IGE :: Volume #12

#1120: Assassination in dark night long street

Ye Qingyu indeed greatly eats shouts out in the relay station. 叶青羽的确是在驿站里大吃大喝 Some things that because he to buy from ten thousand easy rural fair festivals, is used to eat, particularly came from the special product of Darkness Domain each state, root originally in the infinite universe does not have, although Ye Qingyu present strength, even if counts Century not to eat and drink, but he must savoring this mortal world, naturally probably eat the world smoke and fire, realized sensibility that flavor brings. 因为他从万易集市节上买到的一些东西,就是用来吃的,尤其是来自于黑暗领域各个州的特产,在大千世界之中根本就没有,虽说叶青羽如今的实力,就算是数百年不吃不喝都可以,但他要品味尘世,自然就要食人间烟火,体会那种味道带来的感悟。 He invited outside a chef in famous hotel, gave the private lesson in the relay station, ate the evening from afternoon. 他请了外面一间极富盛名的酒店的厨师,在驿站之中开了小灶,从下午吃到了晚上。 Wen Wan this fellow, has kept eating the noddles, is also for the food this mortal world smoke and fire, found interesting part?” Ye Qingyu drinks up one water state blue root ratafia, the whole body steaming hot feeling, thinks. 温晚这个家伙,一直不停地吃面,是不是也是为了食尘世烟火,找到其中的妙处?”叶青羽喝完一杯水州碧根果酒,浑身热腾腾的感觉,不由地想到。 Quick, is beginning the decorated lantern on. 很快,已经是华灯初上。 Seethed with excitement lively a day of Wang Cheng center city became peaceful. 热闹沸腾了一天的王成中心城又变得安静了起来。 At midnight 11 p.m. to 1 a.m arrives, on the street will declare martial law. 午夜子时一到,街道上就会戒严。 Therefore the chef in hotel went back long time ago. 所以酒店的厨师早早就已经回去了。 Ye Qingyu is satiated with food and wine, intent is popular heartily, lies down in the room puts on whistling rests greatly, this is also experiencing the life of average person. 叶青羽吃饱喝足,意兴酣畅,躺在房间里的穿上呼呼大睡,这也是在体验普通人的生活。 Martial Artist since stepped since the date of martial arts, goes against heaven's will the line, the skill was deeper, more did not agree with the bustling place earthliness, particularly after Saint boundary, nearly in being reborn rebirth, obtained the body of Xiantian, was equal to the meaning of life, has been separated from the primitive candid condition thoroughly, entered an unusual refined condition. 武者自从踏上武道之日起,就是逆天而行,功力越深,就越是与红尘俗世不契合,尤其是圣境之后,近乎于脱胎换骨重生,得到先天之体,等于是在生命的意义上,彻底脱离了原始本真的状态,进入了一种超凡脱俗的状态。 After Quasi-Emperor Realm, Ye Qingyu thought more and more that the dependence transports merit Cultivation merely, goes a step further very much difficultly again, the Martial Dao Emperor tyrannical place, lay in had found own [say / way], but must achieve this point, divorcing oneself from reality -type Cultivation has been no different than the futile attempt, he thought that should trace to the source to pursue the book, gave up refinedly, reentry secular world. 到了准帝境界之后,叶青羽越来越觉得,仅仅依靠运功修炼,很难再进一步,武道皇帝强横之处,在于找到了属于自己的道,而要做到这一点,闭门造车式的修炼已经无异于杯水车薪,他觉得,应该溯源追本,放弃脱俗,再入俗尘。 Because ascends the sky the life that lives, originally should sway back and forth during the bustling place earthliness. 因为上天所生的生灵,本就应该在红尘俗世之中打滚。 Past Gu Huang, sensed Great Dao from primitive Heaven and Earth, had the [say / way] of thunder and lightning, had the [say / way] of storm, the [say / way] of some day fire, had flows the [say / way] of cloud, had the [say / way], had the [say / way] of rune, this is their [say / way], was Heavenly Dao. 昔日的古皇,自原始天地之中感悟大道,有得雷电之道,有得风暴之道,有的天火之道,有得流云之道,有得海沙之道,有得符文之道,这都是属于他们的道,乃是天道 Ye Qingyu thought that own [say / way], should in the world. 叶青羽觉得,自己的道,应该在人间。 It is not Heavenly Dao. 不是天道 But is humanity. 而是人道。 Especially is thrusting war-god Sword Technique Common People sword After Realm, Ye Qingyu even more thought that the strength of Common People is not inferior to the strength of Heavenly Dao, perhaps the true Great Dao deep meaning, has in Yu Yunyun all living things. 尤其是在将战神剑典推入到【苍生剑】的境界之后,叶青羽越发觉得,苍生之力并不亚于天道之力,真正的大道奥义,或许就存在于芸芸众生之中。 From guardian King City, Ye Qingyu must discard the Quasi-Emperor inherent life style, experiences the bustling place, particularly this undercover choice, without doubt is a golden opportunity. 从守卫者王城开始,叶青羽要舍弃准帝固有的生活方式,重新体验红尘,尤其是这一次的卧底选择,无疑是一次绝佳的机会。 The dark night is lonely. 暗夜寂寥。 Ye Qingyu rests heartily. 叶青羽睡得酣畅。 He has even had a dream, in the dream saw the parents, saw Yu Jun Han, saw in that legend Divine Dragon sees not to see the war-god of tail, then very strange matter occurred, in the memory parents' image, has overlapped with the image of Yu Jun Han and war-god unexpectedly slowly, four people turned into two people, but the appearance of these two people, are strange, unexpectedly is have never seen the image...... 他甚至做了一个梦,梦中见到了父母,见到了鱼君寒,见到了那位传说之中神龙见首不见尾的战神,然后很诡异的事情发生了,记忆之中父母的形象,与鱼君寒、战神的形象竟然是慢慢地重叠了,四个人变成了两个人,而这两个人的面目,非常陌生,竟是自己从未见过的形象…… His calls out in alarm, sat from the bed suddenly. 他一声惊呼,猛然之间,从床上坐了起来。 Then, he asked a bloody flavor instantaneously. 然后,他瞬间问到了一股血腥味道。 Wipes Flowing Light, the urgent telegram was ordinary, has stabbed Ye Qingyu forehead. 一抹流光,急电一般,刺中了叶青羽眉心 The personal appearance of his whole person, shaken flying upside down, has dashed the wall of relay station, flew to fall outside on the spacious lonely street slantingly. 他整个人的身形,就被震的倒飞了出去,撞破了驿站的墙壁,斜斜地飞落到了外面空旷寂寥的街道上。 However in the instance of landing, he halted steadily. 但是在落地的瞬间,他已经是稳稳地站住。 The place of forehead, has the blood bead together to seep. 眉心之处,有一道血珠沁出来。 He was injured. 他受伤了。 But at the same time, dozens forms, such as the maggot of tarsal bone is common, flies to shoot from the relay station, fell on the street, from has sphered the Ye Qingyu personal appearance in all directions, the body of everyone, was bringing tyrannicalally to the strength fluctuation of extreme. 而与此同时,又有数十道身影,如跗骨之蛆一般,从驿站之中飞射出来,落在了街上,将叶青羽的身形从四面八方围住了,每个人的身上,都带着强横到了极点的力量波动。 But the person, personal appearance has exceeded two meters thin and tall, just likes a waste of flax is the same, the spacious Chinese-style gown like is the pony roll the set on his body, his whole piece face tall and slender just likes a shoe sole is also same, the five senses of face are fuzzy, both eyes just like a fine lace are the same, the nose is flat, the yellow surface does not need, the whole body looks like the skin and bones is the same, grotesque, ugly treacherous to the extreme. 而其中有一人,身形瘦高超过了两米,犹如一根麻杆一样,宽大的袍子像是筒子一样套在他的身上,他整张脸也都细长犹如一张鞋底一样,面部的五官都是模糊的,双目犹如一根细线一样,鼻子扁平,黄面无须,浑身就像是皮包骨一样,奇形怪状,丑陋诡谲到了极点。 This person, is in these dozens person's shadows strength is strongest. 这个人,是这数十人影之中实力最强的。 In his hand, the handle silver dagger, the strange cold glow twinkle, he got rid to sneak attack a moment ago, has stabbed in secret Ye Qingyu forehead. 他的手中,有一柄银色的匕首,奇异的寒芒闪烁,刚才正是他出手偷袭,暗中刺中了叶青羽眉心 On he slanting long ugly face, is having the surprised expression, seems very shocking, oneself potential in a sword that must kill, cannot cutting to kill the match in sleep unexpectedly. 他斜长的丑脸上,带着惊讶的表情,似乎是很震惊,自己势在必杀的一剑,竟是没有能够将睡梦之中的对手给斩杀。 But at the same time, the distant place of street, each corner has Zhen Yuan Palace the form of demon armor iron health/guard to appear with each alley entrance, just likes the latent evils of mosaic in darkness is the same, partly visible, but actually vast boundless, has controlled the big piece region outside this street, like is one group of black devils, the life that as if must swallow the world is the same. 而与此同时,街道的远处,每一个拐角和每一个巷子口都有镇远王府的魔甲铁卫的身影出现,犹如镶嵌在黑暗之中的魔影一样,若隐若现,但却浩瀚无边,将这条街道之外的大片区域都控制了,像是一群黑色的魔鬼一样,仿佛是要吞噬人间的生灵一样。 Right, is the Zhen Yuan Palace person. 没错,是镇远王府的人。 Everyone thinks that the previous generation statement of Nie Tiankong, Zhen Yuan Palace will give up retaliating, but now looks like, most people think was too simple. 谁都以为有了聂天空的前世表态,镇远王府会放弃报复,但是现在看来,大部分人都想的太简单了。 Ye Qingyu has pressed own forehead. 叶青羽按了按自己的眉心 Blood that drop seeps vanishes. 那一滴沁出来的鲜血消失。 He knits the brows, looks in the relay station direction. 他皱着眉,朝着驿站方向看去。 But at this time, in the relay station did not have the slight aura, that ten armed soldiers who Linghu Buxiu keeps, the post assists as well as more than ten relay station personnel, died obviously, Ye Qingyu is rubbing forehead, before what's the matter, oneself have had that strange dream, actually does not have the slight vigilance and detection, entered in the relay station by these people. 但此时,驿站之中已经没有了丝毫的气息,令狐不修留下来的那十名甲士,还有驿丞以及十多名的驿站人员,显然是都已经罹难了,叶青羽揉着眉心,之前是怎么回事,自己做了那个奇怪的梦,竟然是没有丝毫的警惕和察觉,被这些人进入了驿站之中。 He He, do not look, they died.” The slanting long face odd person cold woods smile, in the expression has filled teasing: You are last are living, is not because you are lucky, because county Military leader does not think you die will be so painful you are in all people, most painful desperate that dying.” “呵呵,别看了,他们都死了。”斜长脸怪人冷森地笑着,表情之中充满了戏谑:“你是最后一个活着的,不是因为你幸运,而是因为郡主大人并不想你死的那么痛苦你将是所有人之中,死的最为痛苦绝望的一个。” Ye Qingyu sighed. 叶青羽叹了一口气。 Zhen Yuan Palace person?” He asked. 镇远王府的人?”他问道。 The slanting long face expression smiles proudly, measures the tunnel cloudy: Naturally, except for Zhen Yuan Palace, but also who has this ability, the dark night kills, but doesn't the person in all defense patrol camp, dare to appear? Tonight, will not have anybody to shelter you, Nie Tiankong obtained the news also without enough time, you lost heart.” 斜长脸表情傲然一笑,阴测测地道:“当然,除了镇远王府,还有谁有这种能力,暗夜袭杀,而各方巡防营的人,都不敢出现呢?今夜,不会有任何人庇护你,聂天空得到消息也来不及了,你死心吧。” Ye Qingyu said: Your goals, should be I, why implicates innocently, kills the person in relay station?” 叶青羽道:“你们的目标,应该是我,为何牵连无辜,杀驿站中的人?” He He, this can only blame them to have bad luck, who makes them be in the relay station...... Also once had taken care you, so long as is the person who you know, damn.” The slanting long face odd person was saying, hand grasps the silver strange dagger, approaches toward Ye Qingyu step by step. “呵呵,这只能怪他们倒霉,谁让他们在驿站中……还曾服侍过你呢,只要是你认识的人,都该死。”斜长脸怪人说着,手握银色奇异匕首,一步步地朝着叶青羽靠近。 Surrounding working off anger, is similar to the hurricane same sweeps across, toward the Ye Qingyu extrusion. 周围的杀气,如同飓风一样席卷,朝着叶青羽挤压。 Ye Qingyu has not actually visited him, but is the vision sweeps, looks to the distant place. 叶青羽却是没有看他,而是目光一扫,看向远处。 Under the street end, the armed soldiers of several hundred most Elite demon dragon armor crowd around, a black land dragon hauling carriage just likes the beast of prey in dim light of night is standing erect equally silently, oppression strength that this carriage sends out, even be more fearful than slanting long face odd person and other expert. 在街道尽头,数百名最为精锐魔龙铠甲的甲士簇拥之下,一辆黑色的地龙牵引马车犹如夜色中的猛兽一样无声无息地矗立着,这辆马车散发出来的压迫力,甚至要比斜长脸怪人等强者更加可怕。 On the cowl of carriage, the triangle face wicked slave protects horizontal calmly sits. 马车的车辕上,三角脸恶奴卫横静静地坐着。 In the dim light of night, his eye of pair of sinister and ruthless hate looks like the pupil of poisonous python same glitters is making the person palpitation ray, is staring at Ye Qingyu stubbornly, is ready. 夜色之中,他那双阴毒怨恨的眼睛就像是毒蟒的眸子一样闪烁着令人心悸的光芒,死死地盯着叶青羽,蓄势待发。 „Is the person in car(riage), your so-called county Military leader?” Ye Qingyu looks at the syncline long face odd person, asked. “车中的人,就是你所谓的郡主大人吧?”叶青羽看向斜长脸怪人,问道。 You do not match to know.” Slanting long face odd person arrogant tunnel. “你不配知道。”斜长脸怪人高傲地道。 At this time, in that carriage, passed on a chilly deep cold female voice, said: Consecrates, the time is precious, cannot waste in this minor matter, please get rid, puts to death this evil person......” 这时,那马车之中,也传出来一个清冷深寒的女声,道:“古供奉,时间宝贵,不能浪费在这种小事上,请出手,诛杀这恶徒……” In the expression, having one type to keep aloof to control all chilly superior. 语气之中,带着一种高高在上掌控一切的清冷优越。 Compliant.” Slanting long face odd person hear that, bows to salute, then approaches toward Ye Qingyu in big strides, grins fiendishly, said: Surnamed Zhang, said that how you want dead.” “遵命。”斜长脸怪人闻言,躬身行礼,然后大踏步地朝着叶青羽逼近,狞笑,道:“姓张的,说吧,你想怎么死。” The silver strange dagger is stern, kills toward Ye Qingyu. 银色奇异匕首森严,朝着叶青羽袭杀而来。 Ye Qingyu smiled lightly: Does not know so- said.” 叶青羽淡淡地笑了笑:“不知所谓。” When that silver dagger kills, he lifts the hand slightly, stretches out two fingers, clamps gently, will bring the silver dagger of urgent telegram cold glow to grip, even if above the dagger the silver mysterious rune light beam pasts to rise suddenly crazily, has the Dao Sound vibration of thundering faintly, but actually cannot work loose that two fairly such as the finger of jade. 等到那银色匕首袭杀到跟前,他微微抬手,伸出两根手指,轻轻一夹,就将带着急电般寒芒的银色匕首夹住了,纵然匕首之上银色的神秘符文光束疯狂地流转暴涨,隐隐有轰鸣的道音震动,但却丝毫不能挣脱那两根白皙如玉的手指。 You......” slanting long face odd person consecrate the facial color big change. “你……”斜长脸怪人古供奉面色大变。 He only thought that the dagger like was suppressed by two Divine Mountain the middle, whatever he actuates the complete strength, was actually such as casts was same, was entirely still. 他只觉得匕首像是被两座神山镇压在了中间一样,任凭他驱动全部的力量,却都是如铸在了其中一样,纹丝不动。 Gains ground subconsciously. 下意识地抬头。 What he sees is in the Ye Qingyu eye pities the expression and ice that woods killing intent. 他看到的是叶青羽眼中怜悯的表情和冰森的杀意 Instantaneous, a ghost braves greatly the fear, consecrates the whole person to cover. 瞬间,有一种亡魂大冒般的恐惧,将古供奉整个人都笼罩。 He realized that the judgment contains errors, this middle-aged person absolutely is not peak Great Saint, but is a terror to fearful level expert. 他意识到,判断有误,这个中年人绝对不是什么巅峰大圣,而是一尊恐怖到可怕的级强者 Awful. 糟糕。 He loosens the dagger instantaneously, removes body to retrocede. 他瞬间松开匕首,撤身后退。 However, was late. 然而,已经迟了。 The Ye Qingyu finger shakes slightly. 叶青羽手指微微一震。 The silver dagger flies upside down. 银色匕首倒飞出去。 Puff! 噗! Slanting long face consecrates the personal appearance face up but actually, in his forehead, inserts that silver dagger, the blood is flowing following the dagger, dagger until not having handle, strength of the wisp of deep blue cold ice fills the air from the dagger, freezes an ice sculpture the personal appearance that consecrated instantaneously, then broke...... 斜长脸古供奉身形仰面就倒,他的眉心之中,插着那枚银色的匕首,鲜血汩汩地顺着匕首流淌出来,匕首直至没柄,一缕蔚蓝的寒冰之力从匕首上弥漫出来,瞬间就将古供奉的身形冻成了一尊冰雕,然后破碎…… The surrounding people, see that are the facial color big changes. 周围众人,见状都是面色大变。 Ye Qingyu does not give them the opportunity, personal appearance moves, a on the spot twinkle. 叶青羽不给他们机会,身形一动,在原地一个闪烁。 Then encircles in that several expert of his side, has flown instantaneously upside down, changed to the ice sculpture in the midair, crashes on the ground, then throws down and breaks to fall to split, dingdong the ice piece shoots all around the sputtering...... 然后围在他身边的那十几名强者,瞬间都倒飞了出去,在半空之中化作了冰雕,坠落在地上,然后摔碎摔裂开来,叮叮当当的冰块弹起来溅射四周…… Flickers to kill. 瞬杀。 Root originally has not given the Zhen Yuan Palace demon dragon armed soldiers, any time and leeway of response. 本就没有给镇远王府的魔龙甲士们,任何反应的时间和余地。 On cowl, stunned coagulation on Wei Heng face. 车辕上,卫横脸上的错愕凝固。 Then the personal appearance shivered fiercely. 然后身形剧烈地颤抖了起来。 That is because frightened. 那是因为恐惧。 Withdraw.” “撤。” That chilly superior female voice in carriage, has also treated one panic-stricken that at this time is hard to conceal, orders all people to withdraw directly immediately. 马车中的那个清冷优越的女声,此时也待了一丝难以掩饰的惊恐,直接下令所有人立刻撤走。 Her resolution is quick. 她的决断非常快。 ancient consecrates is in all movers strength is strongest, approaches in Quasi-Emperor infinitely, although is not most expert in Zhen Yuan Palace, but also some components, these time please move to consecrate, originally also thinks that is the easy matter, who will have the mistake to the estimate, this Zhang Long Cheng root originally is the lamb that treats butchers, but is a terror ominous horizontal barbarian lion. 古供奉乃是所有行动者之中实力最强,无限接近于准帝,虽不是镇远王府之中的最强者,但也有些分量,这一次请动古供奉,原本还以为是手到擒来的事情,谁会到预估有错误,这个张龙城本就是待宰的羔羊,而是一头恐怖凶横的蛮狮。 However, the instance that this sound/noise passes on, Ye Qingyu arrived around the carriage. 然而,这个声音传出来的瞬间,叶青羽就已经到了马车跟前。 A tyrannical incomparable internal combustion engine, just likes is the mountain crush flood eruption is the same, sends out from the body of Ye Qingyu, the terror surpasses the limit, directly the carriage, land dragon and Wei Heng is as for several hundred demon dragon armed soldier Elite that around the carriage crowds around, thoroughly sealed to blow, such as Space-Time coagulated is the same, cannot have slight move. 一股强横无比的气机,犹如是山岳碾压洪水爆发一样,从叶青羽的身体之中散发出来,恐怖超越极限,直接将马车、地龙、卫横乃至于马车周围簇拥的数百魔龙甲士精锐,都彻底封镇住了,就如时空凝固一样,不能有丝毫的动弹。 To remove? 想撤? Cannot get away. 根本走不了。 I do not want to investigate again the matter in rural fair, you actually actually compel, thinks really the riches and honor power and influence can solve all?” Before Ye Qingyu arrives at the carriage gradually, during sound/noise is tranquil is containing an unequalled pressure: Thinks really I don't dare to cut nobilities' daughter?” “我都不想再追究集市上的事情,你们却硬是相逼,真以为富贵权势可以解决一切吗?”叶青羽一步一步来到马车前,声音平静之中蕴含着一种无与伦比的威压:“真以为我不敢斩王侯之女吗?” -------------- -------------- Is this, this chapter for the matter that to make up for that single Zhang collected fees yesterday, if you see here, discovered that only then more than 300 characters, then on and other minutes, renovates, will have the complete chapter, pirated the aspect unable to guarantee, excuse me, later as far as possible did not violate this type stupid wrong. 是这样的,这一章是为了弥补昨天那个单章收费的事情,如果你看到这里,发现只有300多字,那就等十分钟,重新刷新一下,就会有完整的章节了,盗版方面就不敢保证了,不好意思啊,以后尽量不犯这种蠢错误。 Thank the blade crazy world to be chaotic, dot wasted one's best years, photo album three big supporting, thank Jiang Hu variant dragon big Wan Shang, ashamed, I will continue to try hard. 感谢刀狂世乱、丶虚度年华、写真集三位大大的捧场,感谢江湖侠龙大大的万赏,惭愧,我会继续努力。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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