IGE :: Volume #5

#436: The god of ju ling

About ten thousand imperial guards outside Bright City drew back finally. 光明城外的近万禁军终于退了。 The military order sends together from the Right Minister palace, then in the military compound has remembered the sound of great number, the high-ranking military officers who hears this military order, on faces have shown the feeling relieved expression, like has saved a life from Asura blood prison, before the latter armed forces become armed forces, withdraws from the battlefield orderly. 一道军令从右相府之中发出来,接着军营之中想起了巨号之声,听到这军令的将官们,一个个脸上都露出了如释重负的表情,像是从修罗血狱之中捡了一条命一样,后军变为前军,既有秩序地从战场中撤走。 Has not used to half Incense time, originally turbulent such as black mighty current imperial guard, on disappearance was clean. 没有用到半柱香时间,原先汹涌如黑色洪流的禁军,就消失的干干净净了。 However the retreat of imperial guard, cannot ease at this time the Radiant Palace Hall crisis. 但是禁军的退去,并不能缓解此时光明殿的危机。 Even can say that the imperial guard exists or not, to the Radiant Palace Hall situation, will not have the slight influence. 甚至可以说,禁军存在与否,对光明殿的局势,不会有丝毫的影响。 In the sky, that fight frenziedly is still conducted. 天空之中,那场战斗还在疯狂地进行着。 Ye Qingyu stands before the Bright God palace, in the double pupil the god is only bright, looks to the vault of heaven battlefield in upper air. 叶青羽站在光明神殿之前,双眸之中神光熠熠,看向高空之中的天穹战场。 Only then Sea of Bitterness Stage expert, transports foot Yuan Art, the eyesight can penetrate that tumbling like the difficult situation same demonic fog dark clouds layer upon layer, the situation in battlefield, the purity that looks. 只有苦海境强者,运足元功,目力才可以透过那翻滚如惊涛骇浪一样的层层妖雾黑云,将战场之中的局势,看的一清二楚。 This time palace Divine General Gao Diping, by an enemy two, was in the absolute superiority as before. 这个时候的宫神将高地平,以一敌二,依旧处于绝对的优势。 The Yan Buhui Space-Time monster spirits, the strength of eight antique blue dragon Dragon Hangyun controls, were done the scarlet-red flame long spear geostatic pressure to trig by him unexpectedly stubbornly, the spear|gun glow is radiant, in the star just like universe stars is the same, bunches of places explode, the might is infinite, what his spearplay walks is Great Dao to Jan's path, every gesture and motions ancient intent abundant, is not gaudy, but under the stimulation of movement of his tyrannical Cultivation Base, Yan Buhui and Dragon Hangyun does not dare frontage Ying its point, can only in side You Dou. 不论是燕不回时空妖灵,还是龙行云操控的八条太古苍龙之力,竟然都被他一干赤红火焰长枪死死地压制住,枪芒璀璨,宛如宇宙星辰之中的恒星一样,一簇簇地爆开,威力无穷,他的枪术走的是大道至简的路子,一招一式都古意盎然,毫无花哨,但在他强横的修为的催动之下,燕不回和龙行云都不敢正面缨其锋芒,只能在侧面游斗。 Ha Ha Ha, does not satisfy a craving......” 哈哈哈,不过瘾啊……” Gao Diping shouts out, recovery to him in peak condition, passed through spatially just like Divine Dragon, long spear in the hand, really has an invincible imposing manner. 高地平大喝,恢复到了巅峰状态的他,宛如神龙经空,长枪在手,竟然有一种所向无敌的气势。 However stick of incense time, Yan Buhui this and other ominous people, Dragon Hangyun big monster king collaborates like this, was trigged by his geostatic pressure unexpectedly stubbornly, struggles under that startled day invincible spear|gun glow desperately, above the Space-Time monster spirit giant body spear|gun mark, almost must disintegrate, but Dragon Hangyun eight scales Can dragons were also selected five, the illusory image broken powder, after returning his brain. 不过一炷香的时间,燕不回这等凶人,还有龙行云这样的大妖王联手,竟然被他死死地压制住,在那惊天无敌的枪芒之下苦苦挣扎,时空妖灵巨大的躯体之上枪痕点点,几乎要解体,而龙行云的八条鳞甲灿龙也被挑死了五条,幻影破散,退回到了他的脑后。 This palace Divine General, may really be fierce to the extreme.” “这个宫神将,可真的是猛到了极点,。” Ye Qingyu also intermittent fearful and apprehensive in below looking. 叶青羽在下面看的也一阵阵的心惊肉跳。 At this moment 就在这时 Ha Ha Ha, does not satisfy a craving, hides is looking at the same time, has any meaning, since came, why hides, was the becoming famous characters, necking in do not shrink the tail, came out to accompany This King to fight honestly happily.” Palace Divine General Gao Diping laughs, spear|gun glow explodes shoots, has torn everywhere demonic fog dark clouds instantaneously, has reappeared ringing the universe. 哈哈哈,不过瘾,一个个都藏在一边看着,有什么意思,既然来了,何必躲躲藏藏,也都是成名人物了,不要缩头缩尾,老老实实出来陪本座战个痛快吧。”宫神将高地平哈哈大笑,枪芒爆射,瞬间撕裂了漫天的妖雾黑云,重现了朗朗乾坤。 Meanwhile, the spear|gun glow brilliance punctured surrounding 56 void. 同时,枪芒光焰刺破了周围56处虚空。 The void ripples of bunch glitter, is the same just like the transparent watermark, in the back of watermark, presented fuzzy personal appearance. 一团团的虚空涟漪闪烁起来,宛如透明水纹一样,在水纹的背后,出现了一个个模糊的身形。 Hides around the battlefield impressively, in secret observation situation expert. 赫然正是隐藏在战场周围,暗中观察局势的强者 These forms, strength is quite tyrannical, before suppressed snow-capped mountain black water Wu Wang about the same, originally thinks the technique of own concealment is quite mystical, but has not actually thought that originally was already seen through by palace Divine General Gao Diping. 这些个身影,实力都极为强横,与之前被镇压的白山黑水蛮巫王在伯仲之间,原本一个个都以为自己的隐匿之术极为神秘,神不知鬼不觉,但是却没有想到,原来早就被宫神将高地平识破了。 Was selected the one's manner while in office and in retirement, these people cannot hide. 被点出了行藏,这些人都隐藏不住了。 Since palace Divine General has this aesthetic pleasure, that might as well accompanies a palace Divine General war.” “既然宫神将有此雅兴,那不妨陪宫神将一战。” The red robe person who a long hair hangs loose treads broken void, the back is impractical dozens handle flame long blades, the brilliant god splendor, may cut the Spiritual God general power and influence, obviously is also an extraordinary master, strength aura that but it reveals, is different from the present Human Race school, obviously is the ancient times Era of Sects character. 一个长发披散的红袍人踏破虚空而出,背后虚浮着数十柄火焰长刀,灼灼神辉,可斩神灵一般的威势,显然也是一尊了不得的高手,不过其流露出来的力量气息,与如今人族流派不同,显然是上古宗门时代的人物。 Ha Ha, Gao Diping, you, since court death, that do not blame My Sect not to speak morality and justice to besiege you.” Another whole body covers sound/noise in beautiful jade common blue glow appears, listens to its tonality, resembling is a woman, by the ray, can see its slender figure faintly. “哈哈,高地平,你既然自己找死,那就别怪本宗不讲道义围攻你了。”另一个浑身都笼罩在美玉一般的青芒之中的声音出现,听其音调,似是个女人,透过光芒,隐隐还可以见其窈窕的身段。 Kills!” “杀!” Death!” “死!” Another two forms actually exude the sound of callous shouting, is direct the move. 另外两个身影却是发出冷酷的断喝之声,直接出招。 yuan qi of two unfeelings surge just like the tyrannosaurus emerges general, the potential broken vault of heaven, has torn instantaneously void. 两道绝情的元气涌动宛如暴龙出笼一般,势破天穹,瞬间撕裂了虚空。 This each is extremely formidable top expert. 这每一个都是极为强大的顶级强者 Ye Qingyu the eyebrow that looks in below jumps. 叶青羽在下面看的眉毛直跳。 In these expert, comes out casually, oneself present Cultivation Base, is not a match. 这些强者之中,随便出来一个,自己如今的修为,都不是对手。 These many terrifying military Daoist thing, did not reveal the mountain non- dew to hide in the hidden place before, is in the majority by Century beforehand Era of Sects remnant, regarding them, the name and advantage of mediocre in society does not matter, they scheme, is the ordinary people does not know thing that does not dare to imagine. 这么多的恐怖武道人物,之前不显山不露水地藏在暗处,以百年之前的宗门时代余孽居多,对于他们来说,凡俗世间的名和利都无所谓,他们所图谋的,都是平常人不知道也不敢想象的东西。 These people come, the heart of Ye Qingyu has hung. 这些人一现身,叶青羽的心又悬了起来。 Although Gao Diping is fierce, but can simultaneously block these many Sect martial arts thumb? 高地平虽猛,但能够同时挡住这么多宗门武道巨擘吗? Must know these people, carries one casually, placed the past, was nearly in invincible existence. 要知道这些人,随便拎出来一个,放在往日,都是近乎于无敌的存在。 In sky. 天空之中。 Ha Ha Ha, this for Sovereign of keeping aloof, but actually such as the turtle generally hides that many years, felt embarrassed you, was very certainly laborious?” Gao Diping long spear like the dragon, spear|gun potential has covered the surrounding area several thousand li (0.5km), these person of expert, covered in unexpectedly, disdain laughed wildly, said: „Are these years are supporting your so-called hope, certainly look for my Radiant Palace Hall revenge? Really one group of pitiful creatures, make you thoroughly desperate now.” 哈哈哈,本为高高在上的主宰者,但却如乌龟一般躲躲藏藏那么多年,也为难你们了,一定很辛苦吧?”高地平长枪如龙,枪势覆盖了方圆数千里,竟然是将这些人强者,都笼罩在了其中,不屑地狂笑,道:“这些年支撑着你们的所谓的希望,一定是来找我光明殿复仇吧?真是一群可怜虫啊,现在就让你们彻底绝望。” The voice falls. 话音落下。 He treads in void same place. 他原地在虚空之中一踏。 Ju ling Dharmakaya present!” “巨灵法身现!” Shouted in the sound, in the palm long spear shook greatly, the Gao Diping personal appearance inflated to increase with long spear unexpectedly, individual increased really against the wind, instantaneously became a height hundred meters giant, long spear was also same just like a giant fire dragon, 200-300 meters, but the imposing manner of his whole person, increased the several fold crazily. 断喝声之中,掌中长枪巨震之间,高地平的身形和长枪竟然都膨胀变大了起来,真个人迎风变大,瞬间变为身高百米的巨人,长枪也宛如一条巨型火龙一样,有两三百米长,而他整个人的气势,也狂增了数倍。 The Gao Diping incarnation is the Djinn god. 高地平化身为巨灵神。 I had already said that must suppress entirely.” “我早就说过了,要统统镇压。” The giant Gao Diping right hand holds a gun, the left hand backhands a pressure, steady such as a mountain range pressed has gotten down general. 巨人高地平右手持枪,左手反手一压,稳如一座山峦压了下来一般。 The imposing manner delapidated big monster Wang Longhang clouds bears the brunt, was covered under this superhuman hand. 气势已颓的大妖王龙行云首当其冲,就被覆盖在了这巨掌之下。 Dragon Hangyun in great surprise, flies to escape crazily. 龙行云大惊,疯狂飞遁。 But that superhuman hand such as the Djinn god's hand is the same, is containing the strange regular strength, no matter what his any runs away, cannot depart that palm unexpectedly, the terrifying pressure extrudes from four sides, making Dragon Hangyun be prohibited instantaneously in the midair, could not struggle, was gripped by the superhuman hand of strength of that implication fire cloud thunder and lightning directly. 但那巨掌却如巨灵神之手一样,蕴含着奇异的规则之力,任他任何逃遁,竟是根本飞不出那手掌心,恐怖的威压从四面挤压过来,令龙行云瞬间被封禁在半空之中,根本挣扎不得,被那蕴含着火云雷电之力的巨掌直接握住。 Suppression!” “镇压!” The Djinn roars, the dragon good cloud threw down in the hand is grasping. 巨灵怒吼,将手中握着的龙行云丢了下去。 Dragon Hangyun the whole body is winding around the scarlet red flame rune chains, Cultivation Base all by the seal, like is a stone falls, one was the same with the former that snow-capped mountain black water Barbarian Race barbarian witch prince's metal, was suppressed directly in place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng under below Bright God palace. 龙行云浑身缭绕着赤红色的火焰符文锁链,一身修为全部都被封印,像是一块石头一样掉落下来,和之前那个白山黑水蛮族的蛮巫王金一一样,直接被镇压在了下方光明神殿之下的地火幽泉剑坑之中。 All these in a flash occur. 这一切都在转瞬之间发生。 Several other big expert have not responded that the solemn hurricane wave Demon Court big monster king was suppressed. 其他几大强者还未反应过来,堂堂飓浪妖庭的大妖王就被镇压了。 This......” “这……” How possible?” “怎么可能?” Other all people, are surprised. 其他诸人,纷纷大吃一惊。 In ground. 地面上。 Ye Qingyu has opened mouth, has not closed with enough time. 叶青羽张大了的嘴巴,也还没有来得及合上。 This this...... 这这这这…… Must be so fierce. 要不要这么猛啊。 Palace Military leader thought that this palace Divine General method, must surpass itself simply regarding the definition of peerless expert, is considered as on has seen in all people absolutely, one of the another most fearful two people are Youyan War God Lu Zhaoge, his unfeeling seven character true words, once made Ye Qingyu feel inconceivable. 殿主大人觉得这位宫神将的手段,简直要超出自己对于绝世强者的定义了,绝对算得上是自己见过的所有的人之中,最为可怕的两个人之一另外一个是幽燕战神陆朝歌,他的绝情道七字真言,也曾经令叶青羽感觉到不可思议。 In an instant. 转眼之间。 In sky , the form has crashed. 天空之中,又有一个身影坠落了下来。 Another expert by Gao Diping suppressing. 又一个强者高地平给镇压了。 Under looks like the stuffed dumpling is simply same. 简直就像是下饺子一样。 Ha Ha Ha, one flock of range chicken earthenware dogs, attempts to seek my Radiant Palace Hall, in this quick Heaven and Earth checkerboard, your board game piece is not,” in Gao Diping heroic sound/noise, has filled disdaining condition, generation of one flock of range chicken earthenware dogs, before Century, has not been ruthless, keeps your way out, since you are besotted, that entirely has suppressed, gives me to go to the roaring flame to reconsider.” 哈哈哈,一群土鸡瓦狗,也妄图谋取我光明殿,这快天地棋盘之中,你们连棋子都算不上,”高地平豪迈的声音之中,充满了不屑之态,“一群土鸡瓦狗之辈,百年前未曾赶尽杀绝,留你们一条生路,既然你们执迷不悟,那就统统镇压了,都给我去烈焰中反思吧。” Spear|Gun glow like electricity. 枪芒如电。 A spear|gun selects, the scarlet glow mark winds to erupt in the lance point, just like a great net, captured toward void, like was the pocket fly, ancient Sect expert of that scarlet robe flame blade, the direct net , the instantaneous great net contraction, his direct seal, fell directly equally from the sky just like the stone, has fallen into that fire quiet Quan Jiankeng. 一枪点出,赤芒纹络在枪尖爆发出来,宛如一张巨网,朝着虚空之中兜了下去,像是兜苍蝇一样,直接将那赤袍火焰刀的古代宗门强者,直接网在了其中,瞬间巨网收缩,将他直接封印了,宛如石块一样从天空之中掉落下来,掉进了那地火幽泉剑坑之中。 Also seal. 又封印一个。 In sky, aspect instantaneous one side. 天空之中,局面瞬间一边到了。 originally threatens encirclement sum total many peerless expert, sees this, was scared instantaneously. 原本气势汹汹合围合计的诸多绝世强者,看到这一幕,瞬间都被吓破了胆。 How possible......” that whole body to bind feminine expert in blue glow to send out inconceivable calling out in alarm, „before Century, your strength, is......” “怎么可能……”那个浑身裹在青芒之中的女性强者发出不可思议的惊呼,“百年之前,你的实力,也不过是……” She is shocked. 她无比震惊。 „Does the Century time, how could idly spend?” Gao Diping smiles lightly: Qingyun, you have hatred, the unclear right and wrong , helping a tyrant do evil, my this time, cannot put you to walk again, might as well go to the fire quiet spring, well ponder pure one.” 百年光阴,岂能虚度?”高地平淡淡一笑:“青云,你还心存恨意,不明是非,助纣为虐,我这一次,不能再放你走,不如去地火幽泉之中,好好思考清净一下吧。” The voice falls. 话音落下。 The Djinn palm covers once again. 巨灵手掌再度覆盖下来。 In the palm flame thunder and lightning lives to extinguish, the strength of rule revolves, female expert in blue glow such as big monster Wang Longhang clouds is the same, although was goes all out to struggle, is unable to work loose, finally was gripped by this superhuman hand, the mark of palm wound, seal carved on the body of blue glow female expert, just like the rune chains, her direct seal. 掌中火焰雷电生灭,规则之力运转,青芒中的女强者如大妖王龙行云一样,尽管是拼命地挣扎,也无法挣脱,最终被这巨掌握住,掌心的纹络,印刻在了青芒女强者的身上,宛如符文锁链,将她直接封印。 Not......” “不……” Blue glow female expert whooshes angrily, but actually does not help matters. 青芒女强者愤怒地嘶吼,但却无济于事。 The whole person has crashed finally into fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, was buried in that hot rock magma. 最终整个人都坠入了地火幽泉剑坑之中,被埋入了那地火岩浆之中。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Walks!” “走!” Remaining several expert, see the potential not to be right, immediately turns around to run away. 剩下的几个强者,见势不对,立刻转身就逃。 originally is threatens to come, to hug is besieging to annihilate Gao Diping, snow the shame mentality, this thought in years past exerts its utmost, has ambushed these many years, pains Cultivation, strength of everyone, has the huge growth, is holding the absolute confidence, but has not thought that meets again, the strength growth of palace Divine General, has exceeded their imagination. 原本是气势汹汹而来,抱着围攻歼灭高地平,一雪昔年耻辱的心态,本以为是势在必得,潜伏了这么多年,苦心修炼,每个人的实力,都有着巨大的增长,抱着绝对的信心,但是没有想到,再次见面,宫神将实力增长,远超出了他们的想象。 In years past they can also with palace Divine General Gao Diping You Dou some time, now actually such as young. The children are the same with the soldier combat, in an instant, like is Shaji butchers the cow to suppress, cannot see the slight stratagem which ensures success simply. 昔年他们还能和宫神将高地平游斗一段时间,现在却如幼.童和战士作战一样,转眼之间,就被像是杀鸡宰牛一样镇压,简直根本看不到丝毫的胜算。 How however will Gao Diping give them the opportunity? 但是高地平又岂会给他们机会? Suppression!” “镇压!” Suppression!” “镇压!” In the shouts out sound, the Djinn palm and scarlet flame long spear leaves again. 大喝声之中,巨灵手掌和赤炎长枪再出。 Finally two peerless expert also in panic-stricken extremely, by palace Divine General Gao Diping to the seal strength, had been suppressed, falls from void, was inhaled in that fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, buried in the hot rock magma thoroughly. 最后两个绝世强者也在惊骇万分之中,被宫神将高地平给封印了实力,镇压了下来,从虚空之中掉落下来,被吸入了那地火幽泉剑坑之中,彻底埋在了地火岩浆之中。 At this time, in sky, only remaining Yan Buhui. 这个时候,天空之中,就只剩下了一个燕不回 Later generation boy, arrives in fire quiet spring, well reconsideration.” Gao Diping palm, the Djinn god's hand appears once again, the revolution thunder and lightning flame, expedites the fearful rule, reverses Space-Time , turned round to press toward Yan Buhui. “后辈小子,去到地火幽泉之中,好好反思吧。”高地平手掌一番,巨灵神之手再度出现,运转雷电火焰,催生可怕规则,扭转时空,朝着燕不回覆压了下去。 Yan Buhui goes crazy to fly in vain, eye pupil bone-chilling cold. 燕不回白发狂飞,眼眸凛冽。 On his face, presents a strange smile. 他的脸上,出现一丝诡异的微笑。 Finally was pure, does not have trash that these were in the way, we come well a war again, Ha Ha Ha, Gao Diping, palace Divine General, your strength, is mediocre......” Yan Buhui not to draw back instead enters, face upwards to laugh wildly, one generation of ruthless breadth of spirit showing, has revealed the genuine maneating fang. “终于清净了,没有了这些碍事的垃圾,我们再来好好一战吧,哈哈哈,高地平,宫神将,你的实力,也不过如此嘛……”燕不回不退反进,仰天狂笑,一代狠人的气魄彰显,露出了真正的凶悍獠牙。 --------- --------- Once Carvin, enters in small black room to court death simply. 一旦卡文,进入小黑屋里简直就是找死。 The morning to the present, comes out. 上午到现在,才出来。 Do not scold are young. 你们别骂小吧了。
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