IGE :: Volume #12

#1121: Finally came

The entire dark night long street, seemed like frozen was the same, picture coagulation. 整个暗夜长街,就像是被冰冻了一样,画面凝固。 A piercing chill in the air, pasts in void. 一种刺骨的寒意,在虚空之中流转。 Clip clop clip clop......” the triangle face wicked slave Wei Heng tooth is trembling. “咯哒哒哒……”三角脸恶奴卫横的牙齿都在打颤。 He thought that the whole body does not have the strength, in the steel whip including hand could not press firmly between the fingers, the huge fear made him lose the power of thought that in the mind a blank, if possible, he hopes really that oneself tonight has not appeared here. 他觉得浑身没有力气,连手中的钢鞭都捏不住了,巨大的恐惧让他失去了思维能力,脑海之中一片空白,如果可能,他真的希望,自己今夜并没有出现在这里。 Around the carriage, several hundred demon dragon armed soldiers are also stand rigidly on the spot. 马车周围,数百魔龙甲士亦是僵立在原地 They have gotten up battlefield the gentleman of Elite, has seen the blood, has seen the deceased person, has killed people, has seen the innumerable purgatory scenes, has ordinary Martial Artist blood and iron Evil Qi that is hard to compare favorably with, even if definitely will not have slight hesitation facing the tremendous dangers and difficulties, but at this moment, actually one type suffocates the palpitation, puts out a hand to grip the hilt unable to achieve continually. 他们都是上过战场的精锐之士,见过血,见过死人,杀过人,更见过无数的炼狱般场面,有着普通武者难以媲美的铁血煞气,就算是面对刀山火海也绝对不会有丝毫的迟疑,但是此刻,却都有一种窒息般的心悸,连伸手握住刀柄都做不到。 The atmosphere is silent, deathly stillness. 气氛沉默,死寂。 The time seemed frozen. 时间仿佛是被冻结。 For a long time. 许久之后。 „Does variant violate a prohibition by the military? He He, I do not know that who you are, you are very strong, but this does not make you affront my reason sufficiently...... Moreover, he he I do not believe that you dare to kill me.” In the carriage, that chilly superior sound/noise, seemed calm, the expression became gentle and proud, said: This time, was I have underestimated your strength, but, you must know that in my Zhen Yuan Palace, had true expert.” “侠以武犯禁吗?呵呵,我不知道你是谁,你很强,但这并不是足以让你冒犯我的理由……而且,呵呵我并不认为,你真的敢杀我。”马车之中,那个清冷优越的声音,似乎是镇定了下来,语气变得轻柔而又骄傲了起来,道:“这一次,是我低估了你的实力,但是,你要知道,我镇远王府之中,不是没有真正的强者。” Ye Qingyu was silent. 叶青羽沉默了。 But this silence, lets the female in carriage, even more assured own judgment. 而这种沉默,让马车之中的女子,越发笃定了自己的判断。 Is Quasi-Emperor, does not dare to be so impolite to me.” Chilly and superiority feeling full female voice, having a faint trace to be arrogant, said: Perhaps you are outside area come the King City person, but, you should know that the Zhen Yuan Palace strength, does not want self to harm.” “就算是准帝,也不敢对我如此无礼。”清冷且优越感十足的女声,带着一丝丝倨傲得意,道:“也许你是外地来王城的人,但是,你应该知道,镇远王府的力量,不要自误。” Ye Qingyu crossing the hands behind the back stands before the carriage, is staring at the black carriage front door, has not gotten rid. 叶青羽负手站在马车前,盯着黑色的马车前门,并未真的出手。 He as if really had feared is the same. 他仿佛是真的怕了一样。 Cluck-cluck......” the female in carriage has smiled, in that consistent superiority feeling full laughter, starts to bring extremely covert contemptuous: Likely is your such Martial Artist, I saw a lot, has not drawn back, you were provoking a dignity of guardian camp King.” “咯咯咯……”马车里的女子笑了起来,那一贯优越感十足的笑声之中,开始带着一种极隐蔽的轻蔑:“像是你这样的武者,我见得多了,还不退下,你这是在挑衅一位守卫者阵营王者的威严。” Idiot.” “蠢货。” Ye Qingyu gains ground. 叶青羽抬头。 In his pupil, glitters is just liking the lightning common gassed thread. 他的眸子里,闪烁着犹如闪电一般的光丝。 Your this type was gradually influenced by the power and influence had forgotten the idiot of thing in this world that spoils is worth awing truly, broke me really regarding the estimate of guardian camp aristocrats stupid lower limit......” the Ye Qingyu start to talk, lifts the hand. “你这种被权势熏陶娇惯的忘记了这个世界上真正值得敬畏的东西的蠢货,真的是打破了我对于守卫者阵营贵族们愚蠢下限的估算……”叶青羽开口,一抬手。 Black rune Yao Stone Diaozhuo is symbolizing the princess dignified carriage, as if turbulent, but the time mighty current attack destroys to be the same, is similar to the ashes in wind is suddenly same, changes to black powder continuously, scatters in the nighttime sky. 黑色符文曜石雕琢象征着郡主威严的马车,仿佛是被汹涌而过的时间洪流侵袭而毁灭一样,瞬息之间就如同风中的灰烬一样,化作一缕缕的黑色粉末,飘散在夜空之中。 But originally was also having the arrogant and superiority feeling sits the beautiful female in carriage, despising on face turns was startled and feared. 原本还带着倨傲和优越感坐在马车中的美丽女子,脸上的蔑视变成了惊慌和恐惧。 A mighty force flies high to absorb. 一股伟力凌空摄来。 Her personal appearance cannot help but was attracted. 她的身形不由自主地被吸过去。 The beautiful fair slender nape of the neck, fell in the palm of Ye Qingyu, just liked pincers be relentless is caught in the pincers of the swan nape of the neck to be the same, that in the five fingers transmitted ground the bone skin general destruction strength, made this beautiful female lose the ability of speech instantaneously. 美丽白皙修长的脖颈,落在了叶青羽的掌心之中,犹如一只铁钳子毫不留情地钳住了天鹅脖颈一样,五指之间传来的那种碾碎骨皮一般的毁灭般力量,瞬间就令这个美丽的女子丧失了说话的能力。 That day urges the carriage, in rural fair crush, but is the person, you?” Ye Qingyu stares at that beautiful eye, in the anger is bringing huge being frightened, every single word or phrase asked. “那日驱使马车,于集市之中碾压而过的人,就是你吧?”叶青羽盯着那双美丽的眼睛,愤怒之中带着巨大的惊惶,一字一句地问道。 „......” Beautiful female coughs fiercely. “咳咳……”美丽女子剧烈地咳嗽。 In her heart has huge anger to vent, wishes one could to shout abuse, but these angry and cursed angrily, was arriving at split second of mouth, why did not know, changes to frightened one not to dare to vent, instead was nods very much weakly. 她心中有巨大的愤怒要发泄,恨不得破口大骂,但那些愤怒和怒骂,在来到嘴边的一瞬间,不知道为何,都化作了恐惧一丝都不敢发泄出来,反而是很软弱地点点头。 She has the feeling that one type wants to cry. 她有一种想哭的感觉。 Frail, is afraid and is frightened, the frightened feelings in her to hit and fuse at heart crazily. 脆弱、害怕、惊惶、恐惧的情愫在她的心里疯狂地撞击和融合着。 You think that the power and influence can decide all? Idiots...... In the face of the absolute strength, all power and influence, are as transient as fleeting clouds.” “你以为权势可以决定一切吗?蠢货……在绝对力量面前,一切权势,都是过眼云烟。” Ye Qingyu looks at this ignorant princess, pities shakes the head. 叶青羽看着这个无知的郡主,怜悯地摇头。 Very much obviously since long under the Zhen Yuan Palace power and influenced acquired over a long period, making this woman root originally not realize that in this Martial Artist is Venerable, in the world of law of the jungle, anything is the true decision result thing, therefore stupidly will have placed under the danger wall to obviously, others instant can decide that her life and death, she actually recklessly must with the way that the threat and scolds, solves matter. 很显然长期以来镇远王府的积威之下,让这个女人根本就没有意识到,在这个武者为尊、弱肉强食的世界里,什么才是真正决定胜负的东西,所以才会愚蠢到明明自己已经身处危墙之下,别人一念之间就可以决定她的生死,她却不知死活地偏偏要用威胁和呵斥的方式,来解决事情。 Perhaps is for long, Martial Artist in King City, the especially thoses aristocrat dancers, lost is a martial arts expert genuine strength of spirit and spirit, is accustomed to submitting under the power and influence, therefore lets these so-called nobilities families, bluffed and blustered. 也许是长久以来,王城之中的武者,尤其是那些贵族舞者们,都已经丧失了身为一名武道强者真正的骨气和锐气,习惯于屈服在权势之下,所以才让这些所谓的王侯家眷们,都耀武扬威惯了吧。 Regarding entire Darkness Domain and infinite universe, being in vogue of this atmosphere, without doubt is a sorrow. 对于整个黑暗领域和大千世界来说,这种风气的盛行,无疑是一种悲哀。 I am silent, is having doubts , a female of trivial Great Saint boundary, dares to hand over in this guardian King City horizontal was domineering, is Zhen Yuan King old being muddleheaded of? Teaches your such idiot daughter unexpectedly, hears you to have a nickname, is called the poisonous flower?” “我沉默,是在疑惑,什么时候,一个区区大圣境的女子,也敢在这守卫者王城之中交横跋扈了,镇远王是老的昏了头吗?竟然教出你这样的蠢货女儿,听闻你有个外号,叫做毒花?” Ye Qingyu asked. 叶青羽问道。 The princess lost any courage of resistance completely, the tears have flowed, is only the nod. 郡主已经彻底丧失了任何抵抗的勇气,眼泪已经流淌下来,只是点头。 All pride, all scheme, all superior, all self-confidence, disintegrate in front of that pincers same five fingers instantaneously, in the face of the absolute strength, she felt the fear sincerely. 所有的骄傲,所有的计谋,所有的优越,所有的自信,在那铁钳一样的五指面前瞬间冰消瓦解,在绝对的力量面前,她深切地感受到了恐惧。 „, Princess Du Hua...... he he, you do not only fear clearly, others such called you, because of fearing you, but thought you to be stupid, because, even if were the poisonous flower, was only colored, can contend with the shining sword snow sword?” “哦,毒花郡主……呵呵,你只怕不明白,别人这么称呼你,并不是因为怕你,而是觉得你蠢,因为,就算是再毒的花,也只是花而已,能够和霜刀雪剑抗衡吗?” Ye Qingyu mocked the tunnel. 叶青羽讥诮地道。 At this time, in Wei Heng at the same time, a little recovered finally. 这时,在一边的卫横,终于是有点儿回过神来。 His intestines soon the regret was blue, in heart panic-stricken to the extreme, early knows that this Zhang Long Cheng so valiantly stops at nothing, should not instigate the princess to take revenge really again, if the princess dies today here, his Wei Hengzhi feared that absolutely does not have the good end. 他的肠子都快要悔青了,心中惊恐到了极点,早知道这个张龙城如此彪悍无所顾忌,真的不该再怂恿郡主来复仇啊,如果今天郡主死在这里,那他卫横只怕是绝对没有好下场。 You...... Waits, do not kill princess, you...... Cannot......” he yell startled. “你……等一等,你不要杀郡主,你……不能……”他惊慌地大叫了起来。 Ye Qingyu does not return, backhand wields. 叶青羽头也不回,反手一挥。 Wei Heng the personal appearance, such as that black carriage is the same, dissipates instantaneously, changed to a snow crystal to dance in the air to scatter, vanished thick fallingly during was void. 卫横的身形,就也如那黑色马车一样,瞬间消散开来,化作了一蓬雪晶飞舞流散,纷纷扬扬地消失在了虚空之中。 The previous time, Ye Qingyu has shown mercy, has not killed him, but he also dares to come unexpectedly again, will the Ye Qingyu what kind disposition, how accommodate his one time again? 上一次,叶青羽已经手下留情,并未杀他,但他竟然还敢再来,叶青羽何等心性,怎么会再容他一次? The Princess Du Hua beautiful eye, opened immediately, but the pupil actually reduces like the needle-tip. 毒花郡主美丽的眼睛,顿时睁大了,而瞳孔却缩小如针尖。 Looks at the most familiar person with own eyes, was dying at present, although the scene of that death was not bloody, even was also bringing an only beauty of faint trace, but her heart, actually thoroughly collapsed, being proud plot planned with cruel and merciless becomes incomparably laughable, this visual impact strength, let all of a sudden all her proud vanished into thin air. 亲眼看着一个最熟悉的人,在眼前死亡,虽然那死亡的场面并不血腥,甚至还带着一丝丝的唯美,但她的心,却是彻底的崩溃了,引以为傲的阴谋算计和心狠手辣变得无比可笑,这种视觉冲击力,一下子让她所有的骄傲都烟消云散。 „The King City order, needs to adjust, true Martial Artist, should earn the true respect, but puts pride in pocket under the power and influenced acquired over a long period of powerful official.” Ye Qingyu is every single word or phrase typical. 王城的秩序,需要调整,真正的武者,应该得到真正的尊重,而是在权贵的积威之下忍辱。”叶青羽一字一句地道。 Princess Du Hua shivers. 毒花郡主颤抖。 She felt on the opposite party that type of broad vast aura. 她感觉到了对方身上那种恢弘浩大的气息。 That is one true formidable noble spiritual strength. 那是一种真正强大高贵的精神力量。 Transformation, always needs to bleed...... Such being the case, that starts from your blood.” Ye Qingyu was saying, wrist makes an effort, snap, the nape of the neck of princess was wrenched apart directly, becomes a strange alarmed curve. “变革,总是需要流血的……既然如此,那就从你的血开始吧。”叶青羽说着,手腕用力,咔嚓一声,郡主的脖颈直接被扭断,成一个诡异触目惊心的弧度。 „..................” In the Princess Du Hua mouth does not spurt the blood, has struggled furiously. “呃……嗬嗬……不……”毒花郡主口中喷血,奋力挣扎了起来。 In her body, the ray glitters, releases one strength, must work loose the palm of Ye Qingyu. 她身体之中,有一道光芒闪烁起来,释放出一种力量,要挣脱叶青羽的手掌。 This is expert of Quasi-Emperor level, plants in the strength of her within the body. 这是准帝级的强者,种在她体内的力量。 Um?” A Ye Qingyu five fingers loosen. “嗯?”叶青羽五指一松。 The Princess Du Hua personal appearance works loose, the vitality surges, being cut off nape of the neck instantaneous recovery. 毒花郡主身形挣脱出去,气血涌动,断掉的脖颈瞬间恢复 She looks at the Ye Qingyu look, probably looks at a devil, then turns around to run away, even if one. seconds a rest flickers the time, she does not want to face this demon god same middle-aged person of again. 她看着叶青羽的眼神,就好像是看着一尊魔鬼,然后转身就逃,哪怕是一秒钟一息一瞬时间,她都不想再面对这个魔神一样的中年人了。 However 然而 During all around is void, there is an ice mark common ripples circulation. 四周虚空之中,有冰纹一般的涟漪流转。 She by flying upside down of strength of ball invisible cold ice. 她被无形的寒冰之力弹的倒飞了回来。 This is from the beginning, Restriction of Ye Qingyu under on establishment. 这是一开始,叶青羽就设置下的禁制 Since came, that must withstand the consequence for own motion.” On the Ye Qingyu face is bringing heartless sneering, approaches gradually. “既然来了,那就要为自己的行动承受后果。”叶青羽脸上带着无情的冷笑,一步一步地逼近。 No, waits, you listened to me saying that......” Princess Du Hua flustered thoroughly. “不,等一等,你听我说……”毒花郡主彻底慌了。 Before this kind of person, any schemes and tricks and power and influence, are pale and weak, always the first time, she discovered that she was really small and weak no use to the pitiful degree. 在这样一个人面前,任何的阴谋诡计和权势,都苍白无力,平生第一次,她发现自己实在是弱小无助到了可怜的程度。 At the same time. 同一时间。 Periphery, distant place, in darkness. 外围,远处,黑暗之中。 Heaven and Earth is peaceful, the streets and alleys are lonely, but this does not mean that pays attention to this fight on nobody. 天地安静,街巷寂寥,但这并不意味着真的就没有人关注这场战斗。 Spreads in different positions during is darkly spatial, probably ten forms, are top expert, with the yuan qi of Heaven and Earth fusion is one, is not Quasi-Emperor, cannot realize their existence. 散布在不同方位的暗空之中,大概有十多道身影,都是顶级的强者,与天地元气融合为一,不是准帝,根本察觉不到他们的存在。 Transformation......” “变革……” A thin slender form muttered, resembled is touched by these two characters, for a while actually a little lost concentration. 一个清瘦修长的身影喃喃,似是被这两个字触动,一时竟然有点儿分神。 Another position. 另一个方位。 Snort, rodomontades, despises aristocrat...... This Zhang Long Cheng, cannot remain.” Moreover the whole body is winding around together the form of air/Qi of dark pearls and jade, during the spoken languages, is bringing the vicious tendencies. “哼,大言不惭,藐视贵族……这个张龙城,留不得。”另外一道浑身缭绕着暗色珠玉之气的身影,言语之间,带着戾气。 Also another position. 又另一个方位。 This Zhang Long Cheng unexpectedly is a talented person, this is the hibernation of insects dragon condition, really had this person to arrive at King City, is it possible that was the Nie Tiankong destiny comes to be inadequate, contributed to the great merit unexpectedly first, hibernation of insects dragon assistance...... Is this Zhang Long Cheng point extremely reveals completely, just Yi Zhe!” “这个张龙城竟然是个人才,这是蛰龙之态啊,竟然有这种人来到了王城,莫非是聂天空的气运来了不成,竟然先立大功,又得蛰龙辅佐……就是这张龙城的锋芒太过毕露,过刚易折啊!” Also another position. 又另一个方位。 He He, overbearing of Zhen Yuan King, provoked a tyrannical match for oneself eventually...... Hey, dares to kill including Princess Du Hua, is worth training, perhaps in the future must move Zhen Yuan King this to be in the way the stone by him.” “呵呵,镇远王的霸道,终究是为自己招惹来了一个强横的对手……嘿嘿,连毒花郡主都敢杀,值得培养,说不定日后就得靠他搬掉镇远王这个挡路石了。” Dozens people, have the respective different thoughts. 数十人,都有各自不同的心思。 They are representing in King City the different influence groups, has the different benefits, stemming from the considerations of different goal, naturally regarding the performance of Ye Qingyu, has the different appraisals. 他们代表着王城之中不同的势力集团,有着不同的利益,出于不同目的的考虑,自然是对于叶青羽的这番表现,有着不同的评价。 But at this time 而就在这个时候 ! 咻! Together with lightning speed Flowing Light, twinkling has streaked across the dark nighttime sky, in relay station direction. 一道风驰电掣般的流光,瞬息划破了黑暗的夜空,朝着驿站方向而来。 Well? Evidently, Nie Tiankong received the news to catch up finally.” “咦?看样子,聂天空终于是收到了讯息赶来了。” Hides personal appearance in void, vanished to leave instantaneously. 藏匿的在虚空之中的身形,瞬间都消失离开了。 Because of this King City person with newly acquired wealth one, the matter completely has been solved, Nie Tiankong political wisdom nobody will suspect, no matter how he solves the war of this relay station, early tomorrow morning, all people will know the result, makes the weight, these giants do not need to stay here. 因为这位王城新贵一来,事情就算是彻底解决了,聂天空的政治智慧没有人会怀疑,不管他怎么解决这一次驿站之战,明日一早,所有人都会知道结果,做出衡量,这些巨头们都没有必要停留在这里了。 But at the same time, on the face of Ye Qingyu, flashes through the happy expression that one trivial cannot be looked up. 而与此同时,叶青羽的脸上,闪过一丝微不可查的笑意。 For a long time, has Nie Tiankong caught up finally? 这么长时间了,聂天空终于赶来了吗? ----------- ----------- First, thank lili1694, you to think, therefore I two big supporting. 第一更,感谢lili1694、你思故我两位大大的捧场。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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