IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#957: Xue Mei = extremely bad luck?

Zhong Shan facing Xue Mei Old Ancestor. 钟山面对雪梅老祖 Peerless Ominous Eye opens, Heaven and Earth one static, has to plant not to gasp for breath close to Saint aura depressing everyone, but, during this constrains, people filled excitedly. 绝世凶瞳一开,天地一静,接近圣人的气息压抑的所有人都有种喘不过气来,但是,在这压抑之中,人们内心充满了兴奋。 Good fierce Eye Technique, is this that gives the person to bring misfortune Eye Technique? 好厉害的瞳术,这就是那给人带来霉运瞳术吗? Xue Mei Old Ancestor, how can Ancestor Immortal facing this Eye Technique? 雪梅老祖,祖仙面对这个瞳术又会如何? But another side mountain peak, in the vision that people anticipate, Xue Mei Old Ancestor also opened another Eye Technique, Plum Blossom Eye! 而另一边山峰,在人们期待的目光之中,雪梅老祖也开启了另一个瞳术,梅花眼! Domineering Eye Technique that true under the heavens completely knows! 一个真正天下尽知的强势瞳术! „The technique of Imitation?” People calls out in alarm! 复制之术?”人们一阵惊呼! In mountain valley, when does not know, to win, Gui Guzi, Bai Qi already stand a hidden place. 一个山谷中,不知何时,嬴,鬼谷子,白起已经站到了一个暗处。 Imitation Divine Ability? under the heavens eighth Divine Ability?” Gui Guzi indifferently said. 复制神通?天下第八神通?”鬼谷子淡淡道 Hearsay, Imitation Divine Ability can Imitation ninth Divine Ability later everyone Divine Ability, even if Time Divine Ability, can Imitation, this Xue Mei Old Ancestor really hide is deep!” Bai Qi said after a sigh. “传闻,复制神通复制第九神通以后的所有人神通,哪怕时间神通,也能复制,这个雪梅老祖藏得还真深啊!”白起感叹道。 Imitation Divine Ability? Also falls far short!” to win Buxie said. 复制神通?还差得远!”嬴不屑道。 Falls far short?” “差得远?” Plum Blossom Eye, indeed is Imitation Divine Ability, but, truly mature Imitation Divine Ability, in each pupil has three Plum Blossom to be right, but Xue Mei Old Ancestor only has one. One is only the embryonic form, to far of true Imitation Divine Ability also difference!” Gui Guzi shakes the head. 梅花眼,的确是复制神通,但是,真正成熟的复制神通,每只瞳孔内有三朵梅花才对,而雪梅老祖只有一朵。一朵只是雏形,离真正的复制神通还差的远!”鬼谷子摇摇头。 But Xue Mei Old Ancestor always grasped the embryonic form!” The Bai Qi doubts said. “可雪梅老祖始终掌握了雏形啊!”白起疑惑道。 Embryonic form? Some people in embryonic form for a lifetime, forever embryonic form! under the heavens is Divine Ability, which so good to become aware? Plum Blossom, three Plum Blossom, this is the difference of Heaven and Earth!” Gui Guzi said solemnly. “雏形?有的人在雏形上一辈子,都永远还是雏形!天下神通,哪是那么好悟的?一朵梅花,三朵梅花,这是天地之别!”鬼谷子沉声道 Un!” Bai Qi nods. “恩!”白起点点头。 Instead to is Zhong Shan this Eye Technique, distinctive, has not appeared, before does not know can push, 30!” Gui Guzi said after a sigh. “反到是钟山这个瞳术,别具一格,从来没出现过,不知道能不能挤入前三十!”鬼谷子感叹道。 Zhong Shan's this Divine Ability, before can push, 30? Bai Qi intent outlet.” 钟山的这个神通,能挤入前三十?白起意外道。” If really can bring misfortune to others, before that can definitely push, 30!” to win indifferently said. “若真是能给别人带来霉运,那肯定能挤入前三十!”嬴淡淡道 Un!” “恩!” Distant place, Zhong Shan stand summit of the mountain peak, one-eyed coldly looks at opposite party Xue Mei Old Ancestor. 远处,钟山站着一座山峰之巅,独眼冷冷的看着对方雪梅老祖 Sees the pupil of Xue Mei Old Ancestor, hears the discussion Zhong Shan understanding of four directions Expert was similar, Imitation? Do you think Imitation peerless Ominous Eye? 看到雪梅老祖的瞳孔,听到四方强者的议论钟山就了解的差不多了,复制?你想复制绝世凶瞳? Imitation peerless Ominous Eye that is absolutely impossible, because he simply does not have Red Luan Pink Lotus, has not loaded the Red Luan Pink Lotus lotus pond. 复制绝世凶瞳那绝对不可能的,因为他根本没有红鸾粉莲,更没有装载红鸾粉莲的莲池。 took a deep breath, Zhong Shan is staring at Xue Mei Old Ancestor. 深吸口气,钟山盯着雪梅老祖 suddenly, in the Zhong Shan eye blue light puts greatly, blue light such as the tsunami is ordinary, hiding the sky and covering the earth goes in the Xue Mei Old Ancestor direction. 陡然间,钟山眼中蓝光大放,蓝光如海啸一般,铺天盖地的向着雪梅老祖方向而去。 Regarding person who Xue Mei Old Ancestor surrounds behind, can only calculate that they had bad luck, who makes them stand in front of Zhong Shan? 对于雪梅老祖身后围观的人,只能算他们倒霉了,谁让他们站着钟山前面? Powerful blue light one, the entire space is suddenly one tight, silence reigns, everyone stared in a big way the eye, looks at following one. 强大的蓝光一出,整个空间都是忽然一紧,万籁俱寂,所有人都瞪大了眼睛,看着接下来的一幕。 blue light projected, domineering blue light covers to go toward Xue Mei Old Ancestor. 蓝光射出了,强势的蓝光向着雪梅老祖覆盖而去。 What is strange, Xue Mei Old Ancestor has not used Heavenly Dao, seems is self-confident general about own Plum Blossom Eye. 诡异的是,雪梅老祖并未使用天道,好似对自己的梅花眼非常自信一般。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor saw Zhong Shan to display Eye Technique, the corners of the mouth overflowed one to sneer, in the eye a Plum Blossom revolution, saw only in front of Xue Mei Old Ancestor void suddenly hallucination. 雪梅老祖钟山施展了瞳术,嘴角溢出一丝冷笑,眼中梅花一转,只见雪梅老祖面前的虚空忽然一阵迷幻。 It seems the water surface that sways to be the same, the ripple rises from all directions, front, suddenly a huge suction strange extends a huge plane, interception continuation washout of blue light. 好似摇晃的水面一般,波纹四起,面前,忽然一股庞大的吸力诡异的延伸出一个巨大的平面,生生的拦截住了蓝光的继续冲刷。 That pair of Plum Blossom Eye, seems has strength of the powerful drawing in suddenly, endless blue light strange was contracted, subsequently forms two mighty currents to inject in the Xue Mei Old Ancestor pupil loudly. 那一对梅花眼,好似忽然产生一股强大的收拢之力,无尽蓝光诡异的被收缩而起,继而汇成两道洪流轰然射入雪梅老祖瞳孔之中。 Absorption! 吸收! Is Xue Mei Old Ancestor absorbing? 雪梅老祖在吸收? That scene, seems Zhong Shan to emit blue light counter to go back to be the same, completely by Xue Mei Old Ancestor inspiration pupil. 那场景,就好似钟山放出蓝光逆回去一样,全部被雪梅老祖吸入瞳孔之中。 four directions , Expert opened the eye. 四方,强者们都睁大了眼睛。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor absorbs blue light, decodes Zhong Shan Eye Technique through Plum Blossom Eye!” 雪梅老祖吸收蓝光,通过梅花眼破解钟山瞳术!” Good fierce Plum Blossom Eye!” “好厉害的梅花眼!” „The technique of Imitation, was too abnormal, after this time, isn't the Zhong Shan's style is Xue Mei Old Ancestor uses henceforth?” 复制之术,太变态了,此次过后,钟山的招式不是从此为雪梅老祖所用?” Plum Blossom Eye, the technique of Imitation?” 梅花眼,复制之术?” .......................................... .......................................... ........................ ........................ ...... ...... four directions hears the sound of intermittent calling out in alarm, is Xue Mei Old Ancestor Eye Technique shocks. each and everyone stares to be full of the sigh. 四方传来阵阵惊呼之声,为雪梅老祖瞳术而震惊。一个个瞪起眼睛充满了感叹。 Staring four directions Expert incessantly, Zhong Shan! 瞪起眼睛的不止四方强者,还有钟山! The Zhong Shan's right eye opened, open mouth slightly stunned looks to Xue Mei Old Ancestor. 钟山的右眼睁开了,张口微微愕然的看向雪梅老祖 Does he do? All ominous light, misfortune, did misfortune absorb completely? Big boldness! 他干嘛?将所有凶光,厄运,霉运全部吸收了?好大的气魄! Must know initially when Dipamkara became Ancestor Immortal, is only the whole body is covered, is small parts in myriad blue light. But Xue Mei Old Ancestor, is this? Completely? 要知道当初燃灯成为祖仙之时,也只是全身被覆盖而已,是万千蓝光中的一小部分而已。而雪梅老祖,这是?全部? Complete absorption!” four directions transmits calls out in alarm intermittently. “完全吸收!”四方传来阵阵惊呼。 During people are at to Xue Mei Old Ancestor are astonished, suddenly, almost everyone stops suddenly. 人们还处在对雪梅老祖惊愕之中,忽然,几乎所有人都是戛然而止。 On the face of Xue Mei Old Ancestor changes, loudly, a huge imposing manner toward blows off to open in all directions. 雪梅老祖的脸上一变,轰然,一股庞大的气势向着四面八方吹散而开。 The powerful imposing manner blows out, people feel gloomy and cold immediately. It seems the heavy snow to cover general. 强大的气势吹出,人们顿时感到一阵阴冷。好似大雪覆盖一般。 „Did the Xue Mei Old Ancestor body gather Heavenly Dao?” 雪梅老祖身合天道了?” Xue Mei Old Ancestor? Why at this time behind Heavenly Dao? Does could it be that analyze Zhong Shan's Eye Technique is so difficult?” 雪梅老祖怎么了?为什么这个时候身后天道?难道分析钟山的瞳术那么难?” „It is not right, was not right, has an accident!” “不对劲,不对,出事了!” .............................. .............................. ............ ............ When people discussed that is staring to look together to Xue Mei Old Ancestor, saw only Xue Mei Old Ancestor to reveal color of the pain suddenly, in the pain, two Plum Blossom fast vibrations. 人们议论之际,一起瞪着眼睛看向雪梅老祖,只见雪梅老祖忽然露出一丝痛苦之色,痛苦之中,两朵梅花快速抖动。 Suddenly!” “恍!” Imitates if two light sounds, some people of being sharp-eyed called out in alarm immediately. 仿若两声轻响,一些眼尖的人顿时惊叫了起来。 Plum Blossom broken!” 梅花破了!” Plum Blossom in Xue Mei Old Ancestor eye broken!” 雪梅老祖眼中的梅花破了!” Dispersed, both Plum Blossom dispersed!” “散了,两朵梅花都散了!” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. In the pupil Plum Blossom dispersed incessantly was so simple, a pair of domineering pupil, flowed out the tears of blood strangely. 不止瞳孔中梅花散了那么简单,一对强势的瞳孔,更是诡异的流出了血泪。 Zhong Shan, I must kill you ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 钟山,我要杀了你~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Xue Mei Old Ancestor heavenshaking sad compartment. 雪梅老祖一声震天悲腔。 A great roar, people see white Heavenspan penetrating place indistinctly the pillar, on Heavenspan, gets down continually. Heavenly Dao, Xue Mei Old Ancestor body about Heavenly Dao, amenomania! 一声巨吼,人们隐约看到一条白色通天彻地的柱子,上通天,下连地。天道,雪梅老祖身合天道,躁狂了! A great roar, the cloud penetration air-splitting, seems entire Nu Wa World to cover in Xue Mei Old Ancestor this sad cavity, rending sad compartment. 一声巨吼,穿云破空,好似整个女娲界都笼罩在雪梅老祖这一声悲腔之中,撕心裂肺的悲腔。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor went crazy! 雪梅老祖发狂了! four directions is so, the terrifying imposing manner impact, all around the enormous mountain peak will blow down immediately. The intermittent space wave shouts with Xue Mei Old Ancestor one ripples to all directions. 四方更是如此,恐怖的气势冲击,顿时将四周大量山峰吹倒。阵阵空间波浪随着雪梅老祖的一声嘶吼荡漾向四面八方。 The hatred, the endless hatred, the Xue Mei Old Ancestor round was angry! 仇恨,无尽的仇恨,雪梅老祖发大怒了! When four directions Expert draws back is far, filled all strangely. 四方强者退远之际,无不充满了古怪。 In people heart only had an idea Plum Blossom Eye to be broken. 人们心中只有一个想法‘梅花眼被破了’。 Was Plum Blossom Eye broken? Definitely yes, if not, Xue Mei Old Ancestor is impossible so to call out in grief, was too rending. 梅花眼被破了?肯定是,若不是,雪梅老祖不可能如此悲鸣,太撕心裂肺了。 But Zhong Shan's Eye Technique, got the symbol of terrifying simultaneously. 钟山的瞳术,同时被打上了恐怖的标志。 First topples from Ancestor Immortal Dipamkara, now breaks Plum Blossom Eye. 先将燃灯祖仙拉下马,现在又破了梅花眼 Zhong Shan's is Eye Technique so really fierce?” Bai Qi surprisedly said. 钟山的瞳术真的那么厉害?”白起惊讶道 Nearby Gui Guzi nods saying: Is fierce, is Xue Mei Old Ancestor brings upon oneself!” 一旁鬼谷子点点头道:“是厉害,也是雪梅老祖自找的!” „?” “呃?” Xue Mei Old Ancestor, if the body about Heavenly Dao, uses Heavenly Dao as the shield from the beginning, Zhong Shan's blue light is unable to shoot on Xue Mei Old Ancestor, because that blue light cannot break through Heavenly Dao. What a pity, Xue Mei Old Ancestor for Imitation Zhong Shan's Eye Technique, from the beginning useless Heavenly Dao!” Gui Guzi said. 雪梅老祖若是一开始身合天道,以天道为盾,钟山的蓝光根本无法射到雪梅老祖身上,因为那蓝光突破不了天道。可惜,雪梅老祖为了复制钟山的瞳术,一开始没用天道!”鬼谷子说道。 Really worthily is the extremely bad luck old ancestor, this extremely bad luck was too heavy!” The Bai Qi forehead had/left sweat to nod. “果然不愧为血霉老祖,这个血霉太沉重了!”白起额头出了一丝汗水点点头。 The distant place, Zhong Shan sees shouting of Xue Mei Old Ancestor, knew Xue Mei Old Ancestor but actually extremely bad luck! 远处,钟山看到雪梅老祖的大喊,就知道雪梅老祖血霉了! When Xue Mei Old Ancestor shouted, Zhong Shan also opens the mouth. 雪梅老祖大喊之际,钟山也开口了。 Zhong Shan bright sound said: „The Great Zheng under the heavens people obey orders, We am Zhong Shan, except the meeting the enemy officers, the under the heavens people raises and other right hands, with Our immeasurable strength!” 钟山朗声道:“大崝天下子民听令,朕乃是钟山,除迎敌将士,天下子民举起尔等右手,借朕无量力量!” The Zhong Shan's sound submerged during the great roar of Xue Mei Old Ancestor. 钟山的声音淹没在了雪梅老祖的巨吼之中。 However, actually resounded through entire Heaven and Earth in another. 但是,却在另一处响彻了整个天地 Yang Sector, Great Zheng Saint Court, Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court. Longevity Palace, above Imperial Hall. 阳间,大崝圣庭,凌霄天庭长生殿,朝堂之上。 Reported King Zi Chen, the southern five cities fell into enemy hands, Emperor Dynasty Great Immortal cut to kill the our dynasty military officer, a group of people without a leader, now innumerable officers defends to death Unparalleled City fort, request assistance senior general, urgently needed senior general!” An official called out immediately. “禀紫宸王,南方五城失守,帝朝大仙斩杀我朝将领,群龙无首,现在无数将士死守无双城要塞,请求支援高级将领,急需高级将领!”一名官员马上叫道。 At this time, another Imperial Guard broke in Longevity Palace! 这时,又一个侍卫冲入长生殿! reporting King Zi Chen, Primal Chaos Holy Court sends the open arms envoy. Waits outside the palace!” That Imperial Guard report said. 启禀紫宸王,太极圣庭派来招降使者。在殿外等候!”那侍卫禀报道。 Go away, cuts the open arms envoy in Southern Heaven Gate, informed under the heavens, my Great Zheng lasted forever!” King Zi Chen Shui Wuhen called out. “滚,将招降使者斩于南天门,昭告天下,我大崝永存!”紫宸王水无痕叫道。 Yes!” That Imperial Guard drew back. “是!”那侍卫退了出去。 In Imperial Hall, discusses spiritedly immediately, the defeat report, is utterly isolated, every day defeats the report to transmit. 朝堂之中,顿时议论纷纷,败报,四面楚歌,每日败报传来。 Shui Wuhen looks to Lin Xiao and Shui Jing. 水无痕看向林啸水镜 Great General, Prime Minister, you look!” Shui Wuhen anxious say/way. “大将军,丞相,你们看!”水无痕焦急道。 Threatening, the enemy were too many, various senior generals were killed by Expert, the situation is not wonderful. It is not very good!” A Lin Xiao face is bitter and astringent. “来势汹汹,敌军太多了,各种高级将领被强者袭杀,情况不妙。很不好!”林啸一脸苦涩。 Shui Jing swung the feather fan, sighed slightly: Various extinguishes the senior general toward at this moment by the expert unceasingly, nibbles the our dynasty territory unceasingly, difficult, the enemy were too many!” 水镜摇了摇羽扇,微微一叹道:“诸朝此刻以高手不断灭高级将领,不断蚕食我朝疆土,难啊,敌人太多了!” Other Imperial Hall officials are also dispirited, talked unceasingly, in the heart was worried. 朝堂其它官员也是人心涣散,不断交谈,心中充满忧虑。 The hair of Shui Wuhen, at this moment already had most was graying, regarding cultivator, this was the impossible matter, but the long-term anxiety made Shui Wuhen reveal so delapidated. 水无痕的头发,此刻已经有大部分斑白了,对于一个修者来说,这是不可能的事情,但长期的焦虑让水无痕露出如此颓相。 Saint King gives me Great Zheng, cannot lose absolutely, I must defend for Saint King finally!” Shui Wuhen said slow. 圣王大崝交给我,绝对不能丢,我要为圣王守到最后!”水无痕呐呐道。 In this moment, suddenly, outside Longevity Palace, sky infinite Luck, infinite Meritorious Virtue seethed suddenly, seemed the boiling water to roar the same ebullition. 就在这一刻,忽然,长生殿外,天空无穷气运,无穷功德忽然间翻腾了起来,好似沸水咆哮一样的沸腾。 Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The Luck sea of clouds resounds through two heavenshaking Dragon Roar immediately, seeming the immeasurable joy is ordinary. 气运云海顿时响彻两声震天龙吟,好似无比喜悦一般。 Is surprised in everyone, an incomparably familiar sound breaks in the ear of everyone. 就在所有人惊讶之极,一个无比熟悉的声音冲入所有人的耳中。 „The Great Zheng under the heavens people obey orders, We am Zhong Shan, except the meeting the enemy officers, the under the heavens people raises and other right hands, with Our immeasurable strength!” 大崝天下子民听令,朕乃是钟山,除迎敌将士,天下子民举起尔等右手,借朕无量力量!” The forceful sound, attacks in the ear of everyone, in heart of everyone. 铿锵有力的声音,冲击在所有人的耳中,所有人的心中。 Incessantly Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, entire Great Zheng under the heavens, original Great Divine State Land, regardless of where, so long as is the Great Zheng people, hears the Zhong Shan sound suddenly. 不止凌霄天庭,整个大崝天下,原神州大地,无论何地,只要是大崝子民,陡然听到钟山声音。 Saint King sound!” Shui Wuhen first responded. 圣王的声音!”水无痕第一个反应过来。 „Did you hear? Is the Saint King sound, Saint King, is Saint King!” Shui Wuhen is whooshing to the all the officials official, when shouts, in the eye yun has the excited tears. “你们听到了吗?是圣王的声音,圣王,是圣王!”水无痕对着满朝官员嘶吼着,嘶吼之际,眼中酝出激动的泪水。 Saint King!” 圣王!” Saint King long live!” 圣王万岁万岁万万岁!” Saint King immortal fortune savor in eternity, longevity alike the heaven!” 圣王仙福永享,寿与天齐!” People's exciting shouted all kinds of polite names. 人们激动的喊出各种各样的尊称。 Suddenly, Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court except for guarding the officers, everyone worships on bended knees suddenly under. 一时间,凌霄天庭除了守卫将士,所有人都忽然跪拜而下。 Great Zheng under the heavens, major city, except guarding defend officers, almost everyone suddenly excited worshipping on bended knees under. 大崝天下,各大城池,除守卫御敌将士,几乎所有人都忽然激动的跪拜而下。 Saint King? The Saint King sound, does Saint King return? 圣王?圣王的声音,圣王归来? The innumerable worships, cheer innumerably spread over under the heavens. 无数朝拜,无数欢呼传遍天下 Raises the right hand!” “举起右手!” Raises the right hand!” “举起右手!” Raises the right hand ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “举起右手~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Great Zheng under the heavens, performing holds up shouting loudly of right hand! 大崝天下,尽是举起右手的高呼! ps: The recommendation ticket is not powerful, pays respects request recommends the ticket! Another 300 tickets. Tomorrow erupts! ps:推荐票不给力啊,拜求推荐票!另外300票了。明天爆发!
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