IGE :: Volume #5

#438: Your trouble is my trouble

Before Century, Era of Sects, the blood moon/month demon sect is very fearful Sect, by live person's blood, sacrifice giving blood moon/month, thus obtains the Between Heaven and Earth dispersion very fearful evil strength, its disciple walk world, frequently slaughters, the blood dyes the earth, even uses the bones of the dead and flesh and blood of live person as the food, place visited, nearly in being infertile, is demon sect that became famous, ominous prominent, everybody heard that changes color. 百年之前,宗门时代,血月魔宗是一个很可怕的宗门,以活人之血,祭献血月,从而获得天地之间游散的很可怕的邪恶力量,其门徒行走天下,动辄杀戮,血染大地,甚至以活人的白骨和血肉为食,所过之处,近乎于寸草不生,是出了名的邪魔宗派,凶名显赫,人人闻之而变色。 When Snow Country rises, goes on a punitive expedition against the world, particularly regarding demon Sect of this stopping at no evil, is not lenient. 雪国崛起之时,征伐天下,尤其是对于这种无恶不作的邪魔宗门,绝不手软。 Laughable that time blood moon/month demon sect Jiaozong has been used, subjugation facing Snow Country Radiant Palace Hall armed soldier camp, not only does not fear, instead concentrated has used the strength of sect, assembled several other hundred to entrust with their Sect every large or small, attempted to rout the Radiant Palace Hall armed soldier camp directly, routed the Snow Country army, displaced. 可笑那时的血月魔宗骄纵惯了,面对雪国光明殿甲士营的征讨,非但不惧,反而集中了举宗之力,又纠集了其他数百个大大小小以赋予他们的宗门,妄图正面击溃光明殿甲士营,击溃雪国大军,取而代之。 Finally in split second of direct engagement, was actually taught to cultivate the behavior by Radiant Palace Hall armed soldier Battalion Shunjian. 结果却在正面交战的第一瞬间,被光明殿的甲士营瞬间教做人。 At that time directed person who that fought, was in the legend five big Divine General subordinates fourth Zheng Di­vine Gen­eral. 当时指挥那一战的人,正是传说之中五大神将麾下的第四徵神将 That time Zheng Di­vine Gen­eral, was the same with other four Divine General, was the perfection and invincible symbol, a pair of blood axe, blood armor, struck to kill did not know many prestige illustrious Sect thumb and evil way old ancestors, but he covered the whole body in the armor similarly, nobody has seen his true colors. 那时的徵神将,和其他四位神将一样,都是不败和无敌的象征,一对血斧,一身血甲,击杀了不知道多少威名赫赫的宗门巨擘和邪道老祖,只是他同样将全身都笼罩在铠甲内,没有人见过他的真面目。 That war, the blood moon/month demon sect vanishes in puff of smoke. 那一战,血月魔宗灰飞烟灭。 Only in one day, the entrance was broken through, Hushan formation died of old age, in the gate the blood moon/month disciple was almost cut to kill cleanly, the Sect arsenal was swept across, the Headmaster blood demon fights the demon to be cut by the fourth Zheng Di­vine Gen­eral blood axe for the muddy flesh, in the gate the elder several thousand people, nearly in not having one person escapes, but fourth Zheng Di­vine Gen­eral after this fights, is moves the world, is regarded as the inconceivable character. 只一日之间,山门就被攻破,护山阵法凋谢,门中血月弟子几乎被斩杀干净,宗门武库被席卷,掌教血魔战魔被第四徵神将血斧斩为肉泥,门中长老数千人,近乎于无一人逃脱,而第四徵神将在这一战之后,更是名动天下,被看成是不可思议的人物。 Bullies moral battle demon This person, is the remote antiquity elder of blood moon/month demon sect, in the past was also cut to kill. 【欺心战魔】这个人,是血月魔宗的太上长老,当年也被斩杀。 The town sect most precious object of blood moon/month demon sect Blood moon/month demon armor Actually vanishes in the flames of war. 血月魔宗的镇宗至宝【血月魔甲】却在战火中消失。 Has not thought that today blood moon/month demon armor once again present world, moreover that in demon armor ** the aura, in the past bullied moral battle demon Cultivation ** Blood cane Specially-made of cultivation technique, as the leader who the past years that fights, who Wen Wan recognized this whole body to bind the person in blood moon/month demon armor instantaneously is. 只是没有想到,今日血月魔甲再度现世,而且魔甲之中的那种**气息,正是当年欺心战魔修炼的【**血藤】功法的特制,作为当年那一战的主导者,温晚瞬间就认出来了这个全身裹在血月魔甲中的人是谁。 It seems like in the past bullied the moral battle demon not dead in battle, instead is carrying the Sect most precious object Blood moon/month demon armor Escaped. 看来当年欺心战魔并没有战死,反而是携带着宗门至宝【血月魔甲】逃生了。 Wen Wan was one of the past blood moon/month demon sect destruction leadership, but bullied the moral battle demon is the remote antiquity elder of blood moon/month demon sect. 温晚是当年血月魔宗覆灭的主导之一,而欺心战魔是血月魔宗的太上长老。 These two people fly high relative, the vision can spark the spark. 这两个人凌空相对,目光都能擦出火花。 Regarding bullying moral battle demon, it may be said that the personal enemy meets particularly is jealous, the new hatreds on top of old accumulate in together, wishes one could to kill 10.01 million Wen Wan livingly. 对于欺心战魔来说,可谓仇人相见分外眼红,新仇旧恨累积在一起,恨不得将温晚活生生地杀10010000遍。 Is very good, cannot think that fourth Zheng Di­vine Gen­eral, originally is this face, I remembered you, I pledged by the blood moon/month demon sect the hero's soul of generation and myriad dying in battle disciple, no matter paid any price, must kill you!” Bullies the moral battle demon sound/noise to surge, the hatred of seems the blood same can well up from the words, making one be afraid. “很好,想不到第四徵神将,原来是这一幅面孔,我记住你了,我以血月魔宗列祖列宗和万千战死弟子的英魂发誓,不管付出什么代价,都必杀你!”欺心战魔的声音激荡,其中的仇恨仿佛是鲜血一样都能够从话语里涌出来,令人不寒而栗。 Wen Wan smiled. 温晚笑了笑。 to become Hui the old ghost who blood moon/month demon sect these die, these lackeys, has not known how many Human Race lives slaughters has suffered, already should go to hell, but also hero's soul? I, Sect of this facing retribution for a life of crime, father see one to extinguish one, sees 10,000 to extinguish 10,000,” blood axe rises in the hand slightly, between the shaft and palm, there is a red glow such as the blood to surge generally. “血月魔宗那些死的成灰的老鬼,还有那些爪牙,不知道杀戮折磨过多少人族生灵,早就该下地狱了,还英魂?我呸,这种恶贯满盈的宗门,老子见一个灭一个,见10000个灭10000个,”血斧在手中微微上扬,斧柄和掌心之间,有红芒如血液一般涌动。 Wen Wan cultivation technique looks like somewhat is actually similar to the method of blood moon/month demon sect, but does not have slightly the evil air/Qi, instead is one's blood bubbles up to the brim frankly and uprightly, disdains the tunnel: „Before Century, calculates that your fame is good, runs away assigns, since today you stand to court death, that just right, I have cut your this fish slip through, making the blood rain demon sect die without a heir thoroughly.” 温晚功法看起来倒是与血月魔宗的法门有些相似,但却没有丝毫邪恶之气,反而是热血沸腾光明正大,不屑地道:“一百年前算你名气好,逃得一命,今天你既然站出来找死,那正好,我就斩了你这个漏网之鱼,让血雨魔宗彻底断子绝孙。” Jie Jie......” bullied the moral battle demon to smile strangely: To take revenge, I have gotten rid of the meat body, with Blood moon/month demon armor Combined thoroughly, broke through the blood moon/month demon sect since the ancient times limit, now kills you, easy as pie, Ha Ha, can you dare in a war with summit of battlefield my Heaven?” “桀桀……”欺心战魔怪笑了起来:“为了复仇,我已经抛弃肉躯,与【血月魔甲】彻底合二为一,突破了血月魔宗自古以来的极限,如今杀你,易如反掌,哈哈,你可敢与我九重天之巅战场中一战?” Then, this blood lovelace armor shoots up to the sky, changes to together the blood glow, vanished in the sky high place. 说完,这尊血色魔甲冲天而起,化作一道血芒,消失在了天空更高处。 Wen Wan personal appearance Flashed, such as the urgent telegram followed generally. 温晚身形一闪,如急电一般跟了上去。 This Realm expert, once starts, is Sun and Moon does not have the light inevitably, earthshaking, the fearful strength that erupts, can exterminate the city instantaneously, destroys the earth, making the place of vitality change to piece of Desert, even destroys the surrounding area in several thousand li (0.5km) to be also very likely, must arrive in summit of battlefield Heaven, can unshackle truly. 这种境界强者,一旦开打,必然是日月无光,惊天动地,爆发出来的可怕力量,可以瞬间夷灭城池,毁灭大地,让生机之地化作一片荒漠,甚至打碎方圆数千里之内也极有可能,必须去到九重天之巅战场中,才能真正放开手脚。 In the sky, did not have person's shadow once again. 天空之中,再度没有了人影。 Ye Qingyu stands in front of the Bright God palace, does not know that should say anything is good. 叶青羽站在光明神殿面前,不知道该说什么才好。 Since the Wen Wan status is fourth Zheng Di­vine Gen­eral, he has followed why in his side? 温晚的身份既然是第四徵神将,那他为何一直都跟在自己的身边? After entering White Deer Academy, Wen Wan has regarded with a special fondness to oneself, afterward Wen Wan entered Youyan Pass to join the army first, at that time looked like seems called up for service by Youyan Pass, but now looks like, as if also had the profound and abstruse principles. 从进入白鹿学院之后,温晚就一直对自己另眼相待,后来温晚先入幽燕关从军,当时看起来似乎是被幽燕关征召入伍,但是现在看起来,似乎又另有玄机。 Because Wen Wan enters shortly after Youyan Pass, wrote a letter to oneself, inviting oneself to arrive in Youyan Pass to exercise the martial arts. 因为温晚进入幽燕关之后不久,就给自己写了信,邀请自己到幽燕关之中锻炼武道。 To a certain extent, Wen Wan looks like the guide who fulfills duty to fulfill responsibility is the same, is guiding the Ye Qingyu footsteps step by step, lets Ye Qingyu unknowingly, stepped onto one as if already to be planned the good path, and on this path, was being Ye Qingyu has escorted. 从某种程度上来讲,温晚就像是一个尽职尽责的带路人一样,一步步地引导着叶青羽的脚步,让叶青羽不知不觉之中,走上了一条似乎是早就被规划好的道路,并且在这条道路上,一直在为叶青羽保驾护航。 Why will Wen Wan appear in White Deer Academy? 温晚为什么会出现在白鹿学院 Female sword immortal Wang Jianru of that sword startled immortal. 还有那个一剑惊仙的女剑仙王剑如 Character who these many Yanyan are above mundane thoughts, why stealth in White Deer Academy? 这么多艳艳绝尘的人物,为什么会偏偏隐身在白鹿学院之中? Now turns head to think that in Youyan Pass these days, the rashness of Ye Qingyu, has shocked many people. 现在回头想想,在幽燕关的那些日子,叶青羽的胆大妄为,震惊了很多人。 But every time is shocking but not dangerous. 但每一次都是有惊无险。 This should be Wen Wan has handled something in back. 这应该就是温晚在背后做了一些事情的。 Although Ye Qingyu walks every time one step, in fact calculates that all parties' response, was seeking balanced diligently, but actually every step dangerous to the extreme, dances in the steel wire, may be shocking but not dangerous finally, even including vanguard camp commander Liu Suifeng and Pass Lord residence Mister Liu and the others, quite looks after to Ye Qingyu, to finally is Lu Zhaoge...... 虽然叶青羽每走一步,实际上都算到了各方的反应,努力寻求着一种平衡,但其实每一步都险到了极点,都是在钢丝上跳舞,可最后都有惊无险,甚至连前锋营统帅柳随风关主府刘先生等人,都对叶青羽颇为照顾,到最后是陆朝歌…… Ye Qingyu has rubbed own temples. 叶青羽揉了揉自己的太阳穴。 During he is indistinct, thought all matters that on one has, started become are not so simple. 他隐约之中,觉得自己身上发生的一切事情,开始变得不那么简单了。 In five big Divine General Zheng Di­vine Gen­eral, conceals identity to a small city, perhaps to be dormant to be waiting for anything, perhaps for a while will emerge , helping one conveniently likely is the Ye Qingyu this little potential later generation, but should not likely be Wen Wan this absolutely, has spent these many strengths on the body of Ye Qingyu. 身为五大神将之中徵神将,隐姓埋名去到一个小城市,或许是为了蛰伏等待着什么,也许会一时兴起,随手帮助一个像是叶青羽这样有点儿潜力的后辈,但绝对不应该像是温晚这样,花费了这么多的力气在叶青羽的身上。 And...... 而且…… Why is I, finally became Radiant Palace Hall Palace Master? Also can enter in this Bright God palace?” “为什么偏偏是我,最后成为了光明殿殿主?还可以走进这光明神殿之中?” Since Wen Wan is fourth Zheng Di­vine Gen­eral, he should already know with the smelly monkey that after all one was in years past that war-god subordinates most primary assistant, but another is battle companion of that war-god...... 既然温晚是第四徵神将,那他应该和臭猴子早就认识,毕竟一个是昔年那位战神麾下的最得力助手,而另一个则是那位战神的战宠…… Ye Qingyu took a deep breath. 叶青羽深深地吸了一口气 Therefore , that smelly monkey flickered oneself to get rid to confuse the wind and cloud the matter, Wen Wan likely already knows. 所以说,那个臭猴子忽悠自己出手搅乱风云的事情,温晚很可能早就知道。 Therefore , today this Bright God palace war, all monsters and freaks successively appear, perhaps also the plans is expected in smelly monkey and Wen Wan and the others? 所以说,今日这光明神殿一战,各方牛鬼蛇神们都先后出现,或许也在臭猴子和温晚等人的计划预料之中? Ye Qingyu has one type not to know that should say anything's feeling. 叶青羽有一种不知道该说什么的感觉。 Too much too much dense fog, flutter in his mind. 太多太多的迷雾,飘在他的脑海之中。 Many issues, careful one wants to think unthinkable, as if many possibilities, but each possibility stunning is dumbfounded. 很多问题,仔细一想觉得匪夷所思,似乎有很多很多的可能,但每一种可能都叫人瞠目结舌。 Too many issues, Ye Qingyu is unable to determine now. 太多的问题,叶青羽现在都无法确定。 But only what he can determine, the war of Radiant Palace Hall, was held at this time, had not ended. 而他唯一可以确定的是,光明殿之战,进行到这个时候,并没有结束。 Even possibly is just the opposite, is only a start. 甚至可能恰恰相反,只是一个开始。 May have more old monsters to appear very much. 很有可能还有更多的老怪物们出现。 But Ye Qingyu intuition, if really does not have the mistake. 叶青羽的直觉,果真没有错误。 In the endless flying snow, the void ripples of sky rippled again, another fearful form appears during was void, this is a whole body winds around the personal appearance in gas cloud, does not see clearly the true body, is unable to distinguish is Human Race or Alien race, what we definitely know is that this exists is also an extraordinary ruthless role, moreover apparently does not have what good intentions to Radiant Palace Hall. 漫漫飞雪之中,天空的虚空涟漪再一次荡漾了开来,又一个可怕的身影出现在了虚空之中,这是一个浑身都缭绕在毒雾之中的身形,看不清楚真身,也无法辨别到底是人族还是异族,可以肯定的是,这位存在也是一个了不得的狠角色,而且对光明殿显然并没有什么善意。 The terrifying poisonous thunder gathers in his hands, forms one to surge the light group of huge green gas cloud, then suddenly toward Class silver bright Has shelled. 恐怖的毒雷在他的手中聚集,形成一个涌动着巨大绿色毒雾的光团,然后猛然朝着【流银光明阵】轰击了下来。 Facing the attack of this Realm, Ye Qingyu is unable to resist. 面对这种境界的攻击,叶青羽无法抵挡。 Is good because of his side, a ruthless person. 好在他的身边,还有一个狠人。 Is teasing Ximen Yeshuo of bird, again was disturbed, angry he, searches in void backhandedly, the pale bluish reen three forks fight the halberd to grasp in the hand, to is void that the meteor landing just like the poisonous thunder distant thorn that rumbles generally. 正在逗鸟的西门夜说,再一次被打扰,愤怒的他,反手在虚空之中一探,海蓝色三叉战戟握在手中,对着虚空之中那宛如陨星降落一般轰下来的毒雷遥遥一刺。 Bang! 轰! The poisonous thunder explodes, disseminates during was void. 毒雷爆裂,弥散在了虚空之中。 Green complementary waves impact in Class silver bright On, violent class silver ripples ripple, but withstood finally. 绿色的余波冲击在【流银光明阵】上,激的流银涟漪荡漾,但最终还是承受了下来。 I said the brothers, what status are you? What has done, how to hold the hornet's nest to be the same probably, did these many ruthless people ask you to trouble?” Ximen Yeshuo like looks at the calamity embryo look with one type, looks at Ye Qingyu. “我说兄弟,你到底是什么身份啊?到底干了什么啊,怎么好像是捅了马蜂窝一样,这么多的狠人找你麻烦?”西门夜说用一种像是看祸胎一样的眼神,看着叶青羽 Ye Qingyu shrugs the forced smile. 叶青羽耸肩苦笑。 Good.” Ximen Yeshuo is a little also helpless, said: Although your trouble a point, but I have said that we are the brothers, since is the brothers, your trouble, is my trouble, I helped you shoulder...... However, you also help my, looks after my bird.” “好吧。”西门夜说也有点儿无奈,道:“虽然你的麻烦多了一点,但我说过,我们是兄弟,既然是兄弟,你的麻烦,就是我的麻烦,我帮你扛了……不过,你也帮我一下,照顾好我的鸟。” He gives Ye Qingyu that all colors parrot, just about to turns around, suddenly has remembered anything, extremely the alert looked on the side of dull dog Little Nine, the treating a matter seriously tunnel: Brother, does not crack a joke, looks after surely Pink clouds, By your only including the small fat dog that the excrement ate eating.” 他将那只五彩鹦鹉递给叶青羽,刚要转身,突然又想起了什么,万分戒备地看了一眼一边的呆狗小九,郑重其事地道:“兄弟,不是开玩笑,千万照顾好【彩云】,别被你那只连屎都吃的小肥狗给吃掉了。” Wang......” dull dog Little Nine was not calling one at the same time very much satisfied: Black face, your anything meaning, some words said directly, at the same time the indirect insult.” “汪……”呆狗小九在一边很不满意地叫了一声:“黑脸的,你什么意思,有话直接说,不要在一边指桑骂槐。” father stated clearly face to face, where indirect insult?” Ximen Yeshuo groaned, hand has grasped to fight the halberd, shot up to the sky. “老子当面明说,哪里指桑骂槐了?”西门夜说哼哼了一声,手握战戟,冲天而起。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The fight opens instantaneously. 战斗瞬间开启。 Ximen Yeshuo erupted his true Battle Strength. 西门夜说爆发了他真正的战力 ------------- ------------- First 第一更
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