IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#968: The wind and rain wants

The 2nd day, toward meeting! 第二日,朝会! The usual defeat report transmits as before, was short of two officials as before as usual, as usual the bothersome matter is still unceasing, but, the whole body of ministers actually discover a point, King Zi Chen, Prime Minister, Great General, three people of facial expression were suddenly different. 依旧如常的败报传来,依旧如常的少了两个官员,依旧如常的烦事不断,可是,群臣却都发现一点,紫宸王,丞相,大将军,三人气色忽然不一样了。 Where was different, the whole body of ministers do not look clearly, but felt that three people of vision were sharp, seemed strengthened to Great Zheng generally. 哪里不一样了,群臣看不明白,但都感觉三人的目光更加锐利了,好似对大崝更加坚定了一般。 Perhaps felt, but this feeling can actually infect everyone to be the same, making the whole body of ministers solemn and stirring heart trade is meaning of the resolution. 也许只是感觉,但这感觉却能感染所有人一样,让群臣原本悲壮的心换为一股坚定之意。 Got down toward the meeting, the King Zi Chen rare invitation Prime Minister and Great General meets the feast together, in the past, Lin Xiao always rushes about in the imperial guards, will not have that free time, would hardly feast, but this time, being without hesitation complied. Shui Jing was also the official business was in the past busy, generally will not go to the Shui Wuhen feast, was mainly in the heart feels aggrievedly, but at this moment, being duty-bound not to turn back complied. 下了朝会,紫宸王难得的邀请了丞相和大将军一同会宴,以往,林啸总是奔波于禁军之间,根本不会有那空闲,也几乎不会赴宴,但这次,毫不迟疑的答应了。水镜以往也是公务繁忙,一般不会赴水无痕的宴,主要是心中觉着憋屈,但此刻,也是义无反顾的答应了。 The meeting feast of Great Zheng three giants, expressed a vengeful imposing manner, to all minister more confidence. 大崝三巨头的会宴,表示出了一种同仇敌忾的气势,给所有大臣更多的信心。 The person who Minister of War Lang Zhen, an numerous have own axe to grind looks at this slightly startled. 兵部尚书朗真,还有一众各怀鬼胎的人微微愕然的看着这一幕。 Sir?” Person of the Ministry of War looks to Lang Zhen. “大人?”一名兵部之人看向朗真 „It is not right, is not right!” Lang Zhen congealing eyebrow say/way. “不对劲,不对劲啊!”朗真凝眉道。 Can stand the official in Longevity Palace, which also there is the simple role? It is not the disposition, Lang Zhen can compel Lin Xiao to be moodily, can be inferred. 能够站在长生殿里的官员,又有哪个是简单的角色?姑且不算心性,朗真能够逼得林啸心烦气躁,可见一斑。 Lang Zhen smelled is not right, on the same day information transmit. 朗真嗅出了不对劲,当天就将消息传递了出去。 Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, south not far cities. 凌霄天庭,南方不远的一个城镇。 The manor in cities, enormous Expert protection in. In the central main hall, the two sides are standing one group of people, but in the center, a purple qipao gown man is looking at a huge map projection. 城镇的一个庄园,大量强者守护其中。中央大殿内,两边都站着一群人,而在中心,一个紫袍男子正看着一个巨大的地图投影。 The projection region is not elsewhere, is Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court. All constructions in Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court incomparably revealed carefully, only then several, cannot withstand fuzzily, because that several are the Great Zheng forbidden areas. 投影的区域不是别处,正是凌霄天庭凌霄天庭内的所有建筑都无比细致的表露了出来,只有几处,模糊不堪,因为那几处一直是大崝禁区。 So careful map, only then Great Zheng important minister can see, obviously, the Great Zheng interior had/left the spy. 如此细致的地图,只有大崝重臣们才能看到,显然,大崝内部出了奸细。 purple qipao gown man, facial features slightly yellowing, some forehead wrinkles, but the look is quite sharp, read the map, the purple qipao gown man long implored the tone. 紫袍男子,面容微微泛黄,额头有些皱纹,但眼神极为锐利,看完地图,紫袍男子长长吁了口气。 Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, is really everywhere murderous intention, has not seen so meticulous Dynasty Capital construction, in numerous houses, connects, good fierce Grandmaster formation!” The purple qipao gown man said after a sigh. 凌霄天庭,真是处处杀机,从来没见过如此缜密的朝都建造,就连一众房屋之间,都串联成阵,好厉害的阵法大师!”紫袍男子感叹道。 purple qipao gown man incomparable acclaiming, suddenly in eye a bright say/way: I decided that after a this time Great Zheng service, my anything conferred reward does not want, wants this Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court! Too perfect!” 紫袍男子无比的赞叹,忽然眼中一亮道:“我决定了,此次大崝一役之后,我什么封赏也不要了,就要这座凌霄天庭!太完美了!” Prince, this is Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court so really good? If the prince likes, may find the person to construct according to it greatly!” Azure clothes people in two rows walk up to say. “王爷,这凌霄天庭真的那么好?若是王爷喜欢,大可找人照着它建造啊!”两列中的一个青衣人走上前来道。 You do not understand! Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court is unique, cannot make, its complexity, does not flaunt compared with it Ancient Immortal Equipment lets much.” The purple qipao gown man shakes the head. “你不懂!凌霄天庭独一无二,是造不出来的,其复杂程度,比之古仙器也不逞多让。”紫袍男子摇摇头。 Eh!” Azure clothes person slightly startled. “额!”青衣人微微一鄂 Even but if so, this time to fighting Great Zheng, does not need the prince to go into action personally, my Primal Chaos Holy Court capable person are countless, Great Zheng puts up a last-ditch struggle, shortly can the destruction, Prince what Lao your honorable self?” The azure clothes person said again. “可就算如此,此次对战大崝,也不需要王爷亲自出马啊,我太极圣庭能人无数,大崝垂死挣扎,顷刻就能覆灭,何劳王爷大驾?”青衣人再度说道。 Prince purple qipao gown looked at a azure clothes person, shakes the head saying: Knows now the situation?” 紫袍王爷看了一眼青衣人,摇摇头道:“知道现在形势吗?” „?” “呃?” Entire Wind Mound Territory shuffled greatly, Three Great Buddhist Temples, Four Great Holy Courts, the Serpent Empress Buddhist Temple destruction, Dipamkara Ancient Buddha these year of misfortune are unceasing, Dipamkara cannot support, bringing entire Buddhist Temple to leave Wind Mound Territory, was only left over Purple Firmament Buddhist Temple also to insist, Supreme Unity Holy Court, extinguished! Great Zheng Saint Court, was about to extinguish, Absolute Beginning Holy Court, the civil strife is now unceasing, the flames of war rose from all directions, only then my Primal Chaos Holy Court was stable!” “整个风冢疆域都大洗牌了,三大道场,四大圣庭,蛇后道场覆灭,燃灯古佛这些年厄运不断,燃灯也支持不住,带着整个道场离开了风冢疆域,只剩下一个紫霄道场还坚持着,太乙圣庭,灭!大崝圣庭,快灭了,太初圣庭,现在内乱不断,战火四起,只有我太极圣庭还算安定!” Wind Mound Territory shuffled greatly, Saint Wang Zheng is racing against time, once Azure Mound stabilizes, we captured Great Zheng to be difficult, but Great Zheng was the our dynasty land that must fight, because, Great Zheng can be to fighting Absolute Beginning the springboard, so long as obtained this springboard, can pinch in the throat of Absolute Beginning Holy Court.” Prince purple qipao gown a face affirmation said. 风冢疆域大洗牌了,圣王正在抢时间,一旦青丘稳定下来,我们夺取大崝就难了,而大崝我朝必争之地,因为,大崝可以作为对战太初的跳板,只要得到这块跳板,就能掐在太初圣庭的咽喉。”紫袍王爷一脸肯定道。 Saint King does want to plan entire Wind Mound Territory?” Azure clothes person eyes one bright. 圣王想要谋划整个风冢疆域?”青衣人眼睛一亮。 , After not obtaining Great Zheng, no matter Absolute Beginning Holy Court civil strife how, Yuan Qi damages severely surely, extinguishes Absolute Beginning by powerful Primal Chaos Holy Court, is not a difficult matter, but Absolute Beginning extinguishes, Luck Dynasty that entire Wind Mound Territory cannot contend with, can Primal Chaos unified Wind Mound Territory? 可不是吗,得到大崝后,太初圣庭不管内乱的如何,必定元气大伤,以强盛的太极圣庭太初,并不是难事,而太初一灭,整个风冢疆域就没有可以抗衡的运朝了,太极就可以一统风冢疆域? But, this Great Zheng is not simple!” Prince purple qipao gown eyes narrows the eyes. “不过,这个大崝不简单!”紫袍王爷双眼一眯。 One crowd of Heavenly Immortal!” The azure clothes person is not convinced to say. “一群天仙而已!”青衣人不服气道。 One crowd of Heavenly Immortal? Without Luck , without Zhong Shan, Great Zheng also to insist unexpectedly for five years! Trades to be you, can achieve?” Prince purple qipao gown in the eye stares to say. “一群天仙?没有了气运,没有了钟山,大崝居然还能坚持五年!换做你们,做得到吗?”紫袍王爷眼中一瞪道。 This!” Azure clothes artificial could it be that. “这!”青衣人为难道 Great Zheng three hero, you cannot catch up, so talent, but is stranded in Great Zheng, so long as they can enter Primal Chaos, must soon for the high-ranking court official!” Prince purple qipao gown said. 大崝三雄,你们是赶不上的,如此人才,只是困于大崝,只要他们能入太极,指日必为公卿!”紫袍王爷说道。 People pumping air, are these three people so strong? 众人一阵抽气,这三人这么强? Therefore the prince stops to go on a punitive expedition against the Great Zheng footsteps intentionally, shows good will they?” The azure clothes person said after a sigh. “所以王爷才故意停下征伐大崝的脚步,示好他们?”青衣人感叹道。 Good, Great Zheng must take, these three people, must take! I gave enough sincerity, they cannot escape!” Prince purple qipao gown from channel. “不错,大崝要拿下,这三个人,更要拿下!我给了足够诚意,他们逃不掉的!”紫袍王爷自信道。 Report!” “报!” A sentry post searched to clash suddenly. 一个哨探忽然冲了进来。 What matter?” “什么事?” Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court transmits the urgent report, asking the prince to glance!” On the sentry post mounted scout said. 凌霄天庭传来急报,请王爷过目!”哨探马上说道。 Prince purple qipao gown grasps jade slip, read carefully, but, read not a meeting, Prince purple qipao gown the complexion changes. 紫袍王爷抓起玉简,细细读了起来,可是,读了没一会,紫袍王爷脸色一变。 Prince, how?” “王爷,怎么了?” „It is not right, where is not right, how can like this?” Prince purple qipao gown knits the brows to say. “不对劲,哪里不对劲,怎么会这样?”紫袍王爷皱眉道。 Prince, had an accident?” The azure clothes person asked again. “王爷,是不是出事了?”青衣人再度问道。 Was the big deal, can three will of the people big changes, how like this? This game of chess, I arranged for a long time, radically is the bureau of undefeated, which was link wrong? Whose that big ability can break this bureau, changed three people of dispositions?” Prince purple qipao gown inconceivable say/way. “出大事了,三人心性大变,怎么会这样?这一局棋,我可是布置了好久,根本就是不败之局,到底哪个环节错了?谁那么大能耐能破此局,将三人的心性都改了?”紫袍王爷不可思议道。 jade slip gives the people, but people anything cannot look as before. 玉简递给众人,可众人依旧什么也看不出来。 Banquet? What do the Great Zheng three giants hold a banquet are? Very normal! 宴会?大崝三巨头开个宴会算什么?很正常啊! Prince purple qipao gown has not managed the people, but walked in the hall back and forth, thinks unceasingly general. 紫袍王爷没有理众人,而是在大厅内来回走了起来,不断思索一般。 Unexpectedly broke my plan, who is? It is not good, invalid, did their may strengthen? Zhong Shan has died, they most impossible firm is to the Zhong Shan's confidence, there is no reason!” “居然打破了我的计划,到底是谁?不行,行不通,他们三人意志怎么可能坚定下来了?钟山已死,他们最不可能坚定的就是对钟山的信心啊,没理由的!” Three people condense, is not good to split up them, was very difficult to subdue!” “三人一凝聚,再也不好分化他们,也很难收服了!” Has the person of high skill? Great Zheng also has such person of high skill, is this evildoer/monstrous talent?” “有高人?大崝还有这样的高人,这是妖孽吗?” '川' character that Prince purple qipao gown the brow wrinkles. The people have not seen the prince is so dignified, in the everyone heart, the prince maps out strategic plans in an army tent, Primal Chaos Holy Court except for Saint King, no one compared to result , was his? 紫袍王爷眉头皱成的川字。众人从来没见过王爷如此凝重,在所有人心中,王爷运筹帷幄,太极圣庭除了圣王,没人比得了,他这是怎么了? The entire double-hour, Prince purple qipao gown decides, sits on the chair *** *** the temples, having a look at the people saying: It seems like, my plan is completely disillusioned, it seems like can only use!” 整整一个时辰,紫袍王爷才定下来,坐在椅子上***了***太阳穴,看看众人道:“看来,我的计划彻底破灭了,看来只能用强了!” „Did the prince finally prepare to attack Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court forcefully?” “王爷终于准备强行攻凌霄天庭了?” Does not attack, bans!” Prince purple qipao gown eyes narrows the eyes to say. “不是攻,是禁!”紫袍王爷双眼一眯道。 Bans?” “禁?” Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court cannot break, one broken, Great Zheng must for the loose sand, various towards/dynasty compete, my Primal Chaos seizes limitedly, what I want is Great Zheng most territories.” 凌霄天庭不能破,一破,大崝必为散沙,诸朝争夺,我太极所夺有限,我要的是大崝大部分疆土。” How can that do?” “那要怎么做?” Prince purple qipao gown looks at present one group of people lightly, this group of people missed compared with the Great Zheng three giants far. But opens the mouth to tell them, when they carry out had not understood that thoroughly the meaning has something go wrong. 紫袍王爷淡淡的看着眼前一群人,这一群人比大崝三巨头差远了。但还是开口告诉他们,免得他们执行时没有理解透自己意思而出了岔子。 Great Zheng Zhong Shan, indeed is the eternity outstandingly able person, he had had a classical campaign in Small Thousand Worlds Yin Sector, through that campaign, no loss lays the foundation at one fell swoop, is the matter that I must handle immediately!” 大崝钟山,的确是个千古奇人,他曾经在小千世界阴间有过一场经典战役,通过那场战役,毫无损耗的一举奠定基础,也是马上我所要做的事情!” What?” “什么?” control the emperor and command the nobles!” 挟天子以令诸侯!” control the emperor and command the nobles?” 挟天子以令诸侯?” We are ban Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, to make Great Zheng under the heavens!’ “我们就是‘禁凌霄天庭,以令大崝天下!’” Yes!” “是!” -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- After several days, Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court! Before towards meets . 数日后,凌霄天庭!朝会之前。 Minister of War, Lang Zhen your family place. A leaning hall, Lang Zhen nods saying: Asked the envoy to convey a message, making the King Qi Ming master feel relieved, I and other today, complete the task surely!” 兵部尚书,朗真府上。一间偏厅,朗真点点头道:“请使者传话,让齐明王爷放心,我等今日,必定完成任务!” The King Qi Ming master, Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court not far away plans Great Zheng Primal Chaos Holy Court Prince purple qipao gown. 齐明王爷,正是凌霄天庭不远处谋划大崝太极圣庭紫袍王爷。 Obviously, the plan formally started. 显然,计划正式开始了。 Lang Zhen left your family place, marches into Imperial Palace with various officials again, enters Longevity Palace, conducts new day early toward. 朗真离开了府上,与众臣再度步入皇宫,进入长生殿,进行新的一天早朝。 Early toward starting, the whole body of ministers is situated in the two sides. 早朝开始,群臣立于两边。 Lin Xiao and Shui Jing are listed in two to be the first, at this moment incomparably serious looks to Shui Wuhen. 林啸水镜列于两列之首,此刻无比郑重的看向水无痕 The heart knot unties, Great Zheng three hero naturally went all out. 心结解开,大崝三雄自然更加卖力了。 Very good, today, can see all colleagues of yesterday, I am very gratified, please relax, today's waiting, today's stubbornness, will have the return, when Saint King returns, you in the row, performing is the Great Zheng hero!” Shui Wuhen said immediately. “很好,今日,能看到昨日的所有同僚,我很欣慰,请放心,今日的等候,今日的顽固,会有回报的,待圣王归来,尔等在列,尽是大崝功臣!”水无痕马上说道。 This is the routine business, every day, Shui Wuhen must comfort whole body of ministers! For Great Zheng, stands firm this *** right center, because only then Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court is not chaotic, Great Zheng major city in territory can insist. 这是例行公事,每日,水无痕都要安抚一番群臣!为大崝,稳住这***权利中心,因为只有凌霄天庭不乱,大崝的疆土中的各大城池才能坚持。 Although the defeat report transmits unceasingly, city that but has not met head-on supports Great Zheng as before, no one has the independence to go out! 虽然败报不断传来,但还未迎战的城池依旧拥护大崝,谁也没有独立出去! Great General!” Shui Wuhen said. “大将军!”水无痕道。 In!” Lin Xiao nods. “在!”林啸点点头。 Today four directions combat report how?” Shui Wuhen said. “今日四方战报如何?”水无痕说道。 This is the thing that every day must report, although defeats the report, will knock the feudal official heart, but if intentionally conceals, instead causes scared, although defeats the report, but the whole body of ministers will feel also in the control area. 这是每日都要汇报的东西,虽然都是败报,会动摇臣心,但若是刻意隐瞒,反而更加的引起恐慌,虽然都是败报,但群臣都会觉得还在控制范围。 By today's 1 to 3 a.m., the south Unparalleled City city gate was broken, now in the rhinocero war, want to is recalling, was not too possible! Most, Unparalleled City will lose on the 3rd!” Lin Xiao sighed slightly. “截止到今日丑时,南方无双城城门被破,现在正在犀战之中,想要挽回,是不太可能了!最多三日,无双城就会丢失!”林啸微微一叹道。 Shui Wuhen nods. Imperial Hall for a while changes is quite quiet, Unparalleled City, Saint King starts from this city, in Divine State show/unfolds reveal corner/horn! A there south fort, Unparalleled City loses, at least five city will lose the support, but isolates. 水无痕点点头。朝堂一时变的极为沉寂,无双城,圣王就是从这一座城池开始,在神州展头露角吧!那里还是南方的一个要塞,无双城一丢,最少五个城池将失去支援而孤立起来。 Great General, are you besotted?” “大将军,你还执迷不悟吗?” At this moment, Lang Zhen jumped suddenly. eyes stares to look straight ahead Lin Xiao. 就在这时,朗真忽然跳了出来。双眼瞪起直视林啸 ***: Suddenly discovers three matters, first, «immortality» just 3 million characters, big leap! Many thanks everyone supports now. Second, yesterday misread, misses the small dozens tickets compared with immortal hero first six, fainted, so long as flushes, the immortal hero first six simply do not have the issue, has the ticket brothers, pounds! The third point, 400 tickets, should erupt, sweat, over the two days outside area, bright Houtian can go home, the proficient certain eruption, chesses will not repudiate a debt, last month eruption could remember, let alone now? Finally, wants the ticket to everyone, the direct impact 500 tickets. ***:忽然发现三件事,第一,《长生不死》刚刚300万字了,一个大跳跃!多谢大家支持到现在。第二,昨天看错了,比仙侠前六只差小几十票,晕了,只要冲一冲,仙侠前六根本没问题,有票的兄弟,砸吧!第三点,400票了,又该爆发了,汗,这两天在外地,明后天才能回家,到家一定爆发,观棋不会赖账的,上个月的爆发都记得住,何况现在?最后,向大家要票,直冲500票。
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