” Ye Qingyu shouts out, the Crape Myrtle sword in hand, a vigorous cold iced urging of yuan qi the acme. 叶青羽大喝,紫薇剑在手,一身雄浑的寒冰元气之力催动到了极致。 The Crape Myrtle sword erupts the Clear Sun general glory, on the originally autumn waters common sword blade, thin such as the hair general rune light beam pasts densely and numerously, every time wields a sword, has indestructible invisible sword intent Sword Qi to burst out, and sword blade edge of Crape Myrtle sword, destroys the hardest defenses, even if Spirit Weapon, before it, such as the spoiled putty is common, besides the treasure god soldiers in several top expert hands, other people are hard to resist tyrannical of sword of this handle Dao Instrument radically. 紫薇剑爆发出昊日一般的光辉,原本秋水一般的剑身上,细如发丝一般的符文光束密密麻麻地流转,每一次挥剑,都有坚不可摧的无形剑意剑气迸发,且紫薇剑的剑刃,更是无坚不摧,即便是灵兵,在它面前,也如腐泥一般,除了几个顶级强者手中的宝器神兵之外,其他人根本难以抵挡这柄道器之剑的强横。 Ye Qingyu is similar to the bullying is completely ordinary. 叶青羽完全如同虎入羊群一般。 Storm of Swords eruption. 剑刃风暴爆发。 Cold Ice Sword edges, clear radiant, just like the quartz, erupts densely and numerously, sweeps across Heaven and Earth, seems the wheel of life harvesting is the same, the Ye Qingyu personal appearance revolves, the place visited, dozens Sect masters responded without enough time that was cut as the hashed meat. 一道道寒冰剑刃,晶莹璀璨,宛如水晶,密密麻麻地爆发,席卷天地,仿佛是生命收割之轮一样,叶青羽身形旋转,所过之处,数十宗门高手来不及反应,就被斩为碎肉。 The blood, in the dark night such as the tenderest most and beautiful flowers are the same, blooms heartlessly. 鲜血,暗夜中如最娇艳的花朵一样,无情绽放。 The pitiful yell, calls out, whooshes, roars, the pain shouted, howled crazily...... 惨叫,嚎叫,嘶吼,怒吼,痛呼,狂嗥…… Pitiful sound/noise that all kinds of lives bloom finally frequently, spreads across in this split second. 各种各样的生命最后时刻绽放的凄惨声音,在这一瞬间纵横交错。 Ye Qingyu not tenderhearted, does not have means to be tenderhearted. 叶青羽没有心软,也没有办法心软。 The enemy also prairie fire generally clashes, if he has the hesitation of moment, only feared that will immediately be struck down, he behind is protecting person, will change to into the ghost under butcher knife. 敌人也野火一般冲来,他若心存片刻的犹豫,只怕立刻就会被击倒,他身后所保护着的人,也会化作成为屠刀之下的冤魂。 Gao Han is protecting Bai Yuanxing and Mother Wu and the others, runs away toward the Bright God palace. 高寒保护着白远行吴妈等人,朝着光明神殿里面逃去。 Is good is away from the Bright God palace to be very near before the people, therefore quick got to the float stair, is only Mother Wu and that several maid chefs, at this time frightens the leg to be soft, gingerly, for a while has not climbed up the ground mass of Bright God palace completely. 好在众人之前就距离光明神殿很近,所以很快就都上了悬浮台阶,只是吴妈和那几个婢女厨子,此时都吓得腿软,战战兢兢,一时还没有完全爬上光明神殿的石基。 First kills these to be small!” “先杀这几个小喽啰!” A Crepe Myrtle sect master shouted angrily, such as the lightning was common, overran toward Mother Wu and the others. 一位紫薇宗高手怒喝,如闪电一般,朝着吴妈等人冲了过去。 Gao Han roars, the bitter bamboo fishing pole in hand cuts void, pulled out to fly that person directly, has blocked. 高寒怒吼,手中的苦竹钓竿咻咻咻划破虚空,直接将那人抽飞,拦了下来。 In Youyan Pass, Gao Han strength, surpassed that time Ye Qingyu, because intended to exercise forbearance, by the Small Silver Dragon surprise attack of Ye Qingyu, was defeated, in more than one year in the time, followed side Ye Qingyu, obtained many Cultivation resources, Cultivation, strength compared with it on the same day, high the several fold had with concentration, Cultivation Base also already promote entered Sea of Bitterness. 幽燕关的时候,高寒实力,就远超那时的叶青羽,只是因为有意忍让,被叶青羽小银龙突袭,才被击败,这一年多时间里,追随叶青羽身边,得到了不少的修炼资源,潜心修炼,实力比之当日,高了数倍有余,修为也早就晋入了苦海 His fishing pole in hand, cultivation technique that perceives through meditation voluntarily fights the technique, the might is infinite. 他的一根钓竿在手,自行参悟出来的功法战技,威力无穷。 Gao Han person, stands in float stair most surrounding, has one man guards the pass, the potential of Yorozuo opening. 高寒一人一杆,站在悬浮台阶最外围,颇有一夫当关,万夫莫开之势。 But the match are too after all many. 但对手毕竟太多。 Moreover Sect people who these time presents, even if no top Ascending Heaven Boundary unparalleled expert, but is actually major Sect elite, the Sea of Bitterness Stage top expert quantity are many. 而且这一次出现的宗门中人,纵然没有顶级的登天境盖世强者,但却都是各大宗门菁英,苦海境的顶级强者数量不少。 Along with passing of time, after Gao Han has repelled dozens people continuously, after finally , the strength is inferior, throws over the number to create instantaneously continually, the blood crossflow, the personal appearance has creakied...... 随着时间的流逝,高寒连续击退了数十人之后,终于后力不及,瞬间连披数创,鲜血横流,身形已经是摇摇欲坠…… Another two light cause Liu Jinyan and Dai Youmeng, was already frightened is frightened out of one's wits, symbolically has resisted two, has drilled long time ago into the Bright God palace. 另两位光明使刘尽言戴有梦,早就被吓得魂飞魄散,象征性地抵抗了两下,早早就钻入了光明神殿中。 Aunt Heng......” Ye Qingyu yelled one. 衡姑姑……”叶青羽大叫了一声。 Aunt Heng understood immediately the meaning of Ye Qingyu, the personal appearance retrocedes, a palm lays out, the jade superhuman hand is in charge erupts loudly, besieged Gao Han several person bang to fly that keeps off before the body of Gao Han, simultaneously loud tunnel: Little Yu, you pay attention......” 衡姑姑立刻明白了叶青羽的意思,身形后退,一掌拍出,玉色巨掌掌印轰然爆发,将那围攻高寒的几个人都轰飞,挡在了高寒的身前,同时大声地道:“小羽,你自己注意……” This time aspect, simply chaotic to the extreme. 这时的局面,简直混乱到了极点。 Ye Qingyu retroceded slowly, has pulled closer and distance between Aunt Heng, was good to echo, the Crape Myrtle sword in hand cut in any case continually, knew how things stand the Sect master instantaneously, under horizontal corpse sword. 叶青羽慢慢后退,拉近了和衡姑姑之间的距离,也好有个呼应,手中的紫薇剑横竖连斩,瞬间又有数位宗门高手,横尸剑下。 But since Class silver bright The opening has the Sect master who enters, the master of Right Minister palace, is really too many, almost kills endless, Ye Qingyu also feels gradually exhaustedly, was wounded, the left shoulder and lower abdomen leave, the sword trace was clearly discernible, has cut the muscle. 但从【流银光明阵】裂口出进入的宗门高手,还有右相府的高手,实在是太多,几乎是杀之不尽,渐渐地叶青羽也感觉到疲惫,负了伤,左肩和小腹出,刀剑痕迹清晰可见,划破了肌肉。 Kills, he is not quickly good.” “杀啊,他快不行了。” Everybody on quick, has killed him, Sir Right Minister enjoys.” “大家快上啊,杀了他,右相大人有赏。” He bled...... He has been injured......” “他流血了……他受伤了……” That several people who before agitated, were transforming the position in secret unceasingly, instigated the person to bring death, sinisterly to the extreme. 之前煽风点火的那几个人,在暗中不断地变换着方位,怂恿人来送死,阴险到了极点。 Is good because of Ye Qingyu regarding the control of own yuan qi, to incomparably exquisite Realm, the wound place had a light cold ice to cover, congealed the scar, has not made the blood flow out. 好在叶青羽对于自身元气的掌控,到了无比精妙的境界,伤口处有一层淡淡的寒冰覆盖,凝结了伤痕,没有让鲜血流出。 Sea of Bitterness Stage expert, can the flesh and blood regeneration, the support some time, the wound vanish on recovery. 况且苦海境强者,可以血肉再生,支撑一段时间,伤口就恢复消失了。 Fierce combat, blood bones of the dead. 刀光剑影,鲜血白骨。 This is Ye Qingyu since making a debut, has encountered the most dangerous fight. 这是叶青羽自从出道以来,遭遇过的最危险的一场战斗。 In this split second, Ye Qingyu as if can realize that condition that the You Yan officers able to move unhindered battlefield kills the enemy, in this chaotic battlefield, does not know many talents cherish hatred, does not know that many expert capsized in Yingouli. 在这一瞬间,叶青羽仿佛是能够体会幽燕将士纵横战场杀敌的那种境况了,这种混乱的战场之中,不知道多少天才饮恨,也不知道多少强者在阴沟里翻了船。 Let alone, before today's Bright God palace, Ye Qingyu almost fights single-handedly. 更何况,在今天的光明神殿前,叶青羽几乎是孤军奋战。 --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- That voting of year inventorying, everybody throws the author, hits the firepower, like this is good to clash, work that side competition was too fierce. 年度盘点的那个投票,大家都投作者吧,击中火力,这样好冲一点,作品那边竞争太激烈了。 Thank you 谢谢大家
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