IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#953: The circulation presents Monster Muster Banner in Zhong Shan hand

The 100 th two 15 chapters 第一百二十五 The circulation presents Monster Muster Banner in Zhong Shan hand 循环出现在钟山手中的招妖幡 Heaven's Will? Thinks of Heaven's Will originally, Purple Firmament Cult Master excited suddenly one cold. These months later, Purple Firmament Cult Master already feared that thoroughly Heaven's Will, misfortune was encumbered, misfortune overhead. This does Monster Muster Banner pound to be the good deed? could it be that is Ecuadoran Luck? 天意?想到天意,紫霄教主原本的兴奋陡然一寒。这几个月下来,紫霄教主已经怕透了天意,厄运缠身,霉运当头。这招妖幡砸下来会是好事?难道又是厄运? Purple Firmament Cult Master has one to dread looks to four directions , in the four directions innumerable Expert eyes flashes through the greedy color, each and everyone wicked looks to Purple Firmament Cult Master! 紫霄教主带着一股畏惧看向四方,果然,四方无数强者眼中都闪过贪婪之色,一个个恶狠狠的看向紫霄教主 Purple Firmament Cult Master: # ¥ %...... & *!” 紫霄教主:“@#¥%……&*!” In the Purple Firmament Cult Master heart is greatly anxious, wants to say oneself come to see, but imitates at this moment, if the heaven does not make him speak to be the same, Monster Muster Banner must fall in the Purple Firmament Cult Master hand in an instant is the same. 紫霄教主心中大急,很想说自己只是来看看而已,可是这一刻仿若老天也不让他说话一样,招妖幡转眼就要落在紫霄教主手中一样。 Seemed Purple Firmament Cult Master to use the mystique, searched the hand to attract Monster Muster Banner. 好似紫霄教主用了秘法,探手吸来招妖幡的。 In the Purple Firmament Cult Master heart that is hates, Monster Muster Banner, this is the curse! 紫霄教主心中那是恨啊,招妖幡,这是催命符! Escapes? 逃? Purple Firmament Cult Master started the thought of fleeing immediately, so long as escapes, others do not think oneself snatched Monster Muster Banner. 紫霄教主顿时兴起了遁逃的念头,只要逃出去,别人就不以为自己抢招妖幡了吧。 body jumps suddenly! 身形陡然跳起! If Purple Firmament Cult Master stands there also has no, the person who after all is jealous of although are many, but mostly is abstaining mutually, but Purple Firmament Cult Master flies, held the hornet's nest to be the same probably, bringing everyone to follow anxiously! 紫霄教主若是站在那里还没什么,毕竟眼红的人虽多,但大多都相互忌讳着,可紫霄教主一飞,就好像捅了马蜂窝一样,带着所有人都跟着紧张了起来! He must snatch Monster Muster Banner!” “他要抢招妖幡!” Courts death!” “找死!” Kills him!” “弄死他!” .......................................... …………………………………… ........................ …………………… ............ ………… Broadcasts the crazy sound in all directions, was too excited. 四面八方传来疯狂的声音,太激动了。 In a flash, over a hundred powerful Magical Treasure impacts go, Great Immortal and Ancient Immortal make a move, even, a yellow robe Ancestor Immortal also impatient searching hand wields together the strength of Heavenly Dao. 一瞬间,上百道强大的法宝冲击而去,大仙古仙纷纷出手,甚至,一个黄袍祖仙也迫不及待的探手挥出一道天道之力。 Purple Firmament Cult Master just flew to know oneself violated great taboo, this matter unlucky the opportunity of continually pleading innocence did not have. 紫霄教主刚飞起就知道自己犯了大忌讳,这事倒霉的连辩白的机会都没有了。 I come to the end of one's destiny ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “吾命休矣~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Purple Firmament Cult Master sad compartment, was submerged in the endless bellow. 紫霄教主一声悲腔,被淹没在无尽轰鸣声之中。 The distant place, the Zhong Shan forehead had/left cold sweat. This Purple Firmament Cult Master was also too unlucky! 远处,钟山额头出了一丝冷汗。这紫霄教主也太倒霉了! Solemn Purple Firmament Cult Master, such inexplicable death? 堂堂紫霄教主,就这么不明不白的死了? pull one hair and the whole body moves, Expert in all directions, the washout goes in abundance, Monster Muster Banner, yes ***. 牵一发而动全身,四面八方的强者,纷纷冲刷而去,招妖幡,又是***的了。 The distant place sky by the innumerable person's shadows, innumerable Magical Treasure, innumerable gorgeous cultivation technique was covered immediately. Suddenly, the sound of fight is lingering on faintly. 远处天空顿时被无数人影,无数法宝,还有无数绚丽的法术笼罩。一时间,争抢之声不绝于耳。 Monster Muster Banner! Radically is a disaster! 招妖幡!根本就是一个祸害! Recalled on road that Zhong Shan thinks that on road innumerable corpses, in heart a sigh, does not know that many people must die because of Monster Muster Banner, ran into to win. to win Liya outstanding heroes, accomplished the peace of moment. 回想起来的路上,钟山想到路上无数的尸体,心中一阵感叹,不知多少人要因为招妖幡而死,也就是遇到了嬴。嬴力压群雄,才造就了片刻的安宁。 But, to win already obtained Monster Muster Banner, why can also discard? 可是,嬴已经得到了招妖幡,为何还要丢掉? Influence place that the distant place, some have not moved, chieftain frowned slightly of various influences, looked at Zhong Shan one, subsequently seemed told anything. 远处,一些未动的势力处,各势力的头目微微皱眉,又看了看钟山一眼,继而好似吩咐了什么。 The chieftain of each and everyone influence directly soars that center to go. 一个个势力的头目直奔那中心而去。 Magu stepped on great azure snake to fly, the Xue Mei Old Ancestor also steps went forward. 麻姑踩着一条大青蛇飞去了,雪梅老祖也踏步上前了。 Ancestor Immortal, Ancestor Immortal participated. 祖仙,祖仙都参与进去了。 Immediately, that direction multi-colored sunlight puts greatly, cannot see clearly the infighting how. 顿时,那一个方向霞光大放,看不清内部争斗的如何了。 Saint King, we what to do?” Luo Xingchen knits the brows to say. 圣王,我们怎么办?”落星尘皱眉道。 This situation was too exaggerating, as for? 这情形太夸张了,至于吗? Walks!” Zhong Shan said. “走!”钟山说道。 Brings Luo Xingchen, Zhong Shan turning around recession here, snatches Monster Muster Banner, that is purely courts death. 带着落星尘,钟山转身退离这里,抢招妖幡,那纯属找死。 But, Zhong Shan just flew is not far, one crowd of white-robed person pursued, Zhong Shan in place of the mountain peak. 可是,钟山刚刚飞了不远,一群白袍人就追了过来,将钟山堵在了一座山峰之处。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciple? Do you also want to do? Can't lose?” Zhong Shan coldly said. 雪梅老祖的弟子?你们还想干什么?输不起?”钟山冷声道 And one person said suddenly: old ancestor said that Monster Muster Banner has possibly also met your hand, therefore we must visit you!” 其中一个人忽然说道:“老祖说了,招妖幡很可能还会过你的手,所以我们必须要看着你!” And a malevolent aura man said. 其中一个煞气男子说道。 Indeed, 12 could not cope with Zhong Shan personally, was here about hundred people, will also fear Zhong Shan? 的确,一两个人对付不了钟山,可是这里近百人,还会怕钟山 Zhong Shan with rapt attention looks at opposite malevolent aura man. 钟山凝神的看着对面煞气男子。 The malevolent aura man does not dread looks at Zhong Shan, seeming to press Zhong Shan to be the same in the imposing manner. 煞气男子毫不畏惧的看着钟山,好似要在气势上压过钟山一样。 took a deep breath, Zhong Shan shakes the head saying: Xue Mei Old Ancestor is really good to plan!” 深深的吸了口气,钟山摇摇头道:“雪梅老祖果然好算计!” The people look at Zhong Shan boasts Xue Mei Old Ancestor, each and everyone show a satisfactory smile. 众人看钟山雪梅老祖,一个个露出一丝满意的笑容。 Good!” Zhong Shan said suddenly. “不错!”钟山忽然说道。 Good? An numerous Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciple strange looks to Zhong Shan, what good? 不错?一众雪梅老祖弟子古怪的看向钟山,什么不错? Monster Muster Banner indeed here!” Zhong Shan said again. 招妖幡的确在我这里!”钟山再度说道。 # % %...... & *!” “@#%%……&*!” An numerous Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciple mind confusion? 一众雪梅老祖弟子头脑一阵混乱? What thing? Junior Brother, what did you hear a moment ago?” “什么玩意?师弟,你刚才听到了什么?” He said Monster Muster Banner in his hands!” “他说招妖幡在他手中!” Zhong Shan was he insane?” 钟山他疯了?” Yes, he was insane, can in the Zhong Shan hand, what the teacher and one crowd of Ancestor Immortal is struggling?” “是啊,他疯了,要在钟山手中,那师尊和一群祖仙争着什么?” .............................. ………………………… .................. ……………… ...... …… One group of people despise is scolding Zhong Shan. 一群人鄙夷的数落着钟山 But when the people scolded Zhong Shan, in the Zhong Shan right palm suddenly were many a great streamer, the great streamer had the color of Thirteen Colors, this, was this not just Monster Muster Banner? 而就在众人数落钟山之际,钟山右掌之中忽然多出一张巨幡,巨幡有十三彩之色,这,这不正是招妖幡吗? One group of Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciples were ignorant! 一群雪梅老祖弟子懵了! What situation is this? The clarity that the people look, with exactly the same that to win Gangcai ejects, but, that not competes for by numerous Ancestor Immortal and Ancient Immortal? 这是什么情况?众人看的清楚,和嬴刚才抛出的一模一样,可,那不是被一众祖仙古仙们争夺的吗? How to arrive in the Zhong Shan hand suddenly? 怎么忽然到了钟山手中? Beat that an eyelid of numerous Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciple non-stop. Too weird! 一众雪梅老祖弟子的眼皮都不停的跳动。太邪门了! How to have this matter? 怎么会有这种事? An numerous Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciple is staring at Zhong Shan, quite a while does not know obstinately said anything. 一众雪梅老祖弟子盯着钟山,愣是半天不知道说什么。 That malevolent aura man first opens the mouth saying: Is impossible, Monster Muster Banner was competing for by numerous Ancestor Immortal, how possibly in your hands? Was an eye of could it be that numerous Ancestor Immortal blind?” 还是那个煞气男子最先开口道:“不可能,招妖幡正在被一众祖仙争夺,怎么可能在你手中?难道一众祖仙的眼睛都瞎了吗?” Oh, this was you and Xue Mei Old Ancestor difference!” Zhong Shan shakes the head to regret to say. “唉,这就是你和雪梅老祖的差别了!”钟山摇头惋惜道。 Numerous Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciple speechless. 一众雪梅老祖弟子一阵无语。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor can calculate, but you have not calculated obviously, this is Grand Heaven, Grand Heaven makes it so, even Saint is unable to be disobedient, did you say numerous Ancestor Immortal to be able compared with resulting in Grand Heaven? Grand Heaven must let Monster Muster Banner to my hand, what to do can I?” Zhong Shan said very much naturally. 雪梅老祖能算到,而你们显然还不会算,这就是天数,天数使然,就算圣人也无法忤逆,你说一众祖仙能比得过天数天数要让招妖幡到我手中,我又能怎么办?”钟山很理所当然道。 People: # ¥ %...... & *!” 众人:“@#¥%……&*@!” This Grand Heaven also pulled, wasn't Grand Heaven possibly to the Zhong Shan hand in? Zhong Shan does see for the first time? 天数也太扯了吧,可不是天数怎么可能到钟山手中?钟山第一次看到啊? Is is really false, I look apparent, gives me Monster Muster Banner!” That malevolent aura man said. “是真是假,我一看便知,将招妖幡交给我!”那煞气男子说道。 I, if doesn't give?” Zhong Shan sneers to say. “我要是不给呢?”钟山冷笑道。 Xue Mei Sword Formation!” That malevolent aura man shouting loudly. 雪梅剑阵!”那煞气男子一声大喝 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “嘭~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” An numerous Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciple exhibits powerful formation loudly. The each and everyone austere eye waits, the war is ready to be set off! 一众雪梅老祖弟子轰然摆出一个强大的阵法一个个肃目以待,大战一触即发! Good, I give!” Zhong Shan said suddenly. “好吧,我给!”钟山忽然说道。 One group of Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciples at the scene depressed must spit blood, just exhibited heart of the fight, in an instant by the void that Zhong Shan a few words sweep. 一群雪梅老祖弟子当场郁闷的要吐血,刚刚摆出了一个战斗之心,转眼被钟山一句话扫的荡然无存。 malevolent aura man depressed putting out a hand, Zhong Shan searches the hand to throw! 煞气男子郁闷的伸出手,钟山探手抛过去! Really gave us?” The Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciples are inconceivable. “真的交给我们了?”雪梅老祖的弟子们都是不可思议。 People look at each other in blank dismay! A strangeness, but looks at that malevolent aura man together. 众人面面相觑!一阵古怪,但还是一起看下那煞气男子。 Four Senior Brother, is this real?” A person asked. “四师兄,这是真的吗?”一人问道。 That malevolent aura man Divine Sense searched searching, but has not found out anything to come, the brow wrinkles, knows that Saint Magical Treasure impossible to be understood by oneself immediately. 煞气男子神识探了探,但并没有探出什么来,眉头皱起,也知道圣人法宝不可能被自己马上参透的。 Probably real?” That malevolent aura man to the present also felt that with having a dream to be the same. “好像是真的?”那煞气男子到现在还感觉和做梦一样。 Really?” A people excitement. “真的?”众人一阵兴奋。 But Zhong Shan gave a Luo Xingchen meaningful glance at this time suddenly. 钟山这时忽然给了落星尘一个眼色。 Luo Xingchen suddenly roaring: Also my Monster Muster Banner ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 落星尘忽然大吼了起来:“还我招妖幡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Luo Xingchen roaring, in a frightened numerous Xue Mei Old Ancestor heart jumps, shouted that anything shouted! 落星尘一声大吼,吓的一众雪梅老祖心中一跳,喊什么喊! When the person recovers in the presence of everyone, each and everyone knows that the important matter is not wonderful, the enormous Expert vision encircled in all directions. 可当众人回过神来之际,都一个个知道大事不妙了,四面八方大量强者的目光围了过来。 Monster Muster Banner?” 招妖幡?” Monster Muster Banner how there?” 招妖幡怎么在那里?” Really is Monster Muster Banner?” “真是招妖幡吗?” Rather letter/believes its has!” “宁可信其有!” .................................... ……………………………… ........................ …………………… ...... …… enormous Expert encircled. 大量强者围了过来。 Four Senior Brother, walk quickly, quickly ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “四师兄,快走,快~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” One of them startled called out. 其中一人惊叫道。 The malevolent aura man was also compelled by this roar, oneself also followed anxiously, escaped? Did not run away Ancestor Immortal to come! 煞气男子也是被这一声吼逼得,自己也跟着紧张了起来,逃?不逃祖仙就来了! Turns around, brings three Junior Brother, grabs Monster Muster Banner to flee to go. 掉头,带着三个师弟,抓着招妖幡就遁逃而去。 He does not run away, others have not believed, he escapes, matter came. 他不逃,别人还不太相信,他一逃,事情就来了。 Really is Monster Muster Banner?” “真的是招妖幡?” Pursues!” “追!” Teacher, Monster Muster Banner here!” “师尊,招妖幡在这里!” Pursues!” “追啊!” .............................. ………………………… .................. ……………… ...... …… enormous Expert pursued Xue Mei Old Ancestor four Senior Brother! 大量强者追着雪梅老祖师兄去了! Numerous Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciples are in the eye flash through the worry, simultaneously flashes through an exciting color. 一众雪梅老祖弟子都是眼中闪过担心,同时闪过一股兴奋之色。 Ok, now do not block my road, Monster Muster Banner gave you!” Zhong Shan indifferently said. “好了,现在不要拦我的路了,招妖幡都给你们了!”钟山淡淡道 „It is not good, the teacher has the command, must follow you.” “不行,师尊有令,一定要跟着你。” But Monster Muster Banner gave you, what do you also want to obtain?” “可招妖幡都给你们了,你们还想得到什么?” Perhaps perhaps, Grand Heaven makes it so, will Monster Muster Banner also appear in your hands?” One of them tone persistently unreasonable saying. “或许,或许天数使然,招妖幡还会出现在你手中呢?”其中一人语气蛮不讲理的说道。 Stared at that person, Zhong Shan was looking dignifiedly, that person such as previous four Senior Brother were the same, unwilling to pass on one's responsibilities to others looked to Zhong Shan. 盯着那人,钟山凝重的看了过去,那人如先前四师兄一样,当仁不让的看向钟山 Good!” Zhong Shan suddenly is a discouraged sound. “好吧!”钟山忽然又是一个泄气声。 Ok? What good? 好吧?什么好吧? Monster Muster Banner indeed here!” Zhong Shan said again. 招妖幡的确在我这里!”钟山再度说道。 # ¥ %...... & *!” An numerous Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciple puzzled does not know that said anything. Zhong Shan was he insane? “@#¥%……&*@!”一众雪梅老祖弟子纠结的不知说啥。钟山他疯了? But at this time Zhong Shan also found out the palm, the palm presents one suddenly with a moment ago exactly the same Monster Muster Banner! 而这时钟山也探出手掌,掌心忽然出现一个和刚才一模一样的招妖幡 # ¥ %...... & *!” “@#¥%……&*@!” An numerous Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciple was thoroughly insane, how is one? 一众雪梅老祖弟子彻底疯了,怎么又是一个? Monster Muster Banner not to four Senior Brother? How possibly also your here?” Person of perplexed calling out. 招妖幡不是给四师兄了吗?怎么可能还在你这里?”一人不明所以的叫道。 This is Grand Heaven, when your four Senior Brother walked a moment ago, forgot to carry off!” “这就是天数吧,刚才你四师兄走时,忘记带走了!” ..............................!” “…………………………!” Is is really false, I look apparent, gives me Monster Muster Banner!” That person called out. “是真是假,我一看便知,将招妖幡交给我!”那人叫道。 I, if doesn't give?” “我要是不给呢?” Xue Mei Sword Formation!” 雪梅剑阵!” Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “嘭~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Good, I give!” “好吧,我给!” Zhong Shan handed over Monster Muster Banner! 钟山又将招妖幡递了出去! Probably real?” That person said. “好像是真的?”那人说的。 Also my Monster Muster Banner!” Luo Xingchen is roaring! “还我招妖幡!”落星尘又是一声大吼 Person body that grabs Monster Muster Banner one stiff, inconceivable looks to Zhong Shan. 那个抓着招妖幡的人身子一僵,不可思议的看向钟山 But at this time, encircles a group of Expert. 而这时,又围来一大群强者
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