IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#951: Strange Bai Qi

Zhuangzi? The butterfly dances under the heavens!” Nod of Ying indifferently. 庄周?蝶舞天下!”嬴淡淡的点点头。 Regarding Zhuangzi, to win give enough respect, the person close to Saint, surely was strongest, such person's and word to you by right, no matter what no one cold words will quarrel! 对于庄子,嬴给予了足够尊重,最接近圣人的人,必定强势,这样的人对你和言以对,任谁都不会冷语相向的! „Is that Gui Guzi?” Zhuangzi looks to the black fog-region on mountain peak. “那可是鬼谷子?”庄子看向山峰上的黑雾区。 Precisely! to win said very much directly. 正是!”嬴很直接道。 Zhuangzi has a look at Gui Guzi, finally nods saying: It seems like, you also come to that thing, Gui Guzi, to win, you comes in waves, it seems like exerts its utmost?” 庄子看看鬼谷子,最终点点头道:“看来,你们也是冲着那一物而来,鬼谷子,嬴,你们联袂而来,看来势在必得?” Exerts its utmost?” to win Luchu no one is fully correct smiles pale. “势在必得?”嬴露出一丝谁也猜不透的淡笑。 Please!” Zhuangzi solemnly said. “请!”庄子郑重道 to win nods. 嬴点点头。 After left foot treads, the body slightly revolutions, stretches out the right palm, the Zhuangzi movement is slow, but, this seems like actually the unusual conditions slowly, around Zhuangzi prints out ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) great butterfly phantom immediately. 左脚踏后,身体微转,伸出右掌,庄子的动作非常缓慢,可,这缓慢看起来却又浑然天成,庄子四周顿时印出一只万丈巨蝶虚影 No aura divulging, but no one dares underestimate Zhuangzi this gesture. 毫无气息泄露,可谁也不敢小看庄子这个起手式。 each and everyone stared in a big way the eye, this was most is close to Saint Zhuangzi making a move, that how many mysteries? 一个个瞪大了眼睛,这可是最接近圣人庄子出手,那有多少奥秘? Does not look clearly, below Ancient Immortal, no one looks clearly, only then Ancestor Immortal can see the clue. 看不明白,古仙以下,谁也看不明白,而只有祖仙才能看出端倪。 When the distant place, a Zhong Shan pair, Red Luan Heavenly Scripture wells up with rapt attention pleasant, Heavenly Dao reappears. 远处,钟山凝神一对,红鸾天经涌入眼中之际,天道再现。 to win Shenhe Heavenly Dao, jet black incomparable aggressive Heavenly Dao. Seemingly dazzling incomparable. But Zhuangzi, at this moment is also about Heavenly Dao, Zhuangzi that Heavenly Dao is the pure white color. 嬴身合天道,一条漆黑无比的霸气天道。看上去耀眼无比。而庄子,此刻也是身合天道,庄子的那个天道是洁白之色。 In Heavenly Dao, enormous dense white mist the fantasy that Zhuangzi supports. 天道之中,大量氤氲白雾庄子承托的如梦如幻。 A Zhuangzi palm raids, white Heavenly Dao seemed follows this palm to coarsen. 庄子一掌袭来,白色天道好似跟着这一掌变粗了起来。 „A very strong fierce palm!” Zhong Shan said after a sigh. 好强悍的一掌!”钟山感叹道。 Past Dipamkara, transferred the strength of Heavenly Dao at that time, most diverged some strengths to be controlled from Heavenly Dao, but at present, Zhuangzi imitates, if operated entire Heavenly Dao. Huge difference. 昔日的燃灯,那时调动天道之力,最多是从天道中分流出一些力量被控制而已,而眼前,庄子仿若操纵了整个天道。天壤之别。 Cannot see the might!” Nearby Luo Xingchen knits the brows to say. “可是看不出威力啊!”一旁落星尘皱眉道。 The Zhuangzi body was too perfect about Heavenly Dao, the unusual conditions have not overflowed the little strength. Therefore below Ancient Immortal, no one can see the clue. Too powerful! 庄子身合天道太完美了,以至于浑然天成没有溢出一点点的力量。因此古仙以下,谁也看不出端倪。太强悍了! The Zhuangzi movement is very slow, but opposite Ying's sees the great strength of Zhuangzi firmly, least strove to excel compared with that gold/metal Buddha Ancestor a moment ago, to win Ningzhong waits., to win also stretches out oneself right palm slowly. 庄子动作很慢,而对面的嬴的确看出庄子的强大,最少比刚才那金缇佛祖要强,嬴凝重以待。缓缓之间,嬴也伸出自己的右掌。 As before is the unprecedented emperor bearing, above the right palm white mist winds around, but in white mist, the innumerable radiant small star point revolves around the palm unceasingly. 依旧是一往无前的帝王站姿,右掌之上白雾缭绕,而在白雾之中,无数璀璨的小星点绕着手掌不断旋转。 Small star point? everyone looks with rapt attention, when sees clearly that small star point, almost everyone stared in a big way the eye. 小星点?所有人凝神望去,待看清那小星点之际,几乎所有人都瞪大了眼睛。 The stars, that at all is not the small star point, but is the innumerable stars, the innumerable stars surround the Ying's right palm, seemed grasps the entire starry sky in the hand general. 星辰,那根本不是什么小星点,而是无数星辰,无数星辰环绕嬴的右掌,好似将整个星空都抓在了手中一般。 Zhuangzi surroundings forms ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) great butterfly phantom, but Ying's surroundings, is actually immeasurable stars phantom surrounds suddenly, to win Haosi became a center, seems the huge starry sky in all directions. The rapid rotation, seeming to win is a star is the same, the surroundings are surrounding the enormous planet. 庄子周侧形成一个万丈巨蝶虚影,而嬴的周侧,却是忽然间无量星辰虚影环绕,嬴好似成了一个中心,四面八方好似庞大星空。快速旋转,好似嬴就是一个恒星一样,周围环绕着大量行星。 Similarly does not have powerful aura sending out, but everyone knows that Ying's is powerful. 同样没有强大的气息散发,但所有人都知道嬴的强大。 Two people of right palms to right palm. Without the void big hand imprint, held to palm more and more near seal in one. 二人右掌对着右掌。没有虚空大手印,就这么掌对掌越来越近的印在了一起。 Bang!” “嘭!” It seems a light sound, Zhuangzi behind ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) great butterflies explode to open loudly, did not explode did not have, but changed into the inexhaustible butterflies, the butterflies covered in all directions, in 100,000 li (0.5 km), performing was the infinite butterflies. 好似一声轻响,庄子身后的万丈巨蝶轰然爆炸而开,不是炸没了,而是化为无穷无尽的小蝴蝶,小蝴蝶笼罩四面八方,十万里内,尽是无穷小蝴蝶。 But the Ying's endless starry sky also expands to 100,000 li (0.5 km) away suddenly. In a flash, endless Expert will cover in all directions. Revolving, revolves around the central two people fast, probably the day swings shakes, the whole world transferred got up to be the same. 嬴的无尽星空也忽然扩大到十万里之遥。一瞬间,将四面八方无尽强者都笼罩在内。旋转,绕着中心二人快速的旋转,好像天摇地晃,整个世界都转了起来一样。 Experiencing personally, around everyone is completely the shadow of butterfly and stars, moreover around the center, such as a big grinding pan is surrounding equally crazily. 身临其境,所有人四周尽是蝴蝶与星辰的影子,而且还绕着中心,如一个大磨盘一样疯狂环绕着。 Does not have the strength of impact on appear, this expressed that Zhuangzi and to win in keeping abreast of the Heavenly Dao situation achieved Peak, to did not divulge a strength subtly. 没有冲击之力现出,这表示庄子和嬴在掌握天道的情况下都达到了巅峰至极,精微到不泄露一丝力量。 But even so, people do not dare to treat, withdraws fast, must withdraw from the range that this stars and butterfly cover. 可即便如此,人们也不敢多待,快速退后,要退出这星辰与蝴蝶笼罩的范围。 Draw back! Draw back! Draw back! 退!退!退! Distant place already could not see the Ying's form, can only see that Heavenspan penetrating place the immeasurable starry sky also had the immeasurable butterfly. 远处已经看不到嬴的身影了,只能看到那通天彻地的无量星空还有无量蝴蝶。 Ancestor Immortal?” In the Luo Xingchen eye flashes through panic-stricken. 祖仙?”落星尘眼中闪过一股惊骇。 Keeps to win and Zhuangzi battlefield center, only has numerous Ancestor Immortal. Even numerous Ancestor Immortal, at this moment still each and everyone filled panic-strickenly. This to win Tai was powerful. Where from braves? 留在嬴和庄子战场中心的,只有一众祖仙。即便是一众祖仙,此刻一个个充满了惊骇。这个嬴太强大了。从哪冒出来的? But in the everyone vision concentrates on to win and Zhuangzi. 而就在所有人的目光都集中在嬴和庄子身上的时候。 Under two human feet the mountain peak, Bai Qi eyes strangely changes, the silver light lightens from Bai Qi both eyes together, Bai Qi changed one person to be the same suddenly, coldly recognized a direction, body fled to vanish in same place. 二人脚下山峰,白起双眼诡异一变,一道银光从白起双目中闪出,白起陡然变了一个人一样,冷冷的认了个方向,身形一窜消失在了原地。 Did Bai Qi leave? 白起离开了? Numerous Ancestor Immortal is slightly surprised, perplexed, but numerous Ancestor Immortal will not care about Ancient Immortal, mostly looks at to win and Zhuangzi, only then some people stare at the direction that Bai Qi is departing. 一众祖仙都是微微意外,不明所以,不过众祖仙不会在意一个古仙,大多都是看着嬴和庄子,只有个别人盯着白起离去的方向。 Bai Qi flies in southwest, malevolent aura, great blade grasps in the hand, filled with cruel aura. 白起向着西南方向飞去,一身的煞气,一柄大刀抓于手中,充满了一股暴戾的气息。 Shortly, stopped above a mountain peak. 没多久,就停在了一座山峰之上。 Here is very remote, but was actually paid attention by many people. 这里很偏僻,但却被很多人所关注。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor place. 雪梅老祖处。 Teacher, is that Bai Qi? How did he arrive in front of Zhong Shan?” “师尊,那是白起?他怎么到钟山面前了?” „Does he want to fight with all might with Zhong Shan? Is this Ying's order?” “他要和钟山拼杀?这是嬴的命令吗?” Bai Qi was he insane? At this time was not Gui Guzi Protector, how did oneself run this to come?” 白起他疯了?这时候不为鬼谷子护法,怎么自己跑这来了?” .......................................... .......................................... ........................ ........................ ...... ...... Although Zhong Shan occupies the place of hiding, but many people look, Bai Qi, at this moment Bai Qi fell on Zhong Shan not far away. 钟山虽然占据隐蔽之地,但还是很多人看着的,白起,此刻白起就落在了钟山不远处。 murderous aura, murderous aura presses up to the Zhong Shan direction, seeming to cut to kill under the blade Zhong Shan general, too suddenly, Zhong Shan oneself am brows slightly wrinkled. 一身的杀气,杀气直逼钟山方向,好似要将钟山斩杀刀下一般,太突然了,以至于钟山本人都是眉头微皱 What insanity Bai Qi did he send? 白起他发了什么疯? The distant place, in the Xue Mei Old Ancestor hand counts to calculate, in the eye flashes through doubts. 远处,雪梅老祖手中掐指算了算,眼中闪过一股疑惑。 could it be that? Monster Muster Banner after the hand of Zhong Shan, could it be that to win Guyi will make Bai Qi cut to kill Zhong Shan, that won't Monster Muster Banner after the hand of Zhong Shan, pass the burden in the Ying's hand subsequently? This is to win Guyi?” The Xue Mei Old Ancestor brow selects. 难道?招妖幡会经过钟山之手,难道嬴故意让白起斩杀钟山,那招妖幡就不会经过钟山之手了,继而转嫁到了嬴的手中?这是嬴故意的?”雪梅老祖眉头一挑。 Old ancestor?” A disciple called out. “老祖?”一名弟子叫道。 Your three, go, blocks that person, protects good Zhong Shan!” Xue Mei Old Ancestor called out suddenly. “你们三个,去,拦住那人,保护好钟山!”雪梅老祖忽然叫道。 „, Yes!” Three disciples are perplexed, but obeys an order immediately. “呃,是!”三个弟子不明所以,但还是马上应命。 Three people were not far to Zhong Shan, in an instant arrived at the near. 三人离钟山所在原本就不远,转眼之间就到了近前。 Bai Qi? what do you want to do?” Zhong Shan drinks coldly. 白起?你想干什么?”钟山一声冷喝。 But surrounds people to know immediately, this person called Bai Qi! 而围观人们马上知道,此人叫白起! Bai Qi stubbornly stares at Zhong Shan, in the eye is exuding the white light slightly, whole body murderous aura is covering, seems like extremely fierce. 白起死死的盯着钟山,眼中微微泛着白光,周身杀气笼罩,看上去极为的凶恶。 In the hand great blade trembles, seems must make a move general to Zhong Shan. 手中大刀微颤间,好似就要对钟山出手一般。 Stop!” A Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciple called to exclaim immediately. “住手!”一名雪梅老祖的弟子马上叫吼道。 Three big Expert kept off in front of Zhong Shan suddenly. 三大强者忽然挡在了钟山面前。 Zhong Shan slightly startled, Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciple? Do they do? Protects itself? 钟山微微一鄂,雪梅老祖的弟子?他们来干嘛?保护自己? Three Expert take out a long sword respectively, each and everyone coldly looks at Bai Qi, obviously to complete the old ancestor's desire, this Zhong Shan must protect. 三名强者分别取出一柄长剑,一个个冷视白起,显然为了完成老祖的愿望,这个钟山一定要保护下来。 Because there is a Zhong Shan this factor, Monster Muster Banner is possibly separated from to win hand again. 因为有钟山这个因素,招妖幡才可能再度从嬴手中脱离。 Three mice!” Bai Qi sneers. “三个老鼠!”白起一声冷笑。 What did you say?” Is one person of head gets angry exclaims. “你说什么?”为首的一人怒吼道。 During the speeches, three big Expert also make a move, a person of sword, such as a past Mei Xin sword was the same, the rivers of three sword swept to go toward Bai Qi crazily. 说话间,三大强者同时出手,一人一剑,如昔日梅心的一剑一样,三条剑之河流向着白起狂扫而去。 Heaven and Earth seemed by Sword Qi is covered generally, terrifying Sword Qi such as tsunami general direct impact Bai Qi. 天地都好似被剑气笼罩了一般,恐怖的剑气如海啸一般直冲白起 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The sky sent out dazzling luminous suddenly, the flash washes out everyone Sword Qi. 天空忽然发出一道刺眼的光亮,一瞬间将所有人剑气都冲散了。 Roar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “吼~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A Bai Qi great roar, another white light drops from the clouds, a blade, the directly opposite is that Expert of head is divided two halves loudly. 白起一声巨吼,又一道白光从天而降,一刀所过,正对面为首的那强者轰然被一劈两半。 Intrepid Bai Qi, kills Ancient Immortal such as the slaughter pig slaughter sheep, was too rampant, was too overbearing, a blade, Ancient Immortal has killed! 强悍的白起,杀古仙如屠猪宰羊,太嚣张了,太霸道了,一刀过,古仙杀! This battlefield causes countless people to cast the vision immediately. 这一处的战场顿时引得无数人投来目光。 But the Bai Qi shocking two blades deterred four points of ominous person immediately. 白起的惊世两刀顿时震慑了四分凶人。 This is the ominous person. 这才是凶人。 Three big Ancient Immortal interception, merely one puts in an appearance is cut to kill one, another two Ancient Immortal mind entirely tremor, thought three pairs immediately one, is can also constrain Bai Qi again badly, but this is matter that drags? 三大古仙拦截,仅仅一个照面就被斩杀一名,另两名古仙顿时心神俱颤,原本以为三对一,就是再不济也能拖住白起吧,可这还是拖的事吗? Kill! 杀! Simply is instant kill! This Bai Qi was too overbearing! 简直是秒杀!这个白起太霸道了! Who can also block me?” The Bai Qi eye stares. “谁还要拦我?”白起眼睛一瞪。 Powerful murderous aura presses up to the in the air two people. 一股强大的杀气直逼空中二人。 That two people see with own eyes so, but also spells, dingy fleeing to the place of Xue Mei Old Ancestor. 那二人眼见如此,还拼个屁啊,灰溜溜的遁逃向雪梅老祖之处。 The ominous person in this world makes one not dare to look straight ahead. 这世上的凶人都是让人不敢直视的。 The person of stop departs, Bai Qi looks again to Zhong Shan. Intense murderous aura spurts toward Zhong Shan goes thinly. 阻拦之人离去,白起再度看向钟山。强烈的杀气向着钟山喷薄而去。 Terrifying murderous aura, some trees the bend, has seemed is also immediately common under Bai Qi murderous aura. 恐怖的杀气所过,一些树木顿时弯折了起来,好似也是迫于白起杀气一般。 The summit of mountain peak, the Zhong Shan's clothes also by the intermittent vibration that Bai Qi murderous aura blows. But on Zhong Shan face not slightly timid. Serious looks to Bai Qi. 山峰之巅,钟山的衣服也被白起杀气吹的阵阵抖动。但钟山脸上没有丝毫畏怯。郑重的看向白起 Bai Qi is grasping great blade, stares at Zhong Shan, murderous aura more is congealing is heavier, seems acts momentarily general. 白起握着大刀,盯着钟山,杀气越凝越重,好似随时出手一般。 Suddenly!” “忽!” Luo Xingchen treads suddenly one step, stands in front of Zhong Shan, the sapphire of forehead flashes slightly, Luo Xingchen shares sorrow for Monarch, similarly must act seriously. 落星尘忽然踏出一步,站到钟山面前,眉心的蓝宝石微微闪动,落星尘为君分忧,同样也要动真格的了。 That person of murderous aura was too strong, standing is so far, I felt that in the heart jumps crazily!” “那人杀气太强了,站在这么远,我都感到心中狂跳!” Kills Ancient Immortal such as the slaughter pig slaughter sheep, under Ying's was too abnormal!” “杀古仙如屠猪宰羊,嬴的属下太变态了!” „Does he want to kill Zhong Shan? Why?” “他要杀钟山?为什么?” Zhong Shan must have bad luck!” 钟山要倒霉了!” That Luo Xingchen stand? Does he want to court death? Even if he is Ancient Immortal, does not have Bai Qi to be overbearing!” “那个落星尘站出来了?他要找死吗?就算他是古仙,也没有白起霸道啊!” Yes, previous and Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciple fought the half of the day, but Bai Qi and Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciple fight is only instant kill, Luo Xingchen cannot stand off Bai Qi!” “是啊,上次和雪梅老祖弟子战斗了半天,而白起雪梅老祖弟子战斗只是秒杀,落星尘敌不过白起!” Definitely cannot stand off!” “肯定敌不过!” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. ...... ...... People are scolding unceasingly, Bai Qi vs Luo Xingchen! 人们不断数落着,白起vs落星尘! Bai Qi!” Zhong Shan sinks to drink suddenly. 白起!”钟山忽然一声沉喝。 Bai Qi indifferent looked at Zhong Shan. 白起冷眼的看了一下钟山 Has not waked up!” Zhong Shan explodes drinks! “还不醒来!”钟山一声炸喝! Zhong Shan sound high, seeming the thunderclap is ordinary, distant place Bai Qi hears the Zhong Shan's sound, suddenly closes one's eyes to knit the brows, on the face reveals slightly painfully, but the flash eye opened the eyes merely, more intense murderous aura covered the whole body compared with it a moment ago. 钟山声音非常之高,好似炸雷一般,远处白起听到钟山的声音,忽然闭眼皱眉,脸上露出微微痛苦,但仅仅一瞬间眼睛又睁了开来,比之刚才更强烈的杀气笼罩全身。 Although this is very short, but some extremely intelligent person responded immediately. 这一幕虽然很短,但是一些极度聪明的人马上反应了过来。 „Was Bai Qi controlled?” 白起被人控制了?” Obtains this guess, almost everyone is terrified one startled, under so overbearing murderous aura can also be controlled, what existence does that control his person to be? 得到这个猜测,几乎所有人都是悚然一惊,如此霸道的杀气之下还能被控制,那控制他的人会是什么样的存在? ps: Asked the monthly ticket, but also almost selected on 300 tickets! ps:求月票,还差一点点就300票了啊!
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