IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#959: Parting Heavens First Move

Zhong Shan by Heavenly Dao prisoner's cage imprisonment. four directions Expert shakes the head to regret all. 钟山天道囚笼禁锢。四方强者无不摇头惋惜。 By the Heavenly Dao prisoner's cage imprisonment, was been incurable! Does Great Immortal, how possibly escape from the Heavenly Dao prisoner's cage?” “被天道囚笼禁锢,根本就是没救了!一个大仙,怎么可能逃出天道囚笼?” Is Ancient Immortal in front of the Heavenly Dao prisoner's cage, is only the share of waiting for death!” “就是古仙天道囚笼面前,也只是等死的份!” „Can't the could it be that Heavenly Dao prisoner's cage break?” 难道天道囚笼就不可破?” Least Zhong Shan cannot break, the Heavenly Dao prisoner's cage, that is the strength of Heavenly Dao, only if also grasps Heavenly Dao, has a slim chance of survival. But does Zhong Shan grasp Heavenly Dao?” “最少钟山不可破,天道囚笼,那可是天道之力,除非同样掌握天道,才有一线生机。可钟山掌握天道吗?” Was incurable!” “没救了!” Zhong Shan died!” 钟山死定了!” .......................................... .......................................... ........................ ........................ ............ ............ People keep scolding, no one favors Zhong Shan, only then Luo Xingchen standing silently in a corner, although is anxious, but in the look also has a firmness. 人们不停数落着,谁也不看好钟山,只有落星尘默默的站在一个角落,虽然焦急,但眼神之中还有着一股坚定。 Because Luo Xingchen has seen the Zhong Shan's might, Samsara Passage, Beast Dao! 因为落星尘见过钟山的威力,轮回通道,畜生道! Saint King also has the card in hand! What a pity, what Luo Xingchen does not know, Samsara Passage only then Shadow Body Zhong Shan can open, before him, this is the Zhong Shan main body. 圣王还有底牌未出!可惜,落星尘不知道的是,轮回通道只有影躯钟山才能打开,在他面前的,这是钟山本体。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor operates white Heavenly Dao, in the eye is flashing through resenting, stubbornly looks at the powerful Heavenly Dao prisoner's cage. In this is Zhong Shan, killed oneself all disciples, broke Plum Blossom Eye Zhong Shan! 雪梅老祖操纵着白色天道,眼中闪过一股愤恨,死死的看着强大的天道囚笼。这里面就是钟山,杀了自己所有弟子,破了梅花眼钟山! Frozen purgatory!” Xue Mei Old Ancestor hates the sound said. “冰封炼狱!”雪梅老祖恨声道。 But at this moment, this white tortoise shell, 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) Zhong Shan actually arrived at a new space strangely. 此刻,这白色龟壳内部,十万丈的钟山却是诡异的来到了一个新的空间。 The vast space, no matter what moves, this space seems incomparable vast to be the same, is limitless. Letting Zhong Shan wants to catch up not to know how to catch up. 一望无际的空间,不管如何移动,这空间都好似无比的辽阔一样,根本无边无际。让钟山想发力都不知道如何发力。 Frozen purgatory!” “冰封炼狱!” Among Heaven and Earth, reverberated suddenly a Xue Mei Old Ancestor sound. 天地之间,忽然回荡起了雪梅老祖的一个声音。 When the sound comes out, Heavenly Dao had the heavy snow suddenly, land suddenly frozen, the terrifying cold air wreaked havoc in the entire space instantaneously. 声音出来之际,天道忽然下起了大雪,大地陡然间冰封而起,恐怖的寒气瞬间肆虐于整个空间。 Zhong Shan is not sensitive to cold, actually dignified looks at all around. At this moment, the distant place, above the land emits a snowman suddenly slowly, the snowman is getting bigger and bigger, in an instant was 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) high. 钟山不怕冷,却凝重的看着四周。就在这时,远处,大地之上忽然缓缓冒出一个雪人,雪人越来越大,转眼间达到了十万丈之高。 The snowman slowly congealing shape, finally the appearance and Zhong Shan are exactly the same. 雪人慢慢凝形,最终样貌与钟山一模一样。 Exactly the same? 一模一样? Snowman charges into Zhong Shan, Zhong Shan also fought with the fists loudly. 雪人轰然冲向钟山,钟山也一拳打了过去。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Under, the powerful impact makes Zhong Shan back up immediately more than ten steps, but the snowman is also backs up more than ten steps to stop. 一声之下,强大的冲击顿时让钟山倒退十几步,而雪人也是倒退十几步才停下来。 Same strength? 一样的力量? Zhong Shan is particularly dignified, opposite snowman to/clashes again! 钟山分外凝重,对面的雪人再度冲来! Bang!” Bang!” ................................................ “轰!”“轰!”................................................ Under a series of attack, makes no distinction between victory and defeat, no, seems the style of Zhong Shan meeting, the snowman will be the same. 一连串的打击之下,不分胜负,不,好似钟山会的招式,雪人都会一样。 Again, Zhong Shan and snowman collided again. 再度,钟山和雪人再度碰撞了起来。 This time, Zhong Shan from was different a moment ago, when the fist and fist collide, suddenly uses Heavenly Demon Body Tempering Art, after a loud sound, snowman collapse opens loudly. 这一次,钟山与刚才不同了,在拳与拳碰撞的时候,忽然使用天魔淬体大法,一声巨响之后,雪人轰然崩散而开。 Won! 赢了! Zhong Shan shouted the tone secretly! 钟山暗呼口气! But at the same time, in the land already saved the innumerable heavy snows in all directions. In various heavy snows, suddenly piles of braves, snowman slowly congealing shape. 而与此同时,四面八方大地上已经积攒了无数的大雪。各处大雪之中,忽然一堆堆的冒起,一个又一个的雪人慢慢凝形而出。 More and more, in an instant already over a hundred, hundred 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) high snowmen, are the Zhong Shan shapes. 越来越多,转眼间已经有上百个了,百个十万丈高的雪人,都是钟山形状。 Zhong Shan!” 钟山!” Void crack! 虚空中一声炸响! Zhong Shan looks, suddenly saw that Xue Mei Old Ancestor that resembles the empty probability the form. 钟山望去,忽然看到雪梅老祖那似虚似实的身影。 You cannot escape, you are strong, these snowmen are strong, you increased the strength of eruption a moment ago, after their rebirth, has the strength of eruption, moreover is inexhaustible, you wait to be suffered by your strength until death!” The Xue Mei Old Ancestor cold sound said. “你逃不掉的,你多强,这些雪人就多强,你刚才增加了爆发之力,他们重生后也有爆发之力,而且无穷无尽,你就等着被自己的力量折磨至死吧!”雪梅老祖寒声说道。 Depends on these waste?” Zhong Shan cold sound looks to Xue Mei Old Ancestor. “就凭这些废物?”钟山冷声的看向雪梅老祖 This is the Heavenly Dao prisoner's cage, only if Ancestor Immortal transfers the strength of other Heavenly Dao to break open, but did you, how draw support from the potential of Great Zheng under the heavens even? Forever breaks a not Parting Heavens prisoner's cage, this is the difference of Ancestor Immortal and non- Ancestor Immortal. I will not make so easy, I who you die must think that you were suffered slowly until death!” In the Xue Mei Old Ancestor tone is full of the hatred to say. “这是天道囚笼,除非祖仙调动别的天道之力才能破开,而你,就算借助了大崝天下之势又如何?永远破不开天道囚笼的,这就是祖仙与非祖仙的区别。我不会让你死的那么容易的,我要看着你慢慢被折磨至死!”雪梅老祖语气之中充满仇恨道。 The distant place snowman walks slowly, Zhong Shan has a look at Xue Mei Old Ancestor, in the eye also to flash through murderous aura, gradually, both eyes shuts. 远处雪人缓缓走来,钟山看看雪梅老祖,眼中也闪过一股杀气,渐渐的,双目微闭。 Heavenly Demon Body Tempering Art, Ninth Layer! 天魔淬体大法,第九重! Ten times of strengths!, Zhong Shan advanced Ninth Layer Heavenly Demon Body Tempering Art directly, ten times of strengths, the Zhong Shan body inflates one time loudly again, the whole body lightens the enormous golden color energy suddenly, the energy surrounds, seems forms powerful air current to be the same, blew loudly all around heavy snow. 十倍力量!,钟山直接将天魔淬体大法推到了第九重,十倍力量,钟山身躯轰然再膨胀一倍,周身忽然间闪出大量金色能量,能量环绕,好似形成一股强大的气流一样,将四周大雪都轰然吹开了。 Strength, powerful strength! 力量,强大至极的力量! One group of people who emperor really most can hide the strength, what a pity , you are not so able to cross the threshold of Heavenly Dao even. Waits to suffer to death!” In the Xue Mei Old Ancestor eye flashes through a crazy say/way. “帝王果然都是最会藏实力的一群人,可惜,就算如此,你也无法越过天道之槛。等着受死吧!”雪梅老祖眼中闪过一股疯狂道。 Luck, Meritorious Virtue, come ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 气运,功德,来~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Zhong Shan suddenly shouting loudly. 钟山忽然一声大喝 Sky over Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, endless Meritorious Virtue and Luck seethed again. 凌霄天庭上空,无尽功德气运再度翻腾了起来。 Inundates the deity to disperse loudly, the Zhong Shan's god also dispersed strangely, changes into two 19 claw Luck Golden Dragon suddenly. 漫天神相轰然散开,就连钟山的神相也诡异的散开了,陡然化为两条十九气运金龙 Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Two Golden Dragon bodies, such as heavy drinker absorbing water is suddenly same, integrates within the body innumerable Meritorious Virtue and Luck fast, Meritorious Virtue, Luck are getting fewer and fewer. 两条金龙的身躯,忽然间如长鲸吸水一样,将无数功德气运快速纳入自己体内,功德,气运越来越少。 The Longevity Palace mouth, Shui Wuhen brings the whole body of ministers to look at the day. 长生殿口,水无痕带着群臣望天。 What's the matter? The Luck sea of clouds what happened?” Asking that Shui Wuhen knits the brows to Shui Jing. “怎么回事?气运云海发生了什么事?”水无痕皱眉的问向水镜 Does not know, has never had.” Shui Jing shakes the head to express that did not understand. “不知道,从来没有过。”水镜摇摇头表示不理解。 Also shortly, endless Luck Meritorious Virtue was absorbed thoroughly cleanly by two 19 claw Luck Golden Dragon. 也就没多久,无尽气运功德就彻底被两条十九气运金龙吸收干净。 Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ raises ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Also is two Dragon Roar, the sound of Dragon Roar resounds through entire Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, even Great Zheng under the heavens all common people heard two Dragon Roar suddenly. 又是两声龙吟,龙吟之响响彻整个凌霄天庭,甚至大崝天下所有百姓都忽然听到了两声龙吟 Before Shui Wuhen and the others, after two Dragon Roar, two Golden Dragon strange suddenly collides mutually, after a collision, two Golden Dragon vanish to disappear suddenly together. 水无痕等人面前,两声龙吟之后,两条金龙诡异的忽然相互碰撞,一声碰撞之后,两条金龙陡然一起消失不见了。 Did not have, above Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, Luck, Meritorious Virtue is nothing left! 没了,凌霄天庭之上,气运,功德荡然无存! Entire Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court is a deathly stillness. Meritorious Virtue vanishes, Luck vanishes! 整个凌霄天庭都是一阵死寂。功德消失,气运消失! All did not have. What do you mean? 一切都没有了。什么意思? In people heart flashes through a fearful thought suddenly, forces itself do not continue unceasingly to think, but, this thought seemed takes root to keep multiplying in the heart equally. 人们心中忽然闪过一个可怕的念头,不断逼迫自己不要继续想,但是,这个念头又好似生根了一样在心底不停滋生。 Did Saint King pass away? 圣王驾崩了? This fearful thought that made on Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court everyone fluster immediately. 这可怕的念头,顿时让凌霄天庭所有人都慌了起来。 Did Saint King pass away? Why can like this? Luck, my Great Zheng infinite Luck? 圣王驾崩了吗?为什么会这样?气运,我大崝无穷气运呢? Two Luck Golden Dragon vanished above Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, but appeared in front of Zhong Shan, two Luck Golden Dragon drilled into Zhong Shan within the body loudly. 两条气运金龙消失在了凌霄天庭之上,但却出现在了钟山面前,两条气运金龙轰然间钻入钟山体内。 true dragon protects the body, Luck near the body. 真龙护体,气运临身。 The Zhong Shan surroundings arrogance increases again, is sparkling in all directions the dazzling ray, seems the golden flame to be the same, is washing out in all directions. 钟山周侧的气焰再度攀升,四面八方都闪耀着耀眼的光芒,好似金色的火焰一般,冲刷着四面八方。 Powerful energy accumulation. 强大的能量累积。 The four directions heavy snow of terrifying strength washout flies again far, the snowman that to/clashes was suppressed by this arrogance is unable to forward! 恐怖的力量冲刷的四方大雪再度飞远,一些冲过来的雪人更是被这股气焰压制的无法向前! Zhong Shan strength one rise rises again! 钟山力量一升再升! Heavenly Demon Body Tempering Art, Ninth Layer! 天魔淬体大法,第九重! true dragon protects the body! 真龙护体! The potential of Great Zheng under the heavens! 大崝天下之势! It can be said that the Zhong Shan whole body saved the almost complete strength. 可以说,钟山全身积攒了几乎全部的力量。 The under foot treads, glacier land immediately together thousand li (500 km) remote yawn. 脚下一踏,冰川大地顿时一道千里之遥的大裂口。 In the upper air, the Xue Mei Old Ancestor complexion enforced, obviously anticipation of Zhong Shan's strength again stemming from Xue Mei Old Ancestor. Great Immortal strength peak? Too strong! 高空之中,雪梅老祖脸色严肃了起来,显然钟山的力量再度出乎雪梅老祖的意料。一个大仙的力量极致?太强了! However, Xue Mei Old Ancestor is more self-confident this Heavenly Dao prisoner's cage, this cannot break, even if your strength is strong, cannot break. 但是,雪梅老祖更自信这个天道囚笼,这是不可破的,哪怕你力量再强,也不可破的。 „Can't the Heavenly Dao prisoner's cage break? Xue Mei Old Ancestor, you had a look by my palm, today, I break your myth!” Zhong Shan coldly said. 天道囚笼不可破?雪梅老祖,你受我一掌看看,今日,我就打破你的神话!”钟山冷声道 Then, Zhong Shan does not pay attention to Xue Mei Old Ancestor to comply, the double palm sets upright after the brain, person backward slightly curving, the strength of bow stretching presently, the arrogance of Zhong Shan whole body also increased suddenly in a big way at this time. 说完,钟山也不理会雪梅老祖答不答应,双掌竖于脑后,人向后微微弯曲,一股弓绷之力忽现,钟山周身的气焰也在这时攀升到了最大。 Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~!” The Zhong Shan's body sends out Dragon Roar to roar suddenly, is Zhong Shan within the body true dragon is roaring. The double palm makes the axe blade, the body makes the shaft, Zhong Shan jumps suddenly, the double palm separates to empty in the Xue Mei Old Ancestor phantom direction to cut. 钟山的身体忽然发出一声龙吟咆哮,是钟山体内真龙在怒吼。双掌做斧刃,身躯做斧柄,钟山忽然跳起,双掌隔空向着雪梅老祖虚影方向斩去。 Parting Heavens First Move ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 开天一式~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” In Dragon Roar, the Zhong Shan double palm delimits a dreadful axe blade suddenly! It seems only has the giant axe blade in ancient, around the axe blade, infinite Rune flashes fast, plain of axe complementing, is vaster! The axe has not arrived, a serious famine aura store front comes. 在一声龙吟之中,钟山双掌陡然划出一个滔天斧刃!一个好似只存在于亘古之中的巨大斧刃,斧刃四周,无穷符文快速闪动,将斧子映衬的更加古朴,更加浩大!斧未到,一股大荒气息铺面而来。 Parting Heavens First Move! 开天一式! Suddenly, the entire frozen world shivered suddenly. 一时间,整个冰封世界都忽然颤抖了起来。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor has not cared from the beginning, shivered until this Heavenly Dao prisoner's cage, reveals the surprised color, how can? This? 雪梅老祖一开始还没怎么在意,直到这天道囚笼颤动了,才露出惊讶之色,怎么会?这? „Is this strength of Heavenly Dao?” Xue Mei Old Ancestor startled roared suddenly. “这是天道之力?”雪梅老祖忽然惊吼了起来。 No matter what Xue Mei Old Ancestor good disposition, was frightened by this, does Great Immortal, transfer the strength of Heavenly Dao? How possibly? This is impossible! 雪梅老祖再好的心性,也被这一幕吓到了,一个大仙,调动天道之力?怎么可能?这不可能! But all imitates , without enough time, that dreadful big axe, after leaving the Zhong Shan double palm, suddenly increases, changed 1 million zhang (3.33 m), ten million zhang (3.33 m), even is bigger, Heavenspan penetrating place cuts to go toward Xue Mei Old Ancestor crazily. 可一切度仿若来不及了,那滔天大斧,在离开钟山双掌之后,忽然间变大,变的百万丈,千万丈,甚至更大,通天彻地的向着雪梅老祖狂斩而去。 Too vast, an axe leaves, the entire Heavenly Dao prisoner's cage was cut to split loudly, even changes into a bigger illusory image to go toward the Xue Mei Old Ancestor charge. Escapes not to be possible to escape, full power clash! 太浩大了,一斧出,整个天道囚笼轰然间被斩裂开来,甚至化为更大的幻影向着雪梅老祖冲锋而去。逃无可逃,全力相击! But in the outside world. 而在外界。 How does the Heavenly Dao prisoner's cage maintain now?” 天道囚笼怎么保持到现在?” Is Xue Mei Old Ancestor must suffer Zhong Shan, does not want to make Zhong Shan die quickly!” “一定是雪梅老祖要折磨钟山,不想让钟山那么快死!” Useless, without the strength of Heavenly Dao, is unable to come out!” “没用的,没有天道之力,无法出来!” ........................ ........................ ............ ............ People discuss spiritedly, even some people already turn around to be about to leave, after all the suspense, Zhong Shan must die uselessly slightly. 人们议论纷纷,甚至有些人已经转身准备离开,毕竟没用丝毫悬念了,钟山必死。 Look, what is that?” Suddenly calls out in alarm! “看,那是什么?”忽然一声惊呼! Whish ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “哗~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” four directions in an uproar, sees only before the column of Xue Mei Old Ancestor that Heavenly Dao, suddenly looms again another Heavenly Dao, is the white, but, is the silver white color, emits the dazzling metal silver light. 四方一片哗然,只见在雪梅老祖天道之柱前,忽然再度隐隐出现又一条天道,还是白色,但是,是银白之色,放射出耀眼的金属银光。 Silver light beam connection a moment ago that white Heavenly Dao prisoner's cage. In seems pours into a great power to enter general. 银色光柱连接刚才那白色天道囚笼。好似又灌注一股强大力量入内一般。 Is Heavenly Dao! Also is Heavenly Dao!” Some people called out in alarm. The outside world boiled immediately. “又是一个天道!又是一个天道!”有人惊呼了起来。外界顿时沸腾了。 ***: First, strove for *** ticket, *** ticket! ***:第一更啊,求***票,***票!
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