IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#952: Monster Muster Banner

Bai Qi takes killing as saying that terrifying murderous aura already can become peerless divine weapon concise. The willpower of this person is how tenacious, although is Ancient Immortal, but in Ancient Immortal the willpower is Bai Qi this degree, absolutely not over one number. 白起以杀为道,恐怖的杀气已经能够凝练成绝世神兵。这种人的意志力何其坚韧,虽为古仙,但古仙中意志力达到白起这个程度的,绝对不超过一手之数。 But vertical is so, shape like puppet, whatever controls person's control. 可纵是如此,也形如傀儡,任凭控制人的控制。 Whose that big ability? 谁那么大能力? Bai Qi stubbornly stares at the Zhong Shan direction, in the eye is staring, a boundless murderous aura direct impact goes, simultaneously in the hand that peerless ominous blade, appears suddenly suddenly, by one type domineering fierce cuts crazily under. 白起死死的盯着钟山方向,眼中一瞪间,一股磅礴杀气直冲而去,同时手中那柄绝世凶刀,忽然间从天而下,以一种强势的狰狞狂斩而下。 The blade potential is mixing with intense murderous aura, when drops from the clouds, in that white blade light imitates, if a huge devil illusory image is ordinary, incomparably towering the standing mountain peak cuts toward Zhong Shan. 刀势夹杂着强烈的杀气,从天而降之际,那白色刀光中仿若一个巨大恶魔幻影一般,无比峥嵘的向着钟山所站山峰斩去。 Under a blade, Heaven and Earth for it look changes. 一刀下,天地为之色变。 In the innumerable Ancient Immortal hearts sends coldly, this might was too terrifying, if oneself, can evade? 无数古仙心中一阵发寒,这威力太恐怖了,假若是自己,能躲得过吗? Ancient Immortal think can only evade, but no one has thought can keep off, this overbearing blade is unable to resist. 古仙们心里想的仅是能不能躲过,而没人想过能不能挡下,这霸道的一刀根本是无法抵挡的。 Ended, Zhong Shan and Luo Xingchen died. 完了,钟山落星尘死定了。 But Zhong Shan on mountain peak is actually staring at Bai Qi as before, seems had not seen that terrifying the blade potential is ordinary, only then Luo Xingchen at this moment moved. 可山峰上的钟山却依旧盯着白起,好似没看到那恐怖的刀势一般,只有落星尘此刻动了。 The Luo Xingchen forehead sapphire flashes suddenly, the enormous green light shoots at the terrifying blade potential of Bai Qi. 落星尘眉心蓝宝石忽然一闪之间,大量绿光射向白起的恐怖刀势。 Slow “慢” Luo Xingchen sinks to drink, searches a hand palm to face upwards. 落星尘一声沉喝之间,探手一掌朝天。 At that moment, Bai Qi felt suddenly oneself slow got down to be the same, a blade that that tyrant said obviously, but at this moment actually seemed the speed to slow down three times to continue. 那一刻,白起忽然感到自己慢了下来一样,明明还是那霸道的一刀,可是此刻却好似速度减缓了三倍不止。 Although suddenly slow three times seemed like that overbearing, however in Bai Qi at heart, slow three times rubbed gently, too soft. 虽然忽然慢了三倍看起来还是那么的霸道,但是在白起心里,慢了三倍就太磨蹭了,太软绵绵的了。 Time Restriction!” Luo Xingchen sinks to drink again. “时间禁制!”落星尘再度一阵沉喝。 Slow a three times of blade stopped suddenly general. 慢了三倍的一刀忽然间一停一般。 The huge imposing manner remains, but Luo Xingchen found out a big hand imprint to stop Bai Qi that domineering Blade Aura suddenly. 庞大的气势依旧存在,但落星尘忽然探出一只大手印生生的止住了白起那强势的刀罡 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “嘭~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Huge murderous aura blows down, immediately broke off many trees. A domineering blade stopped, but the overbearing imposing manner is actually continues. 庞大的杀气吹下,顿时将很多树木折断了。强势的一刀止住了,但霸道的气势却是延续下来。 The time seemed frames in that moment. 时间好似定格在了那一刻。 Void , a Luo Xingchen big hand imprint welcomed the day, stopped that terrifying blade potential of Bai Qi, held up the day single-handedly! Luo Xingchen! 虚空之中,落星尘一个大手印迎天,生生的止住了白起的那恐怖刀势,一手擎天!落星尘! Surrounded people each and everyone stares dumbfounded, when a Bai Qi blade cuts, almost everyone announced the death of Zhong Shan and Luo Xingchen. But was this blade blocked by Luo Xingchen unexpectedly? 围观的人们一个个瞠目结舌,在白起一刀斩来之际,几乎所有人都宣布了钟山落星尘的死亡。可这一刀居然被落星尘挡住了? This is Luo Xingchen so intrepid? 落星尘这么强悍? Roar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “吼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Bai Qi suddenly roaring, in hand a blade potential revolution, loudly shatter Luo Xingchen time Restriction, great blade is free. Luo Xingchen that big hand imprint also loudly scrap. 白起忽然一声大吼,手中刀势一转,轰然间破碎落星尘的‘时间禁制’,大刀再度自由。落星尘的那个大手印也轰然炸碎。 In everyone is thinking when Bai Qi must make a determined effort. Bai Qi actually inserts toward the front ground the blade suddenly. 正在所有人以为白起又要发狠之际。白起却忽然将刀往面前地上一插。 Both hands cover the head, in the Bai Qi eye suddenly is red a piece, the enormous blood threads emits. 双手捂头,白起眼中忽然通红一片,大量血丝冒出。 Get lost ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “滚出去~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Bai Qi roaring. A whole body loudly loud sound. 白起一声大吼。周身轰然一声巨响。 Bang!” Bai Qi all around enormous white light scrap. “嘭!”白起四周大量白光炸碎。 Bai Qi body one soft, holds the hilt, in gulps breathed air/Qi. 白起身形一软,扶着刀柄,大口大口的喘起了气来。 People do not look yes what's the matter, but Zhong Shan knows, Bai Qi awoke, he not by others, but by oneself, will control own Expert thought to wash out with the powerful will. 人们看不明白怎么回事,但钟山知道,白起醒了,他不是靠别人,而是靠自己,以自己强大的意志将控制自己的强者意念冲散了。 After ten breaths, Bai Qi stands again the body, has a look at all around, has a look at Luo Xingchen, finally looks to Zhong Shan. 十息之后,白起才再度站正身子,看看四周,又看看落星尘,最终看向钟山 Saint King Zhong, did not do right by a moment ago!” Bai Qi very free and easy say/way, regarding violating mistake shelterless meaning. Said open and aboveboard. 钟圣王,刚才对不住!”白起很洒脱道,对于犯下的错误毫无遮掩的意思。堂堂正正的说了出来。 Might as well, you are also a victim!” Zhong Shan nods. “无妨,你也是受害者!”钟山点点头。 Bai Qi deep looked at Zhong Shan, finally to the Zhong Shan casual greeting, body the old route returns slightly in a flash. 白起深深的看了一眼钟山,最终对钟山微微半礼,身形一晃原路返回。 Matter was too marvelous, many people are perplexed, this Bai Qi? Runs over to a Zhong Shan blade, a blade is inadequate, on casual greeting apology? Then flew away. 事情发生的太奇妙了,很多人都不明所以,这个白起怎么了?跑过来给钟山一刀,一刀不成,就半礼道歉?然后就飞走了。 This? What's the matter? 这?怎么回事? Many people cannot feel the mind, most depressed, when was Xue Mei Old Ancestor several disciples. one person that specially that died. Is really all right to court death, is purely does not close own matter, oneself collect to bring death. 很多人都摸不着头脑,最郁闷的当属雪梅老祖的几名弟子了。特别那死去的一个人。真的没事找死,纯属不关自己的事,自己凑上去送死的。 already fourth, fourth Senior Brother died because of Zhong Shan, numerous Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciples all look wickedly to Zhong Shan. 已经第四个了,第四个师兄钟山而死,一众雪梅老祖弟子个个恶狠狠的看向钟山 But Expert that all around gathers round although had not seen that what's the matter, but looks to understand, is this Luo Xingchen is very strong, suitable! A Bai Qi domineering blade, Luo Xingchen met! 而四周围着的强者们虽然没看出怎么回事,但都看明白一点,就是这个落星尘很强,相当的强!白起的强势一刀,落星尘生生的接了下来! Luo Xingchen already returned to Zhong Shan behind, but that domineering has not made people taste for a very long time! 落星尘已经回到了钟山身后,可那股强势却久久没让人们回过味来! This Great Zheng is very powerful!” “这个大崝很强大啊!” Senior Brother, Luo Xingchen is so strong, why can join Great Zheng Saint Court? Isn't Great Zheng weakest Saint Courtyard?” 师兄,落星尘那么强,为何要加入大崝圣庭?大崝不是最弱的圣庭吗?” Weakest? Who told you weakly?” “最弱?谁告诉你最弱的?” Everyone said!” “大家都这么说!” But Great Zheng pulls out a obscure and unknown person to come casually, compares favorably with other Buddhist Temple Cult Master, you also think that Great Zheng is weak?” “可大崝随便拉出一个默默无闻的人来,都比得上其它道场教主,你还认为大崝弱吗?” .................................... .................................... .................. .................. ...... ...... four directions is the sound that people have doubts, by the Expert discussion of Wind Mound Territory was most abundant. Great Zheng! At this moment, that weak Great Zheng image in the everyone heart big. 四方都是人们疑惑的声音,以风冢疆域强者议论的最盛了。大崝!这一刻,那虚弱的大崝形象在所有人心中高大了起来。 The distant place, Bai Qi returns to the previous mountain peak, whole body murderous aura to surround. 远处,白起回到先前的山峰,周身杀气环绕。 By puppet? 被傀儡了? The Bai Qi complexion is slightly cloudy, because Bai Qi knows, in this unconscious controlled situation, this Yang Sector perhaps only then Saint can accomplish, Saint? 白起脸色微微阴沉,因为白起知道,在这种不知不觉的被控制的情况,这阳间或许只有圣人才能办到,圣人? Silent Bai Qi stern-faced looks to four directions . 沉默的白起一脸凝重的看向四方 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Above sky, suddenly crack, terrifying crack resounds through entire Heaven and Earth immediately, entire Nu Wa World is completely this loud sound. 天空之上,忽然一声炸响,恐怖的炸响顿时响彻整个天地,整个女娲界尽是这一声巨响。 With this loud sound, entire Nu Wa World is strange one sways, seeming the world must collapse generally. 随着这一声巨响,整个女娲界都是诡异的一阵摇晃,好似世界要崩溃了一般。 Is good to sway a meeting merely, Nu Wa World stabilizes. 好在仅仅摇晃一会,女娲界就稳定下来。 Sound from to win and place of Zhuangzi to the palm. 声音来自嬴和庄子对掌之处。 Some cultivation base low person ear hemorrhages that loud sound, explodes, was too overbearing. 那一声巨响,炸的一些修为低下的人耳朵一阵出血,太霸道了。 four directions , almost everyone stared in a big way the eye, looks at the result of distant place. 四方,几乎所有人都瞪大了眼睛,看着远处的结果。 to win, Zhuangzi separated! 嬴,庄子分开了! The inexhaustible butterfly, the stars, vanished suddenly. 无穷无尽的蝴蝶,星辰,都陡然消失了。 Two people are away from a very far distance, but around them, the space has powerful wave form to shake, but in most center, jet black black hole. 二人隔着一段很远的距离,而在他们四周,空间产生强大的波浪式震荡,而在最中心处,一个漆黑的黑洞。 The black hole, this is the Great Thousand Worlds black hole. 黑洞,这可是大千世界的黑洞。 That black hole strong, no one wants to test. 那黑洞有多强,没人想去实验。 Two people ripped a big opening the space to the palm, no wonder entire Nu Wa World was swaying a moment ago. 二人的对掌将空间都撕出了一个大口子,难怪刚才整个女娲界都在摇晃的。 The black hole changes is slowly small, slowly restoration, from this black hole place, many people looks to Zhuangzi and to win, revealed deep fear. 黑洞缓缓变小,缓缓恢复,但从这个黑洞处,很多人看向庄子和嬴时,都露出了一股深深的畏惧。 Domineering! Abnormal! 强势!变态! Strong person who two can break open the space! 两个能够破开空间的强人! The domineering space shake ground the powder dust that side thing, changed into a desert to be the same in all directions, only then Bai Qi the standing mountain peak remains. 强势的空间震荡将那一方东西都碾成了碎末,四面八方化为一个沙漠一般,只有白起所站山峰依然存在。 The black hole changes is slowly small, finally vanishes, to win, Zhuangzi swings relative. 黑洞缓缓变小,最终消失,嬴,庄子摇摇相对。 Who won?” “谁赢了?” Does not know!” “不知道啊!” Waited again knows!” “再等等就知道了!” ........................ ........................ ............ ............ People intertwine in two people of victories and losses. 人们纠结于二人的输赢。 Great Qin? True toward, me anticipated very much!” Zhuangzi took a deep breath said after a sigh. 大秦?真正的强朝,我很期待!”庄子深吸口气感叹道。 Anticipation? That looks!” to win indifferently said. “期待?那就看着吧!”嬴淡淡道 Good, Zhuangzi keeps this eyes eyeball, has a look again peerless ominous toward it prestige!” Zhuangzi nods to say. “好,庄周就留着这双眼睛,再看看绝世凶朝之威!”庄子点点头道。 Un!” to win nods. “恩!”嬴点点头。 Saint, this matter me has not participated, puts best into it!” Zhuangzi deep looked at to win say/way. 圣人已至,此事我就不参与了,好自为之!”庄子深深的看了一眼嬴道。 to win Shenqing is indifferent, but nods. 嬴神情淡然,但还是点点头。 Zhuangzi waves, disciple flying of one crowd of Zhuangzi lineage/vein, the Zhuangzi big sleeve flings, changed into the flowing light to vanish with one group of disciples together in a flash before everyone. 庄子一挥手间,一群庄子一脉的弟子飞天而起,庄子大袖一甩之间,与一群弟子化为一道流光转瞬消失在了所有人前。 Who won?” “谁赢了?” Does not know!” “还是不知道!” Could not completely understand!” “看不透!” .................................... .................................... .................. .................. ...... ...... A to win and Zhuangzi war, cannot see the clue, two people who not with weapon, merely right a palm, moreover seems each one not to be fully same, victory and loss? No one can distinguish clearly. 嬴和庄子的一战,看不出端倪,二人谁也没有用武器,仅仅对了一掌,而且好似各自都没有出全力一样,输赢?谁也分不清。 But can make into such to win with Zhuangzi, no matter what, today fights keeps in the everyone heart surely, after today, passes on under the heavens surely. 但能和庄子打成这样的嬴,不管如何,今日一战必定留在所有人心中,今日之后,必定传于天下 Ying indifferently looked at four directions , falls above that mountain peak slowly, Zhuangzi walked, now who will also go forward? 嬴淡淡的看了一圈四方,缓缓落于那山峰之上,庄子都走了,现在还有谁会上前? Numerous Ancestor Immortal looks at each other one mutually, but no one has rushed goes. 一众祖仙相互对视一眼,但谁也没有冲上前去。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor, Serpent Empress Cult Master and other numerous Expert stubbornly is staring at that mountain. 雪梅老祖,蛇后教主等一众强者都死死的盯着那座山。 to win drop in the summit of mountain peak, Bai Qi respectful ritual, but anything had not said. 嬴落在山峰之巅,白起恭敬一礼,但什么也没说。 At this time, on the mountain peak the black fog was inhaled the center suddenly, slowly revealed the person of center. 这时,山峰上黑雾陡然被吸入中心,缓缓的显露出中心之人。 Person of the black-robed, in the hand holds a Thirteen Colors big streamer. 一个黑袍之人,手中托着一个十三彩的大幡。 Saint King, the good fortune does not fail in one's mission!” Gui Guzi indifferently said. 圣王,幸不辱命!”鬼谷子淡淡道 Doesn't the good fortune fail in one's mission? Distant place innumerable Expert reveal the color of doubts. 幸不辱命?远处无数强者都露出疑惑之色。 to win Tan hand received, received Monster Muster Banner. 嬴探手接过,接过招妖幡 A Monster Muster Banner show/unfolds, in has the Thirteen Colors brilliance, enormous Monster Beast totem seal above. 招妖幡一展,内有十三彩光耀,大量妖兽图腾印于其上。 Un!” to win nods. “恩!”嬴点点头。 Three people of flying, almost everyone is staring at Monster Muster Banner in to win hand, but, no one has rushed to snatch. 三人飞天而起,几乎所有人都盯着嬴手中的招妖幡,但是,谁也没有冲上去抢。 This is domineering, I grab Monster Muster Banner, no one dares to snatch! 这就是强势,我就抓着招妖幡,谁也不敢来抢! to win Kankan four directions Expert, suddenly, to win Jiang Monster Muster Banner throws upwards, Monster Muster Banner flies to ascend the sky suddenly. 嬴看看四方强者,忽然间,嬴将招妖幡朝天一抛,招妖幡陡然飞上天去。 We walk!” to win indifferently said. “我们走!”嬴淡淡道 Then, Gui Guzi, Bai Qi follows, seeks a direction to change into the flowing light to go together. 说完,鬼谷子,白起紧随其后,寻着一个方向化为一道流光而去。 People stunned looks at this. Real fake? to win Likai? Doesn't Monster Muster Banner want? 人们愕然的看着这一幕。真的假的?嬴离开了?招妖幡不要了? All around silence, each and everyone has a look at to win Liqu direction, finally looked to Monster Muster Banner that drops from the space gradually! It is not clear, to win Fei so many troubles, even does not hesitate to offend three Ancestor Immortal, after obtaining Monster Muster Banner, why can also discard? 四周一片寂静,一个个看看嬴离去的方向,最终看向从天上渐渐落下的招妖幡!不明白,嬴废了这么多周折,甚至不惜得罪三个祖仙,得到了招妖幡后,为何还要丢掉? Who can tell me why? 谁能告诉我为什么? People are surprised. Naturally, some people think the Gui Guzi those words good fortune does not fail in one's mission, the good fortune does not fail in one's mission, in other words Ying's goal already achieved, in a moment ago some time of dragging. What did Gui Guzi make? 人们惊愕不已。当然,也有人想到了鬼谷子的那句话‘幸不辱命’,幸不辱命,就是说嬴的目的已经达到了,就在刚才拖延的一段时间。鬼谷子到底做了什么? Silent some time, Monster Muster Banner in sky also fell, people recovered also stare to Monster Muster Banner. 沉默了一段时间,天空中的招妖幡也掉落而下,人们回过神来也都盯向了招妖幡 Under, is standing a purple qipao gown man. Purple Firmament Buddhist Temple Purple Firmament Cult Master. 正下方,站着一名紫袍男子。紫霄道场紫霄教主 Purple Firmament Cult Master suddenly discovered, that Monster Muster Banner honest straight falling in own direction. 紫霄教主忽然发现,那招妖幡正直直的落于自己方向。 Is could it be that Heaven's Will? 难道天意? Heaven's Will? Thinks of Heaven's Will originally, Purple Firmament Cult Master excited suddenly one cold. These months later, Purple Firmament Cult Master already feared that thoroughly Heaven's Will, misfortune was encumbered, misfortune overhead. This does Monster Muster Banner pound to be the good deed? Is could it be that misfortune? 天意?想到天意,紫霄教主原本的兴奋陡然一寒。这几个月下来,紫霄教主已经怕透了天意,厄运缠身,霉运当头。这招妖幡砸下来会是好事?难道又是厄运? Purple Firmament Cult Master has one to dread looks to four directions , in the four directions innumerable Expert eyes flashes through the greedy color, each and everyone wicked looks to Purple Firmament Cult Master! 紫霄教主带着一股畏惧看向四方,果然,四方无数强者眼中都闪过贪婪之色,一个个恶狠狠的看向紫霄教主! Purple Firmament Cult Master: # ¥ %...... & *!” 紫霄教主:“@#¥%......&*!” ***: Asked ***! ***:求***!
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