IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#950: to win and Zhuangzi

Yin Sector, Prosperous Capital! 阴间,昌京! Before Undying Temple, Zhong Shan front blueprint, in the blueprint is an appearance of Thirteen Colors great streamer! 不死殿前,钟山面前一张图纸,图纸上是一张十三彩巨幡的形貌! Saint King, is certain, the Monster Muster Banner appearance is this!” Yi Yan respectfully said. 圣王,可以肯定了,招妖幡的形貌就是这个!”易衍恭敬道 Un!” Zhong Shan nods. “恩!”钟山点点头。 Monster Muster Banner, the past was the treasure of Nu Wa, although no one has had, but its appearance had actually been seen by many people, seemed Executing Immortal Four Swords to be the same, world had many imitates Executing Immortal Four Swords. 招妖幡,昔日为女娲之宝,虽然谁也没有拥有过,但其形貌却被很多人见过,就好像诛仙四剑一样,世间有很多仿诛仙四剑 Nangong Sheng, Clay Bodhisattva!” Zhong Shan called out. 南宫胜,泥菩萨!”钟山叫道。 Feudal official in!” Two people immediately comply with the way. “臣在!”二人马上应道 According to this blueprint, builds to imitate Monster Muster Banner, did not seek the function, only sought the appearance, the imposing manner, wanted the resembles, above established strange formation again, letting the person is unable to find out.” Zhong Shan said. “按照这张图纸,打造仿招妖幡,不求功能,只求形貌,气势,一定要像,上面再设置诡异阵法,让人无法一探究竟。”钟山说道。 Yes!” Two people immediately comply with the way. “是!”二人马上应道 Fabrication? Fabrication! 造假?造假而已! Can make many, makes many, are as far as possible many. The more better! After you make the model, may transfer the skilled worker of ministry of public works, lot manufacturing Monster Muster Banner!” Zhong Shan ordered. “能造多少,就造多少,尽可能多。越多越好!等你们做出样板后,可调动工部的巧匠,批量制造招妖幡!”钟山下令道。 Yes!” “是!” Yang Sector everyone is seeking Monster Muster Banner, but Zhong Shan already started to counterfeit. If makes the person who Yang Sector these rush about know certainly speechless incomparable. 阳间人人寻着招妖幡,而钟山已经开始仿冒了。若让阳间那些奔波的人知道一定无语无比。 Why Zhong Shan will counterfeit, is Zhong Shan is involuntary. 钟山为何会仿冒,也是钟山身不由己。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor already said that Monster Muster Banner will pass through several manpower, but oneself is a point, to oneself hand, by own strength, definitely could not protect, then makes this confusion again chaotic some! 雪梅老祖已经说了,招妖幡会经过几人手,而自己就是其中一环,到了自己手中,以自己实力,肯定护不住,那么就让这场混乱再乱出一些吧! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Yin Sector builds to imitate Monster Muster Banner, but in Yang Sector, Zhong Shan actually waits patiently, finally three months later. 阴间打造仿招妖幡,而在阳间,钟山却是耐心等候,终于又三个月后。 Zhong Shan is flying in a direction with Luo Xingchen. 钟山随着落星尘向着一个方向飞着。 Saint King, enormous monster race induced to Monster Muster Banner appeared, in north, we not quickly?” The Luo Xingchen doubts said. 圣王,大量妖族感应到招妖幡出现了,就在北面,我们不快一点吗?”落星尘疑惑道。 Quickly? Quick also useless, the north definitely slaughters one piece now, relax, Monster Muster Banner cannot run away, so many Expert are staring, who will make it lose?” Zhong Shan very indifferent say/way. “快?快了也没用,北方现在肯定厮杀一片,放心吧,招妖幡跑不掉的,那么多强者盯着,谁会让其丢了?”钟山很淡然道。 Yes!” “是!” What news recently had?” Zhong Shan asked. “最近有什么消息?”钟山问道。 Dipamkara Ancient Buddha, this period of time was chased down daily, half a month ago, has a wound, chases down his foe with three, fled Nu Wa World!” Luo Xingchen said. 燃灯古佛,这段时间日日被追杀,半个月前,带着一身伤,和三名追杀他的仇敌,遁逃出了女娲界!”落星尘说道。 „Did Dipamkara walk? Also good, Sima Yuan and do Purple Firmament Cult Master have the news?” Zhong Shan asked. 燃灯走了?也好,司马元紫霄教主有消息吗?”钟山问道。 „Since Entering Jar Besieging Dragon Great Array breaks open, Sima Yuan suffers dozens Ancient Immortal to cause heavy losses, brings the broken-down body, has left Nu Wa World, Purple Firmament Cult Master did not have the news! Possibly also went out!” Luo Xingchen answered. “自从入瓮困龙大阵破开之后,司马元遭受到几十名古仙重创,带着残破的身体,早就离开了女娲界,紫霄教主一直没有消息!可能也出去了吧!”落星尘解释道。 Un!” “恩!” Two people not anxiously not slow flies toward the north, two days later, two people saw so-called place slaughters. 二人不急不缓的向着北方飞去,两天后,二人就看到了所谓一地厮杀。 In all directions is the corpse, Saint most precious object seduction really Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering. The distant place, gathered enormous Expert, has to fly above the sky, there are to fall in the mountain peaks, each and everyone looks at the place of that center. 四处都是尸体,圣人至宝的诱惑果然惊天动地。远处,更是聚集了大量强者,有飞于天空之上,有落在山峰之间,一个个看着那中心之处。 The place of center, a mountain, the mountain is not highest, actually sends out the dazzling brilliance, the golden light puts greatly, making one not dare to look straight ahead, seeming a Sun is ordinary, radiant incomparable. 中心之处,一座大山,山不是最高,却发出耀眼的光彩,金光大放,让人不敢直视,好似一轮太阳一般,璀璨无比。 From the place of that golden light, space ripple, no, should be the space wave, toward spreads to open in all directions, the rough seas, four directions all have changed into broken pieces, can stay in the vicinity, is the peerless expert. 从那金光之处,一圈圈的空间波纹,不,应该是空间波浪,向着四面八方扩散而开,大浪所过,四方一切化为齑粉,能留在近处的,无不是绝世高手。 Peerless experts want to to/clashes, but, no one can flush, because internal fight was too intense. 绝世高手们想要冲进去,可是,谁也冲不进去,因为内部的战斗太强烈了。 People can only distant stopping in the surrounding. 人们只能远远的停在外围。 enormous Expert, Zhong Shan suddenly discovered, before more than half a year, comes in peerless Expert that outside Nu Wa World waits. 大量强者,钟山忽然发现,大半年前在女娲界外等候的绝世强者都来了。 Facing Heaven and Earth Cauldron time, only has numerous Ancient Immortal. But here, is actually numerous Ancestor Immortal! 面对乾坤鼎的时候,只有一众古仙。而这里的,却是一众祖仙! West, Xue Mei Old Ancestor, his disciple! South Serpent Empress Cult Master! Numerous Serpent Empress Buddhist Temple Expert. As for each and everyone Expert of summit of other mountain peaks, Zhong Shan does not know. 西面,雪梅老祖,还有他一众弟子!南面蛇后教主!还有一众蛇后道场强者们。至于其他山峰之巅的一个个强者们,钟山就不认识了。 Here, is the place of Nu Wa World focus, Expert that can come, all arrived. 这里,才是女娲界聚焦之处,能来的强者,全部抵达了。 Because here has Monster Muster Banner! 因为这里有招妖幡! Zhong Shan and Luo Xingchen looked for a mountain peak to stop, distant looks at a center, four directions Expert, unconsciously, Zhong Shan saw a familiar face. 钟山落星尘找了个山峰停了下来,远远的看着场中心,还有四方强者,不经意间,钟山又看到了一个熟悉的面孔。 Purple Firmament Cult Master! Hasn't he walked? 紫霄教主!他还没走? Saint King, is that center two Ancestor Immortal at the duel?” Luo Xingchen panic-stricken say/way. 圣王,那中心是两个祖仙在决斗?”落星尘惊骇道。 Un, inquires, who respectively is!” Zhong Shan indifferently said. “恩,去打探一下,分别是谁!”钟山淡淡道 Is away from the remote distance, can feel the interior to shake the impact of person heart and soul. 隔着遥远的距离,都能感受到内部震人心魄的冲击。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The golden light puts greatly, in the everyone eye that the terrifying ray punctures immediately is one black, could not see clearly internal all. 金光大放,恐怖的光线顿时刺的所有人眼中都是一黑,看不清内部一切了。 The powerful space monstrous waves such as the tsunami blows generally to all directions. 强大的空间巨浪如海啸一般吹向四面八方。 The terrifying impact, blew off trillion li (0.5 km) cloud immediately in a flash. Some Expert of vicinity even by flying upside down several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) of this shake impact. 恐怖的冲击,顿时将亿万里的云彩都一瞬间吹散了。近处的一些强者甚至被这股震荡冲击的倒飞数万里之多。 Too domineering, Ancestor Immortal showdown? 太强势了,祖仙的对决? Red Luan Bewitching Mist floods both eyes, Zhong Shan sees distant place black Heavenly Dao indistinctly, the overbearing vertical stroke there, golden Heavenly Dao attacks the low-spirited retrogression slightly. 红鸾迷雾充斥双目,钟山隐隐约约看到远处一个黑色的天道,霸道的竖在那里,一个金色的天道微微冲击间黯然消退。 The golden light diverged in all directions, the vision of people also restores gradually. 四面八方金光散去了,人们的视力也渐渐恢复。 Void, is standing two people. 虚空之中,站着两个人。 A black imperial robe, wears the black jade flat crown, face aggressive direct impact four directions . 一身黑色龙袍,头戴黑玉平天冠,一脸霸气直冲四方 to win! That is to win! 嬴!那是嬴! Zhong Shan sees, to win Liyu in the air , no, the whole body covers in that black Heavenly Dao. 钟山看到,嬴立于空中,身后,不,全身都笼罩在那黑色的天道之中。 Body about Heavenly Dao, Ancestor Immortal, to win! 身合天道,祖仙,嬴! Opposite to win Aoran looks. 嬴傲然的看着对面。 Man who opposite wears the golden cassock, the male top of the head seems piles golden small beads to be the same, the small bead builds the hill shape, is seemingly shining! 对面一个身着金色袈裟的男子,男子头顶好似堆着一颗颗金色的小珠子一样,小珠子堆砌成小山状,看上去金灿灿的! What a pity, Sun of this man lived in caves, emits some blood, the blood flowed off following the chin slowly, finally dropped on the under ground. 可惜,这个男子的太阳穴处,冒出了一些血液,血液顺着下巴缓缓流下,最终滴在下方地上。 gold/metal Buddha Ancestor losses?” four directions transmits one to call out in alarm suddenly. “金缇佛祖了?”四方忽然传来一阵惊呼。 gold/metal Buddha Ancestor, obviously is that top of the head many golden color small beads, the man who the temples bleed. 金缇佛祖,显然就是那个头顶很多金色小珠子,太阳穴流血的男子。 even/including Jinti did Buddha Ancestor defeat? Who is this person? 连金缇佛祖都败了?这人是谁? Amitabha Buddha, this poor monk defeated! Hence no longer has the Monster Muster Banner idea!” A gold/metal Buddha Ancestor slightly Buddha ritual. 无量寿佛,贫僧败了!至此不再打招妖幡主意!”金缇佛祖微微一个佛礼。 Un! You are very good!” Nod of Ying indifferently. “嗯!你很不错!”嬴淡淡的点点头。 Dares for your excellency to be?” gold/metal Buddha Ancestor asked. “敢为阁下是?”金缇佛祖问道。 Great Qin, to win!” to win solemnly said. 大秦,嬴!”嬴郑重道 Regarding this Expert, to win give enough respect. And considered the status. 对于这种强者,嬴给予了足够的尊重。并且相告了身份。 Said goodbye!” gold/metal Buddha Ancestor nods. “告辞!”金缇佛祖点点头。 Turns the head, gold/metal Buddha Ancestor is beckoning to not far away, the summit of that mountain peak, one crowd of monk flying, as gold/metal Buddha Ancestor flies from here slowly. 转头,金缇佛祖对着不远处一招手,那一座山峰之巅,一群和尚飞天而起,随着金缇佛祖缓缓飞离此处。 to win looked at one to the direction that gold/metal Buddha Ancestor is departing lightly. 嬴对着金缇佛祖离去的方向淡淡的看了一眼。 Inspects one around, the Ying's vision, many Expert strange lowering the head, have seemed do not dare to look straight ahead general with it. 巡视一圈四周,嬴的目光所过,很多强者都诡异的低下了头,好似不敢与之直视一般。 But at this moment, Zhong Shan also discovered to win Jiaoxia that mountain peak. 而这一刻,钟山也发现了嬴脚下那座山峰。 The summit of that mountain peak, two corners, is standing Bai Qi! Although Bai Qi is strong, but Ancient Immortal, needs to win Badao facing Ancestor Immortal eventually absorbs the universe surely. 那座山峰之巅,有两个角落,一处站着白起!白起虽强,但终究还是古仙,面对祖仙还需要嬴霸道的定摄乾坤。 Another corner of summit of mountain peak, is actually covering the enormous black fog. In the black fog, is flashing some monster different brilliance indistinctly. 山峰之巅的另一个角落,却是笼罩着大量的黑雾。黑雾之中,隐隐约约闪着一些妖异的光彩。 Zhong Shan light looks, at this time, just left Luo Xingchen of meeting to return to side Zhong Shan again. 钟山淡淡的看着,这时,刚刚离开一会的落星尘再度回到钟山身边。 Saint King, inquired to be clear, Monster Muster Banner was born, in that black fog, should be Gui Guzi that Saint King mentioned, Gui Guzi in inside, is also building up to melt Monster Muster Banner probably, did not seem like, did not look clearly. Here gathered more and more Expert, this was second to to win challenge Ancestor Immortal, defeat! Is repulsed to go!” Luo Xingchen serious saying. 圣王,都打探清楚了,招妖幡出世了,就在那黑雾之中,应该就是圣王提到的鬼谷子,鬼谷子也在里面,好像在炼化着招妖幡,又好像不是,看不明白。此处汇聚了越来越多的强者,这是第二个向嬴挑战的祖仙了,败!败退而去!”落星尘郑重的说道。 Successive defeats two big Ancestor Immortal?” Zhong Shan took a deep breath. “连败两大祖仙?”钟山深深的吸了口气 More than 80,000 years, Zhong Shan knows more than 80,000 years of to win Chengchang finally was strong to what seed/type. The dream enters under Heavenly Mystery Great Art, at the same time practices Vassal Body a sideband the Courtier soul to swim Great Thousand Worlds. More than 80,000 years, to win already grew the boundary of Ancestor Immortal, was Expert in certainly Ancestor Immortal. 八万多年,钟山终于知道八万多年嬴成长到何种强势了。梦入天机大法下,一边练着‘将臣之躯’一边带着臣子魂游大千世界。八万多年,嬴已经成长到了祖仙之境,更是祖仙中的绝强者 to win Zhanli in the air, coldly looks at four directions , a threatening imposing manner, successive defeats two big Ancestor Immortal, establish to win easely hence in this under the heavens position. 嬴站立空中,冷视四方,一股逼人的气势悠然而出,连败两大祖仙,至此奠定嬴在这天下的地位。 This is after the first world war, the Ying's given name resounds through Great Thousand Worlds surely. 今次一战后,嬴的大名必定响彻大千世界 to win Aoran looks at four directions , greatly asked under the heavens, who dares to fight imposing manner! 嬴傲然的看着四方,大有一幅‘问天下,谁敢来战’的气势! This to Expert! 这就是至强者! Also who?” to win indifferently said. “还有谁?”嬴淡淡道 The sound is very light, but in this sound, disclosed that a share of tyrant howls the potential of under the heavens. Who dares to fight? 声音很平淡,但这声音之中,却透露出一股霸啸天下之势。谁敢来战? For a very long time silence! Suddenly, even numerous Ancient Immortal has not acted immediately. 久久的沉默!一时间,即便一众古仙也没有马上出手。 Good to win! 好一个嬴! In the people who intertwines to stand again, finally some people of steps go forward. 正在众人纠结谁会再站出来之际,终于有人踏步上前了。 white-robed, resembles the mortal six 70 years, in the black hair is mixing with some white hair, the temple that two hang in the chin sends minute/share with the cheeks by, behind is throwing over the enormous long hair. 一身白袍,状似凡人六七十岁,黑发中夹杂着一些白发,两条垂于下巴的鬓发分与脸颊两边,后面披着大量长发。 The old man facial features are genial, eyes is fiery, looks to to win not slightly timid, some are only a curious color. 老者面容非常和善,双眼炯炯有神,看向嬴没有丝毫畏怯,有的只是一幅好奇之色。 Zhuangzi, that is Zhuangzi!” The distant place transmits calling out in alarm of one person suddenly. 庄子,那是庄子!”远处忽然传来一个人的惊叫。 Really is Zhuangzi, I listen to him saying that is really Zhuangzi!” “真的是庄子,我听过他讲道,真的是庄子!” Zhuangzi, person close to Saint?” 庄子,最接近圣人的人?” .............................. .............................. ........................ ........................ ............ ............ People calls out in alarm, after never expected Ying's two win, directed Zhuangzi! 人们一阵惊呼,想不到嬴的两胜之后,将庄子也引了出来! Zhuangzi may be serious, Great Thousand Worlds is known to everybody to be known to everybody, handsome clear/pain in Ancestor Immortal. 庄子可不得了,大千世界无人不知无人不晓,祖仙中的佼楚。 „Is he Zhuangzi?” Zhong Shan looks with rapt attention. “他就是庄子?”钟山凝神看着。 This is the first time that Zhong Shan saw the Zhuangzi true colors, previous Aolai Sea, Divine Sense robs somebody unable to see the Zhuangzi appearance! 这是钟山第一次见到庄子真面目,上次傲来海,神念抢夺某人根本看不出庄子形貌! Then who will win?” “这下谁会赢?” Definitely is Zhuangzi, Zhuangzi most is close to the Saint person!” “肯定是庄子,庄子是最接近圣人的人!” Is uncertain, I thought that to win is stronger!” “不一定,我觉得嬴更强!” ........................ ........................ ............ ............ four directions hears people the sound of doubts, each and everyone is excited, to win and does Zhuangzi fight? Even if cannot obtain Monster Muster Banner, sees this shocking war still foot. 四方传来人们的疑惑之声,一个个兴奋无比,嬴和庄子交手?就算得不到招妖幡,看到这场惊世之战也足矣。 Great Qin, to win? Vassal Body? For a long time has not presented Vassal Body, I almost do not remember that this poor Daoist Zhuangzi!” Zhuangzi said with a smile lightly. 大秦,嬴?将臣之躯?好久没出现将臣之躯了,我都差点不记得了,贫道‘庄周’!”庄子淡淡笑道。 Zhuangzi does not have general Ancestor Immortal that air of arrogance, seems as before amiable general, takes to others a bathing in fresh air feeling. Naturally, Ying's strength definitely occupied very vital function. 庄子没有一般祖仙那种傲气,好似依旧平易近人一般,带给别人一种如沐春风的感觉。当然,这其中嬴的实力肯定占据了很重要的作用。 ps: The high tide of tertiary wave must start immediately, asked ***! ps:第三波的高潮马上要开始了,求***!
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