IGE :: Volume #12

#1123: Little Nine news

Qingyun building. 青云楼。 In Wang Cheng center city known restaurant. 王成中心城之中小有名气的酒楼。 This restaurant has the background of military, stood erect the motionless several thousand years, usually in came and went out most was the serviceman, the serviceman military action in King City were not many, usually was relatively unemployed, therefore lived but actually is also leisurely and carefree, in being off duty, the difference restaurant was the routine matter. 这座酒楼有军方的背景,屹立不动数千年了,平日里出入其中最多的就是军人,王城之中的军人军事行动并不多,平日里相对赋闲,因此生活倒也是悠闲了许多,在不当值的时候,出入酒楼乃是常事。 The night falls. 夜幕降临。 Some military officers arrive at the restaurant entrance, but was actually informed, tonight the restaurant had been wrapped, does not entertain the guest, but also please excuse me. 一些军官来到酒楼门口,但却被告知,今晚酒楼被人包了,并不招待外客,还请见谅。 This matter, frequently occurred before. 这种事情,以前也经常发生。 Has armed forces the words of great person here meeting, Bao Lou is very normal. 有军中的大人物在这里聚会的话,包楼很正常。 Naturally, servicemen who comes full of enthusiasm, will think feels disappointed very much, so as to avoid being foul-mouthed several. 当然,许多兴致勃勃而来的军人们,也会觉得很扫兴,免得不了骂骂咧咧几句。 ***, Who is so overbearing, Bao Lou?” “***,是谁这么霸道,又包楼?” „It is not what outside area will arrive at the countryside aristocrat?” “不会是什么外地来到乡下贵族吧?” This Qingyun building quickly all day long is the date has reserved all seats for a performance simply, but also our serviceman the place of expense? I must look today that who has reserved all seats for a performance......” “这青云楼简直都快成日日包场了,还是不是我们军人的消费之地?我今天就要看一看,到底是谁包场了……” Several look like the military appointment not low military officers, taking advantage of alcoholic, stood in the hotel entrance does not walk, was foul-mouthed, has made not the small noise, at this time has not arrived at the curfew martial law time, on the street many people encircled to watch the fun. 有几个看起来军职不低的军官,借着酒性,站在酒店门口不走,骂骂咧咧了起来,闹出了不小的动静,此时还未到宵禁戒严的时候,街上很多人都围了过来看热闹。 Then, when restaurant small two walk. 然后,当酒楼的小二走出来。 This was an ordinary day the military officers extremely familiar waiter small two, came after their ears in a soft voice said anything, even if was being drunk the fierce military officer, immediately is the facial color big change, has restrained the beforehand crazy condition hastily, thanked to that liquor Lou Xiaoer again and again, then turned around first to hurry to slide dingily. 这是一个平日了军官们极为熟悉的跑堂小二,过来在他们的耳边轻声地说了一句什么之后,哪怕是醉的再厉害的军官,立刻都是面色大变,连忙收敛了之前的狂态,对那酒楼小二连连感谢,然后转身灰溜溜地都第一时间赶紧溜了。 What's the matter?” Some people are very surprised. “怎么回事?”有人很是惊讶。 Another cannot feel brains, said: Yes, these military officers, the grades and salary is not low, particularly that takes the lead, the valiance that became famous does not have the brain, the servant does not know that what said that let these alcoholic intoxications unexpectedly did the military officers slide?” 另一个也是摸不着头脑,道:“是啊,这些军官,品秩都不低啊,尤其是那个带头的,出了名的彪悍没脑子,那店小二不知道说了什么,竟然让这几个醉酒了的军官都溜了?” He He, this you do not know.” Side has a sensible person, smiled mystically, said: Reason is very simple, person who because reserves all seats for a performance tonight, they cannot stir up.” “呵呵,这你们就不知道了吧。”旁边有一个明白人,神秘地笑了笑,道:“原因很简单啊,因为今晚包场的人,他们惹不起。” Who is?” “是谁?” Hears today's key player, is the morning takes office Nine Sword Army General Sir, but invites his is in the armed forces does the high grade official......” “听闻今日的中心人物,是上午上任的【九剑军正】大人,而宴请他的则是军中一干高级官员……” What? Is the background so big? No wonder!” “什么?来头这么大?怪不得!” Real false? Nine Sword Army General That is the Slaughter God position in armed forces, since the previous armed forces honorable people died in battle, this seat vacancy more than ten years, could some people be competent today unexpectedly?” “真的假的?【九剑军正】啊,那可是军中的杀神职位啊,自从上一位军正大人战死之后,这个位子空缺了十多年了啊,今日居然又有人可以胜任了?” A discussion, crowd incomparably surprised. 一番议论,人群都是无比地惊讶。 At the same time. 同一时间。 In restaurant, a happy talks and laughters piece. 酒楼之中,欢声笑语一片。 A personal appearance tall and strong just likes explodes the bear general Demon Race military officer to stand, is carrying the liquor bowl, tongue that a little drunk was big, arrives at the Ye Qingyu front, said: General Zhang, my Wu Pi cannot speak, can only propose a toast, hey, if Lao Wu I will have made the mistake the place in the future, hopes that in the future the armed forces honorable people can show mercy.” 一位身形魁梧犹如爆熊一般的妖族军官站起来,端着酒碗,已经喝的有点儿舌头大了,来到叶青羽的面前,道:“张军正,我吴罴不太会说话,只能敬酒了,嘿嘿,若是日后老吴我有做错了的地方,希望日后军正大人能够手下留情啊。” These words, the full house laughs immediately. 这一番话,顿时满堂大笑。 In Darkness Domain, although there is the guardian, dark people, sinful subjects and others to be clear about the clear camp, but, is quite a little rare in the infinite universe, that is Demon Race or Human Race, the Ghost race beast person and Barbarian Race, not any obstruction, thoroughly fused in together, particularly in the guardian camp, the different races work together as colleagues mutually, as if already forgot the racial segregation, not by race theory, but by skill theory. 黑暗领域之中,虽然有守卫者、暗民、罪民等明确清晰的阵营,但是有一点,却是在大千世界之中极为罕见的,那就是不论是妖族还是人族、不论是鬼族还是兽人、蛮族,彼此之间并无什么芥蒂,都已经彻底融合在一起,尤其是在守卫者阵营之中,不同的种族相互共事,仿佛早就忘掉了彼此之间的种族隔阂,不以种族论,而以本事论。 Cites a simple example, that Zhen Yuan King is actually Quasi-Emperor of day of spider clan, his daughter Princess Du Hua is a small day spider, but by triangle face Wei Heng who Ye Qingyu kills, is Saint boundary expert of firewood dog clan, consecrates as for that is actually an assassin of demon praying mantis clan, but in Zhen Yuan Palace, probably several thousand lives, including Human Race and Demon Race, the race constitution is quite complex. 举个简单的例子,那镇远王其实就是天蛛族的一位准帝,他的女儿毒花郡主是一头小天蛛,而被叶青羽所杀的三角脸卫横,则是一位柴狗族的圣境强者,至于那个古供奉却是一名魔螳族的刺客,而在镇远王府之中,大概有数万生灵,其中有人族妖族,种族构成极为复杂。 In the armed forces is also so. 军中也是如此。 Next to the soldier armed soldier on to commanding the general, has Demon Race, to have Human Race, to have beast Human Race, many primitive races. 下至士兵甲士上至统帅将军,有妖族、有人族、有兽人族,还有诸多原始种族。 The boorish fellow military officer Wu Pi of proposing a toast, is violent wind filled with dust Xiong Clan expert. 敬酒的这个莽汉军官吴罴,正是黑风熊族的一位强者 Ha Ha, thanks for the compliment.” Ye Qingyu laughs to stand, carries the large bowl, has done one bowl with Wu Pi fully, said: This officer is also only an empty duty, in the future will want the smooth resumption in the armed forces, actually must by be everybody to enjoy several points of Bo Mian.” “哈哈,好说好说。”叶青羽大笑着站起来,端起大碗,和吴罴满满地干了一碗,道:“本官也只是一个虚职而已,日后想要在军中顺利履职,其实还得靠在做各位赏几分薄面啊。” The people have laughed. 众人都是又大笑了起来。 Wu Pi in all people, the status is somewhat low, but Ye Qingyu does not have slight neglecting as before, full Yin a large bowl, this makes him feel that the face has the light, said: Sir was polite, if in the future has the need my Lao Wu's place, only needs to say one, is duty-bound not to turn back tinkle.” 吴罴在所有人之中,地位偏低,但叶青羽依旧没有丝毫的怠慢,满饮一大碗,这让他觉得面子有光,道:“大人客气了,日后若是有需要我老吴的地方,只需要说一声,丁当义无反顾。” The banquet started to have time of double-hour. 酒席已经开始了有一个时辰的时间。 Under the introduction of Linghu Buxiu, Ye Qingyu already with today several hundred military officers have made into one piece, he has the ability of photographic memory, therefore only need introduce at the same time that clearly has remembered the name and position of everyone, 11 propose a toast. 令狐不修的介绍之下,叶青羽已经与今日来的数百位军官都打成了一片,他有过目不忘的能力,因此只需一边介绍,就清楚地记住了每一个人的名字和职位,11敬酒。 These military officers books also want to be intimate with this new armed forces honorable person, but before actually also heard something, plant including Princess Du Hua almost particularly in this New Army hand, but also thinks that can be callous and unreasonable existence, who knows that is actually the so tasty temperament, for a while let loose. 那些军官们本也是想要与这位新任军正大人亲近,之前倒也听说了一些事情,尤其是连毒花郡主差点儿都栽在这位新军正的手中,还以为会是一个冷酷且不近人情的存在,谁知道却是如此对胃口脾气,一时都放开了。 After the liquor over three patrol, atmosphere is quite harmonious. 酒过三巡之后,气氛极为融洽。 Forest marquis, why is the facial color sad?” Ye Qingyu arrives at a personal appearance tall and strong, but actually nearby hair gray middle-aged person, carries the wine class to be with a smile typical. “林侯爷,为何面色沉闷?”叶青羽来到一位身形魁梧但却头发花白的中年人跟前,端着酒杯笑吟吟地道。 This middle-aged person light armor, handsome, the platyrrhine extravagant mouth, has the power and influence, but in the temples the long hair was to actually just like the wind and frost attacks was the same, was somewhat gray, this was not quite normal, because of by strength Cultivation Base of this middle-aged person, was the maturity, the vitality like Ocean, should not present the old man the first white symptom, and on his face, seemed like has smiled, but actually once for a while was actually in a daze, and an extremely anxious appearance. 这中年人一袭轻甲,相貌堂堂,狮鼻阔口,颇有威势,但鬓间长发却是犹如风霜侵袭了一样,有些花白,这并不太正常,因为以这中年人的实力修为,正是壮年,气血如汪洋,不应该出现未老头先白的症状,且他的脸上,看似一直都笑着,但其实却时不时发呆且一副极为忧虑的样子。 In this table, took a seat he. 他这一桌上,也就坐了他一个人。 He is Marquis Ting Tao Lin Xuan. 他就是听涛侯林轩 On the post grades and salary, Marquis Ting Tao Lin Xuan in more than 100 people, can arrange to absolutely first ten, however, although other military officers propose a toast to Lin Xuan, but in fact can actually feel obviously that he was a little isolated, many people a little avoid him. 论职衔品秩,听涛侯林轩在这100多人中,绝对可以排到前十,然而,虽然其他军官都向林轩敬酒,但实际上却能明显地感觉出来,他有点儿被孤立了,很多人都有点儿避开他。 Because in King City many people know that Lin Xuan queered, commits the big crime, quick must lose power, not only person in office title difficult insurance, and life of family member only feared that cannot preserve, can say that is a god of plague. 因为王城之中很多人都知道,林轩得罪了人,犯下了大罪,很快就要失势了,不仅官身爵位难保,连自己和家人的性命只怕是都不能保全,可以说已经是一个瘟神了。 Armed forces honorable people......” Lin Xuan are startled, at once carries the wine class with a smile. “军正大人……”林轩一怔,旋即笑着端起酒杯。 Forest marquis, I whether to sit here?” Ye Qingyu was saying, but sat near this somewhat deserted table actually, says with a smile: Marquis how with a worried look? Is it possible that has the concern to be inadequate?” “林侯爷,我能否坐在这儿?”叶青羽说着,但其实已经坐在了这张有些空寂的桌子边上,笑着道:“侯爷何以愁眉不展?莫非是有心事不成?” Military administration Sir chatted.” The Lin Xuan facial color is awkward, said: Has accidentally remembered other matters, is somewhat rude, the armed forces honorable people do not blame.” “军政大人说笑了。”林轩面色尴尬,道:“只是偶然想起了其他一些事情而已,有些失态,军正大人勿怪。” This is a person of bad words. 这是一个不善言辞的人。 Ye Qingyu had the judgment immediately. 叶青羽立刻就有了判断。 I once at ten thousand easy rural fair festivals, to have a reason with your home thousand jin (0.5 kg).” Ye Qingyu says with a smile, he knows that on the same day at ten thousand easy rural fair festivals, to bravely step forward the scarlet young girl who helps that poverty-stricken youth, is the Marquis Ting Tao palace pearl. “我曾在万易集市节上,与贵府千斤有一面之缘。”叶青羽笑着道,他已经知道,当日在万易集市节上,挺身而出帮助那位困苦少年的红衣少女,正是听涛侯府的明珠。 „? These matters, my daughter these years have become hardened in bad habits tenderly, naive, do not know whether have contradicted the Sir?” Lin Xuan do not know the same day matter, after the scarlet young girl goes back, has not told the father this matter. “啊?还有这些事情,我那小女这些年娇惯坏了,年幼无知,不知是否顶撞了大人?”林轩自己并不知道当日的事情,红衣少女回去之后,并未将这件事情告诉父亲。 Your daughter is straightforward, has the air/Qi of chivalry, I admire her very much.” What Ye Qingyu said is the truth. “令爱豪爽慷慨,有侠义之气,我很佩服她。”叶青羽说的是真话。 Lin Xuan hear that, in the heart moves, if the new armed forces honorable people can help itself...... But this thought in an instant, after all the present situation really has been extremely in awful, the person power and influence that offends is too prominent, even if Nine Sword Army General Only feared that is also hard to resist with that strength . Moreover, even if yes, oneself with this armed forces honorable person after all are unknown, is impossible to persuade him to run for oneself. 林轩闻言,心中一动,如果新任军正大人可以帮助自己的话……但这个念头只是一转眼而过,毕竟自己如今的处境实在是太过于糟糕,得罪的人权势太显赫,就算是【九剑军正】只怕是也难以与那种力量对抗,而且,就算是可以,自己与这位军正大人毕竟是素不相识,也不可能说动他为自己奔走。 Sir erroneous approved.” Lin Xuan smiled reluctantly. “大人谬赞了。”林轩勉强笑了笑。 Ye Qingyu nods, a topic revolution, said: „Before I hear the forest marquis soon, once led troops Fire State?” 叶青羽点点头,话题一转,道:“我听闻林侯爷不久之前,曾带兵去过火州?” Um?” On the face of Lin Xuan, are many to have been vigilant the color immediately, said: Reason that Sir asks this is so distressed for......” him now, because of the matter of Fire State, was involved in a giant vortex, swallows, in the armed forces the major influences have abandoned him, at this moment was asked by Ye Qingyu face to face, thinks subconsciously this is Nine Sword Army General Is the new officer takes office three fires, must operate with him. “嗯?”林轩的脸上,顿时多了一份警惕之色,道:“大人问这个是为了……”他之所以如今这么狼狈,就是因为火州之事,卷入了一个巨大的漩涡之中,有苦难言,军中各大势力都已经抛弃了他,此刻被叶青羽当面问起,下意识地就以为这是【九剑军正】是新官上任三把火,要拿他开刀。 Forest marquis do not misunderstand, I am interested to something that Fire State has.” Ye Qingyu says with a smile. “林侯爷不要误会,我只是对火州发生的一些事情很感兴趣而已。”叶青羽笑着道。 Lin Xuan shakes the head very much decisively, said: Sir wants to know, after I come back, has the record in the reporting after carrying out orders document of military headquarters, the matter outside document, I do not know that must disappoint the Sir.” 林轩很果断地摇摇头,道:“大人想要知道的,我回来之后,在军部的覆命文卷之中都有记载,文卷之外的事情,我也并不知道,恐怕要让大人失望了。” Ye Qingyu is startled. 叶青羽一怔。 This Lin Xuan resembles unexpectedly regarding Fire State the appearance of matter very taboo. 这个林轩竟然似是对于火州的事情非常忌讳的样子。 Sir, if you do not have other any matters, this marquis body is somewhat ill, my I must say good bye now.” Saying, was setting out unexpectedly directly, did not greet with other people, left the restaurant directly. “大人,如果你没有什么其他事情,本侯身体有些不适,恕我失陪了。”说着,竟是直接起身,也不和其他人打招呼,直接离开了酒楼。 The back that Ye Qingyu looks at this tall and strong man, shakes the head slightly. 叶青羽看着这位魁梧汉子的背影,微微摇头。 Other people are also the people with high aspirations, sees this, in the heart regarding the appraisal of Marquis Ting Tao was lower, does not know that said anything, evidently unexpectedly is the and Nine Sword Army General Parts on bad terms, associates to these days Marquis Ting Tao situation again, the people thought in abundance that the suffering a defeat and fleeing destiny of this established armed forces marquis, has almost been doomed. 其他人也都是有心人,看到这一幕,心中就对于听涛侯的评价更低了,也不知道说了什么,看样子竟然是和【九剑军正】不欢而散,再联想到这一段时间听涛侯的处境,众人纷纷都觉得,这位老牌军侯的败亡命运,几乎已经注定了。 Linghu Buxiu walks, facial color strange tunnel: You were cared, the virgin forest is such temper, cannot change, this disposition has harmed him, was extremely obstinate...... Right, you said anything, probably the forest marquis is very the disgruntled appearance......” 令狐不修走过来,面色奇怪地道:“你被在意,老林就是这样的性子,一直也改不了,这个性格害了他啊,太过执拗了……对了,你们说了什么,好像林侯爷很是不悦的样子……” Some Ye Qingyu speechless tunnels: I asked him at the Fire State matter.” 叶青羽有些无语地道:“我只是问起他在火州的事情而已。” That no wonder.” Linghu Buxiu is suddenly enlighted, said: Forest marquis came a big cropper at the matter of Fire State, in the heart had the resentment, actually nobody believed him, now own situation is in imminent danger...... Oh, was a pity.” “那就难怪了。”令狐不修恍然大悟,道:“林侯爷在火州之事上栽了个大跟头,心中有怨气,却无人信他,如今自身处境已经是岌岌可危……唉,真的是可惜了。” What's the matter?” Ye Qingyu asked. “到底是怎么回事?”叶青羽问道。 Linghu Buxiu sits, has pulled down sound/noise, said: Brother you should hear, present Fire State, was occupied by one group of rebels, is the person of head, from number Xiaofei, the hearsay came from the infinite universe, is an absolute ruthless person, cut to kill guardian camp many expert, it is said his subordinates, there are several big Demon King, a white great dog, can the Tun Tian food......” 令狐不修坐下来,压低了声音,道:“老弟你应该听说过了,如今的火州,被一伙儿叛逆占据了,为首的人,自号笑非,传闻来自于大千世界,是一个绝对的狠人,斩杀了守卫者阵营不少的强者,据说他麾下,有几大魔王,还有一条白色的巨狗,可以吞天食地……” ------------ ------------ Little Nine must come back. 小九要回来了。 Then, had the book friend to say before his roommate at the point of death, wanted to have a look at the blade sister-in-law's picture, therefore I have in the public micro letter, to send Zhang a wife's picture today, Ha Ha, wants to look can pay attention to the public micro-signal of tumultuous times crazy blade. 然后,有个书友说他室友临死前想要看看刀嫂的照片,于是今天我只好在公众微信上,发了一张媳妇的照片,哈哈,想看的可以去关注一下乱世狂刀的公众微信号。 Thank: Book friend 36035589 and 13 do, Jiang Hu variant dragon three big supporting. 感谢:书友36035589、13do杰、江湖侠龙三位大大的捧场。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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