IGE :: Volume #5

#443: White tiger fights Armor

Just received the message, Snow Country that two, sent for blocking by Lin Zheng, at least one day, cannot withdraw the body.” The white wax candlelight twinkle, a little bit wax tears flow, the expression is even more serious, said: You now are not suitable to come, after all the Lin Zheng potential was big, has controlled the almost entire imperial capital, he planned painstakingly for many years, waited is today's thunder strikes, if the positive photograph resisted, we did not have the slight opportunity, he in bright, we in dark, this was our superiority, you did not want, because obtained the strength, was spur-of-the-moment, causing us to fall short.” “刚刚收到消息,雪国的那两位,都被蔺争派人拦住了,至少一日之内,脱不开身。”白蜡烛光闪烁,一滴滴蜡泪流淌,语气越发严肃,道:“你现在还不适合现身,毕竟蔺争势大,控制了几乎整个帝都,他苦心策划多年,等的就是今日雷霆一击,如果正面相抗,我们没有丝毫的机会,他在明,我们在暗,这才是我们的优势,你不要因为获得了力量,一时冲动,导致我们功亏一篑。” The Yu Feiyan straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards raise, must say anything, but could not bear finally. 鱼非言剑眉一掀,要说什么,但最终还是忍不住了。 ...... …… Right Minister palace. 右相府。 In backyard flower garden. 在后院花圃之中。 Some people run rapidly, returns to the report: Reply the master, Mr. Yu and Mr. Qin according to planning to handle affairs, that two had been constrained.” 有人急速跑来,回报道:“回禀相爷,俞先生和秦先生都已经按照计划行事,那两位都已经被拖住了。” The thin old person nods, smiled, from the hand of nearby maidservant, received the hot towel, scratched the neck, Suizhou lost the towel to the maidservant, hid the person in black hat garment long robe to a nearby whole body, said: How? Then you can feel relieved.” 削瘦的老人点点头,笑了笑,从旁边侍女的手中,接过了热毛巾,擦了擦头颈,随州将毛巾丢给侍女,对旁边的一位浑身都隐藏在黑色帽衫长袍中的人,道:“如何?这下你可以放心了吧。” Good, it seems like you are observing our agreement, now when is away from the revelation of domain channel, two double-hour, within these two double-hour, must break through Radiant Palace Hall, you understand my meaning, Lin Zheng.” sound/noise that has measured cloudy in the shadow of black robe hat garment, transmits. “好,看来你还是遵守着我们的约定的,如今距离界域通道的天启之时,还有两个时辰而已,在这两个时辰之内,一定要攻破光明殿,你明白我的意思吧,蔺争。”黑袍帽衫的阴影中,传来了阴测测的的声音 This person does not know that is any origin, dares to say the Lin Zheng name face to face, moreover in the expression, is quite having an order tone, is really shocking. 这人也不知道是什么来历,竟敢当面直呼蔺争的名字,而且语气之中,颇带着一种命令的口吻,实在是让人震惊。 But Lin Zheng as if already had been familiar with, thinks little, said: He He, the Radiant Palace Hall strength, basically completely had wiped out, does not need to worry that at this time is just a spatial shell, only needs a double-hour, can capture, this being on intimate terms from attacks.” 蔺争似乎早就已经习惯,不以为意,道:“呵呵,光明殿的力量,基本上已经完全被拔除,根本不用担忧,此时只不过是一座空壳子而已,只需一个时辰,既可以攻下,本相亲自去攻。” Saying, he own health/guard beckons to outside distant place flower garden is standing. 说着,他对远处花圃外站着的亲卫招了招手。 Own health/guard obeys an order, turns around to go. 亲卫应命一声,转身而去。 The moment returns. 须臾返回。 Actually is four own health/guard, is lifting a giant box arrival of noble appearance animal bones. 却是四个亲卫,抬着一个虎头兽骨的巨大箱子到来。 White tiger fights armor, After many years, must use it.” The Lin Zheng expression is a little sigh with emotion, punctures fingertip, dropped a drop of blood, in the big box of that noble appearance animal bones. “【白虎战甲】,时隔多年,又要使用它了。”蔺争语气有点儿感慨,刺破指尖,滴了一滴血,在那虎头兽骨的大箱上。 The blood drops in white tiger forehead, quickly seeps. 血滴落在白虎头眉心间,迅速渗透下去。 Next split second, the noble appearance flood moves a strange strength, tiger that originally shuts tightly opens suddenly, the box opens, among one group of profound black light, burst out instantaneously, wraps Right Minister Lin Zheng directly. 一瞬间,虎头泛动一股奇异的力量,原本紧闭的虎目猛然之间睁开,箱子打开,其内一团玄黑光影,瞬间迸发,将右相蔺争直接包裹在其中。 Do not forget our agreement.” “不要忘了我们的约定。” In the halo, has transmitted Right Minister Lin Zheng sound/noise. 光晕之中,传来了右相蔺争声音 ...... …… ...... …… Sky over Radiant Palace Hall. 光明殿上空。 Behind in fatty dozens arrow pouches, half have shot to empty. 胖子背后的几十个箭囊中,一半都已经射空了。 Why do you want to hide? Do not hide, have a frontage to meet my arrow.” “你为什么要躲?你不要躲,有种正面接我一箭。” ' You act shamelessly, unexpectedly keeps off my arrow with the fan.” '“你耍赖,居然用扇子挡我的箭。” Small loach, do not run......” “小泥鳅,不要跑……” Ahhhhh, you halt, I did not shoot you, I was quite tired, we reached an agreement, first did not hit, rest a while.” 啊啊啊啊,你站住,我不射你了,我好累,咱们说好,先不打了,休息一会儿。” Hey, has not thought that the father puts the stab in the back secretly...... What a pity, unexpectedly was evaded by you.” “嘿嘿,没想到吧,老子偷偷放暗箭……可惜啊,居然被你躲过了。” In the entire battle process, the fatty looks like words discusses is the same, is bellowing unceasingly verbosely, has shown an incisiveness his cheap person essence, originally is a showdown of matter of life and death, was actually done by him like is plays noisily. 整个厮杀过程之中,胖子就像是一个话唠一样,不断絮絮叨叨地大吼着,将他贱人本质展现了个淋漓尽致,原本是一场生死攸关的对决,却被他搞得像是玩闹一样,。 Opposite jade surface my dear suppresses a blood not to spit, he has never seen the so shameless mean match. 对面的玉面郎君憋着一口血没有吐出来,他从未见过如此无耻下作的对手。 But the archery of this fatty, seriously is fearful strange incomparable, moreover each arrow strength greatly is infinite, after jade surface my dear tests the folding fan has kept off a fatty sword directly, he thoroughly receives the thoughts of frontage resistance, can only depend upon to walk randomly with the movement, approaches the fatty unceasingly, waits for an opportunity to counter-attack. 但偏偏这胖子的箭术,当真是可怕诡异无比,而且每一箭都力大无穷,玉面郎君试着用折扇正面挡了胖子一剑之后,他就彻底收起了正面对抗的心思,只能依靠游走和身法,不断地靠近胖子,伺机反击。 Regarding any archer, near body war is a nightmare. 对于任何一个弓箭手来说,近身战都是一场噩梦。 But the fatty is actually an exception. 但胖子却是个例外。 Once jade surface my dear near body, the fatty brandished the long bow in hand to dance randomly. 一旦玉面郎君近身,胖子就抡起手中的长弓乱舞了起来。 It seems like chaotic, the regulations are the impregnable defense, jade surface my dear cannot attack unexpectedly. 看似乱,实则是无懈可击的防御,玉面郎君竟然攻不进去。 But another side. 而另一边。 The dead wood old person appeared more distressed. 枯木老人就显得狼狈多了。 His ** cane armor, had been cut to break to pieces most probably, the dead wood stick in hand also became two sections, although alone arm god nun only then an arm, but a handle silver thread whisks in her hands, actually endures thousand Goddess of Mercy is the same, presses the dead wood old person has not gasped for breath. 他一身**藤甲,已经被斩碎了大半,手中的枯木杖也成为了两截,独臂神尼虽然只有一臂,但一柄银丝拂尘在她的手中,却堪比千手观音一样,将枯木老人压得喘不过气来。 Damn old nun.” The dead wood old person is startled and hates to roar: In the past should kill you.” “该死的老尼姑。”枯木老人又惊又恨地咆哮:“当年真该杀了你。” The alone arm god nun facial color is bone-chilling cold, did not speak, the silver thread whisked to contain the infinite murderous intention, silver threads changed to the unescapable net, from encircled to kill in all directions, encircled the dead wood old person in most. 独臂神尼面色凛冽清冷,并不说话,银丝拂尘蕴含无限杀机,一根根银丝化作了天罗地网,从四面八方围杀过来,将枯木老人围在最中间。 Before Century, sentiment sect Patriarch plots against god nun, lifts the sect to besiege, the dead wood old person cut a god nun arm, now meets again, was the divine intervention is doomed, but made the dead wood old person not think, lost an old nun of arm, the fearfulness of Cultivation Base jump, surpassed him unexpectedly. 百年之前,情道宗宗主暗算神尼,举宗围攻,正是枯木老人斩掉了神尼一只臂膀,如今再见面,也算是天意注定,只是令枯木老人没有想到的是,失去了一只臂膀的老尼,修为跃升的可怕,竟是远超过他。 Whisking silver heart, day Romania purgatory...... Kills!” “拂尘银心,天罗炼狱……杀!” Old nun opens the mouth, during is void, whisking silver thread everywhere shakes off, lengthens infinitely fills the air, silver threads spread across just like the great net are common, limitless, covered this Heaven and Earth network , the silver thread such as the sword was generally sharp, four sieged the dead wood old person, suddenly the murderous intention exploded overflows. 老尼开口,虚空之中,拂尘银丝漫天抖开,无限延长弥漫,一根根银丝纵横交错犹如巨网一般,无边无际,将这天地都网络笼罩在了其中,银丝如刀剑一般锋锐,四下将枯木老人围困,突然杀机爆溢。 Dead wood old person facial color in great surprise, but also responded without enough time that by the silver thread trap contraction, was stranded him. 枯木老人面色大惊,还来不及反应,就被银丝罗网收缩,将他困在了其中。 You...... You......” he then understand that Century does not see, strength of this old nun, surpasses the several fold unexpectedly, only feared that strided in the boundary of heavenly ascension thoroughly, but before her, actually intentionally suppressed strength, can by own paralysis general idea, then at one fell swoop be struck to kill? “你……你……”他这才明白,百年不见,这老尼的实力,竟是远超自己数倍,只怕已经是彻底跨入登天之境了,可她之前却故意压制了实力,是要让自己麻痹大意,然后一举击杀吗? Century gratitude and grudges, in light of this buying and selling...... Kills!” 百年恩怨,就此购销……杀!” Alone arm god nun has not kept the hand, whisks to erupt brilliance, ** is ordinary just like the sharp sword, instantaneously the dead wood body, direct cutting is a beach rotten meat, then its evaporation, changes to the flying ash instantaneously, vanishes thoroughly during was void. 独臂神尼并没有留手,拂尘爆发光华,根根**宛如利剑一般,瞬间将枯木的身体,直接切割为一滩烂肉,然后瞬间将其蒸发,化作飞灰,彻底消失在了虚空之中。 The place that the dead wood old person personal appearance vanishes, several brights glittered, have crashed. 枯木老人身形消失的地方,有几点亮光闪烁,坠落了下来。 That is mustard seed bangle and Chu Wubao. 那是芥子手镯和储物宝器。 Myriad whisking silver thread Flashed, changes to a white palm, has absorbed these luminous spots. 万千拂尘银丝一闪,化作一只白色手掌,将这几个光点都摄取了过来。 Amitabha!” “阿弥陀佛!” Alone arm god nun single-handed sang in front, the body has splendid light to scatter suddenly. 独臂神尼单手在胸前唱了个喏,身上骤然有华光散射。 The marvelous matter occurred, the left arm that her originally is cut off leaves, suddenly has the scarlet to fill the eruption, breaks the arm place to send out sound/noise, an intermittent skeleton distortion, the bright red flesh and blood and white skeleton, grow at the naked eye obvious speed, less than the time of 34 rests, a new arm grew. 奇妙的事情发生了,她原本断掉的左臂出,突然有血色弥漫爆发,断臂处发出噼里啪啦的声音,一阵阵骨骼扭曲,鲜红色的血肉和白色的骨骼,以肉眼可见的速度生长出来,不足34息的时间,一只新的手臂就生长了出来。 On face of alone arm god nun, not pleasantly surprised color. 独臂神尼的脸上,并无惊喜之色。 The Sea of Bitterness Stage expert courage vigor exuberant degree, can realize to cut off limb the regeneration, she enters Ascending Heaven Boundary these many years, reason that breaks the arm not fresh , because the Buddhist doctrine is fastidious about the cause, does not kill the person of arm, does not live the arm, and dead wood old person indeed is Cultivation Base is also fierce, in the past that sword cut her arm, planted the sentiment of sentiment sect to be poisonous, lets the breaking arm regeneration of alone arm god nun, became is very the difficulty. 苦海境强者的血气旺盛程度,就可以实现断肢再生,她进入登天境这么多年,之所以断臂不生,是因为佛法讲究因缘,不杀断臂之人,不生手臂,且枯木老人也的确是修为厉害,当年那一剑斩掉她的手臂,种下了情道宗的情毒,让独臂神尼的断臂再生,就变得很是困难。 But since at this moment cut to kill dead wood old person prime culprit, all causes lived to extinguish, break the arm regeneration, was only instant matter. 但此刻既然斩杀了枯木老人这个元凶,一切因缘生灭,断臂再生,就只是一念之间的事情而已。 A newborn arm show, that several mustard seed bangle and Chu Wubao, fell in her hand. 新生的手臂一展,那几个芥子手镯和储物宝器,都落在了她的手中。 The dead wood old person died, keeps Divine Sense Restriction above these utensils already to vanish into thin air, but other formation Restriction, under god nun formidable Cultivation Base, was explained instantaneously, among thing, takes in everything at a glance. 枯木老人已死,留在这些器物之上的神识禁制早就烟消云散,而其他一些阵法禁制,在神尼强大的修为之下,也瞬间被破解,其内的东西,一览无余。 These many years of dead wood old person stealth in the Right Minister palace, the status is extremely high, obtained is also very rich, the treasure in bangle and other space appliances hiding, might be considered as an enormous wealth, but god nun has swept, does not move, finally actually from the mustard seed bangle, took out lavender books. 枯木老人隐身在右相府中这么多年,地位极高,所得也无比丰富,手镯等空间器具之中所藏的宝贝,堪称是一笔巨额财富,但神尼一眼扫过,并不动心,最后却是从芥子手镯之中,取出了一本淡紫色的卷册。 On the sealing leaf of books, writes several ancient seal small characters 卷册的封叶上,写着几个古篆小字 Observes worldly affairs big. 观世情大经。 The town sect of sentiment sect gives up study View worldly affairs pass through greatly. 正是情道宗的镇宗绝学【观世情大经】。 Opened to look at several slightly, on the face of god nun, has shown a smile finally, nods, changes to a stream of light, vanished in the sky. 略微翻开看了几眼,神尼的脸上,终于是露出了一丝微笑,点点头,化作一道流光,消失在了天空之中。 ...... …… Teacher!” “师尊!” Bai Yuqing shouted pleasantly surprised. 白玉卿惊喜地喊了出来。 Alone arm god nun changes to Flowing Light, fell on her side. 独臂神尼化作流光,落在了她的身边。 Teacher, was your arm good?” Bai Yuqing cheers happily makes noise. “师尊,你的手臂好了?”白玉卿高兴地欢呼出声。 God nun nodded, then hands over the books in hand, said: Cannot think that dead wood old person's body, really also really has a book View worldly affairs pass through greatly The hand-written copy, looked for the master a moment ago, its content is not false, Qing Er, later according to this passes through Cultivation, when can solve the crux of your within the body.” 神尼点了点头,然后将手中的卷册递过去,道:“想不到那枯木老人的身上,竟然还真的有一本【观世情大经】的手抄本,为师刚才看了一番,其内容不假,卿儿,以后照此经修炼,当可以解决你体内的症结。” Bai Yuqing is pleasantly surprised, receives carefully this books, said: „The graciousness of teacher regeneration, minister will never forget, the teacher on, please receive minister to do obeisance again.” 白玉卿又惊又喜,小心地将这卷册收起来,道:“师尊再生之恩,卿儿没齿难忘,师尊再上,请受卿儿一拜。” God nun helps up her, on the face is bringing gentle smiling, said: My serious famine temple [lineage/vein] single Chuan, the Successor credential is harsh, in the past the father once to had graciousness of the food for the master, your natural talent is also significant with my serious famine temple origin, I am you who look at grow up, you such as my biological daughter is the same, is quick.” 神尼扶起她,脸上带着慈祥的笑,道:“我大荒神殿一脉单穿,传人资质要求苛刻,当年你父曾对为师有一饭之恩,你的天资又与我大荒神殿渊源匪浅,我是看的你长大的,你就如我亲女儿一样,快起来吧。” Finding View worldly affairs pass through greatly Was a concern of god nun. 找到【观世情大经】算是了了神尼的一桩心事。 Hands over that split second in Bai Yuqing hand the books, god nun suddenly feels broad-minded, filthy disappears, a clear(ly) became aware the flood on heart, Cultivation Base that for many years had not broken through, really had a trend of being ready to make trouble. 将书卷交到白玉卿手中的那一瞬间,神尼顿觉心胸开阔,垢塞顿消,一种明悟泛上心头,经年未曾有所突破的修为,竟然有一种蠢蠢欲动的趋势。 At this moment 就在这时 ! 咻! white glow passing over gently and swiftly sky, sharply patrolled to be the same just like Clear Sun together, is unexpectedly ordinary just like the daytime of the imperial capital sky over shining, flew with lightning speed generally in the Radiant Palace Hall direction. 一道白芒掠过天空,宛如昊日急巡一样,竟是将帝都上空照耀的宛如白昼一般,风驰电掣一般朝着光明殿的方向飞去了。 The facial color of god nun, suddenly changes. 神尼的面色,突然一变。 That is...... White tiger fights armor? Does the Lin most splendid talent, need to get rid in history unexpectedly personally?” On the face of god nun, reappeared the surprised color. “那是……【白虎战甲】?蔺家有史以来最出色的天才,竟然要亲自出手了吗?”神尼的脸上,浮现出了惊讶之色。 Teacher, anything is White tiger fights armor?” Bai Yuqing never sees the teacher facial color so fiercely to change. “师尊,什么是【白虎战甲】?”白玉卿从未见过师尊面色如此剧烈地变化。 Heaven Wasteland Domain town, is one of present Heaven Wasteland Domain six spirits......” god nun sound/noise mutters, the face color of still on shock has not diverged, resembles thought aloud that said: Radiant Palace Hall this all of a sudden, may have to trouble really......” 天荒界的镇界之器,也是如今天荒界中的六神器之一……”神尼声音喃喃,脸上的震惊之色犹自未曾散去,似是自言自语,道:“光明殿这一下子,可真的有麻烦了……”
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