IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#970: Zhong Shan effect

Yang Sector, Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, before Longevity Palace ! 阳间,凌霄天庭,长生殿前! In the most critical time, roared, after gale, Zhong Shan appeared above the square. 在最危急的时刻,一声咆哮,一阵大风后,钟山出现在了广场之上。 Blocked the Great Zheng whole body of ministers at own body, kept off Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court all crises. 以自己身躯挡住了大崝群臣,挡下了凌霄天庭所有危机。 At this moment, Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court four directions cheers Saint King to long live! Dynasty Capital is jubilant, acoustic shock clouds. 这一刻,凌霄天庭四方都欢呼着圣王万万岁!朝都欢腾,声震云霄。 The Longevity Palace square, the official is all happy but extremely the tears, admire Saint King unceasingly, at this moment, in the various officials heart an excitement, gratified, boiled for five years, all are worth, oneself are correct, Saint King came back! 长生殿广场,官员无不喜极而涕,不断拜服圣王,这一刻,众臣心中一阵激动,一阵欣慰,熬了五年,一切都是值得的,自己是正确的,圣王回来了! After doing obeisance Zhong Shan high, the whole body of ministers no longer spoke, subsequently by the vision of hatred looked also had Ancient Immortal King Qi Ming to this crowd of Great Immortal. 高拜钟山之后,群臣不再说话,继而以仇恨的目光看向这一群大仙还有古仙齐明王 Zhong Shan seems the everyone pillar, the pillar arrives, is fearless. 钟山就好似所有人的主心骨,主心骨一到,再无畏惧。 But distant place, in big hole injured Minister of War Lang Zhen, inconceivable stares the big eye, looks at Zhong Shan of distant place, Lang Zhen mind thunders. 而远处,大坑中受伤的兵部尚书朗真,不可思议的瞪大眼睛,看着远处的钟山,朗真头脑一阵轰鸣。 The feeling that a sky collapses thunders in the Lang Zhen heart. 一种天塌下来的感觉在朗真心中轰鸣而出。 Hasn't Zhong Shan died? Hasn't he really died? The Lang Zhen chest fluctuates unceasingly, the mind is chaotic, will see Zhong Shan, Lang Zhen already saw the Great Zheng future, Great Zheng Destiny already completely? No, Great Zheng started to boil truly. 钟山没死?他真的没死?朗真胸膛不断起伏,脑海混乱不堪,看到了钟山,朗真已经看到了大崝的未来,大崝气数已尽?不,大崝真正开始沸腾了。 Thinks own these years makes doings. 想到自己这些年的所作所为 Rebellion! Treason! Surrender to the enemy! Surrenders to the enemy the failure? 叛乱!叛国!投敌!投敌失败? Ha, haha, Hahaha, Saint King came back, Saint King came back!” Lang Zhen acts like a madman smiled. “哈,哈哈,哈哈哈,圣王回来了,圣王回来了!”朗真疯疯癫癫的笑了起来。 The mood is not steady, under the unceasing impact, Great Zheng Minister of War Lang Zhen, at this moment such as a lunatic was the same past, one will smile, one will cry, the intelligence is chaotic, discarded thoroughly. 情绪不稳,在不断冲击之下,昔日大崝兵部尚书朗真,此刻却如一个疯子一样,一会笑,一会哭,神智混乱,彻底废掉了。 At this time, but no one paid attention to Lang Zhen, no matter in King Qi Ming and the others in the eye, were in the Great Zheng whole body of ministers eye, his already was a deceased person, does not have any possibility of going on living. 这时候,可没人理会朗真,不管是在齐明王等人眼中,还是在大崝群臣眼中,他已经是一个死人了,没有任何活下去的可能。 Insane? Was not insane can clear of all responsibility for an offense! 疯?不是疯了就可以洗脱一切罪责! Before Zhong Shan proud Liren . Both eyes like the electricity, stare in the air King Qi Ming. 钟山傲立人前。双目如电,直瞪空中的齐明王 In King Qi Ming eye Yin clear uncertain, face is twitched, living, Zhong Shan also living? This, is this possible? 齐明王眼中阴晴不定,面庞抽了抽,活着,钟山还活着?这,这怎么可能? Gazed at fixedly an enemy invader in space, Zhong Shan had a look at behind the whole body of ministers. 瞪视了一眼天上的敌寇,钟山看看身后群臣。 Various Minister, good work, We came back late!” Zhong Shan said. “诸爱卿,辛苦了,朕回来晚了!”钟山说道。 Feudal official and other official duties!” “臣等本职!” Feudal official should!” “臣应该的!” Old minister knows that Saint King will come back!” “老臣知道圣王会回来的!” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. ...... ...... Whole body of ministers excited speaking incoherently, but Zhong Shan has not blamed, because they are Great Zheng most precious Courtier. 群臣激动的语无伦次,但钟山并没有怪罪,因为他们就是大崝最珍贵的臣子 Lin Xiao, Shui Jing, Shui Wuhen is in the eye flashes through excitedly light/only, but Zhong Shan regarding them, casts a trust and grateful vision, these three people do not need to say much, sees the Zhong Shan's look, three people felt all grievance of these five years are worth. 林啸,水镜,水无痕都是眼中闪过激动之光,而钟山对于他们,都投过去一股信任与感激的目光,这三人不需要多说,看到钟山的眼神,三人就觉得这五年的一切委屈都值得的了。 Comforted whole body of ministers, Zhong Shan to raise head towards sky, a giant blue cover. 安抚了一下群臣,钟山抬头望天,一个巨大的蓝色罩子。 In the Zhong Shan eye stares, drinks pale: Comes out!” 钟山眼中一瞪,一声淡喝:“出来!” Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The Zhong Shan's body, resounds through two heavenshaking Dragon Roar suddenly. 钟山的身体,忽然响彻两声震天龙吟 During Dragon Roar roars, the sound covers Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court everyone respectful to do obeisance immediately, domineering sound wave rising to the sky. 龙吟一吼间,声音顿时盖过凌霄天庭所有人的恭拜,强势的声波冲天而上 The enormous golden light erupts from the Zhong Shan body, shining piece that entire Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court suddenly changes, the dazzling ray, punctures the blue cover, dyed the golden color 1 million li (0.5 km) sky. 大量金光从钟山身体喷发而出,整个凌霄天庭一时间变的金灿灿一片,耀眼的光芒,刺破蓝色罩子,将百万里的天空都染成了金色。 Two golden big dragons emit from Zhong Shan within the body suddenly, is 19 claw Luck Golden Dragon, Great Zheng Luck Golden Dragon reappears! 两条金色巨龙忽然间从钟山体内冒出,都是十九气运金龙,大崝气运金龙再现! Luck Golden Dragon rising to the sky, breaks through the blue cover directly, suddenly, around Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court the strong winds writings, the inexhaustible golden energy from gathers suddenly in all directions. 气运金龙冲天而上,直接冲破蓝色罩子,一时间,凌霄天庭四周忽然狂风大作,无穷无尽的金色能量从四面八方汇聚而来。 Luck, inexhaustible Luck, immeasurable Meritorious Virtue. 气运,无穷无尽的气运,还有无量功德 In Luck of Great Zheng territory, Meritorious Virtue, gathers to come again. Recast all over the sky Luck, grandiose, momentum Chongtian/soaring ! 大崝疆土的气运,功德,再度汇聚而来。重铸满天气运,浩浩荡荡,声势冲天! Great Zheng long live!” 大崝万岁万岁万万岁!” Saint King long live!” 圣王万岁万岁万万岁!” ........................ ........................ .................. .................. ...... ...... four directions is the sound of cheering. 四方都是欢呼之声。 Under Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, imperial guard big camp. 凌霄天庭下方,禁军大营。 Since three days, three days, without a news that Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court had spread, but above Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, was lived by a blue cover cover suddenly, many imperial guards were full of the doubts, discusses rises from all directions, the morale of troops is lax. 三天了,三天以来,没有凌霄天庭传来的一丝消息,而凌霄天庭之上,忽然被一个蓝色罩子罩住,很多禁军都充满了疑惑,议论四起,军心涣散。 Does not have the military tally, without the transfer order, no one dares to leave bans the military compound, some small numbers of people were the military deserter. 只是没有兵符,没有调令,谁也不敢出禁军营,又有少数人做了逃兵。 The Generals lead(er) has no alternative, in the heart sorrowful sigh, did Great Zheng really destroy? 众将领无可奈何,心中一阵哀叹,大崝真的毁灭了吗? Vacillates when the morale of troops, Generals sorrowful sigh, suddenly, two heavenshaking Dragon Roar spread to the everyone ear. 在军心动摇,众将哀叹之际,忽然,两声震天龙吟传入所有人耳中。 everyone looks up. Sky already was dyed the golden color again. 所有人抬头望去。天空已经再度被染成了金色。 Luck, that is Great Zheng Luck!” A military officer shouted suddenly. 气运,那是大崝气运!”一个将领忽然嘶吼了起来。 Great Zheng Luck, Great Zheng Meritorious Virtue, came back, all came back!” Another soldier shouted loudly. 大崝气运,大崝功德,回来了,全都回来了!”又一个士兵高呼了起来。 Great Zheng, Great Zheng long live!” 大崝,大崝万万岁!” Great Zheng long live!” 大崝万万岁!” .............................. .............................. ............ ............ ...... ...... Appearance of again Luck, seeming hit the stimulant to be the same to all officers, the heart that previously moved restlessly, returned to normal completely! Great Zheng still, Great Zheng lasts forever! 气运的再度出现,好似给所有将士打了兴奋剂一样,先前躁动的心,全部平复下来!大崝还在,大崝永存! All officers restored the beforehand pride again! Happy dance. 所有将士再度恢复到了以前的骄傲!欢舞而起。 Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” When endless Luck gathers, Great Zheng that most has the characteristics two dragons to sound together resounds through among Heaven and Earth again, is resounds through in all Great Zheng child popular sentiments. 无尽气运聚拢之际,大崝那最有特色的两龙齐鸣再度响彻天地之间,更是响彻所有大崝子民心中。 „The Great Zheng people, We, Zhong Shan, came back ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 大崝的子民们,朕,钟山,回来了~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Zhong Shan said loudly. But this did not say that listens to the Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court common people, but said listens to Great Zheng all people, so long as is the Great Zheng people, at this moment heard in Zhong Shan that completely the air/Qi full sound. 钟山大声说道。而这一声不是说给凌霄天庭百姓听的,而是说给大崝所有子民听的,只要是大崝子民,此刻全部听到了钟山那一声中气十足的声音。 Any person who hears the Zhong Shan sound, in the heart added a powerful self-confidence all. 凡是听到钟山声音的人,无不心中平添了一股强大的自信。 ------------------------ ------------------------ Great Zheng Saint Court south, Unparalleled City! 大崝圣庭的南方,无双城! Unparalleled City, Small Thousand Worlds is Zhong Shan enters the Divine State first stand , helping the Shui Wuhen father garner votes to sit City Lord, Zhong Shan first exposes the towering place. 无双城,小千世界钟山进入神州的第一站,助水无痕父亲拉票坐城主,钟山初次展露峥嵘之地。 Because of Zhong Shan, Unparalleled City changes unusual is famous. Sets up a giant Zhong Shan statue in the Unparalleled City center. 因为钟山,无双城变的非常有名。在无双城的中央更是树立起一座巨大的钟山雕像。 That is the pride of Unparalleled City all people! But Unparalleled City also inflated in that time population suddenly, achieved 40 million. Is one of the Great Zheng biggest city. 那是无双城所有子民的骄傲!而无双城也是在那时人口急剧膨胀,达到了四千万之多。是大崝最大的一座城池之一。 But, before 3rd, Unparalleled City Southern City Gate, was broken suddenly! 可是,就在三日前,无双城南城门,忽然被破了! The defense military officer, is the Lin Xiao eldest son, Lin Ao! 守城将领,为林啸的大儿子,林傲! Although Lin Ao was unable such as Lin Xiao like that handle troops like a God, but, deploys troops compares many other military officers to be stronger absolutely, for three days and three nights, Lin Ao had not gathered the eye. Direction resistance of watching. 林傲虽然还不能如林啸那般用兵如神,但是,调兵遣将绝对比很多其他将领要强,三天三夜,林傲没合过眼睛。不眠不休的指挥抵抗。 South Gate, one battalion, the 16 camp, the 20 four battalions, all go to the city south! Resists the enemy!” 南门,一营,十六营,二十四营,全部前往城南!抵挡敌军!” General, is not good, the north gate fell into enemy hands!” “将军,不好了,北门失守了!” What? Will the north gate fall into enemy hands? There city gate is firmest, how possibly?” “什么?北门怎么会失守?那里的城门最坚固,怎么可能?” City wall, could not block, Unparalleled City city wall but actually, Great Array one broken, cannot block!” “城墙倒了,挡不住了,无双城的城墙倒了,大阵一破,根本拦不住!” .............................. .............................. ............ ............ Great Zheng has extinguished, surrenders does not kill!” 大崝已灭,投降不杀!” Great Zheng has extinguished, surrenders does not kill!” 大崝已灭,投降不杀!” ........................ ........................ ............ ............ In all directions is enemy the sounds of shouting loudly. 四面八方都是敌军的高呼之声。 The fight is always the inherent responsibilities of soldier. The common people did not inquire about the fight generally, only needed to protect the industry on the line, generally speaking, the enemy of attacking a city will not feel embarrassed the common people, made the common people not need to revolt, traded Luck Dynasty, recreating the people was good. 战斗从来都是军人的天职。百姓一般不过问战斗,只需要守护好自己产业就行,一般来说,攻城的敌军不会为难百姓,也使得百姓没有必要反抗,换个运朝,重做子民就好。 But, looks that the enormous enemy to/clashes toward it person, the Unparalleled City common people pinched tightly the fist all. Because they also no help angrily, soldier, unification training, after unified army, the lethality is very big, regarding the common people of same rank, 500 officers can massacre ten thousand common people in the battlefield. 可是,看着大量敌朝之人冲进来,无双城百姓无不捏紧了拳头。因为他们愤怒也于事无补,军人,统一训练,统一军阵后,杀伤力特别大,对于同等级的百姓,五百将士在战场上就可以杀掉万名百姓。 „The under the heavens rise and fall, everyone has a share of responsibility, We leave Great Zheng temporarily, under the heavens encourage each other it!” 天下兴亡,匹夫有责,朕暂离大崝,天下共勉之!” Does under the heavens encourage each other it? In the common people heart filled heavily, because of common people already at heart deep approval Great Zheng, therefore repels regarding the enemy. 天下共勉之?百姓心中充满了沉重,因为百姓已经在心里深深的认可了大崝,所以对于敌军非常排斥。 Looks at the army to kill to Dynasty Capital. A man pinched tightly the fist strategic place to come up. 看着大军杀向朝都。一个男子捏紧了拳头要冲上去。 Entire, do you do?” Also one person capture he, heavy shaking the head. Because goes out to be equal to bringing death! “全儿,你干什么?”又一个人一把抓住他,沉重的摇摇头。因为出去就等于送死! Lin Ao army, battling three days later, slowly drew in the army to the square center, to Zhong Shan's giant statue place. 林傲大军,在激战三天之后,慢慢收拢军队到了广场中心,到了钟山的巨大雕像处。 Everywhere is the Great Zheng officers body, living being wounded all. 到处是大崝将士尸体,活着的个个负伤。 Unparalleled City ruined, 3 million enemies elite encircled. called a king if successful, called a bandit if defeated, Lin Ao with one crowd of subordinate whole bodies is the blood looks that front arrives red robe military officer who comes. 无双城毁掉了,三百万的敌军精锐围了过来。成王败寇,林傲与一群下属全身是血的看着走到前面来的红袍将领。 Lin Ao, Hahahaha, two years, Unparalleled City was attacked and captured by me finally, you also really refused to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality, harm our dynasty dead so many officers, today, I must kill you to offer a sacrifice to the our dynasty officers spirits of ancestors! As for you, the child of Lin Xiao, had you, I can officer promote first-level!” That red robe military officer incomparable excitedly said. 林傲,哈哈哈哈,两年了,无双城终于被我攻克了,你们还真是不见棺材不掉泪,害我朝死了那么多将士,今天,我就要杀你们以祭我朝将士先灵!至于你,林啸之子,有你,我可以官晋一级!”那红袍将领无比激动道 Today's broken city, coming to day my Great Zheng hundred times to present surely, if others don't provoke me, then I won't provoke others, when Saint King returns, must extinguish you toward!” Lin Ao covers the injured shoulder to say. “今日的破城,来日我大崝必定百倍奉还,人不犯我,我不犯人,待圣王归来,必灭你朝!”林傲捂着受伤的肩膀道。 Saint King? Zhong Shan? That deceased person? Good, I and others his reincarnation reincarnations!” 圣王?钟山?那个死人?好,我等他投胎转世!” General, the Zhong Shan reincarnation will perhaps turn into the woman!” “将军,钟山投胎说不定会变成娘们!” hahahahaha ....................................!” 哈哈哈哈哈....................................!” Enemy insolent laughing. 敌军一阵张狂的大笑。 The Great Zheng officers actually all pinched tightly the fist, in the eye the hyperemia, but the four directions common people are also paying attention to here, in the each and everyone eye filled the humiliation tears. 大崝将士却是个个捏紧了拳头,眼中充血,而四方百姓也是关注着这里,一个个眼中充满了屈辱的泪水。 Unparalleled City insists today, is the Zhong Shan sculpture? Is it your Consciousness props? Comes the person, destroyed to me!” The red robe military officer said. 无双城坚持到今天,就是钟山雕塑?它是你们的精神支柱?来人,给我毁了!”红袍将领道。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” The Zhong Shan's statue crashes under one crowd of person bombardments, in the city common people each and everyone bites gum. The anger multiplies in the heart. 钟山的雕像在一群人轰击下崩塌而下,城中百姓一个个咬起牙根。愤怒在心中滋生。 Saint King!” In the heart of common people humiliation is meditating. 圣王!”百姓屈辱的心中默念着。 „The Zhong Shan statue collapsed, Unparalleled City also vanished thoroughly!” The red robe military officer laughs to say. 钟山雕像倒塌了,无双城也彻底消失了吧!”红袍将领大笑道。 Great Zheng Remnant Army flowed tears eyes closed in abundance, already does not have the strength, can only wait for death in the solemnness and stirring! 大崝残军纷纷流着泪水闭目,已经毫无战力了,只能在悲壮中等死! Saint King, Saint King you where?” 圣王,圣王你在哪里?” Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Suddenly, all Great Zheng officers eyes open, in the eye disclosed inconceivable, such familiar sound? Such familiar sound? Does Shuanglong sound together? Great Zheng Luck Golden Dragon, does Shuanglong sound together? 忽然,所有大崝将士眼睛一开,眼中透露出一股不可思议,这么熟悉的声音?这么熟悉的声音?双龙齐鸣?大崝气运金龙,双龙齐鸣? Generals gentleman inconceivable looks one, from respective, saw the doubts, guessed correctly the reason, but in the city the common people, heard this sound similarly, everyone raised the head suddenly. 众将士不可思议的对望一眼,从各自眼中,都看到了疑惑,都猜到了因由,而城中百姓,同样听得了这个声音,陡然所有人都抬起头来。 „The Great Zheng people, We, Zhong Shan, came back ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 大崝的子民们,朕,钟山,回来了~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Is the Saint King sound. 圣王的声音。 Father, is Saint King, the Saint King sound!” “父亲,是圣王,圣王的声音!” Saint King came back, my Great Zheng came back!” 圣王回来了,我大崝回来了!” Saint King came back!” 圣王回来了!” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. In the city the common people call out in alarm all. 城中百姓无不惊呼而起。 The place of central square, the red clothes military officer is stepping on the ruins the head of Zhong Shan sculpture, on the face an insolent say/way: What's wrong? Opens the eye together, but also wants to revolt inadequately?” 中央广场之处,红衣将领踩着废墟中钟山雕塑的头部,脸上一阵张狂道:“怎么?一起睁开眼睛,还想反抗不成?” But at this time, was protected actually to smile in central Lin Ao by Remnant Army, bringing tears to smile. 而这时,被残军护在中心的林傲却笑了起来,带着一丝泪水笑了起来。 Saint King came back, kills the invader!” 圣王回来了,杀死侵略者!” Kills!” “杀!” Kills!” “杀!” Kills!” “杀!” ........................ ........................ ............ ............ The Unparalleled City 40 million common people roared. 无双城四千万百姓咆哮了。 ps: Because of being away from home, does not renew stably, this, are more 500 characters to be free. Another yesterday's ticket was too powerful, many thanks everyone! ps:因出门在外,更新不稳定,这一更,多出五百字免费。另昨天的票太给力了,多谢大家了!
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