IGE :: Volume #5

#445: Qu Hanshan

Qu Hanshan, you appeared finally,” Right Minister Lin Zheng sees this person, the look on the contrary is slightly a loosen, sneers saying: This also thinks that you will only shrink on the back put the unexpected blow.” 曲寒山,你终于出现了,”右相蔺争看到这个人,神色反倒是微微一松,冷笑道:“本相还以为你只会缩在背后放冷箭呢。” Qu Hanshan? 曲寒山 Ye Qingyu hears this name, suddenly one startled, cannot help but gains ground carefully sees that overwhelming power old person again. 叶青羽听到这个名字,霍然一惊,不由得抬头再仔细去看那威猛老人。 Since these years, the world has all known Right Minister Lin Zheng, power and influence Unparalleled, the influence is vigorous, almost Sovereign the entire Empire Government, the influence is to spread in the armed forces, almost all people, when hears master these two words, thinks has Right Minister Lin Zheng. 这些年以来,天下皆知右相蔺争,权势无双,势力雄浑,几乎主宰了整个帝国官场,势力更是蔓延到了军中,以至于几乎所有人在听到‘相爷’这两个词的时候,想到的只有右相蔺争 Because the Right Minister Lin Zheng power and influence is extremely dazzling, the point is extremely threatening, the people have forgotten a fact 正是因为右相蔺争权势太过耀眼,锋芒太过逼人,以至于人们忘记了一个事实 Under Emperor of the country, rein hundred officers the master, is actually not one, but is two. 帝国皇帝之下,统御百官的相爷,其实不是一位,而是两位。 Besides Right Minister, Left Minister. 除了右相,还有左相 Right Minister Lin Zheng. 右相蔺争 Left Minister Qu Hanshan. 左相曲寒山 „Under the master plans this grade of general situation, if the cold mountain does not appear, to have missed a grand meeting?” Left Minister Qu Hanshan not cares a whoop regarding the taunt of Right Minister, instead the reversed image saw the old friend to be the same, shows a faint smile, said: „The master the matter of doing, the sound was too rather big a point.” “相爷谋划下这等大局,寒山若是不出现,岂不是错过了一场盛会?”左相曲寒山对于右相的嘲讽丝毫不在意,反而倒像是见了老朋友一样,微微一笑,道:“相爷所做之事,动静未免太大了一点。” Lin Zheng smiles proudly: Qu Hanshan, you should not come, you cannot block me.” 蔺争傲然一笑:“曲寒山,你不该来,你拦不住我。” Master destiny White tiger fights armor In the hand, naturally is dominates all Tian, is only something, actually cannot only divide to be able, can only divide should.” “相爷气运之器【白虎战甲】在手,自然是凌驾诸天,只是有些事情,却不能只分能不能,只能分该不该。” He He, at this moment, you are slick,” a Lin Zheng item of dew despises, said: Qu Hanshan, you know that which point I most don't like your?” “呵呵,事到如今,你还是巧言令色,”蔺争目露鄙夷,道:“曲寒山,你知道我最不喜欢你哪一点吗?” Qu Hanshan shows a faint smile, said: Also please the master grant instruction.” 曲寒山微微一笑,道:“还请相爷赐教。” He He, I bothersomest is your share anything matter must carry the vigor, frequently like is Saint that oneself camouflage.” Right Minister Lin Zheng sneers saying: Heavenly Dao in the day, the human affairs in the person, in the underground world, everything only struggles one on this day, you also in the struggle, actually must exhibit one not to eat the world smoke and fire obviously the appearance, whom deceives.” “呵呵,我最烦的就是你那股子什么事情都要端着的劲儿,时时刻刻都把自己伪装的像是一个圣人一样。”右相蔺争冷笑道:“天道在天,人事在人,这天上地下人间,凡是只争一线,你明明也是在争,却非要摆出一副不食人间烟火的样子,骗谁呢。” Lin Zheng, all in a struggle character. 蔺争一声,全在一个争字上。 During his present power and influence status, the illustrious prestige, is he is impossible bit by bit to struggle, with the day struggle, struggles with the place, when with struggles, struggles with the person, in the impressions of many people, time of quiet Right Minister such as the old farmer at ease is ordinary, carefree, but once got up has struggled the heart, that then peerless benefitted the Sword Edge glow to come out of the sheath, making one is unable to resist. 他如今的权势地位,赫赫威名,都是他于不可能之中一点一点争来的,与天争,与地争,与时争,与人争,在许多人的印象中,静时的右相如闲散老农一般,悠闲自在,可一旦起了争心,那便是绝世利剑锋芒出鞘,令人无从招架。 In this case, said from his mouth, naturally was Dao Sound clank, indisputable. 这样的话,从他的口中说出来,自然是道音铮铮,无可辩驳。 Qu Hanshan frowns, then nodded, said: This knew.” 曲寒山蹙眉,然后点了点头,道:“本相知道了。” Since came, that gets rid, your I struggle these many years, presses you also to be able to stand firm to bear, these many years, this fought upside-down that many people, you actually can the halting position, this, although disliked you, but actually also has to regard with a special fondness to you,” Right Minister Lin Zheng gradually moved toward Qu Hanshan, in the foreheads, quite had the feeling generally, said: Today your my gratitude and grudges, thoroughly settle.” “既然来了,那就出手吧,你我明争暗斗这么多年,也难为你还能稳得住忍得住,这么多年,本相斗倒了那么多人,你却始终能够站住阵脚,本相虽然讨厌你,但却也不得不对你另眼相看,”右相蔺争一步步走向曲寒山,眉宇之间,颇有感概,道:“今日你我恩怨,彻底了结。” Perhaps in master heart killing intent, today is one settles, but is actually not individual gratitude and grudges, but is the family country principle of righteousness.” Qu Hanshan stern [say / way]. “相爷心中起了杀意,也许今日是一个了结,但却并非是个人恩怨,而是家国大义。”曲寒山正色道。 Lin Zheng sneers: By your disposition, little handles the matter that has not grasped, knew perfectly well that is not my match, actually also comes, this was brings death, decides looked for the goon lackey, making them also come.” 蔺争只是冷笑:“以你的心性,很少做没有把握的事情,明知不是我的对手,却还现身,这是送死,定是找了打手狗腿子,让他们也现身吧。” The Qu Hanshan facial color immediately became strange. 曲寒山面色顿时变得古怪了起来。 Next split second 一瞬间 ! 咻! The sword glow, like Clear Sun, bonds from the void wall together radiantly later erupts, changes to hundred meters rune air/Qi sword, above dense and numerous rune wind around, the power and influence startled day, is mad the sword place visited, the air such as the butter cuts same, tumbles toward the both sides, Jianfeng refers, is Right Minister Lin Zheng. 一道剑芒,璀璨如昊日,从虚空壁障之后爆发,化作百米符文气剑,密密麻麻的符文缭绕其上,威势惊天,气剑所过之处,空气如牛油一般般切割开来,朝着两侧翻滚,剑峰所指,正是右相蔺争 The Lin Zheng facial color fiercely changes. 蔺争面色猛变。 He lifts the hand, yuan qi changes to the claw of bright white tiger, patted suddenly above the huge rune air/Qi sword. 他抬手,元气化作煌煌白虎之爪,猛然拍在了巨大符文气剑之上。 Bang! 轰! Air/Qi the sword to explode broken, changes to everywhere yuan qi turbulent flow. 气剑爆碎,化作漫天元气乱流。 Anxious such as lightning form explodes to shoot suddenly from the endless turbulent flow, in the palm a handle wind and snow long sword, sword such as the startling thunderclap thunders generally, a Lin Zheng whole body square inch place, thoroughly deadlocks instantaneously. 一个急如闪电的身影猛然从无尽乱流之中爆射出来,掌中一柄风雪长剑,剑式如惊雷一般轰鸣,瞬间就将蔺争周身方寸之地,彻底锁死。 Originally is the senior marshal arrives.” “原来是老元帅驾临。” Startled color retrogression on Lin Zheng face, the form stands erect in void, the split second successive leaves several hundred palms, rumbling shells unceasingly in the startling thunderclap common sword sword shade, chose the frontage to regret hardly, only big was similar to the day fire hits the iceberg to be ordinary, the Mars cold ice scattered, the bellow was unceasing, surrounding void one closed piece by piece shatter, the void storm formed faintly. 蔺争脸上的惊色消退,身影屹立在虚空之中,一瞬间连出数百掌,轰轰轰不断地轰击在惊雷一般的剑式剑影上,选择了正面硬憾,只大的如同天火撞冰山一般,火星寒冰四溅,轰鸣声不断,周围的虚空一片片破碎又弥合,虚空风暴隐隐形成。 Said anything saying that you think you won, thought oneself infallible says that many chatty, started directly, under saw the true facts!” “说什么说,你以为你真的赢定了,自以为是唧唧歪歪说那么多,直接开打,手下见真章!” If mighty bell general sound/noise resounds. 如洪钟一般的声音响起。 Compared with the old person of Left Minister Qu Hanshan overwhelming power, in the palm a handle Cold Steel black sword, black board armor, the look such as the lion tiger is ordinary, the scarlet yellow color hair, such as the steel needle raises up generally, the yellow color eyebrow, over the face red light, the whole body has scarlet Evil Qi to wind around just like the essence generally, both eyes open and close, fine glow circulation. 一个比左相曲寒山还威猛的老人,掌中一柄寒铁黑剑,一身黑色板甲,相貌如狮虎一般,赤黄色头发,根根如钢针一般竖起,黄色眉毛,满面红光,周身有血色煞气宛如实质一般缭绕,双目开合之间,精芒流转。 This old person, is senior marshal Li Guangbi. 这老人,正是老元帅李光弼 Senior marshal anger is that big.” “老元帅火气还是那么大啊。” Right Minister Lin Zheng cups one hand in the other across the chest slightly, among manners, respectful. 右相蔺争微微拱手,神态之间,略带恭敬。 Although he looks down upon Left Minister Qu Hanshan that the poor family background fortifies at every step is careful, but regarding emperor ** legendary character, Emperor ** senior marshal Li Guangbi that the department is a rear survival now, actually appears very polite, after all this marshal regardless of the status, is in the emperor ** influence, is great, although now mutually for hostile, but actually maintained enough respect. 他虽然看不起贫寒出身步步为营小心谨慎的左相曲寒山,但对于帝**中的传奇人物,帝**部如今硕果仅存的一位老元帅李光弼,却还是显得很客气,毕竟这位元帅不论身份地位,还是在帝**中的影响力,都是一等一的,如今虽然互为敌对,但却保持了足够的尊重。 Regarding Lin Zheng, entire empire high and low, being worth him respecting the person, few, few, but senior marshal Li Guangbi obviously is. 对于蔺争来说,整个帝国上下,值得他尊重的人,没有几个,屈指可数,而老元帅李光弼显然是其中一个。 Bullshit, the father closes right up against an anger to live, the rebels, look at the sword!” “屁话,老子就靠着一身火气活着,乱臣贼子,看剑!” The Li Guangbi manner overwhelming power, just likes Dragon Hupu eats, sword erupts once again, inundates the Sky Sword shade to blot out the sky. 李光弼神态威猛,犹如龙虎扑食,剑式再度爆发,漫天剑影铺天盖地。 Senior marshal performed the distinguished service for the empire past, this is the younger generation, first lets the marshal three moves.” The Lin Zheng personal appearance twinkle, shunts a sword another sword, actually does not hit back. “老元帅昔日为帝国立下汗马功劳,本相是晚辈,先让元帅三招。”蔺争身形闪烁,躲开一剑又一剑,却并不还手。 Qu Hanshan at the same time, lifts hand slightly, a handle disciplinary ruler appears in the hand. 一边的曲寒山,微微抬手,一柄戒尺出现在手中。 Was careful.” “小心了。” He makes noise the reminder, then a disciplinary ruler conveniently racket. 他出声提醒,然后戒尺随手一拍。 The Lin Zheng facial color suddenly changes, backhands a palm after the brain in the air lays out, the tiger claw imaginary shape protected in his hand, actually resembled pats anything, during bang, was void a white disciplinary ruler empty shade to appear, immediately the fresh breeze exploded overflows, the void fragment mixed with the chaos turbulent flow to appear intermittently. 蔺争面色猛然一变,反手一掌朝着脑后空气之中拍出,虎爪幻形护住了他的手中,却似是拍中了什么,轰地一声,虚空之中一道白色戒尺虚影出现,顿时劲风爆溢,虚空碎片夹杂着混沌乱流隐现。 Next split second, Qu Hanshan distantly is a disciplinary ruler lays out. 一瞬间,曲寒山遥遥又是一戒尺拍出。 Lin Zheng gets rid again, actually void lays out toward the front. 蔺争再出手,却是往胸前虚空中拍出。 Bang! 轰! Violent. In the chaotic yuan qi turbulent flow, the disciplinary ruler empty shade reappears. 暴.乱的元气乱流中,戒尺虚影再现。 The Qu Hanshan attack method, strangely to the extreme, is away from several hundred meters to wield the disciplinary ruler obviously, but attacks actually in instantaneous, in five meters appears in the body of Lin Zheng silently, if the average person, is unable to discover arrival of attack, once were patted, only feared that is Ascending Heaven Boundary expert, feels nauseated a blood. 曲寒山的攻击手段,诡异到了极点,明明是隔着数百米挥动戒尺,但攻击却是在瞬间,无声无息地在蔺争的身体五米之内出现,若是一般人,根本无法发现攻击的降临,一旦被拍实了,只怕是登天境强者,都要吐一口血。 When the Li Guangbi three moves cross, in the Lin Zheng eye pupil the fierce gnome light explodes shoots, the imposing manner wells up crazily, starts to get rid to counterattack. 等到李光弼三招一过,蔺争眼眸中猛地精光爆射,气势狂涌,开始出手还击。 A white light tiger, transforms in his shoulder appears. 一只白色光虎,幻化在他的肩头出现。 As Lin Zheng each move attacks, that white tiger or bellows, or roared the claw, either the gasping blowout silver sword, the coordination with Lin Zheng, was in the flawless situation simply, and this white light tiger, the tail length approximately more than two meters, were transforming the position unceasingly, any invaded the Lin Zheng body attack within one meter, will be intercepted directly by this white tiger light tail. 随着蔺争每一招攻出,那白虎或者大吼一声,或者咆哮出爪,或者张口喷出银色刀剑,与蔺争的配合,简直到了天衣无缝的地步,且这只白色光虎,尾巴长约两米多,不断地变换着位置,任何侵入蔺争身体一米之内的攻击,都会被这白虎光尾直接拦截下来。 Is it possible that this white light tiger, so-called White tiger armor?” “莫非这白色光虎,就是所谓的【白虎铠甲】?” In the Ye Qingyu heart moves. 叶青羽心中一动。 Before early, news that since all parties obtain, in the hand of Right Minister, holds a Snow Country destiny, the name day White tiger fights armor, The wonderful place, is far from average man can imagine, the hearsay is Sea of Bitterness Stage expert, wears White tiger fights armor, Can with a Ascending Heaven Boundary expert war. 很早之前,从各方得到的消息来看,右相的手中,握有一件雪国的气运之器,名曰【白虎战甲】,神妙之处,绝非常人所能想象,传闻就算是苦海境强者,身披【白虎战甲】,都可以与登天境强者一战。 Ye Qingyu thinks, so-called White tiger fights armor With White Horse battle armour Same, is the helmet and armor class coverall, now looks like, was actually thinks simply, as town country destiny, obviously White tiger fights armor Was clever, coordinates with Lin Zheng, the might multiplies. 叶青羽原先以为,所谓的【白虎战甲】与【白马战铠】一样,也是盔甲类的套装,现在看起来,却是自己想简单了,作为镇国气运之器,显然【白虎战甲】已经通灵,与蔺争配合起来,威力倍增。 „...... The senior marshal holds the black iron sword, that handle white disciplinary ruler in Left Minister hand, seems not every thing, is it possible that is the destiny is also inadequate?” “不过……老元帅掌中的黑色铁剑,还有左相手中的那柄白色戒尺,似乎都不是凡物啊,莫非也是气运之器不成?” Care that Ye Qingyu looks. 叶青羽看的仔细。 He can feel indistinctly that one type with strength of different strengths yuan qi as well as the rune, is pasting in three types of weapons. 他隐约能够感觉得到,有一种与元气以及符文之力不同的力量,在三样武器之中流转着。 Must get rid at this moment , helping Left Minister and senior marshal, has cut Right Minister Lin Zheng?” “要不要此刻出手,帮助左相和老元帅,斩了右相蔺争?” In the heart of Ye Qingyu, had the thought. 叶青羽的心中,动了念头。 His within the body yuan qi surges, the invisible chill in the air fills the air slightly, a handle chill in the air light sword sword shade silently reappeared in the side, this was Person king Sword Technique Symbol of true meaning stimulation of movement. 他体内元气涌动,无形的寒意略微弥漫,一柄寒意光剑剑影就无声无息地浮现在了身边,这是【人王剑典】真意催动的标志。 But at this time, the Ye Qingyu t heart wiped the chill in the air to erupt suddenly. 但就在这个时候,叶青羽t心头一抹寒意骤然爆发。 Unprecedented panic-stricken, blasts out in his mind. 一种前所未有的惊恐,在他的脑海里炸开。 During below split second of fast, is void, the ripples begin, is together the sword light, such as the meteor is common, but the twinkling, sticks out suddenly the murderous intention. 电光石火的下一瞬间,虚空之中,涟漪再起,又是一道剑光,如流星一般璀璨,瞬息而至,暴起杀机。 But sneak attacked object, is Ye Qingyu. 而被偷袭的对象,正是叶青羽 This sword twinkling appears, to the extreme, at the same time beforehand has not seen clearly treacherously including Aunt Heng slightly. 这一剑瞬息出现,诡谲到了极点,连一边的衡姑姑都事先没有洞察到丝毫。 The Ye Qingyu personal appearance, had been cut instantaneously around the middle, is divided into two to break. 叶青羽的身形,瞬间被拦腰斩过,分为两断。 Master of sword, the personal appearance twinkling interlocked, appears in Ye Qingyu behind. 剑的主人,身形瞬息交错,出现在了叶青羽身后。 Little Yu......” Aunt Heng in great surprise. 小羽……”衡姑姑大惊。 Actually at this time, was cut as two sections of Ye Qingyu corpses, changed to the pale silver shade fog unexpectedly. 却在这个时候,那被斩为两截的叶青羽的尸身,竟是化作了淡银色的影雾。 He He he he......” “呵呵呵呵呵……” The sound of ice-cold and brutal sneering, resounds in void, what appears is dozens silver shade fog personal appearance, from does not have the indication to reappear in all directions, is the same just like sword, holds the person of sword to sphere that sneak attack, sword erupts, one group of red death marks appeared on him. 冰冷而又残酷的冷笑之声,在虚空之中响起,紧接着出现的是数十道银色影雾身形,从四面八方毫无征兆地浮现,宛如剑阵一样,将那偷袭持剑之人围住,剑式爆发,一团红色死亡标记出现在他身上。 Holds the person of packed hole sword is inconceivable, gasping blowout together blood arrow. 持剑之人满眼是不可思议,张口喷出一道血箭 Next flickers, the Ye Qingyu true body, appeared in held the side of sword assassin, the cold ice light sword in the hand, cut heartlessly. 下一瞬,叶青羽的真身,出现在了持剑刺客的身边,寒冰光影剑在手,无情斩出。 The entire process, just likes Flowing Light floats shade to appear generally, bold between will complete, draws near the extreme, not only will be that holds the person of sword sneak attack has not ravelled own must kill a sword, why has not caused heavy losses to Ye Qingyu, including at the same time has not responded in Aunt Heng. 整个过程,犹如流光浮影一般出现,兔起鹘落之间完成,快到了极点,不仅是那持剑偷袭的人没有弄明白自己的必杀一剑,为什么没有重创叶青羽,连在一边的衡姑姑都没有反应过来。 Ye Qingyu in the war technique that this split second shows, radiant magnificent to the extreme, such as the illusion is ordinary, was simply indescribable. 叶青羽在这一瞬间施展出来的战技,璀璨华丽到了极点,如梦幻一般,简直无法形容。 ------------------- ------------------- Today must make up yesterday's renewal 今儿本来要补昨天的更新的 But in the morning reexamined, has taken nearly one month of medicine, transaminase as before high more than three times, the effect was not big, immediately the mood missed the extreme, according to the view of doctor, has made various inspections again. 但早上去复查,吃了近一个月的药,转氨酶依旧高了三倍多,效果不大,顿时心情差到了极点,按照医生的说法,重新去做了各种检查。 The feeling since April of last year, the body always felt better, the symbol mentality was lax, in the evening came back, some readers asked that also had to renew, I said did not have, wants to rest well for 1-2 days, but thinks such to do will disappoint too many people, couple of days ago the reader, hit to enjoy the hegemon directly, hoping in addition, what a pity the knife at that time not to know that catches up yesterday and today, the body and mentality in the condition, in addition did not chat, I am sorry. 感觉自从去年四月起,身体就从来么有好过,码字思路涣散,晚上回来,有读者问还有没有更新了,我说没有了,想好好休息一两天了,但想想这么做会辜负太多人,前两天有一位读者,直接打赏了盟主,希望加更,可惜刀子当时不知道,赶上昨天和今天,身体和思路都不在状态,加更不聊了,我很抱歉。 Waits for the day of knife body recovery, certainly well makes up. 等刀子身体恢复那一天,一定好好补更。 We hope that on that day arrived as soon as possible, got sick for 78 months, this taste was too uncomfortable 希望那一天尽快到来,病了78个月了,这宗滋味太难受了
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