IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#971: Primal Chaos Holy Court extinguishes

Before Longevity Palace ! 长生殿前! Zhong Shan released two true dragon in within the body, infinite Luck gathers to come again. 钟山释放了体内的两条真龙,无穷气运再度汇聚而来。 The King Qi Ming eyelid of Primal Chaos Holy Court jumped jumping! Realized is not wonderful. 太极圣庭齐明王眼皮跳了跳!意识到了不妙。 Really is Zhong Shan, will not be wrong, only then Zhong Shan can grasp Great Zheng Luck, originally he is also living! 真的是钟山,不会错的,只有钟山才能掌握大崝气运,原来他还活着! Great Immortal, Zhong Shan? 大仙,钟山? The joke, is the Zhong Shan's strength only Great Immortal? King Qi Ming has not gone to Nu Wa World, but the matter of Nu Wa World is actually extremely clear. 笑话,钟山的实力仅是大仙吗?齐明王没去女娲界,但是女娲界发生的事情却是极为清楚。 This Zhong Shan strength strong? 这个钟山实力有多强? When perishes together, transfers Heavenly Dao, broke Xue Mei Old Ancestor Plum Blossom Eye, destroyed the imperial palace to push the day of turtle back chart, destroyed the Xue Mei sword, cut an arm of Xue Mei Old Ancestor, each information flashed in the King Qi Ming mind, the King Qi Ming eyelid jumped. 同归于尽之际,调动天道,破了雪梅老祖梅花眼,毁了九宫推天龟背图,毁了雪梅剑,更斩了雪梅老祖的一臂,每一个信息在齐明王脑海中闪现,齐明王眼皮就是一跳。 Ancient Immortal has air of arrogance, does not fear death on behalf of Ancient Immortal! 古仙傲气,不代表古仙不怕死! But, at this moment King Qi Ming does not have the too big fear! 但,此刻齐明王并没有太大的恐惧! Because King Qi Ming knows, although Zhong Shan is strong, but his eventually Great Immortal, the speed forever is the barrier, if oneself want to escape, Zhong Shan cannot block, only if he borrows the potential of Great Zheng under the heavens, true dragon takes possession! What a pity, Zhong Shan has not borrowed, moreover just came back to emit outside the body true dragon. 因为齐明王知道一点,虽然钟山非常非常强,但他终究还是大仙,速度永远是障碍,自己若是想逃,钟山拦不住,除非他借用大崝天下之势,真龙附体!可惜,钟山并没有借用,而且刚回来就将真龙放出体外。 Saint King Zhong, has heard so much about you!” King Qi Ming said solemnly. 钟圣王,久仰大名!”齐明王沉声道 Zhong Shan coldly looks to King Qi Ming, indifferently said: Was you must kill my Minister a moment ago?” 钟山冷冷的看向齐明王,淡淡道:“刚才是你要杀我爱卿?” „The matter of today, will come day Primal Chaos Saint King surely to you an explanation, but you just came back, this King did not disturb you and Courtier reunited, coming in the day battlefield to see!” King Qi Ming said. “今日之事,来日太极圣王定会给你一个解释,不过你刚回来,本王就不打扰你与臣子团聚了,来日战场上见吧!”齐明王说道。 Said that body moves slightly, must lead own subordinate to depart. 说完身形微动,就要带着自己的下属离去。 But a at this moment numerous Great Immortal subordinate, is who has not actually moved, both eyes are atheistic, seem had not seen that the meaning of King Qi Ming is the same. 此刻的一众大仙下属,却是谁也没动,双目无神,好似没看到齐明王的意思一样。 The King Qi Ming brow selects, in the heart startles, the clarity that because King Qi Ming looks, Zhong Shan simply has not acted, was own subordinate controlled all? 齐明王眉头一挑,心中一骇,因为齐明王看的清楚,钟山根本没出手,自己的下属尽数被控制了? How can like this? 怎么会这样? Great Zheng already was not beforehand Great Zheng, was not you wants to come to come, wants to walk the place that walked!” The Zhong Shan sinking sound said. 大崝已经不是以前的大崝了,不是你想来就来,想走就走的地方!”钟山沉声说道。 The King Qi Ming eyelid is one jumps crazily. Was own subordinate really controlled? 齐明王眼皮又是一阵狂跳。自己下属真的被控制了? Incessantly King Qi Ming, is a official before Longevity Palace, at this moment is also the incomparable worship looks to Zhong Shan, because they can look, the King Qi Ming surroundings Great Immortal subordinate, cannot move. 不止齐明王,就是长生殿前的一众官员,此刻也是无比崇拜的看向钟山,因为他们都看得出来,齐明王周侧大仙下属,一个也不能动了。 Is Saint King so fierce? 圣王这么厉害? In King Qi Ming heart one nervous, this matter was too strange, how was own subordinate controlled? 齐明王心中一慌,这事太诡异了,自己的下属到底怎么被控制的? Does not dare to be dull, flings among the sleeves, King Qi Ming body shoots rapidly toward the distant place. 不敢多呆,一甩袖子之间,齐明王身形向着远处急速射去。 Bang!” “轰!” A loud sound, King Qi Ming backs up to return. The Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail huge body kept off before the King Qi Ming body suddenly. The Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail ominous prestige is also very powerful, in Nu Wa World, swallow alive Supreme Unity Saint King and Yan Hui! 一声巨响,齐明王倒退而回。八极天尾的庞大身躯忽然挡在了齐明王身前。八极天尾的凶威同样无比强盛,女娲界内,生吞了太乙圣王颜回! When sees Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, distant avoids of King Qi Ming instinct, does not dare with it to be an enemy. 看到八极天尾之际,齐明王本能的远远躲开,不敢与之为敌。 I have said that since came, do not walk!” Zhong Shan said again. “我说过,既然来了,就不要走了!”钟山再度说道。 The Zhong Shan's sound, seeming thoroughly dense/woods is cold. 钟山的声音,好似透着一股森寒一样。 Zhong Shan, what do you want to do?” King Qi Ming does intentionally the calm say/way! 钟山,你想干什么?”齐明王故作镇定道! It‘s nothing, but thinks that insolation your state of mind, hangs the corpse in under the heavens.” Zhong Shan said solemnly. “没什么,只是想‘暴晒你神魂,悬尸于天下’。”钟山沉声道 Although Zhong Shan appreciates the King Qi Ming ability, but is impossible to let off him, shocks under the heavens Expert with his death, comforts the Great Zheng whole body of ministers with his death, with his death evident proof Great Zheng normal punishment! 钟山虽然欣赏齐明王的才能,但也不可能放过他,用他的死震慑天下强者,用他的死安慰大崝群臣,用他的死明证大崝典刑! You dare!” King Qi Ming was startled to call out. “你敢!”齐明王惊叫道。 What do I have not to dare?” Zhong Shan sneers to say. “我有什么不敢的?”钟山冷笑道。 Suddenly!” “忽!” King Qi Ming body sways, suddenly quickly grasps the meaning of something. 齐明王身形一个晃荡,忽然一个激灵。 Heavenly Demon, is Heavenly Demon, invisible Without Form? Is this Without Form Heavenly Demon? How do you possibly grasp Without Form Heavenly Demon?” King Qi Ming was startled to call out. 天魔,原来是天魔,无形无相?这是无相天魔?你怎么可能掌握无相天魔?”齐明王惊叫道。 You do not need to know!” Zhong Shan coldly said. “你不需要知道!”钟山冷冷道。 Huge Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail body sees to appear in King Qi Ming surroundings in a flash, but King Qi Ming does not dare to collide with Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, body flees fast, but, just fled, frightens came back, quickly grasps the meaning of something. Also is Without Form Heavenly Demon. 庞大的八极天尾身形一晃见出现在齐明王周侧,可齐明王根本不敢与八极天尾碰撞,身形快速遁逃,可,刚遁逃,就又吓的回来了,又是一个激灵。又是无相天魔 Which direction King Qi Ming regardless in, seemed fills Heavenly Demon to be the same, everywhere was Heavenly Demon, seemed by Without Form Heavenly Demon is blocked in all directions was the same. 齐明王无论往哪个方向,都好似充满了天魔一样,到处是天魔,四面八方好似被无相天魔封死了一样。 „!” “啊!” King Qi Ming went crazy, how can like this? 齐明王发狂了,怎么会这样? Without Form Heavenly Demon, invisible Without Form, cannot see, Divine Sense cannot touch, was entered the body to feel by Without Form Heavenly Demon, this Without Form Heavenly Demon, generally speaking only then that Sect Master that specializes in Heavenly Demon, can throw seizes and tames Without Form Heavenly Demon, that already was very extraordinary. 无相天魔,无形无相,根本看不见,神识又触不到,只有被无相天魔入体了才能感受到,这种无相天魔,一般来说只有那种专修天魔宗主们,才可以扑捉并驯服一只无相天魔,那已经是很了不起了。 But at present what's the matter? 可眼前怎么回事? The King Qi Ming sorrowful discovery, seems four directions no crevice filled Heavenly Demon to be the same, 10,000, 100,000, 1 million? 齐明王悲哀的发现,好似四方毫无空隙的充满了天魔一样,一万个,十万个,百万个? King Qi Ming does not dare to imagine, only felt that everywhere is Without Form Heavenly Demon, just compelled outside the body Heavenly Demon, another, even more than ten Without Form Heavenly Demon enter the body. 齐明王不敢想象,只感觉到处是无相天魔,刚刚将一个天魔逼出体外,又一个,甚至十几个无相天魔入体。 Too terrifying! Is here Heavenly Demon World? 太恐怖了!这里是‘天魔界’吗? Bang!” “轰!” In negligences, King Qi Ming was caught by Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail to an opportunity finally, a tail entangled. Another tail of purple Immortal-Executing Sword extends to King Qi Ming in front. 在一个疏忽之间,齐明王终于被八极天尾逮到一个机会,一尾巴缠了上去。另一条紫色诛仙剑的尾巴伸到齐明王面前。 King Qi Ming cannot move! 齐明王动弹不得! King Qi Ming was made, was twined by Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, King Qi Ming gives up resisting immediately, because King Qi Ming is clear, oneself absolutely are not the Supreme Unity Saint King opponent, domineering Supreme Unity Saint King was eaten by Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, let alone oneself? 齐明王被制了,被八极天尾缠绕,齐明王顿时放弃抵抗,因为齐明王清楚,自己绝对不是太乙圣王的对手,强势的太乙圣王都被八极天尾吃了,何况自己? Zhong Shan, you best put me, otherwise, my Primal Chaos Saint King must wield the soldier but, thoroughly destroyed your Great Zheng surely!” King Qi Ming yelled. 钟山,你最好放了我,否则,我太极圣王必挥兵而至,必定将你大崝彻底摧毁!”齐明王大叫道。 Now, King Qi Ming can only be used as own card in hand with Primal Chaos Holy Court. 现在,齐明王只能用太极圣庭作为自己的底牌了。 „Will I fear your Primal Chaos Holy Court? Also or in does this world have Primal Chaos Holy Court?” Zhong Shan eyes narrows the eyes to say. “我会怕你太极圣庭?又或者这世上还有太极圣庭吗?”钟山双眼一眯道。 You, your what meaning?” The King Qi Ming complexion changes. “你,你什么意思?”齐明王脸色一变。 ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Yang Sector Zhong Shan returns, true dragon has the body, the immeasurable Luck gathering comes. 阳间钟山回归,真龙出体,无量气运汇聚而来。 Yin Sector, Prosperous Capital, before Undying Temple, Zhong Shan brings the whole body of ministers to look at the space, innumerable Luck also filled up entire Prosperous Capital. The Dragon Roar howling day, hangs a big stone in whole body of ministers heart, fell thoroughly. 阴间,昌京,不死殿前,钟山带着群臣望着天上,无数气运同样填满了整个昌京龙吟啸天,悬在群臣心中的一块大石,也彻底落下了。 Because, Prosperous Capital above Luck already branched out covers on all Courtier. 因为,昌京上空的气运已经分出一些笼罩在了所有臣子身上。 Past feeling, again near body! 昔日的感觉,再度临身! At this time, Yi Yan arrived in front of Zhong Shan, was saying to Zhong Shan: Saint King, signal already sent!” 这时,易衍走到钟山面前,对着钟山道:“圣王,信号已经发了出去!” Un!” Zhong Shan nods. “嗯!”钟山点点头。 Yang Sector, Wind Mound Territory Northwest, Primal Chaos Holy Court Dynasty Capital not far away. 阳间,风冢疆域的西北方,太极圣庭朝都不远处。 Long-lost Luo Xingchen stands in summit of the mountain, the front assigns/life the sign together, assigns/life the sign to break to pieces loudly! The Luo Xingchen eye concentrates, flashes through a firmness! 消失已久的落星尘站在一座高山之巅,面前一块命牌,命牌轰然碎开!落星尘眼睛一凝,闪过一股坚定! Searches the hand, Luo Xingchen takes out a long bow, takes out the most precious purple gold god arrow. 探手,落星尘取出一柄长弓,取出一支最珍贵的紫金神箭。 The vision points to the place of Primal Chaos Holy Court Dynasty Capital. 目光直指太极圣庭朝都之处。 Saint King can cause heavy losses to Ancestor Immortal, but undying/not dead, my Luo Xingchen sneak attacks Ancient Immortal by Time Divine Ability, if cannot accomplish, did not have the face to go back to see Saint King!” Luo Xingchen talked to oneself. 圣王能够重创祖仙不死,我落星尘时间神通偷袭一个古仙,若不能办到,也无脸回去见圣王了!”落星尘自语道。 -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Before Longevity Palace . 长生殿前。 You, your what meaning?” The King Qi Ming complexion changes. “你,你什么意思?”齐明王脸色一变。 From the Zhong Shan tone, King Qi Ming felt not right, where isn't right? 钟山语气之中,齐明王感觉到了一丝不对劲,到底哪里不对劲? Buzz!” “嗡!” The King Qi Ming whole body trembles, subsequently stares the big eye, inconceivable say/way: You, I, my Luck? My Luck? Did Saint King pass away?” 齐明王周身一颤,继而瞪大眼睛,不可思议道:“你,我,我的气运?我的气运?圣王驾崩了?” This is possible, how did Saint King die? 这怎么可能,圣王怎么死了? „Did you kill Saint King? Is you?” King Qi Ming calls out in alarm looks at Zhong Shan. “你杀了圣王?是你?”齐明王惊叫的看着钟山 Zhong Shan has not paid attention to King Qi Ming again, because already did not need, Primal Chaos Holy Court collapsed, moreover there is Luo Xingchen there and ensure the Primal Chaos Holy Court descendants will not have the living witness. 钟山没有再理会齐明王,因为已经没有必要了,太极圣庭崩溃了,而且有落星尘在那里,保证连太极圣庭的后嗣也不会有活口。 But at present King Qi Ming, the person of dying, does not need rubbish with him. 而眼前齐明王,将死之人,无需和他废话了。 Old Tian!” Zhong Shan indifferently said. 天老!”钟山淡淡道 The distant place, the form flashes together, but presently. 远处,一道身影一闪而现。 Saint King!” Old Tian respectfully said. 圣王!”天老恭敬道 At present these people give you to process, the insolation state of mind, hangs the corpse in the Southern Heaven Gate mouth.” Zhong Shan indifferently said. “眼前这些人交给你处理,暴晒神魂,悬尸于南天门口。”钟山淡淡道 Obeys the aim!” Old Tian said immediately. “遵旨!”天老马上说道。 You cannot like this, Zhong Shan, you unable like this!” King Qi Ming quickly grasps the meaning of something said. “你不能这样,钟山,你不能这样!”齐明王一个激灵的叫了起来。 Zhong Shan naturally cannot manage him, this King Qi Ming must die, his these Great Immortal subordinates must die, Zhong Shan must to the whole body of ministers a confession, to a under the heavens confession. 钟山自然不会理他,这个齐明王必须死,他的那些大仙下属也必须死,钟山要给群臣一个交代,给天下一个交代。 Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail naturally coordinates Old Tian. Old Tian in the curiosity and Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail coordinates, to process a person condemned to death! 八极天尾自然配合天老天老在好奇中与八极天尾配合,处理着一众死囚! Zhong Shan confessed after King Qi Ming destiny, turns the head to look to the whole body of ministers. 钟山交代完齐明王的命运之后,转头看向群臣。 everyone Minister!” Zhong Shan called out. 诸位爱卿!”钟山叫道。 Saint King!” various officials immediately salutes saying. 圣王!”众臣马上拜道 At this moment, various officials has to worship Zhong Shan's to be powerful, King Qi Ming that was insufferably arrogant a moment ago, was reduced and solved by Saint King in an instant invisible, Saint King is really strongest, most invincible! 这一刻,众臣不得不崇拜钟山的强大,刚才不可一世的齐明王,转眼被圣王化解无形,圣王果然是最强的,最无敌的! You make doings, We bore in mind, today, everyone is exhausted, We specially permit, goes back to rest respectively for two days, two days later, early toward Longevity Palace!” Zhong Shan said. “你们所作所为,朕记在心里了,今日,大家都疲惫了,朕特许,各自回去休息两天,两天后,早朝长生殿!”钟山说道。 Yes!” A various officials excitement. “是!”众臣一阵激动。 Has Saint King these words, all enough! 圣王这句话,一切都够了! various officials departs, is only left over Lin Xiao, Shui Wuhen and Shui Jing. 众臣离去,只剩下林啸水无痕水镜 Saint King, you came back finally!” Shui Wuhen excitedly said. 圣王,你终于回来了!”水无痕激动道 Lin Xiao and Shui Jing also nod. 林啸水镜也是点点头。 Un, these years, really pressed you!” Zhong Shan nods. “嗯,这些年,真的难为你们了!”钟山点点头。 Does not press, can wait to return to Saint King, all are not anything!” Shui Wuhen said. “不难为,能等回圣王,一切都不算什么!”水无痕说道。 Un, your three hair somewhat were white, today goes back to sleep well, rests for day, tomorrow evening will come to my study room together!” Zhong Shan said. “嗯,你们三个头发都有些白了,今日回去好好睡上一觉,休息一天,明天晚上一起来我书房吧!”钟山说道。 Yes!” Three people obey an order to say. “是!”三人应命道。 Three people of these years are busy with the Great Zheng business, were indeed exhausted, have not slept to rest for a long time, today, Zhong Shan returns, finally can relax. 三人这些年忙于大崝事务,的确身心疲惫,好久没有睡觉休息了,今日,钟山归来,终于可以放松下来。 Packed off the whole body of ministers, Zhong Shan went to own study room alone. 送走了群臣,钟山独自前往自己的书房。 Above the desk of study room, is putting together jade slip. 书房的书桌之上,放着一块玉简 Zhong Shan sits down, takes up jade slip gently. 钟山坐下,轻轻拿起玉简 Zhong Shan, you may calculate, more than 100 years, I no one spoke, feel stifled I!” 钟山,你可算回来了,这一百多年,我都没人说话,憋死我了!” In the study room resounds a discontent sound of women's. 书房中响起一个女子的牢骚声。 This did not come back, you are now fierce, I walked, can only make high-level Heavenly Demon, now can already make Without Form Heavenly Demon?” Zhong Shan smiles to look at the front. “这不是回来了嘛,你现在厉害了啊,我走的时候,只能制造高级天魔,现在已经能够制造无相天魔了?”钟山笑看面前。 Front anything does not have, but Zhong Shan can actually see that a female lifts the leg to sit above the desk. 面前什么也没有,但钟山却能看到一个女子跷着腿坐在书桌之上。 That is!” Female from obtaining enlightenment. “那是!”女子一阵自得道。 Zhong Shan looked at jade slip in hand saying: This is the material of Shadow Guard collection, but, I think they see not necessarily has you to be many, you said to me, what these years did have in Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court?” 钟山看了看手中的玉简道:“这是影卫收集的资料,不过,我想他们看到的不一定有你多,你给我说说,这些年在凌霄天庭都发生了什么?” That is natural, Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court also has anything to hide the truth from my eye!” The female nose curls upwards to say. “那是自然,凌霄天庭还有什么能瞒得过我的眼睛!”女子鼻子一翘道。 ***: Tomorrow erupts, erupts of 400 tickets! Continue ***, immediately on 600 tickets. Today Zhong Shan returns, tomorrow Great Zheng will rise, asks ***! ***:明天爆发,爆发400票的那个!继续***,马上就600票了。今天钟山归来,明天大崝崛起,求***!
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