IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#948: One arrow

The place of Mei Xin, infinite Sword Qi dances in the air all over the sky, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered under the heavens is aggressively ease and fresh, performs in all directions is the terrifying Sword Qi shadow. 梅心之处,无穷剑气满天飞舞,一股纵横天下的霸气悠然而生,四面八方尽是恐怖剑气的影子。 Domineering, this is a domineering, the long sword that some four directions swords cultivate/repair even makes the sound of intermittent light trembling. 强势,这就是一股强势,四方一些剑修的长剑甚至发出阵阵轻颤之音。 Infinite Sword Qi dances in the air, forms powerful Sword Formation slowly, seems has to strong prestige locking distant place Luo Xingchen. The person in that vicinity, suddenly has to plant the feeling that a sky collapses. 无穷剑气飞舞,缓缓形成一个强大的剑阵,好似携有至强之威锁定远处落星尘。在那近处的人,都忽然有种一种天塌下来的感觉。 Domineering Mei Xin! 强势的梅心! But above another mountain peak actually cannot see slightly strongly, Luo Xingchen blue-robed, swinging, in the hand is drawing a blue color long bow with the wind, a golden long arrow builds above, the bow draws the shape of full moon, is seemingly powerful, but, an imposing manner does not have, seems a mortal to draw general. 而另一座山峰之上却看不出丝毫强势,落星尘一身蓝袍,随风摆动,手中拉着一柄蓝色长弓,一支金色长箭搭在上面,弓拉成满月之形,看似充满力量,但,一点气势也没有,就好似一个凡人拉弓一般。 Not big aura, people looked that is also one disdains to Luo Xingchen. Only then Xue Mei Old Ancestor in next Mountain Square valley reveals worried look, this is not Luo Xingchen does not have the aura to send out, but was Luo Xingchen locks all aura above a point, locked above the long arrow. 没有多大的气息,人们看向落星尘也是一阵不屑。只有下方山谷中的雪梅老祖露出一丝忧色,这不是落星尘没有气息散发,而是落星尘将所有气息锁定在了一点之上,锁定在了长箭之上。 Luo Xingchen is the true expert. 落星尘才是真正的高手。 Does not see wonderfully, Xue Mei Old Ancestor has not spoken the reminder. But serious looks. 看出不妙,雪梅老祖并没有出言提醒。而是郑重的看着。 The distant place, Mei Xin has been paying attention to Luo Xingchen, saw Luo Xingchen to pull up the long bow, has impulsion that planted to smile, bow? Does the arrow of this no strength also dare to point at me? 远处,梅心一直注意着落星尘,看到落星尘拉起了长弓,有种想笑的冲动,弓?这种毫无力道的一箭也敢指着我? In the Mei Xin eye, even if a Luo Xingchen arrow shoots, oneself still have 100 methods to keep off that arrow. 梅心眼中,就算落星尘一箭射来,自己也有着一百种方法挡下那一箭。 Snort, with your mountain peak, destroys together!” Mei Xin drinks coldly. “哼,随着你脚下的那座山峰,一起毁灭吧!”梅心一声冷喝。 In the hand the long sword wields, everywhere Sword Qi seems forms together the mighty current, toward Luo Xingchen the place of standing cuts by the imposing manner that a Milky Way bursts a dike anxiously, domineering incomparable, is unapproachable. The mighty current of 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) giant sword, who can keep off? 手中长剑一挥,漫天剑气好似汇成一道洪流,以一种天河决堤的气势向着落星尘所站之处急斩而下,强势无比,无可匹敌。十万丈的巨大剑之洪流,谁能挡? Luo Xingchen was finished!” 落星尘完蛋了!” So under the sword potential, all around locks, Luo Xingchen escapes not to be possible to escape!” “如此剑势之下,四周锁定,落星尘逃无可逃!” Pitifully, I first time cultivator that sees with the bow and arrow, this was finished!” “可惜啊,我还是第一次看到用弓箭的修者,这就完蛋了!” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. ...... ...... four directions spreads an intermittent sympathetic echo, what naturally are more is excited, sees the excitement of Ancient Immortal Mei Xin domineering sword. 四方传出一阵阵惋惜声,当然更多的是兴奋,看到古仙梅心强势一剑的兴奋。 The distant place, facing a domineering sword, the Luo Xingchen facial expression moves slightly, suddenly, Luo Xingchen eyes flashed a bright glint, in the hand a loosen, the golden long arrow projects suddenly. 远处,面对强势的一剑,落星尘神情微动,忽然,落星尘眼中精光一闪,手中一松,金色长箭陡然射出。 At this time shot arrows, was not useful!” “这个时候射箭,有个屁用!” Knows perfectly well will die, naturally must make the resistance!” “明知将死,自然要做出反抗!” That arrow, should even/including Jianshi unable to break, archery? Joke!” “那一箭,应该连剑势都破不开,射箭?笑话!” Yes, smiles ............?” “是啊,笑............呃?” ........................ ........................ ............ ............ Scolded the Luo Xingchen sound to stop suddenly, each and everyone filled panic-strickenly stared the big eye. This? 数落落星尘的声音戛然而止,一个个充满惊骇的瞪大眼睛。这? Senior Brother!” A Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciple exclaimed. 师兄!”雪梅老祖的一众弟子吼道。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “嘭~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” That terrifying sword potential, the mighty current of 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) sword explodes together loudly disperses to open, suddenly changes into infinite Sword Qi to inject four directions , may completely collapse before landing. 那一道恐怖的剑势,十万丈的剑之洪流轰然间爆散而开,陡然间化为无穷剑气射入四方,可在落地前全部崩散了。 Too quick, the situation reverses was too quick, many people have not responded general, each and everyone is staring to be in a daze to be the same. 太快了,形势逆转的太快了,以至于很多人都没反应过来一般,一个个瞪着眼睛发着呆一样。 Should not like this!” “不该这样子了!” „It is not right! It is not right!” “不对!不对啊!” Is impossible “不可能的” The four directions people are not understandable look at two mountain peaks. 四方人都不可理解的看着两座山峰。 Luo Xingchen receives the long bow slowly. 落星尘缓缓收起长弓。 But on the face of Ancient Immortal Mei Xin, in the place of his forehead, a golden long arrow puts on the brain. In the Mei Xin hand the long sword also makes the shape of swing, the eye stares, lethal is not clear, oneself solemn was Ancient Immortal, how shot dead by a gold/metal arrow? 而在古仙梅心的脸上,在他眉心之处,一只金色长箭穿脑而过。梅心手中长剑还做出挥舞之状,眼睛瞪起,致死也不明白,自己堂堂古仙,怎么被一支金箭射死了? This gold/metal arrow comes was too strange. 这支金箭来的太诡异了。 After a Luo Xingchen arrow shoots next, flies to fall in front of Zhong Shan. 落星尘一箭射下后,飞落钟山面前。 Saint King, the good fortune does not fail in one's mission!” Luo Xingchen said. 圣王,幸不辱命!”落星尘说道。 The distant place, people have not tasted, Luo Xingchen already fell in Zhong Shan behind. 远处,人们还没回过味来,落星尘已经落于钟山身后了。 instant kill! Absolute instant kill, was too quick, no one thinks that is the Luo Xingchen luck, that arrow, whom changes to come, is impossible to hit a target Ancient Immortal Mei Xin. Luo Xingchen achieved. 秒杀!绝对的秒杀,太快了,没人认为是落星尘运气,那一箭,换着谁来,也不可能射中古仙梅心的。落星尘做到了。 Who is he? 他到底是谁? Mei Xin Junior Brother rush to the mountain peak fast, grasps Mei Xin. 梅心师弟们快速冲上山峰,一把抱住梅心 Senior Brother?” People calls out in alarm. 师兄?”众人一阵惊叫。 Quickly, delivers to teacher that!” A disciple called out immediately. “快,送到师尊那!”一名弟子马上叫道。 One group of people bring Mei Xin to arrive in front of Xue Mei Old Ancestor fast. 一群人快速带着梅心来到雪梅老祖面前。 Teacher, rescues Senior Brother!” A disciple called out immediately. “师尊,救救师兄吧!”一名弟子马上叫道。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor has a look at Mei Xin, searches the hand to take down that gold/metal arrow, gold/metal arrow already became the ordinary long arrow. Cannot see slightly the clue. 雪梅老祖看看梅心,探手取下那支金箭,金箭已经变为普通的长箭了。看不出丝毫端倪。 „Can teacher, Senior Brother also be saved?” Another disciple anxious say/way. “师尊,师兄还有救吗?”又一名弟子焦急道。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor has a look at Mei Xin, shakes the head saying: I had told him, he will die of ‚the disaster of forehead, therefore I name Mei Xin for him ‚’, is hopes that he can take warning, what a pity ..................!” 雪梅老祖看看梅心,摇摇头道:“我曾经跟他说过,他会死于‘眉心之灾’,所以我为他取名‘梅心’,就是希望他能够引以为戒,可惜..................!” Xue Mei Old Ancestor words already arrived, was incurable! 雪梅老祖的话已经到位了,没救了! Almost meanwhile, disciples are suddenly one startled, Mei Xin, forehead? Does he really die of the disaster of forehead? Teacher too god, but others fast are reading oneself name repeatedly, where has a look at own disaster. 几乎同时,一众弟子都是霍然一惊,梅心,眉心?他真的死于眉心之灾?师尊太神了,而其他人快速反复念着自己的名字,看看自己的灾祸在哪里。 An numerous Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciple looks bitterly to Zhong Shan, this was second, the second Senior Brother body died. 一众雪梅老祖弟子恨恨的看向钟山,这是第二个了,第二个师兄身死了。 Teacher, making me revenge for two Junior Brother!” At this time, a very grandiose disciple said. “师尊,让我为两位师弟报仇!”这时,其中一个非常壮硕的弟子说道。 Three Senior Brother!” everyone looks together to this grandiose man. “三师兄!”所有人一起看向这名壮硕的男子。 „The opposite party is not the generation of being easy, do you also want?” Xue Mei Old Ancestor knits the brows to say. “对方不是易于之辈,你还愿意?”雪梅老祖皱眉道。 This time, Xue Mei Old Ancestor dignified, seems regards as important general regarding this three disciples. 这一次,雪梅老祖凝重了起来,好似对于这个三弟子非常看重一般。 Disciple oath must revenge for two Junior Brother!” That three Senior Brother said. “弟子誓必为二位师弟报仇!”那三师兄说道。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor nods, the big sleeve flings, in front of the people suddenly are also many a huge form. 雪梅老祖点点头,大袖一甩之间,众人面前忽然又多出一个庞然身影。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A hundred zhang (333 m) high ominous beast, Flow Reversal Beast. 一个百丈高的凶兽,逆流兽 Is one?” Not far away Zhong Shan slightly surprised. “又是一只?”不远处钟山微微意外 But the flash that Flow Reversal Beast comes out, seeming to know when Zhong Shan killed another Flow Reversal Beast to be the same, looked to the Zhong Shan direction, in the one-eyed projects a hatred. 而那逆流兽出来的一瞬间,好似知道钟山杀了另一只逆流兽一般,看向钟山方向时,独眼中射出一股仇恨。 This is Flow Reversal Beast, you ride Flow Reversal Beast to fight again!” Xue Mei Old Ancestor solemnly said. “这是逆流兽,你就骑着逆流兽再战吧!”雪梅老祖郑重道 Yes!” Three Senior Brother immediately comply with the way. “是!”三师兄马上应道 Luo Xingchen, goes!” Zhong Shan said. 落星尘,去吧!”钟山说道。 Yes!” Luo Xingchen immediately comply with the way. “是!”落星尘马上应道 Two people fly to the distant place two mountain peaks, Flow Reversal Beast naturally to follow in that three Senior Brother behind. 二人飞向远处两座山峰,逆流兽自然跟在那三师兄的后面。 Zhong Shan and the others also flying, falls in summit of the mountain peak in abundance respectively, looks to the fight in field. 钟山等人也纷纷飞天而起,各自落于一座山峰之巅,看向场中的战斗。 Does Luo Xingchen, to fighting Flow Reversal Beast have three Senior Brother? 落星尘,对战逆流兽还有三师兄? This time, Luo Xingchen has not taken out the long bow, because Luo Xingchen has seen this Flow Reversal Beast, seemingly somewhat resembles with own Divine Ability, has Flow Reversal Beast side that three Senior Brother, a oneself arrow shoots, may be very returned by Flow Reversal! 这一次,落星尘并未取出长弓,因为落星尘见过这种逆流兽,貌似和自己的神通有些相像,有逆流兽在那三师兄身边,自己一箭射去,很可能被逆流而回! But four directions Expert already tasted early, does at this moment look in the Luo Xingchen eye to emit bright light, the bow and arrow? Unexpectedly is so fierce? 四方强者已经回过味来了,此刻看着落星尘眼中冒出一股股的精光,弓箭?居然这么厉害? Meanwhile regarding second is also hopeful, may see that three Senior Brother and Flow Reversal Beast also appear, many people exude the sound of discontent. 同时对于第二场也是充满期待,可看到那三师兄逆流兽同时出现,很多人都发出牢骚之声。 Reaches an agreement two disciples, now sees cannot win, unexpectedly also makes Flow Reversal Beast participate!” “说好两个弟子的,现在见不能胜,居然还让逆流兽参加!” Was too shameless!” “太无耻了!” Yes, was too disgusting! If Flow Reversal Beast participates, Zhong Shan's Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail can also join? Whom looks at compared with whose!” “是啊,太恶心了!若是逆流兽参加,钟山的八极天尾是不是也能加入?看谁比谁强!” .................................... .................................... ........................ ........................ ...... ...... A scolding sound gets up, that three Senior Brother complexions slightly red, but at this moment he has not shown off power, because he knows this Luo Xingchen strongly, regarding Junior Brother Mei Xin, unexpectedly instant kill! 一阵数落之声响起,那三师兄脸色微红,可此刻他并没有逞强,因为他知道这个落星尘有多强,对于师弟梅心,居然秒杀! Too strong, is discrete! 太强了,必须要谨慎! Walks!” Three Senior Brother shouting loudly, the whole person shoots rapidly toward Luo Xingchen. “走!”三师兄一声大喝,整个人向着落星尘急速射来。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A loud sound, a palm of three Senior Brother unexpectedly pasted by the extremely quick speed and a Luo Xingchen palm, according to the normal condition, should be two people makes the big hand imprint to probe mutually, but this palm opponent holds happened rarely. 一声巨响,三师兄的一掌居然以极快的速度与落星尘一掌贴了起来,按照正常情况,应该是两人打出大手印相互试探的,可这种手掌对手掌还是很少发生。 Two palms bump into to carry over a sound that explodes the ear, but Flow Reversal Beast also appeared in Luo Xingchen not far away suddenly, in the eye the green light flashed, Flow Reversal to Luo Xingchen! 两掌相撞带出一股炸耳的声响,而逆流兽也忽然出现在了落星尘不远处,眼中绿光一闪,逆流落星尘! Flow Reversal Beast? Luo Xingchen sneers. Divine Ability takes possession, strange the Flow Reversal Beast green light ejection, unexpectedly all reflective optics, mass-reflex to four directions . 逆流兽?落星尘一阵冷笑。神通附体之间,诡异的将逆流兽的绿光弹射而出,居然全反射,全部反射向四方 Somewhat to/clashes the Flow Reversal Beast place, more was actually shifted on three Senior Brother by Luo Xingchen. 有些冲回逆流兽处,更多的却是被落星尘转移到了三师兄身上。 Three Senior Brother complexion big changes, under a palm, three Senior Brother also discovered own cultivation base seemingly also above Luo Xingchen, but the green light illumination of Flow Reversal Beast comes, the current craze is falling cultivation base. 师兄脸色大变,一掌之下,三师兄还发现自己修为貌似还在落星尘之上,可逆流兽的绿光照射而来,顿时狂降着自己修为 Ancient Immortal 6-layer Heaven! 古仙六重天! Ancient Immortal 5-layer Heaven! 古仙五重天! Ancient Immortal 4-layer Heaven! 古仙四重天! Did not want counter!” Three Senior Brother yelled. “不要逆了!”三师兄大叫道。 Flow Reversal Beast also saw that the situation is not right, immediately stopped the green light. But at this time, three Senior Brother cultivation base seemed already and Luo Xingchen is equally matched. 逆流兽也看出情况不对,马上停止了绿光。而这时,三师兄修为好似已经落星尘不相上下了。 „The Flow Reversal Beast green light, was reflected to return unexpectedly, how is this possible?” 逆流兽的绿光,居然被反射而回,这怎么可能?” That ray cannot block!” “那种光线是挡不住的啊!” Luo Xingchen? What ability is his? Such fierce?” 落星尘?他那是什么能力?这么厉害?” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. ...... ...... In people heart was full of the exclamation, may really not look clearly, this what's the matter? 人们心中充满了惊叹,可实在看不明白,这到底怎么回事? Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The domineering fight, the sky blooms immediately the dazzling brilliance, the flying sand and rocks, two Ancient Immortal made war officially, this looks like the fight of Ancient Immortal. 强势的战斗,天空顿时绽放出耀眼的光彩,飞沙走石,两个古仙正式开战了,这才像古仙的战斗。 What although could not see in the gorgeous brilliance two people to make into, but least had quality of being worth looking at many compared with instant kill a moment ago. 虽然看不见绚丽的光彩中二人打成什么样了,但最少比刚才秒杀有看头的多。 People exclaim in surprise the great strength of Luo Xingchen all. 人们无不惊叹落星尘的强大。 Exclaimed in surprise Luo Xingchen powerful at the same time, unconscious had many people to look to Zhong Shan, that was situated in summit of the mountain peak to look at the fight arrogantly Zhong Shan. 惊叹落星尘强大的同时,不自觉的有很多人看向了钟山,那个傲立于一座山峰之巅看着战斗的钟山 Even Luo Xingchen can surrender, this Zhong Shan strong? Heavenly Immortal? Great Immortal? Damn! 落星尘都能降服,这个钟山到底有多强?天仙?大仙?见鬼去吧! Xue Mei Old Ancestor frowns slightly, stubbornly is staring in the battlefield. Care that because Xue Mei Old Ancestor looks. 雪梅老祖微微皱起眉头,死死的盯着战场之中。因为雪梅老祖看的仔细。 The powerful gorgeous energy center, Luo Xingchen resists that three Senior Brother strongly, but Flow Reversal Beast Divine Ability is powerful, but the individual strength is not very strong. Is entering the war a meeting, seeing is unable to join the regiment detachably, the thoughts. 强大的绚丽能量中心,落星尘强势对抗那三师兄,而逆流兽虽然神通强大,可个体实力并不是很强。在参战了一会,见无法加入战团,心思也活络了起来。 Flow Reversal Beast turned the head, looks to Zhong Shan of not far away. 逆流兽一转头,看向了不远处的钟山 Looked Zhong Shan, a hatred of Flow Reversal Beast face. 看的钟山,逆流兽一脸的仇恨。 Wheezing!” Flow Reversal Beast hatred sends out some dull thumping sounds. “呼噜噜!”逆流兽仇恨的发出一些闷响。 Suddenly, Flow Reversal Beast made a decision, body fled, ran out from the giant regiment, directly soars Zhong Shan to go. 忽然,逆流兽做了一个决定,身形一窜,从巨大战团中冲出,直奔钟山而去。 Too quick, although that distance is far, but regarding powerful God Beast, at all is not anything, in an instant rushed to front of Zhong Shan. 太快了,那距离虽远,但对于强大的神兽来说,根本不算什么,转眼之间就冲到了钟山面前。 Looks at Flow Reversal Beast to clash, in Zhong Shan eye cold say/way: Acts recklessly!” 看着逆流兽冲来,钟山眼中一冷道:“不知死活!” ps: Asked ***, to 300 also near! ps:求***,离300也近了啊!
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