IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#963: Legitimate cultivating Fate

The fight of distant place, Zhong Shan does not see clearly, Zhong Shan does not prepare to look, even has not walked up, but is static in distant place. 远处的战斗,钟山看不清楚,钟山也不准备去看,甚至都没有走上前去,而是静静的等在远处。 Simultaneously Zhong Shan recalled previously the Ying's words unceasingly! 同时钟山不断回想先前嬴的话! Comes to day, between Heaven and Earth, I await respectfully in the Great Qin Xianyang momentarily, now invites, in this Space-time's end, you, if can win my rulers and ministers two people, Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram, we do not want!” “来日,天地间,我在大秦咸阳随时恭候,现在请吧,在这时空的尽头,你若能胜我君臣二人,先天八卦图,我们不要也罢!” The Ying's words are very brief, but from this, Zhong Shan felt a rampancy, an aggression, came to day, between Heaven and Earth, did I await respectfully in the Great Qin Xianyang momentarily? 嬴的话很简短,但是从这字里行间之中,钟山感受到了一股嚣张,一股霸气,来日,天地间,我在大秦咸阳随时恭候? So long as could it be that to win drop in Harmonious Yang Holy Capital, is Saint cannot do to him? 难道只要嬴落在咸阳圣都,就是圣人也奈何不了他? Zhong Shan had not thought that to win is talking nonsense, on the contrary Zhong Shan guessed that to win Kending can achieve. 钟山没有觉得嬴在瞎说,相反钟山猜测嬴肯定能做得到。 Fights with Saint? Such Luck Dynasty, is peerless ominous toward! 圣人争锋?这样的运朝,才是绝世凶朝! Seemed like past King You of Zhou, Ji Gongnie? When Yin Sector Saint has said that Ji Gongnie slaughter Saint! The Ji Gongnie affirmation is only Ancestor Immortal, his slaughter Saint? 就好像昔日的周幽王,姬宫涅?阴间时一个圣人说过,姬宫涅曾经屠过圣人!姬宫涅肯定只是祖仙,他屠过圣人? took a deep breath, Zhong Shan knows, the lots do not reach that altitude, cannot touch. 深深的吸了口气,钟山知道,很多东西不达到那个高度,是触摸不到的。 The patience waits, five nights of time, the person's shadow will have returned to above the square in five days suddenly together. 耐心等候,一直过了五天五夜的时间,忽然一道人影回到广场之上。 Came? Who did win? Which Saint? 来了?到底谁胜了?哪个圣人? Actually the discovery, unexpectedly is Gui Guzi! Falls to the square in unexpectedly is Mr. Gui Guzi? 却发现,居然是鬼谷子!落到广场上的居然是鬼谷子先生? to win Dangzhu Saint Mi Tian? 嬴挡住了弥天圣人? What did there exactly have? 那里到底发生了什么? Gui Guzi arrives in front of the nameless main hall, has not entered, but searches hand one move, the internal golden light flashes through together. In hand of Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram suddenly setting sun Gui Guzi. 鬼谷子走到无名大殿面前,并没有进入,而是探手一招,内部一道金光闪过。先天八卦图陡然落日鬼谷子的手中。 Gui Guzi has a look at the main hall, is saluting to the main hall in slightly. 鬼谷子看看大殿,对着大殿内部微微行礼。 The main hall, loses the Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram dazzling square, immediately reveals a giant coffin! 大殿内部,失去先天八卦图耀眼的广场,顿时显露出一口巨大的棺材来! Nu Wa grave? 女娲的墓冢? Gui Guzi obtained Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram, body vanishes in a flash same place. 鬼谷子取得先天八卦图,身形一晃消失在了原地。 Gui Guzi left. 鬼谷子离开了。 At a meeting that Gui Guzi leaves. Three Saint all return again. 鬼谷子离开的一会。三个圣人再度全部归来。 Three people look at the coffin in main hall, a silence. 三人看着大殿内的棺材,一阵沉默。 Cannot see clearly three people of faces, but Zhong Shan knows that in three people of hearts filled indignantly, naturally trades is being Zhong Shan, does not meet comfortably, three Saint, two Ancestor Immortal, compete for a thing, finally was struggled by two Ancestor Immortal. 看不清三人面庞,但钟山知道三人心中都充满了气愤,当然换着是钟山自己,也会不舒服的,三个圣人,两个祖仙,争夺一物,最终被两祖仙争去了。 No matter has anything, cannot be to lose the reason of Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram. 这其中不管发生什么,都不能作为失去先天八卦图的理由。 Hahahaha, Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram should not I and other obtained, Grand Heaven is absolute, is ok!” Mozi was freest and easiest, breaks into a hearty laugh to vanish in same place. 哈哈哈哈,先天八卦图不该我等所得,天数不可违,还是算了吧!”墨子最为洒脱,朗声一笑消失在了原地。 Kongzi and Saint Mi Tian look at each other one, two people of anything had not said that but in the heart is not absolutely indifferent like Mozi. 孔子弥天圣人对视一眼,二人什么也没说,但心中绝对不像墨子那么淡然。 Two people of body in a flash, vanished in same place. 二人身形一晃,消失在了原地。 Walked! All walked! 走了!全走了! As for to win, possibly has the truth that comes back again absolutely not! 至于嬴,断不可能有再回来的道理! Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram was taken, numerous Saint has big crazy not to have the idea of Nu Wa coffin again, otherwise real seething discontent among the people. 先天八卦图被取了,众圣人就是有再大的疯狂也不会再打女娲棺材的主意,否则真的天怒人怨了。 Zhong Shan can conclude, all Expert walked! 钟山可以断定,所有强者都走了! Two ancestors, the good cloud is unfilial, however wind only remains me, to continue wind bloodline, the good cloud has to so!” Feng Xingyun kowtows to say again. “二位先祖,行云不孝,然风家只剩我一人,为续风家血脉,行云不得不如此!”风行云再度磕头道。 At this moment, in the Feng Xingyun eye filled firmly, filled murderous aura! 这一刻,风行云眼中充满了坚定,充满了杀气! Zhong Shan sighed slightly, at this time, naturally nothing more to be said. Regarding the Nu Wa coffin, Zhong Shan will not have her idea! 钟山微微一叹,这个时候,自然没有什么好说的。对于女娲的棺材,钟山也不会打她的主意! To that palace direction, a Zhong Shan ritual, is preparing to go down the tall ladder slightly! 对着那宫殿方向,钟山微微一礼,就准备走下天梯! Saint King Zhong!” 钟圣王!” In Zhong Shan must walk, the Feng Xingyun tone shouts suddenly. 就在钟山要走之际,风行云忽然调头喊道。 Zhong Shan slightly surprised, turns the head to look to Feng Xingyun, at this time, Feng Xingyun also arrived at the Zhong Shan near. 钟山微微意外,转头看向风行云,这时,风行云也到了钟山近前。 „When regarding this, can only show below by regretting! The attitude to numerous Saint, I am also helpless!” Zhong Shan shakes the head to say. After all, Zhong Shan and Feng Xingyun are not ripe. “对于今次之时,在下只能表以遗憾!对众圣人的态度,我也无能为力!”钟山摇摇头道。毕竟,钟山风行云也不熟。 Main house gate misfortune, Saint King Zhong does not need to rebuke oneself, below is also so!” Feng Xingyun reveals a forced smile to say. “家门不幸,钟圣王无须自责,在下也是如此!”风行云露出一丝苦笑道。 Un! Then even so, did not disturb Dao Monarch below!” Zhong Shan must leave. “嗯!即使如此,那在下也不打扰道君了!”钟山要离开。 Wait, has the incident to ask Saint King Zhong below to help!” Feng Xingyun called out immediately. “等等,在下有一事想请钟圣王帮忙!”风行云马上叫道。 „?” “哦?” Monster Muster Banner in the Saint King Zhong hand?” Feng Xingyun asked. 招妖幡是不是在钟圣王手中?”风行云问道。 Good!” Zhong Shan has not concealed, dignified say/way. “不错!”钟山并未隐瞒,凝重道。 Here Space-time's end, the grave is actually ancestor Fu Xi casts, Monster Muster Banner can be to open ancestor teachings of the deceased, but also asked Saint King Zhong to lend Monster Muster Banner!” Feng Xingyun said. “此处时空的尽头,墓冢其实是先祖伏羲所铸,招妖幡可以作为开启先祖遗训之用,还请钟圣王暂借招妖幡!”风行云说道。 Space-time's end?” The Zhong Shan doubts said. 时空的尽头?”钟山疑惑道。 So-called Space-time's end, is the Great Thousand Worlds edge, to here, the time slowed down, the space becomes thin, is a special environment, toward the edge, the time is Vietnamese Vietnamese, even to stopping. The space is Vietnamese, until not having, is limitless!” Feng Xingyun answered. “所谓时空的尽头,就是大千世界的边缘,到了这里,时间变慢,空间变稀薄,属于一个特殊的环境,越往边缘去,时间越慢,甚至到停止。空间越稀薄,直至没有,也就是无极!”风行云解释道。 Limitless?” “无极?” Lives Primal Chaos limitless, Primal Chaos lives two meters, two meters are Great Thousand Worlds Yin-Yang two sectors, but entire Great Thousand Worlds is Primal Chaos, but Space-time's end, is limitless, Primal Chaos is has, limitless is not. Had/Left Space-time's end, anything did not have, moreover cannot go out, so long as because moves toward limitless, oneself will not have unknowingly. Here is Space-time's end!” Feng Xingyun answered. “无极生太极,太极生两仪,两仪就是大千世界阴阳两界,而整个大千世界就是一个太极,而时空的尽头,就是无极,太极是‘有’,无极就是‘没有’。出了时空的尽头,就什么也没有了,而且根本也出不去,因为只要走向无极,自己也会不知不觉中没有了。这里就是时空的尽头!”风行云解释道。 Listened to reason!” Zhong Shan nods. “受教了!”钟山点点头。 That Monster Muster Banner?” Feng Xingyun looks to Zhong Shan. “那招妖幡?”风行云看向钟山 Zhong Shan turns the hand to take out Monster Muster Banner, has not been covering-up, because Zhong Shan feels the Feng Xingyun words, has not lied! 钟山翻手取出招妖幡,并没有藏掖着,因为钟山感受到风行云的话,并没有撒谎! Monster Muster Banner can bring, obviously here also has the vital function. 招妖幡能将自己带来,显然在这里也有重要的作用。 Many thanks!” Feng Xingyun accidental/surprised look Zhong Shan. “多谢!”风行云意外的看看钟山 The steps turn back the square, has not arrived at the place of nameless main hall. Feng Xingyun arrives at place of the white floor tile. 踏步走回广场,并未走到无名大殿之处。风行云走到一块白色地砖之处。 At this time Zhong Shan the strange discovery, on the floor tile has a slightly concave, was just the same as Monster Muster Banner, too unremarkable, if not for the person of wind, basic never expected. 这时钟山才古怪的发现,地砖上有着一个微微凹面,和招妖幡一模一样,太不起眼了,若不是风家之人,根本想不到的。 Feng Xingyun in a Monster Muster Banner square scoop channel, compels the essence and blood on hand, surrounded a circle around that floor tile. 风行云招妖幡平方凹槽之中,手头逼出精血,绕着那块地砖环绕了一个圈。 Whistling!” “呼呼!” The ground emits the enormous smog suddenly. 地上忽然冒出大量的烟雾。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Zhong Shan behind, did that lead to Great Thousand Worlds tall ladder suddenly to collapse completely? 钟山身后,那通往大千世界的天梯陡然间全部崩溃了? Sees this, in the Zhong Shan heart one startled, the tall ladder collapsed, how do oneself leave this? 看到这一幕,钟山心中一惊,天梯崩溃了,自己怎么离开这啊? Next not going? 不去了? Because Zhong Shan already feels the fearfulness of this Space-time's end, inside time and space extremely thin, oneself had/left this square, was involuntary immediately. 因为钟山已经感受到这时空的尽头的可怕,里面时间、空间都极度的稀薄,自己出了这个广场,就马上身不由己了。 Knits the brows Zhong Shan to arrive at Feng Xingyun behind. 皱眉间钟山来到风行云身后。 Ground white mist are getting more and more, gradually covered all palaces, but in front of Zhong Shan and Feng Xingyun, unexpectedly slowly concentrates to appear a form. 地上的白雾越来越多,渐渐的笼罩了所有宫殿,而在钟山风行云面前,居然慢慢的凝显出一个身影来。 The man who wears the deerskin shape clothes, the male long hair flutters after the brain, appearance bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of mankind, looked merely has to plant the unconscious trust. 一个身披鹿皮状衣裳的男子,男子长发飘于脑后,样貌悲天悯人,仅仅看之一眼都有种不自觉的信任。 unfilial grandson Greetings ancestor!” Feng Xingyun immediately salutes saying. 不孝子拜见先祖!”风行云马上拜道 Fu Xi? In Zhong Shan heart one startled! 伏羲?钟山心中一惊! Do not do obeisance, the old man had died, this is only a projection, stays behind some words to you. With I calculate, the grave of old man, was dug eventually!” Fu Xi bitter and astringent smiles. “不要拜了,老夫早就死了,这只是一个投影,留下一些话给你。和我推算的一样,老夫的坟,终究是被掘了!”伏羲苦涩的一笑。 Indeed, this merely is only the projection, because in male speech look no one. 的确,这仅仅只是投影,因为男子说话眼神中没有任何人。 Do last words record? 一段遗言记录? Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram, does not want! Does not need to do to care!” Fu Xi said again. 先天八卦图,不要也罢!无须多做在意!”伏羲再度说道。 Doesn't want? Feng Xingyun and Zhong Shan do not understand looks to Fu Xi. 不要也罢?风行云钟山都不理解的看向伏羲 „Does the technique of Usurping Fate, tamper with the destiny? In cultivate Luck most is close to cultivating Fate a side door, in the past the old man was too persistent, but missed truly legitimate cultivating Fate. Oh!” Fu Xi sighed slightly. 篡命之术,篡改天命?修运中最接近‘修命’的一个偏门,当年老夫就是太执着了,而错过了真正正统的修命。唉!”伏羲微微一叹。 Legitimate cultivating Fate? This isn't under the heavens no one can cultivating Fate? 正统的修命?这天下不是没人能修命吗? Fu Xi recalls general, thinks, said: Regarding you, this wind bloodline only child, I do not want to say that also does not hope that you go to cultivating Fate, I also only calculate your generation, if after wind, bloodline was prosperous, to can branch out 1-2 heir to go to cultivating Fate!” 伏羲一阵追忆一般,想了想后才说:“对于你,这风家血脉的独苗,我不想多说,也不希望你去修命,我也只推算到你这一代,若是风家以后血脉昌盛了,到可以分出1-2子嗣去修命!” cultivating Fate? What is cultivating Fate? Zhong Shan and Feng Xingyun are staring at Fu Xi, what a pity, Fu Xi is only a projection, is unable to question. 修命?到底何为修命?钟山风行云都盯着伏羲,可惜,伏羲只是一段投影,根本无法问话。 First: Fate, Second: Luck, Third: Feng Shui, Four: Cultivate Inner Virtue, Five: Fame! Five Fame, Fame was been the last, but the lord of each Luck Dynasty, is not weak in the lord of sect, why?” 一命二运三风水四积阴德五功名!五功名,功名被排在最后,但每个运朝之主,都不弱于宗门之主,为何?” Because, cultivating Sovereign is cultivating Fate!” Fu Xi bitter and astringent say/way. “因为,修皇帝就是修命!”伏羲苦涩道。 ? Zhong Shan slightly startled. Repairing Sovereign is cultivating Fate? 呃?钟山微微一鄂。修皇帝就是修命? Buddhist Temple, Cult Master , can abdicate to trade another Cult Master, even was compelled to abdicate, Feng Shui Master can lead the disciple, when living is inheriting to the disciple, a cultivate Luck person, similarly so, but, Sovereign not, dynasty Sovereign, if undying/not dead, his under the heavens forever is his, why, because of his cultivating Fate!” “一个道场,教主在的时候,可以退位换另一个教主,甚至被逼退位,一个风水师可以带弟子,在活着的时候传承给弟子,一个修运的人,也同样如此,但是,皇帝不可以,一朝皇帝不死,他的天下永远都是他的,为何,因为他修命!” Five Fame, called five to study! Repairs Fame, is only these Courtier, Courtier can replace unceasingly, but dynasty Sovereign cannot replace, unique, the lord of Luck Dynasty, is true cultivating Fate, moreover is most legitimate cultivating Fate! What a pity, what a pity the old man became aware passes this truth the time initially, already was too late, has Luck Dynasty spatially, actually then cultivates the technique of Usurping Fate, Number One Under the Heaven Usurping Fate Master? Hahahaha, is really the greatest satire!” A Fu Xi face regret color. “五功名,又叫五读书!修功名的,只是那些臣子而已,臣子可以不断替换,而一朝皇帝是不可以替换的,独一无二,运朝之主,才是真正的修命,而且是最正统的修命!可惜,可惜老夫当初悟通这个道理的时候,已经太迟了,空有一个运朝,却转而去修篡命之术,天下第一篡命师?哈哈哈哈,真是莫大的讽刺!”伏羲一脸悔色道。 I in cultivating Fate? Zhong Shan raised the dreadful monstrous waves! 我在修命?钟山掀起了滔天巨浪! Similarly, Feng Xingyun is also so, in the eye is completely surprised, this secret was Fu Xi becomes aware to pass, perhaps under the heavens many people did not know this truth. Even the lords of some Luck Dynasty, or has possibility Saint all not to know? 同样,风行云也是如此,眼中尽是惊讶,这个秘密是伏羲悟通了的,或许天下很多人都不知道这个道理。甚至一些运朝之主,又或者有可能圣人都不全知道? cultivating Fate, risk numerous, you were the wind final only child, remember, before the descendants excessively hundred, can not step into this step.” Fu Xi said again. 修命,风险重重,你是风家最后独苗了,记住,在后嗣过百前,不得踏入这一步。”伏羲再度说道。 Yes, the good cloud remembered!” Although is only the record, but Feng Xingyun is incomparably serious obeying an order. “是,行云记住了!”虽然只是记录,但风行云还是无比郑重的应命。 Now not cultivating Fate, cultivates the technique of Usurping Fate, Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram was seized, is unimportant, you go to Bai Clan now, arrives there, so long as sent out your status, you can learn the thing that any wants to study!” Fu Xi solemnly said. “现在不修命,修篡命之术也可以,先天八卦图被夺了,不要紧,你现在前往柏氏家族,到那里,只要报出你的身份,你可以学到任何想学的东西!”伏羲郑重道 Bai Clan? The good cloud remembered!” Feng Xingyun nods. 柏氏家族?行云记住了!”风行云点点头。 Finally, a Fu Xi complexion austere say/way: Remember, to Bai Clan, must treat with good manners, specially its ancestor Bai Zhi, this person has is not weak in my ability, the virtue thick common people, are only this person are too low-key, low-key person, always live long! Oh!” 最终,伏羲脸色一肃道:“记住,到了柏氏家族,一定要以礼相待,特别其先祖柏芝,此人有不弱于我的能力,德厚苍生,只是此人太低调,低调的人,总是活的长!唉!” Bai Clan? Bai Zhi? Zhong Shan remembered this name! 柏氏家族?柏芝?钟山记住了这个名字!
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