IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#969: The King return( more than 5000 characters, another big chapter, asked monthly ticket!)

Great General, are you besotted?” “大将军,你还执迷不悟吗?” At this moment, Lang Zhen jumped suddenly. eyes stares to look straight ahead Lin Xiao. 就在这时,朗真忽然跳了出来。双眼瞪起直视林啸 Lang Zhen confronts with Lin Xiao at most in secret, is being the all the officials official, has never had, today jumps out, obviously tears to pieces the facial skin. 朗真顶多只是私下里与林啸对峙,当着满朝官员,可从来没有过,今日跳出,明显是撕破脸皮了。 Lin Xiao turns the head, looks to Lang Zhen. 林啸转头,看向朗真 Besotted? Minister of War, please remember your status, before the speech, thinks the consequence!” The Lin Xiao eye stares to say. “执迷不悟?兵部尚书,请记住你的身份,说话前想好后果!”林啸眼睛一瞪道。 Snort, consequence? I cannot get used to seeing your doings, Great Zheng under the heavens will soon destroy in your hands, Unparalleled City lost, you can hardly absolve, if not for your defends to death the imperial guard, how can have this matter? Without the skill, is actually buckling the military authority, is gripping the military tally, you are the Great Zheng criminal!” Lang Zhen called out. “哼,后果?我就是看不惯你的所为,大崝天下即将毁在你的手中,无双城丢了,你难辞其咎,若不是你死守着禁军,岂会出这种事?没有本事,却扣着军权,攥着兵符,你是大崝罪人!”朗真叫道。 Asked the Great General to hand over the military tally!” “请大将军交出兵符!” The 20 famous official left ranks to call out suddenly. 二十名官员忽然出列叫道。 Lin Xiao eyes narrows the eyes, in the eye flashes through cold light. 林啸双眼一眯,眼中闪过一股寒光。 „Really are you consider for Great Zheng?” Lin Xiao coldly said. “你们真是为大崝着想?”林啸冷声道 I and other hearts compared with the bright moonlight, Yongzhong Great Zheng, Lin Xiao, hand over the military tally, my Great Zheng can also be saved!” Lang Zhen said again. “我等心比明月,永忠大崝,林啸,交出兵符,我大崝还有救!”朗真再度说道。 Asked the Great General to hand over the military tally!” “请大将军交出兵符!” The near 30 famous official called out together. 三十名官员一起叫道。 This compels Lin Xiao? 这是逼林啸? all the ministers and generals of the imperial court, the remaining officials were silent, each and everyone is surprised. Is this? 满朝文武,剩下的官员都沉默了,一个个惊疑不定。这是? hahahahaha!” Lin Xiao laughs. 哈哈哈哈哈!”林啸一声大笑。 What did Great General have to say?” Lang Zhen from the channel, seems has victory in the hand general. “大将军还有什么要说的?”朗真自信道,好似胜券在握一般。 „Before Saint King the words, did everyone forget just before leaving?” Lin Xiao said solemnly. 圣王临走前的话,所有人都忘记了?”林啸沉声道 Hears the Lin Xiao words, the Lang Zhen complexion changes, a 30 official who that leaves ranks is also so. 听得林啸的话,朗真脸色一变,那出列的三十个官员也是如此。 ------------ ------------ „I hope longevity alike the heaven, Great Zheng longevity alike the heaven, therefore, We make Great Zheng after here arranged, to remember, today my arrangement, is highest Imperial Edict, no matter had any situation, no one must violate, no matter any situation, had to dare giving, treason punishes!” “朕希望是寿与天齐,大崝寿与天齐,所以,在这里朕做一下大崝以后安排,记住了,今日朕的安排,就是最高圣旨,不管发生任何情况,谁也不许违反,不管任何情况,有敢檀越者,以叛国罪论处!” -------- -------- This is highest Imperial Edict, no matter has any situation, no one must violate, no matter any situation, having to dare to excel, treason punishes!” Lin Xiao explodes drinks. “这是最高圣旨,不管发生任何情况,谁也不许违反,不管任何情况,有敢擅越者,以叛国罪论处!”林啸一声炸喝。 Explodes to drink, in the official of leaving ranks has several body to shake suddenly. 一声炸喝下,出列的官员中有几名忽然身形一抖。 Comes the person, gives me to capture these traitors!” Lin Xiao shouting loudly. “来人,给我将这些叛国者擒拿!”林啸一声大喝 Yes!” Outside the palace broadcasts the enormous Imperial Guard sound immediately. “是!”殿外顿时传来大量侍卫的声音。 The Lang Zhen complexion suddenly changes, not because of the Lin Xiao words, person but who sees the outside world. 朗真脸色忽变,不是因为林啸的话,而是看到外界的人。 Yin Luori, Gui She? Various clans elite, Great Zheng strongest one group of people? 寅落日,龟蛇?各族精锐,大崝最强的一群人? In a flash, Lang Zhen became aware, Lin Xiao, does matter expose intentionally? 一瞬之间,朗真悟了,林啸故意的,事情暴露? Simply has not begged for mercy, Lang Zhen loudly shouted: Walks!” 根本没有丝毫求饶,朗真大喝道:“走!” A 30 official has been flustered, is headed by Lang Zhen, Lang Zhen walking, everyone took advantage of opportunity to fly. 三十个官员早已心慌,以朗真为首,朗真一声‘走’,所有人顺势飞了出去。 Suddenly!” In a flash, the 31 person flees immediately. “忽!”转瞬之间,三十一人顿时遁逃而出。 Remaining official slightly startled, each and everyone filled the accident/surprise, knows the situation to be anxious, but doesn't need such anxiously? Treason? Flees? 剩下的官员微微一鄂,一个个充满了意外,知道局势紧张,可没必要这么紧张吧?叛国罪?遁逃? everyone colleague!” Shui Wuhen called out suddenly. 诸位同僚!”水无痕忽然叫道。 The idea of whole body of ministers was pulled back by Shui Wuhen immediately. 群臣的主意马上被水无痕拉了回来。 Great Zheng had/left the rebel, was looked by the Great General simply, may celebrate encouraging!” Shui Wuhen said. 大崝出了叛逆,索性被大将军找了出来,可喜可贺!”水无痕说道。 Shui Wuhen said, various officials knits the brows, look old Courtier leaves ranks suddenly. 水无痕说完,众臣一阵皱眉,一个相貌年老的臣子忽然出列。 Great General, the national strength is intense, Lang Zhen and official unavoidably will be a moment ago excited, but the crime, they do not consider for Great Zheng until death, but also asked the Great General to get angry leniently!” Old Courtier said. “大将军,国势紧张,朗真和刚才官员难免会激动,可罪不至死啊,他们也是为了大崝着想,还请大将军从轻发怒!”老臣子说道。 Lin Xiao has a look at him, has not been angry, nods saying: Ministry of Rites Vice Minister, is the country, Lin Xiao admires wholeheartedly, is only, this matter is not so simple!” 林啸看看他,并没有生气,点点头道:“礼部侍郎,一心为国,林啸佩服,只是,此事并非那么简单!” „?” “哦?” everyone, along with me comes out, looks apparent!” Lin Xiao Chen Kendao. 诸位,随我出来,一看便知!”林啸陈恳道。 The feudal official of these dying loyal Great Zheng, Lin Xiao naturally gives enough respect, although their wisdom is not enough to shock four directions , but their loyal ratio it these talent is strong hundred times. 这些死忠大崝之臣,林啸自然给予足够尊敬,虽然他们智慧不足以震慑四方,但他们的忠心比之那些‘人才’强出百倍。 Everyone thinks that Zhong Shan died, they still believe that Zhong Shan is living, with the Great Zheng altogether life or death, such person, is the Great Zheng most valuable person! 人人都认为钟山死了,他们依然坚信钟山活着,与大崝共存亡,这样的人,才是大崝最可贵的人! „? Does could it be that have other?” “哦?难道还有其他?” Many Courtier reveal the color of accident/surprise, some people seemed guessed correctly anything. 很多臣子都露出意外之色,也有人好似猜出了什么。 Shui Wuhen, Shui Jing and Lin Xiao go out of the main hall slowly. 水无痕,水镜林啸缓缓走出大殿。 Outside the main hall, Lang Zhen and an official, were encircled by Great Zheng one crowd of peerless Expert, these are elite, most Expert. 大殿外,朗真和一众官员,被大崝的一群绝世强者围了起来,这些都是精锐,最强者 Expert gather round Lang Zhen, Lang Zhen has no place to go! 强者们围着朗真,朗真无处可走! Lang Zhen, you are without a fight!” Shui Wuhen indifferently said. 朗真,你还是束手就擒吧!”水无痕淡淡道 Is without a fight? Hahaha!” “束手就擒?哈哈哈!” At this moment, distant place suddenly together smoke and fire rising to the sky. 就在这时,远处忽然一道烟火冲天而上 „!” When flame Chongtian/soaring . “咻!”火焰冲天之际。 The Lang Zhen eye shone immediately. And shouted the tone secretly. 朗真眼睛顿时亮了起来。并且暗暗呼了口气。 Being without a fight should be you, now, Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court already was controlled by me, all forts, all are my person, haven't you been without a fight?” Lang Zhen laughs to say suddenly. “束手就擒的应该是你们,现在,凌霄天庭已经被我控制了,所有要塞,全是我的人,你们还不束手就擒?”朗真忽然大笑道。 Suddenly careless!” “忽忽忽!” Meanwhile, around Longevity Palace, enormous officers rising to the sky, about ten thousand people, each and everyone holds the long bow suddenly, points to Longevity Palace. 同时,在长生殿四周,忽然间大量将士冲天而上,约有万人之多,一个个手执长弓,直指长生殿 Imperial Palace Great Array broken? How do they come in?” Previous Ministry of Rites Vice Minister called out suddenly. 皇宫大阵怎么破了?他们怎么进来的?”先前的礼部侍郎忽然叫道。 How to come in? Naturally guards the formation person, turned into my person! Hahahaha!” Lang Zhen laughs to say. “怎么进来的?自然是看守阵法的人,变成我的人了!哈哈哈哈!”朗真大笑道。 Lang Zhen, everyone, you really committed treason!” In the Shui Wuhen eye flashes through one to regret. 朗真,诸位,你们真的叛国了!”水无痕眼中闪过一丝惋惜。 Lang Zhen, started to get to know each other well with the people from Small Thousand Worlds, arrived at the Minister of War position step by step, obviously was rare, never expected did the colleague, at this moment resort to arms past unexpectedly? 朗真,从小千世界开始就与众人相熟了,一步一步走到兵部尚书的位置,可见多么难得,想不到昔日同僚,此刻居然兵戎相见? Treason? What country also has? Now, Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court completely in my hands, adapting to circumstances is outstanding, Great Zheng no longer, everyone enters Primal Chaos Holy Court along with me!” Lang Zhen laughs to say. “叛国?还有什么国?现在,凌霄天庭全部在我手中,识时务者为俊杰,大崝不再,诸位还是随我入太极圣庭吧!”朗真大笑道。 Has victory in the hand! Lang Zhen also insolent! 胜券在握!朗真也张狂了起来! Right?” Lin Xiao drinks coldly. “是吗?”林啸一声冷喝。 Snort, Lin Xiao, hands over the military tally, I can not go into one's past to you in the past, if you do not hand over, then your family member ............!” Lang Zhen reveals one to say with a smile evilly. “哼,林啸,交出兵符,我可以对你以往既往不咎,若是你不交出来,那么你的家人............!”朗真露出一丝邪笑道。 Obviously wants to threaten Lin Xiao with the Lin Xiao family member. 显然想用林啸家人威胁林啸 Takes, their already thorough was incurable!” Shui Wuhen shakes the head. “拿下吧,他们已经彻底没救了!”水无痕摇摇头。 Yin Luori and the others nod. Prepares to act. 寅落日等人点点头。准备出手。 Does? Courts death?” The Lang Zhen eye stares. “干什么?找死?”朗真眼睛一瞪。 Waves, obviously makes ten ten thousand Expert of space begin, but that ten thousand officers actually fly to fall slowly. The Lang Zhen eye stares, could it be that did my hand signal wield wrong? 一挥手,显然让天上的十万强者动手,可那万名将士却是缓缓飞落回去。朗真眼睛一瞪,难道我手势挥错了? Comes the person, killed them, killed them?” Lang Zhen called out. “来人,杀了他们,杀了他们?”朗真叫道。 But, these officers simply have not heard general, flew away. 可是,那些将士根本没听到一般,就这么飞走了。 A 31 official is staring, inconceivable of face. 三十一个官员瞪着眼睛,一脸的不可思议。 How can like this? How can like this?” “怎么会这样?怎么会这样?” Was useless, Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, all your dark piles, already drew out, even the Primal Chaos envoy in your family place is also. Lang Zhen, arrives this step, I also felt a pity very much! But, law of the land big such as day, traitor, executes the nine generations, your nine generations already in beheaded a moment ago completely, now remains you!” Shui Wuhen shakes the head to say. “没用了,凌霄天庭,你的所有暗桩,都已经被拔出了,甚至你府上的太极使者也是。朗真,走到这一步,我也感到很可惜!但,国法大如天,叛国者,诛九族,你的九族已经在刚才全部斩首,现在就剩你们了!”水无痕摇摇头道。 Should not this, not should this!” Lang Zhen inconceivable say/way. “不该这样的,不该这样的!”朗真不可思议道。 Another 30 official is a face is also solemn and stirring. 三十个官员也是一脸悲壮。 Fought them!” Lang Zhen yelled. “跟他们拼了!”朗真大叫道。 Spelled!” A 30 official was ready for any sacrifice. Going crazy charges into Yin Luori and the others. “拼了!”三十个官员豁出去了。发狂的冲向寅落日等人。 But Lang Zhen actually goes all out while others, flees to go fast backward. 朗真却是趁着别人拼命,快速向后遁逃而去。 Escapes? Where do you toward escape?” “逃?你往哪里逃?” In front of Lang Zhen suddenly are many a person, Black Tortoise Clan Supreme, Gui She! 朗真面前忽然多出一人,玄武族至尊,龟蛇! Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰隆隆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Before Longevity Palace, the war is out of control! The domineering fight, lights the gorgeous brilliance. Entire Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court looks at the Imperial Palace direction. 长生殿前,大战一发不可收拾!强势的战斗,点燃出绚丽的光彩。整个凌霄天庭都看着皇宫方向。 From the morning, has projected on the evening, the 30 famous official kills completely at the scene, only remains Lang Zhen to struggle desperately. 从早上,一直打到晚上,三十名官员全部击毙当场,只剩一个朗真苦苦挣扎之中。 Lang Zhen one is the blood, the whole face anger, but Lang Zhen did not regret, Zhong Shan has died, Great Zheng has not been worth accepting as a memento, is only never expected King Zi Chen they are so vigilant, how they know that today begins? 朗真一身是血,满脸怒意,不过朗真并不后悔,钟山已死,大崝没有值得留念的了,只是想不到紫宸王他们那么警觉,他们怎么知道今天动手的? Do they possibly know? 他们怎么可能知道? all the officials official coldly looks, no one asked favor for these traitors, looked at the half-day fight, officials to Great Zheng loyal. 满朝官员冷冷的看着,没人为这些叛国者求情,看了半天的战斗,众官员对大崝的忠心更甚了。 Yo, had not finished!” “哟,还没结束啊!” Suddenly a leisurely and carefree sound conveys. 忽然一声悠闲的声音传来。 The sound comes is too sudden, moreover there is a being puzzled person heart and soul flavor. In the people hand stops, slightly panic-stricken is looking at the space. 声音来的太突然,而且有种惑人心魄的味道。众人手中一停,略微惊骇的望着天上。 When does not know, the space suddenly are many more than ten forms. 不知何时,天上忽然多出十几个身影。 Is a purple qipao gown man, is his subordinate is ordinary. A purple qipao gown man face teased, but others were actually air of arrogance, under seeming to look down upon the person to be the same. 为首一名紫袍男子,身后都是其下属一般。紫袍男子一脸戏谑,而其他人却是一身傲气,好似看不起下方之人一样。 „The King Qi Ming master, you came finally!” Lang Zhen pleasantly surprised yelling. 齐明王爷,你终于来了!”朗真惊喜的大叫道。 Primal Chaos Holy Court, King Qi Ming?” Shui Wuhen coldly said. 太极圣庭,齐明王?”水无痕冷声道 The people who fought a moment ago supported immediately around Shui Wuhen and the others. 刚才战斗的众人马上拥护在水无痕等人四周。 Is more outstanding, Great Zheng three hero who I imagine! Hasn't fallen? Unexpectedly found out all dark piles? It seems like Lang Zhen really falls far short compared with you!” King Qi Ming nods to say. “比我想象的还要优秀,大崝三雄!一个没落下?居然查出了所有暗桩?看来朗真比你们真的差得远!”齐明王点点头道。 Lang Zhen hears the King Qi Ming words, on the face an ugliness. 朗真听到齐明王的话,脸上一阵难看。 Prince, I!” Lang Zhen wants the word to stop! “王爷,我!”朗真欲言欲止! Your what you? Let you compel a military tally, does not have the result by today, but also compensated all subordinates and family members, waste! Arrived my Primal Chaos waste, my Primal Chaos Holy Court did not receive the waste!” King Qi Ming coldly said. “你什么你?让你逼个兵符,到今天都没有成效,还将自己所有下属和家人赔进去了,废物!到了我太极也还是废物,我太极圣庭可不收废物!”齐明王冷冷道。 Prince, you comply my, you comply my!” Lang Zhen flustered, inconceivable of face, how can King Qi Ming renege on a promise? “王爷,你答应我的,你答应我的!”朗真慌了,一脸的不可思议,齐明王怎么可以出尔反尔? Go away!” King Qi Ming indifferently said. “滚开!”齐明王淡淡道 Bang!” “轰!” Has people to intend the Lang Zhen bang to enter, pounds a big hole above the Longevity Palace square. 身后自有人出手将朗真轰入下方,在长生殿广场之上砸出一个大坑。 Lang Zhen was abandoned by King Qi Ming, lets official venting of Great Zheng, the traitor, the retribution! 朗真齐明王抛弃,让大崝的一众官员一阵解气,叛国者,报应啊! But Lang Zhen lies down in the big hole, inconceivable looks at King Qi Ming, how can like this? How can like this? Lang Zhen felt that at present the feeling of pitch darkness, seemed the entire world changes. 朗真躺在大坑里,不可思议的看着齐明王,怎么会这样?怎么会这样?朗真感觉眼前一抹黑的感觉,好似全世界都变了。 Zhong Shan has died, Shui Wuhen, Shui Jing, Lin Xiao, I asked you again, can you be willing to enter my Primal Chaos Holy Court?” King Qi Ming solemnly said. 钟山已死,水无痕,水镜,林啸,我再问你们,你们可愿入我太极圣庭?”齐明王郑重道 Hahaha, King Qi Ming, why did you also ask something already known? Person who is loyal to Primal Chaos, you make into this him unexpectedly, did we go also to have the means of livelihood?” The Shui Wuhen satire said. 哈哈哈,齐明王,你又何必明知故问呢?一个忠于太极的人,你居然将他打成这样,我们去了还有活路?”水无痕讽刺道。 This satire, Lang Zhen in pit is satirizing together. 这一讽刺,连带着坑里的朗真一起讽刺了。 Lang Zhen only felt that one breath stuffy in the chest, but the King Qi Ming behind person complexion changes, only then King Qi Ming can also calm down. 朗真只感觉一口气闷在胸中,而齐明王身后的人脸色一变,只有齐明王还沉得住气。 Bans!” King Qi Ming said. “禁!”齐明王道。 Suddenly, Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court four directions , presents a giant blue cover to be the same suddenly, enters in which the entire Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court cover. 忽然,凌霄天庭四方,陡然出现一个巨大蓝色罩子一般,将整个凌霄天庭罩入其中。 The change that comes suddenly causes on Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court many people to reveal the amazed color, some people flying. 忽来的变化引得凌霄天庭上很多人露出惊诧之色,一些人飞天而起。 Bang!” Just flew to ascend the sky, fell to the ground by blue cover bombing. “轰!”刚飞上天,就被蓝色罩子轰炸落地。 Did not need to escape, this was Ancient Immortal Equipment, can only enter, cannot leave!” Aplanatic said with a smile. “不用想逃了,这是古仙器,只能进,不能出!”齐明笑道。 Shui Wuhen did eyes narrow the eyes, surrounded Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court? 水无痕双眼一眯,困住了凌霄天庭? I do not want rubbish with you temporarily, I know you to be stubborn, subdue you, leaves Saint King to subdue, I give you now three days of time, hands over the Great Zheng military tally, the Prime Minister seal, the King Zi Chen seal! I can motionless Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court be tiny bit! Thinks well!” King Qi Ming said with a smile. “我暂时也不想与你们废话,我知道你们顽固,收服你们,留给圣王来收服吧,我现在给你们三天时间,交出大崝兵符,丞相印,紫宸王印!我可以不动凌霄天庭一分一毫!好好想想吧!”齐明王笑道。 Then, King Qi Ming led more than ten subordinates to vanish suddenly. 说完,齐明王带着十几名下属忽然消失了。 Bans to seal Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court? 禁封凌霄天庭? Great Zheng three hero looks at each other one mutually, saw King Qi Ming seeks, Great Zheng, so long as there are these three things, can deploy troops, can order the imperial edict! Can direct Great Zheng all, do these three types of things, how could give King Qi Ming? 大崝三雄相互对视一眼,同时也看出了齐明王的所谋,大崝,只要有这三个东西,就可以调兵遣将,就可以下令诏书!就可以指挥大崝一切,这三样东西,岂能交给齐明王? Longevity Palace becomes a deathly stillness! 长生殿变得一片死寂! Three days flash by, King Qi Ming comes, to lead a subordinate again strongly. 三天一晃而过,齐明王再度强势而来,带着一众下属。 That square, above the square, the whole body of ministers are unafraid of death, in three days, they went back to confess the things to do after death respectively, subsequently returned to the square with Shui Wuhen together, welcomed the approach toward the evil person. 还是那个广场,广场之上,群臣视死如归,三天里,他们各自回去交代了后事,继而一起随着水无痕回到广场,迎接敌朝恶人。 Good Zhong Shan, to have so many dead unexpectedly loyally!” King Qi Ming incomparable sigh looks at these people. “好个钟山,居然有这么多死忠!”齐明王无比感叹的看着这些人。 Engages in introspection, King Qi Ming knows, even oneself Saint King is impossible to have so many dead loyally. 扪心自问,齐明王知道,就算自己圣王也不可能有这么多死忠。 Thought?” King Qi Ming looks to the people. “想好了吗?”齐明王看向众人。 Shui Wuhen and the others coldly looks. 水无痕等人冷冷的看着。 Three days, did the imperial guard start chaotically? Also, four directions cannot obtain your news, definitely started, now not gives me the military tally and great seal, Great Zheng did not have half a month, perished surely!” King Qi Ming from channel. “三天了,禁军开始乱了吧?还有,四方得不到你们的消息,也肯定开始慌了吧,现在不将兵符和大印交给我,大崝不出半个月,必定灭亡!”齐明王自信道。 What you said is this?” Shui Wuhen said suddenly. “你说的是这个吗?”水无痕忽然说道。 King Zi Chen takes out king seal suddenly, Lin Xiao takes out the military tally, Shui Jing takes out the great seal! 紫宸王忽然取出王印,林啸取出兵符,水镜取出大印! Good, never expected, you unexpectedly also ............!” “不错,想不到啊,你们居然也............!” The King Qi Ming words have not said. 齐明王的话还未说完。 Bang!” “轰!” The military tally, king seal, the Prime Minister seal, explodes loudly disperses to open, was destroyed by three people. 兵符,王印,丞相印,轰然爆散而开,被三人摧毁了。 You?” The King Qi Ming anger said. “你们?”齐明王怒道。 Hahahaha, King Qi Ming, Primal Chaos Holy Court also really thinks highly of us, making your Ancient Immortal come my Great Zheng, we cannot preserve Great Zheng, but, we will not betray Great Zheng, we and Great Zheng in!” Shui Wuhen said with a smile. 哈哈哈哈,齐明王,太极圣庭还真看得起我们,让你一个古仙前来我大崝,我们保不住大崝,但,我们也不会出卖大崝,我们与大崝同在!”水无痕朗笑道。 King Qi Ming complexion gloomy, this time most important goal is to obtain Great Zheng most territories, next is three talents. The military tally, king seal, the Prime Minister seal was shattered. Primal Chaos Holy Court can only obtain some benefits surely. 齐明王脸色一阵阴沉,这次的首要目的是得到大崝大部分疆土,其次才是三个人才。兵符,王印,丞相印破碎。太极圣庭必定只能取得少部分利益了。 Courts death, you court death!” King Qi Ming anger. “找死,你们找死!”齐明王怒了。 Saint King will revenge for us, Great Zheng and we in!” Shui Wuhen called out. 圣王会为我们报仇的,大崝与我们同在!”水无痕叫道。 Great Zheng and we in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” Civil and military officials with drinking. 大崝与我们同在~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!”文武官员一声同喝。 Great Zheng with us in, the acoustic shock vault of heaven, suddenly, Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court resounds through this sound everywhere. Reason that Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court common people already knows, when hears this sound, has tears streaming down the face all! 大崝与我们同在,声震苍穹,一时间,凌霄天庭到处响彻这个声音。凌霄天庭的百姓已经知道的原因,在听到这声音的时候,无不泪流满面! Saint King, Saint King you where! You come back quickly!” In the common people heart is whooshing. 圣王,圣王你到底在哪里!你快回来吧!”百姓心中嘶吼着。 This shame, this solemnness and stirring, making everyone pinch the fist, making everyone be full of the anger. 这一份羞辱,这一份悲壮,让所有人都捏起了拳头,让所有人都充满了怒火。 Okay good, since you court death, I, came the person no wonder, except for Shui Wuhen, Shui Jing and Lin Xiao, other everyone officials, killed to me, kills, kills ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” King Qi Ming was enraged. “好好好,既然你们找死,也怪不得我了,来人,除了水无痕,水镜林啸,其它所有人官员,给我杀,杀,杀~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!”齐明王被激怒了。 Ominous thrives, must slaughter. 凶性勃发,要大开杀戒了。 „!” “噌!” Lin Xiao, Shui Wuhen, Shui Jing also takes out respective Magical Treasure respectively. 林啸,水无痕,水镜也各自取出各自法宝 Looks at three people of attitudes, King Qi Ming eyes closed, took a deep breath said suddenly: Killed together, their three do not need to remain!” 看着三人的态度,齐明王忽然闭目,深深的吸了口气道:“一起杀了吧,他们三个也不需要留了!” Coming out that King Qi Ming looks, these three people, are unable to subdue forever. King Qi Ming brings is Great Immortal, naturally has that capital to slaughter the Great Zheng whole body of ministers. 齐明王看的出来,这三人,永远无法收服了。齐明王带来的都是大仙,自然有那个资本屠杀大崝群臣。 Does not remain, kills ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “一个不留,杀~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” As King Qi Ming shouted, seemed announced before Longevity Palace , the everyone destiny was ordinary, the distant place, lay down in the Lang Zhen eye that in the pit is unable to move as before flashes through a virulent excitement. 随着齐明王的一声断喝,好似宣布长生殿所有人的命运一般,远处,依旧躺在坑中无法动弹的朗真眼中闪过一阵恶毒的兴奋。 The death, your everyone must die! 死,你们所有人都得死! Who dares to kill Our Minister ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~?” “谁敢杀朕爱卿~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?” Suddenly, seeming flat land Heavenly Thunder is ordinary, in the air/Qi full sound resounds through entire Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court suddenly. 忽然,好似平地一声天雷一般,一声中气十足的声音忽然响彻整个凌霄天庭 The King Qi Ming complexion changes, is thinking the West looks, the West, a sunspot shoots rapidly in the Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court direction. 齐明王脸色一变,想着西方望去,西方,一个黑点向着凌霄天庭方向急速射来。 Too far, similarly was also too quick! 太远了,同样也太快了! The people have not arrived, the sound first, terrifying air current blows suddenly. 人未到,声先到,一股恐怖的气流忽然吹来。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “嘭~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The gale has blown Longevity Palace four directions , after the flying sand and rocks, above the square are many immediately a black-robed form. 大风吹过长生殿四方,飞沙走石之后,广场之上顿时多出一黑袍身影。 Who dares to kill Our Minister? 谁敢杀朕爱卿? Hears this sound time, the entire Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court common people state of mind stops suddenly. Then, entire Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court boiled. 听得这个声音的时候,整个凌霄天庭的百姓忽然心绪一止。接着,整个凌霄天庭都沸腾了。 „Is this?” “这是?” „Is this Saint King sound? Saint King sound!” “这是圣王的声音?圣王的声音!” „The Saint King sound, Saint King came back, Saint King came back ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 圣王的声音,圣王回来了,圣王回来了~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Saint King long live ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 圣王万岁万岁万万岁~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Saint King immortal fortune savor in eternity, longevity alike the heaven ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 圣王仙福永享,寿与天齐~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Entire Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court cheered immediately, the each and everyone common people excited whole body of shivered suddenly, excited, summoned to realize at heart, was Saint King, was really Saint King! 整个凌霄天庭顿时欢呼了起来,一个个百姓激动的全身都忽然颤抖了,激动,心里呼唤实现了,是圣王,真的是圣王! Excited, the tears cannot stop, to the Imperial Palace direction, everyone respectful is doing obeisance under! 激动中,泪水止不住而下,对着皇宫方向,所有人恭拜而下! Before Longevity Palace, is so, the officers held the thought of being unafraid of death, already are making the preparation of last war, the death, a real man what to fear died! From the mortal, because Great Zheng already lived for several hundred years, died what to fear? 长生殿前,也是如此,众官抱着视死如归的念头,已经做了最后一战的准备,死,大丈夫何惧一死!从凡人开始,因为大崝已经多活几百年了,一死又何惧? The solemn and stirring heart infected everyone, Saint King, we were utterly loyal for you! 悲壮的心感染了所有人,圣王,我们为你尽忠了! When this life and death disregards, all Courtier amazed that sky crack, explodes similarly, did I have the illusion? 在这生死置之度外之际,天空一声炸响,同样炸的所有臣子一阵惊诧,我产生幻觉了吗? Will not be wrong, was the Saint King sound, Saint King came back, the King returned! Some old ministers the excited lip trembled immediately. 不会错,是圣王的声音,圣王回来了,王者归来了!一些老臣顿时激动的嘴唇哆嗦了起来。 Also on a meeting, gale has blown, after the eye is blurred, various officials looks that incomparably familiar form, then as before is great, then as before is big. Then as before is familiar! 也就一会,一股大风吹过,眼睛迷离之后,众臣看的了那无比熟悉的身影,依旧那么伟岸,依旧那么高大。依旧那么熟悉! Saint King ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 圣王~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The old ministers who in front of the life and death have not burst into tears, weep copiously immediately, worships on bended knees under. 生死面前都没流过泪的老臣们,顿时泪如雨下,纷纷跪拜而下。 Lin Xiao, Shui Wuhen, Shui Jing and the others were also excited the lip trembled, three people deep attracted several tones, is unable saying that howling day in table heart to be excited. 林啸,水无痕,水镜等人也是激动了嘴唇颤颤,三人深深的吸了几口气,无法言表心中的那股啸天般激动。 Saint King is also really living, Saint King came back, Great Zheng Saint King came back ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 圣王真的还活着,圣王回来了,大崝圣王又回来了~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” ps: Zhong Shan came back finally, chesses and overfulfills the duty, has the monthly ticket? Zhong Shan must act crazy! ps:钟山终于回来了,观棋又超额完成任务,有月票吗?钟山要发飙了!
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