IGE :: Volume #5

#439: Damn parrot

Ye Qingyu beforehand guess not wrong, this black surface student, really can resist existence of Ascending Heaven Boundary. 叶青羽之前的猜测没有错,这个黑面书生,果然是可以对抗登天境的存在。 This came from mysterious Sect only Successor, handle three forks fight the halberd in the hand, might be considered as goes against heaven's will simply. 这个来自于神秘宗门的唯一传人,一柄三叉战戟在手,简直堪称是逆天。 Two fearful personal appearance, have fought several times in void, probe clear each other strength, does not hesitate, immediately changes to the long glow electricity rainbow, shoots up to the sky, entered in the battlefield of summit of Heaven. 两道可怕的身形,在虚空之中交手了几次,试探清楚了彼此的实力,也不犹豫,立刻化作长芒电虹,冲天而起,也进入九重天之巅的战场之中去了。 As long as Ascending Heaven Boundary expert, once must unshackle to decide the life and death, will choose to enter in the battlefield of summit of Heaven, this since the ancient times, is a custom of being established by usage, all has achieved this Realm and Cultivation Base person, will observe. 但凡登天境强者,一旦要真的放开手脚一决生死,都会选择进入九重天之巅的战场中去,这在自古以来,是一个约定俗成的规矩,所有达到了这个境界修为的人,都会遵守。 Because domain after is the homelands of all lives, no matter is just evil, survives with during, if were destroyed this piece of Heaven and Earth, was equal to destroying own homeland. 因为界域毕竟是所有生灵的家园,不管正邪,都生存与其间,要是被破坏了这片天地,就等于是破坏了自己的家园。 Moreover there is this kind of legend. 而且还有这样一则传说。 In legend, if there is to endanger the domain strength, fought in the near-earth environment, making domain face the danger of collapse destruction, that domain Power of Laws automatic performance, will lower Divine Punishment, both sides of destruction fight, in order to avoid domain was broken, this was also one way that Heaven and Earth itself protected oneself. 传说之中,如果有危及到了界域的力量,在近地环境之中战斗起来,让界域面临着崩溃毁灭的危险的话,那界域法则之力会自动运转,降下神罚,毁灭战斗的双方,以免界域被打破,这也是天地本身自我保护的一种方式。 Looks that Ximen Yeshuo and that mysterious realm of the devil expert vanish together, Ye Qingyu does not know whether to laugh or cry. 看着西门夜说和那一尊神秘魔道强者一同消失,叶青羽哭笑不得。 What matter is this? 这算是什么回事嘛? Everyone makes an appearance in the Radiant Palace Hall sky, then found own match, moreover approximately one place fights together...... 每一个人在光明殿的上空露个面,然后找到自己的对手,另外约一个地点一起去打架…… This is Radiant Palace Hall one approximately a sacred place? 难道这光明殿是一个约架圣地吗? „It looks like, seems these that types intertwines to cope with the Radiant Palace Hall strength, wants in this way, the Radiant Palace Hall inside story, 11 probes, lets the Radiant Palace Hall true strength, exposes completely , is testing the Radiant Palace Hall bottom line step by step...... Traded a few words saying that should be is probing that war-god the bottom line? More than 100 years pass by, even if to today, they awe that person as before, for fear that so-called disappearance, is a bureau......” “看起来,似乎是那些那种纠结要对付光明殿的力量,想要通过这种方式,将光明殿的底蕴,11试探出来,让光明殿真正的力量,全部都曝光开来,也是在一步步地试探着光明殿的底线……或者换一句话说,应该是在试探那位战神的底线吧?100多年过去,即便是到了今日,他们依旧是敬畏那个人,生怕所谓的消失,是一场局……” Ye Qingyu forced smile. 叶青羽苦笑。 Is only other three people in five big Divine General, where went to? Who can also be?” “只是五大神将之中的其他三人,都去了哪里呢?又会是谁呢?” Ye Qingyu looked again own person. 叶青羽再看了看自己身边的人。 Dai Youmeng and Liu Jinyan these two Omiya cause, at this time had been scared, stands below silently, one does not dare to put. 戴有梦刘尽言这两个大光明使,此时已经被吓傻了,默默地站在下面,连一个屁都不敢放。 Gao Han came from the south martial arts world, from the birth to becoming famous, arrived in the living in seclusion cold river again, arrived at a Youyan Pass war again, arrived to follow again in own side, all were trackable, absolutely was not one of the five big Divine General, actually second region the fatty general in that armed soldier camp...... 高寒出身于南方道武林,从出生到成名,再到隐居寒江,再到幽燕关一战,再到跟在自己的身边,一切都有据可查,绝对不是五大神将之一,倒是第二区域的那个甲士营的胖子将军…… Ye Qingyu thinks of here, eye one bright. 叶青羽想到这里,眼睛一亮。 Is it possible that is this fatty, unexpectedly also one of the five big Divine General?” “莫非这个胖子,竟然也是五大神将之一?” Associates before the fatty, the optional arrow kills Cold blood 13 hawks In the archery by purple hawk that is well-known, has the hiding one's incompetence by remaining silent flavor, resembling is the person of high skill does not reveal the true nature to be the same, is it possible that is he also really one of the five big Divine General? 联想到胖子之前,随意一箭射杀【冷血13鹰】之中以箭术闻名的紫鹰,颇有藏拙的味道,似是高人不露相一样,莫非他还真的是五大神将之一? Ye Qingyu thinks of here, in the heart moves, through the rune formation projection, observes the condition in second region bright armed soldier camp. 叶青羽想到这里,心中一动,通过符文阵法投影,去观察第二区域光明甲士营中的状况。 Who knows that under this looks, almost spurts. 谁知道这一看之下,差点儿喷出来。 In the armed soldier camp, the fatty is thrown into confusion and subordinates these armed soldiers minute of family property, almost attacks brutally, must in Class silver bright Before being broken through, first packs some valuable things, once Bright City were broken through, immediately must scatter in all directions to escape...... 甲士营中,胖子正在手忙脚乱地和麾下那些甲士们分家产,几乎大打出手,显然是要在【流银光明阵】被攻破之前,先收拾一些值钱的东西,一旦光明城被攻破,立刻就要四散逃命了…… Sees only this crowd of Prodigy, has torn that giant tent, has treated as the package, fights for is capturing in the camp all valuable things, various types of armor and weapons, snatched including the iron saucepan of rebellion, but fatty thickly and a tall and strong armed soldier is fighting for a white tiger monster skin in oneself general big account in the blushing neck...... 只见这一群奇葩,把那巨大帐篷都撕扯了开来,当做了包裹,争抢着夺取营地里一切值钱的东西,各种铠甲和兵器,连造反的铁锅都抢了起来,而胖子本人正在面红脖子粗地和一位魁梧的甲士争抢自己将军大帐里的一张白虎妖皮…… My, all in my tent are my!” The fat people bellow angrily. “我的,我的帐篷里的一切都是我的!”胖子愤怒地大吼。 This fierce appearance you already lost to me the year before last.” The soldiers also roar. “这虎皮你前年早就输给我了。”士兵也怒吼。 You had acted against heaven, dares to seize the food from the tigers mouth of this general?” “你反了天了,竟敢从本将军的虎口夺食?” I, your dead fatty, the father endured you to be very long, let go quickly, divided family property to hurry to disperse, do not delay the father to escape...... Does not let go to hit you.” “我呸,你个死胖子,老子忍你很久了,快撒手,分了家赶紧散,别耽误老子逃命……再不撒手打你啊。” Ye Qingyu has taken back the vision. 叶青羽收回了目光。 His corners of the mouth are twitching. 他的嘴角在抽搐。 What one crowd of Prodigy this is. 这是什么样一群奇葩啊。 This kind of crowd of can Prodigy, actually enter the Radiant Palace Hall armed soldier camp? 这样一群奇葩,竟然能够进入光明殿的甲士营? Where do they come? Is comedy? 他们一个个到底是从哪里来的?都是来搞笑的吗? Ye Qingyu is simply speechless. 叶青羽简直无语。 Good, it seems like it was I wants to be many, this dead fatty, should not be one of the five big Divine General. 好吧,看来是我想多了,这个死胖子,应该不是五大神将之一。 What to do then should? 接下来该怎么办? If the sky has the Ascending Heaven Boundary powerful enemy to appear again, that also who can share sorrow to go to battle for this Palace Master? 如果上空再有登天境的强敌出现的话,那还有谁能为本殿主分忧出战呢? Ye Qingyu looked toward own side. 叶青羽朝着自己身边看了看。 The left leg lies having diarrhea has been collapsing the stupid dog, on the right shoulder squats the big parrot that is narcissistic put on a high and mighty act, the bosom is hugging a hot-tempered skill small white rabbit, but that instigates the monkey that begins from the beginning, the repeated calling and urging does not respond, now does not know that is dies lives...... 左脚边趴着一只拉肚子拉虚脱了的蠢狗,右肩膀上蹲着一只趾高气昂孤芳自赏的大鹦鹉,怀里抱着一只脾气大本事小的小白兔,而那个一开始怂恿动手的猴子,千呼万唤都不回应,现在也不知道是死是活…… This time may really be...... Was flickered lamely, joined a gang of evildoers.” “这一次可真的是……被忽悠瘸了,上了贼船了。” Ye Qingyu forced smile. 叶青羽苦笑。 But passed less than 30-40 rests time, really also has expert to arrive. 而过了不到三四十息的时间,果然又有强者降临。 Above the sky, in the endless flying snow, the void ripples ripple, one group of Dark-red Flame, rippled from the void ripples slowly, then a personal appearance slowly the biochemistry in that Dark-red Flame comes out, calmly stands erect is void. 天空之上,漫漫飞雪之中,虚空涟漪荡漾,一团暗红色的火焰,从虚空涟漪之中缓缓地荡漾了开来,接着一个身形就缓缓在那暗红色火焰之中生化出来,静静地屹立在虚空。 The Ye Qingyu pupil shrinks suddenly. 叶青羽瞳孔骤缩。 This...... How can?” “这……怎么会?” The color of unprecedented shock, was hard to contain reappears on the face of Ye Qingyu. 前所未有的震惊之色,难以遏制地浮现在了叶青羽的脸上。 The form that because in the sky presents, he was too familiar is too familiar. 因为天空之中出现的这个身影,他实在是太熟悉太熟悉了。 A Dark-red long skirt, the Dark-red long hair just like the halo in her calm float, the beautiful dazzling, slender figure slightly is a little equally petite, the face appearance is fine, particularly that exquisite fine jade nose, that big eye. 一袭暗红色的长裙,暗红色的长发宛如光晕一样在她的身后无风漂浮,秀丽耀眼,窈窕的身段稍微有点儿娇小,面部容貌精致,尤其是那小巧的琼鼻,还有那一双大大的眼睛。 Once in that big eye full was pure limpid, in most beautiful black gem just like the world. 曾经那双大眼睛里满是单纯清澈,宛如世界上最美丽的黑宝石。 But now is actually the pupil of Dark-red, brings to make ice-cold and faintness that one keeps at a respectful distance. 而如今却是暗红色的瞳仁,带着令人敬而远之的冰冷和淡漠。 Song Xiaojun. 宋小君 Appears in the sky, the Coldly bird's eye view under this piece of Heaven and Earth form, impressively is being the lord of present City of Unmoving Darkness, past little loli Song Xiaojun. 出现在天空之中,冷冷地俯瞰着下面这片天地的身影,赫然就是如今黑暗不动城之主,昔日的小萝莉宋小君 That command Ye Qingyu has been hard to forget, young girl who has worried about frequently. 那个令叶青羽一直难以忘记,一直时刻挂怀的少女。 Ye Qingyu has not thought that since the same day in Formation Emperor Luosu doubts in the palace to leave, meets unexpectedly today, can be on such an occasion, sees Song Xiaojun. 叶青羽万万没有想到,自从当日在符文皇帝罗素疑宫之中一别,竟然会是在今日,会是在这样的一个场合之中,见到宋小君 „...... This girl unexpectedly is also...... Attacks Radiant Palace Hall?” “难道……这丫头竟然也是……来攻击光明殿的?” The Ye Qingyu heart jumps crazily. 叶青羽心头狂跳。 He gained ground, saw Song Xiaojun that just like ten thousand years of thick ice same face on, was having the light hostility. 他抬起头,看到了宋小君那宛如万年玄冰一样的脸上,带着淡淡的敌意。 Is it possible that has what to misunderstand? 莫非是有什么误会? Song Xiaojun does not know that this Radiant Palace Hall lord is one? 还是宋小君不知道这光明殿主是自己? Ye Qingyu thinks that does not have slight hesitation, personal appearance Flashed, arrived in the upper air instantaneously, faces each other across a great distance with Song Xiaojun. 叶青羽想了想,没有丝毫的犹豫,身形一闪,瞬间就来到了高空之中,与宋小君遥遥相对。 He looked to little loli. 他看向了小萝莉 little loli vision, fell on the body of Ye Qingyu. 小萝莉的目光,也落在了叶青羽的身上。 Four items of relative instances, Ye Qingyu is difficult to cover the excitement in heart. 四目相对的瞬间,叶青羽难掩心中的激动。 After one year, the body of Song Xiaojun has grown much, now looks completely is a girl, high many, the figure was also long, past the average chest, starts to blow up now slightly, such as the small hill of micro peak, the waist was slender, the both legs were clear, start to have the young girl inherent character and style , is the same just like the flower bud that will soon bloom, has been able to foresee her blooming time, beauty of that peerless Unparalleled. 时隔一年,宋小君的身体又发育了不少,如今看着已经完全是一个大姑娘了,个头高了不少,身段也长开了,昔日平平的胸部,如今也开始微微鼓起,如微耸的小山丘,腰肢纤细,双腿圆润修长,开始有了少女与生俱来的风情,宛如一朵即将绽放的花骨朵一样,已经可以让人预见到她绽放时候,那绝世无双的美丽。 However in her eyes, does not have the slight fluctuation. 但是在她的眼睛里,却偏偏没有丝毫的波动。 This vision, clearly with always did not know that Ye Qingyu is the same. 这种目光,分明就和从来都不认识叶青羽一样。 When this should not be absolutely separates for one year later, once again meets expression. 这绝对不应该是分隔一年之后,再度遇见时的表情。 Although after fusing Darkness Bloodline , Song Xiaojun lost once memory thoroughly, but in Youyan Pass, in that Bustling place tavern In, a series of matters, Ye Qingyu has clearly been able to determine that Song Xiaojun again and established one type to trust and intimate relations mutually. 虽然在融合了黑暗血脉之后,宋小君已经彻底失去了曾经的记忆,但在幽燕关中,在那个【红尘酒馆】里,一系列的事情,叶青羽分明已经可以确定,宋小君又重新和自己建立起了一种相互信任和亲近的关系。 The relations of this being of one mind, doubted the exploration of palace in afterward Formation Emperor Luosu, little loli follow protect Ye Qingyu, as well as, when she entrusts the small white rabbit to herself, incisiveness that manifests. 这种心有灵犀一点通的关系,在后来符文皇帝罗素疑宫的探险,小萝莉一路伴随保护叶青羽,以及在她将小白兔托付给自己的时候,体现的淋漓尽致。 Ye Qingyu determined, among them, is of one mind absolutely. 叶青羽确定,两人之间,绝对是心有灵犀一点通。 However now...... 但是现在…… Xiaojun......” Ye Qingyu said just about to anything. 小君……”叶青羽开口刚要说什么。 But was at this time, Song Xiaojun actually slowly lifted the right arm, one group of Dark-red Flame eddy currents, condensed in her slender fair five fingers, was in full bloom just like a flame dark flower, then instantaneously spout, such as the sharp sword cut void, exploded to shoot toward Ye Qingyu. 但就是这个时候,宋小君却缓缓抬起右臂,一团暗红色的火焰漩涡,在她的纤细白皙的五指之间凝聚,宛如一朵火焰暗花盛开,然后瞬间喷涌,如利剑般地划破虚空,朝着叶青羽爆射了过来。 This is being relentless strikes. 这是毫不留情的一击。 Has not seen after one year, Song Xiaojun strength, already tyrannicalally to a situation beyond description. 时隔一年时间没有见,宋小君实力,已经强横到了一种难以形容的地步。 Female sword immortal Wang Jianru had said that after Song Xiaojun fused Darkness Bloodline , strength will grow along with the time, does not use Cultivation, so long as the time is enough, will soar, becomes true peerless expert, the bloodlines of City of Unmoving Darkness, ruled by force the extreme fearfully. 女剑仙王剑如曾经说过,宋小君融合了黑暗血脉之后,实力会随着时间而增长,根本不用修炼,只要时间足够,也会一飞冲天,成为真正的绝世强者,黑暗不动城的血脉,可怕霸道到了极点。 At this time from getting rid of Song Xiaojun, has proven this point. 此时从宋小君的出手,就证明了这一点。 Ye Qingyu thinks one in the past more than one year, strength progresses by leaps and bounds, leaps enters the Sea of Bitterness River boundary, has shocked everybody, but Song Xiaojun wields conveniently, the dark flame howls, Ye Qingyu realized immediately that he cannot block this conveniently one move. 叶青羽原以为自己在过去一年多时间里,实力突飞猛进,一跃进入苦海江河境,已经算是惊世骇俗了,但宋小君随手一挥,黑暗火焰呼啸而出,叶青羽立刻就意识到,自己挡不住这随手一招。 This has not fought the disparity that technique style can make up. 这已经不是战技招式所能弥补的差距了。 The crush on pure strength. 纯粹力量上的碾压。 Ye Qingyu can only full power fend. 叶青羽只能全力闪避。 Xiaojun...... is I, you...... Didn't know me?” Ye Qingyu is a little distressed. 小君……是我,你……不认识我了?”叶青羽有点儿狼狈。 Psst psst......” the small white rabbit of Ye Qingyu bosom also irritablily screamed, is somewhat excited, as to jump from the Ye Qingyu bosom, fires into Song Xiaojun. “吱吱吱吱……”叶青羽怀里的小白兔也急躁地尖叫了起来,有些激动,似乎是想要从叶青羽的怀里跳出来,冲向宋小君 In the Song Xiaojun calm and composed ice-cold look, flashes through scruple doubts, has stopped slightly. 宋小君古井无波的冰冷眼神里,闪过一丝迟疑疑惑,微微停顿了一下。 The great happiness in Ye Qingyu heart, will again say anything. 叶青羽心中的大喜,正要再说什么。 At this moment, has treated that parrot on Ye Qingyu shoulder, suddenly quack called two, then opens the mouth saying: „, The beautiful woman, do you are quite attractive, have the time, we drink together, chat the life...... Quack!” 就在这时,一直待在叶青羽肩膀上的那只鹦鹉,突然嘎嘎地叫了两声,然后开口道:“哇,美女,你好漂亮,有没有时间,咱们一起去喝喝酒,聊一聊人生啊……嘎嘎!” -------------- -------------- This is made up yesterday one. 这是补昨天的一更。 Today also has 2 今天还有2更
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