IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#961: Space-time's end( third, asked monthly ticket!)

The distant place, summit of the mountain peak, Luo Xingchen imitates, if somewhat numb looks at this. 远处,一个山峰之巅,落星尘仿若有些麻木的看着这一幕。 Did Saint King die? Has one type not to believe Luo Xingchen to the present, but Saint King really did not have . Moreover the replenishment also vanished in oneself Luck and Meritorious Virtue. 圣王死了?落星尘到现在都有着一种不信,可圣王实实在在没有了,而且加注在自己身上的气运功德也消失了。 Did Saint King really die? Died? 圣王真的死了吗?就这么死了? In the Luo Xingchen heart does not know what taste. 落星尘心中不知道什么滋味。 At this time, several Expert came in the Luo Xingchen direction, Luo Xingchen took a deep breath, body vanished in a flash same place. 这时,有好几个强者向着落星尘方向而来,落星尘深吸口气,身形一晃消失在了原地。 Did Zhong Shan really die? 钟山真的死了吗? Is falling into the black hole that moment, Zhong Shan's firmly incomparable weak, properly speaking, Zhong Shan, if fell into the black hole thoroughly to be incurable, Zhong Shan forced itself to keep sober, want to avoids this calamity, but, this calamity too big. 在跌入黑洞的那一刻,钟山的确无比的虚弱,按理说,钟山若是跌入黑洞就彻底没救了,钟山强迫自己保持清醒,想要躲开这个厄难,但,这个厄难太大了。 The Great Thousand Worlds black hole, that is the steamroll of what kind of degree. 大千世界的黑洞,那是将是何等程度的碾压。 But in Zhong Shan want to revolts, the place of chest passes warm air suddenly, azure energies emit from the place of chest. 可就在钟山想要反抗之时,胸膛之处忽然透过来一股暖气,一圈圈青色的能量从胸膛之处冒出。 Is Monster Muster Banner! Has hidden in Monster Muster Banner of Zhong Shan chest. 招妖幡!一直藏于钟山胸口的招妖幡 Monster Muster Banner braves to project enormous azure light, forms a azure big cocoon, big cocoon very fast wraps Zhong Shan. 招妖幡冒射出大量青光,形成一个青色大茧,大茧非常快速的将钟山包裹而起。 Lies down in the big cocoon, Zhong Shan feels the pressure on subtract immediately, azure light infiltrates the Zhong Shan body slowly, an inexplicable comfortable feeling covers the whole body. 躺在大茧之中,钟山顿时感压力减去,青光缓缓渗透钟山身体,一种莫名的舒服感笼罩全身。 Comfortable at the same time, previous exhausted flooded the mind immediately, the Zhong Shan eye shuts, fainted. 舒服的同时,先前的疲惫顿时充斥脑海,钟山眼睛微闭,昏死了过去。 That black hole was also filled thoroughly. Zhong Shan vanished before everyone. 那一处黑洞也被彻底填补了。钟山消失在了所有人前。 Luo Xingchen vanishes to disappear, another mountain valley. 落星尘消失不见了,另一处山谷 to win, Gui Guzi, Bai Qi, three people deep looks at this. 嬴、鬼谷子白起,三人深深的看着这一幕。 Mister, was the time?” Asking of Ying indifferently. “先生,是时候了?”嬴淡淡的问道。 Good, that day I in the symbol that in Monster Muster Banner makes, will not be wrong, Monster Muster Banner brings Zhong Shan, is going to Space-time's end!” Gui Guzi solemnly said. “不错,那日我在招妖幡中做的记号,不会错,招妖幡带着钟山,正在前往时空的尽头!”鬼谷子郑重道 Space-time's end? Really, only then there matches to make the Nu Wa grave!” to win nods. 时空的尽头?果然,只有那里才配做女娲的墓冢!”嬴点点头。 Bai Qi stays behind, the mister and I, goes to Space-time's end immediately!” to win Zaidu said. 白起留下,先生与我,马上前往时空的尽头!”嬴再度说道。 Yes!” Bai Qi immediately comply with the way. “是!”白起马上应道 Gui Guzi nods. 鬼谷子点点头。 to win and Gui Guzi, the steps vanished in same place, kept Bai Qi alone in mountain valley, Bai Qi has a look at four directions , the turning head steps to vanish in same place. 嬴与鬼谷子,踏步消失在了原地,独留白起山谷,白起看看四方,扭头踏步消失在了原地。 Rushes to the space and time end, besides to win and Gui Guzi, is Saint that catches up with! 奔赴时空尽头,除了嬴与鬼谷子,还有就是赶来的圣人! Nu Wa World, Zhong Shan and a Xue Mei Old Ancestor war, spread over immediately in all directions. Some many people have not seen this fight, but everyone hears is one's blood bubbles up to the brim! 女娲界,钟山雪梅老祖一战,顿时传遍了四面八方。有很多人没有看到这场战斗,但每个人听到都是一阵热血沸腾! Great Zheng Saint King, Zhong Shan! Zhong Shan this name the biography is everyone knows suddenly, simultaneously people had doubts, was Zhong Shan died? 大崝王,钟山!钟山这个名字一时间传为所有人知晓,同时人们又产生了一个疑惑,就是钟山到底死了没有? That situation, Zhong Shan must die, but, steps into Nu Wa World to start from Zhong Shan, people have to acknowledge, Zhong Shan has been creating the miracle, first by Heavenly Immortal Realm alone to two Ancient Immortal, extinguishes Supreme Unity! Extinguishes Yan Hui! Extinguishes the Confucianism Sect several thousand disciples, a war becomes famous. 那种情况,钟山必死,但是,从钟山踏入女娲界开始,人们就不得不承认,钟山一直在创造着奇迹,先是以天仙境独对两个古仙,灭太乙!灭颜回!灭儒门数千弟子,一战成名。 Subsequently, facing Entering Jar Besieging Dragon Great Array, in Ancestor Immortal Dipamkara and domineering Yellow Dragon, have carrying off Heaven and Earth Cauldron that in front of Purple Firmament Cult Master accomplishes a task with ease. The crest of wave day was abundant! 继而,面对入瓮困龙大阵,在祖仙燃灯、强势黄龙、还有紫霄教主面前游刃有余的带走乾坤鼎。风头日盛! Subsequently, Xue Mei Old Ancestor first walking, incurred a subordinate casually, extinguishes kills Xue Mei Old Ancestor two peerless Expert. 继而,雪梅老祖第一次找上门,随便招了个下属,灭杀雪梅老祖两名绝世强者 In everyone struggles Monster Muster Banner, the design extinguishes kills Xue Mei Old Ancestor all disciples. 又在所有人招妖幡时,设计灭杀雪梅老祖所有弟子。 In finally, fights Xue Mei Old Ancestor, makes the astonishing action repeatedly, making Xue Mei Old Ancestor suffer loss. 更在最后,一战雪梅老祖,多次做出惊人之举,让雪梅老祖吃尽了苦头。 Such did one person, really die? After all no one has seen the Zhong Shan corpse. 这样一个人,真的死了吗?毕竟谁也没看到钟山尸体。 Although in people heart affirmed that Zhong Shan died, but always has leaving things to chance, is Zhong Shan is also living. But that possibility? 人们心中虽然肯定钟山死了,但总是抱有一丝侥幸心理,就是钟山还活着。可那可能吗? Nu Wa World completely passes on the name of Zhong Shan! 女娲界尽传钟山之名! Yang Sector, above Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, almost everyone silent looking day. 阳间,凌霄天庭之上,几乎所有人都沉默的望天。 Didn't Luck have? Great Zheng Saint Court Luck? Great Zheng Saint Court infinite Meritorious Virtue? Didn't have? Didn't all have? 气运没有了?大崝圣庭气运呢?大崝圣庭的无穷功德呢?没了?一切都没了? Did Saint King pass away? 圣王驾崩了? Almost everyone inconceivable looking day, was Luck did not have incessantly, was addition Luck did not have, Saint King really passed away. 几乎所有人都不可思议的望天,不止是气运没有了,就是自己身上的加成气运也没有了,圣王真的驾崩了。 Saint King, how you walked ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 圣王,你怎么就走了呢~~~~~~~~~~~~!” An old minister wail is worshipping on bended knees suddenly under. 一个老臣忽然哭嚎着跪拜而下。 Saint King ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 圣王~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Many ministers worship on bended knees, together wail. 很多大臣都跪拜而下,一起哭嚎了起来。 Sound be so touching that even heaven and earth are moved, the Imperial Guard also each and everyone complexion is everywhere serious, each and everyone worships on bended knees under. 声音感天动地,四处侍卫一个个脸色沉重,一个个跪拜而下。 This seems will infect general, starts from Imperial Palace, extends to go, everywhere is the sounds of wail, the innumerable common people worship on bended knees under. Saint King passed away, under the heavens big sorrow! 这好似会传染一般,从皇宫开始,延绵而去,到处都是哭嚎之音,无数百姓跪拜而下。圣王驾崩,天下大哀! Before Longevity Palace, Great General Lin Xiao, raises the head to look day inconceivable of face. 长生殿前,大将军林啸,仰首望天一脸的不可思议。 Shui Jing looks at the day startled, in the hand the feather fan stopped shaking, inconceivable looks at the completely empty space. 水镜愕然望天,手中羽扇都停止了摇动,不可思议的看着空空如也的天上。 Cries anything to cry ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “哭什么哭~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Suddenly, exploded drinks to interrupt the everyone wail! 忽然,一声炸喝打断了所有人的哭嚎! everyone looks, is Shui Wuhen is actually staring to look to everyone. 所有人望去,却是水无痕瞪着眼睛看向所有人 Stands to me!” Shui Wuhen shouted. “给我站起来!”水无痕喝道。 King Zi Chen, Saint King passed away, we ............!” An old minister face sad say/way. 紫宸王,圣王驾崩,我们............!”一个老臣一脸伤心道。 Who said that Saint King did pass away? Who said that Saint King passed away ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “谁说圣王驾崩的?谁说圣王驾崩的~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Shui Wuhen said continually two, second is to explode to drink, the everyone mind of exploding jumps. 水无痕连说了两遍,第二遍更是炸喝而出,炸的所有人心神一跳。 Is only Luck is taken by Saint King, who said that Saint King did pass away? Had to say Saint King to pass away again, chaos Great Zheng popular sentiment, cut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” Shui Wuhen explodes shouts. “只是气运圣王取走而已,谁说圣王驾崩的?再有说圣王驾崩,霍乱大崝民心者,斩~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!”水无痕炸喝道。 The whole body of ministers quickly grasp the meaning of something! 群臣一个激灵! Saint King will not have the matter, from my King Zi Chen, to the common people, dares to make trouble out of nothing to slander Saint King passing away, cuts ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~! „ Shui Wuhen breaks again shouts. 圣王不会有事,上至我紫宸王,下至百姓,敢无事生非污蔑圣王驾崩者,斩~~~~~~~~~~~~~!“水无痕再度断喝道。 Yes!” Whole body of ministers dreading standing up. “是!”群臣一阵畏惧的站起身来。 Indeed, Luck did not have, but cannot explain that Saint King died, this was the crisis moment, again so wail only chaotic Great Zheng popular sentiment! 的确,气运没有了,但不能说明圣王死了啊,这是危机关头,再如此哭嚎只会乱了大崝的民心! Shui Jing, this King assigns/life you to comfort the Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court common people presently immediately, comforts the people of under the heavens!” Shui Wuhen ordered. 水镜,本王现命你立刻安抚凌霄天庭百姓,安抚天下之民!”水无痕下令道。 Yes!” Shui Wuhen immediately comply with the way. “是!”水无痕马上应道 Lin Xiao, this King assigns/life you now, defends the morale of troops, is Great Zheng, is Saint King defends the morale of troops, defends the heart of under the heavens!” Shui Wuhen ordered again. 林啸,本王现在命你,守住军心,为大崝、为圣王守住军心,守住天下之心!”水无痕再度下令道。 Yes!” Lin Xiao immediately comply with the way. “是!”林啸马上应道 Draws back toward!” Shui Wuhen shouted. “退朝!”水无痕一声断喝。 Yes!” The whole body of ministers drew back in abundance. “是!”群臣纷纷退了回去。 Only is left over Shui Wuhen one person, turns back Longevity Palace slowly, closes the Longevity Palace front door, in Longevity Palace, Shui Wuhen looks at Zhong Shan that Nine Dragons Heavenly Chair, suddenly worships on bended knees, in the eye yun has tears, some frighteningly said: Saint King, do not have the matter, you will certainly not have the matter! Great Zheng to the most critical moment, Wuhen hoodwinked Saint King not abandoned, for defending Great Zheng, defends certainly for you finally. Great Zheng under the heavens, no one want to take!” 只剩下水无痕一人,缓缓走回长生殿,关上长生殿大门,长生殿内,水无痕看着钟山九龙天椅,忽然跪拜而下,眼中酝出一丝泪水,有些恐惧道:“圣王,你千万不要有事,你一定不会有事的!大崝到了最危急的关头,无痕圣王不弃,代守大崝,一定为您守到最后。大崝天下,谁也别想取走!” Beside Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, gathers the enormous influence scout, the each and everyone scouts is seeing one that on Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court Luck vanished, at this moment, the innumerable scouts reveal the surprised color, subsequently, is without hesitation, fast news biography to all directions. In Great Zheng to emergence, added fire again. 凌霄天庭之外,同样聚集着大量的势力探子,一个个探子都看到了凌霄天庭气运消失的一幕,这一刻,无数探子都露惊讶之色,继而,毫不迟疑,快速将消息传向四面八方。给危急中的大崝,再添了一把大火。 Yin Sector, the place of Prosperous Capital. 阴间,昌京之地。 The Reincarnation Cycle Territory unification, Great Zheng Prosperous Capital is its center. 转轮疆域统一,大崝昌京为其中心。 When this day, sky over Prosperous Capital, an infinite Luck surges, surges, strange suddenly vanishes to disappear completely. 就在这一日,昌京上空,无穷气运一阵翻腾,翻腾之际,诡异的忽然全部消失不见了。 Great Zheng immeasurable Luck vanished, immeasurable did Meritorious Virtue vanish? 大崝的无量气运消失了,无量功德消失了? Suddenly, Prosperous Capital everyone goes out of the respective dwelling, because everyone felt that suddenly the addition vanished in oneself Luck. 一时间,昌京所有人都走出各自住处,因为所有人都忽然感到加成在自己身上的气运消失了。 How can? How can like this? 怎么会?怎么会这样? Didn't Luck have? Asked Saint King? Saint King? 气运没有了?问圣王?圣王呢? People have doubts, the whole body of ministers are tense, each and everyone directly soars in Imperial Palace. 人们疑惑,群臣紧张,一个个直奔皇宫之中。 Saint King?” 圣王呢?” Where is Saint King at?” 圣王在哪?” We must see Saint King!” “我们要见圣王!” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. ............ ............ Before Undying Temple, the ministers are shouting anxiously, enormous Imperial Guard blocks before the palace, does not allow anybody to enter. 不死殿前,大臣们焦急的喊着,大量侍卫拦在殿前,不让任何人进入。 Noisy, highly improper!” Suddenly shouted at transmits. “吵吵嚷嚷,成何体统!”忽然一声断喝传来。 everyone looks, is actually the Yi Yan steps. 所有人望去,却是易衍踏步而出。 Yi Yan shouted , the whole body of ministers shut up immediately, only then several title quite high people shouted: General Yi, we must see Saint King!” 易衍一声断喝,群臣马上闭嘴,只有几个爵位颇高的人喊出:“易将军,我们要见圣王!” Where this is, your customs?” Yi Yan called out. “这是什么地方,你们的规矩呢?”易衍叫道。 We, I, in Luck did not have on this day, we want to see Saint King, asking Saint King and others to dispel doubt for me!” The old minister said immediately. “我们,我,这天上气运没了,我们想见圣王,请圣王为我等解惑!”那老臣马上说道。 Saint Wang Zheng is closing up, anybody can not disturb, Luck and Meritorious Virtue? Waits for Saint King to go out, naturally can appear, naturally can revisit on and others? Noisy direct impact Undying Temple, your want to rebellion?” In the Yi Yan eye stares to say. “圣王正在闭关,任何人不得打扰,气运功德?等圣王出关,自然会出现,自然会重临尔等身上?吵吵嚷嚷直冲不死殿,你们想要造反吗?”易衍眼中一瞪道。 Does not dare, I and others did not dare!” various officials dreads immediately. “不敢,我等不敢!”众臣马上一阵畏惧。 Where comes, to return where goes, completes the job safely, waits for Saint King to go out!” Yi Yan said solemnly. “哪里来,回哪里去,安心做好分内之事,等圣王出关!”易衍沉声道 Yes!” various officials comply with the way, retreated immediately subsequently slowly. “是!”众臣马上应道,继而缓缓退走了。 Retreated under these feudal official, some ministers of the same class remained. 退走了这些下臣,还有一些同级别的大臣留了下来。 Clay Bodhisattva, Nangong Sheng, Zhao Suoxiang and Xiao Wang look to Yi Yan, Yi Yan leads the people to arrive at a peaceful main hall. 泥菩萨南宫胜赵所向箫忘都看向易衍,易衍带着众人来到一座安静的大殿。 How was Saint King this?” Zhao Suoxiang asked immediately. 圣王这是怎么了?”赵所向马上问道。 Saint King said suddenly must close up, closes up in Undying Temple. Subsequently presented the present scenery!” Yi Yan shakes the head. 圣王忽然说要闭关,在不死殿内闭关。继而就出现眼前之景了!”易衍摇摇头。 „Can Saint King have an accident, wants ..................!” Zhao Suoxiang asked. 圣王会不会出事,要不要..................!”赵所向问道。 Does not use, Saint King definitely has the discretion compared with your me, although this, however in front of Saint King, what is impossible to happen? The patience waits!” Yi Yan sighed slightly. “不用了,圣王肯定比你我都有分寸,虽然这一幕从来没有过,但是在圣王面前,什么不可能发生?耐心等候!”易衍微微一叹道。 Obviously in the Yi Yan heart was also full of the worry. 显然易衍心中也充满了担心。 this period of time on laborious General Zhao, guarded Undying Temple, in anybody can not enter, does not permit!” Yi Yan solemnly said. 这段时间就辛苦赵将军了,守卫好不死殿,任何人不得入内,决不允许!”易衍郑重道 Has me, no one want to step into one step!” Zhao Suoxiang affirms to say immediately. “有我在,谁也别想踏入一步!”赵所向马上肯定道。 Was good because of Reincarnation Cycle Territory already unified, then, did not have other what Luck Dynasty to take advantage!” Nod that Xiao Wang sighed. “好在转轮疆域已经一统了,如此一来,也不存在什么别的运朝趁火打劫!”箫忘感叹的点点头。 Yes, Yin Sector big unified, Yang Sector does not know how, I think, now Shui Wuhen, Shui Jing and Lin Xiao their certain pressure is very big!” Yi Yan nod said after a sigh. “是啊,阴间一统了,阳间不知道会怎么样呢,我想,现在水无痕水镜林啸他们一定压力很大吧!”易衍点点头感叹道。 Yin Sector, Shadow Body because of the stupor of main body, short pass by, only will therefore wait the main body to wake up, Shadow Body will appear again. But Yin Sector does not need Zhong Shan to be worried obviously, only difficult was only left over Yang Sector Great Zheng. 阴间,影躯因为本体的昏迷,也会因此短时间消失,只待本体醒来,影躯才会再度出现。而阴间显然不用钟山担心,唯一艰难的只剩下阳间大崝了。 ***: The eruption is completed, asks also to grip in the hand ***! ***:爆发完成,求还攥在手中的***!
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