IGE :: Volume #12

#1119: Admitted defeat?

Since Zhen Yuan Palace in guardian King City, has been overbearingly had become famous, although Zhen Yuan King indeed is one of the present power core level characters, has great power, has indeed provoked many personal enemy enemies in these years, although usually in feels indignant but not daring to speak out, but hears such news, thinks incomparably comfortably. 镇远王府在守卫者王城之中,一直以来都是霸道出了名的,虽然镇远王的确是如今权力核心层的人物之一,大权在握,在这些年的确是也招惹了不少的仇家对头,虽然平日里都是敢怒不敢言,不过听到这样的消息,却都觉得无比舒爽。 But these opponents, are certainly glad such news, disseminates. 而这些冤家对头,当然很乐意将这样的消息,传播出去。 One of very convenient trusted subordinate stewards the daughter who one of the health/guard probably Zhen Yuan Palace foreign aid stewards, it is said now under the Zhen Yuan King knee most loves usually in uses, usually in guardian King City, is domineering and tyrannical is also nobody dares to manage, now one was beaten savagely by a mysterious person, on remaining a head that hits, it is said after returning to the palace, depends upon Zhen Yuan Palace consecrates to get rid, helped its recovery the body, this matter, regarding the Zhen Yuan Palace prestige was a huge attack and provocation, so-called beat a dog also looks at Master, usually in Wei Heng on was a Zhen Yuan Palace mad dog., Depends the potential of Master Zhen Yuan King, nobody dares to annoy, now suffered the retribution finally. 卫横是镇远王府的外援管事之一,据说还是如今镇远王膝下最宠爱的女儿平日里用的很顺手的亲信管事之一,平日里在守卫者王城之中,横行霸道也是无人敢管,如今被一个神秘人一顿暴打,打的就剩下了一颗头颅,据说回到府中之后,依靠一位镇远王府的供奉出手,才帮助其恢复了身躯,这件事情,对于镇远王府的威望是一个巨大的打击和挑衅,所谓打狗还得看主人,平日里卫横就是镇远王府的一条疯狗。,仗着主人镇远王的势,没有人敢惹,现在总算是遭受到了报应。 This matter, regarding the aristocrats in many cities, was in this ten thousand easy rural fair festivals the most interesting subject. 这件事情,对于许多城中的贵族来说,是这一次万易集市节之中最为有趣的谈资了。 No matter, beats my Zhen Yuan Palace steward, must pay the price, if knows the limitation, earlier voluntarily surrenders to the authorities, I will perhaps let off his family family member......” “不管是谁,殴打我镇远王府的管事,都得付出代价,如果识相的,就早点儿来投案自首,我也许会放过他的家族亲人……” At nightfall, the Zhen Yuan Palace princess said. 入夜时分,镇远王府的郡主就放话出来了。 But Zhen Yuan Palace iron health/guard, is taking the jade scroll portrait of murderer, started to search in the city, this scale must dig three feet simply, the situation was very tense, on each street had the iron health/guard horse caravan to speed away, throughout the evening, many people heard out of the window shouted out the noisy sound, an evening has not stood still. 镇远王府的铁卫,也是拿着凶手的玉简画像,在城中开始搜索了起来,这种规模简直就是要掘地三尺,局势很紧张,每一道街道上都有铁卫马队疾驰,整个夜晚,很多人都听到窗外的呼喝吵闹之声,一晚上都没有停歇过。 However, to the next day dawn time, has not harvested as before. 然而,到了第二天天明的时候,依旧没有收获。 After all entire guardian King City was too big, person true expert, wants to hide, such as a water drop converged Ocean to be the same, was very difficult to find, and key was the origin of this person unknown, did not have what clue to trace. 毕竟整个守卫者王城太大了,一个人一个真正的强者,想要藏起来,就如一滴水汇入了大海一样,很难找到,且关键是这个人的来历未知,也没有什么线索追查。 This makes Zhen Yuan Palace very passive. 这让镇远王府很被动。 Dawn time, Ye Qingyu is refreshing stretched oneself, stands before the window of relay station room, bird's eye view surrounding street. 天亮的时候,叶青羽神清气爽地伸了伸懒腰,站在驿站房间的窗户前,俯瞰周围的街道。 As Sun raises, in King City center city has lived gradually it up. 随着太阳升起,王城中心城之中逐渐又热闹了起来。 Although ten thousand easy rural fair festivals to have ended, but the aftertaste has not diverged thoroughly, before status underground different races dark people yesterday sunset, withdrew from the central city, aristocrats but who these come from outside area, then stays in the city as before, has various goals respectively, is deducting likes the anger sadly. 虽然万易集市节已经结束,但余韵还未彻底散去,地位地下的异类暗民昨天日落之前已经撤出中心城,但那些从外地而来的贵族们,则依旧留在城中,各有各的目的,演绎着一幕幕的悲欢喜怒。 Yesterday after teaching that triangle face wicked slave, Ye Qingyu returned to the relay station, stayed at home. 昨天教训完了那个三角脸恶奴之后,叶青羽就回到了驿站中,闭门不出。 This he had feared actually Zhen Yuan Palace hides, but is he has the leisurely and carefree mood reorganization in the room very much in some little things that at ten thousand easy rural fair festivals to buy, he wants to relax his mood thoroughly, strength Cultivation Base to him now this degree, is not the self-torture can promote, but must wait for the chance turning point. 这倒不是他怕了镇远王府而躲起来,而是他在房间里很有闲情逸致地整理在万易集市节上买到的一些小东西,他想要彻底放松自己的心情,实力修为到了他如今这种程度,已经不是苦修所能提升,而是要等待机缘契机。 Moreover, he has not reduced regarding the interest of Earth civilization, will therefore also take out the neutron hard disk to watch some information. 而且,他对于地球文明的兴趣未减,所以也会取出中子硬盘来观看其中的一些信息。 Ye Qingyu thought throughout that the field of vision of Earth civilization, regarding own martial path, has the huge gain function, but how to use, in his heart, did not have an explicit mentality. 叶青羽始终觉得,地球文明的视野,对于自己的武道之路,有巨大的增益作用,但到底如何利用,他的心中,还没有一个明确的思路。 Meets the place that some do not understand, Ye Qingyu will relate in the square boat on own initiative Tai Chu At that time distinguished time, Tai Chu Gives Ye Qingyu communication, with maintain continual, this gadget is very mysterious, Ye Qingyu has not clarified principle, but the effect is good, just likes the mirage technique same can see in the telephone conversation each other, but does not have any strength fluctuation, absolutely not by the rune martial arts expert detection. 遇到一些不懂的地方,叶青羽会主动联系方舟之中的【太初】当时分别的时候,【太初】交给叶青羽一个通讯器,用以保持连续,这玩意儿很神奇,叶青羽还未弄清楚其中的原理,但效果非常不错,犹如水镜术一样可以看到通话中的彼此,但却没有任何的力量波动,绝对不会被符文武道强者察觉。 In fact, walks, Ye Qingyu and Tai Chu In the middle the relation, has not cut off. 实际上,一路走来,叶青羽和【太初】之间的联系,就没有断绝过。 Falls the transformation of god range, has carried on methodically, Tai Chu Only brain of this universe level, is really too fierce, in overall plan, simply is the peerless talent.” “落神岭的改造,已经有条不紊地进行了,【太初】这个宇宙级的光脑,实在是太厉害,在统筹方面,简直就是绝世天才。” In the Ye Qingyu heart sighs with emotion. 叶青羽心中感慨。 Breakfast time, face strange Linghu Buxiu arrived at the relay station. 早餐的时候,一脸古怪的令狐不修来到了驿站。 This fellow drew the room a Ye Qingyu person mystically, then has closed the windows and doors, has established Restriction formation, this used a very strange vision, high and low was sizing up Ye Qingyu, said: Yesterday mysterious fierce person who Brother Zhang, that beat savagely Wei Heng, is not......” 这家伙神神秘秘地将叶青羽一个人拉到了房间,然后关上了门窗,又设置了禁制阵法,这才用一种很奇怪的目光,上下打量着叶青羽,道:“张老弟,昨天那个暴打卫横的神秘猛人,不会就是……” Ye Qingyu nods, said: Good, is I.” 叶青羽点点头,道:“不错,是我啊。” „? Also is really you?” Linghu Buxiu originally guessed that heard Ye Qingyu to acknowledge righteously, is immediately out of control to hold breath a cold air/Qi: Brother Zhang, you also are really...... Really is the fierce person, the brother I took.” “啊?还真的是你啊?”令狐不修原本只是猜测,听到叶青羽理直气壮地承认了,顿时也禁不住倒吸了一口冷气:“张老弟,你还真的是……真的是猛人啊,老哥哥我服了。” Ye Qingyu shows a faint smile, said: This matter, was too indeed impulsive, then situation that I did, was really very exasperating, in solemn King City, really had this rampant domineering wicked slave, was really owes to tidy up......” 叶青羽微微一笑,道:“这件事情,的确是我做的太冲动了,不过当时的情况,真的是很气人啊,堂堂王城之中,竟然有这种嚣张跋扈的恶奴,实在是欠收拾……” Initially, Ye Qingyu in the Nie Tiankong front, displayed a foolhardy extremely rash image, particularly in demon stone forest fighting process, thinks that made the Nie Tiankong memory profound, therefore he said now that Nie Tiankong listened, will not suspect anything absolutely. 当初,叶青羽聂天空的面前,就表现出了一副有勇无谋极为莽撞的形象,尤其是在魔石森林一战过程之中,想必令聂天空记忆深刻,所以他现在这么说,聂天空听了,绝对不会怀疑什么。 Linghu Buxiu somewhat is speechless, but also somewhat touches, has patted the shoulder of Ye Qingyu, said: Brother Zhang, you also really warm-blooded, the brother I feels ashamed of one's inferiority, is only now this King City......, did not say that initially brother I initially to King City time, such as your such doggedly sincere is fearless, but now...... Oh, Sir Nie looks, only feared that the brother I already met a cruel death.” 令狐不修就有些无语,但也有些触动,拍了拍叶青羽的肩膀,道:“张老弟啊,你还真的是热血啊,老哥哥我自愧不如啊,只是如今这王城……唉,不说也罢,当初老哥哥我初到王城的时候,也如你这样一腔热血无所畏惧,但是如今……唉,要不是聂大人照拂,只怕老哥哥我早就粉身碎骨了啊。” Ye Qingyu said intentionally: Was right, won't this matter, hit to trouble to Sir Nie? If this, I work a person to work as, absolutely not you will involve Sir Nie and brother.” 叶青羽故意道:“对了,这件事情,不会给聂大人打来麻烦吧?要是这样,那我一人做事一人当,绝对不会将聂大人和老哥哥你牵扯进来。” Linghu Buxiu hear that, has smiled, suddenly became proud, said: Ha Ha, Brother Zhang does not need to be worried that Sir Nie the what kind status, how will fear that Zhen Yuan Palace now, franks, now between Sir Nie and Zhen Yuan King the potential like the water and fire, is the sworn enemy, Brother Zhang your appointment does not get down , because a strength of Zhen Yuan King department is causing trouble, the brother I today, am because Sir Nie had looked at that capturing murderers portrait, knows is you, therefore makes me have the words to you, does not need to fear that he will help you solve.” 令狐不修闻言,笑了起来,突然又变得豪情万丈了起来,道:“哈哈,张老弟不用担心,聂大人如今何等身份,怎么会惧怕那镇远王府,实不相瞒啊,如今聂大人和镇远王之间势如水火,乃是死对头,张老弟你的任命迟迟不下来,就是因为镇远王一系的力量在作祟,老哥哥我今天来,就是因为聂大人已经看过那缉凶画像,知道是你,所以让我给你带话,不用怕,他会帮你解决。” Ye Qingyu hear that, smiled, said: For me many thanks Sir Nie.” 叶青羽闻言,笑了笑,道:“替我多谢聂大人。” Sir Nie to you, regards as important extremely, Ha Ha.” Linghu Buxiu somewhat envies looks at Ye Qingyu. “聂大人对你,极为看重啊,哈哈。”令狐不修有些羡慕地看着叶青羽 These day he follows in the Nie Tiankong side, more than once hears Nie Tiankong to mention Ye Qingyu, appreciates the tone that acclaimed extremely, obviously this was the prelude that Ye Qingyu must entrust with heavy responsibility, as the person with newly acquired wealth in King City, Nie Tiankong hot enough to scald one's hands, strives for hegemony with established all Wang now sufficiently, once entrusted with heavy responsibility, that future future, will be limitless. 这几日他跟在聂天空的身边,不止一次地听到聂天空提起叶青羽,一副极为欣赏赞叹的口吻,显然这是叶青羽要被重用的前奏,作为王城之中的新贵,聂天空如今炙手可热,足以与老牌诸王争雄,一旦被重用,那日后的前途,可是不可限量。 With yesterday's matter, probably guesses after the person who gets rid is Ye Qingyu, in the Nie Tiankong surface has not said anything, but after actual upper back , is actually extremely happy, will praise this to fall god range City Lord repeatedly is a luck, recently Nie Tiankong somewhat depressed, finally in an instant Ye Qingyu that a person of Zhen Yuan King department made maliciously has hit the face of Zhen Yuan Palace, left foul odor maliciously. 就拿昨日的事情来说,大概猜出来出手的人是叶青羽之后,聂天空表面上没有说什么,但实际上背后却是极为开心,一再夸赞这个落神岭城主是一员福将,这些日子聂天空镇远王一系的人弄的有些郁闷,结果转眼叶青羽就狠狠地打了镇远王府的脸,狠狠地出了一口恶气。 After having comforted Ye Qingyu, Linghu Buxiu returned. 安抚了叶青羽之后,令狐不修就返回了。 Before leaving, making Ye Qingyu feel relieved that does not need to be worried about the retaliation of Zhen Yuan Palace. 离开之前,让叶青羽放心,不用担心镇远王府的报复。 But to noon, a news, has spread among the upper-level aristocrats in King City center city. 而到了中午,一则消息,就在王城中心城之中的上层贵族之间流传了开来。 What? Fierce person who that beats savagely Wei Heng, unexpectedly is the Nie Tiankong person?” “什么?那个暴打卫横的猛人,竟然是聂天空的人?” He He, this was interesting, although Nie Tiankong has not conferred the title of prince upon, but he now is one of military headquarters commands, the hand grasps the heavy power, resists with all Wang sufficiently, is it possible that does he want to move Zhen Yuan King unexpectedly?” “呵呵,这就有意思了,聂天空虽然未曾封王,但他如今已经是军部中的统帅之一,手握重权,足以和诸王对抗,莫非他竟然要动镇远王?” Nie Tiankong sooner or later is also a new king.” 聂天空迟早也是一位新王。” This is the resistance of new and old influence, no wonder that fierce person dares to move Wei Heng, should be the deployment of Marshal Nie.” “这是新旧势力的对抗啊,怪不得那个猛人敢动卫横,应该就是聂帅的部署吧。” You have not known that it is said Marshal Nie greeted to Zhen Yuan Palace, said that this is a misunderstanding, person who beats savagely Wei Heng, indeed is his subordinates, but wrong in Wei Heng, therefore he no longer has also investigated, has uncovered in light of this, explicitly indicated that hopes Zhen Yuan Palace do not cause trouble again, and abolishes the warrant for arrest, the words expression is very strong.” “你们还不知道啊,据说聂帅已经向镇远王府打了招呼,说这是一次误会,暴打卫横的人,的确是他的麾下,但错在卫横,所以他也就不再追究了,就此揭过,明确表示,希望镇远王府不要再生事,且撤销通缉令,话语措辞很强势啊。” Ha Ha, interesting, was right, who knows that what origin that fierce person is? I listened to the servant to say the same day situation, smiles the broken belly simply, that suddenly was also outstanding person, Wei Hengkuai was played.” “哈哈,有意思啊,对了,谁知道那个猛人是什么来历吗?我听下人说了当日的情况,简直是笑破肚子啊,那猛然也是一个妙人儿啊,卫横快被玩死了。” It is said is the trusted friend who Nie Tiankong promotes newly, falls Zhang Long Cheng of god range.” “据说是聂天空新提拔的心腹,落神岭的张龙城。” „A young aristocrat, really has such skill, will not be Nie Tiankong will run to take the rap?” “一个小贵族啊,竟然有这样的本事,不会是聂天空跑出来背黑锅的吧?” All kinds of news, are disseminating in the guardian King City upper-level aristocrat crazily. 各种各样的消息,在守卫者王城的上层贵族之中疯狂地传播着。 Many people are watching changes quietly. 很多人都在静观其变。 However the Zhen Yuan Palace iron health/guard on street, actually received. 但是街道上的镇远王府铁卫,却是都收了回去。 Evidently, did Zhen Yuan Palace admit defeat unexpectedly? 看样子,镇远王府竟是服软了? The news travels, in guardian King City surprised. 消息传开,守卫者王城之中一片惊讶。 Many people start to know Nie Tiankong this person with newly acquired wealth, has not thought he has won this game unexpectedly. 很多人开始重新认识聂天空这个新贵啊,没想到他竟然真的是赢了这一局。 Linghu Buxiu, in evening, came one time, told Ye Qingyu very much happily, all disturbances passed, making him not need to be worried again, the situation was very optimistic. 就连令狐不修,也在傍晚的时候,又来了一次,很开心地告诉叶青羽,一切风波都过去了,让他不必再担心了,局势很乐观。 ...... …… Zhen Yuan Palace. 镇远王府 In day Xiangfang, over 20 -year-old beautiful females of look black, on the face are hanging sneering, looks in the hall dozens black iron demon armor masters, her corners of the mouth delimit a cruel and mean curve, seems a cold blood heartless female wolf is the same. 天香坊中,一位面色阴沉的20多岁美丽女子,脸上挂着冷笑,看着堂中数十位一身黑铁魔甲的高手,她的嘴角划出一丝残忍而又阴狠的弧度,仿佛是一个冷血无情的母狼一样。 Quiet colored princess in Zhen Yuan Palace. 正是镇远王府中的幽花郡主。 He He, Nie Tiankong is really weak, superior several days, want to press my Zhen Yuan Palace, this time, must give him a lifelong unforgettable lesson...... Wei did Heng, the news confirm?” “呵呵,聂天空真的是幼稚,才上位几天,就想要压我镇远王府,这一次,要给他一个终身难忘的教训……卫横,消息都确认了吗?” The quiet flowered princess looked by one already recovery the triangle face wicked slave of body. 幽花郡主看了一眼旁边已经恢复了身躯的三角脸恶奴。 Princess, inquired eliminated, the youth who that chief criminal sold the herbal medicine just and his old lady, in the Marquis Ting Tao palace, this Marquis Ting Tao was really acts recklessly at this time, dared to give shelter to this pair of mother and child, this clearly must oppose with our palace, as for that damn Zhang Long Cheng, in the relay station, was very free, performance rampancy of , drank to eat the dish, swaggering, thinks that really the princess you had been given to blow by Nie Tiankong, does not dare to move him......” “郡主,都打听清除了,那个罪魁祸首卖草药的少年此时正和他老娘,都在听涛侯府之中,这个听涛侯真的是不知死活啊,竟敢收留这一对母子,这分明是要和咱们王府作对啊,至于那个该死的张龙城,就在驿站之中,很是逍遥啊,表现的很嚣张,喝酒吃菜,大摇大摆,真的以为郡主您已经被聂天空给镇住,不敢动他了……” Wei Heng clenching jaws tunnel. 卫横咬牙切齿地道。 Good, please consecrate to get rid, first cuts Zhang Long Cheng that has acted recklessly, person's head to me tans, delivers to Nie Tiankong Shuai Fu, then, then goes to the Marquis Ting Tao palace the important person, no matter, cannot let off...... Let the fellows who these overreach oneself know that my Zhen Yuan Palace dignity is inviolable.” “好,请供奉出手,先斩了那不知死活的张龙城,人头给我硝制好,送到聂天空的帅府,然后,再去听涛侯府中要人,不管是谁,一个都不许放过……让那些不自量力的家伙都知道,我镇远王府的威严不可侵犯。” Princess Du Hua gloomy tunnel. 毒花郡主阴森地道。 That beautiful facial features in this moment, appear incomparably fierce gloomy. 那美丽的面容在这一刻,显得无比狰狞阴森。 ------------ ------------ Thank the perfection Yin-Yang emperor Venerable and make special 90 latter two big supporting. 感谢不败阴阳帝尊、做特别的90后两位大大的捧场。 The next chapter the free chapter that is to make up made a mistake yesterday, the concrete operating mode, is very simple, able to move unhindered over thousand characters will not collect fees, when the time comes, takes the first issue number of words for the standard, when the time comes the knife sends 900 characters first, then immediately revises the chapter, turns into 3000 character chapters, should everybody not need to pay expenses...... Beforehand old means. 下一章是弥补昨天失误的免费章节,具体的操作方式,很简单,纵横不超过千字就不会收费,到时候呢,以第一次发布时的字数为准,到时候刀子先发900字,然后立刻修改章节,变成3000字章节,应该大家就不用付费了……以前的一个老办法。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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