IGE :: Volume #12

#1122: Nine the sword armed forces are positive

Opens City Lord, holds on a minute to begin.” “张城主,且慢动手。” The Nie Tiankong sound/noise vibration nighttime sky, is having an anxious meaning, the person is the same like Flowing Light, arrived at the Ye Qingyu side instantaneously. 聂天空声音震动夜空,带着一丝急切之意,人如流光一样,瞬间就来到了叶青羽的身边。 He behind also with several person's shadows. 他身后还跟着几个人影。 One of them is Linghu Buxiu. 其中之一就是令狐不修 Subordinate has seen Sir Nie.” The smiling face on Ye Qingyu face restrains instantaneously, turns around, first salutes. “属下见过聂大人。”叶青羽脸上的笑容瞬间收敛,转身,第一时间行礼。 Nie Tiankong relaxed, said: Opens the City Lord dispense with ceremony......” 聂天空松了一口气,道:“张城主免礼……” His look is really somewhat complex. 他的神色真的是有些复杂。 This Zhang Long Cheng too can do the matter, arrives at King City several days of time, mixed such big wind and rain, has towed including Zhen Yuan Palace, this is really a very marvelous skill, thinks that initially the fight in demon stone forest, again had a look at present one, Nie Tiankong not to know whether to laugh or cry. 这个张龙城实在是太能搞事了,才来到王城几天时间,就搅动了这么大的风雨,连镇远王府都拖了进来,这真的是一种很奇妙的本事啊,想一想当初魔石森林之中的战斗,再看看眼前的一幕,聂天空真的是哭笑不得。 Help, Marshal Nie, help...... Hum hum!” “救命,聂帅,救命啊……呜呜呜呜!” Wept and wailed the sound to get up. 哭喊声响起。 After seeing Nie Tiankong, finally returns to the one breath Princess Du Hua, like saw guardian the child of being wronged unexpectedly, did not give a thought to the status to weep bitterly facing the street, approached toward Nie Tiankong, regarded the liberator to be the same Nie Tiankong simply. 看到了聂天空之后,终于回过来一口气的毒花郡主,竟然像是见到了家长的受了委屈的小孩子一样,不顾身份地当街痛哭了起来,朝着聂天空靠近,简直就将聂天空当成了救星一样。 This by sinister is famous the palace princess stingily in King City, unexpectedly rude to present? 这个以毒辣心狠著称于王城之中的王府郡主,竟然失态至斯? Nie Tiankong has also held breath a cold air/Qi. 聂天空也是倒吸了一口冷气。 His doubt looked at Ye Qingyu. 他狐疑地看了看叶青羽 That look, a little small doubts, but also brought ambiguous of faint trace extremely not easy detection, probably was asking that your this fellow, what won't be will have handled not too chaste matter to others girls? 那种眼神,有点儿小小的疑惑,还带了一丝丝极不易察觉的暧昧,好像是在问,你这家伙,不会是对人家女孩子做了什么不太纯洁的事情吧? The Ye Qingyu associative compound, is very speechless. 叶青羽会意,然后很无语。 Sir Nie, this woman has the person to kill me,” all that the appearance that Ye Qingyu being filled with righteous indignation, will have a moment ago, have reported that said: Is nobilities' daughter, not the substantive post, dares to transfer the palace soldier, does not obey the command of martial law, and in the dark night kills the King City relay station, has killed the post assist, but also harmed you to mix to my ten sergeants, simply was lawless, Sir, according to the guardian King City regulation, this demonic girl should execute summarily.” “聂大人,这个女人带人来杀我,”叶青羽一副义愤填膺的样子,将刚才发生的一切,汇报了一下,道:“不过是王侯之女而已,并无实职,竟敢调动府兵,不遵戒严之令,且暗夜中袭杀王城驿站,杀了驿丞,还害了您调配给我的十名军士,简直就是无法无天,大人,按照守卫者王城的律法,这个妖女应该格杀勿论。” Ye Qingyu intentionally performance angry of. 叶青羽故意表现的很愤慨。 Not, this is the misunderstanding......” “不不不,这是误会……” Princess Du Hua is very distressed, a little has hair dishevelled. 毒花郡主无比狼狈,有点儿披头散发。 At this time, she looked that does not dare to look at Ye Qingyu one, in the neck also the clear hand imprints, as if also transmitted the intermittent chill in the air and dead air/Qi, she really ice-cold and that killing intent frightening collapsed by the Ye Qingyu beforehand powerful, toward Nie Tiankong by coming. 这个时候,她看都不敢看叶青羽一眼,脖子里还有一个清晰的手印,似乎还传来阵阵的寒意和死气,她委实是被叶青羽之前的强势冰冷和那种杀意给吓得崩溃了,一个劲儿地朝着聂天空靠过来。 Marshal Nie, before was my mistake, asking you to save me......” 聂帅,以前都是我的错,求你救救我……” The princess of this keeping aloof collapsed. 这位高高在上的郡主已经崩溃了。 Since she has been used to submitting to and flatteries of all people, is enjoying superiority feeling for long, had not been disobeyed, finally today some people dare to kill her unexpectedly, and has almost killed her, this unprecedented fearful experience, has routed her three views thoroughly, crushed her has seemed like the terror strong outer covering, making her drop from the cloud layer of keeping aloof. 一直以来,她习惯了所有人的屈从和奉承,享受着长久以来的优越感,从来都没有被人违逆过,结果今天竟然有人敢杀她,而且差一点杀了她,这种前所未有的可怕体验,彻底击溃了她的三观,击碎了她那看似恐怖坚强的外壳,让她从高高在上的云层中跌落了下来。 Sir Nie, this demonic girl vicious, cannot forgive this person lightly.” Ye Qingyu is insisting the tunnel at the same time. “聂大人,这妖女恶毒,不能轻饶此人。”叶青羽在一边坚持地道。 Nie Tiankong saw the Ye Qingyu look, in heart moves slightly, had haggling over. 聂天空看到叶青羽的神色,心中微微一动,有了计较。 He beckons with the hand, then looks to princess, said: Princess, you handles affairs tonight , was extremely crude, opens City Lord, although is first time comes King City, but he after all is also the title aristocrat, you actually have the person to kill him, this is you have the mistake in first, even if your status is honored, actually must pay some prices...... In guardian regulation according to King City, solution, only then, you need to fight with him.” 他摆摆手,然后看向郡主,道:“郡主,你今夜行事,也太过于鲁莽了,张城主虽然是第一次来王城,但他毕竟也是封号贵族,你竟然带人袭杀他,这是你有错在先,纵然你身份尊贵,却也要付出一些代价……按照王城之中的守卫者律法,解决办法,只有一个,你需要与他一战。” The conflict between title aristocrats, can indeed solve with this way. 封号贵族之间的争端,的确是可以用这种方式来解决。 Naturally, this is not the only solution. 当然,这并非是唯一的解决办法。 Reason that Nie Tiankong so said that naturally has his idea. 聂天空之所以如此说,当然是有他自己的想法。 Recently, Zhen Yuan King commanded the army to expedite Fire State, in King City, this Princess Du Hua performance rampancy of , everywhere did not oppose with Nie Tiankong, was places puts the ruthless words, did not pay attention to this King City person with newly acquired wealth, took this time matter, was only one had hit the minor matter of house slave, Nie Tiankong has acted to speak, in the Princess Du Hua surface complied, actually must cut to kill Ye Qingyu in secret, if this matter had been made by her , the face of that Nie Tiankong was also hit to be swollen, and dignity that with great difficulty was accumulating in King City, on. Must be damaged. 这些日子,镇远王率军远征火州,并不在王城之中,这个毒花郡主表现的很嚣张,处处与聂天空作对,更是一次次地放狠话,不将他这个王城新贵放在眼里,就拿这一次的事情来说,本来只是一个打了家奴的小事而已,聂天空都已经出面说话了,毒花郡主表面上答应下来,暗中却偏偏要斩杀叶青羽,这件事情若是真的被她做成了,那聂天空的脸也算是被打肿了,且连带着在王城之中好不容易累积下来的威严,就。要受损了。 Good, Sir, the subordinate is willing with this demonic girl alone war, the solution at this time.” Ye Qingyu coordinated, to pinch the fist very much, the ominous flame rose suddenly. “好,大人,属下愿意和这个妖女单独一战,解决此时。”叶青羽很配合,捏了捏拳头,凶焰暴涨。 What?” Princess Du Hua hear that, looked at Ye Qingyu subconsciously, immediately the body shivered, such as sees the viper to be the same, in the future will draw back, screamed: „, I do not see him, Marshal Nie, I have made a mistake, this time you must save me......” “什么?”毒花郡主闻言,下意识地看了一眼叶青羽,顿时身躯又颤抖了起来,如见蛇蝎一样,往后退,尖叫道:“不不不,我不要见到他,聂帅,我错了,这一次你一定要救救我……” She finally is also the intelligence, knows if tonight wants to maintain a livelihood, can save her person, had a Nie Tiankong person. 她总算是还有一丝聪明,知道今夜要想活命,能救她的人,就只有聂天空一个人了。 This......” Nie Tiankong does intentionally awkwardly. “这……”聂天空故作为难。 Ye Qingyu is also sneering, aggressive tunnel: „Weren't you before very rampant? Including the Marshal Nie words, does not place in the ear, thinks that can suppress all with the might, now such as the stray cur, is really feels for Zhen Yuan Palace disgraced...... Simply is the shame, is living doing, might as well die considering as finished.” 叶青羽也冷笑着,咄咄逼人地道:“你之前不是很嚣张吗?连聂帅的话,都不放在耳中,自以为可以用强权镇压一切,现在却如丧家之犬,真是替镇远王府感到丢人……简直就是耻辱,活着干什么,不如死了算了。” In his heart, has killing intent as before. 他的心中,依旧有杀意 Princess Du Hua gets rid too ruthlessly, cut to kill the innocent person in relay station. 毒花郡主出手太狠,斩杀了驿站中的无辜者。 Ye Qingyu is measuring actually. 叶青羽其实也在权衡。 If Nie Tiankong willpower is not very firm, he today, must cut to kill Princess Du Hua, after all this is a very good opportunity, before he said that about transformation, is actually in his chest the true meaning. 如果聂天空意志不是很坚定的话,那他今日,真的是要斩杀毒花郡主的,毕竟这是一个非常好的机会,包括之前他说的那番关于变革的话,其实是他的胸中真意。 „, Marshal Nie, does not save me, I am willing to accept all your conditions.” Princess Du Hua entreaty. “不不不,聂帅,救我,我愿意答应你一切条件。”毒花郡主哀求。 Nie Tiankong pondered over. 聂天空思忖。 He did not speak for a very long time. 他久久不说话。 Ye Qingyu approaches step by step. 叶青羽一步步地逼近。 Princess Du Hua soon frightened insanely: Marshal Nie, all discussed well that I can do many matters for you......” 毒花郡主快要吓疯了:“聂帅,一切都好商量,我可以为你做很多的事情……” Nie Tiankong nods in secret. 聂天空暗中点头。 But he still pretentiously hesitant a while, for a long time, long sighed, looks to Ye Qingyu, said: Opens City Lord, this matter of great substance, Zhen Yuan King after is the camp thumb, or this, Princess Du Hua I escort away first, stands the trial, gives you surely a view, how do you look?” 但他仍然装模作样地犹豫了一会儿,许久,长长地叹息了一声,看向叶青羽,道:“张城主,兹事体大,镇远王毕竟是阵营巨擘,要不这样,毒花郡主我先押走,接受审判,必定给你一个说法,你看如何?” Ye Qingyu one hear, knows that Nie Tiankong wants to continue to squeeze the surplus values in poisonous flowered county, in Zhen Yuan King I under the guardian King City premise, this board game piece does not have the place of use greatly. 叶青羽一听,就知道,聂天空想要继续压榨毒花郡中的剩余价值,在镇远王本人不在守卫者王城的前提下,这一枚棋子大有利用之处。 Good, the Sir orders, subordinate from, when complies with.” After Ye Qingyu hears the word, almost not hesitant, the nod complies. “好,大人命令,属下自当遵从。”叶青羽闻言之后,几乎没有犹豫,就点头答应。 Zhen Yuan King expedites Fire State, but present Fire State, very possible is Xiaofei Quasi-Emperor assumes personal command, therefore in heart of Ye Qingyu, somewhat worried, if can in King City, fill in some troublesome to Zhen Yuan King, certainly can help Xiaofei Quasi-Emperor, what is main, the Nie Tiankong face has no alternative but, to want genuinely to solve the Fire State matter, must depend upon Nie Tiankong this King City person with newly acquired wealth. 镇远王远征火州,而如今的火州,很可能是笑非准帝坐镇,因此叶青羽的心中,也有些担忧,如果能够在王城之中,给镇远王填一些麻烦,一定可以帮助到笑非准帝,最主要的是,聂天空的面子不能不给,想要真正解决火州的事情,还是得依靠聂天空这位王城新贵。 That is good.” On the Nie Tiankong face has shown the smiling face. “那就好。”聂天空脸上露出了笑容。 Performance of his very satisfied Ye Qingyu. 他很满意叶青羽的表现。 This made his face obtain enormous satisfaction. 这让他的面子得到了极大的满足。 Moreover in his heart has almost smiled. 而且他心中几乎笑了出来。 Words that the tonight's situation, ends like this, that is really most perfect, grasps Princess Du Hua, that is equal to grasping a handle to break now in King City the sharp knife blade of balanced potential, then his all plans, can display smoothly. 今晚的局势,这样收场的话,那实在是最完美不过了,将毒花郡主掌握到手中,那等于是掌握了一柄破开如今王城之中均衡之势的利刃,接下来他的一切计划,都可以非常顺利的施展了。 Nie Tiankong brings Princess Du Hua to leave. 聂天空带着毒花郡主离开。 Linghu Buxiu a few words had not said that but has patted the shoulder of Ye Qingyu, then left with a smile. 令狐不修一句话也没有说,只是过来拍了拍叶青羽的肩膀,然后笑着离开了。 The good fortunes of some people, cannot envy. 有些人的福气,真的是羡慕不来啊。 Ye Qingyu then arrives in King City how much time, has bumped into and performed a big merit, had after tonight, only feared that is status of Ye Qingyu in Nie Tiankong mind, must have the archery target change. 叶青羽这才来到王城之中多少时间,就误打误撞地又立下了一大功劳,有了今夜之后,只怕是叶青羽聂天空心目之中的地位,又要有了质的变化了。 ...... …… ...... …… The 2nd day. 第二日。 Dawn micro dew. 晨曦微露。 Ye Qingyu from trading in the room walks, all in relay station recovery was normal. 叶青羽从换过的房间里走出来的时候,驿站之中的一切都已经恢复了正常。 The construction that damages, before dawn, thorough recovery, does not know that last night had anything's person, absolutely not from relay station externally looks at anything. 就连破损的建筑,都在天亮之前,彻底恢复,不知道昨夜发生了什么的人,绝对不会从驿站的外观上看出来什么。 But what unknown [say / way] is, last night appeared in all Zhen Yuan Palace iron health/guard of various relay station streets and alleys places, silently vanished, as if they have not appeared in this world have been same. 而更不为人知道的是,昨夜出现在驿站街巷各处的所有镇远王府铁卫,都已经无声无息地消失了,仿佛他们就从来没有在这个世界上出现过一样。 Just had the breakfast, Linghu Buxiu has arrived at the inn excitedly, the person has not seen, but laughter first: Ha Ha, Brother Zhang good interest, but can also sit still here...... Goes to the military headquarters along with me quickly, your appointment has gotten down, Ha Ha, congratulations, your brother fished a cushy job.” 刚刚吃过早饭,令狐不修地兴奋地来到客栈,人未见但笑声先到:“哈哈,张老弟好兴致,还在这里坐得住……快随我去军部,你的任命已经下来了,哈哈,恭喜恭喜,你老弟可是捞到了一个肥差啊。” After stick of incense. 炷香之后。 Ye Qingyu under leading the way of Linghu Buxiu, arrived at the guardian camp military headquarters. 叶青羽令狐不修的引路之下,来到了守卫者阵营军部。 In the building and city of military headquarters other architectural styles are quite similar, but broadly was bigger. 军部的建筑与城中其他建筑风格极为相似,不过却恢弘高大了许多。 Linghu Buxiu stays outside the military headquarters main shrine to wait. 令狐不修留在军部主殿之外等待。 Ye Qingyu under another military headquarters staff officer officer's leadership, enters the main shrine. 叶青羽在另外一位军部参谋官的带领之下,进入主殿。 Approximately after the quarter, his facial color walks tranquilly. 大约一刻钟之后,他面色平静地走出来。 Linghu Buxiu looked, in the heart is quite strange, comes up to ask hastily: What's wrong? Also accident?” 令狐不修一看,心中颇为奇怪,连忙上去问道:“怎么?又变故?” „?” Ye Qingyu visits him. “啊?”叶青羽看着他。 Brother's your expression, is a little serious, appointed the accident, was not Nine Sword Army General Is the duty inadequate?” Linghu Buxiu somewhat impatiently asked. “老弟你的表情,有点儿严肃啊,难道任命出了变故,不是【九剑军正】之职不成?”令狐不修有些迫不及待地问了出来。 Ye Qingyu nods, said: Yes, Sir Nie appoints me as King City Nine Sword Army General, Has granted token Fajia...... Originally before Brother Linghu you, knew.” 叶青羽点点头,道:“是啊,聂大人任命我为王城的【九剑军正】,赐予了令牌法甲……原来令狐老哥你之前就已经知道了啊。” „? Are you so quiet? You...... Does not know Nine Sword Army General The lawful right of duty? Should not, Sir Nie be able to say clearly with you.” Linghu Buxiu is unable to understand regarding the Ye Qingyu tranquil expression that must know in the confer official rank process, some specialists will explain. “啊?那你还这么平静?你……不知道【九剑军正】之职的权柄?不应该啊,聂大人一定会和你讲清楚的啊。”令狐不修对于叶青羽平静的表情无法理解,要知道授职过程中,会有专人讲解的啊。 This is Nine Sword Army General. 这可是【九剑军正】啊。 In armed forces lawful right most abundant position! 军中权柄最盛的职位! Although not series soldier, but has in the armed forces the law enforcement power, might be considered as judge same existence, nine swords represented once were establishing the guardian King City Martial Dao Emperor of nine big authorities, can on cut the crafty aristocrat who violated the law and commit crime, below cuts to disregard the ordinary subject of regulation destruction order, was lives to kill by a heart intent dictatorship simply, being afraid by everybody role. 虽然不统兵,但却有着军中执法权,堪称是法官一样的存在,九剑代表着曾经创立守卫者王城的九大古之武道皇帝的权威,可以上斩作奸犯科的奸佞贵族,下斩无视律法破坏秩序的普通臣民,简直就是生杀由心一意独裁,人见人怕的角色啊。 This morning, knows that Ye Qingyu was awarded unexpectedly Nine Sword Army General Duty time, Linghu Buxiu shocks degree beyond description simply, the envying envy that was hard to conceal hated, somewhat could not think through. 今晨,知道叶青羽竟然被授予【九剑军正】之职的时候,令狐不修简直就是震惊到了难以形容的程度,难以掩饰的羡慕嫉妒恨,也有些想不通。 After all this falls the lord of god range is the young aristocrat in remote area, even if Nie Tiankong trusts again, the military headquarters are actually not he decide, is impossible to obtain like this heavy duty. 毕竟这落神岭之主不过是偏远之地的小贵族而已,就算是聂天空再信任,军部却不是他一个人说了算,也不可能得到这样的重职啊。 Afterward, from one side inquired comes, originally this proposition, even was not Nie Tiankong proposed, but was another rank quantity extremely heavy status of military headquarters still the big shot above Nie Tiankong beyond expectation nominates, Nie Tiankong pushed the boat along, had such result. 后来,从侧面打听得来,原来这一次提议,竟然并非是聂天空提出,而是军部的另外一位分量极重地位还在聂天空之上的大佬出人意料地提名,聂天空顺水推舟,才有了这样的结果。 Mother, this Zhang Long Cheng, was on the ancestral grave braves the blue smoke simply......” “妈的,这个张龙城,简直就是祖坟上冒青烟了……” Linghu Buxiu cannot think through , can only recognize, moreover next has decided the idea, in the future must with this person of being intimate with, perhaps be able to profit at someone's expense well, making him further more uncertain. 令狐不修就算是想不通,也只能认了,而且下定了主意,日后一定要好好与这人亲近,说不定可以沾光,让他更进一步也不一定。 In the heart is thinking these, Linghu Buxiu has hammered a Ye Qingyu fist very much intimate, laughs saying: Ha Ha, to congratulate the brother you rise high, tonight I play the host, we go to a place, recommended the brothers in some armed forces while convenient, everybody wanted to know you very much......” 心中想着这些,令狐不修很是亲近地锤了叶青羽一拳,大笑道:“哈哈,为了恭喜老弟你高升,今晚我做东,我们去一个地方,顺便引荐一些军中的兄弟,大家都很想要认识你……” That many thanks Brother Linghu.” Ye Qingyu acknowledgment. “那就多谢令狐老哥了。”叶青羽致谢。 He knows that this is the good intention, wish integrates in the armed forces by oneself as soon as possible. 他知道,这是好意,想要让自己尽快融入军中。 Happen, he must here, the short distance experience the elegant demeanor of guardian camp standing army well, understood that atmosphere in armed forces, is such as this aristocrats cannot withstand equally decayed. 正好,他也要借此机会,近距离好好见识一下守卫者阵营常备军的风采,了解一下军中的风气,是不是也如这贵族们一样腐朽不堪。 If can inquire the information about Fire State military situation while convenient again, that it would be the best. 如果顺便可以再打听一些关于火州军情的信息,那就最好不过了。 ------------- ------------- Thanks brothers' support, field, particularly the Jiang Hu variant dragon hits to enjoy greatly continuously, the knife is deeply grateful. 谢谢兄弟们的支持,场,尤其是江湖侠龙大大连续打赏,刀子感激不尽。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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