IGE :: Volume #5

#437: Fourth drafts the god

Em?” “恩?” The Gao Diping complexion, slightly changes. 高地平的脸色,微微一变。 In a moment ago that split second, he suddenly from the body of Yan Buhui, felt that a filament for the fearful aura, the expert intuition, split second understood a lot sufficiently, is better than Gao Diping, in this split second, understood immediately, originally before , this past You Yan talent, suppressed Cultivation Base unexpectedly, has not exposed strength truly. 就在刚才那一瞬间,他突然从燕不回的身上,感觉到了一丝极为可怕的气息,强者的直觉,一瞬间足以明白很多事情,强如高地平,在这一瞬间,立刻就明白了,原来之前这个昔日的幽燕天才,竟然是压制了修为,并未真正展露实力 Interesting, underestimated you actually, could not think of among this Century, but can also have your this character.” The Gao Diping personal appearance was the same just like the ancient times giant, the ray in double pupil shone, just like two huge golden Divine sword, shot at Yan Buhui, said: Come, having a look at you to have anything as far as possible, is worth that ghost in snow territory, so regards as important you.” “有意思,倒是小看你了,想不到这百年间,还能出你这一号人物。”高地平的身形宛如远古巨人一样,双眸之中的光芒照射下来,宛如两道巨大的金色神剑,射向燕不回,道:“来吧,看看你到底有什么尽量,值得雪域中的那个老妖,如此看重你。” The Yan Buhui personal appearance holds to rise dramatically once again. 燕不回身形再度扶飙升。 Inexhaustible black demonic fog, dissipates from his body, compared with the beforehand monster cloud does not know that rich jet black many times, fills the air desperately, is slaughtering, bloody, sad, pain and other feelings, moreover this demonic black cloud tumbles to seethe with excitement crazily, probably was boiled was the same, has any incomparably fearful thing likely, must come out to be the same from monster Yun Lizuan, making the person is out of control to be fearful and apprehensive. 无穷无尽的黑色妖雾,从他的身体里逸散出来,比之前的妖云不知道浓郁漆黑了多少倍,弥漫着绝望、杀戮、血腥、悲伤、痛苦等种种情愫,而且这黑色妖云疯狂地翻滚沸腾着,就好像是被煮沸了一样,又像是有什么无比可怕的东西,要从妖云里钻出来一样,令人禁不住心惊肉跳。 In the Gao Diping eye, presented the dignified look. 高地平的眼里,出现了凝重的神色。 Comes out, Space-Time monster god!” “出来吧,时空妖神!” Yan Buhui opens the mouth to shout at again. 燕不回再一次开口断喝。 A black great claw, has extended from that endless dark monster cloud slowly. 一只黑色的巨爪,缓缓地从那无尽黑暗妖云之中伸了出来。 Is Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth general cruel roaring. 紧接着是一声毁天灭地一般的暴戾怒吼。 The invisible energetic pressure proliferated from the dark monster cloud. 无形的精神威压从黑暗妖云之中扩散了出来。 Two bloody red glow are common just like the bloody sharp sword, punctures in the clouds from the dark monster, is huge just like the mountain range general lofty personal appearance, appeared in the common people slowly at present, actually before was not, that dark human form sculpture general Space-Time monster worked, but was one jet black to the extreme ancient times demon bear. 两道血腥红芒宛如血淋淋的利剑一般,从黑暗妖云中刺出来,接着是庞大宛如山峦一般的巍巍身形,缓缓地出现在了世人的眼前,却不是之前那黑暗人形雕塑一般的时空妖灵,而是一头漆黑到了极点的上古魔熊。 Bloodthirsty demon bear?” In the Gao Diping eye pupil, flashes through color of the bursting out laughing, said: Has not thought that you can summon the Snow Ground Demon Court first ancestor unexpectedly...... No wonder...... Come, the later generation, making This King come to see, you grasped the strength of several points of bloodthirsty demon bear.” “嗜血魔熊?”高地平眼眸之中,闪过一丝哑然之色,道:“没想到你竟然可以召唤出雪地妖庭的始祖……怪不得……来吧,后辈,让本座来看看,你掌握了几分嗜血魔熊的力量。” The Yan Buhui personal appearance draws back like the electricity anxiously, submerged between the eyebrows of dark demon bear instantaneously, head fusion with this giant incomparable monster. 燕不回身形急退如电,瞬间没入到了黑暗魔熊的眉心之间,与这巨大无比的怪物的头颅融合。 Roar!” “吼!” Comes from ancient times dark age roaring of great antiquity great bear, first time appears in society. 来自于上古黑暗年代的洪荒巨熊的咆哮,第一次出现在世间。 The terrifying sound wave, brings as if not to be cruel and maneating of this world, toward has radiated in all directions. 恐怖的音波,带着仿佛不属于这个世界的暴戾和凶悍,朝着四面八方辐射了开来。 If you hope.” “如你所愿。” Dark great Xiong Koutu criticism. 黑暗巨熊口吐人言。 Yan Buhui sound/noise. 正是燕不回声音 Dignified look in Gao Diping eye pupil, was even more obvious. 高地平眼眸之中的凝重神色,越发地明显了。 The summon ancient times the Space-Time monster worked, originally is one that the Demon Race big energy flow hands down from generation to generation to tall Yaoshu, can surmount the endless Space-Time mighty current, seeks for the shadow and Divine Soul of these annihilations Demon Race worthy people of former times in history, summoning their strengths to arrive in this world, used for the summoner. 召唤远古时空妖灵,本就妖族大能流传下来的一种至高妖术,可以跨越无尽的时空洪流,寻找到那些湮灭于历史之中的妖族先贤的影子和神魂,呼唤他们的力量降临在这个世界上,为召唤者所用。 This is Demon Race to one of the high mystiques. 这是妖族至高秘法之一。 This mystique extremely difficult Cultivation, regarding the Xiantian condition of custom, the request to be extremely high. 这种秘法极难修炼,对于习者的先天条件,要求极高。 Even if in slow boundless Demon Race, only then the Demon Race talent of minority talent Yibin, can grasp this secret technique. 即便是在慢茫茫妖族之中,也只有少数天赋宜宾的妖族天才,才能掌握这种秘术。 This Yan Buhui, is the Human Race rebel, but transplanted several monster bones in within the body, grasps some ordinary Demon Race Divine Ability but actually also passable, may actually the Space-Time monster spirit summon technique, Cultivation to this Realm, obtain the Snow Ground Demon Court first ancestor monster spirit acknowledgment, somewhat was unthinkable. 这个燕不回,是人族叛逆,不过是在体内移植了几块妖骨而已,掌握一些平常的妖族神通倒也说得过去,可竟然将时空妖灵召唤术,修炼到了这种境界,得到了雪地妖庭始祖妖灵的承认,就有些匪夷所思了。 Roar!” “吼!” Dark demon Xiong Zaihou. 黑暗魔熊再吼。 Its huge body galloped in void, in the most barbaric direct way, has hit toward the Djinn god of Gao Diping incarnation directly. 它庞大的身躯在虚空之中奔腾了起来,以最野蛮直接的方式,直接朝着高地平化身的巨灵神撞了过来。 At this time, the ratio from the volume, the dark great bear even be huger than the Djinn god. 此时,从体积上比,黑暗巨熊甚至要比巨灵神更加庞大一些。 Bang! 轰! A huge incomparable personal appearance, hits in the midair maliciously together. 连个庞大无比的身形,在半空之中狠狠地撞击在一起。 In split second, all people thought that the entire world maliciously shivered, the line of sight institute, all things are shaking, void like was the mirror instantaneous burst shatter, then instantaneously closed under the function of Heaven and Earth principle, this hit, as if must break the entire world is the same. 在那么一瞬间,所有人都觉得整个世界都狠狠地颤抖了一下,视线所及,所有的东西都在震荡,虚空像是镜子一样瞬间破碎破裂了开来,然后又在天地法则的作用之下瞬间重新弥合,这一撞,似乎要将整个世界都震碎一样。 The earth of imperial capital, is trembling, seems the omen that the earthquake arrives is same. 帝都的大地,在震颤,仿佛是地震到来的前兆一样。 Here inconvenient fight, along with my summit war to a Heaven.” Gao Diping laughs, the crazy condition completely reveals, the Djinn god personal appearance soars to the heavens, by with its personal appearance not symmetric urgent telegram speed, vanishes in the high place. “此处不便战斗,随我到九重天之巅一战。”高地平哈哈大笑,狂态尽显,巨灵神身形冲霄而起,以与其身形不相称的急电速度,消失在更高处。 The dark great bear roars, similarly soars to the heavens, follows. 黑暗巨熊怒吼一声,同样冲霄而起,紧随其后。 These two colossi, this one after the other, vanished in the vault of heaven to the high place. 这两尊庞然大物,就这样一前一后,消失在了天穹至高处。 By the Ye Qingyu this grade of Cultivation Base eyesight, could not see the fight between following both. 叶青羽这等修为的目力,也看不到接下来两者之间的战斗了。 The summit of Heaven, after that is entered Ascending Heaven Boundary Cultivation Base truly, place that can go, it is said is the domain most limit place, is soon arrives in the chaos, can spy on the Heaven and Earth mystery the place, but Ascending Heaven Boundary expert, reason that by heavenly ascension two character names, has this meaning, only had to achieve this Realm expert, can heavenly ascension, the fetter of unique earth, go to summit of such place Heaven. 九重天之巅,那是真正进入了登天境修为之后,才可以去的地方,据说是界域的最极限处,已经算是快要到混沌之中了,可以窥探天地奥秘的地方,而登天境强者,之所以以登天二字命名,也就是含着这一层意思,唯有达到了这个境界强者,才能一步一登天,超脱大地的束缚,来到九重天之巅这样的地方。 Such battlefield, is not present Ye Qingyu can spy on. 那样的战场,不是如今的叶青羽所能窥探的。 Along with departures of two big peerless expert, the Radiant Palace Hall sky, the black demonic fog clears gradually, became the Pure Brightness. 随着两大绝世强者的离去,光明殿的上空,逐渐黑色妖雾散尽,变得清明了起来。 But the time approached the evening. 但时间已经接近傍晚。 A round setting sun is shining the construction of imperial capital, catches such as the blood general color. 一轮夕阳照射着帝都的建筑,染上如血一般的颜色。 In the sky, why does not know, started to hike up the white snowflake, troubled, from the beginning was only the pale white pellet, but quick will be similar to the goose feathers will be the same, fell to the ground does not melt, to this earth mountains and rivers city, has put on a white gauze clothes. 天空之中,不知道为何,开始飘起了偏偏白色雪花,纷纷扰扰,一开始只是淡白色的颗粒,但很快就将如同鹅毛一样,落地不融化,给这片大地山川城市,披上了一层白色纱衣。 Ye Qingyu looks up the sky as before. 叶青羽依旧抬头看着天空。 Class silver bright Is protecting entire Bright City, but in the Ye Qingyu heart is very clear, the crisis has not passed in light of this. 【流银光明阵】保护着整个光明城,但叶青羽心中很清楚,危机并没有就此过去。 Person who before presented that Sect remnant, Barbarian Race and Demon Race and other Alien race. 之前出现的人,要不是宗门余孽,要不是蛮族妖族异族 These person of originally are impossible to appear in the imperial capital, should not appear here, impossible boisterous and frivolous such long time, but also nobody manages, but all these like this occurred, that explained a point, behind this definitely has high pulse energy to tolerate and shelter. 这些人原本不可能出现在帝都,也不应该出现在这里,更不可能打打闹闹这么长的时间,还没有人管,但是偏偏这一切都这样发生了,那就说明了一点,这背后肯定有大能量者在纵容和庇护。 When these should not present the people here to finish the respective mission, that following, if Ye Qingyu has not guessed that wrong, should be the person who these should present, does something. 当这些不该出现在这里的人都已经结束了各自的使命,那接下来,如果叶青羽没有猜错的话,该是那些应该出现的人,来做一些事情了。 Really, is not the too long time, during the Radiant Palace Hall above snow is spatial, ripples layer upon layer, flood. 果然,不到太长的时间,光明殿上方的雪空之中,一层层的涟漪,泛动开来。 Another personal appearance, appeared in the sky. 又一个身形,出现在了天空中。 This is a whole body is pasting ** the tall and strong personal appearance of aura, Dark-red demon armor covered his whole body, the modeling of demon armor was the same just like the metal statue of seal, each spot of whole body, has covered under the Dark-red metal, surface armor has covered the whole piece face, even did not have including the oylet, but was hard to prevent as before richly ** the dead air/Qi, overflowed from the metal armor. 这是一个浑身流转着**气息的魁梧身形,暗红色的魔甲笼罩住了他的全身,魔甲的造型宛如密封的金属雕像一样,全身的每一个部位,都覆盖了暗红色的金属之下,面甲遮住了整张脸,甚至连视孔都没有,但依旧难以阻止浓郁的**死气,从金属铠甲之下流溢出来。 The form when this was covered by dark red metal demon armor appears in the sky, takes to Ye Qingyu that pressure, not compared with pressure weak many that former palace Divine General Gao Diping and Yan Buhui bring. 当这被暗红金属魔甲笼罩的身影出现在上空,带给叶青羽的那种压力,并不比之前宫神将高地平燕不回带来的压力弱多少。 Is Ascending Heaven Boundary expert?” “又是一尊登天境强者?” Ye Qingyu clenched teeth maliciously. 叶青羽狠狠地咬了咬牙。 You sang me to be taken to the threshing ground. 你方唱罢我登场。 In these ordinary days Divine Dragon sees not to see the tail, average person root originally is rare Ascending Heaven Boundary expert, today looks like the carrot in place is the same, stressed one in a big way, appeared one after another. 那些个平日里神龙见首不见尾,普通人根本就是难得一见的登天境强者们,今天就像是地里的胡萝卜一样,一抓就一大把了,一个接着一个出现。 Moreover from this and dark red such as blood the imposing manner of demon armor metal person, he does not stand in Radiant Palace Hall this absolutely, on the one hand. 而且从这和暗红如血的魔甲金属人的气势来看,他绝对不是站在光明殿这一方面的。 Class silver bright Should unable to withstand this rank expert to strike, but the Ye Qingyu side, as if again could not send out to resist the person who Ascending Heaven Boundary had. 【流银光明阵】应该是无法承受这种级别的强者一击,但叶青羽的身边,似乎是再也派不出可以抵挡登天境存在的人了。 The Ye Qingyu brow wrinkled the wrinkle. 叶青羽眉头皱了皱。 When he is authenticating to consider dull dog Little Nine travels the proposition 当他正在认证考虑呆狗小九跑路提议的时候 Has squatted is eating surface Wen Wan at the same time, has drunk up in the bowl the last hot water, pursed the lips, then stood to move under the body slowly, smiled, said: It seems like I came, this stretched a little bit well the bone.” 一直蹲在一边吃面的温晚,喝完了碗里最后一口面汤,抿了抿嘴,然后缓缓地站起来活动了下身躯,笑了笑,道:“看来还是得我现身了啊,也该好好活动一下身子骨了。” He was saying, will lift the hand to bind round the black hairlace on forehead, has picked slowly. 他说着,抬手将一直都箍在额头上的黑色发带,缓缓地摘了下来。 The hairlace picks the instance that falls, seems any seal in the strength of Wen Wan within the body, regained consciousness slowly. 发带摘落的瞬间,似乎是什么封印在温晚体内的力量,缓缓地苏醒了。 Little Ye, I had already said that now you should believe that I really am a master.” 小叶子,我早就说过的,现在你该相信了吧,我真的是一尊高手。” Wen Wan with dai Chinese zither, is one's turn the father has displayed that expression a very much probably finally, said grinningly, then searches in void backhandedly, probably towed a pair of scarlet great axe from void, slightly one vertical, the personal appearance arrived in the sky by instantaneously that dark red blood lovelace armor form, the axe glow such as the moon/month, cut in two at the waist lazily. 温晚用一种很嘚瑟,好像是终于轮到老子表现了的那种表情,笑嘻嘻地说了一句,然后反手在虚空之中一探,好像是从虚空中拖出来了一对血色巨斧,微微一纵,身形瞬间就来到了天空中那暗红血色魔甲身影旁边,斧芒如月,懒腰斩出。 The demon armor form resists by the both arms. 魔甲身影以双臂招架。 Scarlet great axe bombardment on the demon armor metal arm, the bellow transmits, during bunches of Mars scatter, the arm of demon armor was cut the deep fissure, the armor hollow distortion thorough distorted. 血色巨斧轰击在魔甲金属臂膀上,轰鸣声传来,簇簇火星四溅之中,魔甲的手臂被斩出深深的裂痕,铠甲凹陷扭曲的彻底变了形。 But below split second, the form interlocks, that blood lovelace armor was normal on recovery. 但在下一瞬间,身影交错,那血色魔甲就恢复了正常。 Blood moon/month demon armor...... Bullies the moral battle demon? Before Century, the empire armies threaten the border, Radiant Palace Hall five big Divine General are uneven, the blood moon/month demon sect destruction, should be destroys completely is, did you actually live?” The Wen Wan eye has narrowed the eyes, the great axe by a strange posture, one after the other, grasps in the hand, the blood same flame light, overflowed from the axe blade edge of great axe. “血月魔甲……欺心战魔?一百年前,帝国大军压境,光明殿五大神将齐出,血月魔宗覆灭,应该是寸草不留才是,你竟然活了下来?”温晚眼睛眯了起来,巨斧以一种奇怪的姿势,一前一后,握在手中,鲜血一样的焰光,从巨斧的斧刃上流溢了出来。 Blood axe...... Are you fourth Zheng Di­vine Gen­eral?” Under hard helmet surface armor of blood lovelace armor form, one like is two rust iron friction does not bring sound/noise of slight sentimental factor to spread. “血斧……你是第四徵神将?”血色魔甲身影的头盔面甲之下,一个像是两块锈铁摩擦一样不带丝毫感情因素的声音传出。 Wen Wan nodded. 温晚点了点头。 In ground. 地面上。 Ye Qingyu opened mouth. 叶青羽张了张嘴。 He heard this dialog. 他听到了这一番对话。 The dialog content takes to the shock of Ye Qingyu, did not turn into palace Divine General shock few many compared with former Mr. Su. 对话内容带给叶青羽的震惊,并不比之前苏老头变成宫神将的震惊少多少。 Wen Wan was in years past of fourth Zheng Di­vine Gen­eral five big Divine General? 温晚是昔年五大神将之一的第四徵神将 Is this possible? 这怎么可能? If Ye Qingyu is not familiar with Su old man, therefore is unable to identify him is the palace Divine General words, after that Wen Wan since Ye Qingyu enters White Deer Academy, has existed during the life of Ye Qingyu, then Youyan Pass, arrives at the imperial capital again, Ye Qingyu thought one regarding Wen Wan familiar cannot be familiar again, has not actually thought that Wen Wan also has this first level status. 如果说叶青羽对于苏老头并不熟悉,所以无法辨认他就是宫神将的话,那温晚自从叶青羽进入白鹿学院之后,就一直存在于叶青羽的生活之中,然后的幽燕关,再到帝都,叶青羽觉得自己对于温晚熟悉的不能再熟悉了,却万万没有想到,温晚还有这一重身份。 ----------- ----------- Second. 第二更。
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