IGE :: Volume #5

#442: Stop

Li Changkong is the Aristocratic Family family background, although spell of good or bad fortune goes down in the world, but after all be more well-informed than the average person, in a lot regarding imperial capital, is the relative understanding are many. 李长空贵族世家出身,虽然际遇落魄,但毕竟要比一般人消息灵通许多,对于帝都中的很多事情,还是相对了解较多的。 Ye Qingyu hear that, nodded gently. 叶青羽闻言,轻轻地点了点头。 Right Minister palace? 右相府吗? Before guessed that the war of today, absolutely and Right Minister palace cannot escape the relations. 之前就已经猜测,今日之战,绝对和右相府逃脱不了关系。 Considers in the entire imperial capital, can hoodwink the public, makes such big noise, did not have the Royal Family imperial guard and military headquarters influence presents the intervention, has such big energy, under Right Minister above ten thousand people except for that one person, but also who? 试想整个帝都之中,能够一手遮天,闹出这么大的动静,却还没有皇室禁军和军部势力出现干预,拥有这么大的能量,除了那位一人之下万人之上的右相,还有谁? Has not thought that at this moment, was the important map poor dagger sees really? 只是没有想到,事到如今,真的是要图穷匕见了吗? Right Minister including own trusted friend, has dispatched unexpectedly, was the plan has no consideration for face really? 右相竟然连自己的心腹,都派遣了出来,真的是打算撕破脸了吗? He does this, is touches the Royal Family bottom line? 他这样做,已经算是触及到了皇室的底线了吧? Why hasn't snow emperor, unexpectedly come to the stop now? 为什么当今雪帝,竟然不曾现身阻拦? ...... …… Royal Family's Ancestral Land. 皇室祖地 A temple, in backyard buddhist monk Tallinn. 一座寺院,后院浮屠塔林之中。 A long eyebrow such as the senior monk of snow, is built on under eight levels of buddha towers, on the face is having the light spunk, the pupil light like the sword, looks at opposite hanging loose long hair, the thin middle-aged person who the student of green brocade robe dresses up, gets angry: Qin Lin, how dare do you stop me?” 一位长眉如雪的老和尚,立于一座八级浮图塔下,脸上带着淡淡的怒意,眸光如剑,看着对面一位披散长发,青色锦袍的书生打扮的清癯中年人,怒道:“秦林,你怎敢阻拦朕?” The thin middle-aged person smiles lightly, strokes the jaw next three long beard beautiful fine beard slightly lightly, said: Since abdicated, becomes monk for the monk, why has must say as me, is it possible that is the worldly desire does not draw back, the bustling place difficult shed, this was not your majesty past heart and willpower.” 清癯中年人淡淡一笑,微微轻拂颌下三绺长须美髯,道:“既然已经退位,又出家为僧,有为何要自称为朕,莫非是凡心不退,红尘难舍,这可不是陛下当年的心胸和意志啊。” The old monk angry glare, said: You already said that I for your majesty, why can't I say as me?” 老僧怒目,道:“你既称朕为陛下,那朕为何不能自称为朕?” Ha Ha Ha, this but actually is also.” The thin thin middle-aged person smiled, said: Intertwines these minor matters, my pattern was actually small, your majesty retires in actually for dozens years, passes on situated in the big imperial prince, said that must temper the mind, studies the Foreign Domain Buddhist doctrine, cannot think that these years do not see, as before were the temperament irritable like yesterday, it seems like your majesty these years, have not been repairing Buddha to cultivate the mind.” 哈哈哈,这倒也是。”清癯消瘦中年人笑了笑,道:“纠结这些小事,倒是我格局小了,倒是陛下退隐数十年内,传位于大皇子,自称要锤炼心神,又修习域外佛法,想不到这些年不见,依旧是脾气火爆如昨,看来陛下这些年,并没有真的在修佛修心啊。” Cultivates the mind is not extinguishing the anger.” In the old monk foreheads, the faintly visible emperor impressive and dignified manner, said: I 50 years of Yu people had not begun, Mr. Qin, you were the distinguished persons of past correct path, the correct path do not have the peak Sky Sword of certainly, came from correct path Sect, from, when understands how the [say / way] of this day pasted, understands you today the matter of doing, was friendly is wicked, you should be very clear, drew back, did not want self to harm, compelling me to get rid.” “修心不在灭怒。”老僧眉宇之间,依稀可见天子威仪,道:“朕已经50年未曾于人动手,秦先生,你也算是当年正道的风流人物,正道无绝峰之天剑,出身于正道宗门,自当明白这天之道如何流转,明白你今日所做之事,是善是恶,你自己心里应该很清楚,还是退开吧,不要自误,逼朕出手。” Correct path Sect how? The past five-character jue peak, was not an empty talk, the army hadn't annihilated the enemy by your majesty in years past, degenerates into the stray cur to be ordinary? Now in Qin xin does not have the principle of righteousness, only then slightly hates...... Will ask for advice your majesty to overawe Heaven Wasteland Domain past Really Dragon Huangquan, But also looks at your majesty to be liberal to grant instruction.” “正道宗门又如何?当年的五绝峰,还不是一句空话,还不是被陛下昔年大军犁庭扫穴,沦为丧家之犬一般?如今秦某心中无大义,只有小恨……正要领教陛下昔日威震天荒界的【真龙皇拳】,还望陛下不吝赐教。” Mr. Qin was having light happy expression, did not retrocede. 秦先生带着淡淡的笑意,并不丝毫后退。 Among the features of old monk, has the overbearing Unparalleled pressure to fill the air suddenly, in the double pupil, the none remaining explodes shoots like the sword, said: Good, since you degenerate so, I have cut you, is not considered as that the manslaughter.” 老僧的眉目之间,猛然有霸道无双的威压弥漫出来,双眸之中,精光爆射如剑,道:“好,既然你堕落如此,朕斩了你,也不算是误杀。” Then, a yellow real dragon, roared from his between the eyebrows unexpectedly, swallowed to go toward Mr. Qin directly. 说完,一条黄色真龙,竟是从他的眉心之间咆哮而出,直接朝着秦先生吞噬而去。 Real Dragon Huangquan fist intent, twinkling eruption. 真龙皇拳的拳意,瞬息爆发。 Mr. Qin laughed: After near Century, your majesty gets rid, is as before uncommon,” during speeches, he holds reappears a handle long sword, the ridges floats the silver scarlet-red, the sword blade edge like the blood, the backhand wields, cuts that yellow really Dragon fist intent broken. 秦先生哈哈大笑:“时隔近百年,陛下出手,依旧不凡,”说话之间,他掌中浮现一柄长剑,剑脊浮银,剑刃赤红如血,反手一挥,就将那条黄色真龙拳意斩碎。 Cuts Dragon sword?” Old monk pupil light concentrates. “斩龙剑?”老僧眸光一凝。 Mr. Qin the right hand held the sword, the left hand index finger middle finger wipes on the sword blade gently, the sword photoproduction extinguished, flickers, said: North has Sky Sword deeply, holds may cut the dragon, your majesty to Longtianzi, enter really is actually feared that must die, in this handle cut under Dragon sword.” 秦先生右手持剑,左手食指中指在剑身上轻轻一抹,剑光生灭,忽明忽暗,道:“北冥有天剑,持之可斩龙,陛下为真龙天子,进入却是怕要陨落在这柄斩龙剑之下了。” The old monk smiles heroically: Also has owed you, has spent these many information, found this handle sword, it seems like you were the dry heart have prepared long time, but wanted to cut me, was actually the wishful thinking.” 老僧豪迈一笑:“也亏了你,费了这么多的信息,找到这柄剑,看来你是枯心准备了良久啊,但是想要斩我,却是痴心妄想了。” The words finish. 话毕。 [Say / Way] Really Dragon Huangquan Dragon shape fist intent erupts with a crash. 道道【真龙皇拳】的龙形拳意砰然爆发。 Several yellow real dragons wind around his god, arrives general just like the real dragon war-god, power and influence Unparalleled. 数道黄色真龙缭绕其神,宛如真龙战神降临一般,威势无双 Your majesty, seeks a battlefield in addition, wants to come your majesty not to think this Royal Family's Ancestral Land, in your my war, razes?” Mr. Qin the expression was indifferent, is bringing teasing. “陛下,还是另寻一处战场吧,想来陛下也不想这皇室祖地,在你我一战中,夷为平地吧?”秦先生语气淡然,带着调侃。 In the old monk foreheads, flashes through an angry look once again. 老僧眉宇之间,再度闪过一丝怒色。 Back then in his able to move unhindered territory, overawed Tian Huang (Heaven Wasteland), such as today to be how could ordinary, everywhere was under the control of others? 想当年他纵横域内,威震天荒,何曾如今天一般,处处受制于人? Good, above Heaven, I kill you, certainly Heritage of Sky Sword sect.” The old monk voice falls, the personal appearance changes to together the yellow scarlet glow, in the wink of an eye shoots up to the sky, vanishes in the vault of heaven deep place. “好,九重天之上,朕杀你,绝了天剑宗的传承也罢。”老僧话音落下,身形化作一道黄色赤芒,瞬息之间冲天而起,消失在天穹深处。 Mr. Qin showed a faint smile, follows. 秦先生微微一笑,紧随其后。 ...... …… Is Lin Zheng makes you come?” “是蔺争让你来的吧?” The place of dim space, the tall and strong personal appearance sets out slowly, looks at the present young student, in the pupil has the different light circulation, in the entire space, the strength tide such as the raging tide of emotion rushes generally, makes the person palpitation. 昏暗空间之地,魁梧的身形缓缓起身,看着眼前的年轻书生,眸子里有异光流转,整个空间之中,力量潮汐如怒潮一般澎湃,令人心悸。 In the hand of young student, holds one volume of bamboo slips, the corners of the mouth is having the happy expression, bows to salute, said: Dissolute sinful subjects Yu Xianjiao, pays a visit the snow emperor.” 年轻书生的手里,捧着一卷竹简,嘴角含着笑意,躬身行礼,道:“浪荡罪民俞先觉,拜见雪帝陛下。” Yu Xianjiao? In the past Era of Sects correct path five-character jue peak Book sword tea hops In divine book Yu Xianjiao?” In the expression of tall and strong personal appearance, is bringing slightly surprisedly, cannot think that Lin Zheng links your this character, can win over, pours is surprises me very.” 俞先觉?当年宗门时代正道五绝峰【书剑茶酒花】之中的【天书俞先觉?”魁梧身形的语气之中,微微带着惊讶,“想不到蔺争连你这种的人物,都能拉拢,倒真的是令朕很意外呢。” Is far wins over, but accords to his need.” Yu Xianjiao shows a faint smile, said: Does obeisance Snow Country to bestow, I divine book pavilion Sect exterminates, leaves behind Yu this solitary person wild ghost, bats around, the Snow Country power and influence such as the day, I want to take revenge, naturally is one person alone cannot save the situation, since Sir Right Minister must extinguish Snow Country, that naturally has a common goal with Yu.” “谈不上拉拢,只是各取所需而已.”俞先觉微微一笑,道:“拜雪国所赐,我【天书亭】宗门灭绝,留下俞某这个孤魂野鬼,到处游荡,雪国威势如天,我想要复仇,自然是独木难支,不过既然右相大人也要灭雪国,那自然是与俞某志同道合。” Good to have a common goal...... Extinguishes Snow Country?” The snow emperor tall and strong body of proceeded to tread one step, actually like difficult situation same tumbling crush in the past. “好一个志同道合……灭雪国?”雪帝魁梧的身躯往前踏了一步,其实如惊涛骇浪一样翻滚碾压过去。 He breaks into a hearty laugh, said: In element hear Shujian tea hops correct path five-character jue peak, divine book Yu Xianjiao most read the poetry book full, was the enlightened principle of righteousness, Century in the past, you also saw, under the rule of Snow Country, the Human Race Daxing, toward south, has expanded the area the southern waters, pressed hurricane wave Demon Court not to dare the breathing heavily one breath \; Toward the west, the desert Barbarian Race 50 years do not dare to tread desert one step \; Toward east, Northeast snow-capped mountain black water Barbarian Race already no longer in the past grand occasion \; Toward north, Snow Ground Demon Court is unable to rule including storm icefield completely, my Human Race occupies the Heaven Wasteland Domain most length and breadth fertile bountiful place, the Human Race subjects lives in Century, race strength rises suddenly, all gives credit to the prosperous times that Snow Country founds, is it possible that hasn't Mr. Yu seen?” 他朗声一笑,道:“素闻书剑茶酒花这正道五绝峰之中,【天书俞先觉最是饱读诗书,也最是开明大义,一百年过去,你也看到了,在雪国的统治之下,人族大兴,往南,将疆域一直扩张到了南方水域,压得飓浪妖庭不敢喘一口气\;往西,大漠蛮族50年不敢踏出大漠一步\;往东,东北白山黑水蛮族早已不复当年盛况\;往北,雪地妖庭连暴雪冰原都无法完全统治,我人族天荒界最广袤肥沃富饶之地,人族子民安居百年,种族实力暴涨,皆归功于雪国开创的盛世,俞先生莫非都没有看到吗?” Yu Xianjiao lowers the head slightly, does not know that should say any good. 俞先觉微微低头,不知道该说什么好。 These that because the snow emperor said that is the truth. 因为雪帝说的这些,都是实情。 With initially Era of Sects people have no means to make a living, the world everywhere blood and bone, Human Race killed one another, since nearly by the pitiful condition of Alien race rule compared with, more than 100 years, Snow Country was unified Human Race, army everywhere one visit, Alien race trembles, indeed was Human Race indication energetically. 和当初宗门时代民不聊生,天下处处血与骨,人族自相残杀,近乎于被异族统治的惨状相比,这100多年以来,雪国统一人族,大军所到之处,异族颤栗,的确是人族大兴的征兆。 Own today comes, stopping snow emperor to come to the heavy palm general situation, solves the danger of Radiant Palace Hall, indeed harmed Human Race to be basic , helping Alien race, scolded kissing painful enmity to be quick, was not overrated, was...... 自己今日现身,阻拦雪帝现身重掌大局,解决光明殿之危,的确是是损害了人族根本,有利于异族,骂一声亲者痛仇者快,也不为过,可是…… Yu comes poorly, abandons for parents, during 39 deep winters, almost freezes to death in the wilderness, is School Master saves me, raises my adult, teaches my martial arts, the past divine book pavilion such as my family was common, but the empire army crush, School Master and fellow fellow apprentices have died under the butcher knife, manner disciple, cannot report this enmity, how can live in Between Heaven and Earth?” Yu Xianjiao long time, gains ground to say silent: This near Century time, Yu is sleepless, innumerable dreams to teachers and fellow apprentices whole face blood, presently in dream...... Takes revenge for the family member, I cannot forget, cannot draw back.” “俞某出身贫寒,为父母所弃,在39隆冬之中,差点儿冻死在荒野,是家师救下我,养我成人,传授我武道,当年的天书亭如我家一般,可帝国大军碾压而过,家师、各位师兄弟都死于屠刀之下,为人弟子者,不能报此仇,怎能活于天地之间?”俞先觉沉默半晌,抬头道:“这近百年时间,俞某夜不能寐,无数次梦到师尊和师兄弟们满脸鲜血,现于梦中……为家人复仇,我不能忘,也不能退。” Said finally, on face of Yu Xianjiao, although one had wisp of ashamed look, but the vision became has actually strengthened. 说道最后,俞先觉的脸上,虽然一就有一缕愧色,但目光却变得坚定了起来。 For the small family, discards the principle of righteousness,” snow emperor shakes the head: Dull-witted, ignorant!” “为了小家,舍弃大义,”雪帝摇摇头:“愚钝,无知!” Yu Xianjiao stern [say / way]: Your majesty do not say again, today Yu has, please grant instruction.” 俞先觉正色道:“陛下不要再说了,今日俞某有死而已,请赐教吧。” The snow emperor hesitates slightly, knows that at present this person had set firm resolve to stop itself, was known as in years past of Yu Xianjiao correct path five-character jue peaks, strength cannot be underestimated, if oneself do not leave full power, cannot solve this match, wants the stability, that only energy...... 雪帝微微沉吟,知道眼前此人已经下定了决心阻拦自己,号称昔年正道五绝峰之一的俞先觉,实力不容小觑,自己若是不出全力,不能解决这个对手,想要稳定大局,那就只能…… „A summit of war Heaven.” The snow emperor a stroke in void, the jet black snow spatial crack appears conveniently together. “九重天之巅一战吧。”雪帝随手在虚空之中一划,一道漆黑的雪空裂缝出现。 He lifts to treadon, form Flashed vanishes. 他抬脚踏进去,身影一闪消失。 Yu Xianjiao follows, one step has trod. 俞先觉紧随其后,也一步踏了进去。 The void crack vanishes at once. 虚空裂缝旋即消失。 ...... …… ...... …… At the same time. 同一时间。 Jinding own palace. 金顶亲王府。 In the secret room, that white wax is glittering slightly, brilliance compared with before it one hour, must appear dim. 密室里,那一根白蜡微微闪烁着,光华比之半个时辰之前,要显得黯淡了许多。 Actually Jinding crown prince at the same time Yu Feiyan, just like obtaining newborn was the same. 倒是一边的金顶亲王鱼非言,宛如获得了新生一样。 His courage vigor becomes exuberant such as the sea is ordinary, within the body has the fearful strength tumbling, the tyrannical imposing manner is found in the extrusion entire secret room, in the double pupil under straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards, the pupil light such as the Divine sword explodes to shoot generally, such as the visible thing is common, shoots on the wall of secret room, immediately aroused layer upon layer light wave ripples, originally hidden the rune formation light on wall has wound glitters crazily. 他的血气变得旺盛如海洋一般深不可测,体内有可怕的力量翻滚,强横的气势遍布挤压整个密室,剑眉之下的双眸之中,眸光如神剑一般爆射出来,如有形之物一般,射在密室的墙上,顿时激起了一层层光波涟漪,原本隐于墙壁上的符文阵法光络疯狂地闪烁。 This was known as that can isolate rune formation that Ascending Heaven Boundary expert peeps, was looked by this Yu Feiyan vision, on the almost collapse. 这号称可以隔绝登天境强者窥视的符文阵法,被这鱼非言的目光一看,就差点儿崩溃。 You , and strength of refining within the body, accepts the info clerk first slowly,” white wax ray twinkle, in sound/noise the exhausted sound, was saying: You attain the strength newly, was unable to change into oneself to use completely.” “你且先炼化体内之力,慢慢收容收纳吧,”白蜡光芒闪烁,声音中略带着疲惫之音,道:“你新获力量,还不能完全化为己用。” The excited and joyful color of Yu Feiyan whole face, stretches out the arms, closes the eye slightly, said: „Is this Ascending Heaven Boundary peak strength? Ha Ha Ha, was too wonderful...... This formidable feeling, was really too wonderful, Ha Ha Ha Ha, said goodbye Lin Zheng that old thing, I can a fist bang explode him.” 鱼非言满脸的兴奋和喜悦之色,张开双臂,微微闭上眼睛,道:“这就是登天境巅峰的力量吗?哈哈哈,太美妙了……这种强大的感觉,实在是太美妙了,啊哈哈哈哈,再见蔺争那个老东西,我可以一拳轰爆他。” Do not despise each match.” White candle expression serious tunnel. “不要轻视每一个对手。”白色蜡烛语气严肃地道。 Ha Ha Ha, I know that I knew...... Radiant Palace Hall situation how? Can This King come to clean up the aftermath?” Yu Feiyan laughs the long and loud cry, the entire secret room shook to sway. 哈哈哈,我知道,我知道了……光明殿的局势如何了?本王可以现身去收拾残局了吧?”鱼非言纵声长啸,整个密室都震荡摇晃了起来。
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