IGE :: Volume #5

#444: Right comes

Ha Ha Ha, small obediently, comes quickly, Ha Ha, I have completely understood you...... Do not run, making the uncle shoot you to send.” 哈哈哈,小乖乖,快过来,哈哈,我已经看透你了……不要跑,让叔叔射你一发。” The fat people are similar to gust of wind sudden downpour are the same, armor piercing arrow in one breath behind arrow pot has shot. 胖子如同疾风骤雨一样,一口气将自己背后箭壶之中的破甲箭都射了出去。 Void, arrow arrow like electricity, eyes cannot take it all. 虚空之中,箭矢如电,令人目不暇接。 Jade surface my dear does not dare to be negligent, the movement displayed the limit, just liked the remnant soul is together same, fended unceasingly. 玉面郎君不敢大意,身法施展到了极限,犹如一道残魂一样,不断地闪避。 However in the fatty dreadful deceitful big laughter, instantaneous that inundated the Tien Chien rain to have the change unexpectedly, or an arrow became two arrows, two arrows changed to four arrows, after either , before the arrow was scratching the arrow, Zuo Jianca the right arrow, the path curve was changing completely, split second inundated the Tien Chien arrow to live likely generally, was evades not to be possible unexpectedly to evade, has deadlocked jade surface my dear movement all lines completely. 但是在胖子猥琐奸诈的大笑声之中,瞬间那漫天箭雨竟然是起了变化,或者一箭变为两箭,两箭化作四箭,或者后箭擦着前箭,左箭擦着右箭,轨迹弧度完全变化,一瞬间漫天箭矢像是活了一般,竟是避无可避,完全锁死了玉面郎君身法所有线路。 Finally 终于 „......” “啊……” Jade surface my dear cries, body instantaneous dozens arrows, is the same just like the hedgehog, fell from void. 玉面郎君大叫一声,身上瞬间中了数十箭,宛如刺猬一样,从虚空之中掉落了下去。 Is crashing the instance that the consciousness is barely alive, he then understands that looks like the timid stupid fatty, reason that before has defended only does not attack, is not strength is bad, but is observing own movement mystery, moreover was looked by that fatty, arrange bureau of the killing certainly in deep sorrow. 在坠落意识弥留的瞬间,他这才明白,那个看起来胆小愚蠢的胖子,之前之所以一直只守不攻,并非是实力不济,而是在观察自己的身法奥秘,而且还着的被那胖子看出来了,布下了一个万箭穿心的绝杀之局。 Ha Ha, hit a target has hit a target, the father has won, Ha Ha Ha......” “哈哈,射中了射中了,老子又赢了,哈哈哈……” The fat people from the sky brandish the long bow to yell excitedly. 胖子在空中挥舞着长弓兴奋地大叫。 However this type has maintained also less than three rest time excitedly, he resembled suddenly induces anything, facial color big change. 不过这种兴奋维持了还不到三息时间,他突然似是感应到了什么,面色大变。 Then this goods like are the rabbit that was frightened, screamed, showed the whites of the eyes, has planted from void, since bang pounds on the ground, the mist and dust dies, happen to falls on dying with injustice unredressed the side of jade surface my dear. 然后这这货像是受了惊的兔子一样,尖叫了一声,翻了个白眼,一头从虚空之中栽了下来,轰地一声砸在地上,烟尘死起,正好落在死不瞑目的玉面郎君的身边。 This goods during the shield of mist and dust, put out a hand to grasp a blood of jade surface my dear, wiped in own body various places, then bellowed to call out pitifully, lay down feigns death on the ground. 这货在烟尘的掩护之中,伸手抓了一把玉面郎君的鲜血,抹在自己的身上各处,然后大吼惨叫了一声,躺在地上装死。 The entire process all fell in the Ye Qingyu eye. 整个过程全部都落在了叶青羽的眼中。 This fellow is doing anything......” Ye Qingyu not knowing whether to laugh or cry tunnel. “这家伙在搞什么……”叶青羽啼笑皆非地道。 The voice has not fallen. 话音未落。 In sky sudden white light writings, the Clear Sun glory twinkling, arrived at the Radiant Palace Hall sky together. 天空之中突然白光大作,一道昊日般的光辉瞬息即至,来到了光明殿的上空。 Huge to strength fluctuation beyond description, erupted from that hot sun general white light group, like is the difficult situation rushes in the entire space, is centered on Radiant Palace Hall, the surrounding area the field of force within hundred li (0.5km) had a strange distortion, the mist and dust particle in ground, is the weightlessness seems to be same, has the trend of slightly floating. 一股庞大到了难以形容的力量波动,从那烈日一般的白色光团之中爆发了出来,像是惊涛骇浪一样澎湃在整个空间,以光明殿为中心,方圆百里之内的力场都发生了一种奇异的扭曲,地面上的烟尘微粒,似乎是失重一样,有微微漂浮起来的趋势。 Ye Qingyu felt that the internal combustion engine in within the body, rushed to have the trend that one type was hard to suppress crazily, yuan qi surged wild. 叶青羽感觉到体内的气机,疯狂澎湃有一种难以压制的趋势,元气狂暴地涌动了起来。 What is that?” “那是什么?” He looks up to that white light group, can see indistinctly, in the white light group, there is a thin form to be partly visible. 他抬头看向那白色光团,隐约可以看到,在白色光团之中,有一个削瘦的身影若隐若现。 Century Radiant Palace Hall, is doomed to be broken today...... Sun and Moon takes turn, to trade newly old, today, Snow Capital will welcome the true glory time!” 百年光明殿,今日注定被破……日月交替,以新换旧,今日,雪京将迎来真正的光辉时刻!” Sounds actually solemn silence sound/noise, transmits in that white light group, surges in void along with sound/noise, white dazzling brilliance diverges gradually, that wears White tiger fights armor The form, can look finally clearly. 一个听起来倒是庄严肃穆的声音,在那白色光团中传来,随着声音在虚空之中激荡开来,白色刺目光华逐渐散去,其中那个身披【白虎战甲】的身影,终于可以看得真切了。 The Ye Qingyu pupil shrinks suddenly. 叶青羽瞳孔骤缩。 Who his eyes recognized in the sky that person's shadow are. 他一眼就认出来了天空之中那个人影是谁。 Empire Right Minister Lin Zheng. 帝国右相蔺争 Although has never seen Lin Zheng Spiritual Master, but the portrait about Lin Zheng with the rune projection image, Ye Qingyu already had actually seen innumerable, after is empire Right Minister, under the emperor the most prominent figure, famous, is all vision focuses, Du Gu Quan or the Two River Group imperial capital divides the rudder, had given Ye Qingyu about the most detailed material that Lin Zheng can know at present. 虽然从未见过蔺争真人,但是关于蔺争的画像和符文投影形象,叶青羽却早就见到过无数次了,毕竟是帝国右相,皇帝之下最显赫的人物,名扬天下,是所有目光关注的焦点,不论是独孤全还是两江会帝都分舵,都曾经给过叶青羽关于蔺争目前所能知道的最详细的资料。 Therefore regarding Ye Qingyu, although has not faced to see right in front of one Lin Zheng, but regarding this empire Right Minister image, actually extremely understood. 所以对于叶青羽来说,虽未面对面见过蔺争,但是对于这位帝国右相的形象,却是极为了解。 Shock after slightly, on the Ye Qingyu face reappears actually a wisp of smile. 略微的震惊之后,叶青羽脸上倒是浮现出一缕微笑。 Has not thought that in this kind of situation, sees this empire powerful minister. 没想到是在这样一个场合之中,见到这位帝国权臣。 Parts the fog to see the truth gradually. 拨开云雾逐渐见真相。 Since Right Minister Lin Zheng appears here, that was equal to that all have clarified thoroughly, is the chart poor dagger sees? 右相蔺争既然出现在这里,那就等于一切都彻底明朗化了,算是图穷匕见吗? In the hearsay, Lin Zheng is not only is the high-ranking, the rein hundred officers, the technique of rare person political strategy may compare with it, is a martial arts talent, the world that Cultivation Base immeasurably deep in this expert is Venerable in fact, in Snow Country almost 99% officials, are martial arts expert, does not have enough individual Cultivation Base, is almost unable to base in North Korea , China. 传闻之中,蔺争不仅仅是身居高位,统御百官,权谋之术罕有人与之可比,更是一位武道天才,一身修为深不可测事实上在这个强者为尊的世界,雪国之中几乎99的官员,都是武道强者,没有足够的个人修为,几乎无法在朝中立足。 But reason that Lin Zheng can as child of born, grasp the family, then treads Lin Jia to step onto the empire phase, his strength shock everybody absolutely, not only in the imperial capital, even in entire Heaven Wasteland Domain, is martial arts expert that knows how things stand. 蔺争之所以能够以一个庶出之子的身份,掌握家族,进而踏着蔺家走上帝国相位,其个人实力绝对是惊世骇俗,不仅仅是在帝都,甚至在整个天荒界之中,都是有数的武道强者 These many years, he is high-ranking, a lot do not need him to get rid, naturally some people manage, therefore many people have forgotten slowly him the status and prestige in martial arts world. 只是这么多年,他身居高位,很多事情无需他出手,自然有人去办,所以慢慢地很多人都忘记了他在武道世界中的地位和威名。 If not stand in the hostile field of force, Ye Qingyu even somewhat appreciates this old person. 如果不是站在敌对的力场上,叶青羽甚至有些欣赏这位老人。 Can depend upon strength of the, reverses the destiny, is doomed in the base and low position from a born, arrives at today gradually, if is not the peerless talent, is certainly difficult to achieve this point. 能够依靠一己之力,扭转命运,从一个庶出注定卑微的位置上,一步一步走到今天,若非是绝世天才,绝难做到这一点。 What a pity...... 可惜…… Where does Radiant Palace Hall advocate Ye Qingyu?” In the sky, has transmitted Right Minister Lin Zheng light sound/noise, the implication dignity. 光明殿叶青羽何在?”天空之中,传来了右相蔺争淡淡的声音,蕴含威严。 Ye Qingyu proceeded 2-3 steps, bowed to salute, said: Radiant Palace Hall advocates Ye Qingyu, has seen the master.” 叶青羽往前走了两三步,躬身行礼,道:“光明殿叶青羽,见过相爷。” Withdraws Class silver bright, Opens the Bright God palace.” The Right Minister Lin Zheng personal appearance, descends slowly toward Bright City, is having the inexhaustible pressure. “撤去【流银光明阵】,打开光明神殿。”右相蔺争的身形,缓缓地朝着光明城降落下来,带着无穷无尽的威压。 Ye Qingyu silent moment, suddenly gained ground to smile. 叶青羽沉默了片刻,突然抬起头笑了。 Since the situation arrived such one step, Right Minister also why did speak these useless idle talk? „ The Ye Qingyu eye does not dread looks at Right Minister, said: „ Is the ignorant ordinary man, in hopeless situation, will rise spiritedly to strike, blood stream five steps, in the Right Minister eye, my this Radiant Palace Hall Palace Master, might as well a rash ordinary man?” “既然局势都到了这样一步,右相又何必说这些没有用的废话呢?“叶青羽眼睛毫无畏惧地看着右相,道:“就算是无知匹夫,绝境之中,都会奋起一击,血流五步,难道在右相的眼中,我这个光明殿殿主,还不如一个莽撞匹夫吗?” In sky. 天空中。 The Right Minister vision falls on the body of Ye Qingyu, gazed at the moment, emerges color of the appreciation. 右相目光落在叶青羽的身上,注视了片刻,也不禁涌现出一丝欣赏之色。 Ye Qingyu this name, this listened to be inferior, to be honest, proceeded to push for 60 years, this may call the first talent, but starting from last year, the name of this first talent, actually must fall on your body. „ On Right Minister originally faint face, passed over gently and swiftly a happy expression. 叶青羽这个名字,本相听过很多次了,说实话,往前推60年,本相可称之为第一天才,但自去年开始,这个第一天才的名字,却是要落在你的身上了。“右相原本淡漠的脸上,也掠过一丝笑意。 Master erroneous approved, the shame is not at all.” Demon King Ye blossomed at heart happily, but on mouth actually pretends a serene humble appearance. “相爷谬赞了,愧不敢当。”叶魔王心里乐开了花,但嘴上却还是装作一副云淡风轻谦逊的样子。 Can be appraised the first talent by empire Right Minister now, passes on, made the world vibrate sufficiently. 能够被当今帝国右相评价一句第一天才,传出去,足以令天下震动了。 Matter that your Youyan Pass handles, this knows, actually when this quite appreciates you, what a pity, you step by step walk, throughout with this is actually opposing......” Right Minister to fall slowly in Class silver bright On Light Cover , said: This appreciates the talented person, even if were you have cut the kestrel they, this can also not go into one's past, so long as you hired oneself in this subordinates, this absolutely full power cultivation and you, even if this power and influence status instruction and you, yes.” “你的幽燕关做的事情,本相都知道,其实本相当时就非常欣赏你,可惜啊,你一步步走来,却始终在与本相作对……”右相缓缓地落在【流银光明阵】的光罩上,道:“本相欣赏人才,哪怕是你斩了红鹰他们,本相也可以既往不咎,只要你投靠在本相的麾下,本相绝对全力栽培与你,哪怕是将本相的权势地位传授与你,也都是可以的。” These words said that obviously Lin Zheng also really very much appreciated Ye Qingyu. 这番话说出来,可见蔺争还真的是很欣赏叶青羽 Ye Qingyu smiled: „The master regards with a special fondness, Qingyu is deeply grateful, is only...... The difference, is not stratagem, only feared that must disappoint a master good intention.” 叶青羽笑了笑:“相爷另眼相待,青羽感激不尽,只是……道不同,不相为谋,只怕是要辜负相爷一番好意了。” Lin Zheng hear that, nodded slowly, shook the head: That is really...... What a pity.” 蔺争闻言,缓缓地点了点头,又摇了摇头:“那真的是……可惜了。” Then, the under foot strength spits suddenly. 说完,脚下劲力猛然一吐。 snap snap. 咔嚓咔嚓 Class silver bright Light Cover , looks like the vulnerable colored glaze is the same immediately, split naked eye obvious slits. 【流银光明阵】的光罩,立刻就像是脆弱不堪的琉璃一样,裂开了一条条肉眼可见的缝隙。 The eyebrow of Ye Qingyu jumps crazily. 叶青羽的眉毛狂跳。 very strong strength. 好强实力 Next split second, Ye Qingyu only thought that at present a flower, has not said anything with enough time, in the line of sight, brave fighter sharp claws enlarge infinitely. 一瞬间,叶青羽只觉得眼前一花,还未来得及说什么,视线之中,一只猛虎利爪无限放大。 Be careful.” Side has transmitted Aunt Heng sound/noise. “小心。”旁边传来了衡姑姑声音 Then the ear hears one to thunder, the wild energy overflows, is ordinary just like the turbulent flow vortex, Ye Qingyu only thinks the body one light, by pulling one side. 接着耳边传来一声轰鸣,狂暴的能量四溢,宛如乱流漩涡一般,叶青羽只觉得身体一轻,就被拉到了一边。 Actually is the critical moment, Aunt Heng gets rid, was Ye Qingyu keeps off has struck. 却是关键时刻,衡姑姑出手,为叶青羽挡了一击。 Weighs the girl, you are not my match, walks, do not keep off my road.” Lin Zheng sound/noise, became ice-cold. “衡丫头,你不是我的对手,走吧,不要挡我的路。”蔺争声音,变得冰冷了起来。 Ye Qingyu looked side, Aunt Heng looks pale, the aura is not steady, wants to come to meet an attack of that Lin Zheng a moment ago, the vitality fluctuated, received the little wound. 叶青羽看了看身边,衡姑姑面色苍白,气息不稳,想来是刚才接了那蔺争的一道攻击,已经气血浮动,受了一点点的伤。 When gains ground again looks, actually discovery Class silver bright Light Cover broke the hole that a well head laughs. 再抬头看时,却发现【流银光明阵】光罩已经破碎出一个井口大笑的窟窿。 Lin Zheng occupies a commanding position, in light of this has not entered directly in Bright City. 蔺争居高临下,并未直接就此进入光明城内。 Perhaps in his opinion, this small safety mask, during the intention rotations, can break, therefore does not worry, but he looks at the Aunt Heng look, has the little fluctuation, wants to come two people already to know, moreover relates is not ordinary. 也许在他看来,这一层小小的防护罩,心念转动之间,就可以破开,所以并不着急,只是他看着衡姑姑的眼神,有一点点波动,想来两个人早就认识,而且关系并不一般。 Aunt Heng has not spoken, has exhibited defense. 衡姑姑没有说话,摆出了一个防御的式。 Ye Qingyu first time knows that originally Aunt Heng also has Cultivation Base in the person of body, moreover strength also wants to be higher, but after looking he has met a Lin Zheng palm, the aura fluctuates, unifies these points to judge, Ye Qingyu can determine that the Aunt Heng promote has not entered Ascending Heaven Boundary, is only Sea of Bitterness Stage high level. 叶青羽还是第一次知道,原来衡姑姑也是有修为在身的人,而且实力还要比自己更高一些,不过看他接了蔺争一掌之后,气息浮动,结合这几点来判断,叶青羽可以确定,衡姑姑并未晋入登天境,也只是苦海境高阶而已。 Today the general situation has decided that Radiant Palace Hall must break without doubt, weighs the girl, you are not my match, draws back.” Right Minister light tunnel. “今日大局已定,光明殿必破无疑,衡丫头,你不是我的对手,退下吧。”右相淡淡地道。 Aunt Heng has not spoken. 衡姑姑没有说话。 If Class silver bright Broken, you draw back into the Bright God palace immediately.” She passes message into secret, said to Ye Qingyu. “若是【流银光明阵】破,你立刻退入光明神殿。”她传音入秘,对叶青羽道。 Ye Qingyu nods slowly. 叶青羽缓缓地点头。 Aunt Heng should knows anything, things have gotten to this point, can only listen to her words. 衡姑姑应该是知道一些什么,事已至此,只能听她的话了。 But at this time 但就在这个时候 Sir Right Minister big officer prestige,” strange sound/noise, resounds in void, said: Does not know that the master attacks Radiant Palace Hall, which imperial decree has presented the snow emperor?” 右相大人好大的官威啊,”一个陌生的声音,在虚空之中响起,道:“不知道相爷攻打光明殿,是奉了雪帝陛下的哪一道圣旨呢?” Void, during a form in the silver is dense reappears slowly. 虚空中,一个身影在银色氤氲之中缓缓浮现。 Actually is a personal appearance tall and strong, the hair grayish white old person, the body is white long robe, on the Chinese-style gown has several patches, washes and starches is quite clean, the color of over the face wind and frost, the face edges and corners are distinct, the platyrrhine extravagant mouth, has the dignity extremely, a frown mammoth is pair of Piao Dao is the same, is hanging on the eye, making his manner appear the overwhelming power is even more incomparable 却是一个身形魁梧,头发灰白的老人,身上是一袭白色长袍,袍子上有几个补丁,浆洗的极为干净,满面风霜之色,面部棱角分明,狮鼻阔口,极有威严,一双眉毛像是一对朴刀一样,悬挂在眼睛上,让他的神态越发显得威猛无比 ------------------------- ------------------------- Today feels is exhausted, tonight one if over 11 points did not have, everybody will wait tomorrow 今儿感觉非常疲惫,今晚一更要是超过11点还没有更,那大家都等明天吧 Suddenly weak, tomorrow must go to the hospital to inspect again, having a look at the transaminase to reduce 突然虚弱,明儿要再去医院检查一下,看看转氨酶降低了没有
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