IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#945: Peerless Lucky Eye! Open!( Second, asked monthly ticket!)

Great Immortal Zhong puts on a wide robe, departs Heaven and Earth Cauldron slowly. 钟大仙套上一件宽袍,缓缓飞出乾坤鼎 Matter that should face, needs to face. Two females wait outside Heaven and Earth Cauldron. Waits for Zhong Shan's to come out. 该面对的事情,还是需要面对的。二女在乾坤鼎外等候。等待钟山的出来。 Has the cauldron, falls in front of two females, at this moment, two females wore the goose yellow female skirt, on face slightly ruddy, seeming like more charming. 出鼎,落于二女面前,此刻,二女都穿上了鹅黄色的女裙,脸上微微红润,看上去更加的妩媚了。 Two females are staring at Zhong Shan. 二女盯着钟山 Zhong Shan knits the brows, took a deep breath said: Previously in Heaven and Earth Cauldron ..................!” 钟山皱皱眉,深深的吸了口气道:“先前在乾坤鼎中..................!” What had not previously happened!” Absolute Beginning Saint King opens the mouth to say suddenly. “先前什么也没发生!”太初圣王忽然开口道。 Has a look at Absolute Beginning Saint King, Zhong Shan to understand immediately the meaning of Absolute Beginning Saint King, just like Zixun, Absolute Beginning Saint King is also a stubborn female. 看看太初王,钟山马上明白太初圣王的意思,和紫熏一样,太初圣王也是一个倔强的女子。 The Nine-Tailed princess knit the brows looks at Zhong Shan. 九尾郡主皱眉的看着钟山 Two females look to Zhong Shan, in the look is to fill complex. 二女看向钟山,眼神之中都是充满复杂。 Nods, Zhong Shan indifferently said: Good, anything has not happened even! But I will not forget!” 点点头,钟山淡淡道:“好吧,就算什么也没发生!但我不会忘记的!” Zhong Shan wants saying that will not forget their kindness, because of them, Zhong Shan break in Great Immortal Realm after all. But this saying listened actually to change flavor in the Absolute Beginning Saint King ear, thinks that will not forget in the cauldron the process. 钟山本想说不会忘记她们的恩惠,毕竟因为她们,钟山才冲入大仙境。可这话听在太初圣王耳中却是变味了,以为不会忘记鼎中发生的过程。 After all, although was unconscious at that time, but the memory has not actually vanished. Also preserves most memories. 毕竟,虽然当时神志不清,但记忆却没有消失。还存留大部分记忆的。 You!” On Absolute Beginning Saint King face a anger. “你!”太初圣王脸上一怒。 Nine-Tailed princess look complex. 九尾郡主神色一阵复杂。 Two females seem are the same , seems the character to have a deviation to be the same, Zhong Shan also ascertains for a while airtight. 二女好似性格一样,又好似性格有所偏差一样,钟山一时也捉摸不透。 After the Absolute Beginning Saint King chest fluctuates slightly, coldly looks at Zhong Shan saying: If not for Rouniang is blocking, your present already was a corpse!” 太初圣王胸膛微微起伏之后,冷冷的看着钟山道:“若不是柔娘拦着,你现在已经是一具死尸了!” The Zhong Shan brow selects, Rouniang? 钟山眉头一挑,柔娘? This is one side the Nine-Tailed princess opens the mouth to say suddenly: I called Su Rouniang, she called Su Meiniang!” 这是一旁九尾郡主忽然开口道:“我叫苏柔娘,她叫苏媚娘!” Su Rouniang? Zhong Shan looks to such appearance delicate Nine-Tailed princess, slight bow. 苏柔娘?钟山看向那样貌柔弱的九尾郡主,微微点点头。 Blocking? It seems like Su Rouniang with Su Meiniang, although is a monster differentiation, but the character is not same, seems like Bao'er and central Cult Master is the same! 拦着?看来苏柔娘苏媚娘虽然是一个妖分化而成,但性格却不相同,就好像宝儿与中央教主一样! At this time Zhong Shan naturally cannot bicker with them, has a look at Absolute Beginning Saint King Su Meiniang, thinks saying: „Do you wake up in wait for me?” 这个时候钟山自然不会与她们抬杠,看看太初圣王苏媚娘,想了想道:“你们在等我醒来?” This Heaven and Earth Cauldron, we must carry off!” Su Rouniang said in a soft voice. “这个乾坤鼎,我们要带走!”苏柔娘轻声道。 Heaven and Earth Cauldron?” Zhong Shan brows slightly wrinkled, because Zhong Shan suddenly discovered, oneself probably and Heaven and Earth Cauldron had a relation to be the same. could it be that? 乾坤鼎?”钟山眉头微皱,因为钟山忽然发现,自己好像和乾坤鼎有了一丝联系一般。难道? Does Zhong Shan look at Heaven and Earth Cauldron, could it be that Heaven and Earth Cauldron recognizes the lord? No way! Is that pink energy? 钟山看着乾坤鼎,难道乾坤鼎认主了?不会吧!是那桃红色能量? Three of us, were Heaven and Earth Cauldron Master, so long as now you do not pester!” Nine-Tailed Su Rouniang said in a soft voice. “我们三人,都是乾坤鼎主人了,现在只要你不纠缠!”九尾苏柔娘轻声道。 Three people?? 三人?都? Really, after by pink energy baptism, can control Heaven and Earth Cauldron slightly. 果然,受过桃红色能量洗礼后,能够微微掌控乾坤鼎了。 Has a look at two females, the Zhong Shan entanglement, very free and easy nod. 看看二女,钟山没有纠缠,很洒脱的点点头。 Absolute Beginning Saint King Su Meiniang slightly surprised, Su Rouniang is actually reveals to laugh heartily. 太初圣王苏媚娘微微意外,苏柔娘却是露出一丝欢笑。 Complex and looked at Zhong Shan, Su Meiniang searched the hand to a Heaven and Earth Cauldron point, although Heaven and Earth Cauldron was stave, but the shape, Su Meiniang points, Heaven and Earth Cauldron suddenly changed is small, changed into the nail size, immediately by Su Meiniang income sleeve. 复杂的又看了一眼钟山,苏媚娘探手对着乾坤鼎一点,乾坤鼎虽然破碎,但形状还在,苏媚娘一点之间,乾坤鼎陡然变小,化为指甲大小,顿时被苏媚娘收入袖中。 „?” Zhong Shan slightly startled. “呃?”钟山微微一鄂 Heaven and Earth Cauldron, three people can control, Zhong Shan naturally cannot achieve this step, controlling Heaven and Earth Cauldron changes is small? Is this possible? 乾坤鼎,三人都能控制,钟山自然做不到这一步,控制乾坤鼎变小?这怎么可能? It seems sees the Zhong Shan's doubts, Su Rouniang said immediately: This Heaven and Earth Cauldron material, was from my Azure Mound! Empress Nuwa did not evade my clan past, therefore we know how to operate!” 好似看出钟山的疑惑,苏柔娘马上说道:“这乾坤鼎材料,原本就是取自我青丘!女娲娘娘昔日也不避讳我族,所以我们知道如何操作!” Azure Mound?” Zhong Shan intent outlet. 青丘?”钟山意外道。 Should walk!” Su Meiniang shakes the head to say. “该走了!”苏媚娘摇摇头道。 Su Rouniang has a look at Zhong Shan, thinks saying: We returned to Azure Mound, another great treasure in Nu Wa World, belonged to my Fox Clan, but comes now much Ancestor Immortal, we could not certainly obtain.” 苏柔娘看看钟山,想了想道:“我们回青丘了,女娲界内的另一重宝,原本也属于我狐族,但现在连祖仙都来了不少,我们肯定是得不到了。” Fox Clan another great treasure?” The Zhong Shan doubts said. 狐族的另一重宝?”钟山疑惑道。 You , to stay behind, oneself have a look, another treasure called Monster Muster Banner, one of the Nu Wa most precious Magical Treasure, the past was the treasure of my Azure Mound, but after Azure Mound declined, is unable to retain, was borrowed by Nu Wa! I think that numerous Ancestor Immortal comes, for this Monster Muster Banner!” Su Rouniang thinks to say. “你若想留下,就自己看看吧,另一宝叫‘招妖幡’,女娲最宝贵的法宝之一,昔日是我青丘之宝,只是青丘衰落之后,无法保留,被女娲借去了!我想一众祖仙前来,就是为了这个招妖幡吧!”苏柔娘想了想道。 Then, two females no longer pay attention to Zhong Shan, body disappear in Zhong Shan in a flash at present, two females left. 说完,二女不再理会钟山,身形一晃消失在了钟山眼前,二女离开了。 But during Zhong Shan actually falls into is silent. 钟山却陷入沉默之中。 Azure Mound? Azure Mountain? What meaning, thinks is the Fox Clan den, may seem like is not so simple, Dipamkara seems to Azure Mountain abstained, but Saint Nu Wa, is the Heaven and Earth Cauldron material from Azure Mound? That hearsay can convene the under the heavens group monster Monster Muster Banner, is the treasure of Azure Mound? 青丘?青山?到底什么意思,原本只是以为是狐族的老巢而已,可看起来并不那么简单啊,燃灯好似对青山非常忌讳,而圣人女娲,乾坤鼎材料取自青丘?那个传闻能召集天下群妖的招妖幡,也是青丘之宝? This Azure Mound, the Azure Mountain secret are really many! 这个青丘,青山的秘密还真不少! For a while the enormous information analyzes in the Zhong Shan mind unceasingly, but the information content is too few, cannot analyze anything to come. Shakes the head, Zhong Shan can only cast off this impractical idea. 一时大量信息在钟山脑海中不断分析,可信息量还是太少,根本分析不出什么来。摇摇头,钟山只能甩开这个不切实际的想法。 Su Meiniang, Su Rouniang walked, Zhong Shan confronts own transformation again. 苏媚娘,苏柔娘走了,钟山再度正视自己的这次蜕变。 Great Immortal Realm! 2-layer Heaven! 大仙境!二重天! Heavenly Demon Body Tempering Art! Ninth Layer! 天魔淬体大法!第九重! Red Luan Heavenly Scripture! Ninth Layer! 红鸾天经!第九重! Red Luan Heavenly Scripture Ninth Layer, Heavenly Dao present? 红鸾天经第九重,天道现? Has evolved Mind Power floods into Zhong Shan eyes immediately. 进化过的念力顿时涌入钟山双眼 Zhong Shan eye previous life suddenly changes. 钟山前世界忽变。 Heaven and Earth rule, Heavenly Dao Principle completely obviously at present. Incomparable clear, Zhong Shan looks at these Heaven and Earth Principle, in the heart was full of the sigh, at this time, Zhong Shan can definitely operate these Principle to use for oneself, enemy? Under Great Immortal, is unapproachable! 天地规则,天道法则尽显眼前。无比的清晰,钟山看着这些天地法则,心中充满了感叹,这时候,钟山完全可以操纵这些法则为自己所用,敌人?大仙之下,无可匹敌! These Heaven and Earth Principle are also not anything. 这些天地法则还不算什么。 The distant place, Zhong Shan sees Heavenspan penetrating places suddenly the pillars. On at the most, next. 远处,钟山忽然看到一道道通天彻地的柱子。上顶天,下顶地。 The pillar seems specially thick, contains four directions all, seems very thin, Zhong Shan can see in any case clearly. 柱子好似特别粗,包容四方一切,又好似很细,反正钟山能够清晰看到。 Pillars stand erect in the distant place, various colors have. Seemingly incomparable gorgeous, but these pillars seem like, incomparable vast, sees these pillars, making Zhong Shan unconscious some paying homage to feelings, a numerous desolate ancient aura store front. 一道道柱子竖立在远方,各种色彩都有。看上去无比的绚丽,而这些柱子看起来,又无比的浩大,看到这些柱子,让钟山不自觉都有种膜拜的感觉,一众荒古气息铺面而来。 In a flash, Zhong Shan thinks before , similar that sees. 一瞬间,钟山想到了以前看到的同样一幕。 Yin Sector Reincarnation Cycle Palace, Guo Shifu has the seal, is a huge pillar flashes to pass, subsequently Saint arrives, is pillar Heavenspan penetrating place, flashes to pass. 阴间转轮殿,虢石父出封印,身后就是一个庞大的柱子一闪而逝,继而圣人抵达,也是一个柱子通天彻地,一闪而逝。 Heavenly Dao? This is Heavenly Dao! 天道?这就是天道! Three thousand Heavenly Dao! 三千天道! Generally Heavenly Dao, only then the Ancient Immortal Peak person can see, Ancestor Immortal can start to transfer the strength of Heavenly Dao, but Zhong Shan, was Great Immortal Realm, already can see Heavenly Dao merely. Strange ability. 大凡天道,只有古仙巅峰的人才能看到,祖仙才能开始调动天道之力,而钟山,仅仅是大仙境,已经能够看到天道了。诡异的能力。 Does the reassignment try? 调动试试? The Zhong Shan attempt transfers, what a pity, Great Immortal eventually is only Great Immortal, can see that already was very good! The reassignment, is impossible. 钟山尝试调动,可惜,大仙终究只是大仙,能看到已经很不错了!调动,根本不可能。 But has an advantage eventually, understood Heavenly Dao, does not have Heaven and Earth Principle completely, Zhong Shan can seeing transmission to Divine World Eye of Heavenly Retribution. Then, Eye of Heavenly Retribution was surely more intrepid. 但终究有个好处,了解了天道,还有无尽天地法则,钟山可以将看到的传输给神界天罚之眼。如此一来,天罚之眼必定更加的强悍了。 Buzz!” The Zhong Shan double palm trembles slightly. “嗡!”钟山双掌微微一颤。 Silvery bright that slightly the Zhong Shan double palm suddenly changes, dozens Principle seem is linking the Zhong Shan palm, but these dozens Principle similarly strange is linking distant place Heavenly Dao. 钟山双掌陡然变的微微银亮,几十个法则好似连着钟山手掌,而这几十个法则同样诡异的连着远处一个天道 Parting Heavens Palm? 开天掌? Parting Heavens Palm, directing of Heavenly Dao! This is Heavenly Dao catalyst? 开天掌,天道之引!这是其中一个天道引子? The Zhong Shan innermost feelings jumped crazily, filled excitedly. Can could it be that transfer that Heavenly Dao? 钟山内心狂跳,充满了激动。难道可以调动那个天道? What a pity, Zhong Shan after the attempt quite a while understands finally what was the float shakes the tree, Heavenly Dao too big, at the Great Immortal strength, did not transfer merely. What a pity! 可惜,钟山在尝试半天后终于明白什么叫浮游撼树了,天道太大了,仅仅以大仙的力量,根本调动不了。可惜了! Flings to wave the arms about, Zhong Shan no longer pays attention to Heavenly Dao. 甩甩手,钟山不再关注天道 Zhong Shan stretches out the right palm. Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail appears in the Zhong Shan palm suddenly. 钟山伸出右掌。八极天尾陡然出现在钟山掌心。 Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail seemed already to distort generally, the heavy losses were too serious, seeming to collapse momentarily. 八极天尾好似已经变形了一般,重创太严重了,好似要随时崩溃。 Dipamkara?” In Zhong Shan heart one cold. 燃灯?”钟山心中一寒。 The tail of Executing Immortal Four Swords seemed already to be discounted. Whole body Youyou shakes, seems collapses momentarily, Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail eyes is atheistic, seeming said goodbye to Zhong Shan to be the same momentarily. 诛仙四剑的尾巴都好像已经被打折了。全身悠悠晃晃,好似随时崩溃,八极天尾双眼无神,好似随时告别钟山一样。 What to do? Swallows? Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail now, seemingly swallows the thing the strength not to have continually. 怎么办?吞?八极天尾现在,貌似连吞东西的力气都没有了。 The Zhong Shan brow deeply locked some time, suddenly, in eye one bright, Zhong Shan seemed thought of a method. 钟山眉头深锁了一段时间,忽然,眼中一亮,钟山好似想到了一个方法。 Finds out another hand, Zhong Shan in the four directions fast imaginary point, establishes huge Great Array, subsequently, takes out a palace. The Zhong Shan steps enter, close the front door. 探出另一只手,钟山四方快速虚点,设置出一个庞然大阵,继而,取出一座宫殿。钟山踏步而入,关上大门。 In the main hall the dark piece, Zhong Shan both hands hold being on the verge of death Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, in the eye to flash through a decision. 大殿之中幽暗一片,钟山双手托着濒死的八极天尾,眼中闪过一股决定。 eyes shuts, Zhong Shan mobilizes the Red Luan Pink Lotus strength fast, gathers at the place of left eye fast. 双眼闭起,钟山快速调动红鸾粉莲的力量,快速聚集在左眼之处。 The right eye shuts, Zhong Shan attempts to open the left eye diligently. Before could not open, but now, although opened the eyes unusual was strenuous, but opened eventually slowly. 右眼闭起,钟山努力尝试着睁开左眼。以前是睁不开了,而现在,虽然睁的非常费力,但终究是缓缓睁开了。 When the left eye opens, the Zhong Shan left eye braves to project light red light, that is the bright red color. 左眼睁开之际,钟山左眼就冒射出淡淡的红光,那是鲜红之色。 The left eye opens, a red color pupil! 左眼开,一只大红色的瞳孔! Lucky Eye of Luck and Ominous Twin Pupil! 凶吉双瞳吉瞳! Lucky Eye opens! 吉瞳开! As Lucky Eye opens, Zhong Shan seems felt that aura of rushing collects the left eye from Heaven and Earth four directions , Zhong Shan incomparably was a pity, when opens Luck and Ominous Twin Pupil, could not look at Heavenly Dao, perhaps these strengths came from Heavenly Dao also perhaps. 随着吉瞳开,钟山好似感到一股滂湃的气息从天地四方汇集到左眼来,钟山无比可惜,因为开凶吉双瞳时,就看不了天道了,或许这些力量就来自天道也说不定。 Peerless Lucky Eye, opens!” Zhong Shan shouted. “绝世吉瞳,开!”钟山一声断喝。 !” “呼!” The Zhong Shan left eye, sprays vast red light immediately, red light immediately well-illuminated of main hall illumination. 钟山左眼,顿时喷射出浩瀚的红光,红光顿时将大殿照射的通亮。 The terrifying consumption, opens a left eye merely, Zhong Shan felt immediately seemed collapses was the same. Does the whole body have not being able to say exhausted, the prostration, the stupor? 恐怖的消耗,仅仅睁开个左眼,钟山顿时感觉好似虚脱了一样。全身有种说不出的疲惫,虚脱,昏迷? This consumption was also too exaggerating! 这消耗也太夸张了吧! Eyah, eyah, eyah ..................!” “咿呀,咿呀,咿呀..................!” red light covers Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, the Heaven and Earth endless energy breaks in Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail within the body, Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail is very excited general, is absorbing fast, the injury, the injury is restoring at a terrifying speed. 红光笼罩八极天尾,天地无尽能量冲入八极天尾体内,八极天尾无比兴奋一般,快速的吸收着,伤势,伤势正在以一种恐怖的速度恢复着。 In an instant, in an instant, Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail seemed already to be restored to health generally, to jump merely completely suddenly excitedly. 转眼之间,仅仅转眼之间,八极天尾好似已经全部康复了一般,忽然兴奋的蹦了起来。 Zhong Shan prostration looked at Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, the intention moved, receives Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, subsequently the body dropped down suddenly. 钟山虚脱的看了一眼八极天尾,心念一动,收起八极天尾,继而身体忽然倒下了。 Prostration stupor! 虚脱昏迷! Naturally, in the stupor flash, emits enormous Red Luan Bewitching Mist that Zhong Shan also protects oneself to cover all around. That type has evolved Red Luan Bewitching Mist. 当然,在昏迷的一霎那,钟山还自我保护的放出大量红鸾迷雾笼罩四周。那种进化过的红鸾迷雾 „!” Zhong Shan falling to the ground stupor. “啪!”钟山倒地昏迷。 Zhong Shan stupor, but the outside world is completely the Zhong Shan's legend. 钟山昏迷了,可外界尽是钟山的传说。 After Sima Yuan was devastated in every possible way, finally said all, can that situation, not say? Encircled three 40 Ancient Immortal, now the misfortune overhead, is stubborn, that pulled out the soul to refine the mortal form! 司马元遭受百般蹂躏之后,终于道出了一切,那情形,能不道出吗?围了三四十古仙,现在霉运当头,再倔强,那就是被抽魂炼魄! Zhong Shan obtained Heaven and Earth Cauldron, suddenly, passed on Nu Wa World completely knows, innumerable Expert rush in four directions , searches high and low the Zhong Shan's trace, because everyone knows, Heaven and Earth Cauldron cannot carry off, Heaven and Earth Cauldron could not receive Storage Bracelet, Saint most precious object want to refine immediately is also impossible. 钟山得到了乾坤鼎,一时间,传的女娲界尽知,无数强者奔于四方,四处寻找钟山的踪影,因为所有人都知道,乾坤鼎带不走,乾坤鼎收不了储物手镯,圣人至宝想要马上炼化也是不可能的。 The Nu Wa World mouth is stopping up enormous Expert, other Expert searches Nu Wa World four directions , even if digs ten thousand chi (0.33 m), must find Zhong Shan. 女娲界口堵着大量强者,其它强者更是搜索女娲界四方,哪怕掘地万尺,也要找到钟山 ***: Over the two days *** was very powerful, many thanks! In the evening also has one! ***:这两天***很给力啊,多谢!晚上还有一更!
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