IGE :: Volume #5

#441: Also sees to weigh the paternal aunt

Thinks that Bai Yuqing shocks tunnel: In Radiant Palace Hall, pours forth profound, is really formidable shocking, such was strength, too rather fearful? Even if Three Sects Three Schools, is hard to resist these people?” 想了想,白玉卿又不无震撼地道:“光明殿之中,高深辈出,真的是强大令人震惊,这样的实力,未免也太可怕了吧?即便是三宗三派,也难以抵挡这些人吧?” He He, Radiant Palace Hall helped Snow Country Royal Family in the past, ended Era of Sects easily accomplished generally, if no true strength, how that can achieve this point?” An alone arm god nun also sigh with emotion tone, said: Your this girl, has not seen the magnificent shape of past Radiant Palace Hall prosperous time...... That is really legendary years.” “呵呵,当年光明殿帮助雪国皇室,摧枯拉朽一般终结了宗门时代,如果没有真正的力量,那又怎么可以做到这一点?”独臂神尼也一副感慨的口吻,道:“你这丫头,是没有见到过当年光明殿鼎盛时期的辉煌之状……那真的是一段传奇般的岁月啊。” Teacher, since Radiant Palace Hall has so many expert support, why declined to deteriorate unexpectedly these many years? This Century comes, five big Divine General and haven't this shadow, been born?” Bai Yuqing puzzled tunnel: Let alone is Martial Artist in shadow, In five big Divine General, is casual a person, can make Radiant Palace Hall maintain greatly magnificent?” “师尊,既然光明殿有如此多的强者拥护,为何竟然衰落衰败了这么多年?这百年来,五大神将和这影子,都不曾出世呢?”白玉卿不解地道:“别说是【影子中的武者】,五大神将之中,随便出一个人,都可以让光明殿维系巨大辉煌吧?” Alone arm god nun shook the head, said: So-called Sheng Ji fades, in the past magnificence of Radiant Palace Hall, although there are Martial Artist in shadow, Five big Divine General, as well as Radiant Palace Hall armed soldier camp the merit of innumerable master, but investigates its fundamentally, founded Radiant Palace Hall that war-god, is extremely fearful, the space underground all does not have the reason of rival, but is this war-god suddenly is missing before Century, Radiant Palace Hall also encountered the archenemy.” 独臂神尼摇了摇头,道:“所谓盛极而衰,当年光明殿的辉煌,虽说是有【影子中的武者】、五大神将,以及光明殿甲士营中的无数高手的功劳,但究其根本,还是一手创建了光明殿的那位战神,太过可怕,天上地下皆无敌手的缘故,可就是这位战神在百年之前突然失踪,光明殿随之也遭遇到了大敌。” Archenemy? What strength, dares with that time Radiant Palace Hall for the enemy?” Bai Yuqing curious tunnel. “大敌?什么样的力量,敢与那时的光明殿为敌?”白玉卿好奇地道。 This I do not know that perhaps is some antique Sect sacred place, perhaps is Foreign Domain Fiendgod......” alone arm god nun said: That phase of history, has wide divided opinions, nobody knows the truth, Snow Country achieved wishes to monopolize in any case finally as before, the Human Race Daxing, many past events, nobody was mentioning gradually.” “这个我就不知道了,或许是一些太古宗门圣地,或许是域外神魔……”独臂神尼道:“那段历史,众说纷纭,没有人知道真相,反正雪国最后依旧是如愿一统天下,人族大兴,许多往事,渐渐地就没有人在提起了。” ...... …… Fearful and apprehensive that Ye Qingyu is looking at the same time. 叶青羽在一边看的心惊肉跳。 His for fear that Song Xiaojun is injured to fall from the sky, has to be worried that shadow cannot block the Song Xiaojun offensive. 他生怕宋小君受伤陨落,有担心那影子挡不住宋小君的攻势。 Void, the shadow glitters, just like the spirit ghosts and demons, the Dark-red Flame lotus flower flower petal flutters, the place visited, all black shadows remnantly extinguish, such fight, looks like looked that in society most beautiful scenery is the same, but Ye Qingyu is deep, in this tall and pleasing to the eye picture, is containing the fearful murderous intention, both sides anyone, so long as is not careful, has dead the danger of disappearing. 虚空中,黑影闪烁,宛如幽灵鬼魅,暗红色火焰莲花花瓣飘飞,所过之处,所有的黑色影子都残灭,这样的战斗,就像是看世间最美丽的景色一样,但叶青羽深深清楚,这美轮美奂的画面中,蕴含着可怕的杀机,双方不论是谁,只要一个不小心,就有身死道消的危险。 Ye Qingyu injury is heavy, which does not know this gang. 叶青羽身上的伤势不轻,不知道该帮哪一个。 In fact the fight of this level, only if Ye Qingyu stimulates once again Limitless divine way Five ban the condition, otherwise is unable to mix. 实际上这种层次的战斗,除非叶青羽再度激发【无极神道】五禁状态,否则也无法搀和进去。 Suddenly 突然 Goes back.” “回去。” Tranquil indifferent sound/noise, resounds in the ear of Ye Qingyu. 一个平静淡然的声音,在叶青羽的耳边响起。 „?” Ye Qingyu is startled. “啊?”叶青羽一怔。 Goes back, you could rest assured that I will not kill her.” This sound/noise resounds once again. “回去吧,你放心,我不会杀她。”这个声音再度响起。 Ye Qingyu understood finally. 叶青羽终于明白了。 The person of speech, unexpectedly is that shadow. 说话的人,竟然是那个黑影。 Hesitant has flickered slightly, Ye Qingyu nods, thanked to one, changes to a stream of light, before returned to Radiant Palace Hall, instantaneously. 略微犹豫了一瞬,叶青羽点点头,到了一声谢,化作一道流光,瞬间就回到了光明殿之前。 When he gains ground toward the time in the sky looking at again, the shadow or the Song Xiaojun form, disappeared unexpectedly, after wants to come is two people each other probes, knows that opposite party strength, in Ascending Heaven Boundary, pesters unable to decide the victory and defeat, similarly rushes to the summit of Heaven, fought independently. 等到他再抬头朝着天空之中看去的时候,不论是黑影还是宋小君的身影,竟然都消失了,想来是两个人彼此试探之后,知道对方的实力,都在登天境,纠缠下去无法分出胜负,同样冲上九重天之巅,放手一战了。 Ye Qingyu relaxed. 叶青羽松了一口气。 His mood, starts becomes very not good. 他的心情,开始变得很不好。 The body of Song Xiaojun, what exactly had, why didn't know itself suddenly? 宋小君的身上,到底发生了什么,为什么突然又不认识自己了? Moreover she gets rid, incurs a move of fatality, leaves no ground radically, clearly must kill itself. 而且她出手,招招致命,根本不留余地,分明就是要杀了自己。 Squeek psst......” small white rabbit exudes the sad songs and calls in the Ye Qingyu bosom, has no longer struggled, shrinks in the crook of the elbow of Ye Qingyu, the deep sorrow called, in the ruby common big eye, Yuzhu general tears tumbled, obviously was extremely sad. “吱吱吱……”小白兔在叶青羽怀里发出伤心的鸣叫声,也不再挣扎了,缩在叶青羽的臂弯里,哀哀而鸣,红宝石一般的大眼睛里,有一颗颗玉珠儿一般的眼泪滚落下来,显然是极伤心。 Ye Qingyu puts out a hand to stroke gently comforts it. 叶青羽伸手轻轻地抚摸安慰它。 That black shadow perhaps is one of the Bright God palace five big Divine General, hopes that he and Song Xiaojun fights to a draw, if Song Xiaojun finally is not the match...... The City of Unmoving Darkness mystique is extremely numerous, if Song Xiaojun does not beat, running away should also be can escape. 那黑色影子也许是光明神殿五大神将之一,希望他和宋小君打个平手吧,万一宋小君最终不是对手……黑暗不动城的秘法极多,如果宋小君不敌的话,逃应该也是逃得掉的吧。 Ye Qingyu looked at the sky. 叶青羽看了看天空。 The matter should not end in light of this. 事情应该还没有就此结束。 Person who next presents, where can be sacred?” “下一个出现的人,会是何方神圣呢?” He to the present aspect, no longer was worried suddenly. 他突然对眼前的局面,不再担心了。 Since the smelly monkey instigates itself to get rid, moreover palace Divine General and Zheng Di­vine Gen­eral came, that explained that Radiant Palace Hall these year of accumulations strengths, had been fully prepared, should already prepare all, during this contest, oneself can do at present, but acts a status of viewer, is unable to the situation, to cause anything to affect. 既然臭猴子怂恿自己出手,而且宫神将徵神将都现身了,那说明光明殿这些年积淀的力量,已经做好了一切准备,应该是早就筹划好了一切,这场较量之中,自己目前能做的,只是扮演一个看客的身份,无法对局势,造成什么影响。 The worry is also useless. 况且,担心也没有用。 He enters in the Bright God palace slowly, sits cross-legged to sit, sat on the cold jade chair, revolution Nameless Mantra, starts therapy. 他缓缓地走进光明神殿之中,盘膝而坐,在寒玉石椅上坐了下来,运转无名心法,开始疗伤。 Supreme ice flame The revolution, changes to small cold to ice silver dragon, visible does not have the nature, circles to wind around in the Ye Qingyu side, back and forth comes and goes out in the muscle skeleton blood of Ye Qingyu unceasingly, clear snowflakes, are the same just like the dragon scale of silver dragon, similarly winds around in the Ye Qingyu whole body. 无上冰炎】运转,化作一条条微小的寒冰银龙,有形无质,盘旋缭绕在叶青羽的身边,不断地在叶青羽的肌肉骨骼血液之中来回出入,一颗颗晶莹的雪花,宛如银龙的龙鳞一样,同样缭绕在叶青羽的周身。 Time one minute one second of place passes. 时间一分一秒地流逝。 Finally Ye Qingyu has opened the eye. 终于叶青羽睁开了眼睛。 Body surface the strength of dark burning, had wiped out thoroughly. 体表的暗黑火毒之力,已经被彻底拔除。 Today Ye Qingyu has been injured continuously several times, is good because of being not fatal, with the aid of Radiant Palace Hall formation the strength that strengthens from place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, finally thorough recovery. 今日叶青羽已经连续受伤好几次,好在都不致命,借助光明殿阵法从地火幽泉剑坑之中汲取的力量,最终还是彻底恢复了过来。 He stands slowly. 他缓缓地站起来。 In ray by Radiant Palace Hall giant courtyard, he realized that the weather was black. 透过光明殿巨大天井中的光线,他意识到天色已经黑了。 See palace Military leader.” “参见殿主大人。” The ear has transmitted Li Changkong and Yang Henshui sound/noise. 耳边传来了李长空杨恨水声音 These two people finally recovery from severely wounded condition. 这两个人终于是从重伤状态之下恢复了过来。 Ye Qingyu nodded, has not spoken, walks toward the temple outside slowly. 叶青羽点了点头,没有说话,缓缓地朝着神殿外面走去。 Two Omiya causes to follow behind. 两大光明使跟随在身后。 Goes out of the main hall time, during suddenly feels top of the head to be void, there is a formidable strength in rushing, really also has expert to fight in the sky, but in the entrance of Bright God palace, is standing a person. 走出大殿的时候,顿觉头顶虚空之中,有强大的力量在澎湃着,竟然还有强者在天空之中大战,而在光明神殿的门口,也站着一个人。 Without their agreement, can some people enter in the Bright God palace unexpectedly? 没有自己的同意,竟然有人可以进入光明神殿之中? Ye Qingyu was startled. 叶青羽吃了一惊。 Carefully when looks, this person white long skirt, the swarthy long hair almost hung the heel slender, the figure exquisite to the extreme, one peaceful gentle aura, unexpectedly were also the people who knew 仔细看时,这个人一袭白色长裙,黝黑的长发几乎垂到了脚跟,身段窈窕优美到了极点,有一种安静温柔的气息,竟然也是自己所认识的人 That once in Royal Family microcosm ancestor in has seen gentle shocking female Aunt Heng. 那位曾经在皇室小世界祖地之中见过的温柔惊世的女子衡姑姑 „Did you injure?” As if heard the sound of footsteps, Aunt Heng had turned head, the vision fell on the body of Ye Qingyu, showed a faint smile, said: You are really heart are also big, the situation developed this degree, unexpectedly also immovability goes into the palace therapy.” “你伤好了?”似乎是听到了脚步声,衡姑姑回过头来,目光落在叶青羽的身上,微微一笑,道:“你也真的是心大,局势都发展到了这种程度,竟然还不动如山地跑到殿里面去疗伤。” Ye Qingyu also smiled, walks gradually, side-by-side is standing with her, said: Has any means that unparalleled expert arrive, they are the deity fight, my this young mortal met with a disaster, even if I stands in this entrance looks that does not help matters, might as well goes back therapy, even if were Radiant Palace Hall is broken through, recovery strength had the opportunity to escape.” 叶青羽也笑了笑,一步一步走过去,肩并肩与她站着,道:“有什么办法,一尊尊盖世强者降临下来,他们是神仙打架,我这个小小的凡人遭殃啊,就算是我站在这大门口看着,也无济于事,还不如回去疗伤,哪怕是光明殿真的被攻破了,恢复实力才有机会逃命呀。” Aunt Heng shakes the head to smile, said: Your this child......” 衡姑姑摇着头笑了笑,道:“你这孩子……” Her expression, intimate the probably elder is rebuking own sub- nephew generation to be the same. 她这种语气,就好像亲密的长辈在嗔斥自己的子侄辈一样。 Although Ye Qingyu in the heart the surprise, wants to know why Aunt Heng will appear in the Bright God palace unexpectedly, but has not asked the exit / to speak, with is the same after behind Li Changkong and Yang Henshui, Ye Qingyu also looks up to the sky, the body of person who the vision fell on that was in the battle. 叶青羽虽然心中诧异,更想知道为什么衡姑姑竟然会出现在光明神殿之中,但还是没有问出口,和跟在身后的李长空杨恨水一样,叶青羽也抬头看向天空,目光落在了那正在争斗的人的身上。 In the sky the person of battle, four, divides to make two pairs, is seizing to slaughtering. 天空之中争斗的人,共有四个,分作两对,正在捉对厮杀。 One pair of east fight, one of them is a middle-aged female nun, only then an arm, in the hand a handle snow white whisks, displays, is born just like Divine Dragon, the length change, the deep meaning is infinite, Ye Qingyu looked at the moment, suddenly feels strength of this female nun, but also above oneself, is highly regarded, but match in female nun, is the old person who wears cane armor, in the hand a section of withered wooden club, just like burning the fire rake is the same, the power and influence is astonishing, has stood a evenness with this alone arm female nun. 东边战斗的一对,其中一人是一位中年女尼,只有一臂,手中一柄雪白拂尘,施展开来,宛如神龙出世,长短变化,奥义无穷,叶青羽看了片刻,顿觉这女尼的实力,还在自己之上,不可小觑,而女尼的对手,则是一位身穿藤甲的老人,手中一截干枯的木棍,宛如烧火棍一样,也威势惊人,与这独臂女尼站了个平手。 In the western war circle, one of them green long gown, in the hand a handle folding fan, the personal appearance is slender, longer straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star eye, a handsome natural appearance, the folding fan opens and closes, the knife point sword glow bursts out, strength is similarly immeasurably deep, but his match, after made Ye Qingyu cannot help but one startled, could not bear smile to make noise. 偏西边的战圈中,其中一人一袭青色长衫,手中一柄折扇,身形修长,更长的剑眉星目,一副翩翩潇洒的样子,折扇开合之间,刀锋剑芒迸发,实力同样深不可测,而他对手,却令叶青羽不由得一惊之后,忍不住笑出声来。 Is the fatty. 是胖子。 That and subordinates, because fights for the big fatty who in military compound the valuable thing attacks brutally. 那个和麾下因为争抢军营里值钱的东西而大打出手的大胖子。 This goods do not know how with that jade surface student to, like is a big meatball, floats in void, in the hand is pulling a handle ordinary long bow, the back is carrying on the arm several arrow pots, shouts and wrangles is avoiding the attack of match, while lifts the hand to draw the archery unceasingly. 这货也不知道怎么就和那玉面书生对上了,像是一个大肉球一样,漂浮在虚空之中,手中挽着一柄普通的长弓,背后挎着十几个箭壶,一边大呼小叫地躲避着对手的攻击,一边不断地抬手拉弓射箭。 Each arrow projects, has the mighty force to burst out, the jade surface student does not dare Ying its point, the backlash avoidance. 每一箭射出,都有伟力迸发,玉面书生不敢缨其锋芒,后退躲避。 The facial expression of fatty exaggerates very much, is the grievance is the startled appearance, probably some people compel him to the fight be the same, fat suffering from injustice is flashing, looks like extremely funny, does not have the style of master, but actually suppressed that jade surface student, making it unable to withdraw. 胖子的面部表情很是夸张,又是委屈又是惊慌的样子,好像是有人逼着他不得不战斗一样,一身肥肉都在委屈地闪动,看起来极为滑稽,丝毫没有高手的风范,但偏偏却将那玉面书生压制住了,令其无法脱身。 Not knowing whether to laugh or cry that Ye Qingyu looks. 叶青羽看的哭笑不得。 Doesn't this fatty prepare to escape? How to start to join during the fight unexpectedly finally. 这胖子不是准备着要逃命吗?怎么竟然最后开始加入到了战斗之中。 Unexpectedly is they?” Has transmitted Li Changkong incomparably surprised sound/noise. “竟然是他们?”身后传来了李长空无比惊讶的声音 Ye Qingyu turned head to visit him. 叶青羽回头看了看他。 Li Changkong said hastily: „The cane armor old man and folding fan jade of surface student that dead wood stick, is the master in Right Minister palace, the former wields the Right Minister palace west institute, is known as the dead wood old person, but the latter wields the Right Minister palace east court, honorific titles jade surface my dear, is master expert that in the Right Minister palace is collector, these two in Divine Dragon list On has the rank, is in imperial capital can count on number great person, although does not have outside Cold blood 13 hawks Then big fame, but in fact, in the status of Right Minister palace, is high, is the Right Minister core trusted friend.” 李长空连忙道:“那枯木杖的藤甲老者和折扇玉面书生,都是右相府中的高手,前者执掌右相府西院,号称枯木老人,而后者执掌右相府东院,尊号玉面郎君,都是右相府中收罗的高手强者,这两人在【神龙榜】上都有排名,是帝都中能够数的上号的大人物,虽然在外没有【冷血13鹰】那么大的名气,但实际上,在右相府的地位,却非常高,是右相的核心心腹。” ------------------- ------------------- Third. 第三更。 Em, was quite tired, rests, everybody good night 恩,好累,休息去了,大家晚安
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