IGE :: Volume #5

#440: Martial Artist in shadow

Bang! 轰! In Song Xiaojun eye cold glow Flashed, immediately the dark flame transforms the shape of real phoenix, immediately be relentless the bang has killed. 宋小君眼睛里寒芒一闪,顿时暗黑火焰幻化真凰之状,立刻毫不留情地轰杀了过来。 Ye Qingyu almost falls down. 叶青羽差点儿一头栽倒。 Did this clever parrot, actually at this time, speak to sexually harass Song Xiaojun? Isn't this courts death? 这只贼鹦鹉,竟然在这个时候,出言调戏宋小君?这不是找死吗? His full power avoidance, maintains hastily reluctantly, said loudly: Xiaojun, this bird is not I raises...... I am Ye Qingyu, didn't you know me really? Stops quickly......” 他连忙全力躲避,勉强维持,大声道:“小君,这只鸟不是我养的……我是叶青羽,你真的不认识我了?快住手啊……” Squeek psst......” small white rabbit was also screaming, seemed is expressing anything. “吱吱吱……”小白兔也尖叫着,似乎是在表达着什么。 But the parrot actually stamps one's foot yelled excitedly that said: Quack, good rouge small high-spirited horse, Ha Ha, I like, I like the young spicy little girl, Ha Ha Ha......” 但鹦鹉却跳着脚兴奋地大叫,道:“嘎嘎,好一匹胭脂小烈马呀,哈哈,我喜欢,我喜欢小辣妞,哈哈哈……” Ye Qingyu wishes one could to choke to death this parrot. 叶青羽恨不得把这只鹦鹉掐死。 This is Ximen Yeshuo gives this goods without a doubt the bubble little girl spoken language. 毫无疑问这是西门夜说交给这货的泡妞言语。 The black surface student buys this bird, to pick up the little girl to adjust the atmosphere in the situation of love affair, therefore he in tople days simply was race against time to the words that this parrot taught to tease the beautiful woman, who knows that this flat wool bastard unexpectedly was also a color embryo, saw Song Xiaojun such beautiful woman, the instinct eruption, taught its words the black surface student unexpectedly, said. 黑面书生买来这只鸟,就是为了在风花雪月的场合泡妞调节气氛,所以他在这些日子简直就是在争分夺秒地给这鹦鹉教一些挑逗美女的话语,谁知道这扁毛畜生竟然也是一个色胚,看到宋小君这样的美女,竟然天性爆发,将黑面书生教给它的话,都说了出来。 Ye Qingyu was heart of murder has simply. 叶青羽简直就是杀人的心都有了。 Damn, at this time, why braved these words unexpectedly? 该死啊,竟然偏偏在这个时候,为什么就冒出来了这些话呢? Faces the bang that Song Xiaojun is relentless to kill, Ye Qingyu is distressed extremely. 面对着宋小君毫不留情的轰杀,叶青羽狼狈万分。 In an instant, on him several injuries, had been touched and gone by that real phoenix dark fire, the Flashed instantaneous flying ash annihilation, the muscle was singed to fire for the hard coke is common, several times barely escape, almost fired on the whole person for the hard coke. 转眼之间,他身上就已经好几处伤势,被那真凰暗火擦过,一闪瞬间飞灰湮灭,肌肉被燎烧成为了焦炭一般,好几次险死还生,差一点儿就整个人都烧成为焦炭了。 Moreover this type of dark flame, inside is containing the fearful different strength burning. 而且这种暗黑火焰,内里蕴藏着可怕的异力火毒。 Wants initially Youyan War God Lu Zhaoge, by the flame ignition of that time Song Xiaojun, almost to be powerless, let alone is present strength suddenly to increase Song Xiaojun. 想当初幽燕战神陆朝歌,被那个时候的宋小君的火焰灼烧,都差点儿无力回天,更何况是如今实力暴增的宋小君 Is good has because of Ye Qingyu within the body Supreme ice flame, And his control strength to Supreme ice flame, to a reach a high degree of proficiency situation, but can also the hell melt this dark flame reluctantly the burning. 好在叶青羽体内有【无上冰炎】,且他对无上冰炎的掌控力,到了一个炉火纯青的地步,还勉强可以地狱化解这暗黑火焰的火毒。 Even but if is so, Ye Qingyu is also about unable to support. 可即便是如此,叶青羽也快支撑不下去了。 He stimulated Limitless divine way Strength of the banning, as before is not a match. 他激发了【无极神道】一禁之力,依旧不是对手。 Xiaojun, this bird is not...... Ye Qingyu that I raise is arguing loudly. 小君,这只鸟不是我养的……”叶青羽大声辩解着。 Rouge high-spirited horse, I likes riding, quack......” parrot actually even more excited excited, flaps the wings cries out loudly. “胭脂烈马,我喜欢骑,嘎嘎嘎……”鹦鹉却是越发地兴奋激动了起来,拍着翅膀大声地叫唤。 But Song Xiaojun expression, from beginning to end faint ice-cold, gets rid heartlessly, is one must completely Ye Qingyu extinguished thoroughly has killed the stance, simply did not have tiny bit kept the hand. 宋小君的表情,自始至终都淡漠冰冷,出手无情,完全就是一副要将叶青羽彻底灭杀了的架势,根本没有一丝一毫的留手。 Ye Qingyu wishes one could to kill this parrot. 叶青羽恨不得把这只鹦鹉弄死。 But before thinks Ximen Yeshuo goes to battle, to own urging, and this flat wool bastard does not have what spirit wisdom, but is the school, kills it to confess to Ximen Yeshuo not well. 但一想到西门夜说出战之前对自己的叮嘱,且这扁毛畜生也没有什么灵智,只不过是学舌而已,弄死它也不好向西门夜说交代。 Moreover, Ye Qingyu discovered gradually that Song Xiaojun gets rid heartlessly, should by this parrot enraging or other anything. 而且渐渐地,叶青羽发现,宋小君出手无情,应该不是被这只鹦鹉给激怒或者其他什么。 From her expression, as if she completely did not know herself. 从她的表情来看,似乎她已经完全不认识自己了。 Also did not know one cherished the small white rabbit. 也不认识自己怀中的这只小白兔了。 What's all this about? Her was controlled? Em...... Like the intelligence is not very normal, as if not remember itself really...... Her Darkness Bloodline erupts again, once again lost recalls?” “这是怎么回事?难道她被人控制了?恩……不像,神智还很正常,似乎是真的不记得自己……难道,她的黑暗血脉再一次爆发,又一次失忆了?” In the Ye Qingyu heart flashes through thousands of thoughts. 叶青羽心中闪过千万个念头。 This seems the only explanation. 这似乎是唯一的解释。 Darkness Bloodline erupts, the Song Xiaojun strength can the violent increase the several fold is as for dozens times, Realm also by the speed promotion of terror, but will lose recalled...... 黑暗血脉爆发,宋小君的力量都会暴增数倍乃至于数十倍,境界也以恐怖的速度提升,但会失忆…… If is really this, that troubled. 如果真的是这样,那就麻烦了。 Ye Qingyu is a little big. 叶青羽头有点儿大。 However at present thinks these as if are unnecessary. 不过眼前想这些似乎都是多余。 Because after consecutively for several times attack fault, in the Song Xiaojun ice-cold eye pupil, finally flashes through color of not bearing, slender element pinched the dark red lotus flower general hand imprint, immediately during was void, surged the endless flame wind power, the strength tide of Ye Qingyu whole body has extruded suddenly, has formed an invisible burning hot prison, was stranded him in inside. 因为在连续几次攻击失误之后,宋小君冰冷的眼眸里,终于闪过一丝不耐之色,纤纤素手捏出了暗红莲花一般的手印,顿时虚空之中,涌起了无尽火焰风力,叶青羽周身的力量潮汐猛然挤压,形成了一个无形的炙热囚牢,将他困在了里面。 This, Ye Qingyu does not have the possibility of avoidance again. 这一下,叶青羽再无躲避的可能。 In the eye pupil of Song Xiaojun has the vision heartless twinkle of Dark-red. 宋小君的眼眸里有暗红色的眼光无情闪烁。 Her both hands empty about in front, extrudes suddenly. 她双手虚合在胸前,猛然挤压。 Immediately all around flame wind power tide also extrudes. 顿时四周火焰风力潮汐也随之挤压。 Ye Qingyu suddenly feels becomes dark at present, the death flavor filled the air instantaneously. 叶青羽顿觉眼前发黑,死亡的味道瞬间弥漫而来。 In his heart jumps crazily, will display the final card in a hand teleportation Escape time, suddenly also had the matter of accident to occur. 他心中狂跳,正要施展最后的底牌【闪现】逃命的时候,突然又有意外的事情发生了。 Shadow Flashed, the blade glow cuts to fall, launched a crack that flame tide prison unexpectedly, Ye Qingyu only thought the arm one tight, when that was at a crucial moment, oneself by a sudden shadow, were drawn unexpectedly is flying to draw back, to a safe distance. 身边一道黑影一闪,刀芒斩落,竟是将那火焰潮汐囚牢展开了一道裂缝,叶青羽只觉得胳膊一紧,在那千钧一发之际,自己竟然是被一个突然出现的黑影,拉着飞退,到了一个安全距离。 Escaping. 逃过一劫。 The Ye Qingyu forehead is also the cold sweat greatly braves. 叶青羽额头也是冷汗大冒。 This little girl, comes unexpectedly real.” “这个小丫头片子,竟然来真的啊。” Ye Qingyu long air vent. 叶青羽长出气。 Since this has been he makes a debut absolutely, distance death recent one time, actually cannot think that in met with the Song Xiaojun showdown in unexpectedly. 这绝对是他出道以来,距离死亡最近的一次,却想不到竟然是在和宋小君的对决中遇到。 He turned head to look at black shadow. 他扭头看了看身边的黑色影子。 This when at a crucial moment, had saved own person a moment ago, the body surface is impractical light black to be dense, situated in visible and invisible, seems like same as that 1 million years of ancient times mysterious people, the form is impractical, in a pair of sickle including hand, such as the smog densely generally walks randomly erratically. 这个刚才在千钧一发之际,救了自己的人,体表虚浮着一层淡淡的黑色氤氲,介于有形和无形之间,看起来和那位1000000年的上古神秘人一样,身影虚浮,连手中的一对弯刀,都如烟雾氤氲一般游走不定。 Many thanks, is Your Excellency?” “多谢,阁下是?” Ye Qingyu expressed gratitude, while was probing asking. 叶青羽一边道谢,一边试探着问道。 But this black shadow general personal appearance, was a few words had not said that changed to wisp of black Flowing Light, instantaneous Flashed, flickered to move general, presented in Song Xiaojun, the black light double blade, cut to break the Song Xiaojun guard black dark flame light, that beautiful fair such as in the swan neck common neck cut directly heartlessly toward the young girl. 但这黑色影子一般的身形,却是一句话都没有说,化作一缕黑色流光,瞬间一闪,瞬移一般,出现在了宋小君的身后,黑色光影双刀,斩破了宋小君的护身黑暗焰光,直接朝着少女那美丽白皙如天鹅颈一般的脖子里无情斩去。 Good quick speed. 好快的速度。 Good ruthless knife skill. 好狠的刀法。 In the Ye Qingyu heart jumps crazily. 叶青羽心中狂跳。 This black shadow strength, immeasurably deep, is not only the movement is strange, can the double blade cut the broken Song Xiaojun guard black dark flame light, explained that he unexpectedly is also existence of Ascending Heaven Boundary. 这个黑色影子的实力,深不可测,不仅是身法诡异,能够双刀斩破宋小君的护身黑暗焰光,说明他竟然也是一位登天境的存在。 Is good because of Song Xiaojun strength Cultivation Base, was in the average man non- law side degree. 好在宋小君实力修为,也到了常人无法度侧的程度。 Lifts the hand instantaneously, dark flame lotus flower transforms, twines above the slender jade has referred, blooms just like the orchid, the thumb just like picking up a flower petal is the same with the middle finger, with ease seized the shadow knife point. 瞬间抬手,黑暗火焰莲花幻化,缠绕在了纤纤玉指之上,宛如兰花绽放,拇指和中指宛如拈住一片花瓣一样,就轻松地捉住了影子刀锋。 The black light sickle, cannot progress again slightly. 黑色光影弯刀,不能再递进丝毫。 The Song Xiaojun facial color is indifferent, wrist turns. 宋小君面色淡然,手腕一扭。 Silent, that pair of light sickle broke off directly. 无声无息之中,那一双光影弯刀直接被折断。 Then during four are spatial, a flower petal of petal petal giant dark flame lotus flower reappears, the flower petal is lifelike, above the flame circulation, has formed the vein of flower petal, wraps toward the dead center closed comes, this picture simply is tall and pleasing to the eye, looked like has put upside down the process that a flower was in full bloom, a giant dark red flame flower bud formed instantaneously. 然后四空之中,一瓣瓣巨大的黑暗火焰莲花的花瓣浮现,花瓣栩栩如生,其上火焰流转,形成了花瓣的脉络,朝着正中心包裹闭合过来,这画面简直是美轮美奂,就像是将一朵花盛开的过程倒放了一遍,一颗巨大的暗红火焰花骨朵瞬间形成。 The black shadow was bound in the flame flower bud. 黑色影子被裹在了火焰花骨朵之中。 Hot lotus extinguishes kills!” “火莲灭杀!” Song Xiaojun opens the mouth finally, a jadeite hit delightful Qing drank. 宋小君终于开口,一声翠玉撞击般悦耳的清喝。 Instantaneous black shadow by dark flame refining. 瞬间黑色影子就被暗黑火焰炼化 After the flower petal is in full bloom once again, among has a light black fog circulation, the black form already by thorough refining. 当花瓣再度盛开之后,其内只有一丝淡淡的黑雾流转,黑色身影已经被彻底炼化 But on the face of Song Xiaojun simple and beautiful Unparalleled, actually suddenly flashes through color of the surprise, the personal appearance glitters rapidly, is transforming the position unceasingly, seems is fending anything...... 宋小君清丽无双的脸上,却猛然闪过一丝诧异之色,身形急速地闪烁,不断地变换着位置,似乎是在闪避着什么…… Void , the blade glow of light sickle glitters unceasingly. 虚空之中,光影弯刀的刀芒不断地闪烁。 When originally does not know, that black shadow already escaped Hot lotus extinguishes kills, The light sickle already recovery was also normal, such as the gust of wind sudden downpour cut generally to Song Xiaojun, the speed draws near the extreme, the form flashes on and off erratically, seems same in a shadow that in void danced, was exquisite and fatal. 原来不知道何时,那黑色影子早就逃脱了【火莲灭杀】,光影弯刀也早就恢复正常,如疾风骤雨一般斩向宋小君,速度快到了极点,身影明灭不定,仿佛是在虚空之中跳舞的一只暗影一样,优美且致命。 ...... …… Martial Artist in shadow?” “【影子中的武者】?” Royal Family consecrates the Yuan on first high tower , in observing calmly alone arm god nun of rude change, on the face has shown the extremely shocking look suddenly, calls out in alarm makes noise. 皇室供奉元的第一高塔上,一直都在静观失态变化的独臂神尼,脸上猛然露出了极为震惊的神色,惊呼出声。 At the same time face anxious color Bai Yuqing, is startled slightly, said: „Does teacher know that black shadow the origin? He...... Can block that Song Xiaojun this female devil?” 一边一脸焦急之色的白玉卿,微微一怔,道:“师尊知道那黑色影子的来历?那他……能挡住那宋小君这个女魔头吗?” Alone arm god nun turned head, looked own one year ago being in direct line disciple who received, cannot help but said with a smile: Your this girl, said over and over again, hasn't been worried about that boy? He He, urged a moment ago gets rid for the master, said that does not have the thoughts to that small Palace Master, is really the mouth not to the heart.” 独臂神尼回头,看了看自己一年前才收的这个嫡传弟子,不由得笑道:“你这个丫头啊,说来说去,还不是担心那小子了?呵呵,刚才还一个劲儿地催促为师出手,却说对那小殿主没有心思,真是口不对心呐。” Bai Yuqing complexion slightly one red, said: Master you will be wrong intent, no matter what, I am the Snow Country subjects, Ye Qingyu am Snow Country Radiant Palace Hall Palace Master, naturally with a person of my camp, I cares about him, is in the armed forces country principle of righteousness.” 白玉卿脸色微微一红,道:“师傅你会错意了,不管怎么说,我都是雪国子民,叶青羽雪国光明殿殿主,当然是与我一个阵营的人,我关心他,乃是处于军国大义。” Alone arm god nun shakes the head reluctantly. 独臂神尼无奈地摇摇头。 Bai Yuqing, grinning time collects, said: Master, do you know that black shadow really?” 白玉卿顿了顿,又笑嘻嘻次凑过来,道:“师傅,你真的认识那个黑色影子?” Your this small girl, is obstinate argumentative.” Alone arm god nun spoils smiled, said: If I have not guessed wrong, that black shadow, should be in the past legend, Radiant Palace Hall hid in first expert of hidden place, in years past was well-known, Radiant Palace Hall that war-god subordinates, five big Divine General, strength was immeasurably deep, but actually rarely had the person to know that actually above five big Divine General, a person, has hidden in the hidden place, obscure, the reputation did not reveal, but strength was more fearful, was a handle hides the sharp thin sword after light likely, can be the Radiant Palace Hall plow except all hindrance, this legend, only then the small number of people knows, in legend, this person like shadow, a pair. The light sickle, looks like does not have the shade to go to the non- trace the ghosts and demons to be the same, because of its movement sabreplay, exquisite graceful to the extreme, leaves the move just like to dance to be the same in the light, therefore was called Martial Artist in shadow. In the hearsay, this shadow little gets rid, usually is the protection in a side of woman, afterward Radiant Palace Hall was decadent, this shadow again did not have the trace, and five big Divine General did not have the trace equally distantly, has not thought that today appears here unexpectedly.” “你这小丫头,就嘴硬吧。”独臂神尼溺爱地笑了笑,道:“如果我没有猜错,那个黑色影子,应该就是当年传说之中,光明殿隐藏在暗处的第一强者了,昔年人人皆知,光明殿那位战神麾下,有五大神将,实力深不可测,但却鲜有人知道,其实在五大神将之上,还有一人,一直隐藏在暗处,默默无闻,名声不显,但实力却更可怕,像是一柄隐藏于光影之后的锋利细剑,可以为光明殿犁除一切阻碍,这个传说,只有少数人知道,传说之中,这人身如黑影,一双。光影弯刀,就像是一个来无影去无踪的鬼魅一样,因其身法刀术,优美曼妙到了极点,出招宛如在光影之间跳舞一样,因此又被称之为【影子中的武者】。传闻中,这个影子很少出手,平日里都是守护在一个女人的身边,后来光明殿颓败,这个影子就再无踪影了,和五大神将一样遥遥无踪,没想到,今日竟然出现在了这里。” So that's how it is.” Bai Yuqing has felt relieved slightly. “原来如此。”白玉卿略微放心了下来。 Since this shadow, the status rank still above five big Divine General, he should be able to protect good Ye Qingyu in years past. 既然这个影子,昔年地位排名还在五大神将之上,那他应该可以保护好叶青羽吧。 ----------------- ----------------- Since this chapter has given to continuously a knife most hardcore reader, thank his support, thanks. 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