IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#960: An axe leaves, Heaven and Earth startled( second, asked monthly ticket!)

Is Heavenly Dao! Also is Heavenly Dao!” Some people called out in alarm. The outside world boiled immediately. “又是一个天道!又是一个天道!”有人惊呼了起来。外界顿时沸腾了。 Distant place, in front of Xue Mei Old Ancestor suddenly again silver Heavenly Dao for the first time presently. Where silver does Heavenly Dao come? 远处,雪梅老祖面前忽然再度一个银色天道乍现而出。银色天道哪来的? Does not need to guess knows, Zhong Shan, from Zhong Shan! 根本不用猜都知道,钟山,来自钟山! But, Zhong Shan is Great Immortal! Even if drew support from the potential of Great Zheng under the heavens, that is still only Great Immortal, Great Immortal cannot try to find out Heavenly Dao forever! 可是,钟山大仙啊!就算借助了大崝天下之势,那也只是大仙啊,大仙是永远摸索不到天道的啊! But also explains anything at present, honest appeared! 可眼前又说明什么,实实在在的出现了! People calm down in a flash, each and everyone is staring to stare. 人们一瞬间静了下来,一个个瞪着眼睛盯着。 Present, Heavenly Dao of two Heavenspan penetrating places, the middle is linking a giant tortoise shell shape Heavenly Dao prisoner's cage. 眼前的一幕,两个通天彻地的天道,中间连着一个巨大龟壳状的天道囚笼。 Two Heavenly Dao are gorgeously motionless, but that Heavenly Dao prisoner's cage actually shivered suddenly. 两个天道巍然不动,而那天道囚笼却是忽然间颤抖了起来。 Really was the strength of Heavenly Dao, Zhong Shan breaks open!” “真的是天道之力,钟山破开了!” Good strange Zhong Shan!” “好诡异的钟山!” ........................ ........................ ............ ............ ...... ...... When people exclaim in surprise, suddenly, two Dawley light/only emits from the white tortoise shell, is up and down. Punctures the tortoise shell loudly. The silver advantage light, all around seems has enormous Rune to be the same indistinctly. 人们惊叹之际,忽然,两道利光从白色龟壳上冒出,一上一下。轰然间刺破龟壳。银色的利光,四周好似隐隐约约有着大量符文一样。 That is an axe, a silver axe!” “那是斧子,一个银色斧子!” Parting Heavens Axe? How can, be Parting Heavens Axe?” 开天斧?怎么会,是开天斧?” Small Thousand Worlds most Magical Treasure, Parting Heavens Axe!” 小千世界法宝,开天斧!” .................................... .................................... ........................ ........................ ...... ...... People recognized Parting Heavens Axe immediately, simultaneously infinite astonished, this does Parting Heavens Axe possibly appear in Great Thousand Worlds? Didn't ascend the sky to take away? 人们顿时认出了开天斧,同时无限惊愕,这开天斧怎么可能出现在大千世界?不是被上天收走了吗? Did Zhong Shan leave behind Parting Heavens Axe? 钟山留下了开天斧? Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A loud sound, the great axe breaks open the giant tortoise shell loudly, broken Parting Heavens prisoner's cage. 一声巨响,巨斧轰然间破开巨大的龟壳,破开天道囚笼。 Powerful Parting Heavens First Move, cuts to go toward the Xue Mei Old Ancestor overbearing bang. 强大的开天一式,向着雪梅老祖霸道的轰斩而去。 Parting Heavens First Move, temporarily only then a move, but this move is Zhong Shan strongest one move, Small Thousand Worlds has used one time, when to fighting Kong Xuan. 开天一式,暂时只有一招,可这一招就是钟山最强的一招,小千世界用过一次,对战孔宣之时。 Kong Xuan, the peerless ominous person, has 18 arm Golden Body Dharma Idol. However Zhong Shan is also only a mortal, Parting Heavens First Move one, an axe divided half Great Divine State Land! 孔宣,绝世凶人,更有十八臂金身法相。但是钟山还只是一个凡人,开天一式一出,一斧子劈了半个神州大地! Is that what kind domineering axe? 那是何等的强势一斧? Now Zhong Shan already reaches to Great Immortal Realm, Heavenly Demon Body Tempering Art is Ninth Layer, even Luck Dynasty also turned into Saint Courtyard. 现在钟山已经达至大仙境,天魔淬体大法更是第九重,甚至运朝也变成了圣庭 An axe Parting Heavens First Move might obvious. 一斧‘开天一式’的威力显而易见的强。 Huge great axe loudly broken Parting Heavens prisoner's cage, people were indistinct saw Zhong Shan that huge body, under an axe, the axe toward white Heavenly Dao, divided toward Xue Mei Old Ancestor ruthlessly. 庞大的巨斧轰然间破开天道囚笼,人们隐约间看到了钟山那庞大的身躯,一斧之下,斧子向着白色天道,向着雪梅老祖狠狠的劈了过去。 That axe, seems brings Zhong Shan behind the prestige of silver Heavenly Dao, collided ruthlessly the past. 那一斧子,更好似带着钟山身后银色天道之威,狠狠的碰撞了过去。 A terrifying axe, almost the everyone mind fears trembles, was too vast, the flash people have a feeling of type of Tianshan pebble. Oneself how tiny. 恐怖的一斧,几乎所有人都心神惧颤,太浩大了,一瞬之间众人有种天山脚下一石子的感觉。自己多么的渺小。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor saw that this axe chops is also knows the important matter is not wonderful is the same, seems has no place to go. Does not dare to hesitate, in the hand again are many a treasure, a white long sword, a sword carries the strength of Heavenly Dao, goes toward Zhong Shan that axe clashing ruthlessly. 雪梅老祖看到这一斧子劈来也是知道大事不妙一样,更好似无处可逃。不敢迟疑,手中再度多出一宝,一柄白色长剑,一剑携带天道之力,向着钟山那一斧子狠狠的对撞而去。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Two the domineering overbearing collisions of strength of Heavenly Dao. 两种天道之力的强势霸道的碰撞。 A loud sound, entire Nu Wa World swayed suddenly. 一声巨响,整个女娲界都忽然摇晃了起来。 If past when to win with Zhuangzi to palm is the same, an overbearing loud sound resounds through entire Nu Wa World. 如昔日嬴和庄子对掌时一样,霸道的一声巨响响彻整个女娲界 Parting Heavens Axe to the Xue Mei sword! 开天斧雪梅剑! Heaven and Earth shakes, the place of that center is collides the dreadful monstrous waves, the terrifying space rough seas toward take away as many things as possible in all directions. 天地震荡,那中心之处更是碰撞出滔天巨浪,恐怖的空间大浪向着四面八方席卷而去。 People crazy withdrawing of vicinity, was too overbearing, the collision of strength of this Heavenly Dao is not they can resist. 近处的人们疯狂的退后,太霸道了,这天道之力的碰撞根本不是他们所能抵挡的。 Escaping slow, was ground as the powder at the scene. 逃的慢的,当场被碾为粉末。 Zhong Shan's Parting Heavens First Move! At this moment, in many people eyes, that axe already is not panic-stricken, but feared. 钟山的开天一式!这一刻,很多人们眼中,那一斧子已经不是惊骇,而是恐惧了。 An axe leaves, Heaven and Earth startled! 一斧出,天地惊! Some Expert even see, in the place of that center, even produced huge black hole to be the same. Stave void. 一些强者甚至看到,在那中心之处,甚至产生了一个庞大的黑洞一般。破碎虚空。 so powerful strength! 好强大的力量! In mountain valley, to win, Gui Guzi, Bai Qi static looks. 一个山谷之中,嬴,鬼谷子,白起都静静的看着。 Parting Heavens First Move, good fierce Parting Heavens First Move, I have looked down upon Zhong Shan in the strength, never expected, never expected Zhong Shan is so strong!” Bai Qi suddenly solemnly said. 开天一式,好厉害的开天一式,在力量上我一直看不起钟山,想不到,想不到钟山这么强!”白起忽然郑重道 Bai Qi attaches great importance to Zhong Shan's, until now extends in the Ying's attitude, to win Zunzhong Zhong Shan, Bai Qi respects, but, in the Bai Qi heart, Zhong Shan other anything is good, is the strength is too weak, but Parting Heavens First Move leaves today, Bai Qi received all hearts of contempt, this axe, was too overbearing, oneself could not have cut! 白起钟山的重视,一直以来都是延于嬴的态度,嬴尊重钟山,白起就尊重,但是,在白起心中,钟山其它什么都好,就是力量太弱,可今日开天一式出,白起收起了所有轻视之心,这一斧子,太霸道了,自己还斩不出! Parting Heavens First Move, Saint King, you did not feel this axe wields the method, is a bit like that hearsay?” Gui Guzi suddenly solemnly said. 开天一式,圣王,你不觉得这一斧子的挥出方法,有点像那个传闻吗?”鬼谷子忽然郑重道 Zhong Shan became aware to pass the Parting Heavens Axe true meaning, brandished the Parting Heavens Axe might, in that person with the legend indeed looked like very much!” to win nods. 钟山悟通了开天斧的真谛,挥舞开天斧的威力,和传说中那人的确很像!”嬴点点头。 Mister, whom Zhong Shan this does Parting Heavens First Move look like?” The Bai Qi doubts said. “先生,钟山开天一式像谁?”白起疑惑道。 Past Saint King entered Heavenly Mystery Great Art by the dream, once brought a place that we went, Hong Jun, Tai Shang, Genesis, Heavenspan, Nu Wa, Jie Yin, Zhun Ti, even Fu Xi, came out from there, there has had the Parting Heavens Axe legend!” Gui Guzi indifferently said. “昔日圣王以梦入天机大法,曾经带我们去的一个地方,鸿钧,太上,元始,通天,女娲,接引,准提,甚至伏羲,都是从那里出来的,那里有过开天斧的传说!”鬼谷子淡淡道 „A Pangu axe?” Bai Qi thought immediately. 盘古一斧?”白起马上想到了。 Good, is a Pangu axe, many ten thousand years got down, Hong Jun and the others died, even a Pangu axe no one knows now, but, this cannot cancel an once Pangu axe!” Gui Guzi solemnly said. “不错,就是盘古一斧,多少万年下来了,鸿钧等人都死了,甚至盘古一斧现在都没什么人知道了,但,这并不能抹去曾经的盘古一斧!”鬼谷子郑重道 Just like the mister said!” Bai Qi has the sigh to nod. “正如先生所说!”白起带着感叹点点头。 The distant place, the powerful shake causes everyone to go all out is running away backward. 远处,强大的震荡导致所有人拼命的向后逃着。 And Luo Xingchen is most stunned, knows that the Saint King strength is tyrannical, but this was also too exaggerating! Is Saint King really only Great Immortal Realm? 其中落星尘最为愕然,知道圣王的实力强横,可这也太夸张了吧!圣王真的只是大仙境吗? The flash that the Xue Mei sword and Parting Heavens Axe in hand collide, Xue Mei Old Ancestor knows this Parting Heavens First Move was powerful, directs the strength of Heavenly Dao, straight insertion in own Heavenly Dao. 手中的雪梅剑与开天斧碰撞的一霎那,雪梅老祖就知道这开天一式的强大了,引天道之力,直接插入了自己的天道之中。 In the Xue Mei Old Ancestor eye filled the blood threads, roars ominously a sound said: Death ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 雪梅老祖眼中充满了血丝,凶吼一声道:“死~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Xue Mei Old Ancestor, is established Ancestor Immortal, the method are eventually innumerable, is the might is infinite. Parting Heavens First Move, such powerful style, unexpectedly was blocked. 雪梅老祖,终究是老牌祖仙,手段无数,更是威力无穷。开天一式,这么强大的招式,居然生生的被拦了下来。 But Xue Mei Old Ancestor not slightly happy, Xue Mei sword, under Parting Heavens Axe, unexpectedly was cut broken. 雪梅老祖没有丝毫高兴,雪梅剑,在开天斧之下,居然生生的被斩碎了。 Full force that during great roars, Xue Mei Old Ancestor puts forth. This is also that moment that in others eyes the huge black hole forms! 一声巨吼间,雪梅老祖使出的全力。这也是别人眼中庞大黑洞形成的那一刻! Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A loud sound, black hole for the first time presently. Parting Heavens First Move broke open the Great Thousand Worlds space unexpectedly. 一声巨响,黑洞乍现。开天一式居然破开了大千世界的空间。 Small Thousand Worlds time, after a Zhong Shan axe cut Kong Xuan 18 arm Golden Body Dharma Idol, the prostration stupor, at this moment Zhong Shan also collapses extremely, falls into the black hole loudly. 小千世界的时候,钟山一斧子斩了孔宣的十八臂金身法相后,虚脱昏迷,此刻钟山也是极度虚脱,轰然跌入黑洞之中。 The instance that Zhong Shan drops, vanishes to disappear. 钟山跌落的瞬间,就消失不见了。 All around terrifying space shakes, causes entire Nu Wa World is sways! 四周恐怖的空间震荡,导致整个女娲界都是一阵摇晃! When sways to stop, people also just noticed that Zhong Shan was submerged one in black hole. 待摇晃停止,人们也刚好看到钟山被淹没在黑洞中的一幕。 The black hole filled in slowly, but all around space also stopped swaying. 黑洞被缓缓填好了,而四周空间也停止晃荡了。 Almost everyone stubbornly is staring at that direction. 几乎所有人都死死的盯着那个方向。 Two Heavenly Dao vanished. All around grinds for the desert, is only left over Xue Mei Old Ancestor one person. 两个天道消失了。四周碾为了沙漠,只剩下雪梅老祖一人。 Zhong Shan vanished, did Zhong Shan die? 钟山消失了,钟山死了? Xue Mei Old Ancestor front giant tortoise shell, the imperial palace pushes the day of turtle back chart, one point of two halves, the spider mark rises from all directions, that with the life sacrificial refining Xue Mei sword, ground is only left over a sword hilt. Xue Mei Old Ancestor left arm break, enormous blood incarnadine half body. The right hand grabs the left arm, on the face is completely the sweat. 雪梅老祖面前一个巨大龟壳,九宫推天龟背图,一分两半,蛛纹四起,那柄用一生祭炼雪梅剑,碾碎的只剩下一个剑柄。雪梅老祖左臂断裂,大量鲜血染红了半边身子。右手抓着左臂,脸上尽是汗水。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor this time really owed sends greatly! 雪梅老祖这次是真的亏大发了! Originally thinks that Zhong Shan is good to solve, finally, spells finally, although extinguished Zhong Shan, may actually be mutually wounded, this time price too big. 原来以为钟山好解决的,结果,拼到最后,虽然灭了钟山,可却是两败俱伤,这次的代价太大了。 Plum Blossom Eye broken! The imperial palace pushes the day of turtle back chart to destroy! The Xue Mei sword destroys! Technique the left arms of most calculation break! 梅花眼破!九宫推天龟背图毁!雪梅剑毁!用于大部分推算之术的左臂断! Xue Mei Old Ancestor discovered, this is in history, loss most serious one time! 雪梅老祖发现,这是有史以来,损失最惨重的一次! Is extremely quiet one piece, each and everyone looks at Xue Mei Old Ancestor in all directions, for a very long time does not say a word. 四面八方都是静悄悄的一片,一个个看着雪梅老祖,久久不发一言。 „Did Zhong Shan die?” 钟山死了吗?” Died, Great Immortal definitely cannot escape the black hole steamroll!” “死了,大仙肯定逃不过黑洞碾压的!” You previously said miserable that many times Zhong Shan can die perhaps, always crosses!” “你先前多次说钟山会死的惨,从来没准过!” ..................!” “..................!” ..................!” “..................!” This time affirmed, Xue Mei Old Ancestor lost is so serious, if Zhong Shan were also all right, that did not have the natural justice, moreover Xue Mei Old Ancestor, although injured such, but was not difficult to see that his hatred spilled over.” “这次肯定死了,雪梅老祖损失那么惨重,钟山要是还没事,那太没天理了,而且雪梅老祖虽然伤成那样,但不难看出他的仇恨泻出了。” Zhong Shan died!” 钟山死了!” Died? Too pitifully, such strong one person!” “死了?太可惜了,这么强的一个人!” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. ...... ...... People are Zhong Shan regretted unceasingly, the Zhong Shan's aura did not have thoroughly, vanishes to disappear. But Zhong Shan that domineering actually saves in the everyone heart forever. 人们不断为钟山惋惜,钟山的气息彻底没有了,消失不见了。而钟山那份强势却永远存于所有人心中。 Great Immortal can suffer this Ancestor Immortal, he can carry the annals forever! 一个大仙能将祖仙折磨成这样,他能永载史册了! The Xue Mei Old Ancestor cavity of distant place is resentful, this time owed in a big way, moreover Xue Mei Old Ancestor affirmed, Zhong Shan died, otherwise did not have the natural justice. 远处的雪梅老祖一腔愤懑,这次亏大了,而且雪梅老祖肯定,钟山死定了,要不然太没天理了。 Will oneself be so unlucky? Great Immortal Realm does Saint King deliver such terrifying attack unexpectedly? Is this Zhong Shan is too strong, was I am too hapless? 自己怎么会这么倒霉?一个大仙境圣王居然带来这么恐怖的打击?是这个钟山真的太强,还是我太倒霉了? Hapless? Is could it be that Zhong Shan Eye Technique creates? 倒霉?难道钟山瞳术造成的? Thinks of Zhong Shan's Eye Technique, Xue Mei Old Ancestor air/Qi, all are this Eye Technique create. Snort, misfortune? 想到钟山的瞳术,雪梅老祖一阵来气,一切都是这个瞳术造成的。哼,霉运? Xue Mei Old Ancestor, kills my teacher, today my 100,000 sword sects and your irreconcilable until death!” 雪梅老祖,杀我师尊,今日我十万剑宗与你不死不休!” Xue Mei Old Ancestor, killed my elder brother past, today is your time of death!” 雪梅老祖,昔日杀我兄长,今日就是你死期!” Xue Mei Old Ancestor, kills my husband, today I want you to assign/life!” 雪梅老祖,杀我夫君,今日我要你命!” ........................ ........................ .................. .................. ...... ...... Suddenly, 78 peerless Expert jumped. Is the Xue Mei Old Ancestor enemy, before no one dares to act unruly to Xue Mei Old Ancestor, now Xue Mei Old Ancestor received such heavy wound, is the best time. 忽然间,七八个绝世强者跳了出来。都是雪梅老祖的仇家,以前谁也不敢对雪梅老祖撒野,现在雪梅老祖受了这么重的伤,正是最好时机。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor ruthlessly looks at one group of people, blue light? Hadn't misfortune finished? 雪梅老祖狠狠的看着一群人,蓝光?霉运还没结束? Because Xue Mei Old Ancestor sees, distant place Ancestor Immortal, in the eye flashes slightly, he enters the Ancestor Immortal boundary initially, but, on Xue Mei Old Ancestor definitely has his want to thing. 因为雪梅老祖看到,远处一名祖仙,眼中微微闪动,他只是初入祖仙境,但是,雪梅老祖身上肯定有他想要的东西。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor brings a cavity to be indignant, body vanished before everyone in a flash. 雪梅老祖带着一腔气愤,身形一晃消失在了所有人前。 Vanishes with Xue Mei Old Ancestor together, a group of Expert, has to seek revenge, having wants to fish in troubled waters. Xue Mei Old Ancestor challenges Zhong Shan in any case today, is he biggest mistake! 雪梅老祖一起消失的,还有一大群强者,有寻仇的,有想浑水摸鱼的。反正雪梅老祖今日挑战钟山,是他最大的错误! *** Second, strove for *** ticket! Slow, writes third immediately, asked ***! ***第二更,求***票!缓一下,马上写第三更,求***!
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