IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#958: Zhong Shan vs Xue Mei Old Ancestor

Yang Sector, the entire Great Zheng Saint Court common people burst with joy! 阳间,整个大崝圣庭的百姓都沸腾了! The Saint King sound, the Zhong Shan's sound, endless cheers in each city resounds through Heaven and Earth. 圣王的声音,钟山的声音,无尽欢呼在每一座城池响彻天地 The Generals gentlemen who the border area meets, hear the Zhong Shan's sound suddenly, immediately the whole body one's blood bubbles up to the brim, kills the enemy, seemed the flash charge strength to increase 30% to continue, arrogance greatly hold. 边疆迎战的众将士们,忽然听到钟山的声音,顿时全身热血沸腾,杀敌,好似一瞬间冲锋力道增加了30%不止,气焰大盛。 This is the energy! Zhong Shan was the Great Zheng everyone energy, the energy was strong, can display the strong strength. 这就是底气!钟山就是大崝所有人的底气,底气壮了,就能发挥出超强力量。 The Great Zheng officers who four directions , retreated in defeat again and again looked like immediately take the efficacious medicine to kill four directions generally greatly. 四方,原本节节败退的大崝将士顿时像吃了灵药一般大杀四方 Is startled the enemy to withdraw troops! In various archenemy military compounds is the facial expressions that various military officers do not understand. 惊得敌军纷纷收兵!各大敌军营中都是各将领不理解的神情。 Except for the meeting the enemy officers, Great Zheng almost all common people raised the right hand, that familiar feeling. 除了迎敌将士,大崝几乎所有百姓都举起了右手,那熟悉的感觉又来。 After a prostration, the huge energy gathering to Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, shifted to Zhong Shan within the body subsequently! 一阵虚脱之后,庞大的能量汇聚向了凌霄天庭,继而又转向了钟山体内! Continuously, the potential of terrifying Saint Courtyard under the heavens! 源源不断,恐怖的圣庭天下之势! Zhong Shan meets the enemy Xue Mei Old Ancestor! 钟山迎敌雪梅老祖! Xue Mei Old Ancestor both eyes at this moment is flowing the enormous tears of blood! Body about Heavenly Dao, look up to the sky sad howl. 雪梅老祖的双目此刻流着大量的血泪!身合天道,仰天悲啸。 Zhong Shan, I must kill you ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 钟山,我要杀了你~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Xue Mei Old Ancestor shouts, in the heart filled depressed. 雪梅老祖嘶吼而起,心中充满了郁闷。 At that moment, Xue Mei Old Ancestor already understood a moment ago what's the matter, misfortune, was absorbed by oneself completely, want to decoded with Plum Blossom Eye, but has not decoded Zhong Shan Divine Ability, unexpectedly, was destroyed by own Plum Blossom Eye unexpectedly thoroughly. 在刚才那一刻,雪梅老祖已经明白了怎么回事,厄运,被自己全部吸收了,原本想要梅花眼破解的,可是还未破解钟山神通,居然,居然让自己梅花眼彻底毁了。 Plum Blossom Eye, but one of the Xue Mei Old Ancestor strongest cards in hand. Never shows, if not for regarding Zhong Shan's Eye Technique curious to peak, will not put forth. 要知道,梅花眼可是雪梅老祖最强底牌之一。从来不示人的,若不是对于钟山的瞳术好奇到了极致,也不会使出。 Unexpectedly, unexpectedly just put forth breaks! 居然,居然刚使出就破了! All disciples died did not have the sorrow that Plum Blossom Eye lost. 所有弟子死了都没有梅花眼失去的悲痛。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor really got angry, must suffer dead Zhong Shan to be able inevitably to release in the heart hate! 雪梅老祖真的怒了,势必要折磨死钟山才能一泄心中之恨! This enmity tied in a big way! 这份仇怨结大了! Searches the hand to wield, Heaven and Earth is all white, whirling snow. Endless, immediately was covered by the snowy area snow cloud. Heavenly Dao that the Xue Mei Old Ancestor body gathers, is related with the snow! 探手一挥之间,天地皆白,漫天大雪。茫茫无际,顿时被雪地雪云笼罩。雪梅老祖身合的天道,与雪有关! Strength of powerful Heavenly Dao, four sides the vegetation was frozen immediately broken, even some mountain peaks also cracked as a result of freezing, was covered by the heavy snow. 强大的天道之力一出,四面植被顿时被冻碎,甚至一些山峰也被冻裂,被大雪覆盖。 some cultivation base weak people feel one immediately cold. 一些修为弱的人顿时感到身上一寒。 But at the same time, the powerful white light beam drops from the clouds together. 而于此同时,一道强大的白色光柱从天而降。 The white light beam, all around all gas had been frozen, form the snow, ices and other white crystals. With that white light beam, all around seems a powerful avalanche to be the same, comes toward Zhong Shan. 白色光柱所过,四周一切气体都被冻结,形成雪,冰等各种白色晶体。随着那白色光柱而下,四周好似一个强大的雪崩一样,向着钟山呼啸而来。 Too huge, many people looked are fearful. 太庞大了,以至于很多人看了都是一阵心寒。 Saint King ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 圣王~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Luo Xingchen calls out in alarm said. 落星尘惊呼道。 But without enough time, powerful avalanche already blocked that space, the white light beam also arrived at the Zhong Shan near in an instant. 可来不及,强大的雪崩已经封锁了那一片空间,白色光柱也转眼到了钟山近前。 Innumerable Expert are scalp tingles. The strength of Heavenly Dao was too strong. 无数强者都是一阵头皮发麻。天道之力太强了。 Died, Xue Mei Old Ancestor getting angry has not kept the hand, came up to give the Zhong Shan deathblow. 死定了,发怒的雪梅老祖可没有留手,一上来就给了钟山致命的打击。 Was incurable!” “没救了!” Was definitely incurable, if Zhong Shan lives under the strength of this Heavenly Dao, I buckle the eyeball!” “肯定没救了,钟山若是在这股天道之力下活下来,我将眼珠子扣下来!” .............................. .............................. ............ ............ four directions people are Zhong Shan one regretted. 四方人们为钟山一阵惋惜。 May make everyone inconceivable, was actually Zhong Shan goes to the person to make one gesture, a fist went to the day bang! 可令所有人不可思议的,却是钟山去人做了一个起手式,一拳对天轰去! A fist welcomed to that white light beam, welcomed to the strength of that Heavenly Dao. 一拳迎向那白色光柱,迎向那天道之力。 Real fake? What did I see?” “真的假的?我看到了什么?” „Is Zhong Shan counter-attacking?” 钟山在反击?” ........................ ........................ ............ ............ People strange looks, saw Great Immortal meets head-on the strength of Heavenly Dao, immediately made people think a praying mantis, the praying mantis wielded the arm to welcome the foot of elephant stepped on to the space! 人们古怪的看着,看到一个大仙迎战天道之力,顿时让人们想到了一个螳螂,螳螂挥着手臂迎向天上踩下来的大象的脚! Can the arm of praying mantis keep off the elephant foot? Obviously, is absolutely impossible. 螳螂的手臂能挡下大象脚吗?显而易见,绝对不可能的。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A loud sound, Zhong Shan all around avalanche turns toward suddenly bombs to come in all directions. 一声巨响,钟山四周的雪崩陡然向着四面八方轰炸而来。 Terrifying strikes, void swung powerful ripple unexpectedly. 恐怖的一击,虚空中居然荡出了一道道强大的波纹。 Endless heavy snow shoots towards in all directions, but place at the center, is the snowstorm center, all over the sky everywhere is the heavy snows, cannot see clearly the interior slightly. 无尽大雪射向四面八方,而处在中心之处,更是雪暴中心,满天满地的都是大雪,根本看不清内部丝毫。 However people can see Xue Mei Old Ancestor. 但是人们能够看到雪梅老祖啊。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor eyes is flowing the tears of blood, the complexion is extremely ugly. Even somewhat inconceivable expression. 雪梅老祖双眼流着血泪,脸色极度难看。甚至有些不可思议的表情。 could it be that did Zhong Shan keep off the strength of Heavenly Dao? Cracks a joke?” 难道钟山挡下了天道之力?开什么玩笑?” Snowstorm covers, but also cannot see clearly!” “雪暴笼罩,还看不清!” I do not believe!” “我不信!” .............................. .............................. ............ ............ Did four directions people fill intertwining, Great Immortal blocked the strength of Heavenly Dao? This possibility? 四方人们充满了纠结,大仙挡住了天道之力?这可能吗? The fact came out, when the heavy snow projects, slowly exposed internal Zhong Shan, a huge body, 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) high. 事实出来了,待大雪射出,慢慢暴露出了内部钟山,一个庞然身体,十万丈之高。 A able to support both heaven and earth giant is common, Zhong Shan rose 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) big. 一个顶天立地的巨人一般,钟山涨到了十万丈之大。 „Is he monster?” “他是怪兽吗?” Then greatly?” “那么大?” „Can Zhong Shan also change the body?” 钟山还能变身?” .................................... .................................... ........................ ........................ ...... ...... The sound of calling out in alarm spreads over four directions immediately. 惊呼之声顿时传遍四方 „It is not right, is this potential of the dynasty under the heavens, Zhong Shan is drawing support from the potential of Great Zheng under the heavens?” Suddenly a person calls out in alarm said. “不对,这是一朝天下之势,钟山在借助大崝天下之势?”忽然一人惊呼道。 „The potential of Great Zheng under the heavens? Good, the lord of Saint Courtyard indeed has with the possibility that Ancestor Immortal speaks the last words, the premise is he must in own Dynasty Capital. But, here at all is not Great Zheng under the heavens!” 大崝天下之势?不错,圣庭之主的确有和祖仙叫板的可能,前提是他要在自己朝都。可是,这里根本不是大崝天下啊!” „Does Zhong Shan also master the ability that long-distance borrowed potential? In this under the heavens, masters this ability Luck Dynasty is not many!” 钟山也掌握了远程借势的能力?在这天下,掌握此种能力的运朝不多啊!” ........................ ........................ .................. .................. The strong muscle, appearing Zhong Shan is quite grand. 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) high, that is the scene of shocking. 强壮的肌肉,显得钟山极为壮阔。十万丈之高,那是多么震撼的场面。 Zhong Shan! Xue Mei Old Ancestor? 钟山!雪梅老祖? This fight some hit! 这场战斗又有的打了! Pitifully, Zhong Shan does not beat Xue Mei Old Ancestor!” Gui Guzi shakes the head to say. “可惜,钟山还是不敌雪梅老祖!”鬼谷子摇摇头道。 Why?” The Bai Qi doubts said. “为何?”白起疑惑道。 „The Zhong Shan's Great Zheng domain, is small, with the aid of the potential of Great Zheng under the heavens, taking advantage of many, if Xue Mei enters the Ancestor Immortal boundary initially, Zhong Shan can also with a it enemy, what a pity the Xue Mei Old Ancestor already body partly gather Heavenly Dao!” Gui Guzi said. 钟山的大崝版图,毕竟还小,借助大崝天下之势,借不了多少,若雪梅只是初入祖仙境,钟山还可以与之一敌,可惜雪梅老祖已经身体半合天道了!”鬼谷子说道。 Partly gathers Heavenly Dao?” “半合天道?” Is the Xue Mei Old Ancestor present appearance, he could not completely with Heavenly Dao Body Fusion, be only one -and-a-half types about the condition, but strove to excel dozens times compared with it past Dipamkara, Zhong Shan difficult enemy!” Gui Guzi comments. “就是雪梅老祖现在的样子,他还不能完完全全与天道合体,只是一种半合状态,但比之昔日燃灯要强出数十倍,钟山难敌啊!”鬼谷子评价道。 Wait, will perhaps have suddenly changes!” to win indifferently said. “等等吧,也许还会有忽变!”嬴淡淡道 Yes!” “是!” In the field, a Zhong Shan fist bang destroyed Xue Mei Old Ancestor the strength of that Heavenly Dao, but the under foot mountain was also trod by Zhong Shan loudly. 场中,钟山一拳轰毁了雪梅老祖的那股天道之力,但是脚下大山也被钟山轰然踏碎了。 Zhong Shan is without hesitation, body loudly charges into Xue Mei Old Ancestor in Heavenly Dao. 钟山毫不迟疑,身形轰然冲向雪梅老祖所在天道 Brandishes that terrifying big fist, is going to the Xue Mei Old Ancestor bang. 抡起那恐怖的大拳头,对着雪梅老祖轰去。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A loud sound, all around heavy snow was forced to open loudly, powerful imposing manner sprint four directions , forms domineering space rough seas immediately. 一声巨响,四周大雪轰然被逼迫而开,强大的气势冲刺四方,顿时形成一道道强势的空间大浪。 A Zhong Shan's fist makes, that white Heavenly Dao has not moved, but internal Xue Mei Old Ancestor body actually trembles. 钟山的一拳头打出,那白色天道未动,而内部的雪梅老祖身体却是一颤。 In the Xue Mei Old Ancestor heart changes, can Zhong Shan compel Heavenly Dao oneself? In the hand waves fast, such as the previous white light beam pounds to Zhong Shan. 雪梅老祖心中一变,钟山是要将自己逼出天道?手中快速舞动,一道道如先前的白色光柱砸向钟山 The strength of Heavenly Dao one *** charges into Zhong Shan. 天道之力一***的冲向钟山 The Zhong Shan's double fist, seems the world's best divine weapon to be the same, bombardments face upwards. Impact domineering collision with Xue Mei Old Ancestor. 钟山的双拳,好似世上最好的神兵一样,一次次的轰击朝天。与雪梅老祖的冲击强势碰撞。 The sound of intermittent thundering, carries over the Zhong Shan locale to ripple the strong space ripple. Even makes people unable to see clearly the interior fuzzily to be the same. 阵阵轰鸣之声,带出钟山所在处荡漾出超强的空间波纹。甚至模糊的让人无法看清内部一样。 Fierce person!” “猛人啊!” Zhong Shan too aggressive!” 钟山凶悍了吧!” Lunatic, this big fellow was too arbitrary!” “疯子,这大块头太蛮横了!” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. ...... ...... The Great Immortal following person, exudes the sound of calling out in alarm all, indeed, Zhong Shan gave shock of everyone is too intense. This is not only shock in strength, is the impact on vision. 大仙以下的人,无不发出惊呼之声,的确,钟山所有人的震撼太强烈了。这不仅仅是力量上的震撼,更是视觉上的冲击。 Suddenly, has some people even to think, if Zhong Shan leads Great Zheng again, oneself can mix a senior official to sit to him hand/subordinate? 一时间,有着一些人甚至在想,若是钟山重领大崝,自己是不是要到他手下混个高官坐坐? Xue Mei Old Ancestor in white Heavenly Dao, the body sends out the intermittent tremor, in the eye flashes through an anger. Searches in the hands, Xue Mei Old Ancestor takes out a giant tortoise shell suddenly. 雪梅老祖在白色天道之中,身体发出阵阵颤动,眼中闪过一股怒火。探手间,雪梅老祖忽然取出一个巨大的龟壳。 The tortoise shell is the color of amethyst, slightly quiet bright, but goes to the tortoise shell surface, incomparably neat branched out nine checks. 龟壳呈紫玉之色,微微幽亮,而去龟壳面上,无比工整的分出了九个格子。 „Does imperial palace push the day of turtle back chart?” A distant place being able to judge the quality of goods person called suddenly. “九宫推天龟背图?”远处一个识货的人忽然叫了起来。 What is that?” “那是什么?” Xue Mei Old Ancestor Magical Treasure, is used for calculation, is the treasure of Xue Mei Old Ancestor defend, the hearsay once extinguished with it killed new promote Ancestor Immortal!” That person said. 雪梅老祖法宝,用来推算之用,更是雪梅老祖御敌之宝,传闻曾用其灭杀了一个新晋祖仙!”那人说道。 But with Zhong Shan that Xue Mei Old Ancestor opposes the enemy when seeing this tortoise shell, was careful. 而与雪梅老祖对敌的钟山在看到这个龟壳之际,也小心了起来。 Now seems like itself to assume an awe-inspiring pose, but Zhong Shan is at heart clear, cannot injure Xue Mei Old Ancestor, Heavenly Dao, in front of domineering Heavenly Dao, even if oneself expanded is so strong, was still only the ants, hit for quite a while, Heavenly Dao simply did not have a tremor. 现在看起来是自己在发威,但是钟山心里非常清楚,根本伤害不到雪梅老祖,天道,强势的天道面前,即便自己壮大到了这么强,也只是蝼蚁,打了半天,天道根本没有一丝颤动。 Affects Xue Mei Old Ancestor merely slightly, Xue Mei Old Ancestor killing move has not come out. 仅仅微微影响雪梅老祖而已,雪梅老祖杀招还未出来。 When seeing the imperial palace pushes the day of turtle back chart, under Zhong Shan knew Xue Mei Old Ancestor to want the heavy hand. 在看到九宫推天龟背图时,钟山知道雪梅老祖要下重手了。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor dies to stare at Zhong Shan, in the hand the tortoise shell is throwing to the day suddenly, immediately, the huge tortoise shell integrated in huge Heavenly Dao. 雪梅老祖死盯着钟山,手中龟壳忽然对天一抛,顿时,庞大的龟壳融入了巨大的天道之中。 The tortoise shell vanished, but, presents a more giant tortoise shell. 龟壳消失了,但是,却出现一个更巨大的龟壳。 Is Heavenly Dao, in Heavenly Dao emitted one suddenly and a moment ago the same white tortoise shell, this already was not the imperial palace pushes a day of turtle back to attempt, but was Heavenly Dao part, the huge white tortoise shell was a part of this white Heavenly Dao. 天道,天道之中忽然冒出一个与刚才一样的白色龟壳,这已经不是九宫推天龟背图了,而是天道的一部分,庞大的白色龟壳就是这个白色天道的一部分。 On the turtle back the chart of imperial palace under the Heavenly Dao increase, enlarges trillion times, covers loudly Zhong Shan that 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) big giant body. 龟背上九宫之图在天道增幅之下,放大亿万倍,轰然间将钟山那十万丈大的巨大身体笼罩起来。 Suddenly, Zhong Shan in people eyes vanished suddenly, only then in front of Xue Mei Old Ancestor huge Heavenly Dao, with Heavenly Dao is linked to each other white tortoise shell. A 1 million zhang (3.33 m) high giant tortoise shell. 一时间,人们眼中的钟山忽然消失了,只有雪梅老祖面前的庞然天道,还有与天道连在一起的白色龟壳。一个百万丈高的巨大龟壳。 Ended, Zhong Shanwas imprisoned with the Heavenly Dao prisoner's cage by Xue Mei Old Ancestor ‚, died!” “完了,钟山雪梅老祖以‘天道囚笼’禁锢了,死定了!” About the Heavenly Dao person, indeed is unapproachable!” “合天道的人,的确是无可匹敌的!” Such situation, Zhong Shan, if undying/not dead, I dig out the eyeball!” “这样的情况,钟山要是不死,我将眼珠子抠出来!” „, Hadn't you said one a moment ago? Haven't you dug out?” “呃,你刚才不是说过一遍了吗?你还没抠?” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. ...... ...... The changing situation was too indeed rapid, a vision of impact people. 情况变化的确太快了,一波波的冲击人们的视觉。 Imperial palace pushes the day of turtle back chart is only catalyst, by this catalyst, draws out the Heavenly Dao prisoner's cage! This Xue Mei Old Ancestor is not simple, merely half about Heavenly Dao, can think that the means make gather the matter of Heavenly Dao completely, really worthily is one of the established Ancestor Immortal Gui Guzi indifferently said. “九宫推天龟背图只是一个引子而已,以这个引子,引出天道囚笼!这雪梅老祖不简单,仅仅半合天道,就能想到办法做出完全合天道之事,果然不愧是老牌的祖仙之一”鬼谷子淡淡道 ***: It seems like, the Zhong Shan there is still one domineering card in hand, going ahead and guessing is anything! Moreover, tomorrow erupts, asks *** the ticket, asks ***! ***:貌似,钟山还有一个强势底牌未出,猜猜看是什么!另外,明天爆发,求***票,求***!
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