IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#949: Three Yellow Springs Road

Huge Flow Reversal Beast does not obey the custom, directly soars Zhong Shan to go in the battlefield center suddenly. 庞大的逆流兽不守规矩,在战场中心忽然直奔钟山而去。 The almost all people of surrounding are the look jump, looked together to Flow Reversal Beast, Luo Xingchen can resist the Flow Reversal Beast green light, that Zhong Shan? 几乎所有围观之人都是眼神一跳,一起看向了逆流兽,落星尘能够抵挡逆流兽的绿光,那钟山呢? Is Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail the Flow Reversal Beast opponent? 八极天尾是不是逆流兽的对手? The Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciples, stare together to Zhong Shan, previous Flow Reversal Beast losses, how defeated, was the everyone curious place, besides that strange Luo Xingchen, who could block Flow Reversal Beast Divine Ability. 雪梅老祖的弟子们,都一起盯向钟山,上一次逆流兽了,怎么败的,一直是所有人好奇的地方,除了那古怪的落星尘,谁又挡得住逆流兽神通 Too quick, in an instant Flow Reversal Beast arrived at the Zhong Shan near, the one-eyed green light put suddenly greatly, the intense hatred must make Zhong Shan pay the price. 太快了,转眼之间逆流兽就到了钟山近前,独眼忽然间绿光大放,强烈的仇恨要让钟山付出代价。 Acts recklessly!” In Zhong Shan eye one cold. “不知死活!”钟山眼中一冷。 When everyone turns very quiet, the Flow Reversal Beast green light must emit. 所有人都屏住呼吸之际,逆流兽的绿光就要放出了。 !” “呲!” Zhong Shan front light shadow flashes. Has a colossus baseless suddenly, several big tails keep swinging, Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail of hundred zhang (333 m) size emits suddenly. 钟山面前光影一闪。凭空忽然多出一个庞然大物,数条大尾不停摆动,百丈大小的八极天尾乍然冒出。 That flash was too quick, no one had seen how Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail comes, seems baseless and presently. 那一瞬间太快了,谁也没看出八极天尾怎么来的,好似凭空而现。 Flow Reversal Beast baseless and presently, that is because before , has hidden in Xue Mei Old Ancestor world , the ability that this only then Ancestor Immortal can have, can solidify the world, but Zhong Shan? Absolutely possibly is not Ancestor Immortal, this does Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail come? 逆流兽凭空而现,那是因为之前一直藏于雪梅老祖的‘世界’之中,这只有祖仙才能拥有的能力,可以固化世界,可钟山呢?绝对不可能是祖仙,这个八极天尾怎么来的? Feels strange the appearance in Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, but more mind actually centralized above the tail of Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail. 奇怪于八极天尾的出现,但更多的心神却集中在了八极天尾的尾巴之上。 One black, one red! Two color tails, black tail an eye that pierced Flow Reversal Beast, after piercing to the brain, but the red tail had one to pierce the throat of Flow Reversal Beast bloody. 一黑,一红!两种颜色的尾巴,黑色尾巴一尾刺穿了逆流兽的眼睛,洞穿到脑后,而红色的尾巴带着一股血腥洞穿了逆流兽的咽喉。 Does not want ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “不要~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Several Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciples call out in alarm said. 几名雪梅老祖的弟子惊呼道。 What a pity, late! 可惜,晚了! Zhong Shan moved killing intent, no one want to escape, Killing Immortal Sword and Extinguishing Immortal Sword brandish, Flow Reversal Beast was ripped two halves by the double sword loudly, was too quick, was too bloody. 钟山动了杀意,谁也别想逃,戮仙剑绝仙剑挥舞之间,逆流兽轰然被双剑一撕两半,太快了,太血腥了。 Flow Reversal Beast was ripped two halves, sheds the blood everywhere, terrifying strikes to kill. 逆流兽被一撕两半,血洒漫天,恐怖的一击必杀。 Flow Reversal Beast? Was finished? 逆流兽?就这么完蛋了? Fearful Zhong Shan, fearful Great Zheng God Beast, how does Great Zheng Saint Court have such powerful God Beast? 可怕的钟山,可怕的大崝神兽,大崝圣庭怎么有这么强悍的神兽? People turn very quiet, looks at Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail ominous, seems the atmosphere not to dare to breathe general. 人们屏住呼吸,看着八极天尾的凶性,好似大气都不敢喘一般。 Is impossible, Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail already was scattered by me, how possibly to recover, is impossible to recover!” In distant place mountain valley hears one to call out in alarm suddenly. “不可能,八极天尾已经被我打散了,怎么可能复原,不可能复原的!”远处一个山谷中忽然传来一声惊呼。 Was Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail scattered by whom? Big tone. The everyone vision transfers. 八极天尾被谁打散了?好大的口气。所有人目光转去。 Dipamkara, is Dipamkara Ancient Buddha. 燃灯,是燃灯古佛 Zhong Shan accidental/surprised looks, a Dipamkara face does not believe looks at Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, the might that Dipamkara made initially he himself knows, was absolutely incurable, only if Saint helps one another, but Zhong Shan and Saint eight bamboo poles cannot project on the same place, how that does Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail recover? 钟山意外的望去,燃灯一脸不信的看着八极天尾,燃灯当初打出的威力他自己知道,绝对没救了,除非圣人相助,可钟山圣人八竿子打不到一起,那八极天尾怎么复原的? Dipamkara did not understand, extreme did not understand, when looks to Zhong Shan, in the eye also covers one to dread. 燃灯不理解,极度的不理解,看向钟山之时,眼中也蒙上一阵畏惧。 Dipamkara now was Ancient Buddha, moreover was Ancient Buddha Peak, properly speaking should not fear Zhong Shan's, but, two months ago Zhong Shan takes to his trauma not to vanish to today. 燃灯现在是古佛了,而且是古佛巅峰,按理说不应该怕钟山的,可是,两个多月前钟山带给他的心理阴影到今天都没有消失过。 misfortune is encumbered, oneself dropped the Ancient Immortal boundary from the Ancestor Immortal boundary, but this has not ended, these two months later, always bump into past the enemy , in just entered Nu Wa World that time, in two months have not seen an acquaintance, but now, meet every other day, but also all were the enemies, misfortune, terrifying misfortune. 厄运缠身,自己从祖仙境跌落回古仙境了,可这还没完,这两个月下来,总是碰到昔日仇家,要知道,在刚进入女娲界的那段时间,两个月内没见到一个熟人,可现在,三天两头遇到,还全是仇家,厄运,恐怖的厄运 Really, today is no exception, after Dipamkara calls out in alarm, in the four directions crowd jumps out of three people suddenly. 果然,今天也不例外,燃灯一声惊呼之后,四方人群中忽然跳出三个人来。 Also is an enemy? 又是仇家? Dipamkara reveals to be sad, does not dare to stop over, body turns toward distant place whirlwind to shoot to go in a flash, three enemies also follow, chases down Dipamkara to go. 燃灯露出一脸苦相,不敢逗留,身形一晃向着远处飚射而去,三个仇家也紧随其后,追杀燃灯而去。 Such day, when is a head!” Fleeing a bitterness and astringency of Dipamkara face. “这样的日子,什么时候才是个头啊!”遁逃的燃灯一脸的苦涩。 Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail instant kill Flow Reversal Beast! 八极天尾秒杀逆流兽! Looks at Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail to change into the palm of the hand big slight drop in the Zhong Shan shoulder, eyah eyah ............ keeps calling, the eyes of person of many surrounding red! 看着八极天尾化为巴掌大小落于钟山肩头,‘咿呀咿呀............’叫个不停,很多围观之人的眼睛都红了起来! Zhong Shan that good luck? This God Beast could not find!” 钟山怎么那么好运?这种神兽也找得到!” Quite lovable, husband, my also want to, you looks for one to me!” “好可爱,夫君,我也想要一个,你给我找一个吧!” instant kill Flow Reversal Beast, wasn't Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail the Ancient Immortal boundary strength?” 秒杀逆流兽,八极天尾不是古仙境实力了?” Zhong Shan even again weak, was still equivalent to two Ancient Immortal Royal Guard, was really constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry!” 钟山就算再弱,也相当于两个古仙护卫了,真是人比人气死人!” .......................................... .......................................... .................. .................. ...... ...... In the crowd, envies, the sound of envy resounds unceasingly, revolves Zhong Shan, Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, Luo Xingchen! 人群中,羡慕,嫉妒的声音不断响起,都是围绕一个钟山,一个八极天尾,一个落星尘! Regarding Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, Xue Mei Old Ancestor too has not paid attention, even if saw Flow Reversal Beast by instant kill, merely was a brow wrinkle. 对于八极天尾,雪梅老祖没有太注意,哪怕见到逆流兽秒杀了,也仅仅是眉头一皱。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor at this moment attention is actually that three disciples. 雪梅老祖此刻关注的却是自己那个三弟子。 It is not right, is this Luo Xingchen speed so strange? Sometimes to almost did not catch including oneself quickly. 不对劲啊,这个落星尘的速度怎么那么诡异?有的时候快到连自己差点也捕捉不了。 Hadn't Luo Xingchen, why listened before? 落星尘,为什么以前没有听过? Found out the palm, Xue Mei Old Ancestor counted on the fingers. 探出手掌,雪梅老祖掐算了起来。 But, just counted on the fingers, the finger was separated. 可是,刚刚掐算,指头就被弹开。 Just like Zhong Shan, there is to confuse Heavenly Mystery Cultivation Technique?” The Xue Mei Old Ancestor brow is dignified. “和钟山一样,也有搅乱天机功法?”雪梅老祖眉头凝重。 Heavenly Mystery Great Art, regarding Great Zheng important minister, Zhong Shan is not parsimonious, almost everyone must Zhong Shan reward, because Zhong Shan knows, Great Zheng most precious is not the domain, is not the overall strength, but is the talent who this crowd of nets come. 天机大法,对于大崝重臣,钟山毫不吝啬,几乎人人都得钟山赏赐,因为钟山知道,大崝最珍贵的不是版图,不是整体实力,而是这一群网罗而来的人才。 The talents are the foundations of Great Zheng! 人才才是大崝之本! Luo Xingchen also as if feels some people to calculate oneself are common, in eye suddenly one ruthless, searches in the hands a palm to hit to that three Senior Brother. 落星尘也仿佛感受到有人推算自己一般,眼中忽然一狠,探手间一掌打向那三师兄 Too quick, under Time Divine Ability, that three Senior Brother is unable to guard, has a stronger style not to put forth, already was pierced the chest by a Luo Xingchen palm. 太快了,在时间神通之下,那三师兄根本无法防备,有更强的招式还没使出,已经落星尘一掌洞穿了胸膛。 scoundrel ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 混账~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Xue Mei Old Ancestor lost one's temper for the first time, body want to saves own disciple in a flash. 雪梅老祖第一次动怒了,身形一晃想要去救自己的弟子。 !” “呼!” In the midair, Xue Mei Old Ancestor body reappears, but, was actually blocked. 半空中,雪梅老祖身形再现,可是,却被拦了下来。 In front of Xue Mei Old Ancestor, thousand zhang (3.33 m) great azure snake blocks Xue Mei Old Ancestor suddenly, the great azure snake mouth spits the snake apricot, face cold light, the great azure snake top of the head is standing Magu. 雪梅老祖面前,一条千丈大青蛇忽然挡住雪梅老祖,大青蛇口吐蛇杏,一脸寒光,大青蛇的头顶站着麻姑 Xue Mei Old Ancestor, but also please be dignified!” Magu dignified say/way. 雪梅老祖,还请自重!”麻姑凝重道。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Sky crack, that three Senior Brother by the Luo Xingchen loudly scrap. 天空一声炸响,那三师兄落星尘轰然炸碎。 Defeat! Also defeated! 败了!又败了! Xue Mei Old Ancestor reveals all at once indignant, the look non-stop flashing, but Luo Xingchen actually accidental/surprised looks at the in the air that thousand zhang (3.33 m) big snakes, body arrives in front of Zhong Shan in a flash. 雪梅老祖露出一股气愤,眼神不停闪动,而落星尘却是意外的看着空中那千丈大蛇,身形一晃间来到钟山面前。 To the Zhong Shan respectful ritual, Luo Xingchen stand in Zhong Shan behind. 钟山恭敬一礼,落星尘站于钟山身后。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor took a deep breath, puts down homocentric the anger, has a look at Magu. 雪梅老祖深深的吸了口气,平复心中的火气,看看麻姑 my senile self lost one's temper, many thanks Serpent Empress Cult Master!” Xue Mei Old Ancestor nods. 老朽动怒了,多谢蛇后教主!”雪梅老祖点点头。 Almost everyone looks to Xue Mei Old Ancestor, each and everyone cannot understand. 几乎所有人都看向雪梅老祖,一个个看不懂。 Previously complied to make this testimony below, naturally must completely arrive at the responsibility!” Magu nods to say. “在下先前答应做这个见证,自然要尽到职责!”麻姑点点头道。 Nu Wa essence and blood? Is this clone big snake of Nu Wa essence and blood refinement?” Xue Mei Old Ancestor looks to the big snake of Serpent Empress under foot! 女娲精血?这是女娲精血炼制的一个分身大蛇?”雪梅老祖看向蛇后脚下的大蛇! Is good to experience!” Magu indifferently said. “好见识!”麻姑淡淡道 Deep looked at Magu, Xue Mei Old Ancestor nods. 深深的看了一眼麻姑,雪梅老祖点点头。 We walk!” Xue Mei Old Ancestor is beckoning to a disciple behind, one crowd of hominizations to afterimage, vanish before everyone together in a flash. “我们走!”雪梅老祖对着身后一众弟子一招手,一群人化为一道残影,一晃消失在了所有人前。 From beginning to end, has not looked at Zhong Shan one again. 至始至终,都没有再看钟山一眼。 The Zhong Shan stand the summit of mountain peak, is looking at the direction that Xue Mei Old Ancestor departs, is slightly silent, in the mind is analyzing the present all unceasingly. All seem like unusual, this Monster Muster Banner, is also very unusual, what secret does inside have? 钟山站着山峰之巅,看着雪梅老祖离去的方向,微微沉默,头脑中不断分析着眼前的一切。一切看起来都不寻常,这个招妖幡,同样也很不寻常,到底里面有什么秘辛呢? However, Zhong Shan responded that is also quite rapid, immediately tastes looks to Magu. 不过,钟山反应也极为迅速,马上回过味来看向麻姑 Many thanks Serpent Empress Cult Master!” Zhong Shan solemnly said. “多谢蛇后教主!”钟山郑重道 Zhong Shan knows, this time indeed owed a Serpent Empress Cult Master big favor, if not for Serpent Empress Cult Master, oneself have really not known how to face the oppression of Xue Mei Old Ancestor. 钟山知道,这次的确欠了蛇后教主一个大人情,若不是蛇后教主,自己还真不知道如何面对雪梅老祖的压迫。 Ancestor Immortal? Zhong Shan now has not beaten Ancestor Immortal by far! That type transfers the strength of Heavenly Dao strongly, two months ago on Dipamkara can be inferred, even if Xue Mei Old Ancestor does not act, the disciple of noisy crowd, Zhong Shan cannot withstand. 祖仙?钟山现在还远远不敌祖仙!那种调动天道之力有多强,从两个多月前燃灯身上就可见一斑了,就算雪梅老祖不出手,一窝蜂的弟子,钟山也承受不了。 But Serpent Empress Cult Master basic does not have the friendship with, she can help itself, for what? 蛇后教主根本与自己没有交情,她能帮自己,到底为了什么? The Magu under foot big snake, sneaks into on Magu in a flash, changes into a totem on clothes. 麻姑脚下大蛇一晃之间,窜入麻姑身上,化为衣服上的一个图腾。 Magu flies, having a look at Zhong Shan saying: Shortly, I have incident want to to ask you to help!” 麻姑飞来,看看钟山道:“就在不久后,我有一事想要请你帮忙!” „?” Zhong Shan nods. This was reasonable. “哦?”钟山点点头。这样才合理了。 What matter?” “何事?” „It is not the important matter, you definitely in one's power!” Magu said. “也不是大事,你肯定力所能及!”麻姑说道。 Good, so long as does not run counter to my wish, I achieve with every effort!” Zhong Shan nods is accepted. “好,只要不违背我的意愿,我尽力做到!”钟山点点头算是应承了下来。 Magu nods, body vanished before the people in a flash. 麻姑点点头,身形一晃消失在了众人面前。 We also walk!” Zhong Shan said. “我们也走吧!”钟山说道。 Yes!” “是!” Then, two people shoot to go toward direction wind rapidly, vanished before everyone in a flash. 说完,二人向着一个方向急速飙射而去,一瞬间消失在了所有人前。 Shortly, Zhong Shan and Luo Xingchen arrive at new mountain valley again. 没多久,钟山落星尘再度来到一个新的山谷 Saint King, is this Yang Sector? Does not pass through Yellow Springs Road, can shuttle Yin-Yang two sectors?” In the Luo Xingchen eye reveals a surprised say/way. 圣王,这是阳间吗?不经过黄泉路,也能穿梭阴阳两界?”落星尘眼中露出一副惊奇道。 Yellow Springs Road? This Yin Sector how many Yellow Springs Road?” Zhong Shan asked. 黄泉路?这阴间有多少黄泉路?”钟山问道。 Only then three, naturally Small Thousand Worlds does not calculate! Great Thousand Worlds only has three Yellow Springs Road. However, no such as Saint King is so mysterious, can shuttle back and forth at will! Only if Saint!” Luo Xingchen said. “只有三条,当然小千世界的不算!大千世界只有三条黄泉路。不过,没有一条如圣王这么神奇,可以随意穿梭!除非圣人!”落星尘说道。 „Can Saint shuttle back and forth willfully two?” The Zhong Shan doubts said. 圣人可以任意穿梭两界?”钟山疑惑道。 Yes, Saint, but why Saint does not know, will not shuttle back and forth arbitrarily. Probably has anything to abstain that is the same!” Luo Xingchen said. “是,圣人可以,但是圣人不知为何,不会擅自穿梭。好像有什么忌讳一样!”落星尘说道。 Un!” Zhong Shan nods. “恩!”钟山点点头。 Saint King, where is here? What do I want to make?” Luo Xingchen brings curiously said. 圣王,这里是哪里?我要做什么?”落星尘带着一股好奇道 Here is Yang Sector, Nu Wa World ..............................!” Zhong Shan said to Luo Xingchen here general situation. “这里是阳间,女娲界..............................!”钟山将这里的大致情况对落星尘说了一遍。 Luo Xingchen serious nod. In the Zhong Shan's words described Ancestor Immortal repeatedly, making in the Luo Xingchen heart many a shadow, were many a excitement. 落星尘郑重的点点头。钟山的话语中多次描述到祖仙,让落星尘心中多出一阵阴影,也多出一份兴奋。 Looks for Monster Muster Banner, in the situation of no clue, is inferior to guarding a tree-stump, waiting for rabbits, this period of time I treats here awaits calmly, you go out to inquire news every day a time, comes back report in me!” Zhong Shan ordered. “找招妖幡,在毫无头绪的情况下,不如守株待兔,这段时间我就待在此处静候,你每日出去打探一次消息,回来禀报于我!”钟山下令道。 Compliant!” Luo Xingchen immediately comply with the way. “遵命!”落星尘马上应道 ***: Asked ***! ***:求***!
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