IGE :: Volume #5

#446: Crape myrtle sword

The person of that assassination, simply has not thought that he does not hesitate from falling the status, the sword of deliberately planning kills, visionally was explained with this mysterious war technique by Ye Qingyu unexpectedly perfectly, what is more fearful, instead in almost instead was killed instantaneously, the strength in within the body cold ice destruction wreaks havoc, making him be out of control to spout a blood. 那刺杀之人,根本没有想到,自己不惜自降身份,处心积虑的这一剑袭杀,竟然被叶青羽用这种梦幻般的神秘战技完美破解,更加可怕的是,反而是在瞬间几乎被反杀,体内一股寒冰破坏之力肆虐,让他禁不住喷出一口血。 A Ye Qingyu move goes well, the following style displays continuously. 叶青羽一招得手,后续招式连绵不断地施展出来。 The person of assassination shouted angrily, in the hand a handle beautiful such as the autumn waters common long sword explodes makes a debut a brilliance, the dense and numerous rune sword bunch such as the light of ten thousand Sun exploded generally shoot, overlapping, submerged the Ye Qingyu form. 刺杀之人怒喝一声,手中一柄明媚如秋水一般的长剑爆出道道光焰,密密麻麻的符文剑束如万道太阳之光一般爆射,层层叠叠,将叶青羽的身影淹没。 He He......” “呵呵呵……” Contemptuously just likes the demon god taunts general sound/noise to transmit regarding the gods as before, the Ye Qingyu form, inconceivable changed to silver-white Cold Qi shade fog instantaneously, that person of ten thousand sword light strangle to death, torn to pieces that shade fog twists, a sword sword fell on the vacancy completely. 依旧是轻蔑犹如魔神对于神明嘲讽一般的声音传来,叶青羽的身影,瞬间又不可思议地化作了一道银白色寒气影雾,那人的万道剑光绞杀过去,将那影雾绞的支离破碎,一剑剑完全落在了空处。 Empty?” “虚化?” In that human eye pupil, the surprised color explodes overflows. 那人眼眸之中,惊讶之色爆溢。 Next split second, the body of Ye Qingyu, presented in the People of assassination, the cold ice stream shade sword punctured. 一瞬间,叶青羽的身体,出现在了刺杀之人大的身后,寒冰流影剑刺出。 That person responded quickly, the personal appearance exploded draws back, the backhand standard kept off. 那人反应很快,身形爆退,反手格挡。 Bite! 叮! The instance that the long sword interacts, sends out resounding. 长剑交结的瞬间,发出脆响。 But cold ice stream shade sword slightly, instantaneous empty, the long sword that keeps off from that personality passes through, cuts, when that person, actually instantaneous realification. 但寒冰流影剑只是微微一顿,瞬间虚化,从那人格挡的长剑上穿越而过,斩在那人身上的时候,却又瞬间实化。 „......” That person cries, protects oneself the yuan qi crazy twinkle, met this sword hardly, a shoulder light ice mark sword mark remained. “啊……”那人大叫一声,护身元气疯狂闪烁,硬接了这一剑,肩头一个淡淡的冰痕剑痕却是留了下来。 Damn!” “该死!” That person explodes drinks, yuan qi bursts out crazily, the autumn waters long sword in hand, blows out one ** the strange incomparable strength, a formidable swordsmanship secret bursts out, twists the Ye Qingyu personal appearance instantaneously broken. 那人爆喝,元气疯狂迸发,手中的秋水长剑,爆出一**奇异无比的力量,一种强大的剑术秘技迸发,瞬间将叶青羽的身形绞碎。 But this time, twists broken as before is the fog shade. 但他这一次,绞碎的依旧是雾影。 In that split second, Ye Qingyu personal appearance once again by realification empty, turned into the cold ice silver fog shade. 在那一瞬间,叶青羽的身形再度由实化虚,变成了寒冰银色雾影。 That person of swordsmanship secret end incomparable fearful, may fall on the vacancy, does not have the slight function, but twisted cuts to break one group of air broken. 那人的剑术秘技端的无比可怕,可落在了空处,却是没有丝毫的作用,只是绞碎斩破了一团空气而已。 The Ye Qingyu personal appearance, appeared in his back inconceivable again, the cold ice stream shade sword punctured once more. 叶青羽的身形,却不可思议地再次出现在了他的背后,寒冰流影剑再次刺出。 The person's of assassination response is nothing less than quick, his strength is also nothing less, even Cultivation Base still above Ye Qingyu, what a pity a move lets slip, immediately fell leeward, was pressed by Ye Qingyu this wrapped in a shroud of obscurity war technique, was at a disadvantage completely. 刺杀之人的反应不可谓不快,他的实力也不可谓不强,甚至修为还在叶青羽之上,可惜一招失手,顿时落入了下风,被叶青羽这神秘莫测的战技所压,完全处于了下风。 Body of Ye Qingyu suddenly solid suddenly empty, is really is really ordinary just like the ghosts and demons spirit, transforms between the fog shade and true body, solid and empty it, empty and solid it, the wonder of utilization, saves wholeheartedly, in addition by Person king Sword Technique The cold ice stream shade sword that Swordsmanship Mi Yicui sends, transforms in the actual situation similarly, might be considered as the ghosts and gods not measured simply. 叶青羽的身体忽实忽虚,真真是宛如鬼魅幽灵一般,在雾影和真身之间转化,实而虚之,虚而实之,运用之妙,存乎一心,再加上以【人王剑典】的剑道秘义催发出来的寒冰流影剑,同样是在虚实之间转化,简直堪称是鬼神莫测。 That person has never seen the so treacherous surreptitious secret technique, this time situation, pours to be similar he assassinated that bad luck egg, but Ye Qingyu eats is a cold blood assassin of mysteriously appearing and disappearing is ordinary. 那人从未见过如此诡谲诡秘的秘术,此时的情形,倒仿佛他才是被刺杀的那个倒霉蛋,而叶青羽吃才是一个神出鬼没的冷血刺客一般。 At the same time. 一边。 Aunt Heng originally must prepare to get rid to aid Ye Qingyu, but sees such scene, in the beautiful gentle pupil passed over gently and swiftly a surprised color, therefore stands on one side, watches changes quietly. 衡姑姑原本也是要准备出手接应叶青羽,但看到这样的场面,美丽温柔的眸子里掠过一丝惊讶之色,于是站在一边,静观其变。 Ye Qingyu gives her pleasant surprise, was really too many. 叶青羽给她的惊喜,实在是太多了。 The fight has also carried on time of tea, Ye Qingyu imposing manner gradually became even more swift and fierce vigorous, the yuan qi fluctuation continually promoted, one time, two times...... As if forever has not stopped being same. 战斗也不过才进行了一盏茶的时间,叶青羽身上的气势渐渐变得越发凌厉雄浑了起来,元气波动不断地提升,一倍,两倍……仿佛是永远都没有停止一样。 The person of that assassination, fell gradually leeward. 渐渐那刺杀之人,就落入了下风。 Damn......” he hates greatly, in the eye pupil flashes through stern countenance, oneself what kind status, sneak attacks this later generation young child, is the shame, has not thought that instead was compelled into the hopeless situation, under becomes angry out of shame, will put forth that mutually wounded when must kill, the body does not have the indication suddenly suddenly stiffly one. “该死……”他大恨,眼眸之中闪过一丝厉色,自己何等身份地位,偷袭这个后辈小儿,已经算是耻辱了,没想到反而是被逼入了绝境,恼羞成怒之下,正要使出那两败俱伤的必杀之际,猛然之间,身体突然毫无征兆地一僵。 Bang! 砰! His within the body inexplicable strength explodes suddenly. 他体内一股莫名之力猛然爆炸。 ! 咻! Together sword color break-up. 一道剑光闪过。 His head flew. 他的头颅飞了起来。 In the Ye Qingyu hand the cold ice stream shade sword sword shakes sharp, selects slightly, the black turban in that person of surface was selected to fly, reveals one to fill the stunned handsome mature face. 叶青羽手中寒冰流影剑剑尖一震,微微一挑,那人面上的黑巾被挑飞,露出了一张充满错愕的英俊成熟的脸。 In split second, Ye Qingyu suddenly thought that this person a little looks familiar. 在那么一瞬间,叶青羽突然觉得这个人有点儿眼熟。 Has not waited for him to think that the surroundings presented dozens forms, has compelled toward him. 还未等他想起来,周围出现了数十个身影,朝着他逼了过来。 Cruel and merciless later generation, you persecutes to death Li Qiushui not to calculate that today strikes a vicious blow unexpectedly ruthlessly, cuts to kill including Crepe Myrtle sect Li Jinyang Patriarch, simply is ferocious, today our Three Sects Three Schools cannot make you flaunt absolutely again ominously.” A person's shadow have a strong sense of righteousness tunnel. “心狠手辣的后辈,你逼死李秋水还不算完,今日竟然狠下毒手,连紫薇宗的李金阳宗主都斩杀,简直是穷凶极恶,今日我们三宗三派绝对不能再让你逞凶了。”一个人影大义凛然地道。 Ye Qingyu hear that, this is suddenly enlighted. 叶青羽闻言,这才恍然大悟。 No wonder was killed that person of face, is so familiar, is actually long looked like past Li Qiushui extremely, but actually be mature the vicissitudes compared with Li Qiushui, beard...... Originally this person, unexpectedly is the Li Qiushui father, Crepe Myrtle sect contemporary Patriarch Li Jinyang. 怪不得被杀那人的脸,如此熟悉,却原来是长的极为像当年的李秋水,不过却要比李秋水成熟沧桑了一些,还有胡须……原来这个人,竟然是李秋水的父亲,紫薇宗的当代宗主李金阳。 Ye Qingyu beckons. 叶青羽一招手。 Several light silver mist, are common just like Wandering Dragon, flees from Li Jinyang the middle reaches of body, falls into his palm, such as one group of pale silver flame are common, in his palm refers to burns to jump. 数道淡淡的银色雾气,宛如游龙一般,从李金阳的身体之中游窜出来,落入到他的掌心之中,如一团淡银色的火焰一般,在他的掌指之间燃烧跳跃。 In the beforehand battle, Li Jinyang was cut by the Ye Qingyu cold ice stream shade sword several times. 之前的交战中之中,李金阳被叶青羽的寒冰流影剑斩中过数次。 This degree of skin flesh wound, regarding Li Jinyang this top expert, does not certainly matter, but he had not actually realized that besides the injury, the strength of cold ice invades his within the body slowly, particularly is hiding Supreme ice flame Strength, after saving to certain extent, was initiated by Ye Qingyu instantaneously, will freeze sufficiently shortly his body. 这种程度的皮外伤,对于李金阳这种顶级强者来说,当然是无所谓,但他却没有察觉,除了伤势之外,还有寒冰之力慢慢地侵入他体内,尤其是之中隐藏着的【无上冰炎】之力,在积蓄到一定程度之后,瞬间被叶青羽引发,足以顷刻间冻结他的身体。 This is also the life and death one instant, Li Jinyang body stiff reason. 这也是生死一瞬时,李金阳的身体会僵硬的原因。 Is adding on Flowing Shadow Kill That must kill a violent finally...... 在加上【影流杀】那最后必杀一暴…… Ye Qingyu looked at a Li Jinyang corpse, shakes the head gently. 叶青羽看了一眼李金阳的尸体,轻轻地摇摇头。 This person is also one generation of masters of great learning and integrity, what a pity the godchild might as well, Li Qiushui falls into error, but he as school of leader, the matters of line of sneak attack, he appears here today, obviously has hired oneself Right Minister, carried sect Qizu, oneself were wrong has not killed him. 这人也算是一代宗师,可惜教子无妨,李秋水误入歧途,而他自己更是以一派掌门的身份,行偷袭之事,他今日出现在这里,显然是已经投靠了右相,背宗弃祖,自己也算是没有错杀他。 However, this person after is Human Race one generation of masters of great learning and integrity. 不过,这人毕竟是人族的一代宗师。 Ye Qingyu sighed, counted on the fingers a ball. 叶青羽叹息一声,屈指一弹。 A wisp Supreme ice flame Flies to shoot, falls on Li Jinyang severed head and corpse, Bang the combustion, cremates his corpse instantaneously, changed to the blue smoke to vanish in Between Heaven and Earth. 一缕【无上冰炎】飞射出去,落在李金阳的首级和尸身上,砰地燃烧,瞬间将其尸身焚化,化作了青烟消失在了天地之间 Only has that handle autumn waters scorching sun same long sword, in Supreme ice flame Under burning down, sends out the light silver glow unexpectedly, has not melted. 唯有那柄秋水骄阳一样的长剑,在【无上冰炎】的焚烧之下,竟是发出淡淡的银芒,并未融化。 Evil person, crazed, Li Zhangmen corpse does not let off...... periphery in all people unexpectedly, in some people of eyes corrupt glow Flashed, shouts out, such as a lightning clashes generally, wants to rob that handle good long sword. “恶徒,丧心病狂,竟然连李掌门的尸体都不放过……”周围诸人中,有人眼里贪芒一闪,大喝一声,如一道闪电一般冲过来,想要抢走那柄不俗的长剑。 In the Ye Qingyu heart sneers, the palm like the claw, snatches in front, flies high absorbs. 叶青羽心中一声冷笑,手掌如爪,抢在前面,凌空一摄。 Supreme ice flame Is wrapping that autumn waters long sword, flew, fell into the palm of Ye Qingyu. 无上冰炎】包裹着那秋水长剑,飞了回来,落入到了叶青羽的掌心之中。 You court death!” That person threw spatial, immediately is angry, toward Ye Qingyu kills, but. “你找死!”那人扑了一个空,顿时大怒,朝着叶青羽袭杀而至。 Ye Qingyu grasps the autumn waters long sword in hand, the backhand cuts. 叶青羽将秋水长剑握在手中,反手斩出。 Hissing! 嘶! The sword intent air wave bursts out together, cuts the air such as the sharp knife blade to cut the butter to be the same, sharp incomparable. 一道剑意气浪迸发,切割空气如利刃切牛油一样,犀利无匹。 That person flushed hardly, has put together one, stuffy snort|hum, has flown upside down. 那人硬冲,拼了一记,闷哼一声,倒飞了出去。 Ye Qingyu has not paid attention, the lowering the head vision falls on the autumn waters long sword in palm, in the heart also cannot help but exudes one to acclaim. 叶青羽不曾理会,低头目光落在掌中的秋水长剑上,心中也不由得发出一声赞叹。 This handle sword about one palm is wide, the sword blade is mellow, the sword blade edge thin like the slip of paper, the sword point is the ellipse, the arc is exquisite, is generally beautiful in the autumn waters of mountain stream just like Wang Liuzhuan, has no time purely, does not see slightly the slight defect, obviously is above and other god materials builds, moreover stems from the sect divisional level gold metallurgy forging teacher's hand of absolutely, the sword swallows is a purple faint star puts the glow modeling, the sword hilt such as the young child arm is thick or thin, the texture is clear, has the light chill in the air to fill the air, happen to can increase the resistance, grasps the sword to be steadier. 这柄剑大约一掌宽,剑身醇厚,剑刃薄如纸片,剑尖为椭圆形,弧线优美,宛如一汪流转在山涧的秋水一般明媚,纯净无暇,不见丝毫瑕疵,显然是以上等神料打造,而且绝对是出自于宗师级的炼金锻造师之手,剑吞为一颗紫微星放芒造型,剑柄如小儿手臂粗细,纹理清晰,有着淡淡的寒意弥漫,正好可以增加阻力,握剑更稳。 On the smooth ridges, the pro and con have two characters respectively. 在平滑的剑脊上,正反两面各有两个字。 Is Crape Myrtle two characters. 都是‘紫薇’二字。 Ye Qingyu looked, in the heart understands clearly. 叶青羽一看,心中了然。 This handle long sword, is the Crepe Myrtle sect town sect the Crape Myrtle sword. 这柄长剑,正是紫薇宗的镇宗之器紫薇剑。 Pitiful Li Jinyang, Cultivation Base or the weapon, compared with the Ye Qingyu superiority, because is actually negligent for a while, by Ye Qingyu Flowing Shadow Kill in addition Person king Sword Technique These two big Secret Arts god techniques instead kill, to had not arrived at the extreme seriously. 可怜李金阳,不论是修为还是武器,都要比叶青羽更加优势,却因为一时大意,被叶青羽影流杀】加【人王剑典】这两大秘典神术反杀,当真是到没到了极点。 Pours into the profound air/Qi the Crape Myrtle sword slightly, suddenly feels yuan qi to be usual, the long sword has to change into body part of that handy feelings of faintly. 微微将玄气注入紫薇剑中,顿觉元气通常无比,长剑隐隐有化为身体一部分的那种得心应手的感觉。 Ye Qingyu praised. 叶青羽啧啧称赞。 Leading Yuan unobstructed of this handle sword, absolutely is Ye Qingyu has seen in all weapons indisputable first, such as beforehand Little Shang Sword, cut the wind sword, yuan qi leads misses were too many, and is unable to withstand now strength the full power irrigation of Ye Qingyu, once yuan qi poured into extremely vigorously, the sword blade can immediately the disintegration. 这柄剑的导元通畅性,绝对算是叶青羽见过的所有武器之中无可争议的第一,诸如以前的少商剑、斩风剑,元气通导就差了太多,且无法承受如今实力叶青羽全力灌注,一旦元气灌入太过雄浑,剑身立刻就会崩碎。 Really is a handle Divine sword. 果然是一柄神剑。 At least is the weapon of Dao Instrument rank. 至少越是道器级别的兵器。 This sword belonged to Li Jinyang, but he died in battle, among Divine Sense Restriction attenuated the larger part instantaneously, Ye Qingyu has grasped when the hand, the sword blade shook slightly, resembles must work loose his palm to depart to be the same. 这一把剑原先属于李金阳,但他战死,其内的神识禁制瞬间弱化了一大半,叶青羽握在手中时,剑身微微震荡,似是要挣脱他的手掌飞出一样。 After is the Crepe Myrtle sect town sect, once was held to suppose Restriction by all previous Crepe Myrtle sect leader in addition, will not be will tame easily. 毕竟是紫薇宗的镇宗之器,曾经由历代紫薇宗掌门加持设下禁制,不是那么轻易会驯服。 Ye Qingyu, your this crazed Human Race degenerate, the murder seizes the treasure, Height of shamelessness, has not handed over quickly the Crape Myrtle sword.” Before seized that person of sword, an anger of face, the eye pupil deep place, hated to glitter with the greedy ray bashfully alternately, shouted to clear the way loudly. 叶青羽,你这个丧心病狂的人族败类,杀人夺宝,无耻之尤,还不快把紫薇剑交出来。”之前夺剑的那人,一脸的愤怒,眼眸深处,羞恨和贪婪的光芒交替闪烁,大声地喝道。 Good, in the past in Youyan Pass, the old man thought that this sub- kills the heart to be overweight, sooner or later falls into to slaughter the realm of the devil, today sees, really so,” another white hair long beard expert Coldly tunnel: At that time should extinguish kills this little animal, making his today's feather plentiful, was not good to cope.” “不错,当年在幽燕关,老夫就觉得此子杀心过重,迟早堕入杀戮魔道,今日一见,果然如此,”另一位白发长须强者冷冷地道:“当时就该灭杀这个小畜生,让他今日羽毛丰满,就不好对付了。” Hey, today we get rid together, have killed this small Demon King, is not considered as that late.” Another person is sneering, revolution Yuan Art, in the eye pupil, killing intent bursts out. “嘿嘿,今日我们大家一起出手,杀了这个小魔王,也不算是迟。”另一人冷笑着,运转元功,眼眸之中,杀意迸发。 Good, copes with this crazed evil person, does not need scruples any martial arts morality and justice, everybody gets rid together, extinguishes him for the powder powder.” Before got rid to seize that person of sword, measured the geodesy to smile cloudy, said: Has killed him, recaptures the Crape Myrtle sword, this Dao Instrument treasure, how can fall into the hand of murder Demon King.” “不错,对付这种丧心病狂的恶徒,不需要顾忌什么武道道义,大家一起出手,将他灭为齑粉。”之前出手夺剑的那人,阴测测地笑着,道:“杀了他,夺回紫薇剑,这种道器宝贝,怎么可以落入杀人魔王的手中。” ------------- ------------- hundred degree celsius literature year's end big inventorying, asking the brothers to cast my ticket, this was also our together glory, can see the voting blue fence in the Heavenly Reign god emperor home page, brothers who outside the station read, please help to throw, thanked. 百度文学年终大盘点,请兄弟们投我一票,这也是咱们大家一起的荣,在御天神帝首页就可以看到投票蓝栏,外站看书的兄弟,也请帮忙投一下,谢谢了。 Thank you. 谢谢大家。 Today also has 今天还有更的
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