IGE :: Volume #5

#435: This flower is completely blossomless

When the development this degree, making one stare dumbfounded, everywhere was disclosing strangely. 局势发展到这种程度,令人瞠目结舌之余,处处都透露着诡异。 Let alone palace wall imperial capital, even if the ordinary common people's family, if some people kick up a fuss in the entrance, will alarm the mole cricket of guarding the door to bark wildly, but sky over imperial capital the battle formation, said that now a startled day power is not overrated, the Snow Country major influences, actually do not have the slight sound! 别说皇城帝都,就算是普通的平民之家,如果有人在门口大吵大闹,都会惊动了看门的土狗狂吠,但现在帝都上空的这种阵势,说一句惊天动力也不为过,雪国各大势力,竟然没有丝毫的动静! Ye Qingyu looks that in the sky that billowing such as the wave general black demonic fog monster said that mood unprecedentedly awful. 叶青羽看着天空中那滚滚如浪一般的黑色妖雾妖云,心情前所未有地糟糕。 The matter develops this step, has surpassed him to estimate completely from the beginning. 事情发展到这一步,已经完全超出了他一开始的估计。 That smelly monkey definitely is planning me, he instigates me to get rid, root originally to ignite, now the fire was selects, finally actually burnt was too prosperous, the basic control did not chat, this smelly monkey played with fire doubtful **, by fire burning, me now what to do?” “那个臭猴子肯定是在算计我啊,他怂恿我出手,根本就是为了点火,现在火是点起来了,结果却烧的太旺,根本控制不聊了,这臭猴子自己疑似玩火**,已经被火给烧死了,我现在怎么办?” At present this situation, to be honest, Ye Qingyu some are not calm. 眼前这种局势,说实话,叶青羽有些不淡定了。 Peerless expert appear successively, palace Divine General Gao Diping this existence came, always felt that today's matter everywhere is passing strangely, who knows that what expert will then have to appear? 一个个绝世强者先后出现,宫神将高地平这种存在都现身了,总感觉今天的事情处处都透着诡异,谁知道接下来还会有什么样的强者出现? This all beyond control feeling, is very not good. 这种一切都无法控制的感觉,真的很不好。 Ye Qingyu has a strange intuition, probably today the emergence of this aspect, is causes by oneself completely, in fact Sect remnant that Human Race, Demon Race and Barbarian Race these try to resurge, hides in major influence later Power of darkness, for today was preparing, to anticipate the too long too long time. 叶青羽有一种奇怪的直觉,好像今日这种局面的出现,并非完全是由自己引起的,实际上不论是人族妖族蛮族还是那些试图死灰复燃的宗门余孽,还有一些隐藏在各大势力之后的黑暗力量,都在为今天准备着,已经期待了太长太长的时间。 In the sky, thunders intermittently. 天空之中,轰鸣阵阵。 Ye Qingyu anything cannot do now, can only wait. 叶青羽现在什么也做不了,只能等待。 The only good news is, Bright God palace the strength under of place fire quiet spring, seriously is continuous inexhaustible, constantly emerges, before letting, because the major expert bombardments become in imminent danger Class silver bright Stimulates to movement, is once again impregnable, at once, Ye Qingyu did not need to be worried for this actually. 唯一的好消息是,光明神殿之下的地火幽泉的力量,当真是绵绵不绝无穷无尽,不断地涌现出来,让之前因为各大强者轰击而变得岌岌可危的【流银光明阵】重新催动,再度固若金汤,一时之间,叶青羽倒是不用为这个担心了。 Outside Bright City. 光明城外。 Lost four hawk a group of people without a leader about ten thousand imperial guards, at this time is also at an extremely awkward condition. 失去了四鹰群龙无首的近万禁军,此时也处于一种极为尴尬的状态。 Without the military order, they cannot retreat. 没有军令,他们不能撤退。 However attacks and cannot attack. 但是攻又攻不进去。 If the normal fight, at this time, in the time first-level high-ranking military officers by armed forces took over control of the military affairs, even if were the commanding general died in battle, orders methodically will also send arrange to go, after all this was the empire Elite imperial guard, but this military order from the Right Minister palace, in the Right Minister palace had still not had the new military order to transmit, high-ranking military officers who temporarily took over control of the military affairs, does not dare to order to withdraw in light of this. 如果是正常的战斗,这个时候,由军中的次一级将官接管军务,就算是主将阵亡,一条条命令也会有条不紊地发布下去,毕竟这是帝国精锐禁军,但这一次军令从右相府中出,至今右相府中还未有新的军令传来,暂时接管军务的将官们,也不敢下令就此后撤。 But the fearful fight in sky, they watch. 而天空之中的可怕战斗,他们都看在眼里。 At this time only then prayed, in sky these just like deity common great people, fight time controls own strength, or is changes a place to hit, do not affect the ground, even if otherwise composes defense armed forces, more than 10,000 imperial guards must be annihilated. 此时只有祈祷,天空之中那些宛如神仙一般的大人物们,打架的时候控制好自己的力量,或者是换一个地方去打,千万不要波及地面,否则即便是组成防御军阵,这10000多禁军也要全军覆没。 Facing true expert, ordinary army root originally is the flying ash is ordinary, but well-equipped single body strength outstanding imperial guard, ten thousand people gather the strength armed forces, is very difficult to resist. 面对真正的强者,普通军队根本就是飞灰一般脆弱,而装备精良单体实力出众的禁军,又有万人蓄力的军阵,也很难抵挡。 ...... …… ...... …… Cannot think that Gao Diping unexpectedly is that sweeping the floor deaf person.” “想不到高地平竟然就是那个扫地聋子。” In secret room. 密室之中。 Jinding crown prince Yu Feiyan look surprised to the extreme. 金顶亲王鱼非言神色惊讶到了极点。 In the past that person vanished, his subordinates manpower, you should pay attention, good today's all parties gather, although this Gao Diping has pricked the hand, but was also insufficient unable to restrain......” “当年那人消失,他麾下的人手,你应该多加注意的,还好今日各方聚集,这个高地平虽然扎手了一些,但还不至于无法约束……” In jade candle that dragging of secret room corner, sound/noise transmits once again. 密室墙角的那根摇曳的玉色蜡烛里,声音再度传来。 God causes not to know, in the past after that war-god vanished, I sent for winning over his subordinates palace business corner/horn to draft feather five big Divine General, the hateful these five people were not adopted by us, but also once said the boastful talk, similarly the shame in me, was despised the shame has the Right Minister palace and other major influences, it is said even/including Xuedi kissed, cannot subdue them, provoked all parties' anger, afterward I united some people, once made some preparations, the desire removed these five people, who knows that the action program, these five people have not vanished with enough time unexpectedly overnight, These years, are not only I, are tracing these five people of whereabouts including the Right Minister palace, but do not have the message throughout lost to view, probably they melted really same in Between Heaven and Earth......” “神使有所不知道,当年那位战神消失之后,我曾经派人拉拢过他麾下的宫商角徵羽五大神将,可恨这五人都不为我所用,还曾口出狂言,羞辱于我,同样被鄙夷羞辱的还有右相府等各大势力,据说连雪帝亲出,都未能收服他们,激起了各方的愤怒,后来我联合了一些人,曾做了一些准备,欲将这五人都除掉,谁知道还未来得及实施计划,这五人竟然也在一夜之间消失了,这些年,不仅仅是我,连右相府都在追查这五人的下落,但始终杳无音讯,好像他们真的融化在了天地之间一样……” That candle respectful tunnel of Yu Feiyan to secret room. 鱼非言对密室之中的那根蜡烛恭敬地道。 The candlelight twinkle of candle, wax tears flow one after another, but no matter how burns, this only then finger of long white wax, throughout has not actually seen gets down short slightly, as if can never burn to be the same. 蜡烛的烛光闪烁,蜡泪一滴一滴地流淌下来,但不管如何燃烧,这根只有一指长的白蜡,却始终未见矮下去丝毫,仿佛永远都燃烧不完一样。 Yu Feiyan then said: „The person in Bright City, This King once sent for investigating, has not thought...... Has not thought of the Gao Diping unexpectedly incarnation for this bad old man...... The gods cause, palace Divine General strength is immeasurably deep, if he gets rid, today's aspect, only feared that is......” 鱼非言接着道:“光明城之中的人,本王都曾派人排查过,没想到……没想到高地平竟然化身为这个糟老头子……神使,宫神将实力深不可测,如果他出手,今日的局面,只怕是……” Might as well, Heaven Wasteland Domain after is only inferior domain, the Century beforehand matter, will not develop again, that person is not, five big Divine General get together, cannot change the bureau of today, when the domain channel opens, I teach expert to lower the true body, all will unravel!” That white wax candlelight twinkle, extremely assured tunnel. “无妨,天荒界毕竟只是一个下等界域而已,百年之前的事情,不会再演,那人不在,五大神将齐聚,也不能改变今日之局,等到界域通道开启,我教强者降下真身,一切都会灰飞烟灭!”那白蜡烛光闪烁,极为笃定地道。 On the Yu Feiyan face appears pleasantly surprised color, is trying the [say / way]: That This King when the time comes......” 鱼非言脸上现出惊喜之色,顿了顿,又试着道:“那本王到时候……” He He,” white wax candlelight has dragged slowly, the sound/noise belt smiles, said: Crown prince Your Highness felt relieved that I once had complied with your matter, certainly will achieve, my white clouds send in Shan Haijie In, is ultra first-grade big Sect, has the non- world mystique , to promote your strength, will pat Unparalleled expert , helping you to put down entire Heaven Wasteland Domain, when the time comes, no matter Barbarian Race, Demon Race or Human Race, must submit to your under foot, you will achieve wishes into the Heaven Wasteland Domain first male lord, but my white clouds faction only needs you to be able according to the treaty of alliance, every year offers the sufficient resources.” “呵呵,”白蜡烛光缓缓地摇曳了起来,声音带笑,道:“亲王殿下放心,我曾答应过你的事情,一定会做到,我白云派在【山海界】之中,是超一等的大宗门,有不世秘法,提升你的实力,也会拍下无双强者,助你扫平整个天荒界,到时候,不管是蛮族妖族还是人族,都得臣服于你的脚下,你会如愿成为天荒界第一雄主,而我白云派只需要你能够按照盟约,每年进献足够的资源而已。” Yu Feiyan bows hastily, on handsome face, full is the happy expressions, said: That many thanks the god caused Sir...... However, the incident, I somewhat am worried......” 鱼非言连忙躬身,英俊的脸上,满满都是笑意,道:“那就多谢神使大人了……不过,还有一事,我有些担心……” The white wax shakes, candlelight Ying Ying, said: You said.” 白蜡摇动,烛光莹莹,道:“你说。” My present Cultivation Base, in this Snow Country, although can also be considered as on gains a footing, but cannot Kaing all people, in present Royal Family, several people, I not be their matches after all, and god enabled you also saying that these time was not only the white clouds sends Venerable to lower brightly, Shan Haijie Other large amounts, some people will draw support from the strength of domain to arrive, naturally, these people do not need me to cope, but they get rid to me accidentally, the strength of my not self-preservation, if there is a mishap...... Moreover, if I want rein Snow Country Royal Family, dominates other clans, besides wrist, the sect needs some true strength......” “我如今的修为,在这雪国之中,虽然也能算得上是占据一席之地,但毕竟不能盖镇所有人,如今的皇族之中,有几个人,我不是他们对手,且神使您也说了,这一次不仅仅是白云派有神尊降下,还有【山海界】的其他大宗,也有人会借助界域之力降临,当然,这些人不用我去对付,但万一他们对我出手,我并无自保之力,万一有所不测……而且,我若想要统御雪国皇室,凌驾其他各族,除了手腕之外,宗还是需要一些真正的实力……” Yu Feiyan is off and on, spoke these words very much tactfully. 鱼非言断断续续,很委婉地说了这一段话。 Then, he calmly looks at this similarly static combustion the white candle. 说完,他静静地看着这只同样静静燃烧的白色蜡烛。 The white wax candlelight sparkles, silent a long time. 白蜡烛光闪闪,沉默了很长的一段时间。 After long time. 半晌之后。 I understood your meaning,” the candlelight of white candle peaceful, is slowly typical: Your worry, is by no means unreasonable, but the domain channel has not opened now thoroughly, my true body has not arrived thoroughly, is only a projection, before is unable such as, such that said that uses the mystique, making your strength leap enters above heavenly ascension, most also makes your strength grow to the Ascending Heaven Boundary peak.” “我明白了你的意思,”白色蜡烛的烛光安静了下来,缓缓地道:“你的担忧,也并非是没有道理,但如今界域通道还未彻底开辟,我的真身还未彻底降临,只是一句投影,无法如之前所说的那样,施展秘法,让你实力一跃进入登天之上,最多也只是让你实力增长到登天境巅峰而已。” Ascending Heaven Boundary peak?” In the pupil of Yu Feiyan, there is a strange color to glitter, said: Also reluctantly can suppress some people, the invited god causes, troubled you.” 登天境巅峰?”鱼非言的眸子里,有奇异的色彩在闪烁,顿了顿,道:“也勉强可以镇压一些人了,有请神使施法,麻烦您了。” White candlelight hesitant moment, said: I, if pays, you must remember your commitment, if perfidious, suffers the martial arts scourge surely, its consequence you should be very clear.” 白色烛光犹豫片刻,道:“我若付出,你需牢记自己的承诺,若是背信弃义,必定遭受武道天谴,其后果你自己心里应该很清楚的。” This asked the god to cause to feel relieved that I had pledged by my martial arts source, how to be perfidious.” Yu Feiyan stern [say / way]. “这个请神使放心,我已经以自己的武道本源发过誓,怎么会背信弃义。”鱼非言正色道。 Good, your luck with rapt attention, revolution inner yuan , to continue my supernatural power.” “好,你运气凝神,运转内元,承接我的神力吧。” The candlelight sparkles, one group of flame have divided from this white wax candlelight. 烛光闪闪,一团火焰从这白蜡烛光中分了出来。 This group of flame in airborne floating long, the light color congealed gradually, changed to a longan size the creamy white Shikotan pill, wound around densely, resembling was nine dragonet encirclements is ordinary, the surface layer had the mist circulation, to the extreme, did not have what temperature marvelously, did not have what strength aura to fluctuate. 这一团火焰在空中飘飘悠悠,光色逐渐凝实了起来,化作一颗龙眼大小的乳白色丹丸,氤氲缭绕,似是九条小龙环绕一般,表层有云气流转,奇妙到了极点,没有什么温度,也没有什么力量气息浮动。 On the Yu Feiyan face reveals a happy expression, gasping swallowed down this white Shikotan pill. 鱼非言脸上露出一丝喜色,张口将这颗白色丹丸吞了下去。 ...... …… First Divine General in five big Divine General appeared, he he, good, good, good......” gloomy hoarse sound/noise, passes from the black mist form, its personal appearance is glittering just like the dim light generally, in vault of heaven that on the crystal ball in hand, seal shoots picture of that fight. “五大神将中的第一神将出现了,呵呵,好,好,好啊……”阴沉嘶哑的声音,从黑色雾气身影之中传出来,它的身形宛如幽光一般闪烁着,手中的水晶球上,印射出来的正是天穹之中那场战斗的画面。 Side, the scarlet veil young girl said: Teacher, that Gao Diping is so tyrannical, Radiant Palace Hall only feared that stood firm, regarding us, big disadvantage?” 身边,红衣面纱少女道:“师尊,那高地平如此强横,光明殿只怕是稳住了吧,对于我们来说,岂不是大大的不利?” Jie Jie Jie Jie, where has is so easy to defend this Radiant Palace Hall......” shadow to transform the shape crazily, said: Lets the fellow who Demon Race and Barbarian Race these straight brains pass through, compels the Radiant Palace Hall final strength, ties down these Radiant Palace Hall dying embers ash fires, we really have the opportunity!” “桀桀桀桀,哪里有那么容易守住这光明殿……”黑影疯狂地变换着形状,道:“让妖族蛮族那些直脑经的家伙,逼出光明殿最后的力量,缠住这些光明殿的死灰余烬,我们才真的有机会!” ...... …… In Right Minister palace. 右相府中。 Before the flower garden. 花圃前。 An old person of cotton garment is watering flowers in facial color tranquilly. 一身布衣的老人正在面色平静地浇花。 In the sky monster cloud tumbles, thunderclap is fierce, extinguishes the shape of world just like one school, but this old person just likes has not actually heard to be the same, his cotton garment Ma Xie, the ordinary old man dresses up generally, a hand is carrying the wooden barrel, a hand holds down a fustic wood bottle gourd to split the system the wooden scoop, bit by bit ladles water. 天空之中妖云翻滚,霹雳烈烈,宛如一派灭世之状,但这老人却恍若未闻一样,他布衣麻鞋,普通老者一般的打扮,一只手拎着木桶,一只手按住一颗黄木葫芦剖制的瓢,一点一点地舀水。 In flower garden is not the precious flowers and plants, is not spirit herbs. 花圃中的也不是什么名贵的花卉,更不是灵草 Actually is the entire three ridge most common chrysanthemums. 却是整整三垄最为寻常的菊花。 At present is not season that the stamen and pistil is in full bloom, but in the careful care of long time after tople days old person, these three ridge chrysanthemum branches and leaves was green every day, the flower bud has bred tremblingly, looked like cannot cross on the several th again, must be in full bloom to spit the pistil. 眼下不是花蕊盛开的时节,但是经过这些日子老人每日里长时间的细心照料,这三垄菊花枝叶苍翠肥美,花骨朵已经颤巍巍地孕育出来,看起来再过不了几日,就要怒放吐蕊了。 Wears god armor extremely expert, stands beyond flower garden Bai Baimi, the facial color is anxious, actually does not dare to come to disturb this old person to manipulate the flowers and plants. 极为身披神甲的强者,站在花圃白百米之外,面色焦躁,却又不敢过来打扰这老人摆弄花草。 Irrigated thoroughly three ridge flowers, the old person slowly vented anger, placed one side the bucket, oneself have scooped up one scoop of water, gurgle gurgle has drunk several, has moistened the water drop including the grayish white beard on. 足足将三垄花都浇透了,老人才缓缓地出了一口气,将水桶放在一边,自己舀了一瓢水,咕嘟咕嘟喝了几口,连灰白的胡子上都沾了水珠。 „It is not in the flower is partial to it, this flower is completely blossomless!” “不是花中偏爱它,此花开尽更无花!” The old person throws down the water ladle, smiled, gains ground to have a look at the day, thought that time nearly , this turns round to beckon with the hand, said: Now has been OK, tells Mr. Qin and Mr. Yu, making them go about something with a free hand.” 老人丢下水瓢,笑了笑,抬头看看天,觉得时间差不多了,这才回身摆摆手,道:“现在可以了,去告诉秦先生和俞先生,让他们放手去做吧。” At the same time is irritable was waiting for the general, hears these words, finally relaxed, cups one hand in the other across the chest to receive an order, turns around to leave. 一边急躁等待着的将军,听到这句话,终于松了一口气,拱手领命,转身离开。 The old person looks is green at present the lush chrysanthemum leaf, sighed. 老人看着眼前苍翠肥美的菊叶,叹了一口气。 Right and wrong success or failure, in this at one fell swoop.” “是非成败,在此一举。” -------------- -------------- Second 第二更
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