IGE :: Volume #5

#434: Entirely suppression

Said goodbye after more than one year, the Yan Buhui elegant demeanor was more abundant, natural as before. 时隔一年多再见,燕不回风采更盛,潇洒如旧。 He forever looks like the shiqiba-year-old appearance, young , and courage vigor such as Ocean is ordinary, his slender form that white long robe, serves as contrast steady such as will do the curving javelin equally to be never straight, the white long hair likely was in the snow emperor waist peak that silent thousands of year cold ice white snows, under the similarly silver white straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards, in a pair of pupil, was containing forever was ice-cold, as well as in all taunts and contemptuous regarding this world. 他永远看起来都只有十七八岁的样子,年轻且血气如汪洋一般旺盛,一袭白色的长袍,衬托的他修长的身影稳如一干永远不会弯曲的标枪一样笔直,白色长发像是雪帝腰峰上那沉默了千万年的寒冰白雪,同样银白的剑眉之下,一双眸子里,蕴含着的永远都是冰冷,以及对于这个世界上一切的嘲讽和轻蔑。 Past Youyan Pass peerless talent, even might be considered as the entire Snow Country Human Race first talent. 昔日幽燕关的绝世天才,甚至堪称是整个雪国人族的第一天才。 Present Snow Ground Demon Court military authority high-ranking court official. 如今的雪地妖庭军权重臣。 He appears in the sky, astral wind moves his white long hair, that beautiful nearly on beautiful and bewitching face, is having the light smile, lets this in history Human Race biggest rebel, scholarly pretty like is one reads the student of poetry book full quiet. 他出现在天空之中,罡风撩动他的白色长发,那美丽近乎于妖冶的脸上,带着淡淡的微笑,让这位有史以来人族最大的叛逆,儒雅俊秀的像是一个饱读诗书的书生一样静谧。 Ye Qingyu in the ground, sees this time, in the heart does not know that is anything felt. 叶青羽在地面上,看到这一幕的时候,心中也不知道是个什么感觉。 Since the past storm icefield saw this person, Ye Qingyu once was startled is a beauty, afterward knew when this person of status and story, shock, was very fond to put on the white long robe peerless talent regarding this similarly, in the heart also somewhat sympathized and regretted faintly. 自从当年的暴雪冰原一见此人,叶青羽就曾惊为天人,后来知道了这人的身份和故事,震惊之余,对于这位同样酷爱穿白色长袍的绝世天才,心中隐隐还有几分同情和遗憾。 Ye Qingyu once had also imagined, reason that Yan Buhui betrays Human Race, perhaps has no recourse to have no way out, perhaps suffered the non- world wrongful treatment, or is the pretended surrender stratagem seizes the important matter...... 叶青羽还曾想象过,燕不回之所以背叛人族,或许是迫不得已走投无路,或许是蒙受了不世冤屈,或者是诈降谋夺大事…… The time passes, assassinates Lu Zhaoge along with Yan Buhui, gives the Human Race army to cause heavy losses along with this Demon Race high-ranking court official places, Ye Qingyu starts to understand that all are their fantasy, the fact is most brutal ice-cold that 只是时间流逝,随着燕不回刺杀陆朝歌,随着这位妖族重臣一次次地给予人族大军以重创,叶青羽就开始明白,那一切都是自己的幻想而已,事实就是最残酷冰冷的那个 Yan Buhui revolted. 燕不回是真的叛了。 Each matter that he handles, does not allow the slight leeway to oneself. 他所做的每一件事情,都不给自己留丝毫的余地。 Today comes at this time, can participate these in view of the Radiant Palace Hall war in? 今天又在这个时候现身,是要参与到这一场针对光明殿的大战之中去吗? Ye Qingyu at heart, there is a light disappointment. 叶青羽的心里,有一种淡淡的失望。 In sky. 天空中。 Young, the tone is not small, who are you?” Su old man vented anger tremblingly, upper eyelids select slightly, quite the same as not this Snow Ground Demon Court heavy will pay attention. “年纪轻轻,口气不小,你是谁?”苏老头颤巍巍地出了一口气,上眼皮微微一挑,浑然不将这位雪地妖庭的重将放在眼里。 Nether world has the blood swallow, soars to the heavens does not return.” Yan Buhui bright sound track. “幽冥有血燕,冲霄再不回。”燕不回朗声道。 „? Yan Buhui?” Su old man nodded, is looking pensive typical: Originally you were that received the little grievance, got angry the kid who did not recognize the parents, he he, had heard long ago your matter, this blubbering compared with child will might as well, can live unexpectedly now, but also since dares to be known as the Youyan Pass Century first talent, was really the joke, what's wrong? Has had the Demon Race food, has drunk the Demon Race milk, has rested the Demon Race female monster, the body inside Senegal , Guinea piece broken monster bone, really thinks one can righteous scolded the own parents again?” “哦?燕不回?”苏老头点了点头,若有所思地道:“原来你就是那个受了一点点委屈,就翻脸不认爹妈的小屁孩啊,呵呵,早年间听说过你的事情,这种又哭又闹比小孩子还不如的心志,居然能够活到现在,还敢号称幽燕关百年以来的第一天才,真的是笑话啊,怎么?吃了妖族的饭,喝了妖族的奶,睡了妖族的母妖,身体里面塞几片破妖骨头,就真的以为自己可以理直气壮的再来骂亲身爹娘了?” Such remarks, in the eye pupil of Yan Buhui, there is a cold ice sharp sword common point, instantaneous twinkle. 此话一出,燕不回的眼眸里,有寒冰利剑一般的锋芒,瞬间闪烁。 However he lightly smiled finally, said: Past palace Divine General Gao Diping, only remaining does one open mouth now? If did not have the strength, rolled to, here strong from over, read in your age, kept your life, had a look at this Between Heaven and Earth, how was just the samsara.” 不过他最终还是淡淡地笑了笑,道:“当年的宫神将高地平,现在也只剩下一张嘴了吗?如果没有力气了,就滚到一边去吧,不要在这里强自出头,念在你一把年纪,留你一条命,看看这天地之间,公道如何轮回。” Ha Ha Ha Ha......” 哈哈哈哈……” Su old man raised head to laugh. 苏老头仰头大笑了起来。 „Does kid, bully me to be aged?” On his face shows wild look. “小家伙,欺我老迈吗?”他脸上露出狂放的神色。 Next split second, Mr. Su the body raises suddenly, in the joint passed on the strange sound, the lumbodorsal region of originally rickets suddenly straight, a strange aura filled the air in his body, in an instant, his originally fold like the cedrat flesh, suddenly became fair smooth, an uncombed hair also became at the naked eye obvious speed thick jet black, in an instant hung the waist border on the growth, such as the waterfall scattered generally. 一瞬间,苏老头身躯陡然之间拔高,骨节里传出来噼里啪啦的怪异声响,原本佝偻的腰背突然笔直了起来,一种奇异的气息在他的身体里弥漫,转眼之间,他身上原本褶皱如橘皮般的肌肤,骤然变得白皙光滑了起来,一头乱发也以肉眼可见的速度变得浓密漆黑了起来,转眼之间就生长垂到了腰际,如飞瀑一般流散。 On his face these are black Lao Pi who and wrinkles, like was the python ecdysis has fallen off instantaneously, revealed edges and corners to be distinct, heroic spirit was full, has about 20 -year-old young facial casts, the heavy features, the nose wide mouth was extravagant, one type rushed is similar to the endless Ocean general vitality vitality, has filled the air from his body. 他脸上那些又黑又皱的老皮,也像是蟒蛇蜕皮一样瞬间脱落了下来,露出一张棱角分明、英气十足,只有20岁左右的年轻的脸庞,浓眉大眼,鼻宽口阔,一种澎湃如同无尽汪洋一般的气血生机,从他的身体里弥漫了出来。 In the Yan Buhui eye, presented the color of shock finally. 燕不回的眼中,终于出现了震惊之色。 But at the same time clouds in big monster Wang Longhang, then panic-stricken of face, even starts to retrocede slightly. 而在一边的大妖王龙行云,则一脸的惊骇,甚至开始微微后退。 If beforehand Mr. Su he does not know, then this heavy features the image of tall and strong young people, regarding him, was really too familiar was too at present familiar, inscribed simply in his soul, in more than 80 years ago days and nights, the shadow of this person, was Dragon Hangyun the nightmare nightmare is the same throughout. 如果说之前的苏老头他真的不认识的话,那么眼前这个浓眉大眼的魁梧年轻人的形象,对于他来说,实在是太熟悉太熟悉了,简直就是铭刻在了他的灵魂之中,在80多年之前的一个个日日夜夜里,这个人的影子,始终是龙行云的噩梦梦魇一样。 Because south the Snow Country army crush area, the Radiant Palace Hall influence took the cutting edge in the past, five big Divine General places visited, do not know that cut to kill many waters big monsters, Dragon Hangyun initially the magic arts also penetrating inside story has not become, once saw with one's own eyes has four big monster kings to besiege palace Divine General Gao Diping, finally actually fell three dead first level wounds fates. 因为当年雪国大军碾压南方疆域,光明殿势力作为先锋,五大神将所过之处,不知道斩杀了多少水域大妖,龙行云当初道法还未彻底蕴成,曾亲眼看到过有四大妖王围攻宫神将高地平,结果却落了个三死一重伤的下场。 The big monster of that severe wound, is Dragon Hangyun the teacher. 那个重伤的大妖,正是龙行云的师尊。 The teachers run away assign, actually after is less than three years, was incurable and dead on the severe wound, Cultivation Base sorceries and all rare book treasures, passed to Dragon Hangyun, Dragon Hangyun has been able to rise at one fell swoop, in less than 40 years, became hurricane wave Demon Court one of the ten big monster kings. 师尊逃得一命,却在回去之后不到三年时间,就重伤不治身亡,将一身的修为妖法和所有的秘籍瑰宝,都传给了龙行云,龙行云才能一举崛起,在不到40年的时间里,成为了飓浪妖庭的十大妖王之一。 Although there are to kill the enmity of master, but witnessed in the past the dragon line that fights said that regarding fear of palace Divine General Gao Diping, is actually the thorough marrow, in the past his teacher four people jointly attacked, finally actually the disastrous defeat, Dragon Hangyun pondered, oneself present Cultivation Base, slightly has the victory compared with the teacher peak, but actually also absolutely was not palace Divine General this level the match of person. 虽说是有杀师之仇,但当年目睹了那一战的龙行云,对于宫神将高地平的畏惧,却是深入骨髓,当年他师尊四人合击,最后却惨败,龙行云自忖,自己如今的修为,比师尊巅峰时期略有胜出,但却也绝对不是宫神将这种层次的人的对手。 Saw with own eyes Gao Diping instantaneous recovery to years past the condition of prosperous time, in Dragon Hangyun the heart, immediately produces has drawn back intent. 眼见高地平瞬间恢复到了昔年鼎盛时期的状态,龙行云的心中,立刻就产生了退意。 But was late. 但已经迟了。 Ha Ha Ha, since came, that entirely suppressed.” 哈哈哈,既然都已经现身了,那就统统镇压了。” recovery the condition of young prosperous time, present Mr. Su must change to call palace Divine General Gao Diping, he smiles loudly, lifts the hand, that side was reduced by the snow-capped mountain black water witch prince's metal witch Divine Law body of hot leaf cling instantaneously, changed to light group of one group of fist sizes, was pinched by him in the hand. 恢复了年轻鼎盛时候的状态,如今的苏老头要改称之为宫神将高地平了,他大声地笑着,一抬手,那边被火树叶卷住的白山黑水巫王金一的巫神法身瞬间缩小,化作了一团拳头大小的光团,被他捏在手中。 Suppression!” “镇压!” His shouts out, backhands a pressure. 他一声大喝,反手一压。 This fist big light rolls, directly had been pressed, has fallen into place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng under below Bright God palace. 这个拳头大的光团,就被直接压了下去,掉进了下方光明神殿之下的地火幽泉剑坑之中。 Fights!” “来战!” recovery Gao Diping of true self, imposing manner heroic Unparalleled, has murdered to the extreme decisively, both hands in void, during the flame flicking, scarlet red long spear appeared in the hand, wrist shook slightly, the spear|gun's body sent out the buzzing rapid high-frequency vibrato, the spear|gun glow just like the urgent telegram, the point approaches big monster Wang Longhang to say. 恢复了本来面目的高地平,气势豪迈无双,杀伐果断到了极点,双手在虚空之中一拉,火焰闪烁之中,一杆赤红色的长枪就出现在了手中,手腕微微一震,枪身发出蜂鸣般的急促高频颤音,枪芒宛如急电,点向了大妖王龙行云。 „......” Dragon good cloud has not fought is timid first, the personal appearance draws back anxiously. “啊……”龙行云未战先怯,身形急退。 Ha Ha Ha Ha, Century is born again, Demon Race monster king, is only the liquor pouch rice sack? Who dares with my independently war?” Gao Diping laughs, the crazy condition completely reveals, long spear draws the mysterious arc just like the scarlet red dragon in void very much, unexpectedly is spear head one revolution, attacked to Yan Buhui. 哈哈哈哈哈,一百年来再出世,妖族妖王,也只是酒囊饭袋吗?谁敢与我放手一战?”高地平大笑,狂态尽显,长枪宛如赤红色很龙在虚空之中划出奥妙弧线,竟是枪头一转,攻向了燕不回 The spear|gun glow sprinkles, seems the everywhere dark red stars covers is the same, both covers Dragon Hangyun and Yan Buhui two big expert. 枪芒洒出,仿佛是漫天暗红星辰笼罩一样,将龙行云和燕不回两大强者都笼罩在其中。 He must to fight two. 他要以一战二。 In the Yan Buhui double pupil, the cold brightness such as the dark night stars glitter generally, suddenly the spookiness that the whole body erupts lead Yun Yiban, the pressure four directions, red of sky, the corvinus spookiness rolling appears in a twinkling, blocks the sky, scary to the extreme. 燕不回双眸之中,寒光如暗夜星辰一般闪烁,浑身骤然爆发出铅云一般的妖气,威压四方,霎时间天空之红,乌黑色的妖气滚滚出现,遮天蔽日,骇人到了极点。 You must fight, that then fights! The Space-Time monster spirits, comes out to me!” “你要战,那便战!时空妖灵,给我出来!” With Yan Buhui the sound of shouts out, in endless demonic black cloud, the demonic fog rises suddenly. 随着燕不回大喝之声,无尽的黑色妖云之中,妖雾暴涨。 A huge incomparable spookiness monster walked spirit loudly, the contour just like the ancient times giant, the whole body the pitch-black mail-armor and helmet that wanted the spookiness to compose, like was one is corroded the innumerable year of breakage rock statue of by the years, the surface layer was slurred, but had superhuman, fiercely to the extreme. 一个巨大无比的妖气妖灵轰然走了出来,外形宛如远古巨人,浑身要妖气组成的乌黑甲胄,像是一尊被岁月侵蚀了无数年的破损岩石雕像一样,表层模糊不清,但却身有三头六臂,狰狞到了极点。 Space-Time monster spirit huge mouth opens. 时空妖灵巨口张开。 In the mouth the monster different fearsome red glow tumbling, was the sky has cracked likely a scarlet red Space-Time crack. 口中妖异可怖的红芒翻滚,像是天空裂了了一道赤红色的时空裂缝。 The Yan Buhui personal appearance retroceded, submerges in the Space-Time monster spirit huge mouth. 燕不回身形后退,没入到了时空妖灵巨口之中。 Then this huge monster face upwards to roar spirit, a fist rumbles, has shelled the past toward palace Divine General Gao Diping. 然后这巨大的妖灵仰天咆哮,一拳轰出,朝着宫神将高地平轰击了过去。 Another side. 另一边。 Big monster Wang Longhang clouds that also roared, the water vapor demonic fog was shocking, the eight flood dragon heads after brain directly flew, transformed makes eight enough several thousand meters azure blue scales blue dragons, each smoked like a chimney, sprays various demonic fogs, gas clouds, flame, thunder and lightning wait / etc. monster strength, palace Divine General Gao Diping regarding, has slaughtered. 大妖王龙行云也一声咆哮,水汽妖雾震天,脑后的八条蛟龙头颅都直接飞了出来,幻化做八条足足数千米长的青靛色鳞甲苍龙,每一条都吞云吐雾,喷射各种妖雾、毒雾、火焰、雷电等等妖力,将宫神将高地平围绕在了其中,厮杀了起来。 A terrifying fierce battle, launches finally thoroughly. 一场恐怖的恶战,终于彻底展开。 In the imperial capital, the innumerable lives are trembling. 帝都之中,无数生灵都在瑟瑟发抖。 Looks supinely void, between the assorted spookiness fog tumbles, brilliance pasts, hangs upside down just like one storm Ocean in ten thousand meters upper air, the difficult situation tumbles, sometimes during has the huge monster to appear and disappear, reveals the towering corner/horn, that lofty such as mountain general Space-Time monster spirit head, or is the green great claw of giant scales blue dragon, tilts the demonic fog, enough made all people fearful and apprehensive...... 仰看虚空,之间各色妖气云雾翻滚,光华流转,宛如一片暴风汪洋倒挂在万米高空之中,惊涛骇浪翻滚,时有巨大妖出没其间,露出峥嵘一角,那巍巍如山一般的时空妖灵的头颅,或者是巨大鳞甲苍龙的青色巨爪,掀动妖雾,都足够令所有人胆战心惊…… In ground. 地面上。 Ye Qingyu does not know that should say any good. 叶青羽不知道该说什么好。 This Mr. Su, unexpectedly is such astonishing status. 这个苏老头,竟然是这么惊人的身份。 Why before , does not have anybody to know, properly speaking, five big Divine General status were in years past prominent magnificently, even if retires, is not a simple matter, even if retiring is hiding, it is estimated that will also leave behind the clues, in all general heart knows how things stand, but doesn't this Mr. Su on the stealth in Radiant Palace Hall, such long time, inside and outside the empire all thumb influence, actually know? 为什么以前却都没有任何人知道,按理来说,昔年五大神将的身份何等显赫辉煌,就算是退隐,也不是一件简单的事情,就算是退隐的在隐蔽,估计也会留下蛛丝马迹,各方大概心中都有数,可这个苏老头就隐身在光明殿中,这么长的时间,帝国内外各方巨擘势力,竟然都不知道? Moreover now *** made into pot gruel! 而且现在***都打成一锅粥了! Ye Qingyu thought that this matter was really too strange. 叶青羽觉得这事情实在是太奇怪了。 This is in Human Race imperial capital Snow Capital, is known as in entire Heaven Wasteland Domain to guard against the most stern great city, tens of millions imperial guards are stationed, innumerable formation make up during the earth and building and void, the innumerable Human Race masters gather here, in the past was a fly, so long as dared not to defer to the stipulation of Royal Family to fly, will be struck to kill instantaneously, now these Demon Race, Barbarian Race the great people, soon pierced the day, hasn't actually brought in slightly the sound? 这可是在人族帝都雪京之中啊,号称整个天荒界之中防备最为森严巨城,数千万禁军驻扎其中,无数阵法弥补在大地、建筑和虚空之中,无数的人族高手都聚集在这里,以往就算是一只苍蝇,只要敢不按照皇室的规定来飞行,都会被瞬间击杀,如今这些妖族啊、蛮族啊的大人物们,快要把天都捅破了,却还没有引来丝毫动静? Royal Family consecrates master expert of institute, the imperial guard of empire, did expert of military headquarters fall asleep? 难道皇室供奉院的高手强者,还有帝国的禁军,军部的强者们都睡着了吗? Died certainly? 还是都已经死绝了? ---------- ---------- First 第一更
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