IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#962: Innate Eight Trigrams (gossip)

The first hundred 30 four chapters 第一百三十四章 Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram 先天八卦图 The azure ray covered the Zhong Shan whole body exhaustedly, the prostration in the comfortable environment, the Zhong Shan unconscious stupor in the past. 青色光芒笼罩钟山全身,虚脱疲惫在舒适的环境,钟山不自觉的昏迷了过去。 Also does not know that the stupor how long, Zhong Shan woke up slowly. 也不知道昏迷了多久,钟山才缓缓醒来。 Opening eyes of instinct, in a flash, Zhong Shan saw the endless stars, may watch a meeting, Zhong Shan felt right, does not close one's eyes immediately again, gets the physical exam. 本能的睁开双眼,一瞬间,钟山看到了无尽星辰,可看了一会,钟山觉得不对劲,马上再度闭上眼,检查身体。 The prostration vanished, the injury fully restored! Even, cultivation base unexpectedly inexplicable rose 1-layer Heaven. 虚脱消失了,伤势更是完全恢复了!甚至,修为居然不明不白的升了一重天 Great Immortal Realm! 3-layer Heaven! 大仙境!三重天! Two true dragon surround in within the body, this is Great Zheng Luck Golden Dragon. 还有两道真龙在体内环绕,这是大崝气运金龙 Opened the eye again, Zhong Shan starts to size up all around. 再度睁开眼睛,钟山开始打量四周了。 Monster Muster Banner lies down in the chest as before, seeming has not appeared same. But Zhong Shan at this moment, actually lies down above giant stone steps. 招妖幡依旧躺在胸口,好似从来没出现过一样。而钟山此刻,却是躺在一块巨大的石阶之上。 Is this in the starry sky? 这是星空之中? A tall ladder, the stair is linking together the stair together, extends to the remote upper air. 一个天梯,一块台阶连着一块台阶,延伸到遥远的高空之中。 But Zhong Shan is at the midpoint of this tall ladder, under is the innumerable stars is ordinary, here is higher than the position that the stars are at? 钟山正处在这一座天梯的正中央,下方更是无数星辰一般,这里比星辰所在的位置还要高? Under is the innumerable stars, all around, above also has the innumerable stars, is only here stars is strange, the stars should be the circular are right, but here stars, some actually became the linearity drawing. Strange elongation! 下方是无数星辰,四周、上方同样也有着无数星辰,只是这里的星辰非常奇怪,星辰应该是圆形才对,可这里的星辰,有些却拉成了条形。诡异的拉长! Moreover express that some places, the stars move, but always flies not far. 而且有些地方,星辰移动的特别快,但总是飞不远。 Strange environment. 怪异的环境。 Only then this stair, but also is normal. 只有这个台阶,还算正常。 In the Zhong Shan heart has doubts, searches the hand to take out a crystal ball, ejects the crystal ball does not have the parapet tall ladder. 钟山心中产生一丝疑惑,探手取出一个水晶球,将水晶球抛出没有栏杆的天梯。 Throws into the starry sky. 扔入星空之中。 The speed that the crystal ball ejects is quick, but departs the tall ladder range, crystal ball flight seemed suddenly slow was the same. 水晶球抛出的速度很快,可是飞出天梯范围,水晶球飞行的就好似忽然慢了一样。 Was not the flight was slow, was the time slows down suddenly! This feeling, Zhong Shan when Luo Xingchen displays Time Divine Ability has seen. Moreover, quick that circular crystal ball strange elongation assumed the linearity, the crystal ball was crisp, so long as the distortion should split slightly is right, but, has not split at this moment, seemed the rubber to do was the same. 不是飞行慢了,是时间忽然变慢了!这感觉,钟山落星尘施展时间神通时见过。而且,很快那正圆形的水晶球诡异的拉长呈条形了,水晶球非常脆,只要微微变形就该裂开才对,但,这一刻并没有裂开,好似橡皮做的一样。 The Zhong Shan facial expression moves slightly, clearly, this is the space problem. 钟山神情微动,很明显,这是空间问题。 The time slows down, space is Principle chaotic? Where is this? 时间变慢,空间法则混乱?这到底是什么地方? Takes out Monster Muster Banner, Monster Muster Banner already restores such as beginning, cannot see slightly unusually, but will be this Monster Muster Banner will bring here? 取出招妖幡,招妖幡已经恢复如初,看不出丝毫奇特,可就是这个招妖幡将自己带到了这里? hū ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 呼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Suddenly a white light flashes through, from the above of Zhong Shan top of the head directly shoots tall ladder. 忽然间一道白光闪过,从钟山头顶直射天梯的上方。 Perhaps is here Principle is chaotic, flew that person of past, in the air left behind row of afterimage. 也许是这里法则混乱,飞过去的那人,空中留下一排的残影 Saint Mi Tian?” 弥天圣人?” Although cannot remember the Saint Mi Tian face, but its body is actually remembers clearly. Is he right! 虽然记不得弥天圣人的脸庞,但其身形却是记得清清楚楚。是他没错! What above the tall ladder has? 天梯上方有什么? Zhong Shan the steps go immediately upwardly, directly soar top the tall ladder. 钟山马上踏步向上而去,直奔天梯顶部。 The tall ladder is very high, the Zhong Shan speed is also fast, after burning a joss stick, finally to tall ladder top. 天梯很高,钟山速度也非常快,一炷香后,终于到了天梯顶部。 That is palace group of a keep flat in void, is vast, is grave. 那是一个平放在虚空中的宫殿群,非常浩大,非常庄重。 A central main shrine, the main shrine height ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the main hall does not have tablet, dismal aura assaults the senses. Even is away from nearly ten thousand li (0.5 km) away, Zhong Shan feels that main hall sending out the aura, was too vast. 中心一个主殿,主殿高万丈,大殿没有牌匾,一阵悲凉气息扑面而来。即便隔着近万里之遥,钟山都感受到那大殿散发的气息,太浩大了。 Above the square before nameless main hall, at this moment stand six people! 无名大殿之前的广场之上,此刻站着六个人! Saint Mi Tian, to win, Gui Guzi completely all in row, person of there is still one Zhong Shan understanding, Feng Xingyun! Serpent Empress Buddhist Temple Feng Xingyun Dao Monarch? 弥天圣人、嬴、鬼谷子尽皆在列,还有一个钟山认识的人,风行云!蛇后道场风行云道君? However looks at such, Feng Xingyun seems is not catches up, but forcefully brought general. 不过看那样子,风行云好似不是自己赶来的,而是被强行带来的一般。 Finally two people, a person wears black-robed, a familiar aura swamps into the Zhong Shan heart. 最后两人,一人身着黑袍,一种熟悉的气息涌入钟山心中。 Saint, Mozi? 圣人,墨子? Definitely is Mozi, past after having seen Mozi, Zhong Shan cannot forget that aura absolutely. 肯定是墨子,昔日见过墨子之后,钟山绝对忘不了那股气息。 Another person, azure scholar gown, is away from ten thousand li (0.5 km) away, aura of share of shocking profound scholar bathed directly the Zhong Shan whole body. Let the person have not being able to say meaning, in the heart has a feeling of support for no reason? 另一人,一声青色儒袍,隔着万里之遥,一股惊世大儒的气息直接沐浴了钟山全身。让人有种说不出的意味,心中无端产生一种拥护的感觉? Is this? 这是? Zhong Shan does not know him, moreover sees the back, but, Zhong Shan can actually guess correctly that who he is! Kongzi! 钟山不认识他,而且只是看到背影,但是,钟山却能猜到他是谁!孔子! Three Saint, two Ancestor Immortal, there is still one Ancient Immortal? 三个圣人,两个祖仙,还有一个古仙? The stand ten thousand li (0.5 km) away, Zhong Shan is thinking, the choice has not gone forward, because Zhong Shan knows, here thing, already is not present can touch. 站着万里之遥,钟山想了想,并未选择上前,因为钟山知道,这里的东西,已经不是现在的自己所能触碰的了。 Saint participated, what oneself can Great Immortal play to affect? 圣人都参与进来了,自己一个大仙能起到什么作用? The distant place people also seem can feel Zhong Shan's to arrive, but no one has turned head, is staring at present the main hall as before together. 远处众人也好似能感受到钟山的到来,但谁也没有回头,依旧一起盯着眼前大殿。 Saint, the model of under the heavens, but other solemn Saint, started unexpectedly deal that digs the person tomb, you, went too far!” Feng Xingyun calling out bitterly. Both eyes coldly looks to Saint Mi Tian. 圣人,天下之表率,可尔等堂堂圣人,居然做起了掘人坟墓的勾当,你,太过分了!”风行云恨恨的叫道。双目冷冷的看向弥天圣人 Where comes so many idle talk, is your oneself comes, did wait for me refine to melt you?” Saint Mi Tian indifferently said. “哪来那么多废话,是你自己来,还是等我炼化了你?”弥天圣人淡淡道 At this moment, another two Saint and two Ancestor Immortal hasn't interrupted. 这一刻,另外两个圣人和两个祖仙没有插口 Feng Xingyun looked at one bitterly, finally took a deep breath, closes the eye. 风行云恨恨的看了一眼,最终深深的吸了口气,闭上眼睛。 Turns around, before arriving at the nameless main hall . 转身,走到无名大殿之前。 Looks at the giant palace, Feng Xingyun worships on bended knees at present suddenly under. 看着眼前巨大宫殿,风行云忽然跪拜而下。 Kneel three times and kowtow nine times! 三拜九叩! „The unfilial grandson, Feng Xingyun, was forced, alarms two ancestors!” Feng Xingyun worships on bended knees was saying. 不孝子孙,风行云,被逼无奈,惊扰二位先祖!”风行云跪拜着说道。 Three Saint and two Ancestor Immortal wait patiently. 三个圣人、两个祖仙耐心等候。 Did obeisance a meeting, Feng Xingyun compelled nine drops of essence and blood from the finger suddenly, slowly above the front door of injection nameless main hall. 拜了一会,风行云忽然从指头逼出九滴精血,缓缓射入无名大殿的大门之上。 Nine drops of essence and blood were incarnadine immediately the front door. 九滴精血顿时染红了大门。 Grave really needs the Nu Wa descendant's essence and blood to open, Saint Mi Tian is good to plan!” to win Huran opens the mouth to say. “墓冢果然还是需要女娲后裔的精血才能开启,弥天圣人好算计!”嬴忽然开口道。 Turned the head to look at a to win, Saint Mi Tian had not spoken, subsequently no longer paid attention. Seeming looks down upon Ancestor Immortal to be the same radically. 转头看了一眼嬴,弥天圣人没有说话,继而就不再理会。好似根本看不起祖仙一样。 to win has not cared, then looks to the front door. 嬴也没有在意,转而看向大门。 When the blood dyes the front door, the entire void square moved, palace strange rotations in all directions, are the positions that Zhong Shan stands , the movement, quick deviated hundred li (0.5 km) away slowly. 血染大门之际,整个虚空广场都动了起来,四面八方的宫殿一圈圈的诡异转动,就是钟山所站的位置,也缓缓移动,很快就偏离了百里之遥。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” The front door opens loudly. 大门轰然打开。 Flash that the front door opens, in the main hall braves to project trillion golden light suddenly, void illuminated this piece generally, dazzling incomparable. 大门打开的一瞬间,大殿之中忽然冒射出亿万金光,将这一片虚空都照亮了一般,刺眼无比。 Indistinct can see, a golden big chart, the big chart divides near eight, the above is lingering the enormous golden color smog, cannot see clearly the actual situation. But flash that the golden light projects, four directions void that some stars of distortion strange suddenly stopped the movement, seemed the time in a flash static generally. 隐隐约约能够看到,一张金色的大图,大图分八边,上方萦绕着大量金色烟雾,看不清虚实。而金光射出的一瞬间,四方虚空那一些变形的星辰诡异的忽然停止了运动,好似时间一瞬间静止了一般。 Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram! Really lives up to reputation!” Saint Mozi opens the mouth to say suddenly. 先天八卦图!果然名不虚传!”圣人墨子忽然开口道。 Numerous Expert has not competed immediately, after all, here no one can forcing others. 一众强者并未马上争夺,毕竟,这里谁也不能力压旁人。 „A everyone brother, I only comprehends for hundred years, hundred years later, delivers everyone, how?” Kongzi opens the mouth to say suddenly. 诸位道兄,我只参悟百年,百年后,交与诸位,如何?”孔子忽然开口道。 No, the palace gate opens because of me, how is perceived through meditation by me? fifty year later, delivers everyone!” The Saint Mi Tian light opens the mouth said. “非也,殿门因我而开,还是由我参悟如何?五十年后,交与诸位!”弥天圣人淡淡开口道。 ........................ ........................ ............ ............ Three Saint mutual conversations, want first to obtain Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram, can convince the opposite party to be best, competes for that to having no other choice forcefully conducts. 三个圣人相互言谈,都想最先得到先天八卦图,能说服对方最好,强行争夺那只是到不得已的时候才进行。 But nearby Feng Xingyun has actually knelt there, lowers the head, the fist grasped the enormous blue vein. 而一旁的风行云却是一直跪在那里,低着头,拳头握出了大量青筋。 Not, if hands over by me takes care?” to win Huran opens the mouth to say. “不若交由我来保管?”嬴忽然开口道。 The Ying's opens the mouth, stopped three Saint words immediately, three people look together to to win, especially Saint Mi Tian, although acknowledged Ying's to be powerful, but compared to oneself, definitely by far insufficient, Ancestor Immortal, spoke oneself not to respond a moment ago. 嬴的开口,顿时止住了三个圣人的话,三人一起看向嬴,特别是弥天圣人,虽然承认嬴的强大,但相对于自己来说,肯定远远不足,一个祖仙而已,刚才说话自己也没有搭理。 Now unexpectedly dares to provoke Three Great Saint? 现在居然敢挑衅三大圣人? Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram, only this, moreover in has receiving of Usurping Fate Fu Xi stays behind ‚’, can only the person inherit! at this moment, discussed again doesn't seem false?” to win indifferently said. 先天八卦图,只此一份,而且内有伏羲留下的‘篡命之承’,只能有一人继承!此刻,再谈不显得虚伪吗?”嬴淡淡道 Mi Tian light looks to to win. 弥天淡淡的看向嬴。 What to do did you say?” Mi Tian indifferently said. “那你说怎么办?”弥天淡淡道 Depending on the method, who obtains respectively is whose!” to win indifferently said. “各凭手段,谁得到就是谁的!”嬴淡淡道 Your does Ancestor Immortal also want to struggle with us? Your Heavenly Mystery Great Art seemingly I keep Small Thousand Worlds!” Saint Mi Tian indifferently said. “你一个祖仙也想跟我们争?你的天机大法貌似还是我留在小千世界的!”弥天圣人淡淡道 Great Qin? The present was really the courage is getting bigger and bigger!” Kongzi indifferently said. 大秦?现在真是胆子越来越大了!”孔子淡淡道 to win Kankan Kongzi, shows a faint smile, this smiles unable to see that gets angry slightly happily. 嬴看看孔子,微微一笑,这一笑看不出丝毫喜怒。 Mozi Saint!” to win Zaidu said. 墨子圣人!”嬴再度道。 to win Huran designates Mozi. Another two Saint slightly surprised. 嬴忽然指名到墨子。另两个圣人微微意外 to win!” Mozi nods. “嬴!”墨子点点头。 to win Yuyue, something wants to invite the Mozi Saint help!” to win said very much directly. “嬴逾越了,有事想请墨子圣人帮忙!”嬴很直接道。 Wants not excessive, worked as also you past that favor!” Mozi said suddenly. “只要不过分,就当还你昔日那份人情了!”墨子忽然说道。 Favor? People doubts, how did Mozi owe to win Renqing? 人情?众人一阵疑惑,墨子怎么欠嬴人情了? Simultaneously Mozi said is also very clear, cannot excessively, Mozi unable specially for to win Zhengduo Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram. 同时墨子说的也很清楚,不能过分,墨子不会专门为嬴争夺先天八卦图 Many thanks, I busy that wants you to help, is...... cannot make Kongzi obtain Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram!” to win Ding Kongzi is saying with a smile pale. “多谢,我所要你帮的忙,就是......不能让孔子得到先天八卦图!”嬴盯着孔子淡笑道。 Scene suddenly one static, the meaning of to win these words was too overbearing! 场面陡然一静,嬴这句话的意思太霸道了! to win Mingxian is robs Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram, he makes Mozi divert Kongzi, could it be that he had confidence that copes with Saint Mi Tian? 嬴明显是来抢夺先天八卦图的,他让墨子牵制孔子,难道他有把握对付弥天圣人? Saint Mi Tian at this moment, does not know that this/should happy should be angry! Own solemn was Saint, looked down upon by Ancestor Immortal? 弥天圣人此刻,不知该高兴还是该生气!自己堂堂圣人,被一个祖仙看不起了? Such as hopes!” Mozi nods. “如尔所愿!”墨子点点头。 Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram, Mozi has not said does not struggle, but made Kongzi unable to obtain on the line. 先天八卦图,墨子没说不争,只是让孔子得不到就行了。 „Do you want to block me?” Saint Mi Tian is staring at to win say/way. “你想拦我?”弥天圣人盯着嬴道。 Here is Space-time's end, is not among Heaven and Earth, Saint? Saint here cannot transfer the strength of Heaven and Earth willfully! I also want to take a look, Saint that loses Heaven and Earth, is strong!” to win said solemnly. “这里是时空的尽头,不是天地之间,圣人?在这里的圣人可不能任意调动天地之力了!我也想看看,一个失去天地圣人,到底还有多强!”嬴沉声道 Really does not know so-called!” Saint Mi Tian coldly said. “真是不知所谓!”弥天圣人冷声道 Comes to day, between Heaven and Earth, I await respectfully in the Great Qin Xianyang momentarily, now invites, in this Space-time's end, you, if can win my rulers and ministers two people, Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram, we do not want!” The Ying's tone firmly changes enforced. “来日,天地间,我在大秦咸阳随时恭候,现在请吧,在这时空的尽头,你若能胜我君臣二人,先天八卦图,我们不要也罢!”嬴的语气坚决变的严肃了起来。 !” “呼!” In a flash, to win, Gui Guzi, Mi Tian, Mozi, Kongzi, five big Expert vanished above this square. 转瞬之间,嬴、鬼谷子弥天墨子孔子,五大强者就消失在了这个广场之上。 Indistinct, Zhong Shan saw them to enter the outside world, enters that distorted among the stars. 隐约之间,钟山看到他们进入了外界,进入那变形了的星辰之间。 Competition of Expert, Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram! 强者的争夺,先天八卦图! In Feng Xingyun and Zhong Shan regarding square, numerous Expert thinks little radically, because in them, want to pinches this two people, was too easy. Moreover the mind affirmed that the time stays above this square. 对于广场上的风行云钟山,一众强者根本不以为意,因为在他们心里,想要捏死这两人,太容易了。而且心神肯定时刻留在这个广场之上。 Zhong Shan has not acted rashly, Feng Xingyun does not have, Feng Xingyun kneels before the nameless main hall, the head is lowering, pinches tightly on hand, in the eye flashes through resenting. 钟山没有妄动,风行云也没有,风行云跪在无名大殿前,头低着,手头捏紧,眼中闪过一股愤恨。 This is a feeling of humiliation, was compelled the ancestral grave, moreover discussed before oneself distributes the ancestral grave goods, but oneself radically helpless. This humiliation was too intense. Feng Xingyun feels the innermost feelings in the drop blood. 这是一种屈辱的感觉,被逼开了祖坟,而且在自己面前谈论分派祖坟物品,而自己又根本无能为力。这份屈辱太强烈了。风行云感觉内心都在滴血。 Fu Xi is alive, Nu Wa is alive, who dares to disrespect to my wind? But now the family fortune declines, was actually compelled so the humiliation by one group of robbers. 伏羲在世,女娲在世的时候,谁敢对我风家不敬?而现在家道衰落,却是被一群强盗逼得如此屈辱。
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